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Flesherton Advance, 3 Aug 1905, p. 1

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"^^^ TRUTH BEFORE FAVOR." â€" " PEINCin.Eb NOT MEN.' Wl SXIy, 1230 Flcstierton, Ont., Thursday, A.ugust 3 IQOo W. n THURSTOJi, EDITon r^-air^rzJK^>t^.. ll.'ltn G:iag To Get Married ? If *i yoii \vi'.! want a nica ^Vl^lllinJr lii.jf. V»'« liavu ihom in a "frcat v^u'iuty and at just tLe riyht prices. © © Goir.i^To A Y/ed;licg ? Ifs'> ynt will wuv.t to tako \Vi! liavi! tmi intiiiy hi'iuilifr.l Br.ACK WOOD Cl.orKS which we will sell at cost fur the iio.vt fifteen tlnys. Tiiis m.;n!i« HiiuiL'thinif to yiiii. jr»l«« a notu of it. Thtso me BiiitaUli) for general UKo. ii<:u tham. '" FLE>jH> RTON, ONT thu nuiiio or the vvherefrimi Mi.Fur!iinil of Turonto visited axc-i tunica of cither. 1 Mr \V..[, till! Uuiim .1 tuiv (Jiiya »(;o iiiul piPin'ntod I he man ><;('n]unt witli h lite nize |i>ii'tiHit of liiiiis .If. We iiii(lKr>tiinJ it ducomtes the mulls' <iii<iiii( roiim. . fc ll» H ^ â-  .< L Sndusirial Hoiiie Koles (.By aHjiiinatf} 1 Rlr. Eilit'ir, â€" Your cnrrnsjwndont ro- tiiiucdU) tho fclomo en Thursday liit^r, Hf;eta two woulis visit auicii^j fiiui.uH ill the olJ iicif^jlibiiiliooJ in wliioli lio spcirt Ko 11. liny yoiiis of his funiiei' iif-, nu'd- rovitiii;; hi.+ nieuioiy willi iho inimy jikas-' iiiit ivcollij'itiunj of lho'<t» l()ii4 [iitst iliiyN ^Jen tlio bulovcil oM .SL'tlleniout was co:ii- ).Mi!iv.U- I'.i-rt'. Till! visit wi/uld Ji'iie f â- t lio.ii min- .-,i I _ • V .y . 1. .. ,. ,v .if :7t(i~ i,M iiiue oiiniphiiir, wliich, fur ihu luost pari ( ooiiliiiuii hiui 1 1 IjoJ or ki'pc Iriu cloioiy wilrju cl ors, neveiilKli-s» Ijih many fiieii'la did not forgut to cail ou him ami DayinK is iilniost over in this locality; fidl whtat i.s luady to cnl, it Kplcndid crop of hiiy and all HortH of faiiii pioduco. Thi.^ i.siiuikiig ourfaiiiieiH wiaru ha[)py sniilo on tl.cii f.iOM. Tht; inaii l>uhiiid iht" pluULli liH3 tlie best of it this year. \..umay loiul our i.attcn's hi.s'ory and t!iB lives lit iiii'ii of noto and ycui'll tiiid witii fi!W KXcup' ions that ^he onus nil nlioiii wu dole well' not ilio mms of wuiihhy iiioii, »nd you kiKuv that ovcii liow iho lii-jt iiihii in thf uouiiiry Iravo byeii soon hcliilld the phiUKh. Although tlvdL-tininikM of that piece in your hist p;ipi'I:%ould infer fliiit fanners Hiid pn' hir.RBiBr in geni^Ml were a viT^y i<;iioriiiil chiK ol Jieopit*. Perlmj>s I lie Klian, whouvcr.Iie if, i.iu bteu soiiio old iia.'\y and iias been a profoKsioual hand d mad inakut^. Let him cniiiuund .sre our Kiig.;nia rand»-< Ho will liiid our patlil'.i;iiteri»i jiltho fwuiers' uudei>t;ii:d all lUiout Ilia making uf f^ood roids. U. rnâ€" Rf6.*»it;:y, to llr.anil Mrs.. Tho.s. WclCvisT* diiijjhtoi:. BMTii-r-Uccuntly, to Mr. aud Mrt. AtJoruvV Giuliani, of the Valley, a son. Tot OHIO visitors are : Mi^s Mijj'jie Hiij^ii, Mi(«*Mi;ly WiWiii, 'diss .Ma^^gia .U iiijon, Mian SdniU- Vaul, .Mr. James Piirvio, &1t. Thoiiiaii SpLuce, Mr. Sshji SpeiicB ai.d Mikh ila'-'ui" Sp.encc. IVIis. (Juo fiuiiiliell of I'uil'.iio IK vioit- inj< liurpaiiutu, Mr. and Mi.>i«W.Pur\is, Mrs., Roy fiom Fe^r^iultnii) haS been visit iii;j old iriumls it Sjjg'-'ii'n. tin of the .suburbs, tUo workinnuship uf j which is a credit to the builders, i Miss Olive !>teer, of Ilarkaway, is the â-  jiUi'st of luT fiiind, Jlihs Uelen llurd. ! Miss .\dilio Gaudiii visited Flushurlou friends last week. Mrs. Geo Rulledi»i', Flusheron; Mis. .fnl:n Bradbury. Blind Riier; Mi.^s Ma;;- (jie Riitledne, and Miss Million Hell, New .Jersey, and Mr. I'hos. Strain of Flesh- ortoii, visited ut Mr. Geo.. Luwrence's rec.nUy. A Warning To riothcrs Tiiii niucli eivre cainint he uiied with small I cliililrPiiduriliij thu hot weather nf tin? siiniiiier , niiiiillis t<i giiiiif' »4;aiiii<t bnw.l troubliis. As i a rule it is only iieeiisfiary to ^ive the child a ^ rliwe (if castor oil tociii-rect any diiioi'der of the liowol.s. Do not Hue any-sulistilute, but jrive I the oldfttshioiicd castor oil, and see that it is I fruah, as r.aiicid oil iiau-eatis. and lia.s a tind- j I'licy to jj'iipe. If this does r.ut diecl; the biiw- j elsKive Uh.imberlains Ciho, Ch.deniaiid Diar- I rliouH Hciiicily jpu then a dose I'f eimtiir oil, ' and liiu diseHBBr may becUickod in its iiicip- [â- jeiicy andalldaiiyefavoiiie.!. Thi cii'-lur oil ! and tliif remedy should lie pi'ieuiiMt at onco I and l:e)it iea<)y tor iiLsiant use :is goon iis the 4tii'.'<t iudicati'ui of any !>.,'Wel tiiiuHle appears. I 'tiiis is thu ifiuat 'succi .'inliil treatment known i ' anithidv bft jelied upen with implicit cjidid. . I eiicu «v..,, ih^.s of diidcra infantum. for ; 4 qq LADIES DUCK SKIRTS for 1.00. I Kile I'V \\ .'^fT. Kichaiusnn. ! t, .-, i 8 only Women s White Duck Skirls, as- " j SOI ted styles, hoiiiu plain, some tiiinimd McFarland, Stafford & Co's. Big Store MAf^rCUALK, ONTAl^IO Grey CWnty's BtGGEST antl CUE APEST STOR E Annual l^idsummer Sale. am rices ON All Summer Goods Mis. J, dm H.illin^ariJtH^f Toronto ja vuiii^g frioi.<lsli'-re for !i ftt-w weeku. M;^s Gii^an T.ijlurof .\f :irl.dalu is ^i^i' »V.>!i*IeIc:ir The Liilie^ In'ttilute ludd their reunlar inueliiii.' »li-Tliiii»'lay iirteriioon in tlio C. (.). V. If arW.\ Caniiint; and presurviii/ friiti w;»H ' bho subject for discussion. Si me vCry^ielpful idoaa weio interehun^ t'd. A{,l«r.tlic business part had been alldlded Ion very toaly tea parlal;en of. At the next iweetii's; pickles and caniiiii'' ve'.'ulHbbia wJB'b'*, tl'O all abhorbiny topic, lleppiitslall. of Meaford. Warling's ;i day or w I t!l several rnw.s haiuUome inseilion. 1 Tho regular pi ices were li.7J to 4 'ttl each, 1 inly 8 loft, licnco tills cut, Midsummer : .Sale Piicd 1.00 "dr. lui'l visiteil ut' I wo thisj Tire) .Mi Mi yins ayd brut her, "f Mnrk- 'T^|^*CiUr. Wm., Dul.Kiii- I .â- 55o DRESS VOILKS for 2;)c. i 8 pioci'H, about 200 yaidi. Fancy Wnol '. Die-s VoiU>s,all this season's latest shades ' and pattern", home plain colors, othorq j fancy check imd liiiku mixtiiris in Navy I and Rojal nines, Browns, Greens, (5rey«, j etc., 40 to 42 inches wide, reuular values I 50 to uocii yaid,. Midsummer JSulo Price 20 I Mr. and Mrs. Marshal, 'of .Moaford, were KUesis of their dau^hti-r, M;\s. Fied Pe.l- liir, Ku;;oiiiu, fur a few days. \ Mrs. Wiliiain Hoig, of Toronto, is express Ihcir ^ood « i lies for Ins fature visitinjr her son, Mr. J U Uok, at uvoa welfare, and for which be feels ( ^.,15 « > '.ml urnteful. He was very nmoli pleased to note the pro^reas that had been irado in the nei^l. borbood since lio left it a year ii!{o; a lareo portion of tli3 old, » orn out, tumble down rail fences ha.s entirely d s- iippeaied aiid ai« replaced by new and sul)»ian;ial wire fencs, while other crooke<l oii<s have been iiiado straight, mateiially betters tho appearance,! untd I hey loo will disappear to bo leplaccd by belter, la addition to the hmg strereb of iieiv fonco. Mr. VV.IIil! has r.iised his l.iii;i) fraiuo h'>u<o which only awaiis the masons and bri<;klayers to lini>h what nill bj a conimodioiH and h.iiidsuine ft sideiice. Mr .luhii JIcLuod has veneer- ed with b. ick his spacious house and pa n'atl the roof, cornice etc., in bright and atlr .ctivecidors,aiid now pos'^csstts iia li.indsome a residence as is to be found ill tile locality, while .Mr. tianuw, who,ifti-r years of iiid'iinitablo peisovorance, has made a success where all his preoecessors f.iiiri), and is imw putlina; the (inishiiig t'luehusona ciniiiiodious and hand.'-oine brick b' built last fall. May ynu live long lo enjoy it, old friend \Y(i iioiiced that; Blr. I r ink Cairns has greatly improved his residence, makiri'; it ci'iiiforiablo and attractive. These nnd othor iniprovH- inillts in the tlei^borhnod aia a guaiaiiteu of iho thriftineBS of its penpl •, and may their prosperity cinliiiue to inorcase cut Messrs. Wosley and Go ngc f'lanklio of Owen Suiinil are visiting at iii'. D.ick- eiti of the vailey. lierry pickers are now t;atllutiii,:; in their harvest. Thu fruit is very pluntiful and t;ood this season. Had Asthma Since Five Years Old Mr. Harold Vandwick, an employo of the .Sun Printing Ollicc, freely !<ivu8 liis as to the ineiitE of Ciiillcron's .Asllima Ouri) Mr. Vandwick lias been a sutfeivr from tlm dreaded dim asu Asth- ma ever .since he wus live years old, Mr. Vimdvvick used dillVreiit kinds of asihina remedies, l.'olh intcriid and e.xternal; but it'.t but little rolief. He hail togel up in ilio iii^lit and nso smol;in;i powders lo t;et relief. He hcaiil of Cameron's Aslhinu Unre and purchased one bottle. Alter taking I he first three or fmir uoses, he irot rclivf. He has o;ily taken one bottle and since iheti he has not had to any sniokiiiij powders. .Mr. Vind.viclt thinks that by linishmij the si.\ nioiith Ireaimeiit of Camernii's A-tlima Core bo will be completely curud. Pricu two dullar.-i a bottle. Uluibcritry. ! The hay and fall wheal harvest will be Yuur ci.nespondoiit desires to express a thins; of ihe past in this noiyhboihood ij siucore ilianUs to Mr. an. I Mrs. Col- .^ff^,,,. ([,;., ^v^,^,j^ h liiison, of Ci-yloii, for their kii.d enter- tainment of liini, wii le wailing for the retuiii of bis lodije on tha oveiiinj{ of .Inly 12. als" to Mr. and Mrs. .J. Cairni of the (ilobe Hiilel, for tliO kind and comfort aliie accommodation extended to him j on lliat ninlit, free of chars". He also desires 'o ackoiiwludgo liis thanks to I of his ii:d fiiciids whom ho met in I Floshertoii for their kind toivaiushim, as well as to Mr. Fttd Vv riHht f'lr kind'y brin^iig his team and lUivinij lo Stone's lino oQ tho fdlow- iiit; morning. Tiianks lo every one. Ill my last repoit fi;om thu Homo, a sliiiht error was imldverlently niado by Stat ii'ii that idd Doc Falls and Archie l.ockhait had been discharsjed from the Home. Kalis went, tiut at the last mom- ent, and after tho items weie posted, Aicliie cliaiii^ed his mind uiid de- cided to stay, hence the eiror. A few da^H later iho old Doc's mind Miss Mabel Plowis, of ICirkville, is spending a few days at her parental home hern. Mr. W. S. Bishop is having a cement walk built from his residence to front .street. We hear that thp Kimberley brinoh of the Farmers' Iiislitulo will hold a garden p-irty h.od in the near future, iho Ji .sj â- â- .'ccly, of Kiicklyii, is visiting fi ii'iids in this lucnlil y. Mr. L .41cox, a fornnr resideut, but who has boon livinij with Ins daiiubtor, Blrs. Blilligaii, Klesheitmi, was buried yestriday. The funi'ral (tiiiiie as far as Uoad chinch where Dr. C-ildwell ^ preacliod a vory impie.ssivo sermon after i which the renisins wero takjii to iibon czitrcomutry fur in'erniunt. e^P>">i'*^;,<">s I pioceeds of which will lo dniated to the building and repairinn of the sidewalks. Mr. 8. Thompson of Flesherioii is visitiiii( with Mr. and Mis. Geo,Luwreiicu of the suburbs. Mr. Thos. Lewis is buildina; a new church near Kuokvale for the Raptii^t brhthreii. Mr. .lol.n Thisllowaito of Fle.short.iiii paid a flying visit to uur villaga last Sun day. Mr. Albert Mills of the Holiness Work- ers, oocupio<l tho pulpit of tho Unioi. church on Sunday evening last, was charged him, and much ni/ainst | vVu see for once at least in tho history his will he wa.'3 sent back to tho Uoiuo , { [!,„ gi.vernuient of our couniry, ; where hj wi;l 1-kely have lo roniiin until . ,i,c. p.ilicy of the yovernnient and that of he can lea\e under more favorable ciioum- the Oppositi.m to b» identical dii Ui» Btances, nr be removed by death. question of tlie ruiBin^ of their own aahu- Littlo Mias Ruby Stuue neconipanicd i^, y..ur cor. on bis return lo spnud a d.iy j Mis.U. Down and eon Alfre<l,of Portlaw with her sister, Miss Robinson if the visited friends hero last week mid wore H HUB Staff. j the guests of Mr. and Mrs. NV.T . F»wcott U:ie old lady was admitted to the Home ,,f 1),^ suburbH. durii.gyoucstrilio's a'.isenoc, andanoth<»r| Thonipaoii Bros , niason.i. have 00m- ^o day, Cloudily, but I have not yet jilctcdastgne lasvwcutfor Mr. J. J, Maj- To Cure Fever. Chills, Ague. We know of no remedy so reliabln as Nerviline. Twenty drcps t,;il{eii in hot water three times daily not only stops the chills but; destroys tho disease com- pletely. Nerviline has a direct aclioii on aijiiB and chills and reinovos their excit- ing causis 111 stouijch and bowel dis- orders 2<erviliiio lins held lirst place for nearly tif'y years. It is powerful, swift toaet, thorinifjli and perfectly .safe. Re- iiiH pleasant to lastc it's popufar wiih nveryliody. Your drugeist sells Poison's Ni-rvilino in lari^a 25j. buttle*; sdisfac- lion ;;iiaiaiitcu.l. The hiiy crop, wliidi is a heavy one, has been niimlly i^ailiered in. Miss R. iM. Ila.row, of Toronto, is spending u li.diilay at home. City life evidently aoreos with her. JTiiBter Rett Irwin, who has been ill the past week, is able to be an uiid aeaiij. Bern -10 .Mr. mid Mrs. A. S. ll..*i:d, a .Sell. .\1). is goiii;i Weaiiej; a 2x4iimil,i. Mr. F. (j-eo is on this linn at present. In spilo of bis iiilirmiies the O. S. ai'vsys looks on tho biiglit side, nnd is as genial ».<iiver. Mr, F. D M-;DonalJ, of Toronto, accompanied by h>s mother, visited in liiis vicinity last week. Miss \niiiu llaivko, uf Aurora, is visit- ing friends 00 this lino. Mr. .1. 11.11 rmv, returiinl missioiinry fii.iii .\fiiea, .spent a few days week at iMi. D. U.irii)"'s.' Mr. I) R. Fletcher, of this 'iiic, .ic.ioni- paniiil by Me. O. I'oolo of Th'nnliury, is nil a trip tliroligli Central (Jnt.irio at present. Wo understand iliey are gallier- inu material for a h 10k and intend giving lectures u'ong the line of travel. Five Yeats Dyspepsia Cured. 'No 0.10 knows whal T snil'.r il from stomach iioublo and dyspepsia," writes Mr. A" B. Af;iiew, of li- id;ewiiter "For the hist live years 1 have boon un able to digest and assimilate food, I Imd no col- or, my streiiurb lau ilown and 1 lelt mis- erable and 'norvous all the tiiii''. 1 always bad a heavy foelii'i' after moah and was S A â- MPt;Kt: (n " r O iS ' H <»i«Mt> *rt' fc- gfi i FF , - Wo socined fioir, a hosiery Hrm a few setts Miniple Hosiery. The most of them are mill samples that were never opened up, coiiKoipieully iliey are pel foot. Wu secured them at one-third less than mill pries. Did we wisii we could mix them nmoiiu reijuliir yoods at regular pi ices, but we prefer givinu our customers a bargain. About 2iJ0'|)air in the lot, ranging in price from 10 to ^5c. pr. MiilsU'iimur .silo pi ice One-riiird OH. 1.2,-. LADIES LINKNSKIRT.S FOR "Jc. 10 only Ladies Liiioii Crash Skirt.s, as.sort- ed lengths with the adjustable v*aist band, iiirely made and uxeellent litter-i, regular 1.2J to l.oO values, .Midsummer Salo Pi ice 75 .SA.MPLE L.VCE CURTAINS FOltlac Wo geeincd a few weeks aeo, over JOO Sam|ilo Lace Curtains. Those we laid aside lor our Midsummer Sale. They are full width and ptifect in pattern, but are short, cac'i saiiipln nieasunni; from H to 2 yards liuisr. Wore they f:i 1 " iiid' ;>"'; y.'iids h mi! the values would '''<• C\ "') t'> &':5.00 a pair. Mar.y of tiiem oiui b>» n.atihcd in pairs, but we .ire geilm to let you pick ilieiii out any .suinplu end ynit like. Mldsninnirr Su'c Pi ice Pt 2.25 BLACK SATEEN RLOUSET" FOll9i)c. 20 L.idics Uliuk .Sateen lilotiKcs, all wu have left iiislr.ik, the regular v;. lues well! Sl.oO, l.C!). l.yo and 2.25 each. They aie iniide frein heavy nicicrrizrd .Siteon, liundsomely tiiinined wilh hem stitching •ticking etc., sizes 02 to40in the lot They are perfect in cloth, jierfcci in undo nnd lieifect in III, niaiiy of tliein attunlly worth 2.25 each. Midsuninier S»W I'rico 99 A Deep Cut in Shirt Waists. We have now left exactly 42 ladi.ts Colored Shirt Waists. The^o are as.soi tod in six3<! and styles. Values luu from oOc. to 1.75 each. For ipiick selling the Midsummer .s...le I'ricos will beâ€" - uOe. Blouso.i, i.ow 25c. 81.00 BIoukc!", now 50c. SI. 00 and 81 25 lUouse.s, iio-.v 75e\ .?1.50 and 1.75 Blouses, now 1.1)0 lijotily C'd lied iiiercori,5od Sileeii Bbiu.ios, handsnmely niide in eolurs nf brown, card- inal, liaey, pink, etc. Regular S2.00 and 2.25 v.ilnes. Midsuniiner Sale price 75 Slieciid Discounts on Dress ]\liisliiis. Vesting, Shirt NVai.sIs, etc. Space will not per iiiit of oil.- mentioiiiiig all thu special v.ibics.bnt cmno in expeeriiu; bargiiina every day. JIaiiy of iho best bargiins never got into our nowsiiaper advertiseinents,tho iinantities are not lariBe.iOUijh or they are pick-id up too fast to bother ad lortbiiiiL', but every diy bonio new line is thrown on till! bai gain counter. Visit this store uftuu and early. There is money in it foi yuu. McFAKLAND/- STAFFOI^O 6c C(J W. Hockley pr^^OTOJSr 1935 STATION % Hockley STOI^E Kow tliat. wo are Rtailiiiip; on tliu spring scnsoti, in goin-- tlirou3;li our stoc kwo fiid that wo have many lines tlu^t wo uan give oar oustoiuora atofcatly reduced prices, as follows: 24 Ladies fanoy lawn blouses, regular 1.10 for .....0!>. 15 ladxB fiucy striped blouses on sale at ••.'I't A large assoitmout oriaJies sailor hats, your clioica £0 Special prices on pvi.its, rCtjular r>?j a:id GJt for 4^- New neckties, latest stylos, snap at •â-  -2 Eiceptioual values in ladies and gents rain proof coat.?. As wo bought thcin right v.o can sell them at tlio lowort possible prices, i 200 lbs dutch sot onions tci be sold at 15. A largo now stock of boots and shoes to choose fromâ€" just the right kind to, got fjr sutniiicr wear, Wc haudlo -ill kind , of garden seeds and at Iho right prices. Call and get 8 paokagos for 'â- "' „„,. ,. ,.„ ...^ .„ Come and buy a sunshade, as wo have a largo assortment to choose fioiii, and iHuoli tioubled HiiTi dizzoioss and sp. oks ! at lowost prtccs. Don't forget that WO piy higliost prices for all kinds of beforu my eye.s. Dr. Ham don's Pills | f^^,^ ,„.o jug,,. Also romombor that WC lead and Others ibUow iu all kinds of were just what I needed. Thoy have cured me of every syniptiui) of my old trouble. My bealtli is imw all that can bo desired," By idl means, use Dr. Hamilton's Pidsj 25c. per box at all deal- ers. farm produce, gi'occrios. W. Hockley Proton St'n,

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