August 24 1905 niE FLESHERTON AD VAN CE wwvvwvwu F. T. HILL & CO. wyvvywywiv MANY SPECIAL September - Barsains Our August Sale was a splendid success. Onr salesbook shows a large increase of business over any previous August. Our busiaew ^coatinues to grow as a result of selling goods and selling them right. Fall goods are now be«^ teoeived and in order to make room we have a number of odd lines which we are determined ito clear regardless of cost. Below we simply mention a few of the many lines we have placed on sale for early dSa^rteiaSbeir seHing. 7 ,.../,»/,> <^^/^/^^^^^^^^^^^«^^5H^»^M^»^^^ ^ 75c. TABLE LINEN 48c. 100 yards beautiful bleached Table Linen, nice finish, extn wide, Regular 76c. September Sale price 48 MEN'S mudXS, S4oi26o. 20 dozen Men's Braces, regular price 20c. maLSho. September Sale Priceâ€" 2 for 25 2 SPECIALS ro weekt'sfancv drbss shirts. 40 Men's Fancy Uu-ees Shirts, sizes 14 to IC^, colors dark and light. Ke«Dlar prioe 75c to 1.25. Your choice while they last for 60 38 Men's Fancy Drpss Shirts, soft front, stripe and check patterns. Hegular price up to 75c. This line will aeon be«pioked up,as we have made the price very low â€" 25 12{c WRAPPERIbaTE f O?.tio. 40 pieces Wrapperette anitable for ladies' Wrappers, children's dresses, shirt waists also quilt liuininga, Kood range of aolors and patterns. Some pieces slightly soiled but all excellent value at 'dm price. iUiiular 10c and 12^0. September £ale priie 7<| 90o. QUILTS FOB 68c. A lot of White Quitta, Honeycomb pattern, aiie 60x80, would be good value at 90c. September Sale Price 68 BOYS' ODD COATS FOR 1.48. 78 Boy's Odd Coats belonginfr to suits worth from 8.76 to 4.00. These were secured at a big reduction in -the beneht is youu. Ths .price while tboy last will be &.48 Exceptional Values in Dress Goods. 40 pieces bisck and colored Dress Goods. This lot contains many of the most popular weaves, colors. We must have room for new shipments, therefofe we have made tl»e price very small. Special September cl'^aranco price Good assortment Value up to 85o. 88 i:a(lie$* Belts Olortb up to 60e for 25c. .38 Ladies Silk and Kid Belts in black, whuc und colois. These are the balance of our 35c. to GOc.lines. Speci clearance price 25 MARKDALE <^iWW mmi Hie I publinhed every Thursday at $1.00 per annum if paid in advance, $1.50 if not 80 Imid. All subscriberB paying Jfl.OO strictly in Bilvancc get the Montreal Herald one year r<-ee a.1 a reniium. High School Opening. The loth Annual Re-opening of tho Muaford Hicli Scho-il will taki) place on i^ept. Dili, 1905, when classes will be funned to moot tho requirements of every student that attends. All parents having children to educate arc asked to look -carof iilly int.i tho record and nieriti of this well known High School before deciding to send ihem. Note the following points: 1 â€" A building, gymnasium and grounds •t^iat for beauty, equipment and conven- ience cannot be surpassed in the province. 2 â€" A stall of teacheis apecially qualified t<> leach their respective departmen's. ,*{ â€" A Literary and Dobiiting Society, an A ihlelic AsKooiatisn and Field Day, and nn Old boys Association â€" all in a flour- ishing condition. 4â€" A long and honiir- .iblo record as a school of training for t.eachorH. In the lust 6 years 18 Junior Teachers and 41 Senior Teachers have • -btiiiried their oertitioales. Of tho f.irm- er 13 spent only one year oif their school life in a Hiuh School and that school was the Meaford lligb SchopA. fiâ€" This K.hool does every form of examination work doue by the largest Collogiato Insti- tute. T'Hraniiai;attentiQii given to eauh pufiil, a prominent featuve. Splendid ijird da, prizoi and Hcliolarsliips open to all. Public fspeakinif, debating, ainging .mil athletics Htrongly encouraged, C â€" Tho liiitii slanri taken by pupils of this scbiiol at tlio Normala and Universities â€" third place ill Medicine at McUill; first ^ilace anil oiocIhI ill History, and third place in Mathuinatics »t Quueiis; st'cund pi ice in Physios and third place in Kng- lisli and History at Turontr); besides many I'her HrHt ami second cIhkh honors at. MacuMBtur anil other 0()ll.-,g<'s, and the .Tiiwiirg doniniid for uraduutes of this -;li(iol an Public school teachers all go to rnvi! thccfliciuiicy of the work dime, t'l't'H to pupils iii>t ri'Nidoiit in I^uafiiul, â- ?10 per yiiir. Hoard $2 to S3<a week in (â- riwitr li.iniC'S. Tho town io easily roa.lnd )'y the O. T. U. or by any pas- en^i. r hoai idyiiig l,etwi"en the pints on 'lo Hoortjian Bay. Jieadfur a prospectus â- f 100.5. which is a coi.ipondiuni of iiiform- itiM'i about tho lioautifultown of iWeaforil r.s tlinh School, and the latent, revised • lucational rt-j^ulnticiiii). .1. L. Cornwell, tJ. A , Principal, A. MuK. Cameron, Suc'y-Troas. ... although they have used uleclncity quite freely, the patient still continues to sleep. Tho local pbyscians are puzzled. One of (hem declares that in all his practise he has known but one case of a similar. nature. Previou.s to coming to Meaford he lived jii Midland, where hia wife and family still reside. Proved in Mount Forest. Ki'ory doctor in this town has tried his best to relievo Mrs. J. Withoin of asthma; nonosucceoded. "For years," she states, "I WHS a dreadful sufferer; nothing gav* relief. At times I found it necessary l^ have all the doora and windows open to got my broatjj. When in despair I heard of Oalarrhozone. I used it and now per- fectly cured." This proves beyond doubt that any case of asthma IS curable with Catanhoziino. Mo remedy so pleasant, none so absolutely certain to thoroughly cure; try Catanhozone yourself. It's guaranteed. Mr. J. W. Kenny, the much esteemed councilman of Euphrasia, mot with.a seveio loss by lightning on Monday last, As tho storm passed over about six o'clock the barn was struck and almost instantly a mass j{ flames. In addition to about sixteen acres of unthreshed Alsike clover, and over 150 bushels of Timothy seed, •nine loads ot hay and a quantity of grain wore stored in the barn. This with prac- tically all implements, 22 pigs and large number of fowl were consura.ed, Mr. Kenny had no insurance on contents and only a small risk on the building. Loss over 82,000.â€" Reflector. Mr. R. T. McGirr has purcha-ied fr^)m pirliosin Detroit, Mich., the standard- bred .sinllii.n Rod Top (31270.) This is one of tho most fashionably bred horses that has ever been brought into Oanade, as he is sired by Sphynx 2.02|, the best son of Electionoer, he having 108 in the 2.30 Hit and four in the 2.10 list. Rod Tup's dam, Lanioset, is by Onward, 2.25^ Willi 172 on thp 2,30 list and 10 in tho 2,10 list. Onward is the best son of Cf(!nn;e Wilkes, and has more in the 2.30 list than any other iniriie, living or dead. ft>'d Top is liiiving his first speed los-sons and is u.'iceoilinjjtly fast. lie will make a fall sfiison at the Royal Hotel stablca, MeafiU'd, â€" Mirror. A do'paich from Mvaford aays: Julius '•VhUe, an employee cf the Seaman K<)iit V.i wilt) boards at Mr. Bumsby'n, in this town has fallen into a trance, from which it is iiiipo.<sil)le (n wake hiin. Eirly yosteiday niortitig Mr. Bumshy wit- ifoUMod liy While's heavy >)iTathii',!{ 'n>d •lied to wako h'ln up, Ijut oouUl not. •Several idiysioians were called in, and Mr. A. H. Baker, B. A., an henor graduate of McMaster University and » specialist in science has been engaged as science teacher of Meaford Iligk School, which position was rendered vacant by the appointment of M^ S, Huff, B. A„to the Inspectorship of Si^t Grey. â- » >« » « « Her Skin Was Yellow. "I had only to try Dr. Hamilton's Pills in order to appreciate their merit" writes Miss Annie S. Bryco, of Wood- stock. "My system was out of order. My blood was weak and thin. I had a nasty, murky conrplexion. My skin was hard and dry. The first box of -Dr. Ham- ilton's Pills made a complete change. I felt bettor at once. HeJithy color came into my face. In three weeks I was cur- ed." Dr. Hamilton's Pills effect an easy cure. Try these good pills, 25«. per box or live boxes for $1.00, at all dealers. A few days ago the.wife of a prominent hostelry owner in a small village near Berlin gave birth to a bonncing son, and tho happy father celebrated the occasion in the usual style. A few days previous a neighbor's wife had also given birth to a bright little babe, and on the day after 'the birth of the first child the latter babe was taken over to the hostelry and placed in the cot with the former by some of the boarders of tho house. The happy hotel- keeper was informed that he was the father of twius, and he immediately went, up to his wife's room and saw the new arrivals. He was more than delighted, and free drinks were in order for tho rest of the day. Next day he wont to see the twins, but one of them had gone, and hia boarders and neighbors are stilt laughing. â€" Berlin Telecrah. Water In Vour Blood? Lois uf poi.|)le have thin, watery bluod â€" they eat plenty but don't digest. When di^stionispoor, food ian'tconvert-. ed into iiouiishment â€" in consequence the body rapidly loses st.rfangth. To po.sitive- ly renew tu.-lih, nothjngequalaFerrozone. It i-xcitu.-? sharp appetiteâ€" makes the s'oiach digest, forms life sustaining .hlond. Aliundant strength is sure to fol- •(,iy, If y. u need more vitality, extra i'ni r!»y, better nerves, then use Forrozone, the inouical triumph of the age. Fifty pai Is buys a Vox of fifty chocolate coated FerruZDne tablets. If yon. .your friends or*elatives suflTerwith Kts, Epilepsy, St. Vitus' Dance, or Falling Sickness, write for a trial bottle and valuable on such diseases to The Lcinta Co., 179 King Street, W., Toronto, Canada. All druggists sell or can obtain for you LEIBIG'SFITCURE d'cs of Fall Fairs. Flosherton , Sept, 27 â€"28 Durham Sept. 20-21 Dundalk Oct. 12â€"13 Feviirshain Oct. 5-6 Ulaiksburg Sept. 28â€"29 Meaford Sept. 28-20 Owen Sound Sept. 12-13â€"14 Prioeville , Oct. 6 Shelburne , Sept. 26â€"27 Ohatsworth ...Oct. 12â€"13 Collin jjwood Sept. 26â€"89 r BOYD, HICKLING & CO, â- FLESHERTON, ONL Specials For August A Clearance in White Lawn Waists. 1 5 Ladies White Lawn Waists, these include a num- ber of the best selling lines of the season where the assortment has been sold down to two or three gar- ments and represent qualities that sold from 75c to 1.25 Clearing price 69c A Clearance in Neglige Siiirts. 25 Mens Neglige Shirts, some silk fronts with white bodies, some with attached, some separate cuifs,sizes 14^ to 15. Regular price 75c and $1.00. Clearing 50c A Clearance in Misses^ and Women^s Boots. 39 pairs Womens and Misses Boots, some lace, some button. Sizes 11 to 4. Narrow and medium last, plain and patent leather toe caps. Some Dongola, others Glove Grain and Polished Buffi Eegular prices from 1.25 to 2.75. Clearing price 95g A Clearance of Fancy Muslins at 7 I-2 c. 10 patterns Fancy Colored Muslins, including black and white, pinks, blues and green, floral designs. Eegular '12|c and 15c quality. Clearing at 7^c. Special Clearing Prices in Ladies Ready to Wear Hats. See the values we are offering at 50c and 75c. Ladies' sOc. Girdles for 39c. Ladies White Tape Girdle Cocsets, just the correct article for summer wear, quite superseding the net corsets. All sizes 18 to 24. Regular 50c quality. Clearing price 39c Five Roses Tlour Also Bran and Shorts. A carload just in l^ardware Department Buy "Plymouth" Twine and have the best. Binder Twine Binder Whips Binding Gloves Grain Cradles Matihine Oil f^arvesM^equisitf* Dairy iitensil$« Cream Separators Separator Oil Churns Creamer Cans Milk Pails Cream Crocks. Boyd, Hickling & Co. 1^s|)«rton m^