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Flesherton Advance, 2 Nov 1905, p. 1

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*Si tvlion ••TRUTH BEFORE FAVOR." â€" "PElNCIPLEb NOT MEN." VOL XXiT, NO 1240 Flea hie rt on, Ont., Thursday. Noveix.ber 2 lOO^ W. H THnilSTON. ^-^i^r^S lETOH ^i»> mim MS Going To Get Married ? If sr) yon will want a nica weiJdinjt ring. We hiivu thiin in a great variety and at jii«t the ri^Ut priCCH. Going To A Wedding ? If*) y<iu will want • take a jirvsent ali>ni,'. We have too ni:'.iiv iH»ant i£ul DI.ACK WOOD CLUCKS whioli \ie will i>ellatci«t fur ti:e next iifteen days. ThiD iri«u;i (>!^un thinx to yuu. M:iku a note of it. These are siiit.ible forKetteral use. Seo t'ie:ii. OJ* J3rt!istrond> FLESUtRTON, OKT r js- t^^ Industrial Home Notes (liij ail ImimU) A Charming Picture ! A mmpU copy of ilie uew prenntutn picture ipsued l)y the fiiniiiy Heia!<.l and Weekly Star, of Montreal, lins come to hind. It m curtainly a Jeridttd change , from tlieir [jiuiures ot foriuer y-ai-s, and a channel'iu will ho aijpreciHted. It is e"tuled "Queen Alexauilra, Her Grind childien, and Do-*." a most charming and iuierc>tit!« sutjoet. It portrays Queen Alexandra on a vikiI to th« Royul | , Keimela, »cc<.u>paniwl liy hor jjnindchild Iren. The picitire of the Quwn and ib« i chiMrcn is i»4-exctllent one. and hand- ifiouie CfiHiea and hound.i are so lifulike â- one falls in love with the picture at once. All subscribers lo iliat i^ieiit ' Afukly will reciivB a copy of this beauti- I ful picture, sizo 22 x 28 i"che.'<,ah8.ilutely frvf, on receipt of one ilollar f<ir a year's I suliKcnption, The publish'rs of the I Kunitly derald have also isNued thia i« hoiik of ininieni^e oloe lo farnieis. 'll is eutulod "The Fanner's Mauiialand I Ve eriiiary Ouide.' This bood !â- Â» said i by oouipetout authorities to be tiro best of ,the kind ever issued It Cannot be i bt'ujtlit, but can be hud free'on conditions i winch may l)e had on ap|il'i.jiili.>n at ihiH I flico, or by wiiiini; to the Family Herald a>id Wnekly Star, Moutreal. M-S8 Mafrgiis Specm, of BVverstiaui, is ^ Ttuit niih'tbe Hitses Meuipbiil uf the tt..:i . tine. Vir .J as. WiltMiu'n tine brick residunce ia r^ci;iviDg iti Rnisbiiig touches and will soon be rea'ly for it,^ occupanld wliicli wa hope luay live lung to enjoy itj cvuiforts. The Exact Tmng for Constipation ".Isacerlain^i^kative and stomach pur- ifier Charaberliiti^^t^rfRach and Liver Tableta seem *o be the «!UioC tbim; required, ati-onp entnijjh for the moiit rtrtjnst, yet mild enough and safe for chftdifn and without that ten iW e eriping socutHmon to mout purRalives, " .tay K. S. Webster JtCo., Udora, Ontario, Canada. l?or sale by W. E. Kicbardsun. MawKfH McFarland, Stafford & Go's- Big Store MAl^KDALE, ONXA1<IO Grey County's BIGGEST and CHEAPEST STORE ;:l| ^^ ' Wo IrubC the yt.Miial editor of this paper will have Rii wnjoyiblM reeesa after the dose atteiit.on to the busy Imsinebs of Uiseaiiciuui dur:n>5 the [wst busy yeari we also trust he will bo lewarded with ilio Hen;leiuan .tporthiuau's luck by capturing n bij; baa full; and we further hope that he will, «.< usual, give lo lii« readers a fortluw Following is a short ref iwt of the recent S:ilrbatb School Conyentmn held hers ou Oct 4, rcfferred lo in last week'* is»Oc: The moetiu!? was otiened by siiii^int.' 'â- â€¢To the Work," and prayer by Dr. Cald- well. Mr. .J. A. KelateaJ, President, oc- cupied riio chair and delivered an excel- lent tflipromptu address explaiinntj that The work of tha S. S. wa-i a noble one and one in which all should fuel « deep inierent. The object was to teach ih.- great tiU'ln of the Bible and lead souls into the fold. The teachur lud innuy difficuUieH to contend with. ITiero were many iiiHuenceB at work ty» i«rn the child away into evil paths, but after hII a ucoess had been achieved and the bright side. The co-operation of parents was inip.Tiant. »»ocoi.d'd lu bA).'i?'n)? asolitiry porcupine Tuu»8d»y U»t. »isitin',{ day, wan of an Wti^iiccdeOttU character; there were about â- <^ visilois ill; of wtrom were ladies, not a tingle suntlei'.ian. noriuarii».Hl one eitjier, came near us ou that day.but perhaps they weio eujaged either in <i scrub hunt or ihooiiiig match for tlmnks-jiviuii turkeys. Your cor. had a pleasant cill from the , t i Mioses l,i^z.e and Margaret McAril.ur of j wonder u success SctlleuKiit ou Friday ufteruoou hist ! «<•' "'"'"W look at ,;y the way, whit htv, happened to the ^'^^J^ i.„ ,„,i,d „., ,, , .y . Slimo.Sottlou.cnt conespondent, surely .^J^" :^',;J,°,, The brightesr and bt t j^::\^^.^oC'^'i^et.:i.:::xr;:::^ ;XntU needed^ ^^'^:i:;^^-^ ,y„ r^ced half a do^u souvenir po..t '^'^^^'-"^:^ ^ kT on '11:' nflu:" oat^s w.ih a vtow of .he House of Ke uge, Kj- ^- ^ g ^ oommunity. If ^r ;^"\e:;t::;:iy*lt:rt:d. --klaway the ^^^^^M, Schoo.^ .he ^,1 ^wor..h the price . arned .. the* -^^-^ ^ Xec^t f ^'^urJtr: .uUoa..Htos-d,l.Uoho, caku.«.si«.. ^^-^^j^f^^.j ,,i.„„. s„.„j,y ^.,„..,, ^X;:t^;dirT:Lto Daily News wore the mostiu^lll^n. The ♦ l.«t U- l.ev.Uo claims the honor ot J^,j^;'J^';';;^, '„'aav School. S.ho!a,s a restdeut woo served as. hoy on the ^' ;-^,"='J^ ^^^^ ,„,.y,.,t« and the ^^t ti-ininR ship \ ictory (Lord Nelson s Bag '";^'\ JJ^ ^^ ^^ foundation on which .bip*.ri;atalK»r) Ueylou can al o claim f^'Xlu^^t..^. A man con ,ke* in.h.- prm.uof o. r old "> '^'H ^ ^^^ f^ ,,„|j <..,„ver..,d « estconed fraud Mu Alexander McKue ^""'^ ^ \l,A L th« n-n-h S P deck ot the Ag..«menno.i of the but.le of I » -^^^ ""V^ , ^. ^^^^^ ,., i„ Aim... w:i8 pr. sent with ti.e N.ival Brigade *;«*;;;• gj,,,^,, ,,^hi,-K. c*n *t liikerma.n, was lu tUo ranks ashore »"« '^"""•♦T*"-"" , .."^ trailing orders as he watched the Charge \tdl the va'«o o< a good a the Liith. Brliadoat Balailavamd was '" ». community. Success In glotbing^ 1 "Distinguished" in a word aptly describes the appearaueo ^ . ^ â- ^,, . - "^"' and fit of Garments from our clothing Department. The sea- owing to the b«4«^ atid heavy ram g^n's greatest achievments in smartness and character of male a wueks ago Moii«# ni^ht, very few ,.,.• i x- i i /-, «-.«.v/uv. v^i . ,. attended the ieuH,;.r>ince meeting. ?^ttire are always tound here. Garments on an equality witU^.. mâ„¢. Neil Mciutyre, and dau!<ht*r, re: f^'g" cUiss cHistom made clothlug at half the pHce or les.s, are tamed to tUeic home ia s«w Berry last o«r prKie. Space wiU allow US to describe only a few lines. "''^'^'^ When you buy clothing choose a safe store; choose a store that M»8 Annte Pa-toD, ot Coii«gwo.^, «^ask;ibut One profitâ€" that^s this store. visiting al Mr. W. U. Guy's. Mrs. Collins returned to hor home in Buffalo after an eip««ide<l vibit with her 20 Men's Fine Oxfonl Grey Frieze Overcoats, in raglan style, K.iig length, roll cuff. brother, Mr. F. Uiitun. ilis, O. IC. Ptestoii is visiting her daiighter, Airs, (llev.) Currie,of iiuuctuu, a«oomp»ai<id by Miss Maiy Ileion, ftlrs. Jlorgaii, of Owen Sound, spent a few days last week with her daujj liter Mrs. Gooige Flt.sher. Miss Lilliu Muri>aii, of Uweu Sound, id visiting at present at Mr. Flvsher's. Mr. Kdgur Biowuridxo leturued home from the Wesn last Saturday. slash poc-kets, velvet collar, etc. best of workmanship and .iuins^s. We secured lhi.4 lino at icbi;^ reduction in. price a^d they would be good value iu the regular way at 8.U0 each. WlijJa they last the price will be j.yj 15 only Men's Fiuo Navy Blue Ceaver Overcoats, single breast s'yie, medium leiigtli velvet collar, best of wcu-kiiiansliip aud triinmings. This is a very dressy ovorooar and at our piice is extruordinai.y value. Only 5.C() Men's Fancy. Tweed Qvercoafs in new Img loose style, with or without half belt, straight pockets, tine alV Wool English tweeds in singleand douhlu breast«d .ityle, be«t; of lining.* au.-i work3ia:ish>t;, sixss 30 to H. Very durahld and stylish and splenditi value at 10.00 i Men's Fine DpKS Overcua's, uew loiigf length ii|.ftno wool, beaver or melton, in shadeii Mr. W Guv Mr Al, Kro*nrid^e aud ' '! ''"^^ "-^f'''^ grey, iia*^ bUio and bfack, uiadtfiu the very latest stylo by tho highest fllrn. « . Uuy, Mr. AD Urownridge au<l ,.j ,^^ workmen, all sizes at S:VQ, 10 aud 12 00 Mr. S. Biowuiidge altei.dud the funeral _ ., . « of their brotlu»r, Mr. Geo. Broivuridgw.of | MeW'j Heavy Frie*Wstprs, made from good wocl Canadian frii-K.-, in .shades of oxford I . »iid brown, 54 inches long, lariie ti inch collar with throat tab, slash or .straiKJit pouk- laa wee-. , ets, heavy t*»eed lining', a comfortable and duroblo coat for stormy days and oxtranr- 4.iH) Thorubury, W'oan) Kladtto hear at time u( writing that Miss M >y Parlmtnent, who has been beriously ill, is recovering. Mr. Wes. Cliiitou has returned home from the West. Mr. aud Mis. Robert Pliilhf>9, -of Tor^ | ^j^.,., ^^.^,^^ js^^^f^^ -^ assorted .shades, qualities and w^iaht^ bos-, of linin-^s and onto, sptMil thauksgiviDg day with fi<.end.i j workmanship. You couldn't beat our qualities at 3.00, 3.90, 4.90 and ° G 3 J hole. dinary vailue at our price, "Only Men's Extra Heavy Frie^o Ulstow-j ma4o from the beat Canadian wodI frieze in d.iric oxfoid urey shades, large collar, long fcimth, half belt, lined wiili ^h^vy tweed aud interliBod all throMgU wi;h risbher, a frost, wind and blizzard resistcr. Guud valuu »' 10.00 ,,, ^, . , .. ,,. , r Men's CravBiiefte Uain Co»t.<«,in rich shades of dark oxford (trev, lined all throueh witii We thnik It would be a wise plan for our | ^^^^.y ^^j^i^^ „„„„Hzed Farmer's satin. These coacs have l.-ecome very p<,pular for undutjii I he trenches before Sebasto- pol for some nioiitha previous to tukinir part ill the fall of that atroiigho:d in which his ship boro thi* brunt uf the l>a tie. The 5Ut aniiivemry uf Inkenuau is close at hand oM friend and may yuu live to sje it and many uiore. Henry Tauiblyii of Koppel, was admit ted to the Institution on Friday last. He is uow the youngest man in lh« house, being only 40, but is afflicted with heart disease, and haviuK no friepd-', is unable to luaintaiii himself. The number of in- iiiaies at prebout is men, 23, women, 10, tutal, 32. One of the old feUows is at present in durance vile f;T habitual swearing. Swaaiing ib absolutely forbiddrn iu this iustituilon, aud thu uiaiiager is justly de- teruiiuud Co stamp it Mit, but in iheiiicar. oarated one the habit is *o dbep-routud tiukt it will be a difficult natter lo eradi itetM it, and althuugb it be hurtful to the f oeliims of : hn iuaitag«r lo be uiiddT the wUigatiouof comuiiUiugtws di aiy contiue- uMUt uteii of the de!iui(Ueiit ag«, yot it uiust bu doue tu HMUiiaia distHpliiio. Municipal uuttUnatiuo day this year will ue huld ou VtHty, Owx. 22ud inst«>d ul as usual ou tb« ta«t Monday ut the â- ItMith wbiuh tbi« yaar bappttits to bo Chrtstiuaa. Tb« statute provide wImu thu Ust MiNiday uf (he uioiilk is Obristnias, uoiuinatiuu* shall lake placu tb« pll:evd UK Friday, but election day <will b« uD Muuday just the sMue although >)( is New YvMt's dagr. lid not end went on and Coiifm-ius •"» years." A I' hen mail or woman leacber's iiiHuo'ice his life end«<l, but -jn. aiid in the words of tesieher livesa thiusand Mrs. H. FIolmaiK Miss V. Nicholson and Mr. F. W. NicholH.m were hastily called away to the death be<l of their mother. Wis J. P.Nioh-jIson.of Oak»ille. The deceased lady was f-.r many years a much iwpectcd resident of thi^ neighbor- hood. She wa.s stricken with paraiysts 1 Thursday I9th inst. and passed pu.tce- fu'Iy to her rest on the following day. The special meetings at M<miit Zimi church aro being coniiiiuel this weeK Tbo ini Brest in them has lieen steadily growing and so far much has been acoom plished. Ths past-r, Uev. J. B. Waas, b;<s bcon unlinug in b"« eff Tts and the pr<*p.ot« are a rich fruit- ! at.'« of souls tarneretl in as a reward for his labor*. Ainon^ olbets who have asaisted iu the work are IU»IX«. Caldwell, Re». L. W. Thimi, Rev.H. B. Kompand Mrs. Nicholsun. Mr. aud M.s. Thomas Taylor spent a couple of days viaiting with tho Utter's parents near Markdal«. Miss Kats WaddelL of Oronrs visited with her oouain Mrs. T. R. MoKensio. MiM Kuiiua M*K<»e, of Eugoaiisis ? isit- iog friends in this vicinity. Mr. Ueo.Thonipaon has leased his stole property here and wi I reiiiuVe.ia the near future, to Chatsworth where he purpose* diir«giU2 iu the implemeut busiusss. councilmen to view the roads iu our village and sue if arything out Wus* cau eijual us for mud. Mr. Walter Kcrloii spent Sunday at Mclnlyre. Wo could ivdvisa some of our' young nteiiwho g" huutiiii> not to start too early in the morning, it is bt'ter to wait, till daylight. The Women's Institute intend hoKling their annu'il fowl sui>per lU. Mr. J. Mi.^- den's 8tli line on N"V. Oh. Uev. Mr. Scot', of K.iveiiDS, occupied the piilpit ill iho Methodist church bun day evening. Mr. Stujirt of the 3id liae pitsaod away on Sunday morning at the ri|>e old a^e of iiine'y six. The remains were hud to r€»t on Monday afiemouM at St. Mary's cemetery. R«v. Mr Franklio conducted tho funeral service. Mr. Stuart was one of the oldest set tiers iu Osprey. Wo-lJiug boUs are ringing iu our village, Mr. \Vh». Kinnew and Mr. Scutt lefi on MiMiiay ftir a few weeks bunting in Pairy S<»uiid. _ â-  I ^i 1 1 ' A ''Whtexy" Chest. Means your trouble is deep-seated. To delay isdaiiuerous. All the intlammation wii; 1)0 drawn <jut in one day by applying Nerviline. Is penetrates through the pores of tho skiti, relieves iiiHaiiimatioii and 1 his prevents »e«i«u« conseiiuencos. For ^oro throat, woak client and tendency to colds, no prescription is better than Poison's Nerviline. For nearly fifty years it hn« btron Cana»l«'s great house- hold rnmedy. Twe;ity-fivo cents buys a large buttle. all seasons wear, ilie cloth is sho*or proof and at the same lime very dressy that ipake •.hem suitable for either sunshine or rainy weather. Usually ten dollars, our Piioo ' 8.90 Boys' Fjimcv Tweed Ovorcoa's, in rnglan stylo with slash pockets, half belt, slrap cutf velvet collar, etc. Very Jres,sy and durable, sizoi 21 tu 30, for 4.0l» Boys' Friece Ulsters in oxford arays and browns, long lengths, large collars, welted si'aiu.s, slush pockuts, exactly like the men's ulsters, sizes 23 to 30 at ;i.2Q Li' tie Gents' Fancy Tweed and Beaver Chiih Coata. made up in very dressy stylus, I itge pearl buttons, fancy linings, etc., for ages 3 to 7 years, prices run at 4.00, 4 60 anxi 6.0U Boys Frieze â- Reefers, good cloth, good lining.s, goc-d wurkmauship and good styles, sizes 32 tu 32, usually sold at 3.50, this year •i.SU PAN ION for 1005 Slid the "Miuutem" Calen- der fur 190(>, lithographed in twelve colors and Full illustrated Aniiounoement of tho new volume for IIKMJ will bosuut with sainplo copies of t'le paijcr toanv aililress free. TU K YO I'TUVS CO.M PAN ION 141 Berkeley S'reet, Boston, Mas*. The Companion a5 a Christinas Gift. Ciuiyou lliiiikof agift mope ccrtaia to be acceptable than » vear's sulwcriptioa to TH K YOl' TU'S CO.ViPAN ION? Is there any one, young or old, who, ono« having the paper in iiis h.-uida and liKikcd through it, did ii»t wish to possess it for his very own? U is a if ift which, far from losine its fr«ihn«« as Cbristmas re- cedes into the past, gKiws mors delightful, more Dvoeasarr to oiii-s enjoyuiout Week by w««k. - , . Thohoy likes it.,f"rit,r<jBc-ct8 in its pMos e»«ry boyish taate and every Hn* bo.vishasplr- atiuu. Thefather likss it, not only foi' Itafic- tion but foritsfnndofinfurmation of the urao- ticalsort. The girl likes it for the •tori«s,«neo- dotes, sk«l«h«saiid sditbrialartiolss ^Dtwl in each number eqxMiaUr for her. The mother likes it foritastorieiiof domestic lifeauiHamily affection, for it.s chihireu's page and mediciU ar- ticle. Onracviptof $1.75, the yearly subscnpticn urioe, the publishers wilt seud t<i ihrnrw sub. wiber all tlie reiuaiiUMg issues of TUli COM* Soma time a^o Huuh Black, farmer, Ekfrid, brought action against the C. P. R. 10 recover damaites for two coits killed on the trsck. The cuse was tried lieforo « jury and the plaintiff wivt awarded dam- ages. Tho C, P. R. appealed tho case. The former. judj(mcnt giving Black $'J00 for his oolis, with icsls, was confirn ed, aud aUo full costs on tho appeal. â€" Mt. Forest Rep. Subscribe ^ Fur the Advance for one year and receive the Montreal Herald ass premium. We will alwo Kive tho Advance till the end uf tho year, free. Tho above offer is only fur those who pay atiictly iu advance. Mr. and Mm. Biown, and children, I'f Toronto spent a f«w daysdu'i!tiiK,'tlte past wrek with Mrs Brovid's sister, ftAis.V Rev.) Caldwell. When you want ^ plsaCaol pljVsia try Cham- b«rlain'8 Stomach and Liver Tahlets. 'Hlev are easy t<i take and liri'duM n«> griping or other unpleasaut elf cct. Sold by W.K. RicMrdaou. All exchange says :â€" there will be lifty- throo Sundays in tUis year, an occurrencit that will not happen axain for 110 years. This extra Sunday can be utilized in at. tending church, calling on yjur best girl, reading the boiiptures, playing with the children or brenkii.g a two year old c<dl. One hundred and teu years from thid dale you will probsbly be paying tho penalt* or enjoyinu ihe pleasure for the wayyuu clioosti tu spend tile extra Sunday. ONLY ONE Cure for Asthmsi Some medicines deaden the disrase temporarily, but Cameron's Asthma Cure cures pemianeutty. It is taken in- tvmaliy and tbua comes in contact with the lrounie<) directly, remuvinit it ttdoi tliD nystein in a natural maA ner. > [ Ft-ice 12.00 pt>r bottle k^ (M drd)(gi^^s or Reht- direct on receipt ^ prtck. Pru^red only by D. A. CAMERON, fVhiU Ftui^ Druff Stvri.

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