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Flesherton Advance, 2 Nov 1905, p. 4

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mmmmmigm»9ttmHmm f^lttKtm^mtmmm i - . â€" -i- November 2 1005 THE f'LESHERTON A U T A N C E ^WWWWWW F. T. HILL & CO. ^^.rfWWWW' Tim E LY ADDITION T O OUR ALREADY VERY LARGE STORE ^""â- â- ^â- â- â- â- â- â- â- â- â- â- â- â- â- â- â- â- â- â- ^â- DIHMHBMBBMIHHI^MBBMK In order to keep prace with our very large and increasing trad©, vre have again added to the selling space of our store. This time we- have taken in and fitted in and up-to-date inannor the second flat of our building. This large additional room we are devoting entirely to Crockery and Glas.svrare, Carpets and Linoleums, and purpose carrying the largest and most up- t&-d<ite atoc;kof these lines to be found outside the large cities-. Thi.-s means increa.sed selling, lov.'er prices and bet- ter facilities for showing tc meet the approval of onr customers. Reraeruber when next visitmg the store be sure and inspect the new depaitment. New Winter Furs on Exhibition iiTid G'-'Utli'men'fi Fur^. re<|uireuients for the ciIJ Never before liiivc vr h id ihn jiK-iisuro of sh^wini,' .sucli an extensive rancjn (if Liviies' Ni'ver wore our viiliiei I) -tttT for up to (l;it,t< RtyliH \Vln"ii you are thiiikiiif^ of your wc-illier ill tlji- fur linus bt Huro »^(i see our 1 nfji' and well HHSurted stock of â€" Lailios' StoIfR and UufT* in the di<reri*iii- fur values , 0.">o (0 12 50 Ijidius' Ouporines, now an populnr, nnd tli« price ..1.25 to 15.00 Lmln's' p'ur Coii;s in A8lr:»clii*n, Klootric- Sual and Canadiau Doon, prices 15.00 to tt.OO O nt'rt Fur Caps, nil kiiidn, nil styles ^ 1.40 to lO.CO Gout's Fur Coitts, all kinds 15.00 to 50.00 notable Styles in Cadies IDaniles from Ocrmany. Thi» tPdsoi) wo Inve bi-cn very fortinirtto in seeurinR very smart and dressy styl-'.s in ciats »t moderate and popular jiiice?. Hiivio); im[«)rt«d our JHokeiu tins season direct f ion Gerniiiy whore lihor and materials are so cheap, accounts for the reason t hitt we caa- so a jccHisfully c-it^sr to your mantle reiuirein uits . You canuot afford to â-  soeini! our before buying. See the Jackets we are selling at 84 50 .; ''â- ;.;„'â- ;â- â€¢/ See the Jacket* we are solliuK at $5 50 • .. : â-  See fh; Jackets wo' are selling at 8750 > See the Jnckits we Ric selling nt {8.50 . â- . •" ' See the Jacketa we are sellir.jj at ?9.50 .; v; . and $10.60 Then you « ill undorsiiand why we arc ai)l» to sell *» many Mantles ^AWW MARKPALE MIW.W^ -w Ij p'llilijhodxverv Tiiuiu'ltty at $1.00 |W/ tnnam if paid in nlvancc, $I..5o if not no paid. All R>ilMoril«r piyinoc 81.00 utrictly in «dv.iiii;'i K';t the Montreal Herald one year if,M ai a pmniuin. An 'Jnprzdecented Offer. Two papers for the price of one iH the libi^ral offer we arc able to make our read- cp by rea.soM of a spi'cial ariimacoieiit we have c<inipletud witli. the publi.shera of The .Mont real Herald, wliicli enablm us (•> "iflet lliiit tine family (inp'T and Tlie A.lva.ioo at ONK D()1,I<.\U for the two. The Montreal iier.ild w.i« oHtabli.tlied in 1808, and alt hough tlio 8u.-ond oMiNt pMiiiial in Canada, posaesaes all tlo; vijjor of you'll. It is ea'lent.ially a piper for kbe boni'', paying 0!<pecial attention to (ubji'cla. that and onlettain the variouH members of the hoimobohl. One of itN featuren is ihe hiuih el is' liotion which it gives in abounding mea.iure. Two complutu storie* are printed each week -at present the celebrated co[iy- riijliteil Sh-rl 'ck Ildnies atories, by Sir A. Conan Doyle, being the special feature The ladi.a of the family will liiid a rich budget of reading mailer every weik, while the firm-T h^m sevo'ul pages devil- led to his especial interests Altogether the Montreal Herald la a paper we can tjiihe.iitatingly reccomniend to ourreailiia und the offiir vre mike in connection with it is unpruccdciitodlv liberal. features complete. Tito Ifoven>her ncni' b.r, now ready, cimtaina Ihu fortoastx from January to Jniie, 1906. The Jan- uary number, ready Uecenilmr 26, will contain the forecasts from July to Decem- ber, 11)0(1'. The price of this splendid m'lgnzine i« one dollar a year. See it and you will' lisvo ir. The November and January numbers contiiniiig the Irl II. II ioki forecasts for the whole year, and more complete than ever, can be had by sending at once 2oc. to Worl and Woikn PubH.-ihin:; Company, 2201 Locust Street, Si. Louis, Mo. after undcrgoinjt tSe frying ordeal. Th^ e inirieer sujs it U alxut as near to death's door as ho wni4s to get wiihout sayiig good bye to his earthly relatives and fnend.s -- Meaford Mirror. An American Disease. Sumo d iciois go snfaraH to say thut indi^> \» the not onal di8ea«e of .Am- erica. There i.-t but iiie national cure f>ir imligestion and that remedy is Dr. llaniilloii'a PilU which accelerate the aft inn of the gastric ulands and give tone to thediKC-itivo organs. They btrenyiheo ibe kidneys and liver, clean.s • a:ul purify the blood, and tluis aild gineral tone to every ori;aii of the body. Flesh and .stroni/lh are fait res'ond and the patient cat. eat and digo t any food he pleases. Test Dr. Hiimiltons Pdia yourself â€" 25c. per Iwx or five boxes for $1 00 at all dealers. The old seboolhouso »nd wooilshed of .S. >i. No. 3 are riff,-red for sale in other columns of thin paper. GO TO It- High I. FOR Class Groceries Etc. Division Court r> vision Court wa« hold in Duiidalk on NVednei lay of but week before Jud«c H itton. There were on'y two cases and fconie Ju(?gtnoiit aummontes on the list. The two cni shad been adjimrnod from lift court, Heitimitn V. Irwin was an ac- tion on i;c,:ount and hiul been adjourned Iroui last court. The anmunt iti dispute was fll. Judgment for plaintiff. W. J. Javkaon v. W. Ili.yd and M. WiUoi,, The latter two (.entlomon purobnaul gome hogs from plainliff. The hogs wore del- ivered ;but thor« wy a sliyhL dispute as to price, and Jackiwnsinjd f..r a balance of t4.C!». Judginentfoijphvintifl'. Two tisos were .idjourned (tnti vuo aetlhd out of oour', which oompleloil the ducket of one of the iinallest ci-iirls.hi»W for some » { â- -»â- - - " ^ - The Micl<s Almanac For 1906. The Rav. IrJ li. Hicks .%Iruinae • ill not he piibH«|Md for 11106^ hut hia moolhly jnuruW,. \(ic««ia aml> Works, hit hq«n ohsnged intAn.^r^and:co»lIjr mag. •/line, and it wilt ooittain his atonn and i|||l|b#r f)rc«aiiU»4i*«i»lier-ftHtronQmica! Th«Toii4c of Health. 1 Must bo nuivo than simulantâ€" must be a food as well. Therois one moflio'ne that is both n food and' a tonic â€" it aids dieestion, ] romntes aNsiinib.tinn, eon- verts food into nutriment that builil," np nerves, b!o(id, brain and bono That tonic is I'err >'.oiie which coi.tains exactly what, a syitem needs Ferro7.oMe siipnlies oxygen to purify the blood, phoHj horo'is to devo'op the brain, iron to haiden the muscles. No wonder it makes such fiirorous men and women. You'll eat, sleep, think and feel better by using Ferrozonu; fry itâ€" now. Fifty oenls buys a Ijox ot tlflv ehncidato coated B'erroz 'Uo tablets, at all deuleis. Mt. William .l^oae, the popular water- w.irks engineer is thankine the stars that he ia in the llind of ihtrliving to day. llo bad «n experience on Tlieslay of last week which he will remember as long as ho lives. While tapping a water main between CloUnd's wheel harrow factory and the Trowbridge street bridge between two and throe tons of earth caved in on him. compl-jlcly covoriuK hini up. For •unalely tbroe other men were working on thf job, and thoy at once went to the rescue of the waterworks sng^eor. Thoy wsre only a minute or two in removing the gravel which covered Ms head buf fnlly ten nitnuti'S eUpaed bafere He was extric-ited. Mr ItiMoaiistaino.l noititernal injuring but •rerjr bflno in his body •choU ^loun and Ifeeel. ^11 to 6e had at '9ioek SBot. torn x^rices at Wright's Store Talk! Now that our twine business is .ibont set tied fur this sea.son, we tjiko this op- [loitiinity of thanking our nnn>erous cua tomer.i for their liberal patronage in tha' particular line. We think t>he .secret is that wc handle the Be»t. It is a pleasuio to know that I lyniouth in all tlie urades, gives tHtisfacliMU. Onr business hn.s ineronsed 110 that we have not had the time to devoto to our accounts that we should have, but' we will always stand ready to adjust any mistake williiiLdy. Wo allow the highest market prices for all produce in exohanje fir our gocKls ut cash prices. N^i. 1 tub Butter, 2t)o per b. ; fresh Eggs, 18c per doz ,iuid tile raise if ai v when you ciune. R. Kinnear & Son MAXWELL.. BOYD, HICKLING & CO, 1 « ^«""^^*^^BI^^^^^^ â€"FLESHERTON, ONT. Underwear Like "StiUifield's Unshrinkable" fitsâ€" fits perfectly from nock to ankle. And it fits just as well at the end of the winter as it did at the beginning cT^r? Stanfield^s nsbrinkable nderijoear Won't .shrink. All the .shrink is takei? ont of the wool before knitting â€" and the fiuishetl garment is carefully tested before it leaves the mill. The Stanfield guarantee is on every genuine gar- ment. All .sizes from 3G to 44. St infield's Un.skrinUal)le Underwear Truro Un.shrinkable Undei-wcar $1.2.5 to $1.50 Penman's Unshrinkable Underwear Fancy Stripe Wool Untlerwear Men'.s Fleece Lined Underwcfur Boy's l^nshrinkable Underwear- Boy's All Wool Underwear Boy's Fleece Liiietl Uuderwcair 1.00 to l.-io 7» to 8;') 7& to 85 5U to 75 70 50 '20 to 50 Perfectly Fitting Underwear Is a necessity lo the well dressed woman, for no dress however well made and fitted, can look well over badly fitting under garments. You will appreciate the silky textui'e â€" the satiny smoothness and the luxuriou.s warmth and comfort of Curiibull's '€:«C/ Underi^ear Every garment is beautifully fiuinshed and shaped to the figure, properly sized and generously proportion- ed, and whether you buy the cheaper or the better grades yon are assured of the best value for your money. Wc can fit all figures and all ages â€" from the baby in arms. Ladies' Vests and Drawers 25, 40,. 50,. r5c.,$LO0 the garment. Misses' Vests and Drawers from 15o the gjatmeut. Infants All Wool KoUer Vests. Ladies' C'ombinations. IKARSTEDT'S KORNER* \ GENERAL STORE DRYGCODS, GROCERIES, BOOTS aud SHOKS, STOVES and .• .• .• n\EDWAT?E. .• .• • 50 YEATIS EX?ER!ENCIi «oc Marks Copvni&MTS A3. AnTone^nndlnff asttatrti and dp.-irr'.rO''" n>ft qui.ikly a!ir«rli»tn our oitliii'vii fro« nK«ilu'r »t InTniilW.n It pr.ibHhlT I>«onlnhl.«. ('omn.uiih-i ll<MitfitriottyMMit>d«itlut. llnnithdOlluil PitliitU â- pnt rr*tt. Ol.lMt ifcanrr for upcurlnif imlpni .. I'nlonU tftkan tnmntrli Muim A Cu. revvl*. t^eiot koHm, without O Bwrt e, lu lli» Scientific Jimericatt. A b&n<taom«lf Utnttnried wfti^klf. IiL»viHvit rlr tuUUtun cf ftny vctaniiflo Innrnat. 'T^mv f>l t fttftr: four months, $L aold brail n«n«u»«)«r<i WUNNi Co «•'•'•'-«' New Ifihr! Qmnota Offlc«, in F at.,.>TMJi>«Ki .«j J,^ â- â-  85 Ready-to Wear SKIRTS 1.75 to 7.00 Ladies' Rain Coats 2.50 to 10.59 Ladies' il Gentlemen's FUR CAPS 1.50 to 10.50 2 Dozen Ladies' Mautles l.&O to lO.&O Ladies' Fur Coals Aatraclian Coats 18.00 to 35.09. Alaska So(tl,.Deaver trirciaed witii Sft)ll« 60.00 AFou's Ram Coats 11.50 to 1^.00 Men's Fur Coat»,Coon fiu' lined, Calf Dogakin, AstracLan Alaska Real 1 5 ^»KN'S SUITS 4.50 to 16.00 60 Boys' Suits 1.50 to 6.60 Milhnery, Milliueity Tho: newest thkig.^ Miss Sway 28 in «liarge % |.«^^t9^%^9r%%'^.^ V»^«<%^<%%%%1M%^%%%%^^ >-V,^^

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