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Flesherton Advance, 2 Nov 1905, p. 3

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now HE HAS A GOOD STRONG BACK WHAT DODD'S KIDIIEY PILLS DID FOB. H. M. SPEAHS. thought ho Would have to Stop Work but the Great Canadian Kidney Kemedy Mado Him Strong and. Active. Aiitiponish, N.S., Oct. 30.â€" (Spec- ial).â€" Mr. 11. M. Spears, a will- known farmer living near here, i-s shouting the praises of Dodd's ItlJ- ney tills. "When I came to Nova Scotia about aix yoais ago," says Mr. Spears, "I was so troubled with backache I be^an to think I could not attend to bu.siness. However, I Kot a bo.x of Dodd's Kidney Pills and was able to atter.<l to work. "1 had not taken enough to ro jt the Kidney disease out entirely hov- cver and the following wintur I wis troubled with pains in my back and limbs. Then I got more of Uodds Kidney Pills and after using th.-je boxes all my pains and lameness Ic-t me. "I can't say too much in favor of Dodd's Kidney Pills. They put me in a way to attend to busiiiocs aft.u" two doctoi-s had failed. 1 was a theese-maker for years, but now I am a farmer with a good strong bac'.i." Lame back is the lirst Kymii>tom of Kidney Disease. Cure it with Hodd's Kidney Pills and you will uevex have Bright 's Disease. -Jâ€" TUY HOT WATER. Hot water has far more medical virtues than many believe or know. Because it is so easily procured, thousands think it valueless. The uses of hot water are, however, many. For example, there is no- thing that .so quickly cuts short con- gestion of the lungs, sore throat, or rheumatism as hot water when ap- plied promptly and thoroughly. â- Headache almost always yield.s to the simultaneous application of hot .water to the feet and the back of the neck. A towel folded .several times and dipped in hot water, quickly â- wrung out, and applied over the painful part in toothache or neu- rangia, will generally alTord prompt relief. A strip of flannel or napkin folded hngthwiso, dipped in hot Water and wrtmg out, and then a])- f)lied round the nock of a child that has file croup, will sometimes bring ndief in a f«'^ minutes. A goblet of hot water taken just before rising, before breakfast, has cured thou- Bands of indigestion, and no simple remedy is more widely recommended by physicians to dyspeptics. Very- hot water will stop dangerous bleeding. EOYAL LOVE SjCENES. Soma Pretty Scenes of Historic Wooings. lloyal courtships are usually vo'^y ciit-an-dried alTairs. It is theref.ire delightful t6 find in Some of theru even the slightest trace of the ro- mantic. It is seldom a king has the hard'- hood to oppo.'-'e his ministers in thj choice of a wife. Yet the father of the present King of Spain did so, j and that, too, at a tinve when Spain was in a very unsettled state. His ndnlsters took an early opportunity to suggest marriage to Alfonso XTT. The young King declared himself willing, and named his cousin llii- cedcs, daughter of the Duke of Mont- pensier, as the lady he intended t.i marry. The Ministers were horrified; the King's relatives were furious. The reason was that Montpensier's money and ambition had helped the revol i- tion which dethroned Alfonso s i mother. Isabella II. But the King and Mercedes had fallen in love with each other, and all protests were ^n vain. But, alas! in six short montlia Mercedes was in her tomb, leavin;.? Alfonso a broken-hearted widower. Perhaps the most romantic Uoyjl wooing was that of the late Empress oi Austria. Francis Joseph went ;o stay with Duke Mnxiinjlian of Bavar- ia, to celebrate his betrothal with the Duke's eldest daughter, llelene. Soon after his arrival, the younj; Emperor was walking in the puDi, when ho met Holene's younger sistei". Elizabeth. She greeted him with: ""God guard you, cousinl" and im- pulsively flung her arms round his neck . The Emperor promptly fell deeply in love with her. His mother gave a ball, to which Elizabeth was inviteil; but, not having made her debut at Court, she had to di'cline. The Em- peror, however, made his own atten- dance conditional on Elizabeth's pre- sence, and insisted that the Princess should bo there. Between the dances ha showed her an album, containing pictures of -'Vustrians in their N-i- tional costumes. "They are my subjects," he told her. "Sa.v one word, and you aha J rvdo them, too." Thii reply was satisfactory. B>it the Duke was furious at the alTront put upon Princess Holene, and hisih wori's passed. At last however, ho reluc- tantly gave his consent. WISDOM'S WHISPEIIS. Some men have the art of keeping quiet without creating the impression they are in ill-temper. A woman thinks a man never should be too much absorbed in his own affairs to be attentive to her. Men play curds as though their en- tire reputation were at stake in the result of the game. Women usually regard an apology from another woman as ojily an c;- cuso to repeat the cause therefor. Men dislike over so much being ac- cused of having anything in the way of personal vanity. Women manage to work up the iilea that their opinions are at all times â- worthy of tho most careful considera- tion. Men sometimes create serious coii> plications through a dispositioti to make frivolous remarks intended to be funny. A woman bacomcs exceedingly irri- table when she thinks a shopkeeper is not giving her orders e.xclusive at- tention. It is easy for a man to convince himself he knows how to settle ellcc- tively a bothersome woman. The Workingrrsan's Tea Should ba Rich, Strong and Full Flavored. More than food or me Jiciae i.s a hot steaming^ cup of Frag^rant ^i'.^ -'/W ^'^'J TEA For s.^le at all live grrcars. ALWAYS AT IT. Smudge â€" Wliat are you stinting yourije'f now fur? Vacation expenses are past. Grud'^e â€" Yes, but now I'm saving up to btiy (-hristuias presents. Mankian:! Hard Yorkshires Good breeding stock (all ages) for sale at reasonable prices. JAMES WILSON & SONS, Fergus, Ont. "That naval cadet is potmlar with the girls, isn't ho?" Yes, he's a regular sea lion." 'i'liero can be a dillorcnce of opinion on utost subjects, but tlioro is oiilv one opinion us tho r(!tiubility of Mother Uravos' Worui I'^.xtoriniiiator. It is safu, bur« and elTccLutU. Old Oentlcnutn â€" "I'm afraid this place doesn't agree with me; I've scarcely eaten anything since I've been here." Polfte Youthâ€" "Well, that's all right; you canui for a rest, didn't you?" IT'S BA.9Y TO LKT a ooU hang on. Bach night an I <l»y we aro sum it will ba gone, but It stay* with U'^. AUon's Luiu Balsam will oUeok in *1- vance and r«etor« health. "Is my hat on straight?" "Yes â€" hurry or we'll be late." "Are you sure it is on perfectly straight?'" "Yes. I tell you â€" you couldn't get it straighter." "Then I'll have to j.'0 back again, John. You know it isn't stilish to wear thits Kijj-! of a iiat siruight." To Know is to Prevent. â€" If the min- ers who work in colil water most o( tho day would rub their feet and legr- with Dr. 'I'honms' lOdectric Oil thf would escape muscular rlicuniatisni and render their nctlicr limbB proof aftninnt the ill cfTccty to tho cold. 'I'hosc set- tine out for miiiinp; regions would do well to proviilc themselves with a sup- ply before starting. Tt is better to wear old clothes with the air of wealth than to wear new ones with tho background of poverty. PTJICKD AT TUB BACK OF TUK SPIN^ "The DAL" Menih.ll Tlaitor alia ys norrous tx- eltement, Thsy are equally as effic»oiou» in nanralgla, baokacbs and moacalar p aiua FUNNY. iPeople Will Drink Coffee When It "Does Such Things." "I began to use Postuin bec^iuso the old kind of coffee had so poiso.'i- ed my whole system that I was on the point of breaking doven, and 1lie doctor warned me that I must quit it. My chief ailment was nervousness and heart trouble. Any unexpected nt) would cause luo (he most painful palpilalion, make me faint and weak. "I had heard of Postum and be- gan to drink it when I left off the old coffee. It begun to help mo just as soon as the old elTects of tho other kind of coffee passeU away. It did not stimulate me for a while, and then leave me weak and nerv- ous as coffee used to do. Instead of that it built >ip my strength and supplied a constant vigor to my sys;- ,tem which I can always rely on. It enables mo to do the biggfst_^ kind of a day's work without getting ftired. AH tho heart trouble, etc., has passed away. I "L give it freely to all my chil- ;dren, from tho youngest to the old- jest, and it keeps them all healthy Und hearty." Name given by Pos- Fum Co., Battle Creek, Mich. There's a reason. ! Ucad tho little book, "Tho Iload te Wellville," in pkgs. AN AWFUL RISK. Sh-' â€" "You will love mo always?" He â€" "Passionately, my darling." She â€" "And you will never cease to love me?" lie â€" "Never, my darling." She â€" "And you will "javo your money?" He â€" "lOvery penny." Sheâ€" "And you will never speak harshly to me?" Heâ€" "Never." She â€" "An<l you will give up all .your bad habits?" He â€" "Every one of them." Sheâ€" "And you will be amiable with mamma?" Heâ€" "Ves." !rheâ€" "And pnpo?" Heâ€" "Yes. ' Sheâ€" "And you will always do just what mamma wants you to do?" - H<â€" "Yes." She â€" "And just what papa wants you to do?" "Yes." Sheâ€" "And Just what I want you to do?" He â€" "Of course." Sheâ€" "Well, I will be yours; but I fear I am making an awful inistalce," Wifeâ€" "Well, if the husbands of olhor women don't give them any more to put in their>8 you give me to put in mine, tha thief would starve to death." Do not let a cold settle on your cnf^s. ilesorc to ItiekJu's Anti-Concump- live .Syrup at tllf Urst intiniation of i irritation in the throut and prevent dis- easo irom Induing ui the pulmonary or- {i;uns. Kejjiecteri colds are the 'cause of untold suffering throughout the country, all of xvh;ch could have prevented by the applicution of siinplo bvit powerful uiedicuic. Ijrict;, 2i cents, brings it wiUiin reach of all. been this Tho the It will gi^v« this increase, and more, besides giving the plumage a better gloss, and in every v.-ay tcep-- icg them in tip-top health, also making the chicks hardier. For the winter laying cf eggs tliere is nothing as good en this or any otlicr marltet. Keep your hens from fretting by using HERCULES LOUSE KIL- LER. Try it and see the diflfcrencs in the weight and egg production. Notiiing better for keeping the henhoure clean than CLYDES- DALE CARBCLrNE ANTISEP- TIC. Ail Clydesdale Preparations are |3c!d under a POSITIVE CUAR- IaNTEE Or SATISFACTION or I money cheerfully relunded by Uie â-  dealer. ICLYSSSQAif Stock Poqo Co., I,initsd, Taronto, S^S Mrs. McCallâ€" "I do wish I could get a good maid." Mrs. Vandine â€" "You might interview mine. I think she'd be delighted to go lo yoU." Mrs. McCall â€" "Hut why don't you keep her?" Mrs. Vandinoâ€" "Oh, she won't stay! She says she wants a place where she won't have so nuiny dresses and hats to tako care of." DIIioURneKs.. Hurdons Life. â€" Tho hiUous ninn is never a companionable iiinri I e- cuiise his ailment renders liiin morose and gloomy. The complaint is not o dangerous as it is disagreeable. N'ei no olio need suHer from it wJio Ci.n procure Parmcleo's Vegetable Pills. Uy regulating tho liver and obviaiin^ :â- ,- efTects of bito in tho stomach t!iHy tiv store men lo cheerfulness and fiiU' vigor ol action. Customer â€" "And do you guarantc« these trou.scrs all wool?" lUey â€" "Veil, thir. I von't detheivc yer; tho buttonth ith brath." f anl'Sht Sctn is tetter then otlioT loaps, but ii belt wken uiad ia tha Snahuii way. Buy Sunlight Boap uad foUow diroou&aa. Paughterâ€" "I cannot give .lack up, father. I shall die if 1 do!" Father- "You must never see him again. I will buy you a new set of furs!" Daughter- "Well, dear father, I sup- pose I must try and be bravc. When will you take me to choose the furs?" II Are you a 5U0oror with corns? you aic, got a bottlo of Jlolloway » Corn Cure, to fail. It ha.s never been known Hnwaro of the man who is acting the part of tho "good faithful servant." only and Dr. Von Stun'9 P«n»applo TaWet*. â€" Meilicol .suieiico by accident di.'icovercd tho potency of the pineapple as a panacea for stomach troubles. Tho im- mense percontHK" ol vegetable pepsin contained in the fruit malse.i it on iil- mtist indispensable remedy in cases of dyspepsia and indigestion. Ono tablet alter each moe.l will euro most chronic cases. Ui) in u box, 33 cents.â€" 3a IlKCIN AT HOM13. If you thiidt you can't make tho whole world happy, just get yourself in that condition, and tho worid will soon come to jou for tho recipa. DODD'S KIDNEY > PILLS "Talk about your tender-hearted men," said tho garrulous indi idual, slJeaking of his fiiend'. "that man is so tender-hearted that ho will the street to a'>oid meeting men that owe him money." Deafness of 12 Years' Stand;ner. â€" Protractcil Catarrh produces ileaf- rieirs in :imny ru^cs. Ciipt. lien. Con- nor, ol Toronto. Canada, was deaf for 12 yeu'^s lli'.n t-;;liirih. All l.ce»«L> meats failed lo relieve. Dr. Agnew's Catarrhal fowder guve him mlief in one day, and in a very short while the deafness left him entirolv. It will do as much for you. .50 cents. â€" 33 Pmotloal Every day Leasons on FARM ACCOUNTS for 750. post fuiU. FARM PUB. House, Bo I 123. (2iii:h&in,04t ror th* Tto belt mmi font vetk to tba "mmSH AMERICAN DrUNO et." Leoli Cer aaMt In rwtr tava, m ••â- Â« «b«e*. Mmitroal.Tarooto, Ottawa, Q«ak«% IPUHF5 lACHtrtC CO.u»,i, HAmLTm ORT. RIGHT, BUT LEF1\ Miss Bute â€" Oh, yes, I feel pretty sure of him. I rejected him when he ! lirst proposed because I was positive ! ho would try again. Miss Key â€" You were right; he did try again and I accepted him last night. D. H. BAST EDO & CO. MAHK Ttns T)ISTTNfTIO>f : A purely local disea^.o of tho skin, like hai-bar'R itch, is cured by Woavor'a K'erato :ilono. But where the l)liii>*i ia loa«led with inipui-ity, such a.s Salt Rheum, Wearer's Syrup phuuhl be used GOT NO HELP. Mrs. Kindleigh â€" "I suppose, my poor man, that you are a victim of circums'.ances?" Oliver Mudd â€" "No, mum, .I'm a self- made man." Useful ot aii Times. â€" In winter or in piiram^r Parmelee's Vegetablo Pills will cope witii an.t overcome any irregulari- ties oi the digestive organs vvhicli chani;e of diet, cntin^e of Ie^idcncc. or variation of temperature may bring about. They should be alwayn kept at hand, and oiico their beneiii-ial itction bi'comos known, no ono will ho witL»»ut them. Thoro is nothing nauseating tii their structure, and the most delicate can U."C thum conXidently. NEW DEAL. "Will yoii marry me?" "You must give me time.'' "To think it over?" "No, to break my other engage- ments. '- Sait Rheum, Tettor, Eozsma. â€" These distressing skin diseoscs relieved by one aj. plication Dr. Agnow's Ointment is a potent cure for all eruiitions of tho skin. Jas. tiaston. Wilkei barre. say.s: •â- Kor nine years 1 was dishgurtd with Tetter on my hands. I'r. Agnow's Oi'iLmont cured it. "-35 coats. â€" 31 MAUK'S GUA.T1TUDK. Amongst Ihe many stories that are told in conn.'Ction with .'\InrU Twain there is one that is little Known, but which deserves a place with the best. When th.o famous humorist was married to Miss Langdon. a beauti- ful in Bullnlo was given as a weildiiig present to the newly-weilded pair by the bride's father But every bit of information concerning the gift had bcin kept an entire se- cret from tho ImUy bridegroom until at Inst he was being shown through tho brillianlly-lighU-d house, myster- iously filled with kinsmen and friends. Then tho young wife di- vulged the important Bccret. "It's ours." said she, looking up delightedly into hor husbands face. "It's yours and mineâ€" a present from father." The announcement was such that for a moment or two Mark Twain was entirely overcome by the feel- ings which had thus been stirroti within him. All eyes Were turmsl curiously in his dirintion, and then, when he had partly reguiined control, he replied. Vlis eyes were wet with tears and his voice was choking "with emotion, but his thoughts expressed themselves humorously even then. "Mr. Langdon," said he, "when- ever you are in BuiTalo, if it's twice a year, you como right up here and bring your bog along with you. You may stay overnight if you want to. It sha'n't cost you a cent." ASKED FOU HELP. It is perhaps natural that litt'o children should expect their small supplications to be answered literal- ly Wo can sympathize with tho small boy over his sums, who sail to his governess in a puazled, half- indignant Voice: "t can't do my sunvi, I can't; and I did ask God to help mp, and He's mado throe mis- takes already." Mind your own business. 'Your business will not mind itself, »nd nobody will mind it tor. you. VTT : =^F«» MAKUFACTUREm- i.«a LADIKS' AND MENS fUB ANO FVB- UJiEU COAf.S of every kiud. Kreothing in Fui-s at close prices. THE TK.iUt: SUP- PLIED. Send f jr catalog. â- AW FUr.8 WAtlTIP. SKD FCB PBICB LIST Mamma â€" "So you want to give your dear teacher a present?" Tom- my â€" "Yes, ma; I'd like to give her some of that cheap toffi'e like 1 the other <lay." "Why Tommy, that was what made you so ill." "Yes, ma, I know it was." WH.VT DO PKOPLK NEEn whci ,%re ran down autemic. p*lo. li-itless^r' " Korrovim." tha heSt tonic. It huilrts. make* str-ing, itsives new life. There are many tonics but only uae " KreroTiin. That deal you have just engineered will be a feather in your cap." "A feather in my cap!" ochoinl tho finan- cier. "It will bo a whole bunch ot feathers in my wife's hat." Tho Bao!(ach3 Stagre may ho just that incipient form of kidney disease which, if neglected, will develop into Btubborn ond distres.ting disorder that will toko long teilious irealmcut to euro. Don't neglect the 'bnckncho stago" of tho moht insidious of dis- eases. South Amoricau Kidney Cure stops tho achu in six hours luid curoa. WAniN'G FOR HIM. "Now," said Miss Patience, "you'd better go up and speak to pupa." "Oil! " exclaimed Mr. Slokoche, who had finallv projiosed, "is he up yet?'S "Yes, he's waiting for you in tijo sitting-room if he hasn't got tired ar.A gane to lied."' for 33 Years ShiloK's Coiuumption Curn, the Luns Toui.:, Ills been Iwiore llie public, ana lliis, Isjc'iher with the fact tnat^its ulet have steadily incicatcd year by year, it tKa b«t proof Ol the merit of at a cure for Cought, Col<l«, ami all diicaset of the lungs itnd air psssaget. Those who Iiave used Sbilolt would not be wilho^{ it. Those wt»o have never uird it should know tlut c/ery )x>ttls it told Willi a potilive guarantee that, if it doesn't cure you, the dealer will refund wliat you paid for it. Shiloh Has Cured thousands of the most obstinate cases <^ Coughs, Colds and Lung ttoubles. Let it cura you. "L«it winter 1 cous'icd (of ihr?« month* &wl ibocsM t WM goina into Connim^ion. I took aII lotts at medicine*, but nothtns aid m« any sooo until 1 uaed ShiUmk Cdowmpuon Cure. Four boiitetcutn] me. This winter 1 hand avefybsd cold, wa»not nbla to cpe4k. my Itiof* w«o lortt on ihe tide and back. Six bo|[!ci cf Shilob rawla me well asain. 1 K«v« tiven it to people mk) every on« cf Ihcm h«ve been cuTcd.â€" D. Joseph. St. HyKuube. Que." 6ok 5HILOH 25c. with guarantee at all Jruggista, HOW CAUF.LESS! "Kvorybody is wondering who brought that young Dobson to tho church social. The lirst thing ho did was to sit down on a custard pie." "Mado a bad impression, eh?" HELP WANTED. Panarta •! eiUiar sex dMirIng to maktv^Ts t» tu par wMk at h*iaa tn whah or spar* ttiao anilac tb* tall and i^tntar iiMnUia, In an antltaly naw arid Mghly raiaanaraMTa bualnau that will baar tkeraoah InTaaUfatlaa dam) stamp (or Utastntad baoklat and Tall paiticulam. ugimuui. SUPPLY co., uoaiiaal tasaja no. 4^-o6.

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