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Flesherton Advance, 3 Aug 1905, p. 5

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^i"a;!jB5«. '-â- ssr^-s!?- â- r lit F L £ S Ii E R T O N A D V A N C E AoO. 3 19ij5 Carefully Cullcil for >r the Cut us . . jHj Fie li li;iio ;i'»ayH on l.aiiil. J. H. | Duel c\t, Eujjetiia. 5Iis< Lily Hojd U l;ol(J'iyii;)i *i'.h hor *;:iiiit';''i''cii:s at Alt. Forest. F'lini for Rile - 3€<;' nere fiirin f<v »»Ie Oil Do'.vn |ii-<,p«rty. SnU on reiisoi.abe fLTiiw. U. DaffD, Flei.'hurtoa. Mi-» Laura Sh^rp uf ihc; C;iii.ulinn P.m't is vUitii:;^ uiih ri.-!rt'ivcH in th's viciaity. A j .b lot of i!us'C's on Iiand ftt Its* (irst cost. See tlitiii. J.W. LyoiiS, li iine.ssinikrr. Mi.s>» R ta Crane, of Owon Si)uriil,ii< tliu .gu?st of he: cou.sins, the Micses Triuljlo. For saleâ€" 3 hiiivy drans'hf c <iti. T. £ T!ioi-n''airy, lot I'J. cm. 13, Artemeniii, L«ily Faiik P. O. The Misses Jl.iy «nJ Jennie 5rin>rc <-t Teusw.itur, iiiv in;; r. ith thrir «nc!tf ttud :iti:it, Mr. KuJ Mis. \Vi 1 Mo>re. Hiss, llyrtia Thumton vLsitud friends ill Duihinn this week. For saleâ€" Uut 'iir ftirnnce, Gurney ni.ike, Roml as ii.'W: .\ _ fchucki'lforil, •Fli-BhorJon. Mr. T.T«yl"r of Mt. Zion hi.s rccmtly i{)urjhased a thoniu^hbrod TaiuwortU pi:;, bred at thLUuidi.h un-dcl f.iiaf. Mrs. W.J. Beliiiiny und s-ns, Chiirlie and Ui>bert,Mrahulida}ii:g with iiienh.s in â- OA'en Sound and Collingwood. Choppina will sax be dm.e here any day (.'.vcupt Moiid;iy3. T. W, Wil.on. air. Jim White, who has been at Purl Arthur since last fall, h is returned home Hsid taken his o'd po-ition in Ilai.kii,s'.s livery. Wanted -T»il«rcs9, at niicj. Steady work. A. W. r.owo, Dund dk. Miss E11.1 Hari.'cr,<.f Mrs. Wdlct'8 dress m.king esiablid-.mvi.t, 1 ft on S!iitUMl.ty t ) holiday at her hi v.Quv Uxbiidge. Got yi'ur harucsa and harness repaiihig frpm J. W. Lyons lU.'l<ard?on Uock, i'lisliC-rt'iii. Sitisfiictiun i:uaninteed. Mrs A. Wil.son, Miss LiiiKie and Jlaster Wilioare vi-itiiig frioiuls at Markhani â- aiid T'^r-nto. BIr. rnd Mr.s. StucVey of Grand Valley, Mr. and Mrs. James Lofoii ;•( Port Arth- ur and MissELsie McKee of Owen S.iuixl %;iaited *iih their aunt, Mrs.W.T.McKee. II -^so for Silcâ€" L'>rv!S s'mng work in:? imre, or w^uld e.icch»n;^o for stock or Riim'd (hiving boast. Apply to H>uii-y I'Vnwkk, E«a"i.ia. Mr. nnd .Mrs Alex. Sewnrk returned last week from a four weeks' visit with thtir son at Firt WilUum. Mr. W. H. Bunt irot a nasty f.ill from 8 clivrry tree one day In^it week while pickir.g fiuit. J»o bones were brolfi'ii, -.inly a soveie sliakinii up beiii.; t';e rosuU. It is Slid a ,\Iarc,>ni wireless telegraph istatio'i will bo ereotod at Owan Sound. This is t'l bo one of a line of stationa ex- tindins! from the Atlantic to the Pacific. The price of lealhyr hu.s <4oiie up 20 per cnt. Of o<:urso it naturally f illows th\t the prire of boots aud shoes will advance likewise abou! 40 per c nt. Mr3. J-hn RioharJ.-ion, wlu) attended the funeral of her mother, Rlra. Abb"*, of Prutiia, returned to her hotiic ih'i la' tor part ol la.«t weik. Mr.nnd Mv.i.Jame.s Tuoker.if Dnun 're. Kiwiit Sun. lay with Mis. J:n. Jnhnston. They were accoiipaoied by llieir niece. Hiss Vii'la Rennie. A Mr. L'lusway, of Dunrla'k, lost a sum of in"ney â€" about 8vl or Ui) dollai-sâ€" and has uoi rec<iver.'d it. It upppearsto liavo fallen into di»b'«no?t ham's. Mrs. Ce >. Mno-e, who has beou the guc. t of her son, Mr Will Mi'ore, for the past three v. ecks, leturned to her himui in Normsuby on Sunday. The Ui)yal Tomplirn will hoM an open mooting in tiieir hall, Claytiui's llick,{on I'riday (to-niorron) oveuiiii: at 8 o'uloek. D". CaUlwoU will address the nieelion. On Tiurslay cvoninj last the Flesher- tun junior foi t^jftll team went to Ciy'on and played a friinUy gune with the boys i.f that p'.acv'. Score 2â€"1 in favor of tie Ceylon boya. ,Iul|^« Morrison nf Owen Su.i'id has bfon appointed to the judecship of Prince fklward county, and V. H. Widd.lieM of 1'lcton ti«K been appointed to t)ii< jnnior jndgfship of rhis county. Judsio Mor- ii:oii will ivm'ive f.iiin 0*eii Sound. Miss Rosie Woodburn, who has been :the guest of hor younij friends, the Misfva Hanley.of thn Rth l!ne,Artoiuesia, has returned to hor hoine in Toronto ' I .Inrc'ioii, accmipnniod by Miss Slmuie liaiiliy. Received this week atSproule Crossly it C I,, Fleiherton, another car of the co'ebrsted and fainoti Oiiilvie's R'^yai Household Flour in bundrnU, fiftys and twenty five lb, I,»!;h; aUo bnm, Th</rtH, oa's, bkrl y and cliop feed all being sold at hi Wist prieus. J'.Utl A??ook, nnold g;'DtIeii)an7~ ya'S ot .' dii-d on Si'i:: day la.Ht at the n-ci doiice of Jau-hrer, .Mrs. Mi!llji«n, in ti.nn. The funeral toi>k phice Sunday afternoon t.< E'^sU'zer 1 urial >«rourd, town line Aiteine.sia and Euphrasia, wi h service at iho Mi.lh.>dist chureli, Vaijtle- knir. Brti-ry thi.'Ve» are making their pres euet! t.-!t in the several patches adjacent to this vilUge. Several have compLiitied that in koif'g •" en-.p'y picking utensils, afur liuiii)^ spent a few houjs at the wearisome win K, tiny found Ihorr p'ils eiip'y. Mr. Th<>iftj)iioii Wrl.soii put in last week a car o.' cjrth thorc w-liite [•itie iii d ehiinis to have the stock of lumber ro be found wi^h Hiiy similar factory in this couLty. It inuluiles about 100,000 feet of lumber and a large quantity in course of luiMiufactui'e. Mr Geo. Euc-kiiigIi«TO of Albert coi'o.'e Belleville, who has been holid.-iyir.g at hU home. Maxwell, took train fnnn this station for Chiea-.-o Mi-nJay morning to attend his brother Percy, whoisSBi- iously ill with typhoid fi'ver. The latter has been studying medicine in the windy city. Mr. Cawthrac Mulock. the Toron'o pose: Eor of udllions, was in town on Ttiursday last aud drove over to Eu-^enia in c â- nipany with two (.'ther L'lntleuien. Wo believe Mr. Mulotk has become int- erested i:l the Eugenia power develoj- ment, but to what extent is n"t knowu Miss Lizz'o Armstrong, eltkst daughter of the late Fioderiek Armstrong, i<a minsionary at Oxford Hudson Bay She arrived homo on furlough in time to be wiih her father at thir end and attend the funeral. Mi.'-s Anii.stron;{ re- m.iiiu'd a few days with fricnJs here after hcrswl duty toau:ig-d parent was per- fo mtd. Missm. G. F. Kiltriur, Toronto, and E. U P'. Martin of Virgtuii, U. S. A., weie ill town en Thursday last. These geiitieiiicn have been hiokin,' i-ver the propos"d electric railway route, east and west. It appears to bo a £«ct that the woik of construction has nctuiHy com- menced lit the Port Perry end of tlio line, but wbethor thi.s actually means that the lino will be built thiou..ihout, wo have no means of infoiuiing the public. We can only live in hope. Mr. llartin cxpre.sted himsflfas thoioitghly piia;-ed witli tho country. Missr*. Fisher and Robinson of Allis- ton, who have been worknii; for sei-eml months on a shock -loading mtichiin- have now produced a machine which is dee- iuod to revolutionize the loading of grain in the fields, paiticulaily in the west, where fanning is carried on extoi.s- ivily and where help is scaice in the har- vest time. Some lime ago thsy produced a. maohine wh=ch worked very well, but aft. r tesliig it they decided to clwntrc the princiuio and reduce the weight, with the rv-.suU that they now have a machine which doi-A Ilia work more peifootly and ii easily operiited by one team, living ot lighter tlrafl ihan a binder. Mayor Fish- er leaves next week tor WiuDtpeg, whore he will ex'-.i'iit ono of the new maoliin s- â€" Alliston llfralJ. The editor of iho Markdala Standard last wotk in a sneering item attempted to biiKs'i oil the odium of a junior club ot tlab pl-ii-e playinga S;:c!burno club on the fvoundsheicon July 12, for what there might bo in 'ho Kutu receipts. The .\,UaiVje s::ii! it was the piece of b isiiiesi we had seen iu sports for some, and wa again roiieat tli' assertion. These dubs were ivt invited to play here and utithev did they set or ask I he consent of t'.ie commiltoo in charge of the day'.v pro- grim lo allow them to play. The adver- tising matter whith they brouglit along with them was misleading, and tho «hole tiling was a disreputable sihcme to tuako money at the expense of th se whom they could pursuade to put up a quarter to see a game of no interest whatever. These yiungstcrs may have thought ii smart to play this 5;rab game but oMiers call it im- pu lence, and the Standard has litilo to do ill altenq ting a justifioaUon. The funeisl ottha late Fiederick A:m- sttong too'.; place on Thursday afternoon hut to the ccmeteiy here, from the resid- „ncoof Min.J. W. Armstrong. TheGh'bo of WednesJay, July 20, contained the fid- lowing announcement of Mr. Armstrong's death. "After a short illness, Mr, Fred- erick Armstrong of 17 Peiiibroke street, die! at St. Michael's Hospital yesterday afternoon, where he had r^xently under- gone an rtperatitin. Tho deceased, who was ill his 90th year, was born in Kil- kenny, Ireland, ami came to Canada with his parents in 1848, setiling in Toronto. Su'isequently Mr. Arms'rorg went to Giey county, where he occupied the .posit i.m o' Sheriff, his brother being Div- ision Com I Clerk. He returned to Tor- otto about thirteen years ag>), nhrre he had lived in retirement. Tho late Mr. Arn:st!ong had been a member of the Methodist Chmch fir upwards of seventy years. Three sons and five daughters survive hi.n." The Osproy voti-rs' list is now in the hands if the ilerk, Tho advertisBment appears elsewhote in this i^suc. Farm for sale â€" One hundred acres good hnd, 90 acres under cultivation, hit ^1, con. 5, Artcnicsia. Apjily for purtic ulars to James Stafford, Flcsherton. Cha'sworth has spent .?"-I65 on cement sidewalks. Boar For Service Tliorou;;hbrcid Tamworth boar for aervloo on lot Ti. ittiifju E. T. it S. «., Artunionia. Terma $1. TIiOS. TAYLOK, Proprietor. Tamworths and Berkshires. I have for »a!e » tinv choice vonnR pies of both Lroe<l« at rij/Iit priciw. Write for what you want or como and sou tlj»in' Manwoll P.O. Goo. W. Itoss. i "â-  â- Â» â- * " â-  ^' -*•-*'* ^ -.>. » .« A P!am Tale From The Miils. y Farm For 5ale. I.ot con. 4 Osprcy, 1(XI acrcK, alKiut "5 ac'PH cleared, jrood frame imrn stone staliling r.ii'ier, frame dwelJincr, li'2 uiili's from ifax- v.'cll, 7 miles from Kleshcrfon. iu i^ond state of ciiltivatiim. For \>tira and teiiim !tl>p1y to Jus. H. Clititim or W. J. Bellamy, Flealiertnn. July 31. 05 Voters List I9O5 riur.icipility of the township of Osprey in the County of Grey. Xotice is hereby givi!!i that I have tniii»:nit- tcd or di'liverod to the piMsons mentioned iu Sac.'-r> and IJ of thefVoters' the ei>|i!es r<.'i|uin;d by atiid sections t.i lie so tr-ansmitted iir delivered of the nude pursuant to said .Act. if all persons anpearinif by the laat re- vistiU Aisisenient rob of tlicsiiid iminicipnlity to bo entillwl to vote in th" suii) municipality at elections for men hers of the Leifishnive .Vsseiiil'lv and. at Municipal Elections, and that said list w.-utfiisfc nested up at my ilKce at Mefiityreon tjie S'lili day o£ July, VM)'\ and remains there for in ipcetion. lIleetoTs arecftUi'd u;)on tf) examine the sa! 1 list, and if any omissions or any otlttr errors are found therein to take immediate proeeed- in<s ti) have the-«aid err^irs corrected aecoi ding to law. Dated at Mclntyte this 2«th day of July, ]:it.'o. 'I'iro.S. SCOTT, Clerk TiHvnshipof Osprey. ^...^n/X^^^...,.^. ^JSJ^'AjJl- ^ t -i'ijjCt;^ <â- ' 4^. .< J » -â€" y v^ru--*/iiSj nixiJisrj TWINE KKDfCTIOS IS I'RICJ't. U'NTU-furttier notion r.iuder Twine wil'. bo polri lit tl:cK!iii4stoa Vetiitenliary to fiirni- err, iii sii'tIi qurfntiTics as may be dji^ircd, for cftsli at tiiu fol'.owiniiiirieer; â€" •'Pure Slaiiilii," . . . 00 foat to Ihol!).) . . UJc ".Mixofl .Manila" . . . ifLW ) . . Idj,-. "i*uro ^ow Zualand" (4"iO " '* ">..9?. '."• per pound less on ton lots. All f. O. 1>. KlllJi8tOU. AddMsu all o-uiiuuiiiciviou". witli nniiit- tar.<:es, lo .1. M. Ptalt, Warden Peuitoiiliaiy, Kin^jston, Oiitario, Pnoors Irserti"!,' tliis nolieo without oullior- ity from tho Kind's Prlutw-r will not b.> paid tliorefor. .1. 31. PLATT, warden. Kingston, Inly ! 1003. riortgage 5a!e Of Farm Property Near Eugenia L'n.ler and by vi tno of tb > piwars o lutalnod 111 a cert in niort-.'ago whiuh wlM be pi-oriii.-cd at toe timu of eiile. ilioro wi!) b« olli.-rcil for siiio by lublip Auction at .Mntabnw's hotel, on KTidav.ti.e ;i8tli day of july,l!lf)r); at tho hour of Tv;.) o'closlc lu llio afturnoon, tlio following property: (t) Nortli hatf lots', con. 1.1, Avteniosia jl acr.s. Upon llie propnrtv thoro issKood hoUso and barn. A very dcsirablosniall furi;], (2) West half I. It 37, con. II, Arti'iiii'sia. .'(1 acres. No buiUiiiin-. Good pasture iut and iiulli^ tllilbor. Jb'or t'Tirs nnfl ernditionn of calo npplv to IXt'AS, \Vl;lGHl'd::McAi>L>LI', " Uarkdalo, Out. Dated SO.h Juno, 1005. COP'V RIGHTS &C. ntiioklr asooriuhi otir optUK^n froo whother nit hivontlfni \t* prolmbly pal«ntftb!a CcninntiiloA. tUoiii!iril.?tIyci.*it!flenMaI. UimdUookoii Tiilmtg Sunt, f roi*. T'lflrsit nu'ency for-yciirlnir piitoi'iH. F.iU'ii;* takeu tnrouKh Mliim A Co. receive 9ptcu.l HofiM, without ohMWo. iu Mio Scienttfic :Hmerican. A hf\Ti(1aomeljr n>a(itrfttod woaklv. T.nrccst cIt- Ton-r; four tnofithd» $1. 8uld by all Tipwnflcftlcr'*. We have just rrceivid our .second eoiisiunnient of White I'ine from tbo '^J North Shore and our stock is now comphte in every way. Wo are in a posi- J^^j tion t ) supply all jiiur wants in the line of Sash. Doors, Flooring, Siding, m. Mouldini;, Scroll Work and Turning (VJ Planing $ Itlatcl^ing dene en shortest stotice '^\ Give us the order for that verandah; wo can suit you to a T. €i\ Chopping = Mondays = Only N ^â- ^ >^ Prices Reasonable. - Terms: 'Cash, f^ Flesherton Planing Mills. | try BOOTS AND SHOES Tho reputation of our Boots and Shoes has liecn | Iniik up by cUise attention to business. ^ Our Footwear i.s well know throughout all this ^ part of tlie country a.s being the best. | Tho proof of this is that .so m.-iny always come to | us tor their boots an<l .shoes. ^ Our Spring Stock is up-to-dato in style and make ^: and is the best aud most complete we have ever had ^ to show you. Iu custom W' rk we are soooiid ro none. We uso the best material that ^ can be got and any order eutruBtcd to our care will bo carefuly attended 1^ If you are going to travel wo have a larae stoek of TRUNKS, TELE- ^ SCOPKS ,it Sl'IT CASES. Call and see them at «*«l UJc J^lways Cry Co Give a Dollars iUortS) ?or a Dollar* I? eiavtOn*s « Tlcs^erton. ^ c«e3S6»:(«a«>KaH»»3>Ke5ce»:<ce»:t«5« ear^ itiess FOR YOUR HEALTH. «ec3S3 § MEDICAL - HALL | « FI.ESHERTON g I The Expert Pill Hixers g ,^|'. V.i" .J'V 'At' For Your Stock llerbagemn, Intoruational Stock Food. Columbian Roguhitor. Tick Dcst;oyer for the sheep. For Yourself || Patent Mediolnos â€" all the popular makes. Pip-s and tobacc'^- For Your Wife Spices for cooking â€" Allspice, Cinnamon, Mixed spices, etc. Perfumes, Corlicella S;lk. For Your Bab}^ Soothing Sv-up, Sucking Bottles, and Teething Rings. â-  >^ ^ ^ i Richardson & Son DRUGGISTS « â-  â-  • â-  â-  Ontario S Flesherton •VJ?

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