ksbrrl0n JlJiirana, "TRUTH BEFORE FAVOR." â€" "PRINCIPLEb JSOT MEN." 'k' A* -tl VOL XXIv, RO 12:J8 Flesticrton, Ont., Thursday. October 19 1Q05 W. H. THURSTON, ?ffi?, PBOPEIETOK Going To Get Married ? If so you will want a nica weildiDK ring. We have them in a great viiriMty and at jiint the right prices. e e Going To A WcddiDg ? Ifso you will want o take, a pr**M«'nt hU>:i(^. We have tim many Iwautifnl BLACK WOOD C1A)CKS which wo will sell iit ciwl. fur the next fifteen days. Thia nifiina Humethinff to yon. Male? a note of it. These are s'.iitable for general uae. See them. m* Jlrmstrong, l'XK.SUh Urt)N', ONT Industrial Home Notes (Bj/ an InmaU:) Archie LocWhart,thofathfr of the home, left on tho 3rd to better hia fortuno in I he (iutsiiie world. Archiu i.s about 70 years of ai'.»,*a.s the first inmate ailiuitted to the home, h ivinir been a-lmitteil from KerUJcI on tlie opening day, 2;{id of .June l'J()4, He is .strons; and healthy but ex- credincly d^nf. was one of the few out- side workers, and was !i;onoralIy bimy at some kind of work. He thinks lie can niana!,'o for luni.sjlf a while longer since he has yot rid of tho laint-ncBa wh'e'i wa.s tlie cause of his c >arni hi>re. Wo trust the old fellow will live to enjoy aoVeril year.s of independent liheriy. Alihounjh wo hiivo had .soma bid cases hero and Hever,il deithi diiring tho first y«:irs exi.stence of the houM.yet wc think that the worst c.»se yet is th.it of .John Mcln'yre runently admilted from Gluiivl/ Ha is in a moit pitiable condition but is bein;^ as Well and oartful'y attended as the adaijuaoy of iLie institutijtj will per- mit. Hi^ alteiidaiiiS'tra & ct)UpIe of bad- ly cripyled but otiiurwise tolerably slrou'i inraates under tho doctors instnictious, and ultliou^h thoir duriet) ai-..' of a moat disa^^reeablo yet iibsolutoly necossaty na- ture, they carefu'ly and aUi-ntively atti nd their suU'erinR coiniad'3 d.ay and iiight. Robert W. C(ll)pe^ of Proton was a J.- niilted to the home on Tuesday htst Robert is the ynunje/it innaito in the homo being on'y in hi.s iotli year, but from his uu.'earanoe n)»y be readily taken for a yoU'i({ man of iSt). He is almost llind also lanially di.'<abled in the use of his )itn'i.i. lie e.\ijrr,.ssf8 liiiiise'.f as hi;^lily T) oised with the home which he says by £.U' â- xceeds what hecxprctcd procious to coming heie. We trust he will cuiitinue lo e.xjMiss the same sentiment?. There are at present £2 tHale and 10 finiiile inm.ilew, and it is just pro'iablc that from th.s onward the number of in mat.'B will steailily conlinuo to increase under the new resjulatious. The !<''»' 1 crops were threshed on Thursdiiy hiNt; we nndei stand the maiu turned out well! DoubtlcBS the minda of some of the old chips will now ro.t ciiwy I a.i ther." is no flai!in;j to be rloneas lust year. S d Hill di.l [he ihreKhing. Mr. Kd Willi iini and d!ii.i.;hter, M'ss Lizzie mive your seiihe a call oa Thnrsdiiy last when on their way to Uinulalk; i\lr. and .M.S. Robert Mctjruther of Markdikie ac'.ompauie.l by Mis. Taliiot of Fleshef ton were caller* on tl^o same day. Wo noticed a sliyht irror in tho brief sketch of your scribe's career which was l>iVin it. last week's issue. He voluii- teertd from tbe niiliti.i to the regular army m 1SD7. Wiis ttaimierred from the 80th Sciiflordshiiu re-iim-nt to the Red- fortlshire in 1801 and ji)iu< d the colors of thebittir res^iineiit; in Canada in 18t)3. tli.s rea.siin tor puichivsinij his discbarce was, hi.^ cointnan'iing ollioer had decided to Su-i'd h:ni to KiK/'and on the lecruitii g seri ice to « hlidi he had a decided object- i 11); but nniny a time since has he regret- tlie foolish, s ep he t"ok. Oa Sutiday the 8.h, there were 105 O'llslde at enders at our divine service. Not riniy was the cervico loom liierully packed but tho corridoi was laraoly occu- pied and Some went mvay, btiii>{ unii>lo to find even convenient standing room. Miss Smith presided at the orMati. As ek'iously annnnnced, Mrs. SiMimon<la the old blind lady, read the scripture lesson, Is(i ah c3, from her raiwd type edition; she aUostnu the hymn, "Abide with me" in a clear distinct voice, which Would have been creditable to a person mmy year* her junior; the accooipaniod heme)? on the organ. The discourse, "Good Works" a.s previ(m8ly anuouuced ^ bf delivered by a malo iiiaiat? «raa not however fully conKumated. Tho speaker had chosen for his text Psalni 37 3, irnsc in the Lord and do g)0 1. After cloFcly drawing the at.tenti<>n of his audi- ence for fifteen minute.s he suddenly ccdlapned, being seized' with a temporary atiack of w^eaknei-s «hich rendered futile any further attempts to continue the discourse. Ho had bad a similar attack a few days previous which caused him tho total loss ot memory and left hitn in a dazed condition for two or throe days He had ajiparently recovered and felt capable of ciirryingoul the announcement hue w:u unfortunately prevented as stated above but hopes to deliver tho disconrie on .some future occasion. Mr. Ennis of Markdale to'k up tho remainder of tbe .servioe. Vaiidelcnr Miss Sarah Johnston of Minnie Hill visited at the parental homo here on Sat- urday. Miss Doug'asof Eppinfj spent Saturday and Sunday at her falhi;!". Mr. U. Douj,'- ias. Mis. Bates of Tonnto.visited her neice Mrs. Gilbert last week. ' Mrs. While af Petorboro and Mrs. T. Hutchin.son of Uxbridoe, who Itavo been visiting tho formers I rother, .Mr. Wm. Hutchinson, have returned to their resptc- tive homes. Qu'tc* a nu'nbirfrotn hereattotided the World's fair at Uocklyn. M:\ Will Hutchinson and Miss Carrie attended tho Fairat Fevershain on Friday whire Billy was successful in carrying ulf the ted ticket for his drivini; team. MiSS .laney Watlii'ii, of Toronto, paid her parents a short visit recently. Mrs. .Joe Buchanan hasg.'iio to Lindsay to spend a month wiih frtei.ds. Quite a number from here attended the temp. reiicB couveution at Flesherton last week. Riiv.Dr. Caldwell preschcd on Sund.ay. Next Sundiiy Rev. Mr. Wellwood is to ttike the district work hero. The S. <>. T. district meeting for this d st ict will 1e held at Riverside on Friday, the 13th inst. Reduced A Hard Swelling. Mr. Gus E Oetoux, writing from Pem- broke, tells how he wa-s injured in ii lum- ber camp. ".A. hftavy log tolled aaaiiist my leg and I was laid up with stiffness aiiil a hard swelling. When I applied Poison's Nerviliuo I u'ot relief. A few rulibinus with this i!Ood liniment cured me." In the bush, Nerviliuo is indis pensable; it cures Neuralgia, colds, rheum ati m and internal di'^orders too. No person can afford to be without Nerviline. Useful for all internal and exheinal pain. Largo bo: ties 'J5o. at all d-alors. rrlccville (Intended for last wrek.) .\itemesia fall fair at rricevillo wa.s .-i great success. The recei( ts at tho yate broke the record this year. The concert WM also a snueeas, as it shoidd bo when such good talent was secured. The wcitlier still keeps fi.no and po tato dijfuinu is the onlcr •>( the day. Mr. DMelv!>hnie, Cilov.r.sv Ho, N. Y.. is vistng hs mother anJ-oh^r friemls [ about the vill.itfe. 1 iMrs. Dill Whjte, Toronto, is vi.sitinu at Mr Alex. W byte's on lie Durham Uo»d, { Mrs. Archie McLe.v'i, Sotilh Lino, who has I e m ailina Ir sonie ton. w eiit to the hospii.il in Toiooto enrly Ir.st week. (It seeiiH ihatllmHilmei.t is cancer but I we do not know at picnent wlut'ier Ian opcrati' n will lo pe-' - -ed or not. { Mr James Webs e , ofVm'ouvor, B. C, IS here thii weik, visaing ol.l frioiids ! and places. I' U.v. Mr. Ro.ich exchangtd piilpt. ' with Rev. Mr. Langhird of Corbettoii, I hist Sun'Jay. ^ I Mr. Will Ildes h.-w .iii.st. completed ! the stone foumli'ion for a brick hoMse I for Mr. Lau;ihli.i-McAnluir. ' I Mr. J Ii. I'atiou is c i.ing to the friMit as an auoreur artist. One of his i first paintings won a prize at tho East i Grey fair. ' Mt. S. .M. Eastmi.n pa'd a ftjfing vuit I lo friends l»er« before rstuininjj «i> the I UuiVi isity in Toronto. I Messis. .1 R Aikiii.-;o.i and .J .â- V Mcl/p.-'d ; who have been studying medicine have ' again returned to the University. : I Ml. •). A. Mc.Arlhur, who wassuccess- ! ful a' a recent examination, hai gone to attend College in Toronto. I . I so sjitis; ..-ory. Get Dr. Hamilton's Pills to-day. rioe. per box at all dealers. KIniberley. (Intended for last week.) Mr. Geo. McAteer, accompanied by the Mi.sses Eleanor and Selmo Michell, spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. M. H. Simons. Miaa Kthel Fawcett is visiting with Duncan friends this week. Mrs. G, Proctor and son, Harold, who have been visiting with Meaford and Thorn bury friends for the past two weeks have returned home. Miss Reta Knott of Thornhurj is visit- ing friends hero and M tho guest of her sister, Mrs. Emerson Brown. Mr. Robert and Miss Maud Fawcett attended the Heathcote Meth;jdist church opening Oil Sunday last. Mr. Arthur Hutchinson of Meaford is tho guest of his cousin, Mr. Frank Hutch inson of this place. Alfred Plewes and J(din T. Shultz of CoUingwood spent Sunday hero. Jasper Stuart spent Sunday with a friend at Eugenia. Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Brrtoks of Clarksburg spent Sunday with tlio latter's father and mother, Mr. and Mrs. Edward Burritt. Sandford Knott and Miss S. Ferguson of Thornbury spent Sunday in town. - When You Grow Old. The body needs patchingâ€" wasted tis- sues :uust be rebuilt, played-out organs restored â€" blood needs ex'ra iiourishmont. Elderly people need Ferrozone â€" need It bec.iuse it, vitalizes and rejiiveiiales as no other remedy can. Feriozone builds up the kind of strength that makes one feel good -keeps back the decay of (dd .lue and makes you look young and hand- s' nie again. Foruet nervous exhaustion, renew your vital energy, ai-aiii re-eiror the life of youth. Your romtdy is Fer.^ rozone, only fifty cents per box at all dealers. Eiisciiia McFarland, Stafford & Co's- Big Store MAl^ICDAI-E, ONTXAl^IO Grey County's BIGGEST and CHEAPEST STORE Watching the Market And being *there' with the Cash en- ables us to keep in front in our line. It's a Good Thing for all our Customers==»Are You One? A few of tlie many money saving opportunities gatnerered* togerher for this week's selling. Dozens of others jnst a.s interesting. Come in and investigate. Get riore VimI If you arc tired, nervous, tleepless, have headaches and lani<uor, you need Dr. Hamilton's Pills; they lone thestoin- Hch, assist Jincst ion, brace you up at once' Talieiiat night, you're well by mornini'. Sickness and tiled feeling disappear il- sbkiitly. Viin, spitits, hap(iy health, all the joys of life comes to everyone thai) Married â€" Oct. 12, at Markdale, by the Liev. Iviaon Wilson, .\t.the Methodist parsonage, Mr. Wihiam Uawkuisto MibS Sarah Duckett. A, both the young people are veiy popular and highly le- spected the best wishes of a laige ciicle of friends is extended to them. The Rev. and Airs. bheppard,of Maik- dale, are visiti g with the hitter's uncle and auut, Mr. ami Mrs. tSum Pedlar, of Eugenia. *ir. John Walker, of Croemore, is visitii g at Mr. John Beecroft's. Mis. K. W. ^^hi•e, of Heshertoii, « the liuest of her .sialor, Mrs. J. A. Wil U.m.s. Married ;.t CoUingwood, Oct. 12, Mr. Joseph Thompson ol Fcvershum to Miss Alice lU>y of liugeiiia. Ttieir many friends here tjiider ibein hearty congrat- ulations, wifhing them many loi:g years of prosperity ai.d happiness. (.!ur popular mail carrier, Mr. John Weber.is fond of diivinga good .sp;inkiig team, Ijut on Moi'.d;iy last iihenaboui a miie from Kugcnia tho hjr.se.s tl. ought the mail might bo tato and s arted at full rtiglit. I'eoplo thought an aiito.nobilo hid passed, as you could see no.liiiig but dii.-t. The team ran up to a fence at Mr. .1. - Wihiam'a I arii ami jumped onto t., 1 ;\!'.ere they were stu| p.il. .*s .Mr. Wo her and .»:r.Sinuli,i pas e go â- , k^.pt Ih.ir seats, il.e liuises and rig ouiuc otf without iijury. i'lio anniversary ai d hiiy.\st horn© of the fresliytinan uoogregiuioi Monday evening whs a succchj. A large uuiiiher was present to eiij ^y the goo I thiiigh provided, and a most enjoyable time was spent. Ttie ciioir Kird .\Ji:sHe der.soii's senool children did cridit to the excilleiit training they had roceivul. Tiie proir.-am Hhiougii 'Ufc was exooll«iit. Kev. Mr. Thom ally filled tho chair in Ins usual happy maiiitcr, and the lecture, " A Trip to ticolland," was a giea', treat to all, ii.s .Mr. S^he.pparit kept ilio large audunco speiUioui'.d with Hashes of liv ly wii and a vivid jitctuie < f t.li:( couotry aod [leople of Scotland's .iioi i.-U land. As a pivticlier he is iuo.st earnest anl is a lecturer he is a decided success. Eugenia people feel very grateful lo Mr, Sheppard lor his Si\\ in helping lo make their harvest home a pleasant mcinory to all [r a in', also to those who kindly assistc.l m tlie program and all wliocsine out ih.stevenii g to show their good feeling to tho c! u ch, u'.s i as- ter ami people. The proceeds on MnuiJay eveninji auiounled to .?r)5,60' \ social will bo held at tho church on Thursday evening. All are cordially invited. Boys tweed Caps for Uc. 12 Boys' Peak Caps, in bnwn .and whit'i and blue and white, chjck tweed, all sizes, loss than half price. Only '.) Children's Undervosts for 10c. 141 Children's Ribbed Undei vests, union, HeecB lined, etc., in liygeian Ribbed, a.s8ortod sisses and i(ualitie3 worth up to 25o , each. Your clioico 10 .?3.00 Ladies' Skirts for -51.95. 10 only Woiiiciis Black Cloth Skiit.s nicely tiiinmed with silk strapping, med- ium weight cloth, as.sorted lenatbs, .a regular 3. CO garment. On sala this week at 195 S2.00 Shirt Waists for 1.25 24 only Women's Fancy Shirt Waisfs, ,â- ls.^nltcd colorings, in fancy stripe pat- terns, eonio lustres, some fancy wool liimise niat.erialp, a.'^sorted sizes, nicely triiiimod, regular $2.00 Blouses. Wo vot the lot at a bargain. \\'hilo they last 1 20 65c Corduroy for 3!)c. 38 yanls Navy Blue Corduroy, nice rich shade, fine vjlv V finish, goofififfiiV-/ weight, worth in regular way (>5o yard. IPe got a barjjain and can s..y per yard 311 35c. Bath To wells fur 19c. .30 pair Baili Towell»,siz«s 20 by 40,fancv siripe pattern, good quahty crash, regu- lar value 30c pair on sale tliis weelc "l!) Childtons Bearskin Coats. H^o secured a couple of dozen Children's frhire Benrskiti Coats at a close price. These little costs are very popular for little people. IKe have thom in diHTerenC (pialities, dilfeniit styles, and different sizes, prices run from §2,00 to 4 50 §1.25 Print TFrappen' for 89c. 18 only women's Print Wrappers, medium and dark, neat patterns, as>orted sizes, good .[uality priut, reg value fl.25 oach;,- salo price 89 Ig Skirt Purel)ase Ifi.OO SKIRTS FOR ?3.5P. MCPAKLA.ND, STAFFOr^D dc CC How Pneumonia StaVts. You ca'ch a little c.dd to-day, by to- iiiorrow it has reached the tliioat, iie.xt day the luims are uBeeted and you wish you had used CatiU'h.'Zono which kills colds in live miruus. In the first pl.ico Ciitarthozone soothes the i.ritati-d mein- trine-i and relievos congestion â€" then it cuts ont the phlegm and de.stroys the germs. It, on.ihlfs the blood to retain a laLiiial supply ot oxygen, lunc-fo.id. and vitiilty. f n any cough, br> nchitis or lung slfeciion it's -uarniLleed to positively cure. Dectliio any sulwtituie for Calarrhozono A Mein|dii.^ (.Mo ) man ha.s diKCoTored a new way to get rid of itio'iiniiioos. Ho s;ns to rub alum on your face and bands. When the im sipiito takes ippi tile it puck- ers his buz/.e.r so it can't sting. It .sits down in a damp phic(», tries to dig the pucker loose, catches its death of cold, sii.l dies of pneumonia. -Kansas City Star. useoDr. Uamilton's Pills* No mediciu* you. 8«ud NOW, Siek lieadache is caused by a disordered condttiuu of the stomacU and is (iiiickly cured by CliamberlaiiiK Stomach and Liyer Tablets tor sale by VfAi, Kichiudsoii. Send f«r A. M. Thurston's S uvanir I'ostal Card tataloguc. It Will iotur.-8t A Judicious Inquiry .-\. wi-U.known tnivellin-.; mi-.n v.lio visits the drug trade s.nys he h.is often lieaid dniKgists liK|iiirc of enslitiiers who ;vsked f"r a ci'Uich iiietlic.ine, whether it was wanted for a child or an ^iilnlt, an 1 if fm a child ihoy .ihnost invar- iably reccoiiimfiiJ ChainbevLiin's (.'onsh lieiii- --(ly. 'rhe roaaiiu foi this is that they know there is no danger from it and that it alwaMi euros. There is not tho least danger in giving it, and for conghs, coM.^ and cnnip it is uimir- passed. For sale hy W. K. Richai Isuii. Farm for Sale Card cf Thanks Ceylon, Oct. 2, l!"r. Tolhc offieerK and nieinbem of the Canadian order .if Chosen Kritn.ls, -1 liereliy wish to liiarrily hiuik the inemhers of Ceyloii Covnicd iif ( Janiwlian Onhr of ( 'lioseu tJrie^jds fc kiiidnessi on the lueasion of my lii^ i!t'.-<.s .'Old death, also for tjic very proui iiienr of hisinsiuivnto of ^1,01)0. Wishing t)ii« f^Trtiia m-gamlStoo prosperity, I itin.iin, Kespectfully .. .Mr.M. Robt. .1 Fifty acres on tho eft"t back lino, Aiteine -i* -- lit toaâ€" ill unOer cuHivitioo biiteitlit «ci«b of collar Bwaiop. Wull foueoil, woll wntoreil, fritino bonne an.l burn, «ood o ehaiil. A iiii»i>. Aj>i ly W. *. AimitroiiH, ••'1 1^' Oi-oii. or B, UcQruUicr, Markdalo. ONLY ONE Cure for Asthm Some medicines deaden the disrase temporari'y, but Cameron's A5thm% CiUi^e cures pormancnlly. It is takei teriinllj' and thus 'comes in ooiitfl with the trouoles i!ire-;lly, remcvi^ it from the .system in a natural nii^jh lur. Prico 82.00 iJPr hotfe ^1«sfc. druggiits or sent direct on roceil.t p! price. Prepared only+y D. A.CAMERON. .^. ,,â- ' riViiee fmd Di ug Sfwrt,* ^^â- :-^-y- mm"