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Flesherton Advance, 16 Nov 1905, p. 1

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^ .^J^o Mtiana. i dr "TKUTH BEFORE FAVOR. "PRINCIPLEb KOT MEN." VOL XXIy, no 12iO Flestierton, Ont., Thursday. Novernber 1 G lQOv"5 W. H THURSTOW, BDrTOK PKOPitlETOM G-ing To Get Married ? If s» you u'ill want a nicd we'l<liuir riiig. We have them iu a tfreat variety and at jiut tine rij^ltC prices. © © Going To A Wedding ? I taki) Ii*i yu Mill want a jireseiit aloii^. Weliavp tun mauvheimtifiil r.I.ACK \V<)<i!) Cl^K'KS whicli v.e V. ill iwU :it iiwi Ii.r the next fifteen ihiyii. TliLs nieaiu «4iraethin:{ to yun. Make a note of it. Thene are HUitable for i<eueral use. See them. CU. Jlrmstrondt 1'LKSU>KTUN, ONT We rubiKed the evur welcome vi:)it of The A'lv.iiiC'.' the week, but hope the i(3uial E'lir.or is ei.joyiiia a much needed recre«ti'iii in the «ilils i)f Parry Sound. Our uimriids still rnmain away in the wild wood* while frienda are auxiouxly waiting forn of vetiis m. C' When Ssven Men Di«- You know that at lcii.>st one of them hnd ciiiisuuipliou. At tirst it tina only c;it:irrh â€" hut it w:is neglected. When Catiirrhoziiiio eures so quickly it's foolish to eutfcrâ€" it'* a sbauie ti.- keep on suitf^l- iii<; and h;twkin>;. Catarrhozime )("es dir- ect til the of tha dmuHse â€" that'.s why It's ac) dead certain to cure. It stop^ tile cou^li, [jrevems thiiC Uisnustiu:* di.s- charge, clears phlegm out of the Ihroa'. in live uiioutei. Very pleaiiiint, nod safe too; get Cat&rrhozooe fium your druggist (Oday. ' Settles in the Back I It h.i.~ i-.- .pie ill a tender spot and I mighty h i.l to Ijrace up. Xerviliun j fakes that (.ink out of your spinal ciduinn j ill short order; it sotithes, that's why re- . lief cumea so soon. Nerviline penelrati^ thht's why it cures. Five times strouKer than ordinary remedies, Nerviline can't fail to ctire lime back, luinbaoo, sciatin aud ueurnlgi.i. Serviline is iniitaut death M all muscular pain. For nearly fifty years it h:uj l)eeii the largest s<.Uiu>; hiii- lueLt iu Canada Better try it. A Great improvement- Stafford & Co s. Big Store McFarland, Grey County's BIGGEST and CHEAPEST STORE MAI^KDALE, ONTTAI^IO STOP AND THINK! Prn'evii!e Aiuona those fro.n a Uisfjinco who spent the Thaiiksjiiviiig hvl'day here were, Mr. Wiu. Conkey.Ouelpih: .\lr. J.hti JlcArth- ur, ToMnto; .Miss M. McLeati, Dundalk; J Miss Magaie McLeod, Mr. Stanley Fer- iguson, Owen Si'Und. Mrs. D. U. McLean had the misfortuno Kiinberley When 14 lliat line weather coiuii.g? We-itiier prophets kiodiy answer. We beitv that ex reeve Davis will pos- sibly he a can lidate for the recveship this J to fail and break her wrist. Dr. Dixun yeitr. J. M. is » strong temperance m.m. { ts iu alteiiJaoce. Mr. .John UaiUiiKiiid leaves tirs week ! Horn â€" to Mr. and Mrs, Archie McLeao for Uamikuu, where he will attend Norm- j o:i Nov. ] I, a son. al School. I Mr- Uu^h McDtMiald O'ttle Hu-ih) one Miss Ab'>ie McMullen and Miss Maijyie (of tilenelg's pioneers w<is buried in the Fawcett of Fleshertoii, were theguestsof' cemetery beside h s wife who died about Mr. and Mrs. K. J Stuart recently. | 10 ur lo years a^o. lie was a native of Mrs. Alex. Fawcett attended ihewedJ- i .\rgyUhire, Sootla id. ini of her youngest siater, Miss Masjv'e On the third Mr. Malcoin McLean an- (Jall, at Tratalgar recently. I other pioneer of tuis vioinity [wLS-sed away Mr. Siiuiui Fattcett left last week for (at the age of 84 years, after a shoit illness Owen Sound, where he ha« secured a (:kt the home ot his son Hector. He was position ill a chair factory. burie<l in the cemetery here beside his Ml. G. H. Walttr, who has spent the; wife who piedi'cea.Hed him seine lo years p:is( few months at Lio:i's Head, returnoil j auo. Rev. J A. Miitheson ottieiated at home lis: week. i the house and «iave. "Fsirmount," Tr:ifalaar, the home of ( Death aoninxisifed this vicinity on the A'.bo.rt Hall, was the scene of a very jiretty wedding on the eveiiini; of Oct. 2o when his daughter, Magsie Victoria. \va.s united in marria-ie to .\lfred Jlay by Kev. C. Morrow. The bride was yowned iu pea! I ijriiy clot h, wearing the ciistmiiary oraii:;e blo.-8)ms. and a beautiful pearl Iroocli, the siift of the groom, and wa-s atten.icd by Mi^8 Uertha May, niece of the groom, while Mr. Byard Hall, brother of the bride, the aro.ini. Ab<iut 30 of the immediate relatives were present. .Mi-s. .â- VIeX. Fawcett ot Kimber ley sisier of the bride, being olio of the imm'. cr. lOih. Mr. Chits. ilcKiiinon a much respected citizen jjassed away at his home on the South Line at the age of 7.) years. The deceased took suddenly ill about two weeks ago and remained unconscious un- til a short tuiiu before his doiUh He was an elder bro her of Po.-t Master MeKiii- uon of the vil!a::e. The fu.ural took place on Monday to the cemetery here Kev. Mr. Mathusuu oifi.-iated at church and grave. The Exact Thing lor Constipation ".•V-iaterU-iiii pumative and Kt'iinath )iu ilicr Chamberlain's Stomach and Liver Table seem to !« the evKt thiiw ixquirM, stroiij; enough for the most ii)liii.-»tj yet mild euouxh aud safe for children and without that tenilile ciipiiiL' .«<ieofflnion to inont puritatives," say K. S. Webster S Co., Cdora, Ontario, Cauatia. i'ur .<iilo by W. K. KichardM^ii. Don't Squander Your Honey. On worthless cures for c;it»rrh. There is only oue remetly that is successful â€" Catairhozoiie â€" it cures when t lie doctor Siiys your case is hopeless. No drugs to take, no aioiiii/.er to bother with, you lur- I simply inhale the fuigraiit vapor >t this '-" unfailing cuie and get well i|uickly, Re- lief is ius!aiii, cure is i^UHianteed so you run no risk with Catarrh-issoiie. Uon'l experiment, don't put off, net Caliurho- zoiie fruui your druggst Co-duy. Engenia Ki:ig Winter st> le a mar.^h prelty ImuI ly ou people this season but alter all we hope Indian sumu'er will come and make us forget the stormy weather and Unl roads which at present cannot be des- crib.-d. Halloween passed ever around Eugenia very ipiieJly this year. All ihy iMd boys went to their beds and nil the gois) ones went to the party at Mr. (iordon's aud had a deliglitful time. Mr. Ueoriie Pa:k, of Emerson, Mani- toba is usi'ing his brother, Mr Richaid Park, of Eugenia, and renewing old associations. He Icx'ks as if the west agree.-i with hiui. Mr. Hogi! and Mr. Cairns have return- od home from their visit to Mano-, N. W, T. Mr. Fred Dueke't and Finley Hoy have retuiiied from braiidon. They enjoyed th« trip we>* very much. Mrs. Hoij^ slid Muster Willie paid a vvry plea.'^ant vi«ii to friends iu Toronto a week recently. Miss Ella Pedlar has ijono to learn dro4S.iiaking in Flcslieiion for a few months. Mis. j. W. Uo.ith, of Els'nore, was a Welcome visitor with her pareiila ^Ir. and Mm. Samuel Pedlar for a few days. Mr. Richard Smith has returoed from Sariiifi where he hiui b«cn visit ing for some lime pMt. Mrs. Win Large and Son, Master Ger altl, of Markdaitt, ia the guesi '>i Mrs. Munshaw of the Eugenia House. Mis4 Eva Jaotiesou i« visiting friend* in Ulv vit> at (ii'iscot. maxwdi The m.irrijige of .Mr. .Andrew PiJIister lo Miss Elsie (juy, only daughter of Mr. Thomas Guy took place Wednesday nfter- nioii, Nov. 1, at the residence of the bride's parents, llev. Mr. Kemp was the otficiatiiig uiiiii.s!er. The bride wore a gown of eieani lu.'tire and'-y and was attended by Miss Birilie Me- Catluui who also wore a dress of ci'oiim lustre. The dower girl w.m .Miss Sadie R^lley, cousin of the biiJe. Mr. .Jauns Guy wMs groonisniHii and .Mrs. Kemp p-esided al the oiuan. I'hn ceremony was pel formed in a handsomely deeoRited .silting room and was nitn.-s.sed by a LirL'e iiumljer of friends who ex'oinUd hearty eonoraiul.stions to the h..ppy couple Old gave the brtdu many hand- some pieseot.*. Mr. Foster ileron and Mr..\lex Hudson returned home from the wc-t and we are veiy s 'try so hear thai Mr. Hudson wa-. .\lr. Uud.soii was tukeii very ill with an attack of typhoid fev«r as soon as he reached home but hope to hear of his recovery. Miss M.i'-y Raliantyne reluimd lo soon Oran-Jeville to continue her Mudies. Mrs, Oiowst<m, ot Markdale, is t'le guest of her uncle Jlr. Geo. (Jlassford. Mrs John BrnwnridKe. of Feveisham, visited among her Diaiiy friends here Itist we^k. Owiu!.' to illness Mis^ Campbell of the 4th line has been obliged ti> close her s<;hool iMit under Dr. Bond's skilful trt^atinent we hope tu hear of her speedy recovery. When you have a moment to spare we want you to think of We want you to know that there is always something hero We give you the advaut- You We can wirmly congratulate the puh- j lishers of the Weekly Montreal Herali on the great improvement and enlarge- 1 US. ment of thai poller in the last few weeks. ! e .. i .• .. • The magazine form, in which it has hero- ! ^^^ Y^^* COlUtOI't and Satisfaction tofore appeared, has been changed to the j age of our experience iu buvin«' and our care'ia sellin seven-column page, snd a considerable . ^ v. » j^jiug, uu^x uui v.u.ic in .scuiii, enlargement made of the space devoted ( will feel better if VOU COHie. to reading matter. The small paue was j convenient iu some ways, but prevonred : â€" the use of many itlustrutions, and wasted a good deal of space. A« we are clubbing The Montreal Her- ald with The Advance aud o.f jriiig the two at the extraordinarily low rate, we are glad to be able to speak lo our readers in terms of warm praise of the Herald. We frankly say that iu our opinion the clubbing otfer we are uiakin:; is the best uewspacer value ever offered to the people of- this couury' The Advance gives you the local news more fully thaa you can obtain it else- where, aud it4 conslant elTirts are for the HOW ABOUT FURS? Wo have an hnmense stock i-f stylish and serviceable furs here for your selection Furs that wuro bouuht ''right" fnm the best fur manufacturers to the Dominion; furs tha- are priced at the very low«it living profits; Furs ihat .iie .'Stylish, serviceabhi and ci'infortable. BETTTER BL'Y NOW when tiie assortinent is at its, Yim kn.iw this store's reput.ttion for fursâ€" only the best goods from the best makers. In th.- whole range of stocks we know of nothing so '/enendly deceptive as furs. Did wv wish we could (ill this big store full of cheap fursâ€" furs Ihar h,.)k alright and would make us handsome profits, but rhey are uieced garments or made from the culls and cutting* and the makers are not reliable firms that have won a reputation for i;<H>d upl.uilditig of Its town and omiity. The furs. When buyina furs buy oiily the bes'; buy from a firm with a reputation. No danger of you paying to > much if you buy here. Not much use ipioting prices, you have almost got to see furs to judoe values, but these few may be interesting. .M-jnire-il Herald gives a carefully ediied summary iji the news of the world, and a vast (pmutity of the best and mast inter- esliiia losding mafer â€" good fiction, mag- azine articles, agricultural informaiion. Ladies Black Coney Ruffs, 45 inches long Sunday reading, pages for the women and 6 inches deep, rich, full, even fur, nice the chiliiren â€" in fact something for every ' shape with (i tijls, speciiil value at 1.20 member of the family. AU that is iieceo- sary to secure iw* Canadian papers â€" your home piper and a iMHttazine-newspnper â€" for the price of one, ia to send in oue year's subscription iu lulvance ta Thi Ladies Br <wd Bear UulE, GO inches long 8 inches deep, K ng even shaggy fur and splendid value at •J-'-**-' Ailvaiice. Remember, The Montreal Ladies Caporioes, combination of Americ- Herald for one year, and The .\dvance ' an Seal ami L-^bella Coney, large shape. until Jan. 1, VJ>K, all fr ojie d. lUi ! Wbeo vuu want»p)<wuaut phvsictry Cham- berlain's ^trmach and Liver I'ablet.s. They ar« easy t<i Vike and produce no vfripinK or other uiipleasaut klTecC. SvldbyW. K Kk-hatdaua. The C P. R could afford to pay more attantion to the Owen Sound line. It's the best-paying bit of loud in the whi.le C. P. R sysienu but receives scauti.tten tion. Through trains, splendidly etjuip- pi-d, and sometimes wiih hardly any pa.sseig--TS, ruu twice a d.iy fro;u >Ion;- reid to Detioit. The local train is always side-tracked if there is any chance of it dulayiiiK the big flyer, and yet the local train is always full of i)a->«eni;c I and frccjueiitly uncoiuiortably ciowded. The our price Kcrvice to Bolton fair ou Th.uiksj^i.'inu Day was very had, and coming bsck a night there wa^ simply no accomo< a i m at nil. Ei.;ht or nine hundreil [o p!e otooJ w.iitiug for the reuutar Main tucome along and when it came it,wa« full al Oidy. The fair w.-is ov.r af five o clock, but it was nearly nine o'clock before a train came aud hardly a svat to accomodate the entile ciowd. The train stopped and tliere was a rush to scrnmble on, or catih on somehow in ihe dark, when throu.:h the crim.usl aire esoueas of the eng ueer or condujt ir the train was [lulloJ ahead w.lhout any waruii.g. It was luck that n ) one was killed, but the man wh . movei that train should he in j >il or in a luuatic asylum. Ofcourse all these people had return their money was [utid and the CoiiiiMUy let them take pot luck about itettiiig back. In Eiighmd ligh' tiuins are run every hojr -jo lines no' so iinpoilant as the Orangeville and the Owen .Sound line. They are rciju led t â- lo S4' for the Convenience I'f the public, but our ra^lroids which wo have really t uiit wirh our own n:oney are not run on that M'htem. It is near y time for a chaiigo. â€" Toronto Juiic'iua Leader aud Uecoider. Why That Weariness? Your.,' un?aiy, rjstles-s. Without appe- t ti>. Still wo;se you are thin and faggeO mil. Work inusi be doiit>, but wheie is the strength to come from? Make your blood nutritious and you'll have hi'S of str,^iigth. Your only hope is FerroZ'ine, mi iiis^int blood-maker, bloist i>iiritier, t^l -od-enrither. It brings keen appetite, diues's fooil and supplies iiutnlnm f <r building up all the bodily tissue. Fetroxone inak.>s muscle and nerve-fibre, increiuea your weight, instills a reserve of energy in'o the body that defies weariness or exhaustion frtmi any e -use. To have vi: a i' y and heal' hy > igo use Ferrozoiio which all dealers sell lU 50c. boxes. 10 inches deep in back »ilh (i inch storm collai, 6 tails. Good value at O.90 LarLes Cape'ines, good quality black tloiiey, 1? .jches deep with 6 inch «ti>rm collar, hne glossy even fur. Only 3.50 Sable Se', handsome Appollo share, ruff 74 inches loui; trimmed with 10 squirrel tails. Empire shape muff with pocket ai.d lined with rich htavy brown sjitin, lovely, rich, ulo»«y, full fur, a handsome and durable set ot furs aud g>x)d value at 22.40 We have a big assortment of rich Sablo Ruffs in different sizes, prices ran at 7 o^) 'J. 00 and lo.oU Men's Coney Capa, fuU 8h.spes in wclge or doauuion, ijuiltod satin linings, extr* value at j 35 Meu's Persian Lamb Caps in a bii; range of qualities; every one bought at the low- est possible price an i marked at the low- est living profit, different shapes aud qualities, prices run frjni 5.0O to 10.00 Ladies .-Vsirachan Fur Jackets, all lenitths ditiercur qualities, fiom 25.(H) to 40.00 Ladies Greenl.and Seal Jacket.s, plain and cimibiiialion trtnuiiings at .'{5.00 aud 38.00 Ladies Electric Seid .lackots, rich sable col larK, cuffs and revert. You can't beat our values at 40.00, 45 CO aud DO.CO Men's Fur Coats, all sizes in various kinds Prices ruu from 15.00 to 50.00 Our business has grown great by selling good goods and selling them right. McFAKLAND, SXAFFOI^D dc CO Subscribe For 1 he Advance for one year and receive the Mmtreal Herald as a premium. W'e will also uive the .\dvauce till the end of ih.i year, free. The alnive offer is only for those who piiy stiiofly in advance. List Friday a iiiosi dastardly act was perpetrate-l 111 Krannwji. .â- V line team be'oiiuini; to .John Diokinai'n was pois 'Ued with pans green. The team «a.s to Ik' usisl that day at a plowing match by .)ohn (Jrasley axiunst whom someone apparently had a spite. Mr Grasiey took the team part of the way, but noticing soinotbiii!2 wronit, and as it wa.s raining, tunieil ibeiii into .John Grieie's siable, wiiero they both died the saiiio day. Paiis green was founil at home in their feeding bo.xes. $200 h-^d been refused for one of the team. â€" Confederate. / I plot 1 , I jobs. Mrs' John Chard went to the hospital, Haiuilt<iU, last Friday and on Mon<lay underwent an npeiation f jr the removal of a tumor. Latest word received vtys the operation waa aueeessful and though weak she was restiug comfortably. Mr~. Chard'i many frieuda trubt that the ui ly make a speedy recovsry. A'l interesting event toi.k place on ( Tuesday of this week at the residence of Mr. .lames Hemphill, 371 Bejkely St., Toronto, when his dau>;hrer, Mi.s.s Jennie, was united in luarrLige to Mr. Thomas WilcMck, elde-it sou of .Mr. and Mrs. Win. Wilcock, West Back Line Mr aud Mrs. Wilcoek are spending their honeymoon inCidliiigwood, t'lesherloii aud vicinity. Mrs. Wilcock will be at home t-r her Irieiida sf'cr Dec. 1 »t 515 Manning Aie. Tbo Advance tenders comi ions t<i the Imppy couple, ami best « ishes f«>r a loog life full of kkpl>iu..ikii. Three very iiaadionie memorials havo l>een erected in this vicinity, one in Fll•shert^n cemetiy to the memory of tho la'e John Clinton is of ebony grani<.u. .\noiher m the Ctiriitield burial plot at .VIount Zioi: cenuteiy, and on tho Millner : in Swinton Park cumetc-y. These hicb are different in wtokman.Hhip and dcsig.i to otheis. siieak very highly uf the luanufacturers, W.ilker Bros, ot Col lin'^^ivoo«l, who havo inieresta in q'larries and can save intending pnrcbaierscousid- eral-le. Designs and prices sent onnripl.- citiou. Cameron's Rheumatic Cure Safe. Sure and effecli-ye THE CllEATKsr CL'RE FdR RUEU- MATIS.M IN THE »VORLD It aet.s promptly on all rheumatic pain It .stops pain, purities the b'ood invigor- ates the system and erailien'es all the io.puriries from th.- Moo,! which caus<.- the mtlaniati m and pain. Put up in $1.00 bof.lea aud sold by drugitists or .sent direct. Express puiU on two boliles. l*re (tared only by D. A. CAME ^O.N, Oicen H^itnd, OhI%

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