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Flesherton Advance, 16 Nov 1905, p. 3

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IN MERRY OLD ENGLAND KEWS 3Y MAII- ABOUT JOHU BULL AND HIS PEOPLE. <DecTirrenceB In the Land That Beigns Supreme In tlie Com- mercial World. The Kochdalu Kducation Coniniit- teu has decided to provide needy Khulars with clogs aiid spcctarlos out of the interest which accrues from the scholars' savings banks at khi} eleuientary schools There is a revivol in plUow-Iace making in the counties of Bucks, Berks, and Oxford. Kncouragonient has b- cu given to the work of late by olTering prizes at {!ower-L,hows for choice pieces of Uonie-made lace. The London cab business has be<?n Beriously afYected by electric trams am! 'buses and tube railways. Cab ewners say they are losing by the reduced sum now paid by the drivers for the vehicles, and the men fay they cannot pity more. The masters declare that they ca.n, and threaten to fix taxiimetcrs in thu cabs to reg- ister the fares and thus record the jaen's takings. Masters and m-m will ineet shortly to the position of affairs. The motor-cab is making Blow progress in J_,ondon. Kich Americans in London arc having many appeals to their char- ity from their poorer countrymen ajid countrywomen who (ind them- eelvcR stranded in London, and want to get back to America. There are many Americans of both sexes mho lind it impo.ssible lO maiie a boped-for living in London, and nho cannot raise the money for 1 h^ii' lare to America. Consonuenlly, they have either to face starvation er ask for help from the holida.y- making Americans. There are liter- ally hundreds of those luckless men and women in London. The.v haunt the neighborhood of the big hotels most favored by Americans. The approaches to the Carlton, Russell and Savoy are also well watched by the exiles, and there are few well- known Americans whose purses have not been opened to the demand for "just enough money to get mo baclc homo." A great number of of "word blindness" have been brought to light since the London County Coun- cil, as the education authority, in- structed head teachers to submit to the medical otficer every child of the ago of seven years who appeared to bo sulTering from this peculiar con- dition of the eyes. Calling atten- tion to the subject in the "Ophthal- moscope," Dr. C. I. Thomas states that nearly one in two thou.sand of London elementary school chiklren has "word blindness" to a conKider- able degree. He instances the case of a boy aged seven, clever in nil handiwork and bright and intelligent who doclarod that the written word, '"not" stood for "one." "Bud.s" he read as "branch," and "horse" he could not read at all, as he mistook Ihe "r" for "b." He recognized oil these words, however, when spelt aloud. ♦ HELD UP BY BRIGANDS. Englishman's Odd Adventure on a Motintain. Mr. Charles H. Ilawcs, who has re- turned to England after a four months' scientific tour in Crete, has narrated the following exciting in- cident: "My servant and I were with ditll- culty getting the mules, down the pre- cipitous side of a great gorge wh';n VIC were ambushed by two armed men, wild shejiherd folk from the mountain. I was absolutely unarniicd and rather taken aback when lo.v Bervant called to mo in Greek, "They are going to tire, sir," and looking «p beheld two muzzles pointed at me at a distance of about a dozon yards. "It was money they wanted; a hundred napoleons (iiSO) thi-y de- manded; but as 1 was not inclined to negotiate and it was impos.siljle to e.'icapc, I adopted the obvious alter- native and continued the diflicult da- acent. It was slow work, and aft.T a few yards, calls, followed U.y BtoMcs, and then bullets, were sent after me. The first four shots wore wide, and three times thoy clambered down to get nenrer aim, and with better "elTect, for the last six fractur- ed rocks at my elbow, und the spli i- :ters brushed ni.v forehi-ad. uhooting was certainly bad. "Finall.v, after sundry di.sputcs and renewals of our journey, the.y brougnt their demands down with Oriental Buddennoss to i^X, which I met with an olTer of 8s. 4d. Unfortunately m.r | servant, who was ahead, was made to disgorge his purse, tlie other rob- ber meanwhile covering mo v, ith his .rillo at six yards and daring ma to ;movrt." BO long, toc'c to Grape-Nuts most kindly; in a day or twcr'ni.v head- ache was gone, I began to sh^p healtbfully and before a week was out the scales showed that my lost Weight was coming back. My mem- ory was restored with the renewi?d vigor that^ felt in boily and mind. For three years now Grape-Nuts . lood has kept me in prince conditicu), and 1 propose it shall for the rest cf m.v days. "Aud by the way, my 2i year old baby is as fond ;if Grape-Nuts as I am, always insists on having it. It keeps her as heaithy and hearty as ..they make them." Name given by Postuni Co., dattle Creek, Mich. Tl lire's a reason. t>«d the little book. "The Uoad lo Wollville," in pkgs. CAN WALK AROUND AND DO HIS WORK DODD'S KIDNEY PILLS CUBED W. J. DIXON'S EHEUMATISM. He Was so Bad He Had to Use a Sticlc to Walk and Could Not Lace His Shoe. Barwick, Ont., Nov. 6. -(Special). â€" cold, wet fall days are full of Rheumatism and nothing can bu more timely than news of au elVectu- al cure of that curse of the Canadi- an climate. Such a cure Wiiliani John Di.xon of this place is certain he has discovered in Dodd's Kidney Pills. "I had an attack of typhoid fev- er," says Mr. Dixon, "and after I got over it Rheumatism set in. I had pains in my back and in my right hip so bad I had to use a stick to walk and had no comfort in sleeping. I could no more than dress or undres.s myself for nearly two months, and foi throe weeks I could not lace my risjht .shoe or put my rig-ht leg on my left knee. "Acting on my brother's advice I began to use Dodd's Kidney Pills, and after taking three boxes I was able to walk around and do my work. Now I am well and I recom- mend anyone who has Rheumatism to try Dodd's Kidney Pills." At the village of Bottesford, In the Vale of itelvoir, the Curfew bell is still rung while the day of the month and the mouth of the year arc also tolled on separate bells every e\"eniug. Always a. Good Friend. â€" In health and happiness wo need no friends, but when paiii and proHtration come we look for friendly aid from sympathetic hands. Theso haniJs can «oi ve us no botlur tnan ni ruUljing in l)r. Thomas' Eciectric Oil, for when the Oil i.s in th« pain is out. It lia.s brought relief tr thousands who without it would be indeed friendless. Mr. Newliwed â€" "Now that we're married, dear, you have a serijeg task before you." Mrs. Newliwedâ€" "What's that, Tom'.'" Mr. Newli- wed â€" "V'ou must prove to my sisters that you are worthy of me." LAZY OI-D S02RS. painful and disfiKorinc' will not; linnorloiu; iiiter treatmeut with Weaver's Cerate has been begun : Also, cleuue the blood with Weaver's Syrup. Tlie heroic soul does not sell its justice and its nobleness. It does not ask to dine nicely, and to slee') warm. Th' essence of greatness is the perception that virtue is enough. Poverty is its ornament. Dickie's Anti-Consumptive Syrup Is agreeable to the taste, and is a certain relief for irritation of the throat that causes backing coughs. If used accord- ing to directions it will break the most persi.stcnt cold, and restore the air pn.s- snires to tiicir normal hcalth.v condi- tion. There is no need to recommend it to those familiar with it, but to tliose who seek a sure renieily and are In doubt what to ush, tao advice Is- try Uickle's Syrup. HERE AND THERE. Bits of Information About 'Most Everything. Judging by the in.sanity returns, sixteen cases in 1,000 are caused by love alTairs. Holland is the European country where colTce can be imported free of duty. A caterpillar in the course of a month will devour 600 tjmes its own weight in food. The biggest whoatficld in the world is in the Argentine. It covers just over 100 stpiare miles. The Japanese strictly enforce a law forbidding boys under twenty years of age to use tobacco. A Birmingham, Kngland, man nam- ed Batchelor has just married a young lady named Widdow. Tobacco .seeds are so lainute that a thimble wil! contain enough to sow over an acre of ground. It is estimated that eighty millions of treasure lie sunk along tho route from Kngland to IniHa.. At Quito, the only city in tho world on the line of the Equator, the sun sets and rises at si.x o'clock tbe year round. Workmen attending the pans iii salt-works are never known to have cholera, sniallpo.x, scarlet fever, or inllucnza. In Austria a man and a woman ate supposed to be capable of conducting a homo of their own from the a.^e I of fourteen. I In Iceland horses^ are shod wit.h I sheep's horn; in the Soudan a kind I of sock made of camel's skin is used for tho purpose. Trains in Spain are certainly slow. A rate of ten or twelve miles an hour is considered a good average speed tor everyday travclhrs. In every .1,000 marriages in Eng- land, twenty-one are solemnii^od 1 c- twcen first cousins. Among the no- bility the rate is much higher, amounting to forty-five in l.OOO. is better than other soaps, but is best \A/hen use<i in the Sunlight way. Sunlight Soap contains no injurious chemicals. Sunlight Soap is pure soap, scientifically made. Every step in its manu' facture is watched by an expert chemist. Sunlight Soap saves labor, and the weair of rubbing which common soaps require in \A/ashing fabrics. Your money refunded by the dealer from whom you buy Sunlight Soap if you find any cause for complaint Lever Brothers Limited. Toronto READING THE TEA LEAVES means something to the Intellig^ent woman. When they unroll into peafectiy fo med leaves she knows it is not stale, much handled bulk tea, but RELIABLE in sealed load packets with its own Fine Natura.1 Flavor. Only one best tea. BLUE RIBBON 8 IT. Ladj't or Oeoi's Send ui your ttxnie uitl «ddre«s, antl jou will roccire rsKc on ArpKOTALt& parcel fOD> lainiB;; 18 tllnifs and 12 Thimtalai [Our 1906 pattArnal uLxde ot llxal Alumiiiinia. Tlier arn b^aaifuUr eoamallact iu culoura, â- .nd amboasad wtin the inacrii-tioaa " UunaU.' "Go-*l /,uci:,"ttc. Thej ain lijUiier and tougher lUaa real ^ilarmrtlclM Mid at 1/ff, aud ucTur tuJiii^b. WE TRUST YOU-NO MONEY REQUIRED. Sell Uie 21 artlclM at 9attnt« aach, auWrn; 91.44 alu>:cth«r, which forward tout, and we will •••n'l /ou at onv-«, at a rrwnr.l, a MbdnHottnt L«yar Watt h, ituaraiitctMl for % y«ari, or other Prasenta ot Hlgh-ciaaa Jewallary, wliiott rou can .elect Iroio uur li*L. At Tuur uioicol COLO & CO., Ho. 2, The Watch House, Delamere Creuent, iMidon, W., Engtand. She â€" "Some people profit by mis- cakes of others." He â€" "Yes, like the niiiiistor who got $5 for raar"ryiu<j us" BR SrUK TOO GET 'IHE KIKD YOU HAVE ALWAYH H.AD. ,"Th8 I) & L " Menthol Platter. Kor rbeumatiinn. neuralgia, etc., nuthing us better. Uade only by Davis <& l^wreuoe Co. Our spontaneous action is always the best. You cannot, with your li':;f. deliberatiot and lead, come so cl<i le to any qi-esticn a.s your spontaneous {fluncu shall bring you. Is there anything more annovp than liuvin;; your t-tirn .stepped upon? 1h llieru uiiythiuf; more <leli);hllul llimi Kettiiiij rid ot if? llollowuy'H Corn Cure will do it. Try it and be con- viuocd. Tho essence of friendship is entiie- ness, a total magnanimity and tr ist It mu.«;t not surmise or provide for iniirmit.v. It treats its object ue a god, that it may defy both. " One Foot In the Crave." _ ir the tllousanrlH of people who rush to so wortiiy a rcinetiy as South American Nervine as a last resort wouUI get it as a GrKt report, how uiuch misery und sulTering would be spared. If you have any nerve disorder you needn't suffer u uiiiiuto lonqor. A thousanti testimonies tu prove it â€" 30. Johnnie â€" I wish I was Tommy Jones" Motherâ€" Why? You are stronger than he is, you have a bet- ter home, more toys, and more pock- et mone.v." Johnnie â€" Yos, I know; but he call wiggle his ears. Though he may never take part in a marriage ceremony, the grocer quite fretiuently gives a woman .t weigh Worms cause fevcrishncss. moaning an<l restlessness duriof; sleep. Mother Uravch' Worm Kxtnrnilnator is plua.sant, sure and effectual. If your druggist hus nono in stock, got him to procure it «i»r you. Man is timid and apolosctic; he ih no longer upright; he dans not say "I think," "I am," but quotes some sugo or sa-'i.' . Just the Thing That's Wanted.â€" A pill that acts upon the Rtoinuch and yet is -SO cotn(»otni(ied that certain in- l^redients of it firescrvo tlicir power to act upon tho intestinal caniLls, so as to clear iheni o( excreta, the retention of which cannot hut he hurtful, was long toeuetl li'r by tho niedicul profession. It wa.s found in I'arineleos Vegutahlo I'ills, whicii are the result of much expert study, and are scientifically i»repure(l as a laxative and an alternative in one. Tho nonchalance of boys who are sure of a <liniier. and would disdain us u.uch as a lord to do or say aught to conciliate one, is tlu healthy attitude of human nature. Strcjigr words by a New York SaeOialJSt â€" "Aftor years of testing and comimrison I have no hesitation in .saying that !lr Agnuw'.^ Cure lor th* Heart is tho (|uiclfest, safest, and sur- est known to medical science. I use it in my own fuactke. It relieves tho most acute forms of heart ailment iii- sida of thirty minutes and never fails" .Junior Partnerâ€" "I see you have engaged a now traveller. Is he a good salesman?" Senior Partner â€" "Good salesman? Great Scott! I had to send for the police to preveit him from talking me into taking him into partnership." Solatioa put him on Crutches. -^ as. Smith, ilail.viiian, oi Uriinsby, Ont., writes: "M.v "liiiihs were almost useless from sciatica and rhuuinntisni. anil, uotwiChHtaiwIiiig my estcoin for physi- cians, I inuoL uivo tho credit where it belongs. 1 am a cuieil man to-da.v. and .South American Uheuniatic Cuio must have all the credit. It's a mar- vel â€"3-t ALI-KN-S LU.NG «.\l SA.M is especially intend- ed to break up uoglectoil coukIi.i and jumv Imn lods cn.tea have been sa»od by its use. c'entaii no upluin in iuiy furin. mwwu Contajua WHY SHE COULDN'T DO IT. A little girl of seven or eight years stood one day before a closed gate. A gentleman pa-ssed slowly. The little girl turned aud said to him: "Will you pleuso open this gate fir me?" Tho gentleman did so Then he said kindly "Why, my child, couldn't you open tho gale for yourself?" "Ilocause," said the little girl, "tho paint's not dry yet."- SUFriCIKNT HEASON. Roomorton â€" "Guess I'll have to givo up boarding," Flatleiuf- â€" "t'oing to get marrii.-d?" Koomei'ton â€" "No, but my ladlady wants her money." S^v%f^ '\V>ii>s Nature is an endless combinati in and repitition of a very tew laws. She hums the old well-known air thiough innumerable variations. A Cure for Fever and Aifue.â€" Tarnie- ce's VcKetabIc rills are conipounilcrt lor iiso in anv clinate and they will lie found to 'preserve their powers in any latitude. In fever and ague they net upon tho secretions and neutralizo tho poison which has found its way into tho blood. They correct the impurities which fin.l entrance into tho syst.iin through drinking water or food, and If used as a pruvcntlvo fevers are avoided Susie (at her music lesson)â€" "I'd like to catch an old air 1 heard in the music-room last night." Profes- sur_"\Vhat air was that?" Susie (deimirely) â€" "Oh, it was a million- aire." RHEUMATISM AND PARALYSIS. Their complete homo cure. Post free to readers of this paper. For limited period only. A hnndsoiiio illustrated (realise, giv- ing full 'Uwcr;plion c' I'heuniatisni and I'aral.vsis, with instructloiiM for a com- plete 'homo euro, descrlhiiig the most successful treamicut In tho world, ro- comincnucd b.v the Ministry and endors- eil bv medical men. This highly in- Rtruclivc hook was wrif>.on by W. H. Veno. a gentleman who has marie a study of tliose diseases. The preface is b.v a graduate rif the University of \Vurt7.hurg. Send postal to-day and you will receive the book free by re- turn. â€" Address, Tho Veno Drug Co., 2i King SSt , tVeKt. 'I'oioiito CUT OFF ins I'INGKnS. Tho practice common In Continent- al armies of mutilating or cutting oil thox index linger and thumb to render soldior.s unable to fire a rille, and hence unlit to serve, is com- paratively rare in our own army. However, a story of self-mutilation comes from Cardiff, Wales. \ Ptc. C.'a.ston, belonging to London, re- cently joined the .South Wales Hor- derors, and. tiring of the service, it is said, lU-libcrately cut olT two fingers of his left hand with a chop- per. After h<; had bcvn surKicall.v treate<l he wa.s placed under arrest. In the Arm.v Act this is specially mentioned n.s hiding imnish- ablc by A long term of inipiisoii- ment. 30 Praotioal Every day Lessons on FARM ACCOUNTS For 75o. post pud. FARIM PUB. House, Boi 43S. <:hi>thani,Oat FEATHER DYEINQ ClMDlog ud CarllDc u4 Kit OI*Tn cloned TliMi Ma IM Mat bj fU, levtm. Ou U>t plK* i« â- UTISH AMERICAN DYEING C«, IPUMF^ a^mwm onr. D. H. BASTEOO&CO. -FUR MANUFAOTURCM- w; Sakai-fc V o«>^x&'fta LADIES' A.ND MEN'S FUE A.ND FUK- LI.NB1) COATS of every kind. Krorything in Furs at oluae prices. rilK TUAUK SUP- PLIKO. Send lor catalog. BAI» FURS WANTEB. SEND FCR PRICE Lin Remington Typewriter Whan 'tho RCmINCTOM TYPEWRITER aomethinK new to the public tho public knows, witiio t l:a ng told, that It's somati!ins good. NEW NOW MODELS READY Wo will be c'ail to htva ynu <'aU at '>u- oftice and see t!u» now models or send f(»r illustrated buuklet. doacribiiii; tho new features. Remington Typewriter Co. 13 Adeteirte St. e., Toranto, Oaiwda AND KVBUVWlUiBB. "You cant deny that he is a broad minded man." "Possibly he is, tt;t if his mind has breadth it certainly has no depth." TONS OF IRON consHmed each ye,ir in medi- cine. In " KerroTim," tlia halt tonic, it is eo oleviirly nianipulatoil th.^t tho weiik and sickly gel all possible aouriaiimeut aud beuelit from iU There is no luck in literary reputa- tion. Oilt edges, vellum, nod mor- occo 'vill not preserve a book in cii'-i culation beyond its intrinsic date. Snnlight Soap !• better than other soapi, but it beet when used in tho Sunligti woy. Buy Sunlight Soap and follow diroctioca. Mistressâ€" "Are you not rather small for a nurse'?" Nurseâ€" "No, yn- tlied, madam. Tho children doi'S fall so fa.- when T drop them." Kidney Cry â€" Pain in the liack is tho cry oi llio kidneys for hc'p. To ni-Kictt tho call ih to deliver tho body ovi;r to a disease ciuol, ruthlcws. mid finally life destroying. South Amoriiun liiilncy Cure has power alciu to mira- culous In hclpiiit; tho needy kidneys out of the mire ot disease, it relieves in si.x hours. â€" 3S The Bridegroom (at the lirst stop- pinK-place) â€" "It's no use, C'larn; w-j cunt hide it from people that '"O are bride and groom." The Ilride â€" "What makes .vou think so. tleor-jc, dear?" The Uridcgioom (dejectedly) â€" "Why, hero the waiter has broughti us rice ptidding. " Dear Mother Your little one', are a conitanf care fn Fall and Wintet weather. They will catch cold. Do you know about Shiloli a Consumption Cure, the Lung Tonic, aijd what it ha» done for to many ? It is said 10 be tbe only reliable remedy for all di»ease» of the al/ pawago in children- It it absolutely liarmless and pleasant to uke. It is guaranteed to caieotyout money it returned. The price is 25c. per bottle, â- od all dealers in medidite sell 314 Thit rcBM idy should be in every hoiaehoici. ISSUE NO. 46â€"95. '""

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