v^ s^^rtim AJliana. "TRUTH BEFORE FAVOR. " PRINCIPLEb NOT MEN. VOLXXIV, NO Fleatiertoii, Ont., Thursday. Scpternber 7 IQOo W. H THDRSTON, '•="'''°" PKOl'HIETOB â€"I Going To Get Married ? If no yovi will want a nice weildiiig riiijf. Wo have them in a gi-eat variety and at just tho right prices. © © Going To A Wedding ? Ifw) you will want to take a iH-esont alung. We havi! t'lo many Iwautilnl Br.ACK. WOOD CLOCKS which we will hcU at coal fur the next fifteen days. This uieaiis aoiuethin;; to yon. Make a, note uf it. These are suitable fur general use. See them. ttl. Jlrmstrotid, ILESH>RTON, ONT the cnnaregatioii, which represented every denoniitiation in MaikJuiu and vicinity. At th« clos3 of the discourse the meeting tiiok tho form of a most pleasant felluvr- ship iuvetinj{ umler the directi<iti of Mr. Ennis of Markdale, aud participated in by every denomiuatii'ii present. An «p- p;opiiato hymn and tlie benediction brouyhl r<> a close a moat pleusaat and onj' •faille service. Dates of Fail Fairs. r: Floaherton Sept. 27â€"28 Durh «.n Sept. 20â€"21 Dun.lalk Oct. 12â€" l.S Fcvi'r<ham Oct. 5â€"0 Ularkaburg Sept. 28-29 Meaford Sept. 28-2!) Owen Suund Sept. 12 â€" 13â€"14 Prieevilie Oct. Shelbu.nc Sept. 20-27 Chatsworth Oct. 12-13 Collingwood Sept. 20â€" 2i) Maxwell Tho wer weather of late has stopped 'the rush of harvest for a few days. j Miss Morj;au of t)wen Sound n^as tho Industrial Home Notes ;J i guest of her sister, Mrs, Flesher.laat week. ,„ r i â- . 'i\ Doe. Fiiirey, who has been in Illinois J, (% an Lmude) 1 I ,^^,^^ ,,,^ ^^^^ ^^^„ y^.,„,_ j,,,^,^ ^ fly,,,^, rL . . ^,^_^ .^ yv. -v. >^ .^ ,/^ >. Ill liait D« friends in our villa(,'u last week. Your correspondent tendois his sym- pathy to Mr, and Mr. and Mrs. R. Cook, Ceylon, in their recent sal bereavement. On Thursday last ?Ai names were resist- sred on tho visitors' book. Among them your scribe was very niuch pleasod to meet an old acqunintauco of 3!) years ago, and whom he had not seen for more than 30 . years, wliich cnuseil his failure of reco;?- nizinu his old friend and assiieia'o Mr. Gordon McMullen, formerly of Artem- parentis at Port Dover this week Mr. William Little, of Owen Simnd, vlKite<l a couple of days last week at Mr. 11. Guy's, Mrs, Kobcrt Ucrun is t..king ia the ex- hibition this week at Toronto. Dr. Bond visited a couple of days this week at his home iu Uaniilton. Tho Women's Institute met last Wed nosdny oveninsj at Mr. Robert Heron's. Tho subject for tho evenins; was the care of pickles. Tho next meeting will be held at Mr. James Maddun's, eighth luie, tho , , , ,, , . , . 1 last Wednesday in September. eHi;», and brother to JVIesars. James, Archie ^ ;y| j.„_ l,,,,^ returned homo last week ar\0 aud Wilson McMuUon, and Mrs. R. Cdk brought her sun, Williiun, whom she has of Ceylon. Although the features of the honored but long deceased father wcr» prominently expre«.sive in the son, yot I could not place him until informed, and stranRO to ?ay, that on tho previous day I was relatin:^ a humorous wedding epi- â- lodo which happened SC years apo in which friend Gordon received an unwel- come gift intended forynur innocent suriba nod which is still fresh in the memory of friend Gordon. I am, however, very glad to hear of your prosperity, old friend, and trust that you may live Ions; and die happy. The Misses Clira .and Millie dok, of Ceylon, accompanied tlieir uncle, Mr. 0. McM. in his vi.sit to the Himie, and al- though Miss Clara presented your cor. with a bag of oho co oranges he utterly failed to recognize her and was greatly BurpriZ'.'d on bcioK informed who she was, after she had left. It i^ three or four yeai's since I saw h^r last, sh*: was then in very dehca'e health and the ^reat Im- prcvenient in her present nppesranoe ib answerable for the failure. You will been iiursiiin during tho past two nioiiths We are very sorry to see Mr. Long look- ii!g so ill, but hope the chalice uiuy do some aood. Mr. Alex. Hudson and Mr. Robert Kiuiiear, a'si Mr. Foster Heron, took in the West exoursimi hisr week. Mr. James Long purchased from Mr. Enoch Scilley last week his .shop and re.sidchce, and Mr. and Mr.s. Scilley have moved to Stayner. Mr Scilley will take ehanjo of a larije shop there, 'their many friends were sorry to part with them, and all wish them every success. Mrs. Jol.n Liiiley received tho sad news that her daughter Susie was dying. Mrs. Linley and her daughter Myrilo started at once for her daughter's liume in Uichwood West Virginia. Miss Ivatie Glasiifird roturnod home on Saturday after a month's vi.-it with her sister in Toronto. Edgar Moirison of Meaford spent Sun- day at h<s home. Harold aiid E.iil tieron returned to their home in B'lffalo la~t week. V>o uiidersta.id that three young ladies left our village recently in the direction of north. They had not gone far when they met a traction engine. Tho bugay was at once deserted and idl perched them selves on a fence. Tho engine was stop- appiveiaii'il by all who knew him. The pxriiii,.; .lid sisters havo tho heartfelt sympatiiy of the entire community in their j great loss, which was shown in a slixht way by tho largo number of relutivus and friends that came to pay their last I tribute of respect to tlio deceased. .\mong the floral oll'erinua was a wreath from tlie Brotherhood of Railway Train- men, lodge 'ibi), of which he waa a mem- ber; Mr. and Mrs. Wadsworth, Toixnito Junction, a v>reath; Mr. ^nd Mr.s lloss, Toronto Junction, a wreath; a wreath fron the family; Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Thurston, a spray; Mr. and Mrs. Hol- man, a spray; Mrs. Spioat, a wreath; Mrs. Cairns and Mrs. D. D.McLachlan, a wreath; Mrs. W. Wilcock, a boipiel; Airs, B. Tucker, hand boi|uut; the .Misses Sinclair, boquet of sweet peas; Mrs. Irwin, Markdale, lioquot; Mrs, (Jreenwood, Bverdido, a botjuet; Mrs. Porter and Mrs. Lofevor, a bonuot. .4mong tho many friends who attended the funeral was Cordon McMullen froip Oltervillo, brother of Mrs. fook, and Mrs, A.Neilson, of Proton. A number of friends wore present from Markdale and Traverston. Dr. Caldwell preached a very touching sermon from Uevelutious 22. Mr. and Mrs. Balfour and little son, of New York, returned home after an ex- tended visit at Mr. Coilinson's. Mr. A. Collipsoii ia homo im a visit from Dundas, where he has been learn- ing tlio jewelry business with hts brother James. The Misses Ness Collinson, In:. Mc- M uUon and Kate Taylor are visiting in Toronto at present. Miss Janiti C'Mol-a and laJy friend are visiting the former's patents here Miss Love has returnecl to Toronto after spending a few weeks with her broth- er o'' this place. Misa Woidsey is the guest of bor uncle and auiit, Mr. and Mrs. J. B. Egan. Mr. and Mrs. R. Cook and family de- sire to thank the neighbors and friends, both far .ind near, ftir their kindness dur- ing the illnci-s of their sou and brother. Tbousands Die of Constipation. No condition cau.ses so many incnrablo uiseUcju.-> .is uonstipalioii. It not only prevents the kidneys from eliminating the poisonous wastes, but causes anaemia, .stomach trouble and iiidiges(,i(m. Why won't you use Dr. Hamilton's I'llls and bo cuied? This excellent medicine re- stores normal bowel action in one night. Thousands .say so. Your system will be pure and clean, you'll bo free from head- aches, no mote sour stomachâ€" in short you'll have jovial spirits and perfect good health. Dr. Uaniiltoii's PilU are sold everywhere, 2uc. a box. Get the genuine. McFarland, Stafford & Go's. Big Store MAC^KDALE, ONTARIO Groy County's BIGGEST and CHEAPEST STORE Annual Midsummer Sale. Bargain Prices ON All Summer Goods 4.00 LADIES DUCK SKIRTS for 1.00. 8 only Women's White Duck Skirls, as- sortetl styles, some plain, some trimmed with Several ri'Ws handsome insertion. Tho regular prices were 2.75 to 4 ()fl each, only 8 left, hence this cut, Midsummer Sale Price 1.00 kindiv excuse me Mtss Clara, and at the I l"-'^ *'""" " «'"'" ^'ft'"";'' "f t^;" 1"""'^' '. , , . . , <aiid the eni^meer ttfik hoiso and hugu.V ean.e time please accept renewed thanks ^,.j ,^,,,gg j,, ^f^.jy ,,„„, vVe would for the luscious fruit. We were also ^ advise those ladies to get n quieter hurse. Iflad to meet with our old neighbor, Mrs' B. Whittaker Jr , cf Stone's line, on vis- iting day, and glad to see that she retains the same youthful appeaiance. Thj divine service at the home on the 2S h u't., was tho most largely attended •inoe they beitan. Fifty chairs wer>) occupied not inuluding the iuniates. The singing, led by Messrs. Etskine and Bainos, of Markdale, assisted by several excellent voices in the congrrgation, was exceptionally good and would do oredit to many a practised choir. The .service wag Mssisted by one of tho inmatt-s who de' livered a divcourse on "Confession of sin' a duty," taking for his text, Ps. What Causes Snoring. When asleep, ]>eople that snore breathe through the mouth instead of tho nosiiils which are choked with catiirrh. Juat use Catarrhozono beftiro retiring and ycm'll ipiickly cure yourself of the snoring habit. By doslroyiiig the cause of cutnrrh and liealiiig the tnembranea, Catarrhozone makes a complete cure in every case; it olitans the uostrils, stops the discharge and prevents droupiiig in the throat in a few minutes. Nothing so pleasitnt t>r cer- tain to cure 8llorin^;, catarrh or oolds as Catarrhossone â€" that's worth remembering. 53c DRESS VOILKS for 29o. 8 pieces, about 200 yards, Fancy VVool Dreis Voiles.all this season's latest shades and patterns, sonic plain colors, olhors fancy check and Hake mixtures in Navy and Royal Blues, Browns, Greens, Greys, etc., 40 to 42 inches wide, regular values 50 to oSu a yard. Midsummer Sale Price 29 SAMPLECO TTON UOISERY I-30FF. We secured fioin a hosiery (inn a few setts fiainple Hosiery. The most of them are mill samples that were never opened up, coiisequeiitly they are peifoct. Wo aecuiid them at (iiie-tlilril less than mill prices. Did we wish we could mix them among reauhir goods at regular prices, but wo prefer givina our customers a bargain. About 20U imir in the lot, ranging in price from 10 to 36c. pr. MidsuMimer sale price Oii<!-Tliird Oir. 1.25 LADIES LINEN SKIRTS FOR 75c. 10 only Ladies Linen Crash Skirts, assort- ed lem:ths with tho adjustable waist hand, nicely made and excellent fitters, regular 1.25 to 1.50 values, Midsummer Sale Price 7-T SA.MPLE LACE CIRTAINS FOR 10c We secured ti few weeks ago, over 101 Sample Lace Curtains. These we laid aside for our Midsiiminer Sale. They aro f nil width and perfect in pattern, but aro short, each samvile measuring from H to ' 2 yards lontr. Wore they full 3 and' 3A- yjiiils loni! tho values would be §1.00 to 83.00 a pair. Mar.y of .them can bo niatclied in pairs, but we are going to lot you pick then) out any sample end you like. Midsummer Sule Price 1') 2.25 BLACK SATEEN BLOUSES FOR i»Uo. 20 Ladies Black Sateen Rlon.ses, all we have left in stock, llio rcjiular values woio $1.50, l.(ii>. 1.8U and 2.25 each. They are mado from hoavy mercerized sateen, h»ndaonioly trimmod with hein stitching tucking etc., sizes 32 to 40 iu the lot They are [lerfect in cloth, perfect in make and perfect in lit, many of them actually worth 2.25 each. Midsummer Sale Price >J<J Ceylon Harvesting will soon be a thing of the 32. 6.-I ii<:knowl«dKed my sin unto thee ! !'!!!*;/"L'':''f.„'.t''^^.!V ^"""^ "' "'" ^'" '"'"''' and loy iniquities havo I not hid. J said I will ooiifesi my transgressions unto the crop. Mrs. (Rev.) Husband, formerly of Loid, and thou foigavest the inicpiity of Piicevil'e, wm the guest of Mr. and Mrs- my sin." In the commenoeniei.t of his ! »• Tuukfr a few days of liist week. bare tiaislied gatheiiiig in a bountiful discourse, the speaker appeared some- what nervous, owing, most probably to the large Dumber of strangers present, as well aa the ocoiuiion being but the iccoud •ttempt in hia life toaddrcsaan audience. The nervousness, however, soon panocj off and tho discourse wns attentively lia- .eneJ to and apparcatly appreciated by Mr. Chas. McMullen wont on Tuesday, Aug. 20, for a trip to Indian Head, N.W. T., to see his brother, Gordon. The grim reaper, death, has afcain oaat a gloom over our community taking aa his victim this time one uf our highly respected and esteemed young men.Tnos. Cook, one who will bo much •miased by all who knew him on account of hia many good qualities which made him mooh Prieevilie We have been unable to write up the news forafew week.s, therefore some items thai should h.tvo been ropoi ted will now be dispensed with but since laat writing drath has claimed r.nother of tho old pioneers. On Aug. 12 Allen McLean, known in Scotch circles aa "Allen Ban," was laid to rest in the Priceiillo Cemet- ery. Deceiisud was about 78 yeais of age and lived on lot 54, con. 2, Noiili Glen- elg for 55 years, and for 40 yeais of that time was an elder in the Presbyterian church. At the re(|Uost of an a4ed brother elder and co-worker in thocliuoch the remains wore pluoed iu tho church during the service. Rev. Mr. McColl ollioi.ited at tho funeral. On the evening; of Aug. 20 the barn of Mr John Nichol Jr., was struck by iiuhtnm:/ and almost, the enttro crop of g-ain and hay wa-* burnt. Tli3 buildinus wore insured in the l!rey and Bruce Mut- ual but Mr. Nichol is a heavy loser wo un-lersl and. Mrs. Margaret MoL^iighlan has pur- chased the Coiikey residence opposite the cemetery. Mr Cantliii, >f Mt, Forest, received a la' go number of lanilts cm Monday loot that were purclina-d for him some months ago by David Mulntyre, of Ea[rem int. Mrs. David Hincks has been seriousty ill bust week but with the aid of her skil- ful medical adviser (Dr. Dixon) we expect shu will .loon be ius:ored to her usual health. The requisite cedar tiiubon and planks for the repair of the damaged bridge over the Saugeen, South line, are being pre- pared at McLcod'ssaw mill A little son of Archie McLean has been very ill, for a day or two last week his life was almost despaired of but now his recovery is fully expected. Mr. M, Reilly is in poor health from a stomach trouble of a cancerous nature but it <S hoped that the ailment oiay be re- moved. Colin McLean and brothers puMed out with their steam thresher on Monday. fttessra. James, Robert and William Tryon from Ohio, are the guests of (heir brother, G. W., this week, Mr. and Mrs. Gillespie, of Toronto, who are visiting the tatter's mother, Mrsi A Deep Cut in Shirt Waists. Wo have now le.ft exactly 42 ladies Cohired Shirt Waists. These aro assorted in aiza and styles. Values run from 50c. to 1.75 each. For quick selling the Midsummer sale prices will bo â€" iiOc. Blouses, now 2iic. $1.00 Blouses, now 50c. iJl.OO and 81 25 Blouses, now 75c. $1.50 and 1.75 Blouses, now 1.00 10 only cidored mercerized Sateen Blouses, handsomely made in ctdora of brown, carj. ,inal navy, pink, etc. Regular .?2.00 and 2.25 values. Midsummer Sale price 75 Special Discounts on Dress Muslins, Vesting, Shirt Waist.s, etc. Space will not per- mit of our mentioning all the special values, but come in expecting bargains every day. Many of the best biirgains never get into our newspaper advortifiBmeiit«,the quantities aro not lar'ie eoou'.di or they are pickid up too fast to bother advertisitn;, but every day some new lino is thrown on tho bargain cminter. Visit this store often and early. There is money in it foi you. McFARLAND,' STAFFOI^D 6c CO Win. Watters, attended church here on Sunday. Miss Martha Watson returns to Toron- to this wuek after a few week.s holidays at home. Miss Maggie MoLcod returned to Owen Soiinii on Monday to resume her- studies ,it llinh School. Sianley Ferguson has gone to .itteud to nttuiid Uij^h School at Owen Sound this term. .Miss May Scotf, of Durham, is the guest of Miss Lucinda Watson for a week or two. Mm Tfyoa. your friends or relatives snflerwlth Fits, Epilepsy, St. Vitus' Dance, or Falling SickncitS, write for a trial bottle and valuable treatise on such diseases to The LitlBia Co.. 179 King Street, W., Toronto, Canada. All druggists sell or can obtain for you FLESHERTON HA!^NESS EMPORIUM. (Opposite Armstrong's Jewellery ) Everything up to d*te in harness- best inalorial, best workmanship, best prices. Fly sheets and ncis are in season- let us show you ours. Trunks, valisoi, axle grease, carriage axle grease, haiuess oil, whips and luphes BUGGIES. Come and see the new buggies which we havo ou exhibition. Thuy are beaut- ies and prices are i ight, Wm. MOORE (Opposite Armstrong's Jewellery) FleshertoDi Cameron's Rheumatic Qure Will Qure Vou For Sale By ALL DRUGGISTS.