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Flesherton Advance, 2 Nov 1905, p. 8

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/ :if NOVRMBI R 2 1905 THE E L ft S U h R T O N A D V A N C E tmmmttggm^ The Markets. Carcrullv Corrected Each WceV Oat* :U 31 Peas 68 to 08 Hnilrty . 45 to 45 Butter 58 Ui 18 li/KS fresh 18 to J8 C'liickcns 7 to 8 DticiiH 10 to 10 Oi-Bne 10 to 10 ll*y 600 to 6 00 ''otntiiei baa 40 to 40 Wheat 65 to 05 -Turkeya 13 lo 13 ^ Came Astray. Twoewci with l»iiil« c&nie to mvprenii^os. Thoro tliiti' Hw.jH bnt (lo| • klllwl onu. OwuiT kiti'lly prov i iir.iporty, i »y uxpcusos ' ADd taku Ibo aftmo aWfiy. ,). J. THOMPSON. â- yienhortou.Sej't. 12, IStt'.. . TUE . Ofanaarc/* ^Jank ' (ok Canada) firts opened a brunch oftico in Flesher- tim, wliiTo II 'general Imiikiim liu^iiicHs will b» transiictfd.. Moiny nvitilttblc for le/itimiti! Ii;isiiicss entiTprisus. DRAFTS r.OUOHT ANDSOLD on -»ll points it. Cttiiinlii iiinltho Uniied StatP.i. IntircHt uMowed on dppn.sits of 81.00 aiid u|nviin!N coriipoiindi'l, half yearly. G« IVIitcliell Agent. Question of Spex Do your eyes tire easily ? If SO, You need Glasses. Do your eyes bum ? If SO, You need Glasses. Docs the type become blurred in readiog? If Ao, You need Glasses. Do you suffer from frontal headache? If SO, Glasses will Help You. Do you know if you have perfect eyesight ? If not, we can Inform You. rr WILL COST you notminq. Wo A. Armstrong, ^LESHCRTON. Local Agents Wanted At (>nc« for "'s riroftioit Nur.?er- i«n" for llio town of KfjlWIIKIlTUN and siii'rouiiJiii:/C()iiniiy, wliicli wdl be rcsor- v«m1 fir iliM riylit ni:in. «r.VIlT NOW 111, 111,) b.»t »i;llinn Hoa.saii, and Imiidlo imr n-w H|ici:lalliyH on lil>- uriil ti-riiM, Write for pnniiMilarn niid send 23c:. for our hundsoiiio hIii niniini piioki-t niicni noopo, (ii little «oiii) iisoful to : Fani ers, in cxtmiiiiii;; Koeds mid niiiins; Orfibxrd- itti", ill uxuiniiiin); tiofs foi jiisuctH; Toicli- WH and Hidioliirs in atudyiMi! Uiitiiii), and cVBiybmly III ft luinilriMl dilferoiit wiiyH. Stone & Wellington (over 800 AcaEs) Toronto • • Ontario Vuuns iTion Mill iroiiicii shMuliI taku a cmirno .of training In nh^rlhiiid and tjiiuwritiu,; ut the / OWKN .â- iOUNI). ONT. Thrii" U a Uiyi iKmiiMd (tir yunng nion ••leaograpbrri, vory m.iob lurRiT than tlm wiiply. K thormjith and i>fictia.\l cnimn iiiolucliiiir rtin (olh.winjr mibJK.'la:â€" ulii.ithaiiil, I'iliii»n'i4 *ytcm, touch tyiwwrillnK, i>uninAiMh<|i, Hi*!- Uiiif, lutUir vviitui„' :m.lKim„i«l .,m.:H piactic.-. ntiidunU adiiiittcil at uny tinu'. h'ull [larticu- lar* •out ti> any ud.lrvxa frcK. AiMiiwii C. A. KLKMMINU, Trin. HIGH CLASS PICTURES. . The liUoe to KMt I lie boat Phntoa l» ai Hl'LMKU8 I'UOTOOKAIMI (JALLklKY. SPECIAL ATTENTION \V«i pay Speuml Atli'H'Jon to Copvini: and Itabm' piuiiir<i«. I'i.'turu frani- fnj B apccialty. Try II"! f.iriinv kind of ptoturm nn.l arc will priiiiiiaofiMliHfaotimi. Ayzrs Take cold easily? Throat tender? Lungs weak? Any relatives have consumption? Then a cough means a great Cherry Pectoral deal io you. Follow your doctor's advice and take Ayer's Cherry Pectoral. It heals, strengthens, prevents. " Fnr M ]re>ri I bare d«p«Ddail on Ajer'a Cherry rectorftl for coug&j »nd e*Ida, 1 knair It greatlr ttrenKtbaot weak lunfi." Uks. p. a. KoBintOIi, SaUsa, BUcb. Me.,6ne..»1.0O, All dniyglwH J. 0. ATSR OO., r!""i I for â- â- i.'-°'"i"i i*"firi Weak Lungs Ayer'a Pills Increase the activity ot the IKer. and thus aid recovery. ^. •^ L SMii « In Furniture The largest and boat stoik of furiiituie uverHliown in Flesbor- ti'ii. This withiint fear iif contra- diction. Come and 8eu some of the nice things in Sideboards Di.ning r?oorr\ Cl^airs Parlor Setts Bed Roonq Setts A special reduction just now on everything in order to reduce the stock. W. H. BUNT. tTuPftitufe Meaief FlBsbrlon - OdI. 'a Cti^w Bi; Card.s VI'CULLOUOH * YOUNQ '» llankor Markdalo Jo a C'Mioral liankinR buainttHii. Money loaneo a I'uoKouablu vato Cull on ua. RJ SI'UOULB I'omniaotrr, Plenhorton v/iiiiiiiiiHtjIuiior In II. C J., Auctioneer Con reyanc.<r, Appratsor and hloiiov Lender Ueal Ktitate and InHuraoce A^ent. tcortgaxoR. luasDH aii'l wills cart^fully drawn up ail. I valuatioiiB made nii vIiuiImhi nntlco. iiioney to loan ut luwoat ratoK of ititeroHt. C'ul -intloiiii atteiido.l to with promptnt-KV chart'OH low, Asent (or Uonan Uoiuluion Htaamabip Company. A eall aolioited. Societies AG U VI' innuta on tha lant Monday 111 eacii inntitn. in ttiolr lodKe room. Chrlatnu'a Olnuk. riaaliortoii. at R p.m. M.W., A. HarrJR'in ; liocortfer, Jan. Kolatead ; Kiuaii- viui', W.J. Hal. amy. VtaitlOR b'-utbrcc ILvitod pUlNCH AHTIIUK I.,OD0K, No, .133, A K A ^ A M, iiioetn in tbe Maxoiiiv hall. Btrain't t.liick. l.^lealierlon, every I-'riiinv on or before tlie full luodi. John Wright, W M,; C, N. Iiichar Bou, Hiiiretary. noi.'KTFLRSnKUTON, WS, I. ('. K, nruotain ^ Ohiiatne'.^ UlooW t)>o laat Friday cvenhiij of i.arh niontti. VUitiiiit KoreataiN lioartily wcUionio. O. 11,, J.roninold; K.C. W. lluakin; Kin. Hpc, H. a. Wlllctt. f Iraao pay duua to It. A , OD or before the laat nay of the proceeding month. CnoHBN KliIRNnSâ€" Flenberton Conncll of (!hoHeii Krinnfia luenta In (Mavton'a hall flret and third Wediiithdav of eKch nitoiLh; H p. lu, I'rtV aHH«aanienta to the ltt»ooiiI«r on or bwfore • i-em-Ht ilnvof eauli uiontli. C^lilnf Councillor, T. Illakeley;»roord.r, W. H, Itunt. Medical Dn CAnTnn M O P A 8 Ont, t'hytlolan, Rurceon.ato Olllce and ronideneeâ€" l*et.r at , Pleahertvn nil A,T. nOND ^ Graduate Toronto I'niveraltv, Mem- ber of Ontario Oollape oj Cliyalciiana and Kur- Keou>, Maiwull, On*, riucoeaaor to Dr. Huott. t P OTTKWKI.L * Veterinary Hurgeon nraduate of Ontario Veterinary Collene. leaidence â€" aaoond door eonth weal on Mary atreut. Thia atrael raua aoutb I'reahvtorlaii Chnroh. n WILSON, Illaokriolth "• 'iraduata of tbe Veterinary Belenee Aaaneiatlou. Healdeuee, Purhaui Uraet, op- poaito lioyd, Hiekllng-e hardware. Mjduiibaiii .It •'.'.•r, Flitthertoii Legal T UOAH WRIGHT ft MeAKDl.H '^ Barrialeri Holtoitora Oonvetanoeri, .tt Offleeaâ€" Owan Hound. Ont aiidUarhdalrOnt W H Whioht, MoArdlr I Ii Lurai. N I<- Fl.alierton ofUoe, Mltebell'i Ilauk .T.ry Halorday. Dentistry ,. B. C. MUKRAV I. I>. K., .tenia) anriteo h^n->i- (radual* ..f T.>rnii<o VJnlvir.Uraud ov-il •'•"llodniit nei'inl Hn«.waa«>f Ontario. (iaa adiiilnia'ratlKn f..i tuftli eatraciii.n tme« at reaidaai^e, I' >v>iitn atrna', I'luhartou Dr. B r. AllHSTRoNfJ. T, D.H., Honor Oradu at. of Tomnin I'ul»«r«lty aa I I'.^.yal Uol Ifn of DuntalHuri! '.' â-  of Ontario rppoili. ra. Hnl-neri Vh pb Oallai v \%I11 vh It 'axwaliniit an. I i>.ii<, Thuiaiar ot m,<^ tfuuJi oomai.uslii.: '^>iv »b. The Growing of Rape. (Ity Prof. U. A. Upwards of forty-live tlmusaDd acres of land wcie used fur giuwing ra[,e in I'li- taiiii 111 ll'Ou It i.s a cr p cahy uf culiiv- alioi), abui daiit in gruwiii, and liuli in lalteuiii;; jiiopurtie.-i. 0»iiik;tu itii broau "pie.idii g leave.-, rape haa a w.iidciful p.iwer. f sinotherinH out is thus oue uf the bcNi crops obtaiualle lur (.Jeaii- in;; the land. No than eleven varii'tieji of rape have been grown io the expeiiiu^a al Hiuuiiaa ol uiu Oiiiuiio Agilcuituiui Cu.- leije in eaeh of tbe past tliice yeara. In liHJo the yields varird fr..ui 4 to 'IX ti na per acrt?, the lightest ytrluer being the (jtrniuti \ jiiuty, and the h<awe»i the Lar^re Secoeii Unibiilla tape. In the aircrage of three years experiiiieuts the huge Seeded Coiiiui>.n, Laryo bewlccl Uniorella, Buokbec's Wonderful, L»waif UjinDai, bwurf E-sse-icand Uwait Victoria \Ar.cae.s iKivu given ilie greaieet yields ot green cn.p pcriicio. 'Ihe Divi.if Ksst^x is one of the mosi rirliablu vaiieties. The German Summer (Bird Seed Kjip. ) ahouid never be aown tor agricultural puri^osea as It Seeds the sauio eeation as souii, tliu-s furniohitig h p<jor crop for feeding airj iniroduoii.g a plant which it is difficult t.< eradicate. This point aliould be carefully obnerved, as .serious trouble has Miine- tiiiies resulted fiuui sowing large ureas cf this vai iety. 'llie moat suitable soils for rape are fairly muisi loams, lich m Vegetable mat- ter. l..Jii.d t^liould be prepared for rape similarly to that for ruol croj-s. Soils dcticieiit in vegetable matter sh.-uld re c.ivo a ci^iiug of btabie inanuie. A drissiiiK of nitrate of soda per aero VN-hen the rape is about two itiche.s liiijh increas- ed the yield of the crop about two ton.H per acre in ihe acerage results of the co- i.peiative experiments conducted over Uoiario for a perioil of live yens. • About the month of June, large plump seed should lie sown at the rate of one and oiie-hulf poutnls per aero in rows o' abuut tliirly iiicliea apart and lu a depth of one-bilt to line inch. A thorouuh stirring of the hiat two iuch.s uf the urouna between the k'liwa e>ery ten day.s (,r .soincriacea the (jr.iwtli ot iliti rape wonder: ully. Flat cultivation is g n^r a ly preferable. Ka^.o makes an e.xcellent late .summer and autuiiin paature crop fatteiiiiig cattle, blieep and tainhs. In one .season upwards of six hundred lambs were pas- lUred and fattened ou the Experimental Farm at (iuelph. It is giowii regularly as one of the ciopa i.i the short rotation. When rape is pastured by hogs -here is nioru waste than when pa.stured by aiieep >'»veial v,.rietirs of rape were fed toinilch coWH and all piodueud a taintiii the milk, there being but lilclo ditleceucu botwieii ihe varioiies in thia respect. AniinalR should never bo turned no lape a hen they are iiungfy or when the lapu is wet or fiusled. There is no dan- ger ofaiiiinals bhiatiiiK if ihey are on guulually at tirst, alli.xvod free accesi. to an I Id grass held, a..d fuiniehed wnli plenty of aalt. 'Ihero is practically noti - ing to be gained by feediu;: grain to an iniaU when on rape. Liiiil.s nam m weight from eight to twelve pounds pel uioiiih on rape aloi.e. If lape is cut and placed in pi'eson tin Ii Id, It will remain in nmxl condition uoveral weeks. Usually it can be liauleii lo the stable and fed to caitllo, sheep and pia;» until Christinas tim;; with exoeboiit .satisfaoii-'ii. No Polscn In Chamberlain's Cough Remedy Vroin Napier, New Zealand, Herald: Two veara agi. the I'harniaey Hoard ul New South Walea, .VuKtralio, had an unalyeis made of ail tho cough incdiciiirs that wrreaold in the niat- ket- Out of the entire li»t they found i.nly •iiir that they declared waa eiilirtly free from all iH.iaoua, Thia exccptiiin waa Chainbrrlaiu'a t'lmnli lleiiiudy, made i>y tli«Chund>erlin Med- icine t'l.nipuny, V>ic>, Muiiies, Iowa, I.'. 8. A. The almrncv of all iiaie< tica iiiakea this rem- edy theKafeat and brKt that can l>o hud; and it ia with a feeling of security that any ninthrr can pive it to her little onea. Cham- l«>rlain'» Cough lt<nic<ly ia ecia'i ially leconi- mended by ita niakers for couitha, coida oroiio, and whiviplng conuh. This rriuedy I« for tale by W. K liichardaon. Racing at Fair$ Mr. Ediur,â€" I itaw in a late imuo of The .\dvancp »n arlicUon thn horM-raoing at your fal' fair. Now ill my opinion you did nut Bay anouiih about it. Query â€" What atu ihuae fairt held for ? Merely a day 'a pleaiure, or aro they for inNtiuctionf I do not mean to nay that u perhon should not Iry to enjoy tbuiuselvuK, but alill Ihey could lliid t'lijoynient in e-\ainining the uxhibittt as well as watchiiiK thii best horac-raco and it would be far mots proKta' le to them. A fall fair is supposed Ij Iw a cim.biued fsruivrs' and tuwn- peoples' day duaigncd to show the produce ofUeld and garden, but is generally spoiled by h use ruceis and lovers ol that s|iort. Now why don't those people take a day of iheir own suoli as Vioturia Day or Dom- inion Di>y, etc? How c«n wo remedy Ihist The only poasible way ia to atop |(iviii|( the priie uioney lo faat horae* and give to cthibit* urs to encourage them lo show their atock and produce, and pay theu for their trouble. 1 tSiuk that it is nearly time tbe direo- lora wore uivinK tltis matter their oare. fill conaideratioo, â€" SvacTAiua. (PRONOUNCED SI-KEEN) There is nothing else in the whole world that will bring back the color to the cheek, restore the dormant energies, revive drooping spirits, of put new life into the tired, listless, weakened system, as "Psvchine" will do it. There is really only one great tonic , and that is "Psychine." Combining all the pro- perties that make rich, pure blood, bringing back the lost appetite, driving away melancholy, creating new strength. THIS WILL PROVE IT Amprior, Ont., Sept. i6th, 1904. Dr. Slocum, Limited : " It's twenty years or more since I used PSYCHINE, ar>d I write these words not to gain publicity, but that suffering and ailing humanity may learn of its grreat merits. I had felt weak and miserable for a lon^ time ; bad no appetite, or couldn't obtain proper steep. Was unable lo work or enjoy life. People said 1 was so old my constittition was breaking up, but, fortunately, through usin^ the Dr. Slocum remedies I have proven this false. PSYCHINE is tbe only remedy 1 ever took that agreed with my stomach, which was exceedingly weak. Twenty years have passed since my recovery, and I am now eighty-nine years old, and SO strong and well that I work all summer in my garderu "MRS. E. V. BLAISDELL." GREATEST OF A LL TONICS AT ALL DRUQQISTS â€" ONE DOLLARâ€" TRIAL FREE The Dr. T. A. Slocum, Limited, - 179 King Street West, Toronto ^^1i& X^^S/%^^^SSS/X^SfS^^^S/%^WSl^^ V ^, iiiggies - i^adons If you are thinking of buyini; .â- Â» fine bucijy, watjon or de'iiiociat, it will .surely pay you to call and investigat? our clock, lermt:, ere , befiire makin-i yi.ur purchase. We liavi) a statfof espert wotkmen and can yuarantee that y..u will be sutistiel I>I-.OUGH â€" - â€" ALWAYS Bicycle ON HAND â€" â€" _ Sundries AND KE1*.\1RING OF ALL KINDS J. A. HEARD, - FLESHERTON. ^^%/X/^^l^^/X yS/X3&9S^S/X/%/X/X9^^^/%^'^ D. McTAVISH ii[ ra[iii (;iiiiA6[ BiiiDfi Fiir First t'laa-s Buggios, Carls, Plo-ssuro and Lumber \\ agoiis, cuttei-M, Sleighs. We keep a alook on band U> choJ>se from. ALSO HOkSB SHOEINQ ANO GENERAL BLACKSMITHINQ and uuartnteo first uUrh work. Wo keep on hand Pbuighs and t'lough rej)air«, and also Ma<isey- Karris and NoXnu repaira for binders, JMowers, nil kinds of iim 'hiiioiy, also Binder Twino ou hand. » mb^n in town give us a call m When You Have a Bad Culd V'ou want a reme<ly that will not only give qiiivk relief but etfoet a peimanent cure. You want a rnniedy that will relieve tha lunK* and keep expectoration easy. Yon want a leniwly that will Counteract anv tendency towaul pneuuionia. Vnu want a remedy that i* pleaaaut and safe to take. C'haniberlaln'a Coneh Roniedy meets all theae renuiwiiient* and for the aiieedy and iwrm.'iueiil ciiieot b*! colds atanda withoii* a (leer. Vor sale by >V. K. Kichardaoa, WANTED. A leliablK agent for Fleah«rt<iu and sur rtmnding country. QihkI pny WtH<kly. eXi'luaive territory, Stnipio case ur out fit free. Dur torma are the host in the buainesa. We need a man »d gc"! ch>4r- actor and ability durine the Fall and winter luonrha. OVEU 600 ACHES. The ;hoio«at and moat cxtensiye list of Htiiok iu Canada, ineludinii truit and ornairental atook, small fruit*, and Sefd •taluM. Faat ^eliing i>)><'ei*ltieM olfVireal or the first time. Write fur iMuta now lo r« The Peiham Nurseay Co Toronto. OnUrk>, HerbW. Edwards Injured. HerbW. Kd.y-»rdH, id \>-ii M >ine\ r>w.», fut afa I 111 an iuv w;tlk laac winter, aprainioif iswriatand briiisinj; his kunei. "The next day,"h«8av^ "they were so sure and stiff I wui afraid I would luive to atay in li««l, bull rubtwvl thoiuwell with Chamlierlaiu's Vain Balm an I after afewapplicatiousall had dsa- appeared." For aule by W. E. Riehaidaoii. FLSHERTON HARNESS EMPORIUM. (OppoNite ArinstroiigH Jewoilory ) Everything up to dtte in haruem â€" best uiaterial, best workmanship, b«u prioen. Fly sheets and nets are in aeasua â€" let us show you oura. Trunka, valises, aile ureatm, carriac* •tie grease, harness ml, whips andUvha^, BUGGIES. Coma and s«e the new buKttiea whMi '• have ou ethihiti^Hi. Tin v are b«*ut- iiw and prices aiw right, Wm. MOORE Opposite .\rmstrong'e Jewellery) Plestiprton, ♦*i' y ^^s^ **>•?^-• *.;«^:'3.;-\(W\. i--

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