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Flesherton Advance, 24 Aug 1905, p. 8

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AUOU8T24 1905 THE FLESllERTO^ ADVANCE The Markets. Carefully Corrected Each Weel« OaU. 43 43 Po»s C5 to to B«rl..y 45 to 4j. Butler \8 o 8 E«K» fresh 1« fcn ^^ Chickuus Olo u Ducks Ot" " Oece to V Hay '** " ""^ rototo<=sb.M i1 ^^ 12 •Wool 2o to 28 Avers £ WALL PAPERS! This filling of your htirl Stop it, or you will soon be bald. Give your hair some Ayer's Hair Vigor. The fall- ing will stop, the hair will Hair Vigor grow, and the scalp will be clean and hcahhy. Why be satisfied with poor hair when you can make it rich? Mt h»ir itMulT »U eua* tmt. I tfcM tTl«d w"! B«lr yigor ttti oiilr oo* bo<tl« •««>PP« falllnx Wrw YtBtt am* to t««i Uio fallinx )int a noli euTlj I. L. ^1 tlitck and U. 8X1TH, j.o. ATxmoo. indrjjgjttji^^ for B^tessW-iV Thick Hairl Tlie largest stock in the town- ship, of BEST Quality and LOWEST PRICES, from 3c. per xiouble roll up to 50c. On exhibition by C. E. Tryoix, •TUE PEACTICL PAWTBE & PAPBB HANOEB. BA&IPLKS OH APPUCATION. Priceville Ontario. JFlesher ton Cll! - $ Good horsesâ€" now rins- (Irivers -attentive G. W. Hacking Local Agents Wanted At once for "Cini&dn'K Grontoat Nur«cr- ics" fi.r tlio town of FLESHERTON and Burrouiidinj; country, which will bo reser- ved for thu rii;ht man. START NOW at iho bunt selling Bcason, and bundle our now specialties on lib- oral turnis, Write for particulars and send 25o._ for our hiuidsiinie aluminum pocket micro »iCoi»o, (a little Rem) useful to : Farii.crR, in oxainiiiirif; floudN and grains; Orchard- ists, in examining trees fot insects; Te*cli- era and scholars in studying Botany, and everybody in a hundred different ways. Stone & Wellington (over 800 acres) Toronto • - Ontario The largest and best stock of furnituie ever shown in Flesher- ton. This withont fear of contra- diction. Come and see some of the nice things in Sideboards Dining Roonq Cl)airs Parlor Setts Bed Roon\ Setts A special reduction just now on everything in order to reduce the stock. W. H. BUNT. furniture ^Dealer rlOD - OdI. â€" ^ (Xr^ J Business Cards M'CULLiOUOH it YOUNG lU Banker Markdale Do a Reaeral banking business . Money loanen a raasouable rate Uall on ua. RJ SPIIOULB Podtuiaster, Fleabertoo uonunlsiiloner lo H. 0. .1., Auctioneer Con »eyanoer, Appraiser and Money Lender Keal Rstate and Insurance Agent. Deeds mortKaites, leasee and wills carefully drawn up and valaations made on shortest uctioe. money to loan at lowest rates of interest. Col ectioas attended to with iiromptness chargeg low. Agent tor Ocean UuminioD Htaamsbip Oompany, A call solicited. Societies Angiica n S. S. Convention* The Annual Sunday School Conren- tion of the Huial Deanery of (irey was held at Chaiswortb, Thuraday.Aug. 17th. Most of thu clcigy and a large number of delegates from the various schiols of the county were pre»ent. At eleven o'clock enthusiastic Nerviccs weie held in St. Paul's Church, the sermon being present- ed by the Rev. R. J. Newell, rector of Markdale. An uimituully large nuuibcr of ccmmunicanis were in attendance. At two o'clock the convention went into ses- sion and continued until 6,the Kev.W.G. HeiUy, Hector ot the church, being in the chair. Every available seat in the church was occupied. Proceedings began with derotiunal exercises led by Rev. Messrs. Hooper and Newell. The lirst paper on the program was read by Miss A.Mendeth uf Durh'ini. It was entitled "Christ's Touch," and was very much appreciated. The Rev. M. M.Goldberg.rector oi Duu- dalk, followed with an able eusay on "The training of Children." Miss McWilliains of Uwen Sound read an admirable paper on "Missions in Relation to the Sunday School Work. The Rev. Dr,Tucher,General Secretary of the M. S. C. C, Toronto followed by an eloquent and instructive address on "What Sunday Schools can do for the West." The final paper, an excellent one, was read by MiBs M. Uibaon, of Meafura, on "The Object of Su:iday School Teach- ing." The various ;;aper« were diacufcsed as they were presented. At 7.30a con- ference of mUsions was held, when the Rev. Allen P. Kennedy, rector of Sant a Cruz,, Jamaica, W. I,, and the I^r. Dr. Tucker were the speakers. Mr. Ken- nedy gave a graphic description of religious conditiontt in Jamaica, wliich was most interesting and enlightening. Dr. Tucker's Review of Mission dilhculties and achievements in Western Canada, and the church's successful endeavor to make up the annual apportionment, was a splendid effort. He recounted the ob- jections offered by the bishops and leadintr clergy to the large amount asked for, and he showed how the apparently impossible w'ts accomplished. Exclusive of money contributed to the Widows' and Orphans' Fund, Superannuation, Theological Train- ing, and other funds wl.ich are I^irgely uf a missionary character, purely miusioiiary contributions tOr the year ending 19U-4 amounted to $260,000. His words left the impression on the minds that the Canadian Church n thoroughly alive to her respoiisibilitifs and opportunities. The proceedings of the entire day was most optimistic and encouraging. To the Rev. W.O. Rielly is duo a great measure of praiue for arranging and carry- ng out so elaborate a program. Without any peradventure, it was the bc^t Con- vention in connection with the church ever held in Grey coiiuiy. Delegates were billeted at the hotel for dinner. Supper was eeryed on the rec- tory grounds under thesuiwrvision of tho congregation of St, Mark's church, Hol- land Centre, who deserve special mention for the dainty provisions 8U{>pl!ed and the attentive way in which the waiters looked to the need of the guests. Next year's convention will be hold at Markdale. The Rev. J.K. Newell was elected Prdsident and Miss Kells Corres- poudiug Secretary, â€" â€" â€" "» â- >â-  . They Appeal to Our Sympathies Tho bilious and dyspeptic are constant suf- ferers aud at>i>oal t<> imr sympathies. There is not one of them, however, who may not be brought back to health and happiness by A U W meets oi, the last Monday n eaou mouth, In their loflfie rootu, Chilstoe's block. 8p.u. M.W., A. Harrison ; Ilncorder, Jas. Felstoad ; Finan- cier, W.J. Bel.amy. VlsttiDR bretbreo iLVited PUIN0I5 AKTHUK LODGE, No. «3.AF& A U, meets in the Masonic hall. Strain's block, Pleslierton, every V'riday ou or batora the full moon. Joha Wright, W U.; C. N. HicUar son, Secretary. OWKN SOUND, ONTAIIIO. l<eopons for the Fall Term, Friday, flopt. ut I(X).i for the clasiflcation of students. Clais- â-  besdn Monday. Hept. 4i,h, IMS. Four fully oiiuiiipod dupartmeuts. IIUHI.VKSH ("vii-^sn; for those who wish to lioconie llnnk keepers, nusiueas men and enter niorrantilo life. HFIDKTHANl) A TYPRWUITING COtlRSE lor tho»« who wish to bwonif- stanographerB. TUl.lUiUAPIlY COUBSK for tliOBO who wish to bopoiiif Tolecraph Operators. I'BKl'AllATnUV i;0UKHK for thoiB who are far back in their odneaiion ai-d who wish to improve in common school subjocts. None too fat back for tliis oounio. Write for our ni.w lllustratod aunnnnoe- ment and journal showing our various depart- mauta at work: it Is free. Address:- C.A. Flem- Ui, I'rlnclpal, Owen Sound. HIGH CLASS PICTURES. . The place to get the best Photos is •t lUILMRR'S PHOTOGRAPH GALLERY. COUUT FLRBHEBTON, 995, I. 0. F. nreets In Clnistoa's Ulock the last Fridaveveiiing of eai'li month. Visiting Foresters heartily welcome. C. B., .T.Coruflold; B.C. W. iluskin; Fin. Sec, H. A. Wlllvtt. Please pay dues toll. A. Wlllett on or before tho last day of tho preceoding month. CH08RN FhlKNDB-Fleshorton (!ouncll of Chosen Friends moots in Clayton's hall first and third Wednesday of each month; 8 p. m. Pav assossmoiits to the Kaeorder on or before tPe first day of each month. Chief Councillor, T. lllakeley;Keoorder, W. B. Hunt. Medical DB CABTF.R M O P ft H Ont, Physician, Surgeon, etc Office and residenceâ€" Pater at., Flesherton the use of Chamberlain's Stomach and Liver Tal>- Ivts. These tableti< invigorate tho stomach and liver and strengthen the digestion. They also teKulate tho lx>Hel». i'er wde by W. E. Richardson. D» A. T. MONO Graduate Toronto University. Mem- ber of Ontario Collene oj Pbysiollaus and Bur- geons. Maxwell, Ont, duecessor to Dr. Scott. JP OTTKWKLL Veterinary Surgeon Graduate of Ontario Veterinary College, residence â€" second door south west^ou Marv street. This street rani aoutb Presbyterian Church. Following the lead of tho Arnoric* n Bankera' Assfxsistion, the Canadian Bank- ers' Association will try to recover the money order busincH.s of Canada, which is now entirely done by different express companies and the Government Postoffico Departmeat. This action will end the practice of banks of charging 10c. on a cheque whether it wa.s for 93 or $50, and any amount under 95 will, according to the new rates agreed on, be put through for a charge of S-j.; from $5 to fiO for E charge of 8c.; from flO to |20 for 10c., and from t-20 to fSO for 15c. H WILSON, niaoksmlth 'Iraduate of tho Veterinary Science Association. Uesldence, Durham itreet, op- posite Itoyd, Hiokllbg'i bardwar*. SPECIAL ATTENTION We pay Special Attention to Copying lind Babies' pictures. Picture fram- ing a Bpecinlty. Legal LUCAS WRIGHT A McARDIiK Barrliters Boltcltors Oonveyanoers, eto onionsâ€" Owen Bound, Ont and Markdale Ont W H Wmoht, MoArdui I B LvoAs N B-Fleaherton offloa, UltoheU'i Bank •very Saturday. Dentistry D' Try u« for any kind of pictures and we will promiRORatisfaotion. Sfdenbani street, Flmh«ttoii B C. MURRAY T,. D. H , dental anr^on honor cradnnta of Toronto University and Boval roMege-hf Dootal Bnrgnons of Ontario. Offlea at rasidanBe, Toronto itraot, Fleshertop, Dyspepsia This disease from which so many suffer gives the average phy- sician a ^eat deal of trouble. The best medical men have endorsed " PsYCHlfiE," and recommended it in scores of the most obstinate cases. It has never failed in a single instance to give prompt relief, and a permanent cure when directions have been followed. The system of cure is entirely different from any of the old foyey pills, powders or tablets . A few doses will remove the tightness and weight on stomach. Taken regularly it positively cures general distress, flatulency, nervousness, coated tongue, heartburn and palpitation. If you have never used "Psychine" don't hesitate a moment longer. Ask your nearest druggist. PEERING Implements Of all kinds at Wright's. The Deering binders are the lirjhtest and best. You can save money by getting your implements from Wm. L. WRIGHT's Old Stand. Ylesberten <fc Ont« merchant Cailoring Nov/ In Having just received a full liue of rhoia} sainple.t of up to dale suitings.troujerinxs, cvuruoaliiigs, wa'erprvif and cravenetto ijoods. Of nur 500 diffareit samples t) select from we are prepared to till orders at lowest possible prices. H. ALEXANDER QREATE8T OP ALL TONICS (PRONOUNCED iSlrKELN) AU DRUCCISTSâ€" ONE DOUARâ€" TRIAL FREE DR. T. K 8LOCUM, Limltml 179 Kins at. W.i Toronto. Canada R. Kinnear&Sons MAXWELL Wish to announce to the public that they hi'/ yet a few remoants of Priats left at the re ddced price. Come mid secure one hifore they all go,as we are forcing taleii to make more room for other gixxli vl« have lease] ihe store across the street, which iii tiUed with Hardware, Klour, Faints, (riau, L^mg Clear B.«:on and Broom.-*, which w« offer as not cLeaiHrr. than elsewhere. We have Gle.i Huron, ^inghampton and Markdale Flour always on hand, so you can get a choice. fi / '^X/ ^^ *•â- * headipiarters l^OOK •^ylefe. for the fauiouj urli/mouth Soinder Utulne In Osprcy. No discount on the length "r ((Uility. Secure yourselves by leaving your I orders here in time. HiKhi-nt market prices paid for choice batter and fresh c^g-s. R. Kinnear&Sons ^^«P3iP3iP38papap3igap3>gap3ipap3^ Bugdies » (Uagons It you are thinking of buying a fine buggy, wagon or democrat, it will surely pay you to call niul investigate our stock, terms, etc., before making your We have a stuff of export workmen and can guarantee that you will besdtisBei PLOUGH re:pairs â€" â€" â€" ALWAYS ON HAND â€" _ _ Bioyole St:md]?ies AND REPAIRING OF ALL KINDS â€" â€" J. A. HEARD, - FLESHERTON. ^" F. AUMBTRON'O, T.. D. S„Honor Oradn nr. E 1 W alp ,_..._ lege of Dental «iiri(i>ons of cTntario. ('ppoelte Mrs. nul'oer'a Photograph Oaller t. 'Will vialt Ifaxwell first and third Wndnaail ay of raoh month •ominenoing July Stb, Strange Stone Near Orangeville. While working the Amaranth road machine between concessions 8 and 9 on the south tnwnlino a few days ago John bowman, theeuervetio maiiipulator,turii- ed up what appears to be at first sight a peculiar piece of mechanism. The find which was broken in three parts from coming in contact with the machine, ia srime, but is unlike any stone ever seen in this neighborhood. The pieces, when intact, closed over a fourth piece, the lat- ter having the appearance of the screw of a large vice. A remarkable feature is ihat the stone iitto which the screw fits has threads like the latter having the appearance of the screw of a large vice. A remarkable feature is that the stone into which the screw fits has threads liku the latter.which fills the aimrture exactly, and could probably have been unscrewed with the hand if the strange mechanism had been picked up in its entirety and had not been partially shattered by the road machine. There is no doubt that the stone had been in the ground for ages, but to reach the conclusion that its mechanical formation was the work of human skill is to assume that this section was peopled ages ago by an intel- ligent race that long has passed away. An alternative and likely more reasonable hypothesis is that the find was originally in separate parts, that the latter, then wood,caine together in the condition dis- covered through tho settling of the earth or other process, and that the whole be came petiiHed through thu flight uf time. This is the best effort thu Post can maku in elucidation, â€" Oraii((pvilla Poat. Aooording to tha Sun the following Flesherton partioa attended a wedding at Stayner recently, Messrs. M., A. and H. Thistlewaite, J. Parker, the Misses Thiatlowaite and Miss E. Parker. The contracting parties were Mr. lUibert Lainont and Miss llann-ih Thomasine RobiuM'D, both of Sia^-ner vicinit;. ^m^MA D, McXAVISM \\\ mm\ mm \\m\ For First Class Buggies, Carts, Pleasure and Lumber \^ agons, cutters. Sleighs. We keep a stock on hand to choose from. ALSO nOkSE SHOEINQ ANOQENERAL BLACKSMITHiNQ and iiuarantee first clam work. Wo keep on hand Ploughs and Plough repairs, and also Massey- Harris and Noxnn repairs for binders. Mowers, hII kinds of machinery, also Binder Twine on hand. Ulben in town give us a call « Fall Term Ojiens Sept I^EIilOTT p»e of tbe tarcetk and bcft oommerei 8ukoo1aiQ tbe DomlnioJi. All of our griiduatoB ftre ftbsohitely ince of securiDg poaitlou*. Strong Btaff of Uauhers; inoilurD ouursoa; every etudeut thoroughly satisdod. Writ4 tor our luagnitlceut catalogue. Address: W. J, Rlliotl, l*riucipal. EUiotb BuainoM College. Cor. Yonge ftod Albxaader Sta., Tornuto, Ont, ~ FARM FOR SALeT BY TENDER Taudms will l>e raceivail up to the first day of Sapteoibor next, tor th« purchase of the folloiving lands, vis.: lots 14S, 119 auj ijo, in tbe third range north-east of tho Toronto and Sydeuhaiu Koad in tho township of Artamaeia* ion acrus, over TO acres cleared, a h-ame rooilb cast dwelling, log barn •vud an Orchard ui>on tho premises. Terms, ,10 per cent of purobaae price at time of accaptanco of ten,ier, the l>al- ftDca ou oouipletiou of title, exoapt ^ioQO which . may rauain on inoitgua, ti^, 'highest I or auy taodar not DeeanarUy acaapted. W J, »&i> LAUY, riastaertoa ^ FLESHERTON HARNESS EMPORIUM. (Opp-tsits Armstrong's Jewellery.) Everything up to date in harness â€" best material, best workmanship, best prices. Fly sheets and nets are in season â€" let us show you ours. Trunks, valises, axle grease, carriage axle grease, harness oil, whips and lafhes, BUQQIE5a Come and see the new buggies which we have on exhibition. Th«y are beaut- iss and prices are right, Wm. MOORE (Opposite Armstrong's Jewellery) KleshertoD, 1

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