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Flesherton Advance, 26 Oct 1905, p. 3

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HE OWES A DUTY TO THE PUBLIC TEIXS OF BENXFIT EEEIVED FEOM DODD'S KIDUEY PILLS. Cures of Eheumatism and Dropsy by Canada's Great Kidney Bemedy. Yellow Grass. Assa., N. W. T.. Oct. 23â€" (Special).â€" "I think I Bho'.Jld let the public know thu benc- tit I derived from I>oclil".s Kidney Pills." The s[)eaker «as Mr. John White, well-known here, and ho voicoa the sentiments of many a nian on those western prui ie.s who has been relieved of his pains ami mi.'icry by the great Canadian Kid- Bey IJeniedy. "I have been afHicted with Rheu- matism for years," Mr. White con- tinued. "I tried doctors and medi- :ines. but never got anything to do me much good till^ trie<l I>o-Jd's Kidney I'iils. What they did 'pr me â- â- ~Bi wonderful. THE READING OF ROYALTY IT IS VEHY VARIED IN EANGE. ITS Literary Diet ot Some Sovereigns â€" ^English Politicians and Churchmen. STUKET TELEPIION'ES. alio know *'-c Harris family. ?I »n(l I !^aw their little girl. Edith, nho wa.s cured of Propsy l)y Dodd's Kidney Tills I know Uici to be true. I tell you I feel like recom- mending Podd's Kidney Pills even jtronger than I talk." Thore is no Kidney Disease that Dodd's Kidney Pills cannot cure. SUK-VIVOES OF LTJCKN01V. Only Ten Survivors at Annual Dinner in London. The annual tl inner in coiamenora- tion of the entry into Lucl<now of â- >*'»» .^.reUeving force under (".encials llavelol-K iind Out ram was held in London last month. Every year, na- turally, the number uttiiuling the dinner grows smaller. This vear the i . . . . , , company numbered ten-three n-p: e- ' '"S bath he would shut hunself m sentatives of the garrison of the ; 1^'^ study with his KMov.-<l bco'.^s and Residency and seven of the relieving spend from two to Ihr.e houra It is not every Sovereign, who, as the Kinjr of Sweden confessed in a recent remarkable interview that he did. read autiiors in at least (our dilTorent lanc^ages every day of his liio; but there is one Royal lady, who. it she would, could easily eclipse even this record. The (jucen of Roumania reads largely in several languages, ancient and modern, in which she became proficient when quite a girl. Al- though she Io\-es her native German authors, she prefers those ot Franco, especially Pierre Loti, her friend and biographer. The K.x-Queen-Regent r.f Spain also makes Loti her litera"y idol; while the late Empress of Austria worshipped at the shrine ot Heine YELLOW-BACKS FOR NICUOLAS. The Czar has a passion novels, and his favorite author is Francois Copiiee; he alsi) reads Eng- lish novels and mit-azints with a'< i.!- ity. The German Emperor confes:i.'S a weakness for French writers, es- pecially Georges Ohnet, the author of the famous "Iron.sides": but he is also a diligent reader of German and 1 authors, and devotes part of every evening to reading to the Eui- press He is a grcot admirer of Kipling, and has taken the greatest delight in reading the Jungle Books to his children. Almost ail the French Presidents have been industrious readers. The present. U. Loubct. has an enorm- ous library* of books, every one of i which, it is said, bears signs of ; much reading, il. Fe.ure was an in- veterate reader, with a preference for books of travel ar,<( coIonizati>in. ilnimediiitely after this early morn- The Refreshing Fragrance ot a hot cup of steaming The finest system of street tele- phcBes in the world, the most con- vciiiently and comfortably arranged, and having the most numerous booths, is found in Stockholm. la that city the telephone has been grafted on the daily life of the in- habitants until it has become indi- spensable. Street telephone pavil- ions are found at every cal)-stand, theatre, restaurant, and in every i j thoroughXare, and they open auto- are .-:ooihed and tired muscUs i.NVIiORATED. THE FLAVOR IS nOST jmalically by dropping a coin into a slot. The boc>ihs are of attractive design and architecture. The floor ae^ A i^r-i.J=JSi!aS!SHS3Kf jTEA Is the comiort of .-:I1 the wcm n whj Iiave triid it. TiRED NERVES is Several inches above the pavement or ground, as the case may be, .so th.i person using the 'phone stands out of the damp in the most incle- ment weather. Each station has a gas-jet which is kept lighted at night. DELICIOLS. O.NLV ONE BE5T TEA. BLUE RIBBON'S IT. It is an Elixir of Lite â€" Sinrn forgot, ten time, men havo hvcn seckiiif; fur the Klixir a( Life, whicli tratiition says once exiHtefl. Dr. Thonia.s' Kclectric <)il is all I-'lixir. before wliicli paia cannot live. It is made up of six c.s«wni-iai oii>. c:irefu!!y l>Ieiide<l so ilial tiieir cur- ative propcrtit-s are coneentratefj lu oi;.- It has no eijual in the treatutcnt c for Fn>neh i Iu"''"»BO. r^.l•umali3nl, and all bodii> paius. Study and labor cannot maKe every man a:i artist, but no one can suc- ceed in art v.ithjut them. "Waated. a strong to do the work of a country minister." is an adverti:H.'ment which appeared in an Kngliiih newspaper the other day. Mother (Jrave.<!' Worm rxtermiiiator is plctU'ant to take; sure and elTectual in destroying worms. Many have tried it isrith bust rcsuita. Blinkins â€" â- "How can I make my chimney stop smoking-?" Jt-n'^sâ€" "ijive it one of those cigars you gave mj yesieiday." Monklani Rerd Yorkshires Good breeding stock (all tjjcs) for sale at reasonable prices. JAilES WILSON" & SONS. Fergus, Ont. DYEINQ CARPET BRITISH AAriERICAN DYEINQ COL lax <«S. itoacrtal. A.N UGLY FAMILY iif skin Oiseawi is the one pauorally dOiCriheJ by the wonl Kc«Tja. In ail i iti f.^na* it r«*ldta orviioiiry treittnuut. but ii cftinpioteiy ounyl by Weiver'i C^drua u&ad iu cuii- udctlja with VVaaver'4 byruo. SnUfit Scap ia tjetter thaa other soa^x, fctt is best whon cwd in the Sci:;igL. way. Boy EczLgt* Soaj azid fclicw cirecrim, W* expect our health to be the sub- ject of seme miraculous interference, and negtect the homely precautions by which it might be securtd. Lady (to r. turn h1 missionary; â€" '•.\nd how was the king of the sav- ages clothed?' Mis-'-ii nai-y â€" "Ilni- principally with authoritj, madam; and not much of that." force. The chair was filled by Lieut. -Gep. Sir. G. Digby Barker, who was an pnsign in the TSth Uighlani^crs (the Seafortls) in the relieving force. The other representatives of the relieving force were Major-CIenernl J. S. Hisge, C.IJ., Mujor-Genoral F, E. A. Cham- ber, CLE., Captain J. li. Pearson, Captiiin J. Robertson, Major-Gcneral O. Stewart. CD., and Mr. E. Ber- rill. Tho representatives of the gar- rison present wore Majoi-Goi:eral H. Cook, Colonel U. L. K. llewett, and Colonel II. C!. Goro-nrowne, V.C. The latter .ind General Cook are now i in reading end making notes. M. Car- not had a pa.ssion for history, and devoured every book that had any reference to tho Freneh Revoluti.m. in which his grandfather was a pro- minent figure. enjo\T:;d corelli. Our late Queen, as the world knows, was a great reader and stu- dent. Ill her later years .she de- vclopeil a great liking for nio<lern fiction and was familiar with every novel of any note that appeared. Her favorite author is said to havo been JIarie Corelli, but .she did most Corporal Comber, of the 7Sth Ke- j d '"th giment. and Sergeant Co.vle. of tho Toth Regiment were also present. the only surviving officers of tho j °f ^'"^ reading by deputy, as listeu- 32nd Uegiment (Cornwall l.iuht Iti-iC. fantrv), which was practically nnni- ^'an.v of our statesmen find tune hilated before tho suppression of the >"">"' â- !'• "»'«'" distractions to read 'mutiny. i largely. Since Mr. Gladstone's Mr. Morley is probably the most industrious reader among po- liticians, and his range is alntost as wide as that of his late chief. Sir rt. ir. Fowler is a ";ilutton for bco'<s"; but nearly all liis reading is of a ponderous typo, with a bias to theology and history. Mr. A. .1. Rul- four is a rapid and a great reader, and varies theology a;id philosophy with the latest novel by Do;, le or Barrie; and Lord Goscheii pursues literature us a hobby, tho only one he to. niSll(n''S FAVORITE. The Bisho:> of Ripon !vads widoily. can never resist a book that con- cerns it.'ielf with his favi>rile Bante. He has probably the (inest IHinte li- brary in England. Since l-ord Bow- en's death I.oril Justice ^^tirling is the greatest bookworm on the Ik'nch. and Mr. Fletcher Moulton, whose tastes are similar to those of Sir Janie.'< Stirling, is probably the greatest reader at the Bar. Lord Wolseley is a "grei>r'y reader." especially of antiquarian books, and spends his early houra rtadin^ and writing in his library; while among writers none perhaps have read more than Mr. ?tore(lilh, who has an un- rivalliHl liiiowle<lg»> of French litera- ture, which be has for many years made his chief recreation. GOLD-PLATED LACE. A novelty ot French invention is a â- process for electroplating delicate laces so ?s to give them a briUiar.t j llpxiblo surface of gold, t^ilver or i other metal. It is announced that a â- company has been formed for the di»- velopment of the process on an in- dujtrial .scale. So thin i; tho metal- lic ('eposit that tho softi;ess of tha lace is not destroyed. The first sug- gested of the inetallizeil I«ce are for furniture covers, wainscoting aial the iiuriistaliun of wood, hi.l it 's thought that they may also le em- ployed in the trimniing of garmoiils antl tlio ornuinonlalion ot head- dresses. The business in which you are sure you could havo made money is gon- crallv tlie other man's. TEE SECRET OF YOUTH. IV .Soto looked for the secret of youth in a .spring ot gushini;. life- giving waters, which he was s\;iv hc> .would I'nd in the New World. Al- chemists and sagi'S (thousands of them), have spent their lives in Huofit for it. but it is only found by those haiviiy people who can digest and a.-^sinldate the right fooil which ketps thtyphysical body perfect that pence uimi comfort are the sure re- sults. A remarkable wan ot 01 says; .""For many long j-enr.s 1 .sulten-d jinore or less with chronic costive- TIIAT TERRIBLE WOLF. "Yes." said the traveller, "I had some exciting experien,.vs in Uu.ssia. Perhaps the worst adair happened ion.^ night when, ten miles from my I homo. I discoveivd my si iijh was I being followed by a pa^k ot hungry j wolves. I lired blindly into the I pack. Killing one ot the wolves. To iiess and painful indigestion.- Ihis ,- ,. . ,, ,, . „ i . i 1 .. ,1-. ,1 1 ,niv relief the others slopped to de- condilion made liio a great biirvlen "v '\">'- ^ " , ,, . ', , ... „ vour hiin. iiiul in this way 1 was labh.' to gain on them. Bit soon Uhoy were on m.v sc n'. again. and to me, ns you may well imagine 1 '"Two years ago 1 began to Crnpe-Nuts as food, and am thank- ful that I did. It has been a dng to me in every way. 1 lirst no- ticiHl tiiat it had restored my diges-.' tion. This was a great gain, but was nothing to compare in import- ance with the fact that in a short time my bowels were rcs!ore<l to free and noiMunl action. ' "The cure seemed to bo complete; for two yoars I haw had iuin(> of the >old trouble. I use tho Grap^'-Xuts food every morning for breakfast and freiiuently oat nothing else. Tho ^ise has made me comforlnble and fcappy. ns'.d although I will be Ul years (iKI next fall, I have become Btrong end supple again, erect hi figure and can walk with nnjboily, »i.>ul enjoy it." Name given by Po.s- ^â- Â»Ti Co., Battle Crock, Mich. 'There's a reason." ' ilead the li'tle hook. "The Road to Wellville." in CTcry pkg. again I lired, with the same result. I kept on reiKaling this, until linal- ly there was otdy one fierce wolf following my sleigh, with hungry eyes fixed ou me in anticipation of tho supper ho was going to make olT me." The friend who had listonctl thus far to the thrilling story interject- ed a laugh and said. "Wlvv. man. according to my rin-koning. that last wolf must havo had all tho other widves inside of him." The answer came, i-elu;tantl.v and seriously, "Well, yes, now you men- tion it. that last wolf did wobble a bit:" M.tKE A NOTK OF If, " The DAL" MentJiol PUtcr ij ijji.-inteel t> etira tho w.T.n c i»e o( t> vcitat'.ie. !ie.i.Lic!ie. stitciitf^. .Vmid sulictitutej, Uet thi) gauuiue mape by i>.ivij as Lavreaca C.>. HelpiOSS as a Baby south American Ulieii:iialij I'urc .strikes the root of the ailment and .strikes it tiuick. R. W. Wright. of Daniel street. Brockvillc. Ont.. for twcl.'o years a great suflerer from rhouinatism. couldn't wash hini- sel(. fired hiniscli' or dress hiiusell. Alter usius; six botii.-3 was aide to go worii. auti suys: "1 think pain leil uie loi-uver" â€" 20 Praotioal Every day leaaona on FARM ACCOUNTS Tor 7iC. pes; mid. FATiai PJ3. HOUSE. Bo\ 13. (Latham. Oak BASTEDO & CO.* 77 It c ^ Cast, Toronto, fj?. MANUFACTURERS I., il?- ;:'. i ''.i:'*^*" Tar and !* !--i. ; -it" '.iii .uip jackets. 1' -' ; '.iiiriu iu Fun. Saad ^g?^^^ Wi buy a^w Flirt tn.1 Q:rts:B3 Stjud fur Price UaU. h&s . SufToring mav Ic iinavoidablo, but no oHl' has any oxcuso for being tiuli. anti yt»t some pcoplt* iiro dull. They ti:\'i of a better world to come, while whatever dullness there iray bo here is all their own. The World would be the better and brighter if our teachers would (hvell on tho duty of happiness as well as ; ou the bappineiis v( dvity. | To prevent i*: Uettor Than to Rtpent. A little luinitciriu in the sliupQ of tho wonderiul pellets which arc kitonru as I'armolee's Vo^taMt* Fills. odniini.^T.M- ut the proptT i.i;ne and w:th the direc- tioi s adhered to oilen prevent a scriuuM attitcU. t<f stckncsii ai.d ^avu luoiiu.. which would ^o to the doctor. In all irregularities pi the dii^e.stivo organs they are an invaluable corrective ml by cleansing the bluuil they clear tJio »kin of imperfections- Hir Heart Ilka a Pollutid ScrinsT- â€" Mrs. J ;im 's s^n^Iey. Pelce Islam). Ont . says: "1 was lor five years af- fiicled Willi dyspepsia, constipation, heart dijirus-e and nervous pmsiratitMi. 1 cured the lienrt trouble* with It. .'VKuev's Cure lor the Hourt. an<l other ailments vanislied like mist. relief in half au hour a:ler thd dose." â€" *J7 ti.e Had lirst V; U J If fauio Ill- noble luind.s, flrst: tboU{;h, tho lust inllnuity of ambition is often the when protH»rly directed D. H. BASTEDO & CO. â€" FUR MAhUFACTURtaaâ€" : IT seizes ZlEt,f3-<i, T OX" caasL'^^ U\PlHS- A>D MK.N .s FIB .iND KVK- IX."< i£D COATS jI e>^r\ tinj. Gnrvtiunc ia Fur-i .It c!..»o p.-ico*. TUii TR.\Dii biJli- I'LIKD. Sorid f .r cat.>'. <s. SAW FUCS WAK7E0. SESO FCQ PRICE LIST "Talking about inventioiw," said the business racu, '"I h;ivo a littlo ninchino in my place th;>t woidd i inako me a millionaire if I could only j keep it goini; all thp time." •'What : is it?" "A cash register." I OncfO" tha KerWO lash â€"The torture and torment ol the vietiiu of lurrvouN |>ri>slruliou anil hitvouh <!obility no one can riglul.v e^itiinate wlio has not been t:;i<lor tho pithless lush of these rvlenllei^s liuinan («es- M. William."!, of Korilwicii. Out., was fu.- four .vcars a VOU.S wreck. Si.x bottles of South .Xim'ncnn .Nervine v.orked a miracle, anil his doctor coufl;"juod it. â€" -3 if well, they will raise us up. Why go limping and wninin;; about vour Ciirna when a 2j cent bottio of Fo.'loway's Corn L'ui-e will leuiova tlieuiV Ciivo it a trial and jou will uut tetirct it. A librarv is true fuirj-laiid. a very palace of delight, a bavo;i of rvi'oso from tho storm'j and troubles of the \v(>rld. Kich ntiil poor can en.'oy it alike, for here, at least, wealth gives no advaiitajje. Cholera anil all summer complaints ar* so <]UicIc in iheir nction lluM ti-e cold haiiil of death is upon the v.ilr.i.s beforo thev are aware Ihiit tUvi â-  t h near. If attached do not delay in cot- ting tho proper incriicine. Try a ilosc ot t'r. â- '. t> Kclioejis IHsfnlcry Cor- dial, and vou will (yet iiuinetlialo relief. It acts with wonderful rapidity and never tail to cITcct a cur«. TUE MKUHY MIXSTKF.LS. how aiu you Tainbo â€" Afr. Hones, all I'eelin' ilis el'iDin'? Bonesâ€" Fust rate, sah" kinil o' li'<e de weathah. An' how am jou fe.-l- in-.> Taiiiboâ€" O .\h 'bout like a Si'Win" itKiehi.K' Hones â€" How's d,at? Ttimboâ€" Kind o' acw-scw. lla. ha. ha! Hone!!â€" .\h'a got a o.ucsiion AU'd like ter usk >o». Mr. Tumbo. Tamboâ€" .\ll ri^ht. sah; jou kin cir- gashiate. Honesâ€" What nn> de difference bf^ twcen a mud carrier and a handle factory ilut i!ee.< business by mail? Tamboâ€" -Vh ilon't know, sah. What am de dilYereii e botwe-.m a mail car- rier and a hnnillo factory dat busine-ss by n.nil? it may be no teeblo aid to virtue. Much, cortainiy, of tho ha;->5.- inesa A Tonic fi>r the Pebilitatei! â€" Parmrv I and purity of our lives Cej-eiid-s ou l';:t%ho.^i"h'l° on"fh.,-recrru:;;.^ SV'Vi^o ; °"''.°"^'^">5^, a wise choice of our com- foily IS a valuable tonic, si, nuii', ii.; ' Pn"'<^"s and friends. If badly chosen, the'lagnin^ orcans to healthful aition i thev will inevitablv lira^ lis do'.vu; and restoring them to full vigor. '1 M-y ' " can Ui taken in graduated uj?.cs .ni-I so used that they can bo disco 'fiLaed at any tiuio without return of tr-« a I- nients wuuU tliey were u.icd to uPivy tiioiu. Keli^ion .should be a strength, guide, aiid coiuiort. not a .sourc;; of intoUcctual an.xioty or ungi-y argu- ment WELCOME .V^ .SVNSUINK after stnrin is tho r«Uef »»hLMi an o!> iti:; .-.a. piuieis oiijli h.v3 been dSlMO a«av b, .\i:«iH Lung Balaaai. ^o opium ia it 'Ihe e-Mi «t{e>;t U-u. If no do o-.T best, if we don't magnify tri;lins troubles, if wo avail ourselves of the uiaiiifold blessings which surround us. we can-iot but feel that life is indeed a clorious In- heritance RHEUMAUSM AHD PARALYSIS. Their complete homo cta'o. Post free to readers ot this paper. For limited period only. • A hands,>ine illustrotod treatise, giv- init f'lU do;-ir ;>tion c- I'tvuniutism and Paralvsi.s. with instructions (or a com- plete 'home euro. dcscrihniK llic succe.-siul treat iiicnl in the world, re- commended bv the Ministry and endors- ed bv medical men I'liis hiehly in- structive book was wnll-n by W. 11. Vcno a givit'.eman who hivs niado- a studv of Ihi-se diseases. Tlie pivfaco Is bv a Rrailualc »i" the Iniversity o( W'urubura. Send postal to-day and vou vviir n-ceive the book (i-et; by re- iurn.â€" Addresr.. The Vono Drug Co.. at King i»X . »V«st. Teionto FlsmXG IN FRANCE. Patienoc â€" "What rcnson had ;>ha for marrjing himV" TaJrice â€" •Why. he had money." Patieuc â€" •'That is not a rea-son; that's an cxc;:se." A Veteran's Story. â€"ucorge Lowi.s. of Shamokin. I'a.. writes; "I am eighty years of age 1 havo been troubled with Catarrh for fifty jxars. aii^l in my ti:i:e have u.syd a great uunny catarrh cures, but uev.>r had any nlici until I used Vr. A^neWs Catarrhal Powder. t)no box curcJ mo comiilctelj'." SO cents. â€" Uj It would be easy to exaggerate tha aiivantases of money. It is well worth ha\ ing, and worth working for but it doed imt reiiuire too great a sacrilice: not, indeed, so great as is often oflered up to it. FKRROVIM, WU \T Is rr* U 1* tho name ol the best tonu: It builiU uj> lliu sy-tam. i;ivi)« new V.'.a. in.iko< ydupla v> Jll an.l strung. B« suf« jjii g«t tho genuine '* Korrovini." Now is the season for fshitig in France: don't imagine that lish hero are the si/e of yot;r trout in your Clearwater l.ikes "and rivers. Kishing in the Seine nutans satisi.ving th» doiS passion for lishiisg. and ealehing no- 1 thing, or e'.se one or two tish so Honesâ€" You am gettin' sso ignorant small that it is necessary to us,> n tiat \ou is almost horizontal. l^' i magnifying !.-lnss to Iind out what difl'cnuco am dis; IV mail carrier; kind they ine. In this tish'ng seas- hundlea i!o mail, while factory mailsj on. you will daily see an army of 0.0 handles. | men'tnrning their backs upon work Interlocutorâ€" liadic.*! and gentlemen, a,,,) the beauties of Paris for live Mrs, Nextdoreâ€" "I'\o been thinking of having my daughter's voico culti- vatcil. Would you;" Mrs. rcppre.v â€" "Hy all lueuns, if ,vou havo tried every other remedy'. 'â- â-  with your kind permission, Clarence Irving, tho celebrated tenor, will sing The Water We I'setl to lloil. We'ro Now Obligitl to Fry. six long hours, holding out lishlag poles and lines, tho latter sinking to no purpose, except to bring up au <dd shoe, ii.cidentaily. So.000,000 AN ACRE. The price to bo paid by the London County Council for a small strip ot land fronting Ticcadilly and St. James's Street is the highest fet reached. lor tho 1.'.200 siiware feet to ho acquiretl by the municipal au- thority for street improvements tho owners asked a s'un that worki-d out at tho .mormotis ligui-e of $7, 500', 000 per acre. They have aia^ally ben awarded under arbitration an am.>unt representing about $5,000,000 per atro, including, of course, compensa- tion ior disturbance. Sheâ€" "You ougl^t to bo ashamed of stealing a kiss." Heâ€" "You are equally gviiltys 'Vou received tho stolen good*,'-* Visitor â€" "How beautifully still tho children sit while you talk to them!'* Schotdmusterâ€" "Vos: I've got them pretty well trained. 1 told theni at the start that evci-y time I caught a boy moving in his .seat while I wa* talking to them 1 would talK tea minutes longer."- Cash or Cur9~ If Shiloh't Consumption Cure (ailo to euro j-our Cold or Cough, yea get bnck all you paid lor it. ^'ou a:e sute oi a Cure oi Oie Csth. Il it %ca5a't a sure cuic. ikis oSet wcuU not be icaJe. Can inytliinj bo hirci ? If you hav? a Cc!J, Col'(;H. or my disc-it^ oi the Throat. Lunjj cr Air Passago, "s 25c. per tottlc. A!! dalrt? irj«:a.-.tre ij, .\s life wears en. the love oi hii.s- band or wile, of friends and of child- ren, becomes tho gi'oul so;aco aii4 delight Ol ago. The one ivcalls l^ past, tho other tvive.^ interest to ISO future; and in our chi'.uron wj llvij our lives aijain. HELP WANTEO« l-orsoam of olttior ««>x dosirliw t.> it •!.« J'i.» to tii por we«k nt h >ni« in »h'l* or sp.^r* tim« durlim the fall »nd » Inter in.mtht, in an .••ilir»ly now anil highly pp>fit.ihIo husinow th !'. trill beat thtfrooih in»e»'liRatio». Send staiup £><» iUu.<tr**» •d booklet and full particular*. MOXrRK.Vl, SUPPLY CtX. Montreal ISSUE KO. 43-05.

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