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Flesherton Advance, 26 Oct 1905, p. 8

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OdOREU 20 1905 THE FLESIIERTON ADVANCE The Markets. <'arcritlir I'orrt-rtcd KncJi Mievl OaU U9 2« p^,.,, C.) to (io IJiii.-y '*•'' to *'' r.atter 5 8 'o IK Kiijis f resli 18 tn IK Chickens 7'° ** Ducks "to !> <;,.c,o 9t" '-> ))ay I'l C i^" '•otaliius Ue ... 40 to 40 Wheat 70 to TH Turkeys W^to 1^^ Came Astray. Two ewos Willi 1«inl« cami' to mv preinl»e8. Tlitie »..)<) kwpk l.m iio({R kllliil ono Ownor kiiKilv iiiov.i propsity, pay uxi)eu6e» »« J laku till) csamo aw>iy. _ ^. J. J. THOMPSON. Flo«h«rto'i,Sflpt. 13, 190S. K^fanc)ardt Jjank (of Canada) Has of)ui:t'J a lininch ofHL'O in FlcKliei- ton, «klicre a jjciieml banking Inisim-ss will be traiisHCtod.. Monty available for le/itiin.ilo l)U^illess eiltcriiri.soM. DRAFTS I'.OUGHT AND SOLD on all points it. Canada amUlie Iniitid States. Interest allowed on depofiits of 81.00 Ri.d upwiirds coiiijjoiinik'd, Imlf ycuily. G. IVIitcliell Agent. \yzrs Do you like your thin, rough, short hair? Of cousse you don't. Do you like thick, heavy, smooth hair? Of course you do. Then why [air Vi rLESHERTON. Local Agents Wanted ALi)iic'«for "Ciia.-.d.i'H Greiito-t Nur«er- im" for th« town of KLlvSHEU'lON and EijiToumlinK uDumry, wliioh will be reaor- wd the rii;lit inun. .START NOW at the bcht bi-llin;- ncft.s..n. iin.l liniidlo our nx'.v HpcciiiitiuH oti lib- oral turnis, Wiito for |iariicu!nrH nnd send 2.5o. for luir Imnihonio idii iiiiiiim poikit iiiioro HCiipii, (u liltlo yrin) iiKuful to : t''iirii its. in examiliiiii.' i^uudR ami [;rrtin.'.; Orclmrd i^il.s, in eXiiiiiiniiig trcis for insi'o.ts; Ti!9c!i- \\M anil Niliolain in stiulyint! liotaiij, and ovorybody m a liurnlrod diH'orctit way.s. Stone & Wellington (oviiuHOO Ac'Ki;s) Toronto - • Ontario y.innjt men and wnnivn should take a courKe ut truluiiii,' in i>h.>i't!miid and typewritiu); at OWKN aoUXl;, Thoie id a larife dfiniiid »li>nii(»ri\|ihcr«, vi-ry niiicli wi|)ply, .\tlimm<h an 1 prtctl^al ihf fiillmvini,' subji-uts;â€" «li,ir ^yteni, tiiiiuh tvpowntinif, pi lin<{, letter ttritniir aml);i.'iior. Ktudoala iiiiiiiitt«<l nt any tiin \Mn sent til any addri'mi iicii. C. .V. FLK ONT. for yiiing men Urgur than tlio oii'irHe in:1udinir thanil, I'itin^in'.i iMiUKuinliip, miel- al ollitit' pr.irEice, I'. l''ii!l pu'tiou- Addrt'sH MMINU. PrUi. HIQhf CLASS PICTURES. . Tlu> plii'i' lo 1,'et t!iu bust Plioto!! 18 *.t lULMKUS PUOTOOllAPH (JALLEKY. ;SPnCIAL ATTENTION W» pay .SpeomI Atten'iontfl Copying and llabii h' pioturu.s. i'i.'turo fram- ing a api'cialty. Try us for any kind of pictiirea nnd w« will proininuRaiisfaction. not be pleased? Aycr'sHair Visor makes beautiful heads of hair, that's the whole story. Sold for 60 years. " I liiTO a«cd A^er'j Hair ViKor for a lonit tlia«. It is. Indnod. a wouderfui liair tonic, t.illi<h.ilr nnd acnlp. an<!, at tUe samo time, iiruvtoK a aiilendid (JreftSlnp. Da. J. W. Taixm. M*dlll, lud. T. ! a hottlt. All driici!t»tK. fori J. C. AT»E CO., I.r>ffi.ll. Maaa Weak Hair! V •^ s inl In Furniture The lavgost and best Htock of fiirnitun; ovcrsi in FlcslitT- tun. Tliia without fe.'ir of contra- diction. Come and see some of tlio iiico things in Sideboards Dining noorr\ Cl^alrs Parlor Setts Bed Roorn Setts A special reduction just now on everything in order to reduce the slui-k, W. H. BUNT. xrunnititre S/Jett/en L ^ Hesklon - OeI. e^v J Bl'sinkss Card.s M'cuLbouan & youno *l HMiiliiT M.iVkilalo Jon ^'nnoral I>Hiikii)f{ businor.H. ^toI)cy loauen a rouKoriablti ruto Call on uh. a J Sl'ltOUl.K roxtIua8ti:r, FlcuhcrtOD voniinlsslocpr in H.C. J., Allct^on^er Con foyiiiiunr, Appnilscr and Monuv I.endoi Kinl Kstatd unil liipinanco Aciint. Uoivli ii!o\ lucres, lea-ios anl willn cartfiilly ilrawn lip an 1 vixliialioiiH mado on "liortpm ncticiv money to loan at l.iwest rates of intoi uRt. Col ooti.iiiii attoiidixl to with promptnchf cbnrfuii low. Asont for dcean Iloniiuior SKiaiunhip Company. A call solicited. Societies AG D M" meets oi. t»io last Monaax ID eaon niontli, in tli.>ir low room" Clirlsioii'8 block. I'luinorton. at 8 p.iii M.W., \, Iliinisoii ; Uocoiilor. ,)«». Kol^lnul ; Klnnii olor, W..I. Hoi. amy. ViBltinK bvntlirco ii.vllcti piuNCJo Aurnuii i.odue, no. tos.afa I A '.t, moats in tlio ^ra«oull:hHll, Strain't litiiuli. KliiBliiirton. rvi'ry Krlrlnv on or lifforc (lj« lull n'otii. Jiiliii Wrislit, \VM.; C. N Hieliar Don, HiiL/otMy. pilUT Fr.HRHKUTOK, W)H. . I. P. F. n eetn It. " Chilstoii'H lilook tlin last FridnycvonlnK <^f Da"li Piontli. ViaitliiK Fnicntnrs liniirMlv wilcnir.,.. v.. n., T.roniftold; It.C. W. llnskiii; Kin. Kce., II. A. I"l«a«e pay diifs toll, .». WiPeit on or boforo till' liiit (lay of tl.o iiruceeling iiiontli, (I'lr.SKX riill^NDS-PlnaliMtnn ('onnoll ol " I'lin-en KrifliiilH nmotn In ClavtonV linll (lr»l and tliliil WrhKnilav of rkch mnmb; li p. ni. Phv ausi'i'smcntii tn tliejiofordi-r on orlicfou frp flrHt. r'avot eiioli month. Chief Councillor T. l)l»liBU'V;llPCOf(ior, W. If. Bm.t. ^ydtiuhani atroet, Fleihertuib Medical ni; cahtbu " M (! I' * H Ont. rhyalnlan. Rnrgcon. ttc Jinoo aun rosHoneoâ€" Potor »t , Pleftititon QIl A.T. nr»!n " UrMi.jitf. Toronto Univereltv. Mou). b.n-of(i..,la.i(> Crllrnooj riivniollanN and Siir- go.>u». Ma.-iwcll. On'. Siicccsiior to Or. Hctt J r OTl'I.UVl.ll.lj Volerlimry anrK«on Orijdnato of OnUvIn Votmlnnry Colle..* â€" BMoii,! door sr.ntli WK^t '•â- â€¢ Miov mrott. Thi« Preslivterlaii Obi.roli. ctreot rniiB aoutl. U Wn.HON, Illaeksnilth ,' , ., Iradnato oltlio Ve'evlnnrv Kclon po»ll8 Jioyil, IIicklii.K'a liHV.lwaro. op- LeoaL r UCA3 wnioriT a mcaudi h " BarrlstnrK SoIiolloiB Conveyanoera, He Omppaâ€" Owon Honnd.Ont anil Marltdale Ont W n WniOHT, Mo^ni.i.R I \\ i,,.cae N IIâ€" Klor.lieiton oBlco, Mitclipiri IIhiiI •very Hatiirday. Denti.stry . n C. MURRAY I,. I\ S, dpnial KnrReo h -no.- uradnnto of Toronto IliilvBiFltv and 'oyil C'oltrnnol Hontal r^oiuoonn of dntario. (Ins KlnilBU'ration for f loth extiartion Omni at roaldenoa, Toioii t,i stroet, Kleoherton D-.K.V. AnMSTnoNn. r.. n H„lIonor Ora.ln o'.iof TnrontoUnl»orp|tv ami Roval Col l„Rnof r>BntalRnig(tonii of ontailo. npp,,,|.,. r-. llulnnri Pliotoprapli 0«il«iv. WllTvi.|. rxwnll flrst and llilrrt Tlinisday of oatli Mruth o.'inineuclng .Inly Sth, «l S. S. Cinvention. Clarksburg Reflector. The Uth annual ooiivention of the East Grey Sunday School A»«oc,iatioii WHS hold at Heathcote on 'J'hi'rsday laKt, Ociotier 12th. The wo.ithor was rather disaureialde and therifnre ihc-e not aslaigean aittndance hh nrght have boon. Tho morning aeasion was openpd wi'.h devotional led by RtV Mr. FrankH, of Ileahcote. After readii g iniiiuten of last couvemion, rtceivin« ro- porlBsnd singing. Rev. Mr Scitt, of Ra- venna, gave an addresu <>n "How tlu- teacher can best rotain t!ie inlere.^t of lii« cUss," in which he said in part, "the teaeher first of all should know tho :;reat central truth, Je.ius Christ, be con- veiled and thus he alle to leach so bk to gain heft resulit, should have a thorough Knowledge to be taught, i-hould start on Monday to pieimio iho It-.s.soh for the next S.ibhath, have an intcnst in and he acquainted with the scholar, and should prny for each member of bis class per- soiiidly. At tho aftornoon tesi m Rev, Mr. Frai.ksgave an addie«s of welcome which was rep ijd ti> hy Mr. \.ii. McL-aii. Mr. Hurt', P. S. I., then iiddrcssed the audience on "The iVodi I Dible Cl»s.s Teacher." Among other thiiiirs he said a model teacher lunsi haven ptnesB t > te»eh, power to ucverii, ability to hold a clans together, a thoroush knowlidge of Bible, should be popular, moral, religioUR, aid not use tobbaoo or liipior and should be a christian and a li.eiuhcr of some chriat- i.iii church. Afte Mr. IIufTs nddresF Rev. Dr. Mc- Lari 11 addri used the i-ebool cliildren on tho "A. 11. C, of tho Gosjitl," ba.sing his remarks in John 3:I(!. He delivered a thoughtful and pleasing address. Tho evening tes.siou was held in the Welhodiht church and ojiened by de\o- tional led by Rev. Mr. b'ranks folloiTed wiili prayer by K.v. J S I Wilson. The report of tho iioiniii.-\ting coiuniitteo was iveeivcd and officers elect ed as therin recoinnieded n» follow.': â€" Frenident. A. D. McLean, Thornbui v. Vice-Pies., Mr UuT, M(jif<iid. Sec'y-treas , F. Dickinson, Thoiiibury. Siipt. Uiiiie Dep,, E Fawco't. Supt. Teacher training. Rev. â€" Scott. Su|it. Piiin-iry Work, Mrs. Hnflf E.XBCUiive, â€" Tiie abov« ollicerR, miii- isteraof the county with Mrs. (Rev,) Youiii;, Thoriilmiy; Mr. Felslead, Flesh eri'.n; Miss Lillie Ur»l)tree.Rocklyn;Mr.-i. Picked, Markdale; Rev. .1 is. lUi'hinan, Dundalk, and ofhcers of the tuwnshiii nBsojmtjons. Rev. Mr. Raiti'ti wvs appointed a del- egate to attend the proviiiciid convention in London o i Oct.iber 24, 'J.'i and ilO. Mark dale was chosen as the next p'nce of meoting. Rev. .Mr. Voting then pave an addresn on "Tcnipereiice" in which he said some object to give to tho tomp.Tiice e.iuse, hut is not one boy wived Wnrl all and ccpetiie put forth. We are rtfipon- -ille for our exaiiipie and ought to be very careful aboiit moderite drinking: the resu't of ir.tonipcrftnco creep.* on a person inipc-ceiilibly. In eiosinv he ex liorted all to woik and pray f..r tlie cnute of Icmiierai ce. "S.iiiie of the eiicotr(l-.::cniPiits r f S. S. Work' was adlj handled by Djv. J. S. 1. Wilson in a .vplindu'i address in which he gave both and scholar many good, practical point is. In tho abficrce of Rev. Mr. Barton Mr. Hull'coiiducted the (|ue?tion drawer. The convention wa.s then brought to a close by Uev.Mr.Scott pniuour.cinj; the beiiedictiiin. TeiriUe P.:jck Pains. Tliey fairly agoiii:.jyiiur bfj. Soinn 'hmg powerful mi 1 l-'cuetr-itiiig isneednl. Ihiciur- know of nolliii!i{ sosAifi to lo- I.eve a.i Niniline, a utrong, penotrtliiig liiiiipeni made lo euro just iiuih p.iins as yours. Nervilme i.s vciy concentialed, aliiiiil four tunes 111 'it> powi iful than oi ilii:ary liniiiients. In tho worst cusos Pol 'Oil's Nerviline is extr.iordiiiHrily gsod. All nuL^eular pain Hoes before it. Nearly lifi) years in u.eâ€" a g.ioU recuiniucnda- iImIi, surely. lloitur Uulla Iloporl of S. S. No. 17. Arlcinesia, for ihe nionlli of Si.|.teinbir. 8r. IV- V, I'l.ilhp!.. F. Ru8.sull, A. Chard, 0. EiiMlish. .Ir. IV- L. Ciark, D. Pedlar, E Radley S- •Simpson. Jr. HIâ€" E. Fisher, R. Fisher, E. Rus- sell, K. .AriiLitronn; Sr. 11-11 Phillip., n. RetlH, A. Me- l)om;all, »'. CI irk, K. Clark. .Ir 11 -1'.. Morrow, M. Armstrong, L Kislier, M. llaillov Sr. Pt II-K. White*, W, Smith, E I'uriri lyo. .Ir. Pi. II-P. Clark, A. Pedlar. Sr. Pt. Iâ€" .1. Clark, A. PorluMU."!. Jr. Pt. l-ll. Uotia, E While, J. Col i^an. ClasR .'Vâ€" H. McTjean. J. Leech, M. Minort-, U. Whib->, C. Stafford. Average attendance, 40. M. BiiANtiF, Teacher. The Happiness of Home- Very largely dopends on the mother'n lispo.siiioo; if she ia animated and bright everyone is happy; but if she is norvoua, irritableandeiossr-pverythinggoej wrong. Hr'ght cheery women usually u«e Ferro- zoiie, the gieattat health-maker known, liv acting through the blood Forrozono IS sble to reach all theorgaiit that need asNi^taece; it ettabliahea regular and heabhy action of all function'), builda up iho g< neial health, fortiHes the syatem with a reserve ut energy ihit defieadisease. U' n't put offâ€" FeiriBone coats only 60o. at any drug store; get it to-day. (PRONOUNCED SI-KEEN) ir%V«««Hl«%ll|iVi|^\ " Psvchine" possesses peculiar RRnNRnlTISEI£££lii£^ 'hat act promptly ft/IIVIVVBII B Iw;,., gaining- the mastery over this disease. One element at once checks the fever, another the chills. The tightness across the chest, the heavy breathing and hoarseness, is removed by another element. Its tonic properties renew the strength, and make rich blood, the cough disappears, the "mucous" is carried awa}^, the Avhcezing ceases, and after a short treat- ment ninety £££ cent, of patients are cured for all time. The disease seldom " returns after you have begun the "Psyciiine" treatment. HERE! 83 PROOF CHESLEY SCHELL, Ravenswood, writes : "I was out with the volunteers at London last June nnd I jrot a heavy cold, which turned to Bronchitis, anJ my lungs were severely ar.'ecled. I had a cough all sumnier. PSVCHINE proved a great blessing- to mc. It is a positive cure for Uronchitis." GREATEST OF ALL TOS^iCS AT ALL DRUGGISTS â€" 0«E DOLLAR â€" T^IAL FREE The Dr. T. A. Slocu.-n, Li.v.lted, - 179 King Street West^ Toronto if^S^S^^S^^^^^'^^^S^S^^^tS^^lS^^S^ fe. If you are thinking of buying a fine buggy, wagcn or democrat, it will surely pay you t.i call and investiante our stock, terms, etc, before makiu'.; your purch-ise. We have a stiiU'of expert workmen and can guarantee that yiiu will be satisKed â€" _ -_ ALWAYS ESIcyclo â€" â€" AND KLI'AIRIXG flFALL KlXUtJ ON HAND â€" â€" â€" J. A. HEARD. â-  FLESHERTON. ^'^JSC^S;:!^^^^^ S^^K.I&'^JKJSS^Si^il^^K^:!®^^' D. McTAVISM S^ iiHEfLmraMiii For First Clasii I!ujrgic«, Cart."!, Pleasure and Lund or Wagons, cutters. Sleighs. \Vm keep a stock on Imnd to choose from. ALSO HORSE SHOEINQ ANDOENERAL BLACKSRIITHING and .'Uiraiilce iir»t cl.ias work. Wo l<e>op on hand Ploughs and Plough repairs, and also Mnssey- (f\ Harris and Noxon repnirs for biniicrs, Mowers, sll kinds uf J«i^ in!v..hiiiO'y, also Binder Twine on hand. « J3$\yzn in town give tis a call «& :c^ FLESHERTON HARNESS EMPORIUM. (i),ilin:to .\rinitro;);;''} Jo.vellory ) Evervlbini; up to dde in hirnes-!â€" be.^t, best workmanship, bust prices. Fly sheets and nets are in season- let us show you ours. Trunks, valisiM, axle yrensc, c;uTias;e axle urease, haincsoil, whips and lashes, BUGGIES. Come and see th,> new boggioa wbieh we have on e.ihibiiion, Thev are beaut- ies and prices are right. Wm. i^OORE Opposite Armstrong's Jowellory) Plcslicrton. Listen For the Bronchial Wheezs It ineans that di»eas(> will soon attack the liinta Whoe/.ini; ii iliNties.sin'4 to tho sufferer and annoying to his fnends. Nothing, half so certain in bn.ncliitis ami throat trouble as Catarrhozone; it gives inat;«nt relief and cures e^n the worst cases. Rronchitis fairly flees under the magio influence of Catarthozone which cures 80 thoroughly the disease never re- turns. Other remedies may relieve, but Catarrhozone uures bronchitis, catarr.i and throat trouble for all time to oome. Sold everywhere. WANTED. A reliable agent for h'tciherton a-nl sur, rounding country. Gnod pay weekly ex-liisive torritoiy. SnnipTo cise or ou-- lit free. Our terms are the beat in tho business. We need a man of good char- acter and ability during the Fall and winter inomh.s^* OVER 600 ACttft. Tho ;hoicest and most cxiiisive list oF stock in Canada, includiid; truit arid ornair.oiita! stock, small fruita, p.n.l seed potaUies. Fast aellini; sp ci.ilties oft'eieil for tho first time. Write for torma now to The Pelham Nurseay Co Toronta . Ontario. Trace Mar«s DE6iCW;3 CCPVSIQKTS Ac. AUTonftPeiwll'iip <W.'«0''>Wliinuift> qulcklv cur ^^>piri^>M fruo wr.oilit.r ui l!w«i;f^tni is probiibly p-vtonuihle. Cc-itna'inlr.v tlnuaituict*>-o<)(it]dentl)J. IlntidtKioik un f*:tt)ii!U •iMitfroo. t>N'(;: ! .'wmihv lui flc<:ur'i»,j ptt^in^. Pa.npf.". taJiyii rJir.M'ijli Aiiit.u ^'i Co. lectijvo Scientific j^i^erlcasi* A bftndfiomel7 llluA(rnt«.l wooVlf. 1 r»rp**?«(. r*f* culatioii f ( nny tntentu^o i >tTriiul. 'i'or-ti.«. V< t yo«r; (our moMiUs, |L i^'tJ b/all iic«i*i^«il«'i-i. Un.ncb OIUco. dU F St.. \Vr*I»i* .ilua l>b<.'- -^,J j-j. ^1^ m .^jgUkmm^^^imtMtmiM

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