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Flesherton Advance, 5 Oct 1905, p. 3

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â-  -^ â-  & ^^ 1 1T: k't*^^^'' # IN MERRY OLD ENGUP V -V BTEWS BY MAH, ABOUT JOHU BULX AJIB HIS PEOFLE. Occurrences in th« Beigns Suprer.-.e Land That n tn6 Cota- It is stated that 228 pers-ms in th« borough of Stepney died of old a^e during 1904. liochdale is known to th<» world as the home of John Bright and the cradle of co-operation. The White Star and Cuuard lines are fitting their ships with the sub- marine signaling apparatus. The Knglish nionty denomiwation a pound was once a pound wcigbt oi silver in it.s pure state. The first life insurance society was THE POSTMASTER IS THANKFUL DODD'S KIDNEY PILLS ENABL- ED HIM TO SLEEP IN PEACE. Grand Work they are Doing For Thoosands of Canadians Every Tear. Tabucintac, Cumberland Co., N.B., Oct. 2.â€" (Spcrial^â€" Mr. H. J. U-e, postma.>iter here, is one of the great army oi Cui adians who, rescued from pain and weuknei^s by iJodd's Kid- ney Pills, are shouting the praistn of started in London in 1698, and an- | jj,^ great Kidney Ht-medy. other in 1700. Neither was success- ful. There are .'136 places of public en- tertainment in London, wiih a com- blnc-d seating capacity for 400,0o0 people. An aristocractic looking man, the grandson of a duke, is selling matches in London in very shabby clothes. A parcel of tea has be<->n sold at Uincing Lane for 2o8 Gd per pound Ves," the postmaster sajs, "I want to cxpriss my thankfulness for the great l>enefit I have received from the of Dodd's Kidney I'ills. "My trouble was having to urinate too fre«;ly. I had to eight or ten times each night so that my rest was broken. My feit and le-.^B also swell- ed. 'ITien I got Dodd's Kidmy I'ills and I took six boxes all told. Now I am all right. "It will be a comfort to me if by Sunlight Soap will not burn the nap off woolero nor the surface off linens. REDUCES AmIl far ih« <k:ts2oa Bar. naifl to be the highest price paid fcr j making in.y case public I can lead several years. | some other sufferer to find relief in With the retirement of Gen. Sir xjodd's Kidney fills." Charles Warnn, G.C.M.G., a notable; Dodd's Kidnev Pills alwavs cure name disappears from the active list Brights Disease. They annually of the army. bring relief to hundreds of thousands Mr. Samuel WiLson, 82 years old. ^f Canadians who are bothered with stated to be the oldest Oddfellow in earlier Kidney Troubles. Etimonds next the Col. SICE CEOP FAILS. Blow Suffered by Japan as a Re- sult of Incessant Bains. England, died at Bury St on the 2(Uh ult. Col. Koroilly, C.B., will month take over command of Scots Guanls, in succession to Jones who retires. Roberts' career as a billiard player has lasted over 30 years, and now he is to retire, not in the Sims Reeves' sense, but forever. Not one of Blackpool s numerouB 1 - "^-^-7^; j'apanras a^argep' municipal bhow.xl a loss o^ion of her inhabitants g. last ..-">r, and the rates were reducea by i;2i,T*^'^^fron» the profits. In the course of eight hours' point duty, a London constable avers, that he is aske<l. on an average, 250 times where such-and-such a street is. The late Mr. .lohn Innes of Merton, Surrey, who left estate of the gross value of £338,026, has baiueathed £200.000 for charitable purposes. BIGGEST THEFT OS RECORD. lliree thousand million gallons of water have been stolen from the Brooklyn Water r)epartnnent, and de- tectives are being employed to search for unauthorized connections to the mains. The loss to the bor- ough is estimated at 8400.000. It is suspt?cted that large consumers have tapped the mains without ap- plying to the Water Department for the Installation of meters. MO.NTU AKTEK MOXTH i co[rl stlck.5, an.! 9««ni-t to tear hule-i in yuur tiiroat. .Vr« y 'U aw.i:a that even a :itiibb.>m and l'>ns-iMgIecte4l cold i* vurwl with A-U«a'd Luag Bai^m / Cuu^ and worry no hmger. A Pleasant Surprise For tea drinkers is to give them a hot, steaming cup of frSLgraLnt TEA instead of the ordinary kind. They'll notice the difference quick enough, then nothing will do them but Blue Ribbon Tea. ^T'ZS.^Sr "TJ^IZ £Z,Z3I> X^AT^HIa- "According Mrs Nttggs, • wives." "I to this paper." said widows make the best don't doubt it, -ny dear," replietl Na^rgs; "but, never- theless, I don't feel justified in shuffling oH at the present laoment merely for the sake of making a gooc wife of you." "Why do the fade slowly awa.v?" she inquired pootically. "Well," the baldheaded youn^ man, "when you think it over it's all for the best. It's more comfort- able to have them fade slowly away then to go off all of a sudden, like a torpedo." It ii the Former's Friend. â€" The farm- er will and in Dr. Thomas' Cclectrio Oil a pot«iit remedy for wound» or pains ill tlie body or (or ailection.s ol tiie re.spiratory organs and for holU use generally. He will also find it a convenient friend in treating * in- jured horses, cuttle, etc., or relieving them when attacked by colds, coughs or any kindred ailments to which ihey arc suiiject 0HENI1.LE OURTAiNS tad ftii ktacU ol hcmi* a^uaciafi, ftUo UCI OUETAIIS '»**SA°«'£:.''" Wnt* ui â- !» ftbout 7oan. â- amM kmmuim â- Tuna oii. lu i«.itentr«rt 30 PraoticaJ Every day Lâ€" â- ont on FARM ACCOUNTS Far 75e. po«t paia. FAAM PUB. Mouse. Box *::3. (.ti.i-.riwa. Oat- The rice crop of .Japan has been almost totally ruint?d by incessant rains. Less than a quarter crop will be gathere<l. This is a vei-y serious ro- portion of her inhabitants gain their livelihood from its cultivation. Even with a good crop -lapan is obIige<l to import more and more I rice each yt-ar to supply the e'er- growing denumd. Last year, for ex- | ample, the rice harvest was one of | unprece«lente<J abundance, being "*'"n- | President tv-onc per cent, above the average. The crop realized 264,000,000 A Plca-sant Medicine. â€" There are some ftills wliicb have no other pur^'ose 1 1- .iently tiian to beget painful internal disturbances in the patient. a<l<ii:ii{ 'o his tro'i.')lj:i ind perplexities rather diminishing them. One might .is veil swallow sorne corrosive material. I'i»r- melees Veg.?table Pills have not tliis disagreeatiltt and injurious pro|>:ry. They arc ta-sy to take, are not •jn,).'?» jant to the taste, and their action •» mild and sootbing A trial of them wiil prove this They offer peace 10 me dyspeptic. "What are you studying now?" asked Mrs. Cumro.x. "We have taken up the subject of molecules," answered her son. "I hope you will be very attentive and practise con- stantly. I tried to get your father to wear one, but he couldn't make it stay in his eye." Ki«n*y Duty. â€"It is the particular function of the kidneys to filter out poiaons which pass through them into the blood. Wlier the kiilney.n are dis- eased thev cannot do their whole dutv. and .should nave the help and strength that South American Kidney Cure will afford in any and all forms of kidney disorder. It relieves in 6 hours. â€" 14 ' FARMERS, ATTENTION. Do you want t<i «ll Tiur farm • If ao, send as a description of it and lowest price. We will Uat it in lur next Karm Bulletin, which will ba named nnon. U we seU we charge two aad one-hail par cent, commiaiiion. If we do not laU we male 00 Do yoo waiij to bny a Farm > Bjloie doing so. write us for our Karm Bolletin. There ire hun- dreds of Farms t.) choose from. We can satisfy Tou and save vou money he-iidea. Bf'TUEBFOBDi aiI.KTr, Hamilton LUMINOUS SHRIMc'S. Luminous shrimps have been dis- covered by the Prince of Monaco in the course of his d<«p-sea fishing in thu Mediterranean They live at a depth of from 1.100 to I.6OO fath- i oms. They are of the size of fine i prawns, and are with small 'phosphorescent spots. These liijht I their way in the gloom of the deep ! waters. GIFT TO JAPAN'S EjMPE-ESS an Hoosi;velt Sends American Sewing Slachine. The Singer Sewing Maciiine Corn- It is .. ^ . ^ , bushels bouthport has a bowling g.-een ^ Nevertheloss, the value of rice im- pauy, of Elizabeth, .New Je.-sey, has which IS hghtea oy electricity m the ^^ted was considerablv higher than J just completed a .sewing machine for evenings, in order to allow woriing ^^^. previous record level, reachi'd in | the Empress of Japan on the order »,. „i... i._..i.. ..,-.,._ .i.._i r. =" jQQy rj.,^^ figures were $30,000,000, ' of President Roosevelt. It is a pre- as compared « ith $25,i>00,000. Of sent to the Empress by the Presi- this amount India's share was more dent in recognition of the courtesy than one-half. o.xti-nded to his dailghter. Miss /Vlica The cultivable area being limited, Roosevelt, during her recent visit to the increase in population and pros- Japan. peritv largely accounts for the mark- j The selection of a sewing machine ed increase in the amo:int of im-'as a gift caiHe about from a conver- ported rice. The cultivatable area jsation Miss Roosevelt had with the is about T.OOf.,000 acrej. Tlie last j Empress. The latter exi>res,«ed a de- serious deficiency occurred in 1902. 'sire to have an Am<> sewing men to play bowls after dark carried on by the corporation. Ociieral Booth, so far as foo'l is concerned, lives a simple life. Ti-ast and tea for breakfast, soup, toast and a few vegetables for lunch: tea the same as breakfast, and rice and milk for supper. Bj his will the Kev. Francis Slater, M..^., of Oxford, directed that in the event of his dying abroad his heart should be cut out and plac- ed on his wife's coHin at thsley churchyard, tear Macclesfield. A large number of London's dis- carded horse tranicars have ^een 1 ' sent to Lincoln.shire, where they are | Tailorâ€" "You have rec<-ntly inher- used as sleeping rooms for potato ' itcd a nice lump of money from pickers. Ore has become a small jyour umle; why don't you pay tnc'f" Sunday school at Spuitcrton Dow- . Cu.stomer â€" "I hate all ou'ward dyke. !show. I don't want it to b The bagpipe is now being inlro- that my newly-actjuired wealth I'-i.^ duced into the navy. Tlat well- ta'i-se<l a departure from my former known Scot, Lord Walter Kerr, was simple habits." the innovator. Several bjttleshifs when the crop was but 18;i,18 1,2-12 | machine, and Miss Roosevelt com- bushels. In 1 'Oa 516,188 bushels. it rose to 2:30,- I forms of hea-t ill. di.sea£C in 30 minutes. â€" men say," remarked the heiress, "that I have no 'Oh, that doesn't matter." replied the poor but wiliinif vouth- I "I'll frive you mire." I "Some '. beautiful heart. are equipped with bagpipes, while a trio are attached to the Royal Naval Barracks at Portsmouth. llritish fishing fleets sweep the seas from the shores of Iciland to the coast ol Portugal. At the present time there are at least 27,OUO ves- sels, manned by over 'JO.OOO fisher- men, engaircd in fishing from the ports of the United Kingtlom. A clergyman at Yarmouth, who was attending a "rummage sa'e'' that was being held for charity, luid a new straw hat on a stall, and when he turned round to get it a minute or two later, found that the energetic stallkeeper had sold it to an unknown purcha-er. .V speaker at the North-east Lan- cashire Conference of Women's Co- operative Guilds, said she had been told by a nurse that the number of i whiskey babies in workhouses was appalling. Thev had the utmost dif-jtainly in the interests ficulty in getting them to taUe foodldren, if partnts, and mothers especi- unless it tasted of whiskey. |a!!y, realizoti more than they appear The presence of hatkss women in; to do the importance of fresh air th« Canterbury Calh.dral was ' i>.nd sun.shine. ChiMrcn shoild live brought recently" to the attention out of doors, they ought to bo of the chapter of the cathc«lral. who brought up in the fresh air and siin- decidt-d that this departure from the^hine. Without it they droop and municated the wish to I'er father, who immediately :;ave the order. The machine is of the \ . S. pattern and is probably the most costly that has ever been turned out of any tuc- tofy- B'very part of it where there is no friction is gold plated. On one end of the machine attach- said Q^l to the gold plated ironwork is the .\merican and .Japanese coat ol arms. Underneath the coat of arm.s of the two countries in .Japanese characters is the date and then fol- Dr. AsrtoWs Cure for tH« Haart acts | lows the rea.son for the presentation, directly and <|U.ckly, stimulates the 1 !?._„„, ,1,^ tima that thi. innchinA heart's action, stops most acute pain, I 1" rom the time that tn. uiacnine dispels all signs of weakness, flutter- was started until It received Its Imal ing, sinking. smothering, or palpita- ] ^gjjf j,, the operating room .the ut- tion. This wonderful cure is the sturdy, . ^,-recv was maintain- ship which carries the heurt-sick pati- . ""ost care ana secrecy was maintain ent into the haven of radiant and per- ed and none but the roost truste<l feet health. Gives relief in acute employees were allowed to i!o anv A SKIX TH.iT Bl'BVS with eczenn, aad Is covered with enipti .n-t tiiAt liw luvrge.i t'lin Buid, may be n].id0 smooth \ii'i i^ightiy with Weave.-'^ Cerate. It is an ointment haa brought relief to thousand:*. FUKSIl AIU AND SUNSHINE. How much better it wouU! be, cer- of th'ir chil- rulu laid down by St. Paul was not to bo tojeruted. The exclusion of ^â- ?flal bareheaded women created a mild sensation in England. Scoldsâ€" "You sav he left no money? die. for "life is a sun child." and its iH'ginnings cannot thrive depriv- ed of its native element. In child- hoO'l the foundation is laid for ma- ture lifo. Pale, delicate, children, when brought up in the heated atmosphere of th > luxurious Baggsâ€" "No. You see, he lost his ,„odern home, have no .stamina for health getting wealthy, and then lost (i,^. future. A robust, hardy child- part of the work upon it. The machine will be placed In a mahog- any cabinet inlaid with silk and in Japanese colors. It is said that it will be Sent to Japan by a special messenger. f TOOK IIIM AT HIS WOKL'. "Now. Miss Caustique." said young BoreiE, who had dropped in to speni the evening, "pray do not put yours<'lf out on i:iy account. Just act as if I were not hero.'' • 1 hank you, Mr. Borem." she re- plied. "I will do as you suggest and proceed to enjoy inysclf." "What all this is about men getting on their knees wh-n they propose," said Mrs. Parslow to her dear friend. "My hu.sband didn't do any such absurd thinj; when he asked nie to marry hint." "He did when he propcsed to m-j," said the dear friend, without thinking. N.;arly all in rants are more or less ituhject to diarrhoea and such com- plaints while teething and as this peri- od of their lives is the most critical, mothers should not Ijo without a bottle of Dr. J. D. Kclloggs Dysciterv Cor- dial. This medicine is & sneci^c for such complaints and is hign.y spoken of liy those who have used it. The proi>rictors claim it will cure any case of cholera or summer complaint. THE JJtPS did it. They supplied the Menthol found ill the " D a L ' Meuthol Plaster, whicii t«- Ueres in«tjJitlT bjiiiache. headache, oeoraigia rheumatism and sciatica. Bank rellerâ€" "This cheque has your husltand's name signed to it, Mrs. Nuwe«l, but he haij neglected to till in the amount wanted." Mrs. Nuwedâ€" "Oh, that doesn't matter. Just give me all there is to his credit." "You can't imagine," said the musical young: women, "how dis- tressing it is when a singer realizes that .she has lost her voice." "Per- haps not," replied the plain nmn; "but I've got a fair idea how dis- trwssiiifir it is when she doesn't rea- lize it'" M->r»otan9i», Dy«ae»3ia, liidiBe*- toâ„¢. and kindred ailments, take win!;* before the htralini; quali'-ies of South American Nervine. rhouias Ho.skm-. of Durham. Ont.. took his preacher s ad- vice, iollowed directions, and was cured permanently of the worst form of S'-rv- ous Prostration and Dysfwpsia. He has recouiiiiended it to others with grati- fVing results. Its a great nerve bund- er -12. Miss Passaypâ€" "I prize that book verv highly. It is a. very old edi- tion." Miss Buddeâ€" "Yes. dear, I thought it must be when I saw on the lly-le>if that it was presented to vou on your twi.nt,y-lirst birthday." Great Thinjts From Little Causes Grow.â€" It tokos very little to deranco the stoma:h. The cau.<^e may be slicrht. a cold, doiiictliir-g eaten or dnink. an3ii- ety. Worry, or souic other siinnlc cause. But if prcca'ations be not taken, this simple cause may have most serious consequences. Many a chronically debil- wilh in li.-iie. Keep the digestive ap- paratus I . hciiltn,. condition and all will be well. Parmelee's Vegetable Pills 1 , ,,,...»- u i are better than any other for the pur- , es for thetn. He â€" xes. she ma Ives . pose. I excuses, but he ha-s to .make allow--'" Mother Graves' Worm Exterminator has the largest sale of any similar pre- ' paration suid in Canada. It always : gives satitiiactiou by restoring health to ' the liltlu lolks. .Sheâ€" "Mr. Riche says very bitter things about these lazy sons of his, but his wife is always making excu.s- He â€" "I presume you carry a mi.»- mcnto of some kind In that lock..'t of yours?" .she â€" "Precisely. It is a lock of nty husband's hair" He â€" "But your husband is still alive!" She â€" "But his hair is all gone." i ances for them; that's what angers hiiu." KOTICED IT. A Young Lady From New Jersey Put Her Wits to V/oik. "ColTee gave u:e terrible spells of indigestion which, coming "n every week or so. made my liie \v rflch>-»d imtil some one told . nie that the coliee I drank was to blame. That Thos* Worrying Pil««. â€" One a|>- plication of Dr. Agncw's Ointment will give you comfort .Applied every nigiit for three to si.\ nights and a cure is eff...ctcd in tl;..' i:io:.t stubborn cases of liliiKi. Bleeding or Itching Piles. Dr. Agncw's Oint:iient cures Kcxema anfl all itciiing and burning skin diseases. It acts like magic. 35 cents.â€" 15 Lsver'B Y-Z (Wise Head) Ulslnfect- ftiit Soap Powder dusted in ths bath, softens the water and disin- fects. DON'T GIVE ADVlCt:. It is a good scheme to act on the theory that people not only know what is best for theui. don't want to. Old Grabbenheiiner (tearfull.y) â€" ", broinise me, uiein dear boy, dot you vill make mein daugh- ter happy." Young Nickelbaum (briskly) â€" "I guarantots berf-jct sad- isfaction. Sleester Grabbenheiiner. or I returns der goots." don't but It is only necessary to read the testi- monials to' b.j convinced that HoUoway » Corn cure is uneoualled for the removal of corns, worts, etc. It is a complet* extinguisher. IK) .NOT .ALLOW y.ur-wlf t ' become alarmad becaiue yuii h.ive lost y:)ar appetite and are lo-siug Il«.*h, but Commence ui'iin* " Verrw»iin " ths btsl tonic. It will build you up quickly. INCENTIVKS TO MAKRI.\UE. Apparently the German town of llaschinann does not believe in a state of single blessedness. Annual prizes are olTcivd to the men who w.?d the ugli'->st, the deformed, atid the oldest woman in the town Eighty dollars is paid to the man who marries the ugliest, while bu; $C0 is the reward for the one mar- Lady of the House â€" Well. Profes- sor, I hope you are enjoying .your dinner. Profes-sor â€" Oh, yes: I have to-day an appetite worthy of a bet- ter for 33 Years Shiloh'j Coniumption Gire, the Lu.Tg Ton;c, Sas botn before llw public, ana lilit, toother with the lact that its ule* have steadily indeased year by year, is liia best prooi ai the mciit ol Shiloh seemed nonsense but I noticed these jr.ving the cripple. All women over attacks used to come on shottlx al- I forty who have b.:^n jilted at least ter eating and were accompanied by such c.\cruciating [ains in the ^'it of his wealth trying to get healthy." |i,,,od, secured by plenty of outdoor the stomach that I could only liud life, even in cold weather, simple | relief by loosening my clothing and ^ .,- >- ..»;V !i."'^ '-•<• • .> .-'t.«. ' nou'ishing food at regular hours, without meat, cake. uastry, or sweets, clothing that permits of lier- fect freedom in the making of mint pics and other childish rlelights, he- I sides the early to bed of the old I nursery rh.vme, would help to li sson ; the terrible mortality among chil- dren, and ensure to them some back- bone for the oeed.s of adult life lying down. â- li circuuiKtances made it iuip.'Ssi- V\\Ni^^ WOOD FOU PKNCnS. The amount of wood which IS used every year for the manufacture of pencils is almost increilible. Near- twice bring their spouses sums which vary according to the state of the fund which wa.' left by a rich resi- dent of the town. The average price paid is 560 to each, unless thev should be unusuallv nuinoious; whiW- ble for me to lie down I spi'ut hours j^^, irusto*^ a-^- .•mpo^.end to pnv in great mis..ry. â-  t ^^ larger sum when. In their jud;; "1 refused to really believe it was [,^^^^ (t seems wise to. hold forth the coliee until Imaliy 1 thought a^ ^^^^^.j^,,, i„du,.,.,„pnt to procure the ii.p.rriage of some particularly undo- ; sirabic woman. at a cure for Coughs, C-^I'K aij all dticascs of I'ne lunjs ukI uh p?i»age». Thoee who bave used Shiloii uould not be without it. Tboee who Have ae*et used it ihouki know that every battle it 'jtAA -.vith a positive guarantee iSat, li it doesn't cute you, the dealer will rchmd what you p«ld for it. Shilcb Has Cured I linaliy 1 trial would at least do no harm, so I quit colTee in 1901 and began oil Postiuu. My troubles, left entirely ' and Convinced me of the cause. "Postiim brought no discomfort; nor did indigestion follow its fse. 1 have had no return of the 'trouble since I began to drinl* '^'J'stHili, It has built mc up, rtstorctl my health' and given mo a new i»tert>st in life NKG150ES AUE LONG-LIVED. A«R>ng the negro races centenari- ans aro extremely numerous, and it is mi^'lv because they unconscious- ly obey the lows of Nature. They )y 1,000 acres of cedar trees are i it certainly is a^ ' joy to he- well ;"'»••'â- ? ^"^ much, for instaBn-, that a cut down annually for this purpose | agai,,." Name given by" Post iini Co , i^^W^ centenarian only spends pfty alone, and of th.>se 2.000 acres are 1 liattlo Creek. Mich,' ' 'ior sixty ycap? out of hi.i lt>0 awake, in Florida. In Ravaria alone there Read the little book. "The Koau while a white man Wvnild bo awake are some forty pencil factories. 'to Wellvill*," in each, pkg, , J for sevwty-a^c years of the time. thousaods of tbc most ob«hn;)te ca.-e* ol Cough*. CokJ* and Lung tioubirs, L-t it cuie you. "i-Mftt wiatct I ooo^ieJ for time oootln sad ll wwaaiac iiilDCaiMaM!>«>. Iiaokal] innei. Int aednDt <nd m _ h'l CooRi-.p&oa Cute. Four bd'lescu.tdne. TSis winter 1 !--.d i fcty bid cold, was act «f 1^ 10 tg^' ciT '"-^Si, V?* "^ â- a the wde sed Lie'. "â-  ' ' - - ' •â-  â€" Kxti dk medicines bat aojHof ; entil 1 uaeJ SSiioh'i CooRi-.p&oa Caie. " ne. Th -'- - •â€" t^Km^, I..I.V. ..Y". "â- â- .- ... Six bo«le« J SluV-bmaii wcO >s«ia- I t""' r'«" "• '•' K''"^*! F*°sif â- â-  t!:an bsvs \k:-\ cviwJ.-D. fct tod ewery oiw of jMcph. Sl HyicinMc, Que, ^SHILOH 25c. wTlh guarantee at all ISSUE NO. 40â€"05,

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