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Flesherton Advance, 17 Aug 1905, p. 1

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JFksb^rt0n ^Jirana. TRUTH BEFORE FAVOR.' PRIKCIPLEb NOT MEN." VOL XXIv, KO 1230 Flesh-crton, Out., Thtirsday. August 17 IQOo W. H THUESTON, pbopbietob .•:r^-V Going To Get Married ? If s<> Tou will wane a nice wedding ring. We have them in a great variety and at ju^t the right prices. © Going To A WeddiDg ? © If ») you will want to take a prt?sent along. We have tiHi many beautiful BLACK WOOD CLOCKS which we will sell at cost for the next fifteen days. Tb'S means 8on\etli'r.g to yon. Main A SOte of it. These are emtable for general use. See tliem. 01. Jlrmstrongt FLESHY RTON, ONT I â-  strain a point tn hold an occa-iional meet tomiirs this preparation when the best Is asked ineon the Sahbath day, but of thow I f""-- Mr. Obe Witmer. a prominent druggisi , SaWh services, he could not promise tol t^r^^^.^Zi^^^'^^'.^.'ZrZ'-S'^^'e i give perhaps more fre.,uently that at \ ^^y ^f p^t^^ metliciuea which equala Cha=i I intervals of five or six months. These, ; beilain's Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea Kem- i however will be most acceptable and duly ' edy for bowel compLuntii. We «11 audrecom- appreciaied. We understand that I gj^nd t^i* pr'^P'Ta"""-" for sale by W. E. arrangements are anticipated beini; made ; ' with ininisrers of other denoniinationa : McFarland. Stafford & Go's. Big Store e ^ MJVIJKDALE, 0>sTAI<IO Richard;ion- Grey County's BIGGEST and CHEAPEST STORE meetings so that the several denominat ion b«uefita of their own to bold similar inmates of the may receive the church. It is pleasing to not« that the readini: of scripture and prayer each momiuK and eveiiiiiK in the hospital room and insti- tuted a short time ago by one of the Eugenia Mr. Samuel Fisher and Fred Fisher have ifoiie to work for Uickling Brothers at Suuridge, Muskoka. Mr. £. Legard and T.£. Feairiclc h&rd gone to QeutUcote. i The L'JIu Bishop of Huron held con- , i inmates, is steadily Incoming more int»r- ; urmation service at Eugeuia, live young j esting and better »ttendo^_ jjjj jt is to be | people kieing coutir'ued. He was the I hoped K\iZ.t much good may be accom : plished amons; the needy inmates by the I voluntary and laudable efforts of i's work- ! ers. The divine service on Sunday last may I be justly classed as one of the most suc- ' pssful and pleasant meetings ever held in i this institutiou. The interest taken by I outside friends was manifest by the I number in attendance, especially ladies. | |g not abie to aicomraodate ' Mr. and Mrs. Ersnine of Markdale : number of guests that hav» guest of Mr. Duckett during bis stay. Mi33 Flora Carr, who has been vijiiting friends in the city for some time, has returned home. Harvesting is m full swing at present. The weather is tine, and for the past week has been very dry. Our town has had a gootlly sharo of holiday visitors. The Eugenia House the large come to Annual Midsummer Sale. Bargain Prices OAT 1., AH Summer Goods F â€" -T'-^' Industrial Home Notes {By an Inmate) 1 J conducted the sinaini;, assisted by the rich '. spend the summer here, of Mr. John Baines and " The hay crop on this property, which, in the early part of the season, was pre- dicted by some of our wiseacres to be worth when cuttinir lime should come | a tenor voice ot lUr. jonn uaines aua two i or three good stipranoa rendered the service both impressive and attractive. ', Mrs, Erskine has a very sweet alto voice, { while her husband is possessed with a ! deep rich bass voice. After delivering v forceful and impressive discourse from Fsalm 77. Mr. Harness turned the meeting over to Mr. Ennis to close in such form as he might choose. Mr. Ennis then gave brief but fervent exhortation, and but little more than the trouble of saving it, nevertheless has turned out, though the acreage was small, to be exceptionally good, and was, nearly two weeks ago, in addition to five acres of meadow grass, purchased from Mr. R. Wright, Orange Valley, safely housed in prime condition. â-  This good management may be krgely attributed to the assiduous energy of the ijuperintendant, whom we think, is justly entitled to field pay in addition to his regular salary, for not only in the hay field hut also in the garden has he filletl the place of a good man, working like a Trojan since the opening of spring, and if there is another man in the province hokiiug a like position, taking a greater interest in and performing a greater I amount of manual labor in addition to his \ rvgular duties as the governor of a County i Indu.<!trial Home, we should like to be' informed of the fact. The barley is also cut an-l in the barn, as also the produce of several samples of grain received from the O.A.C., which are very line and should Mr. a. exhibit some of the products of this county industrial farm, the probab- ilities are that he will in several instances be a prise winner ibr he baa a great var- iety both in field and garden crops. The names of the iwo old ladies re- ceived to the Home, and referred to in last report, were Mrs. Criezer of Artem- eaia, and Mi«. Elizabeth \Yaterson of Gteuelg. The latter, who was admitted on the last day of July, was, on the 5ih of the present month, transferred to Owen Sound jail until sh-j can be received into a pioper asylum for the insane. Age un- doubtedly renders people feeMe. but at the same time insanity frequently adds •tren^ih to feebleness, even in extreme old age, makinit close confinement of the patient, and the car«ful watchfulness of their attendants, necessary, to prevent them from doing harm in some way or other. Suctiwas the case «rith Mrs. ^ AS^teraon, and none of the old lady in- IW^es were able to do it, yet it was done, .while here, by the matron, who has at all, times a suthoieut burdcu in perfonaing I iMrduous duties involved upon her, [ it was touchiugly noticeable when the old creature was beitig taken away, I seemed to realize that she was ' ^jtkMrfrWP' '^ good home, and from "Brt>tection o< a kilid christian intrust the poor old lady will tttvf* l^eive as good treatraeat during "'^^iJer of her nnfoitunate life as [ fix>m the Suponnleudeiit of tS)* Wtiffiaf^Ref uge. ^^ ' 1 nuch the appearance of KttMil^flll^ttr visitors fn.mi a dis- UiMk '^Eft^SKmy nam en were regis- -"â- i^y. „«»S. W „' York state, ifew |imia, and other re- thuM ttota i:hi* dis- I. I.Wilaou, the new llale Methodtat ohui>;h. aale inmates, not other- ^re eBjQjipg the shtde of " |l>. For each of leraan had a most oouversaiion portitin of •rv (he fer- iJkttiUty creed Ot itlemean AregilKrvfecTiM yi>h»re4 to boiA fr«il|iirntly AS p<««. •04 tlAiiM.lrpiiU \*~^ ' proposed to hold i before separating, was met with the intervals bein;; selections rendered i fellowship meeting The proposition hearty response, occupied by vocal by Mr. and Mrs. Erskine and Mr. Baines. The Itenedic- tion, pronounced by Mr. Ennis brought to a close a most successful and enjoyable meeting. May we have miiny more like if Mr.Morwood will conduct the service on Sunday next. A Warning Toriothers Too much care cannot be use<l with small children during the hot weather of the summer mouths to guan.' ugainst bowel troubles. As a rule it is only necessary to give the child a dose of castor oil to correct any di8<irder of the tjowels. Do not use any substitute, but give the old-fashioned castor oil, and see that it is fresh, as rancid oil nauseateo, and has a tend- encv t».> griVHj. If this does not check the bow- els give Chamberlains Colic, Cholera and Diar- rhoea Kemedy and then a dose of castor oil, and the disease may be checked in its incip- iency and all danger avoided. The cik'tor oil and this remedy "houUl be proem ed at once and kept leady for instant use as soon as the first indication of any l>owel trouble appears. This is the most successful treatment knowTi and may be relied upon with implicit confid- ence even in cases of cholera infantum. For (aleby W. K Richardson. 4.00 LADIES DUCK SKIRTS for 1.00. 8 only Women's White Duck Skirts, as- sorted styles, some plain, some trimmed with several rows handsome insertion. The regular prices were 2.75 to 4 W each, 3nly 8 left, hence this cut. Midsummer Sale Price 1.00 Mrs. Whitoy and Master Clarence, of Dollatville, Michigan, have been visiting friends here for a few weeks. Mrs. George Plumbell, ot Butfalo, N. Y. is visiting her parents, Mr. and Mrs. W. Purvis. Mr. and Mrs. Willie Donaldson, of i Toronto J unction, were guests of Mr. and ! â€" M«. Henry Williams. ^ ,. • ; J 35o DRESS VOILES for 29c. Mr. Robert Wallace paid a short visit . . , a.-,^ , ,, w^i to his parent, at Eugenia. 8 pieces, about 200 yards. Fancy Wool Mr. \V. H. Sawyer of Toronto was the • guest of his daughter. Mrs. Joseph Feu- , wick. I â-  Mr. W. Purvis of Toronto visited for i ' a few days with his friends here. Mr. J . R. Hogg was in the city for a ' week at the death bed of his father. The I • late Mr. Hogg had a large circle of friends | SAMPLE COTTON HOISERY l-SOFF. around Eugenia, who all tender the - ^^^ ^ .^^ bereaved widow and fam ly heir sincere | ^^^^^ ^ ^ ^y^ ^^^^ ^^ ^^^ sympathy in their griet for .h- lo.s of » | ^ ^jn ^^^^^ ^^^j ,,„ „^^^^ ^ ^,j Dre^s Voiles.all this season's latest shades ^ and patterns, some plain colors, others ' fancy check and tiake mixtures in Navy j and Royal Blues. Browns, Greens, Greys, I etc., 40 to 42 inches wide, regular values : 50 to 55c a yard, Midsummer Sale Price 29 kind father and devoted husband. Mrs. McMuUeii had the misfortune to lose a good cow, which broke into ^n oat deld ana ate so many oats that it died. Mr. E. Legard has returned from his visit to Chtsley. Fln-ni Laborers Excursions. I up, con.sequently they are perfect. We secured them at one-third less than mill prices. Did we wish we could mix them among regular goods at regular prices, but we prefer giving our customers a bargain. .About 200 itair in the lot, ranging in price from 10 to 35c. pr. Midsummer sale price Ooe-Thlnl Off. Maxwell The farmers are busy with the wheat, which seems to be an excellent crop around this part and the sounds of the thrvshinv machine are heard once more. Mr. Marshall Kertou returned home from Toronto last week aud is making preparatiiu to commence threshing once more. Mr. and Mr*. Uliver.uf Buffalo, visited at Mr. Joe Gamey's last week. Miss Gray, ot Butfalo, visited at Mr. W. H. Guys last week. Miss Genie Adair, of DuodaUt, is the guest of Miss Alice Feuwick. Mr. atd .Mrs. Lawrence of the Soo spent Saturday ai.d Sunday with their aunt, Mrs. Field8,aud other friends here. Mr. George McDonald, uf Mclutyre, was a caller in our village ou Sunday, Mr, and Mrs.Scott,of the Xorth West, visited a couple of days last week at Dr. Scott's. Mrs. John Liuley and her daughter. Myrtle,are visiting this week with {rteuds ou the 12th. Mr. M. Vasey, of Rochester city, was a caller in our village last week. Mrs. Joseph Clinton of Viesherton spent a tew da^with friends here last week, Mr. Morgan and wife and two little daughters uf Toronto were visitors at Mr. Fleshet's last week. 'Very niuch sympathy is expressed for the parents aud family of the late Percy Buckingham, who are among tile most respected tesideots of this township. The funeral took place from his home to the Methodist cemetery last Wednesday aud was largely attended by relative* ai>d fneuds. Mr. Howard Sproule and wife of Winnipeg are visiting with tbeir UMny fri«(lds here. Nothint on tti& rurket Like Chamberlain's CoHb, Choleni and DiarriMca Remedy. Tk^ (act kl **n kaown to druggid* •verjr- wbw% *MdBiM««l ol tea wiU give thw cos- Latest advices from Winnipeg state that the Wheat Crop of Maiiit(jba and the Cauadian Northwest will exceed all prev- ious seasons; a great iiuiubet of Eastern laborers will be required to assist at harv- esting. A Fstm Laborers' Excursion will be run from points as announced in our advertising columns. * . ^ I â-  Dundalk Items 1.25 LADIES LINEN SKIRTS FOR 75c. 10 only Ladies Linen Crash Skirts, assort- ed lenifths with the adjustable waist band, nicely made and excellent titters, regular 1.25 to 1.50 values. Midsummer Sal« Price 73 SAMPLE LACE CURTAINS FOR 19o We secured a few weeks ago, over 10(T Sample Lace Curtains. These we laid aside for our Midsummer Sale. Thoy are full width and perfect in paitem, but are shorr, each sample measuring from 1^ to 3 yards long. Were they full 3 aud 3^ yards loni; the values wnu!d be $1 00 to 93.00 a pair. Many of rhein can be matched in pairs, but we are goini; to let you pick them out any sample end yoa like. Midsummer Sale Price 19 2.25 BLACK SATEEN BLOUSES FOR 99c. 20 Ladies Black Sateen Blouses, sll w* have left in stock, the regular values wer9 $1.60, 1.69. 1.89 and 2.25 each. They are made fn.>m heavy mercerized sateen, handsomely trimmed with hem stitching '.ucking etc., sizes 32 to 40 in the lot They are perfect in cloth, perfect in make and perfect in fit, many of them actually worth 2.25 each. Midsummer Sals Price 99 Mr. Win. Ellis, of Shrigley, received the sad intelligence Wednesday morning by wiie af the death by drowning of his son, Vick, at the Soo. Yick went to the soo last spring aud has since been work- ing on a boat. Uis sudden death is a great shock to his parents, who have the sympathy of all. Mr. Frank Bellamy had an unpleasant experience with lightning during the sUirm on Saturday last. He was working back of the new cheese factory when the lightning began playing around him so much that he was stunned. He is recover- ed now and does not wish a repetition uf the sensations. Several bi>y8 got a glimpse of a bear one day last week in Fry's bush, south of the town. It was iu a berry patch and was eiijoyiug some of the luscious fruit. One was also seen recently iu the vicinity ot the south line of Cteprey. During the thunder storm of Saturday last Nr.Geo.Slurrock's baru at Hopeville was (truck by lightning and burned. â€" Herald. A Deep Cut in Shirt Waists. We have now left exactly 42 ladies Colored Shirt Waists. These are assorted iti sics^ and styles. 'Values r'^n from 50c. to 1.75 each. For quick selliug the Midsummer sale prices will be â€" 50c. Blouses, now 25o. $1.00 Blouses, now 50c. $1.00 and SI 25 Blouses, now 76o. ' $1.50 and 1.75 Blouses, now 1.00 10 only colored mercerized Sateen Blouses, handsomely made in colors of brown, oaixl' ,iual navy, pink, etc. Regular $2.00 and 2.25 values. Midsummer Sale price 75 Special Discounts on Dress Musluis, Vesting, Shirt VVaists, etc. Space will not per- mit of our mentionini; all the special value6,but come in expecting bargains every day. Many of the best bargains never get into our newspaper advertiseineuts.tho quantities are not lar^e enouiih or they are picktd up too fast to K^ther advertising, bur. every day some new line is throwu on the bargain counter. Visit this store often and early. There is money in it foi you. McFAKLAND,* STAFFOI^D 6c CO W. Hockley 1905 STATION W. Hockley STOI^E At Bilious Headache. Is one of the meanest things in the world. To prevent biliousness use Dr. Hamilton's PiUs which keep the system clean and pure, rstculate the bowels, give tens to kidneys and liver. Tfou'll never have a headache, you'll never have a sour stomach, but you ?rt11 have vigorous bra - iug health by taking Dr. Hamilton's Pill . Your druggist sells Dr. Hamilton's Pill", S6c, per box or five loxes for one dollar. â€" 1 I la n * . • The celebrated grape vine in the con- servatory at Haiuptoo Court, England, planted in 17^9, had in 1830 a stem 13 tnehes in girth and a principal branch 114 feet in length, the whols vine occupying mots than 100 square yards; and in one year it produoed 8,800 buockss of fruit weighing on an average • poiutd â€" in all, •kottt a too o( fruit. Now tbat we are starting oa the spring season, in going through our stoo kwe find that we have many lines that we can give our customers atgreatly redaoed prices, as follows. 24 Ladies fancy lawn blouses, regular 1. 10 for 69 15 ladies fency striped blouses on sale at ....4^ A large assortment of ladies sailor hats, your choice 20 Special prices on prints, regular 5^ and 6J for *i New neckties, latest styles, snap at ~ - ^ Eiceptional values in ladies and gents rain proof coats. As we bought them right we can sell them at the lowest possible prices, i 200 lbs dutek set onions to be sold at 15 A large new stock of boots and shoes to choose fromâ€" just tbe ^S^^ get for summer wear. We handle ill kinds of garden seeds and at the right prices. packages for Come and bny a sunshade, aa we have a large assortment to choose ^^'^^ at lowest pnces. Don t forget that we pay highest pnoes for all kta* off. form produce. Also remember that wo lead and others follow m ail kva^ ot groceries. • W.Hdckley Proton St'n, Call kind to :..»

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