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Flesherton Advance, 7 Sep 1905, p. 8

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September? 19o5 The Markets. Carefullv Corrcrtcd Each WfcU Oats 43 4:\ Peas Cd to «r> Hi»rl«y . 45 to 45 Uukier 58 '.0 1« E«RS fresh 17 to 17 Chic!ieii8 Oto Ducks Oto Oeeso Oto Hay to 6 65 PiitAtoes ban ... 40 to 40 1V(M.l 26 to 28 THE P L E S H E R T fJ ADVANCE V^^^JLi. WALL PAPERS! The largest Ktock in the town- ship, of BEST Quality und LfAS'E.sT 1 'RICES, from 3c. per double roll up to 50c. On exhibition liy C. E. Tr»yon, TUE I'KAirriOL TAINTKR & I'APER HAKOEB. KAMl'LES OS Al'l'LICATIOS. Priceville Ontario. JFlesHerton CIM = SMS Good hor»e8 â€" new ri^»â€" attentive ihivora G. W. Hacking: Local Agents Wanted At onco for "CinMtt'H Groa'oit: Nursor- ion" for the town of FLKSHEIITON and MurrounJin;! couiiiry, wliioli will bo tcsor- vi-il fur llm rii;lit man. WT.AKT NOW at llie liest sollin;? Boason, und hundlu our now spuciultius on lit>- cral tiTiuH, Write for pnrticulHrs and send 25c. for onr hanHs'iniu aUiiiinurn pocket micro Kcojio, (iilittlu uein) u.toful to : Faro. its, in oxainininu Boeda and i;riiin«; Orchard- jits, in oxiiiniiitn)^ trees for it\sootR; T«'icli- ers and scliolars in studyim; ISotany, and everybody in a liuiidrod dilferont ways. Stone & Wellington (ovkrSOO acbk.s) Toronto • • Ontario Ayers You know the medicine that makes pure, rich blood â€" Ayer's Sarsaparllla. Your mother, grandmother, all your folks, used it. They trusted Sarsaparilla it. Their doctors trusted it. Your doctor trusts it. Then trust It yourself. There is health and strength in it. "I tnffBrMt tMTiblr from IndlKMtlon and IthlH bltKMl. I fnnnd Qo reU«f until 1 took ATcr'a Su-Ufwrllla. roar bottlM patm*- DttQtiy cur*d m«." ' Mna. r. R. a&HT, ML Kteeo. N. T. 11.00 a bottlo. AlldrQKKl»l». for J. C. ATSB CX>., I/>w«n, MaM. Rich Blood In Loving Memory* Of Tbotuas Oook, whoeittored intorost. AllMUHt'/7tb llKij. By Hkv. T. Wa'ihon. He cam e. au infant Kw^^ot anrl fair; 111 chiltlliuud's p'etisiiih' paths he r&u: And lli«iiini',Ii (tiii^f.ii> e and cure >lu eai nud to think aiKl tici aurl plau. Inuailv uiunl oon t>t out; cttd tail, He fttuoil ua uiic bvluvutl by ail. Aud llitju throudb sickuo .b sad andfttran^u Tiicre cart.e to him t)tu {ilaia coniuiand To puHU tliruu^li that uiynlurimitf (:lja:i(;u Which inurtalH full to titiduiiitnnd; Aud ihuii through ChiiHt'B rudt'cialug love Hu reucbod biu gurious boiuu abovu. Ah binUin autinnn flad a clirno Wliure suaiiiiui buuntltis never fade. So he boyond tbe kcuiiob of timu 111 that fairrouliu is |)..^rroct made; Hu livuH un tliat moBt bliiibful bl.oru Whtiru gladuoBH rcign« fotevermore. Id thoKe nhope bcarts eo lort'ly Riieve May lovu diviuu itu courau fal&I; Com tort aLd Btiet f;tb may tboy leceive, Aud livo todobit} ptirfect will; And may bay nii-ot, whure Ju>b«xcel, Tbe one whom they all luved ao well. iCeady. Ont., Aug. 28tb, 1905, AVer's Pills are ffontly laxattv*. They greatly aid tRa •artaiMirlUaf r' --in L In Furniture The largest and best slock of furniniiu ever slioH-n in Flesbor- ton. Ttiis wilhiiiit feari>f contra- diction. Come and see sumo of the nice things in Sideboards Dining RooiTi Chiairs Parlor Setts Bed Rooiri Setts A special reduction just now on everything in order to reduce the stock. W. H. BUNT. ^Tiinnitufe SOea/ef FiesMon - Dot. ro <Xr^^^ BUSINE.SS Cards M'uuu..ouan * vounq 'U Uankor Markdale Jon K^neral bauklng bu-sincss. UoDej loaned a ruanouatilo rate Call ou uh. RJ SPROUliB rudtntaHtur. FloHhortOD v/Oiimil«slon«r In H.O..J., Auotlonoer Con vcyancur, .-Vpi^raiHcr and Money Leiuler Itoal I'jStato and Inaiiraneo A^iMit. Deiulff mortRSKet*. leanoit an'l wlllu carctttlly drawn up anil valuatioiiH luadn on ithortoftt. nntlco. niouoy to loan at lowest rates lit InturoBt. Col qetioiid attoudiid to with in-oniptn*:F» cliarffcH lutr. Aeont for ()coan Doiuinion Btaaojahip Company. A call aolicltod. Societies " OWEN BOUND, ONT VRIO. Vi>f»VPft« for UinFallTnrm, Frblay. K*>?»*. Ii.t 11)05 for tbi) cladllcation of fitiKlcut^. Claas* B bct'in Monday, Hi'pt. Ub, VJ.V». Four fnllv cqiiippcd dt'iiaTtuiftntH, I*USIXI'!SH <;0i;US14 fnr tbosQ who wiflb to b«C'in)r Mookkeopors, ItusltioaB nititi aud inter ttuMTHntilti lifti. BHOHTIISNI) .\;TYPK\VUITINrt COUllSK fortbo«owh') w)kIi to h*>ronin Httinograpborf*. TKtJ-(JKAlMIY COlMlrtr: fov thosj wbo wltb to Imcot.i.^ TclcL-rnph Operators. IMIKI'.MIATOHV rolJHRR for thopn wbo are far hack in tbcf r oduoation ftt>d who winb to Iniprovo in common iicbool Bubjccts. Nona too far back for tbia courne. Writn foroitruftw illiiftratod aiinonnce- iK«nt and Journal flbowinc onr varlouB dopart- ineuta at wcrli; it ia frt^t*. Addro^^R:- CA. Kleui- 114. I'rinc-ip'il, Owen Hoiui'l. HIGH CLASS PICTURES. . The place to ^et the beat Photon ia •t lUTLMKUS I'HOT00R.\PU GALLERY. Medical - »»«»!<»- AO t7 M* moetfl oi. the tant Monday ID ofti'n uionth, In tijuir lo(if{o rooni, Cliri.*t««'B block. FluKhorton. at H p.u). M.W., A. lliirriflon ; Itecorder. .laa. t't'l.^tt^ad ; I'^inau. uiur, W.J. Itul.aiiiy. ViaitiuR bretbrcL ii.viti:d PUIN(JK AUTHL'H LODliK, No. :«a.AKA- A M, lueetB in the MaRonloball. Stratn'F block. KlosliortOD, every Fridav on or bafore th.) full iiiocn. John Wriglit, W M.; C. N. Hichar Hon, KeL/otary. COUltT FLr.snKKTOV. flO.-i, r. r. F. iroetsin ('brUtoe'a Hlock tlin laat FridavoTeitine of «!acb iiiontt). VlHitfinj FnrrBters heartily welcome. C. U.. .T. Oornnotd; U.C. W. Huiikin; Fill. Sec, tt. A. Willi tt. Ploiine pay duoH to H. A. Willett on or bofore tliu lant day of the proceeding inontb. CHOSF.N PldKNDBâ€" FlMherton (Jonncll of (MioHon Prlciulii M>oetB in (^layton'H ball tirnt and third Wediieidnv of purb month; H p. m. Piiv a.»st)flHnient.fl to the Ile'^ordur on or huforu tt*e tlrftt dayof each niontb. Chief Councillor, T. lllakeley; Recorder, W. II. Runt. 8PI2CIAL ATTENTION We pay 8|)«cial Atlenlinnto ('opying *nd iUbies' pictures. Piw'ture frain- ing a specialty. Try iiH for any kind of pioture* itnd we will promiaecntiafaction. Mrs. BUr.lM[E:R Sfdvnhftm stioet, Fletherton DW CARTF.n MOP* iJOnt. Phyeician, Snrcenn, etc omco and ronirtonceâ€" Peter pt , Floaherton nil A.T. IIOND " (Iradiiate Toronto I'liivcraitv. Mem- ber of Ontario CnlleRe oj Pliviilnlians and Siir- gooin. Manwoll. On". riuccesHor to Ur. Scott. T P OTTF.WEr.I, ' Veterinary RnrReon Qradiiato of Ontario Veterinary OoUoko, renideiico â€" second door noiith west on Mary street. This atreot riina anutb Prenhvtoriau Cbnreb. n WILHON, Rlarkfr.ilth "• 'Jraduate of the Veterinary Rclence AiBoclatinn. llosldenco, Purhani ttreet, np- ponite lloyd, Uicklliig'a hardware. Leoal LOOAB WniOHT * MrARDLM Ilarrtkters Bolioitora Convoyaveera, etc Offlcoaâ€" Owen Bound. Ont aiidMarkdaleOnt W H WBIOHT, MoARfLK I It I.l-CAR N nâ€" Fleabei'ton office, MItchell'a Bank •Tory Saturday. Oil Friday eveninsf 51r. Albeit Hm'flin • II Orchard, had a narrow escnpc from iiiKtantaneous death. He ia the otvner iiid inanagiT of a larjjo traction tlirushiiig int'ine and neimrator and was nturninn â- I Ilia home fioiii Mt. F"ipreKt where ho been doing some woik. In crn.ssing the Dodd'g bridge, about a mill' 8)Utb of <)r- clrird, the timbers gave wny, and the online crashed downward, a distance of eight feet or more. The stparator ran forward si tiling on top of the engine. How Mr. lioi-tlin|ied is innrvillouH but .stra:iqe ro s.iy, a!>.ive a sevore Hhakini; up got put of tlio tan<{le safely. Tbe biidge was a d;>ii>;iroHs one, being hardly .sife for a team to jja.^s over much lets a I'lad of any kind. The teparator and engine, wbieb were pnictically new, are in nil probability, coii.siderably daniMt;(d, and much cynip.nhy ia felt foi Mr. lloetliii «lio. We uudertstand, is not liii.\iicially a'de to undergo so sevore a loss. â€" Chri>n icle. A Remedy Without a Peer* *'l find CMmiiibrTliiiii^'li :oid Li\.'r TabletH more beiii'ficiid than any other riiiiedy I ever uwd for .Htoiiiach trnulilc," hiij-h J. ]• Kliite, of Kdnia, .Mo. Knr any disonltr nf the jtoniacli, bilioiisneK.1 or constipation, Tablets an: without a peer. For sale bj- \V. K. Uichart'fon. The Kiverview diphtheria ra?<o ia Ktill attractinir attention. .Several ihildrtn are sufTerini.; from the disease aud in oi.e family two or three are sick. There have been no fatalities fciiicH the S'cace clii'd died {• r want of medical attention. In connection with thi.s the Dundalk Herald says : In Kiverview locality there is no love on Elder Brook.-j If he was stricken wiih dipbtl.eiia there are plentj who would be deliijlited to see him f;<i without medical aUentiMn, cruel a.s it may H"ein, though he might mt want to do so. I'rominent and solier citizons talk of lottcn eggs and tay that if the eldi r o-im«s into that locality he will curry away a beautiful collection as a souvenir of his visit. The evidonco at the inquest wenltoshow that ho was the greatest inllrence to prevent the use of tnediciiie anil if be hail nut remained on the scene tlin little girl would have received proper rare. The spread of the disease to o'her children has not helped any to sweeten their tempers and most of the fanners would rather see just now a big rain storm in the midst of harvest than the fainiliar figure of Elder Hrouks. Cause Of Insomnia. IndigcKlInn neaily ahvaysdistm-lis the sleep imue or lesK and is often the cause of hisimiiiia. Many cases have Iwen iiermaneiitly cured by Clianiberlair/a Sti'inach and Liver Tablets I'nr sale by \V. E. KiuhnrdHOii. On Tuesday of last week an electriciil stoini did cein>iderable damage around Clarksbu'g and Thornbnry. The Reflect or gives the folliiwiiig list (vf casualties: Alex. Fleming's barn at Criiiiileith was burned to tbe i/rniind, but we have not heaid any partieulars, D. N. Ciimmiiig three cilves Killed, which were King in a small paddoik behind bis stable. The chimney on Ed. Lyno's on llillcresr wai stuiek and completely denioli.sbed, the bricks being thrown 30 iir 40 fuet. The lijihtning went down iiit:) the bedroom, sniafthed the jilaster and tore thinusup in general. A pitcher and nasbbasin in the room were broken into a thoi».and pieces. The bush on the Marsh estate was kol on lire by liglitninsi, but was fortunately discovered by W. K. Walker, who went for Mr. Oillies and together they got the blazo out about 10 o'clock Wednesday morning. Three Jurors Cured. Ot Cholera Mnrbut with One Small Bottle Of Chamkerlaln'a Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy. Mr. G. W. Fnvvler of Hightower, Ala., relaten an exiierlence ho liail while Hervinp on a |Htit jury in a iniirdcr cii»k at Kdwardsville, emuity seat of ClelHiurnu county, Alabainr. He oaya. "While there I ate Bonie fresh meat and some souso meat and it gave ma clmleia morlius in a very severe form. 1 was iif.ver mure sick in my life aud sent to the drugstore for a certain eliolera mixture, hut the druggist sent me a Uittle ri( Chainberiain'a Oobc, Chol- era aud Uianl'oea Kemedy iniitead, saying that he had wlinl 1 sent for, but thattliismed- iciiiewaMso much lietter he would rather send it to me in the fix I was in. I took one doae aud was better in five minutes. "The second dose cured ino entirely. Two fellow jurors were afllicted in the same manner and one small bottle cured the three of u»." For sale by W. v.. Kicliardsiin. (PRONOUNCED SI-KEEN) WEAKNESS There is nothing else in the whole world that will bring back the color to the cheek, restore the dormant energies, revive drooping spirits, or put new life into the tired, listless, weakene d system, as "Psychine" will do it. There is really only one great tonic , and that is "Psychine." Combining all the pro- perties that make rich, pure blood, bringing back the lost appetite, driving away melancholy , creating new strength. THIS WII.I. PROVE IT Amprior, Ont., Sept. i6th, 1904. Dr. Slocum, Limited : " It's twenty years or more since I u.sed PSYCHINE, and I write these words not to gain publicity, but that suffering' and ailing humanity may learn of its g;reat merits. I had felt weak and mi.'>erable for a long time; bad no appetite, or couldn't obtain proper sleep. Wa.s unable to work or enjoy life. People said I was so old my constitution was breaking up, but, fortunately, through using the Dr. Slocum remedies I have proven this false. PSYCHINE is the only remedy I ever took that agreed with my stomach, which was exceedingly weak. Twentjr years have passed since my recovery, and I am now eighty-nine years old, and so strong and well that I work all summer in my garden. "MRS. E. V. BIJVISDELL." GREATEST OF A LL TONICS AT ALL DRUQQI8T8 â€" ONE DOLLAR~TRIAL FREE The Dr. T. A. Slooutn, Limited, - 179 King Street West, ToronW iiiggies - Wagons If you are thinking of buying a fine baggy, w;n;on or democrat, it will surely pay you to call and invostigiite our slock, terms, etc., before makina your pur< base. We have a staff of expert workmen and can gujirautee that you will besatiatiej plough: i^e:paixis _ _ ._ ALWAYS ON HAND - â€" - Bicycle SuLXidr*ies â€" AND REPAIRING OF ALL KINDS , J. A. HEARD, - FLESHERTON . m mmm hriiim[ wm For First Cinss Buggifcji, Carts, Pleasure and Lutnber \\agon9, cutters. Sleighs. W« keep a stock on band to choose from. ALSO HOkSE SHOEINQ ANOQENERAL BLACKSMITHINQ and uuai-antoo first class work. We keep on band Ploughs and Plou^ repairs, anil also Massey- Harns and Noxon repairs for binders, Mowers, hU kinds of n;aohiiiery, also Hinder Twine on hand. » Uiben in town ^ive us a call « ised by the young man hut was never uiven. A f> w weeks ago Miss Samson, in ripping up an old pillow, found a ring which hlie showed to her mother, who re- nieuiborod the event of foity years ago. The linj; was cleaned up ami taken to Mis. Oarrol, who at once recogniaed it au her lung lust treasure. Dentistrv Dr. B. C. MURRAY I,. I>. R , rtonfal snrgeoi honor gradiiatn of Toronto University and Rnval f'ollegeof Denial Snrgnons of Ontario. Ofllce at roaldence, Toronto street, Flesberton. Dr. R. F. ARMHTIIOKO. T.. n.H„RoMor Oraila »'e of Toronto Unlver-lly and Ilova) Col. l#»Re of Dental RnrHeona of Cntarlo. fipposite Mrs. lliiI'Mer'a Pbotoioaph Galleiv. Will visit Maxwell flrst an'l thirri Wadndsd^y o( eaob mouth oouinauclng fuly fttli. Chamberlain's Cough Remedy Mds Nature* Medicinea that aid nature are fthvaya mos effectual. Cbaiiiherlain's Cough Kemedy acts on this plan. It allays the cciigh, lelicves the lungs, aids ex(>ectiiratioii, oikhis the secretiims, and ail" nature in restoring the system to a healthy condition. Hold by W. E. Kichanlsou. A story which reads like a norel haa iust developed in town tays tl;e Fergus News- Record. Over forty yean ago Mrs. Martin Carrol, then a young woiDft;i, Was doing Bonie sewing for Mrs, Samson. The article on which she was suwing was a pillow case. A voung man came around ,nnd in a friendly scuffle which en- sued, Mrs. Carroll loft her ring, where, nuboHdy«v«r knew. A new one was prom Do not advertise in your local paper; let the Burr-iuiiditig country be en'icud to dealing in other towns by thinking they cunnnt get the sinio price for produce nearer h-mie.and the same value for their money at the 1 icaUtores. If an indu<iry starts Mp, cry it down, or try to make it diacredited by the public. Go out of town to get work done that can bo einmlly well done in your own Uiwn. Praise up other towns. If a man wishes to buy property charge him twice what it is worth. Fail tc let the public know yon are in business then ruiae a howl when opposition oonifs in and takes your trade away. Grumble at your neighbors and find fault with everylwdy, public or private, and you will then find that every body i« up against you, and your business is injared by your own aotioni. â€" Ex- 1 change. I »5 Cured of Lame Back After Years of Suffering. "I had been troubled with lame hack fi>r fifteen years txivX I found a complete ndief in the u.te of Chamhorlaiii's Pain Halm," says John (r. Fisher, liillam, Ind. This liniment is also without aiieipial for sprauis and bruises. It ia for sale by W. E. Kich.ird5ou. merchant Cailoring Nov^ In Uiivinp just received a full line of choice samples of up todalc suitinj^s. trouserings, cvercoatin^s, waiorproof and cravenotte ei'ods. Of over 500 diflVrent samples to select from we are pre|>Hred to till orders at lowest possible prices. H. ALEXANDER iOROKTO. ONT. Fall Term Opens Sept 1. One of the larcesfe and best oommarvi^i Schools in the DomlnioD. All of our graduatles are absolutely sure of aeourlng position'- RtroiiR staff of tr^aotaeva; modern coiirees; every atiiilunt thoroiiKhlv Batlsned. Write for our nia«nlfleont catalofiue, Afldress: W. J. Elliott, Principal, Rlliott Uu>lD03aColle«e, Cor. Youge â- Dd Alesauder Bti ., T wouto, Out, N «a<aii»fr^

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