October 12 1905 THE I- L K b II E R T N ADVANCE The Markets. rarcfullv Corrcrted Each Wccfc „.U 2» 29 vZ::::. . f'- 4' UucWeus 0" ^ «ieo»o 0^' fi-^ "rtItoe.b.W â- .â- .â- â- â- .â- ;. 40 to 40 ^f. J 70 to (0 Cam* Astra; Two cwc» witli lii»nl>« cat; Thi-ie wile 111 rue ew<».l"' Owu«r kiiKilv prove) 4U-0I' anJ t«ku tbu »»iui' n*^- KlaM'Oiton.Sopl. 12. liW. . Tur. . Standard SUam (ok Canada) Ha8 0|)onoJ a branch office in Fl.s!i''i- t..n. whiTo a ({uiieriil biiuki.itt l.usineKs will be transiicled.. Moi^;^ iHMilablo for cfritiinnto business ciitvrprise.s. DRAFTS 150DGHT AND SOLD on all poiiiteit Canada Hiul the Uiiitca States. IntiT.st ailowed on ilep^its of Sl.OO and upward* conipuuiulud, half yciirly. G. IVIitcluell Agent. Caused by eyestrain ) Cured without drugs, and cured permanently flesmCrton- Amrs To be sure, you are growin£ old. But why let everybody see it, in your gray hair? Keep your hair dark and rich and postpone age. If you will Hair Vigor only use Ayer's Hair Vigor, your gray hair will soon have all the deep, rich color of youth. Sold for 60 years. " I am n«w orer flO Te»rt olii. and T hAT9 a tUl4>k, fWaay head of loiiir hair which la a wohdwr to avary ooe who aeae It. Anrt not a gray ball In It. all do* to Ajer*! Hair Vigor." Man. U. R. JSUHTit, Backla, Minn. for f\M a l>attl«. AlMrn«l«u. 3. C. jlTCS CO., lAiwall, M*aa- White For Tbe Advance, Autumn T \ -in < In the air tbero mmitiis a softoosn, I As of breo£4]B niurruurinR III rofiaiii afjt'titlo farewoll To Ihe Jo>B tlmt cHUift with sprlog, Aixl ttiu Hunlieuuia twhtklu. h«zy, j O'er till wRt' r^, rippltiit,', Iti^y, 111 the Autuuwi, Qarbcd lu gold and brown aui crimson, KtanrtH tho niaplu, fitir to 8P», Whilu hrr oIr ers^' ilavktjr (olUtie Forms a bacUiiroun'i prettily, An.l thoviiicfi. llieii licU hti«n blondeJ, bbow to tifttlie (juuiaier's euded. And 'tlti Autumn* Pljorn anf» shflor tho fl«M» are Etandin^, While tbtt threshor'B busy hum Siii^s to UR of che»r and pleuty When thf tiostn of wintur ccm*; And tbe orchard boiigbtt ate laden With red applaH. ia;iddt tbo fadea Leavua of Autuniu. Yet at timB9 there conies asa'lnefln, Atid the wind wafla round the oaves. Can it bo tho voice of i-'eres. And for I'rosperinu Bhe griovoa, Who, when flowers bicoui, coiiie« hither, Hut ijiuNt leuvti us wbeo Ihey wither, W ilh tbo Autumu? And perchanre. o'on with the (loddesp. Human heartsbav*} unfulfilled H(<j>eti that Cbiuc llku spriiiiitime blofiRoms, Hut which lolder b!aKtii have chilled, Ro that Nature's forlorn fretting,' IhinKi^ tu tliHin a vain rof^ruttiug. \Vbcu *Liu Autumn. Yet thope words are true, thovi-ih myetic, Kach thing worketh for thoKOod Uf tiie htiat t ihrit lov»*tb, Rervutli, And tbetitnouf reaping would» If we ktit;^v it ill its ri(;litue«8, L'ill all our hrartK with garQerod bri£;btuesa lu the Auluuiti, â€"I. G. Boattio. Local Agents Wanted At oiici' f.)r "Gan:.<li'.s Orna'o f Niirscr- i^H" for tlio (own iif KLK.SIIEUTON ami Biirr(juri<l>ui; cOuniry, wliich w.ll b« resor- vi-d f'lr \\\K rinht man. START NOVV at lh« l)t«t «.:lliii„' suas'in, and hundlu our new KpcuiaUiuB on lib- eral tonus, Write for paviicuiaiH and 8eii-l I'm. for tuir han'luMino aliiiiiiiuiii iidcld't micro .scopi*. (.1 liltio Hfni) useful to : Tarn era, ill cx«iniiiiii(> ak>ud.s and grainx; Orchard ihtH, in examining troi-s for iuHuctK; To'icli- ers and Hcholars in Ktudyina Hoianj, and tveryijody in a liuiidrud dilluiunt way.s. Stone & Wellington (ovkkSOO .*okrs) Toronto â- - Ontario Yonng moil and women thould take a ciiurao 4>I traiuing in dturtliand and typewriting ut tbe In Furniture The largest and best stock of furnituie everiihowii in Kleshor- \,"n. This witfiont feamf contra- diction. Cunio and »eu Kome of tlie nice thiiign in Sideboards DintrigRoon\ Cl\airs Parlor Setts Bed Roorq Setts A special reduction just now on everything in order to reduce tho stuck. W. H. BUNT. j'ttrnitiire Suealen FlesktoD - Dot. '» Ot.râ€" ~J Physically Exhausted Lickiiig ill coiiriisfc -jut of joint wiih evt-rythinaâ€" SLartoly on fipertUini; tiTiu. with even fair health. Such low spui'.'. are piiialile. Your brain ix fai-yid, vital- ity so exhausted your couslitu'ioii i.s well nitli ruined. What ynu i.oed is Ft-rr"- Zone, thai uri'al vitalizor and iiu'ritivi' tonic. Il'i liy l^aUill^ lU-sli and blood, l.y infu3in)( iron ami o.\yg.ii into tli i syatrin tliat Kerr<iZ 'Ui' helps; it relitirs neak spoU*, instilU now life into worn-out or uai.sâ€" make.* you feel like new. Fcrio- zolif lifta a>;e from the old and iuipart.s resiliencf and buoyancy to the di'pri«ied. He niaidy, riiddy-colorod â€" ca'-t aside wi-akne^sund eir.'-r the liappy lif-i that comes from u.kiiiu F^erroaaie. Fifiy cents buys a box in any drui{»toru. TheArch-Fiend of the \%v Not war, more deadly than oven this mod ni Iniichery â€" hut catarrh, whidi lead.<«'to consuinptian an J annually Uills niore than war and famine eoinliined. The doct^ira now Huccoi-MfuHy tijihl catarrh with a remedy which n«ver fah â€" <;.<t. arrlioz-iiie, it's death to every type of cit- arrh. It des'roya eveiy toot and branoli of the diaease so tliurou.'hly that a rulap.se nied nevei be feared. If trou' b-d with colils, nasal or tlipat c;itjirrb, or subject to bronoliiiis or aKilinia, utieCatarihuK ine and you'll be cured. A «u«hin^ oil well was stru'.k recently on Maniicjuiiii Talindinear Manitowaninij Four hundred barrels of oil per day i? flo'Ting trough the valves of a three inch pump. Befoie Ihe flow could be contnd lei ftlxiut 200 ban els of oil ra i .'own the rondway â- â- ^â- aiHMi^B^.>^**^a*'^'aM*..*'''aa'a.**.^*"^***^'**^f "Weak Lungs Business Cards M'CULljOL'On & YOUKO u !lank4tr Markrlale Jos goaeral baukiiif; business. Money loaneo & reaaoualilo rate Cii.lt uii uh. RJ BI'IIOULE ro^tuiastir,- Flealierton oominlBaionor in H.O. J., Anotioneer Con veyannor. Appraiser and Money Leixtei liiMiJ KBtato aad Inauranco A|>ent. DcodF iT«ortf!af;eH, loasofl aui wills carefnlly drawn tip auil valuatiomi madn on fhorteat nr.tice. money to loan at lowest rutea of intorest. Col eationij attontlud tci with proniptni-HH ohart'oH low. Agent for -Ocean Uomitiion Utaaiuabip Company, A call bolioitod. Societies AG U W moats on tlie latt Monila) in eacu niontti. in their looge room. ChviRtoo'8 block. i'Mestiei'toit. lit H p.ru. M.W., A. Marrisou ; Itucordi^r, .laa. l-'t'latuad ; ]<')uaD- cier, W.J. Ilel.aniy. Vieitinf; brutlirED luvited. â- â- â- •/•â- / .^^ PllINCE AllTIlUU LODQK, No. :i:i."l A F A A M. meets in the IklaBoiiiohali. Stvain'b block, I'lejliorlon, every Friilay on or boforc tho full iDOCii. John Wright, W M.; CJ. N. Hichar sod, Sucrutary, ^ Christoe'e lUocI* tho luht Kridavevntiln^' of nftcli month. Vli^itinii FovuslevB bearlilv wnlonme. O. It., J.Cornneld; It.C. W. Uuekiii; Fiu. Sec, H. A. Willi tt. PlnaPa iiay "Mies toll. ^. WiPef.fc on or before the last (lay of the preceeding month. CHOSBN FUIENDSâ€" Fleslierton Council of (7hoSfii Friotulft iiieets in C-Ia\totr^ hall tlrRt and third WedoH^tlav of ouch nioniii; M p. ni. Pay aasesamentH to tite Ite«'Oidrr on la- before ti'o Arsl davof oaeh inontli. Chief Councillor, T. lUakoloy: l(«oordor, W. II. Hunt. n OWEN SOUND, ONT. Theic is a Urse demand f>r yniinjf men ftinngrapheri), very much l.u-^er than the ^lippIy. K tb )ron.;h and practir.il e lurac iiicUidin(t th>? fnllmving Hulijwtt.:â€" sb.ntband, I'itinan's sytetn, tii.ich tj pf.vntiiii;, iieiimiiisliip, iipel- llnBt, Ictt.-r wiitnist anOgeimrul oilieo (sactioo. ^'t•HleIlL1 ndniitttil at any linx'. I''iill particu- lara nout to any aildrenyi free. AdlruKs O. A. FLKMMlNii, Prin. HIGH CLASS PICTURES. . The pla 'e to ;;et tho best I'hofos in at iUJLMF.U'S PIIOTOGIIAI'U 0.\LLEUY. Medical DR CAKTF.n M C P A H Ont. I'hyeiclan Rnrpeon. etc OIHee and ro»i<ienceâ€" Peter sfc , Fiesborttju Dn.A.T. MflND (Jraduatf Toronto Till veraitv. Mem- bar of Ontario (Uillefie oj Pbvhiell&nH and hur- geoua. Maxwell. On*. rinccebSta' to Dr. Hcott. T V OTTKWi'UJ- " Votoviiiary flurjTeon Gi-!»rtii»to of Ontdrio Veterinary rollnue. residonotf â€" flacoiid door south weal or. Mary stroot. This atreat raua aoiith Prefibvtnrian ('huroh. WIl.SON.Illftckrinith 'Graduate of tliu Votrrhiary Hcieiico Association. Ih'sidcnce, Tlnrhaiu Uiuvt, op- posite lioyd, HickliLg'a hardware. H. Legal SPECIAL ATTONTION \V.! pay 8pecml Atteiiiion to Copying and llabie.t' picmrea, l'i;turo frani- ill;,' u specialty. Try us for aiiv kind of picturt* and •J*f*, will proiniHef:atisfact4on** . ]VIi:*s. BULMfe}!?!; SjUunliUin Ktt'oet, Flethertou LUCAS WUIOriT A McAIsni.E llarristers flolloitora Cunvcyancei-a, ate OlUci'Sâ€" Ow«ii Sound. Ont and Mnrkdalo Ont W n WmoHT. M('AHtii.x I H I.viAs N H~Kleshurton oBlee, Mltcbell'a Hank •very Saturday, Dkntistrv E. C. MURRAY T.. D. H., dental RnrReo- linnoi- [(*-Hdimfce of Toronto University and T[o>al Collt-nao' Dontnl ^itrff-«oH^ of Ontario. Citi sdciiliMslifttlon for tenth extiaetion Uiriee at roatdence, Tarjnto atreet, FJoeberton >?. r. ABMSTROXn. ri n.H .Honor Oradu a'aof Tiironlo Unl»«r«lty and Ituval Col' l.'Ka of noiital nnrftuona of tMitario. Opposite Mrs. Ilul'ixr'B IMiotogranti Oaileiy. VIM vitit Maxwell first and third TbuKday uf oaob Dioutb commonciafi'fuly Diti, D^i D Maxwell (Held over fnmi last week.) A death which has cau.sed profnuiid sympathy in the community fir the ber- eaved parents was tho yeuiioest dauj^htir of Mr. and Mrs. Waller McCaIIuiu of Toronto, Tho remains were brouiiht to tho formets parental home, Mr. Kd M::Calluni, fourth liiieou Thursday and the funeral fo-k place to the Presliyieria'i cenietery on Friday gfttroo.m and was lari^ely nttemled by synipi<thizin>{ friends. Rev. Mr. Ballaiityiie conducted the fune- ral service. Mr.-!. Keil McTn'yre of Newberry, iMicbi;i*n, is visiting with her sister, .Mis. \V .11 IJuy at pre.SfU*, also her dau;>liter, Miss Lizssiu M':lntyru. Misa VViiiiiie Haiiiiltnn of Tor.into is viairinir wiih Mis. Fred Spoftaid this week. Mr. Wiiid.sor Ross isvii>iting his paren- tal home at present. Dr Sootl ami family uinved to CoUiu'i- wood last week and Mr. GlissfuiU has moved in whero Dr. Scott was. Mis^ Maud (fuy is v:sitiuo friends in CoUinu'Wo d this week, A luimber of the younsf people in our vicinty attended the exhibi'ion at ('oiling wood last week and sonio leport if have ing an extra tine tune. The f.lliuviiig adilress wag read to Dr and Mrs. S'Mitt pie% ious tu their depart- ure for Ci'llini'Woi.d. To Mr. and Mrs. Dr.Sc..lt: De.ir Mr. nnd Mrs. Sc'itl, It IS « itli profound regret that we, the people of the vicini'y of Maxwell have io'iMied thai yon are about to aever youi connection wiih us. During your term of rebideuco »iih us wo all feel that you ha\u liUed a very impoitant po.sitien in il;o eoinmuiiiy in which your lot has been cast. Not only will »c «» ii.diviJuals miss your fainiliai facet from among us, but we are natistied that llie \ieiiiity as a whole wi 1 experience a severo loss in your deparuire. During Ihe yents that have pas.sed friendships have been folined which we hope the tide may never elfaco. [.y some you will bo remoiubered as nii( s who weri! aUvays willing and ready to help and ad- vise, by others and by Ihe great majority you will be n meiiibpred ani' nj; our inrst familiar friends and acipiain'ances; but by all you must 1,0 rcinoiiibereil as eneigetie end onlhusii'Siie winkers fi.r all eau.ses to which yiu clio:;o to lend a helping hand, and Willi.' we feel tliat Dr. So. It hss al- ways been a leader in proinoring anylliini! that was for tho iioiietit and iidvnncenieni ot tho society of this localiiy, no 1. us do we fi-el tKut Mrs. Sett ha< faithfully done her put ill thu ciidcs among wlr.oli she lias been nccuslom.d to move. So we fi el in d'.'paniiiK from us you are racating a place which llmse who, follow may find hard to 1,11, anil iii greater tribute can t>e paid to any one than that they did well that which thf-y took in hand to do. Now bifore we part we desire to make use of this opportunity to exiu-ess to you in some slijihi way our esteem and good will for you and your family, as a token of which wo now ask you to accept this II a ^it and cocoa sol and when you part from us WB hope that you may enjoy heakh and proapetity in your new home and wo pray that wherever you go, that the blessing of God may go with T.iu. Signed on behalf of the people of the Mr». T.F. Andrew 99 FLESHERTON HARNESS EMPORIUM. (Opposite ArinUrong's Jewellery ) Everything up to dite in harnes-i â€" best material, best workmanship, best prices. Fly hheets and nets are in se^*son â€" let us show y.iu ours. Trunks, valises, axle grease, carriaao .ixle ;;rease, hainess oil, whips and lasher. BUGGIES. C mo and see tlia new buggies which ; we have on exhibiiion. They are beaut- i;!3 and prices arc right. Wm. MOORE Opposite .Armstrong's Jewellery) Plcshertoo. •â€" •' PSYCHINE " has restored thousands of people to buoyant bealth and strength whose condi- tion had been regarded as hopeless. It is at once a tonic and flesh builder, containing rcm.irkablc properties as a blood purifier and germicide. It will strengthen and beal the weak lungs, force out the phlegm, and drive away the cough, no matter of how long standing. " I'svckinb " tones up the whole system and drives out disease, heals the decayed tissue and restores lost energy. Its use daily will prevent and ward otT that roost subtle disease consumption. Two rein.u-kable leoorda made by the ixipubir {/Q ELLIOT? /Pf /?/^ ^^fe^tm^:' The attend.TOOs at the o;«niii^ of our Kail T.jrm was five times iis gn; at a-s tii.it ofayearajjo. b.%st ui.mtb wo hidte.i times as many c^ls for st«no^ap(ii".s, b'lokkeers, etc., as we could H.l. Tbi-i imtluubtedly deiinti*s priii?res.<ivs.*ii«.'s-i aad shows that this ia the bust coli.-jjo t.i p.>t- roni'.e. Eater iio-.v. M.ijfiiifii-mit fj* alojjue free. W. .1. Elliott, triii*. Cor. Yungefc Alexander Str-.-cts. GREATEST OF AI.L TONICS ! Ml jrc^jan} Csll ofSng CPRONOUJ^CEP .5bK££N) AU DRUCCIST3â€" ONE DOUARâ€" FREE TRIAL DR. T. A. SLOCUM, Limltad 170 Kins St. W. Toronto. CanadA Groceries FLOUR FEED AT Wright'5 Haviiiu just received n full line of choice samples of up to ,laie suititiostrouscrina", everoo.»tiii;i,s, wa'crj ro'if and cravenetta goods. Of over iVOO different samples to select from we are prup ired to till orders at lowest possible prices. H. ALEXANDER WANTED. A reli.ible. agent for Fleiherton and sui- rounding onuntry. ti.'oj pay weekly e.\jlusive leriitory. Simple case or out- tit free. Our terms are tho best in iha business. We need a man of good char- acter and aV-iIiiy during tho Fall and winlf-r monilis. OYER GtX) ACRES. The ;hoieest and most extensive list of stock in Canada, including truic and ornamental stock, sniall fruits, and seed pota'oes, F.ist selling specialties oflered for the tirsi time. Write for terms no* to Th3 Pelham Nurseay Co. Toronto Ontario. Mggies = If you are thinkinc of buying a fine buggy, wagon or democrat, it will surely pay you t.> call and investigate our stock, terms, etc., before making your ]>uri ha.se. We have a HtatTof expert wuikiuen and can guarantee that y.iu will beaatistiel pi:.ouG»[ ~ â€" - ALWAYS ox HAND -- â€" - â€" â€" AND KEI'AIRINO OFALL KINDS â€" â€" J. A. HEARD, - FLESHERTON, ^"^"^IS^m^^^^Si^ ^S^^-^-^^^5^^^^6&1&:^5^^ 1). McTAVISH Miaa LiisieOuy. m mmm iwmi wm For Fust Class Buggies, Cart.s, Pleasure and Lumber \^agon8, cutlers. Sleighs. We keep a stock on hand to choose from. AL30 HORSE SHOEING ANOUENERAL BLACKSMITHINQ Slid L'uaranteo first class work. Wo keep on hand Ploughs and Plough repairs, and fiko Massey- Harris and Noxnn repairs for binders. Mowers, 'ill kinds -jf iiia-hinuiy, also Dinder Twine on hand, t» Olbcn in town gipe US a tall « IS