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Flesherton Advance, 17 Aug 1905, p. 5

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•!».pe» f U E !• L E S II E R r ( ) ^ ADVANCE Adg. 17 1905 ^ft^te.. rj=/r=;/=Jr------V^=/f: â- Jr=^ r=lr=lr- -^% ^VICINITY - CHIPS I- Charactcrlttlcs o( The Past Week |l Carefully Culled for the Cu. i us %iJrSL T=l ,=Jr=Jr. 2 c='t='r' J Fresh lime always on bund. J. H, D'ickett, EuHisniii. Sih.'ol will re-opi.-ii oa MouJay of nex week. Mr. and Mrs. KsPy, if D urham, vifit- ed a^ Mr. Mitchell's on Tliu'siJtiy. Mrs. Cirbelb of Coibetton is visitin? her dau^'itor, Mrs, W. L. W^gh^. Choppina will not be dni.e hi>re any dny excppt Sfmidiiys. T. W. Wilson. Miss Florenae Richardion ia i^pjthlia? a few wet'ks in Toronto. Mrs. W.A. Armstrong ami Miss Mabel Boyd visibtd Durham friends on Sunday. For saleâ€" 3 heavy draoi^ht co't«. T. E. Thornbury, lot 40, con. 13, Artemesuv, Lady Bank P. O. Mrs. W. H. Bunt, who ha.<» spent a month with her mother, at WoodbriJge, returned home last week. For saleâ€" Uot air furnaae, Gurney nutke, good as new: A. Shackulford, Fleshorton. Mr. and Mrs. E Thompson drove over t3 C.illingwood oii Sat.,ro'.urniag Sunday night. Farm for sale â€" One hundred acres good Knd, 90 acres under cultivation, lot 31, con. 5, Artemesia. Apply for partic- ulars to James Stafford, Flesherton. Wanted â€" a girl to do jrenernl house, work in Toronto. Good wages, small family. Apply ta Mrs. Webster at Mrs, M. K. Richardaon's. The coat advertised for last week was haoded in by Mr. W. Orr. Another case where it paid to advertise, Dr, E. C. Murray, who has been in the West for a tew weeks past, returned home on Saturday last. For salt) in Flebhortonâ€" One half-acre lot, with good dwellinK-houso and stable, also two choice acre lots. Apply to W- B. Richardson, Flesherton. Mr. Geo. H. Bager-of Toronto, ia the guest of Mr. Hacking. Mr. riagcr is an expert piano player, and is a member of the largo lumber firm of S. Hager & Sen. A. M. Thurston has now a large stock of photo Souvenir Postal Cards. Call and see them. 5c. each, 6 for 25c. Edwin Frizzell, a member of the Owen Sound police force,died in the hospital of typhoid on Monday. A laree lot of sample suitings arrived liist week â€" the handsomest we have ever handled. See them fur your fall and - winter suit. 11. Alexander, Misses Allio and Minnie Joy have re- turned to their home in the city after spending two .iraeks with friends in this vicinity. K«v, Mr. Ilurlburt, wife and children, are visiting with friends at Tilsonburg- Mr. Uurlburt will return this week, while Mrs. Hurlburt will make an extended visit- A recent garden party at Riverview netted $125. Jimmy Fax, Iho comic, ReT. Chas. Langfurd, J. E.Richards and a football ma^ch were the attractions â€" a great eombiuation for a gardes party. Mr. M. Vaisey of Roobestor, N. Y., who with hiij brother of Toronto were rusticat- ing at Singhamptun, visited his sister-in- law, Mrs. Jos. Clinton, last week. The Epworth League and Evangelical Convention cf the Owen Sound District wilt be held in thu Methodist church, Berkeley, on Tuesday and Wednesday, Aug. 29 and 30. Programs can be secur- ed from Rev. W. F. Roach, E^ioevillo, or at this office, A sad case occurred on tho 3rd line, Euphrasia, ou Sunday, when Mrr. J. T. O'Brien and an infant just born, passed away within a few hours of each otheri a')twithstauding the efforts of two physic- ians to savo the young woman's life. Mrs. O'Brien's maiden name was Kerfoot She had been less than a year married to her bereaved husband, a son of Mr. John O'Brien, A family gathering took place at Mrs. John Clintons' on Sunday, consisting of Mn. Jos. Gamey and two children, Mrs. Kobt. Meidrura and two children, Mr, and Mrs. Wes. Clinton, Mr. and Mrs. Jos. Olinton, Mr. and Mrs, Oliver of Buffalo, Misses Kerr of Toronto and Mr. John Aiken All attended church in the even- hl ; and enjoyed the service. Beatrice Evelyn Fleboher,of Shelbume^ saioided at Toronto Junction by taking strychnine. The young woman was 22 goaa old. Iti is thought the girl wm frettinu over donuistio affairs as she did not (let along wall with her stfpmothur. The reuLiins were brought to Shelburiie for interment. The receipts at the garden party at Mr. A. Beiittios nuiountud to over tweuty- tive diilliirs. Mr. Ed. Beuthani, Toronto Junction, ia in town looking; into a business proposi- tion. From five to ton liihtning fatuliiies have been reecn-ded in llio daily prcst for some time. This summer isppoars to be abijormiil in that regard. Mrs. Rubert Rutlodge moved, last week, into Mrs. Boyd Tliompaon's lioua^ and Mrs. H Rjulley has moved to the house vacated by Mr.s. Johnston. It ii p'lssildd in the near future a branch of the St.indard bank will be open- ed ill RcKhorton. Tho iiniiouncenient ol such intentions was made in the Mail and Empire and Bradslreets l«.st week. The facts are thosf: Mr. Kelly of Durham, represeii ing tliu Standard bank, cam3 overoii Thursday last and submitted a pro- pi'Siil to Mr. Geo. Mitchell, our private banker, by which tho Standard would lake over hi:i business and place him in charge as manager. Mi-. Mitcliell has this proposal now under consideration, and has not yet given a decided answer. Mr. Arch. Boyd, East back line, sold his 90 acre farm on Tuesday to Mr. John Foster, of Oraiigevilla, pnasession to be given 0':tober 1. Tho purchase price was §2850. Mr. B..yd will probably lake up his residence in town- Previous to doing so he will hold a clearing sale of alibis farming utensils. Toronto isinvitins all tho celubtitios in siyht to come and visit their big show. The celebrities, however,appear to be .shy and as a rule express regrets. The manaaers are now fishing for the Jap and peace delegation, but have not landed them as yet, Tuesday was Fleshorton'g civic holiday, and of all the holidays this burg has been blest with it took the cookie. A cold east rain dampened tho urdor of every- thing in the shape of fun making. Tho men responsible for sotting aside Tues day as a liolidiiy should be ashamed of themselves. The railway nave single fares but loss than a dozen availed them- selves of the privilege. Mr. Wm. Hogg, an eld oitizun of the township but for the past fifteen years a a resident of Toronto, died at his homo in the ciry last week. Decea.sed was identiffed with Artemesia affairs for many years. He at one time owned a sawmill near this villa«o, aid later kept a store and post office at the station. His son, Mr, J. R. Hogg, of Eugenia, is at present the only member of tiio family residing in this vici.iity. Wo have been unable to procure particulars of the old gentleman's life, but understand that ho « as 78 years of age. A quiet woddiug took place in town on Thursday last, at the residence of Mr. S. Boggs, when his eldest daughter, Miss Maud was united in matrimony to Mr. John Williams of Holland Centre. Dr. Caldwell performed the ceremony and the bride was given away by her father. The young couple left the following day to visit friends for a time, and later will remove to tho Northwest, where they intend tc reside. Tho well-known Elliott Business Col- lego, of Toronto, has enjoyed a splendid patronage during the present year, and this is no doubt due to the superior train- ing that tho College imparts. The fall term opens on Sept. 5, and already many have signified their intention of being present on the opening day. ' 'Thorough- ness is the keynote of this institution" is the motto of the Elliott Business College, Toronto. All the graduates secure positions and tho demand for students has, during several months of the year, boon fully six times the supply. It is announced t.bat an old lady hns been sent to jail from the House of Ref- uge as insane, because she pulled the manager's whiskers. We suppose there are p'enty of women in this county who will question the validity of tho evidence as to the woman's insanity. By Ihese,^ hair and whisker pulling is looked upon as « harmless pasti^ne, and they would object strongly to being incarcerated as lunatics. In fact almost every county would require its asylum a.s well as house of refuge, if a woman's standard of ment- al strength were gauged according to her >a- or disinclination to pull whiskers. What docs Brother Rutledge of the Mark- dale Standard think about this thinft,. anyway^ The Telescope, speaking of the new Walketton- Flesherton branch of the C. P. B. says: "The line from Walkerton tu Flesheitnn is^oing tu be a difficult one to build. The grade reaches the maximum being what is called one douree or 53 feet to the mile, and the curves in many case" will be reumrkably short. From Walker- ton east it will be up hill all the way. Walkerton is 811 feet above the sea level, Hanover 800 feet.while the junction near Fleshert'in tho elevation is 1D68 feet, At Hanover tho line will cross just south of tho cement factory, and will then point straight west until it crosses the river. The iiriilge hero will be a long one and 22 feet above the l.-vel of tho water. In all probabili'y the work of construction will begin i.HXt spring. A little fiirothoujfht may save you no end <if trouble. Anyone who niakeH it a rule to keej) Cliumbcrlaiu'a Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoeu Remedy knows this to be a fact. For sale l)y W. E. Richardson. A total eclipse of the sun occurs on August oO, observable I. n this continent in Labrailiir aliout a hundred inilesinland from Uainiltou Inlet. Representatives of Torimio Univeisity will accompany an expedition in ^Imrgeof Dr. King of Ottawa. In Toronto tho eclipse niil beseen as a partial one commencing at 5.30 a. in., niaxiiuuiu 0.3-t a. m., and ending at 7.3-1 a. ni. Tlie same time will practically a\i- ply to Flesherton. Slightly more than throe quarters of the sun's surface will bo eclipsed as viewed from about this point. Sick headache results from a disordered cou- dltiiin of the .stmnach and isriuickly cured by Chamhtirlain'.s Stomach and Liver Tablets. For aulo by W . K. Richardson. Dr Giidwin, director of the School of Mines, Kingston, has returned from an extended trip through the Teinisciiniing district. He says settlers are constantly going in and taking up the land to the north, and the woods are full of prospec- tors. It is agreed by all men of exper- ience who hayo visited tho district that it is the richest .silver district the worlJ has ever seen. Thu best feature of the district is that most: of the discoveries have been made by Canadians,and they have retained possession of tho property. Very few sales are recorded. "Tho men who discover the mineral find that they need no capital to develop their properties. A few tons of ore will realize all the necessary capital. Youn^ men have started in with almost nothin':: this summer, and are now able by the ."iale of a carload of ore to realize from 20,000 to 40,0<)0. Already prospec- tors Dre looking with longing oyos at the south (if tho district, and where prospect- ing 18 lorbichlen. It; is believed that the government may arrange to throw the northern triangle of these limits open. Have You Heartburn ? It's quite common with people whose digestion ia poor. Immediate relief fol- lows the use of Nervilino. Stomach ia strengthened, digestion is made perfect, lasting cure results in every case. Uso Poison's Nervilino once and you'll never be without it, becituse every typo of stom- ach disorder is conquered by a few dosea. One 2oo. bottle of Nerviline convinces. Sold everywhere for the past fifty year.'--. Boar For Service Tamworths and Berkshires. Ifyoo. your friends of relatives suffer with Fits, Epilepsy, St. Vitas* Dance, or Falling Sickness, write for a trial bottle and valuable treatise on such diseases to Thb Lbibio Co., 179 King Street, W., Toronto, Canada. All. druggists sell or can obtain fur you Farm For 5aie. Lot 9 con. 4 Osprey, 1(X) acres, alxiiit 75 acres cleared, good frame bam stone stabling under, frame dwelling. 1 1-2 miles from Ma.\- well, 7 miles frnni Flesherton, in good state of cultivation. For price .and terms apjily to Jos. H. Clinton or W. J.BeUauiy, Fleshertnu. JulySL '05 Farm for 5 ale. Lot ir*. con. .'I, S. V. B., Osprey, flO acre» moro or l«8s, 7'- cleared. Two frame honyofl, fratnn barn 40x40 on stcne w»ll. Jpith root houso lOxL'O Miulur (hivo â- way: ftnother frfluio barn 92x62; cellar lojtpiK pon'Jlx;*!; fiaiuo driviuR «ho»i '2'ix;t0 Rood orchard of Oli bearing troos; Rood uuvor- failiiiK wul). Tbn farm is well fnitced, iu a £!Ood stato of cnltivHiion aud free from bad wuuJh. For furtlior particulars apply to KOBT. OKU.MMRTT, Warcbaui, Oni. ThorouRhbre<I Tamworth boar for service on lot n. let rauge B. T. A 8 B.. Artemcai*. Terma jtl. THOa. TAYLOR, Proprietor. IhftTd for sale a few choice Tonng pigs of both breeds at right prices. \Vrita for wbat you want or comeaud see them* Maxwell P. O. Ueo. W. Bos*. ' A Plain Tale From The Mills. % We have just received our .second consignment of White Pine from the North Shore and our stock is now complet* in every way. We are in a posi- tion It supply all your wants in the line of Sash, Doors, Flooring, Siding, Moulding, Scroll Work and Turning Planing ^ matcbtng done on shortest notice Givo us the order for that verandah; we can suit you to a T. Chopping - Mondays = Only Prices Reasonable. - Terms: 'Cash. Flesherton Planing Mills. ft'n &^ ^ ^^^^. ^ ^^'^ ' -^^ 'ir ^-^^ ' i^ ' i ' ^ ' ! ^?^^ ^ BOOTS AND SHOES The reputation of our Boots and Shoes has been built up by close attentioB to business. Our Footwear is well know. throughout all this part of the country as being'the best. The proof of this.islfliat so many always come to us for their boots "and shoes. Our Spring Stock is up-to-date in style and make and is the best and most complete we have ever had to show vou. • Ole Jllways Cry Co dive a Dollars lUortb Tor a Dollar In custom work wo .ire second w none. We use the best material that can be got and any order entrusted to our care will be carefuly attended to. If you are going to 'ravel wo have a largo stock of TRUNKS, TELE- SCOPES & SUIT CASES. Call and see them at Clayton's « « « TlesJperton, ^:8:8:^!C8»:^»^:e:^<B:B:^^:8»:^?»»:^^:e:8:^c8»:^c8:B:^ -1%-^- ^le are in Business FOR YOUR HEALTH. MEDICAL - HALL FLESHERTOrsT The Expert Pill Hixers For Your Stock # HerbaKoum, International Stook Food, Columbian Regulator. JS^ Tick Dcstioyer for the sheepi. ^ ^'4 l^eifer Strayed Frfm Tjot 31 . 10th Con.. Art"iuosln, on or about -July 2^. ouo yroy heifer.pno year old past, having lioniii Htantiing aonibwhat Btrai^ht on tbo bea«). Any pertiou giving suob itiformnttoii an will load to ils-ruoovorv will bo suitably ro- warded,. 7s8p J. K, JAMIKSON, Eut;aDia P. 0. riortgage Sate Of Farm Property Near Eugenia Under and by virtue of tho powers oontainod iu a cortiin moitfloge which will bo nrodui.od atthetlmoot bbIo, thoro will bo offerwd for Bftlo by Public A-.iotiou at M»nshftw'« liotol, ou Friday, tl.o 28tb day of July.l'JOri; at tho liouv of Two o'clock HI tbo ofturDoou, the following property: (1) North half lot 2T, oou. 1.'), Artemesia . 'VI aareB. Upon tho property there JBngood bouse aud barn. A very doairablo small-farm, (2) WoBt half lot 37, oou. 14, Artemesia. .'lO ooreii. No buildlDKs. Oood paeturo lot aud some timber. For tnrniBand eondltions of sole apply to LUCAS. WKIQHT * MoARDLE, Uarkdale, Ont, Dated 8Qth Juno, 1005. ;*'& •?!«• For Yourself Patent Medicines â€" all tllo popular makes. Pipes and tobaccc.' For Your Wife SpiocH for k'erfumos, cookinR â€" .Mlspioe, CorticellaSilk. Cinnamon, Mixod ."pices, etc. For Your Baby Soothing Sv"up, SUckina; Bottles, and Teething llingx. >J< >i< â-º!<: Richardson & Son DRUaOISTS Flesherton r-: :-: Ontarro ^##^^###r^#^#t#^^t-#'^»^#l^^tt^ )

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