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Flesherton Advance, 27 Jul 1905, p. 8

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r â- â- ^•â- â- li^piii ] â-  ''' s r> ^1 July 27 1905 <â€" pi«â€" , -â- â€" gaggg â€" . fm The Markets. Carefiillv Corrected Each Wcefc t)«tb 43 43 Peas Cj to 05 lUrlcy 45 to 45 Tlutier 'C >.o Hi E^KS tvcah 15 to lo Uliiiikoiis Oto Ducks C to iiru.-se Oto ll.»y to 6 55 >'i>ti»ioe» ban 40 to 4(1 :\Vool 25 to 18 THE FLESIIERTON ADVANCE â- â- â€¢''/â- " â- â- â- â- â€¢ .-• /- Anrijiit'5;; " WALL PAPERS! The Lirjicst stock in the town- iship, ut iJKSf Q. ALiTV and L()\vi:sT rincKs, from ^c. double roll up to yOc. exhibition by jier Ou ' C E. Try on, TUE IKACTilL J'AlNTnil &, rAl'KU JlAXiii-,K. .SAMI'LEiJ ON Al-rUCATIOX. Priceville • • - Ontario. JPleslnerton I M--!ltUiai\0 £i!i = SI iiti G. W. Hacking Local Agents Wanted At oii'.i' iiir â- â- < '.111. ill's Greiiic t Nui'sur- i.m" for iho town of KI.KSH l';in\)N and bUiTiiau iiiin coiintiy, which will be reser- vt'il for ilut rii;lit III >ii. JST'^IiT Now at tho lii!.>t selliii;,' Koas'Ui, Hiitl l.uiillo our .s,jfciaUicH on Iiii- oral toniiH, Vt'iito for |i;iriiciiliirH and Ncinl 25o. fur i>ur h iiiilx'iiiie aliriiiiiuiii puckpt micro Boopo. (;i liille KiMii) useful tu : Karii fis, ill uXuiiiiiiiiK siMiilH Hiid KiainH; (Jrchnrd- iits, io •'Xiitiiiiiiii>; trois fm iiisocts; Teicli KCti »iid h'liolarii ill siulyitiL' liotany, and .«jv«ry;)i)dy in a buiidroJ'iTcnt ways. Stone & Wellington (ovKr. 800 acres) Toronta > - Ontario OWKN SOL'NL'.OSTAUIO. l>of in.i.i! fwr tliii Kull 'IVriu, Friday, H-pt. iHt, lUU > f"'' tll't GlHBiUcal ioll of HtlldoutH. CJUbl>- Aijers Losing your hair? Coming out by the combful? And doing nothing? No sense in thatl Why don't you use .Oyer's Hair Vigor and [air Vigor promptly stop the falling? Your hair v,i!l begin to grow, too, and all dandruff will dis- appear. Could you reason- ably expect anything better? " Ay«r'« Vlpor Is « itreat tnocM^ with My lialr KM f«mni5 i.ut vir, baJlj. but ' *" or stopi^fvl It and now my balr !• W. C. iMiiiVja, liniut}. Cat. the lt*lr Vigor »lop[;«.l til rifht. f; CO a bottle. for J. C. AT«» CO. County As5esAmeot. Tile county assesHincnt uf vaiiouR mur.- ieipaiitios in Gruy county in hs fnUowH; Ariciiu."»ia ?l,G0fi,;{03 HiM.tinck l,8:J7,it37 I Clli.igwood l,8'.m,7C6 D.rby 1,000,000 Kyiomont 2,000.000 Kuphrasia l,Ttll,0CO i;icni>l« 1,000,000 Unlland 1,201,470 Kf|>l>.'l 1.2,^0,0(X) Nonuauby 2,285,000 ( »s|i)ey 1,;!'.);),000 I'rotori l,C58,fX)0 SanivvHk 400,n(iO St. 1,985,000 Sullivan 1,822,000 Sy.lenliani 1,073,000 ( )wcn Sound 2,850.000 Uuibani 300,000 lliiiiover 300,000 M>-aford 580,000 1 lioriilmry 20l»,000 Diiiitlalk 115,000 Markdiile 5;00,000 L The huj;0Ht mid best stock of furiiiluiu ever shown in Kleshor- tiiii. Tliia wiihdiit four of contra- diction. CoiiKi and sea Hume of the iiiuu things in - Sideboards DinirigKoorri CV\airs Parlor Setts Bed Roorr\ Setts A special ruduction jtist now on fvcrytliin;; in order to reduce the stock. W. H. BUNT. tTiirtittiipc s/Jea/er Flesierlon - Out. --00 dr^ J Business Cards ii,TouLi,ouan a youno ^ ltaiikt;r Maikdulo Jo a general banking buHiuurtH. Mouey toaneii a roaHutiublu rato Call on UH. RJ Hl'ilOUI;K l'u<tiunst<ir, FleBhorton iA)iiiiiiln'>ioii«r in H.C.t., Auctioneer Con Vtfvancor, AppraUcr aiul Monuy lirtidrr Uoat Kritati« ati'l Iitsiiranco A^t^nt. l)eticlt> t'^Dtts'u^ott, loiiiui8 an 1 willH oarvfiiny tirauu up ami vahiatiotiH ina^dt nii pboi'toHt nctict). itioiit)> tu iouti at lowiiht ratoH of inturi-'ut. ('ol d.'itioiM 1(1 Willi proinplne^^fi i^liari/oH luw. Aiiunl for Oouaii Dnuiiuion Hieamnbip Company. A call solicited. U M- 111 HA ui-'K^U Monday. Hppt. 4«h, I'JI.V Four ftilly eiiiii|>|'i'(i deiiartinentl. mi.sINi:sH roi'KSK for llioso who wiwli to Ittconia Rookloiiipoiii, Uuhiiiess uioii und uuitfr mini iintilM tlf.'. SliJUTHANI)<tTYPKW!'.iTINaCOUltSK for tinntJ wit-1. to t»o<'Oinn etonofiraplierfi. TI':i,F.(lKAl'll Y OOimjI.; for tlioao wlio wish t<i buoiiiiiLi Ti'lii^raiili Opwalori). 1'UKI'AUaTuKY rolIKHIi for tboBd who arc far back in tlu-ir ediicution a>'d wlio wish I't inipro',... in iv>ioiiinii firlioul subjoctJ. Nuue t.>o far back for tliia coiirao. Virlti. ioronrti,\y illtintialod annoiinco- iKODt and j'Miriial Kifowiiig our various depart- lueuta at work; it is free. Addruaa: - C. A. Fleui- u ;, i'«iii.:ipal, OW.JII Soaad, HIGH CLASS PICTURES. . The plai'B to Ki:t the liest I'hotos is Bf HIM.MKR'S I'UOTOOKAl'U GALLEKY. Societies mui'ta 01. the 1a»it Alonday ('liilHtuo'e l>lock. KIhuIiviIoii. at H p.m. M.W., \. Hiiri'tson ; Uuconitir, ./aa. FolKti'iitl ; Fltuiu- cior, W.J. flultuiiiy. VtnitiiiK bvotbrcD ii.viluti. PUIN'CH AUrSllIt I.ODliK, No. :i3:l. A V ,V A :.I, iiieot» in tiiu MaHonicball. Straiu'H nlonk. KUitilierton, ovory Friday on or liofiir*. tliH (nil leocii. Joliu Wrisbl, WM.; C. N. liicliar «ou, SiM.iotavy. n IIMIT I'MdOsm-'UTON. OT.-,. I. 0. F. irootsln " CliilKtoiiV liloi'it ttiB last Fridayovonlnf; nf iitontli. VJKitiiiif Korehtt.r« liuavtilv wnlconii). r. H., .I.t'onifteld: U.C. \V. Hu»kii); Kin. Sic., »1. A. IMHaHci pay diii'H to M. A. Willtitt on or before Llio ia8t day of ibu pruceedtntj month. (IIIOS!-.:') FlilKNIiS-Flpahorton t'ouncll fit ^ Clinfttfii FrioiulK niDUtif iu (^lavton'b ball first aiiri tliiril \Vt*dno'.dav of oacli iiiontb; 8 p. i.i. Pay asHKSMnioiitH to tin* Hei-orilor on or bofoi.i tr« fti-Kt day of oacli inontti. (lliiff Couiicillt'r, T. lilakuIoy;Uecoiilur, \V. H. Hunt. L'liala\vortll Total 5,000 ..$20,353,470 Statute Labor. So in, now, ihe fcsiive patliniaster will haiii; his liMiiiiiier on ttio outt>r wall, and, .suiiiiiioiiin^ his llirall about lilin, will sally fiirtli to make the side line and conccsj-iMn wiirse than tli"y were before, if ihat were possible, biiico tho lime whereof the iiieiiiory of man lunneih fiit to the ijoiitraiy, ye ]iiiihm.iater hae been pilini; iiiiid on the nildiilu of the mail, which the fall and the spriiu niiii gleefully wash liack into the ditch. With a p;itienoe and a persisteijce worthy of a belter cause ye P'llliniaster puts it back Iho followli.i; June; and this see saw busine.'S has bern l^oiiiL' on ever since Ci'liiinlius discovered .\iiicrica. C'ccusionally the imtlimftsier Hill dump a ).'re;it load of mck in the luid- ille of the hijihway, but tho husky f.irmers anil the 'â- transient pulilic" cirofully drive •iidund this priiniiive piece of macadam if they have to take to tiie fields for it. r.y *,iy of aiiiub'iiii; tho iiruat Unwashed llie p.illiniaster boineiinics undortake.s to in:ike water run u|)-liiil, but he has nevei made a veal success of it. Should lieevrr will out, h.i will lake his plati) on tlie Scroll of b'lime wilh Maicoiii, KJ:g.di, .MtC inil), Wesii(i;il.ousc, and tho late bmiented >Ir. liu.ssell, of Uussell fence fame. You will never luinbio into the pathmafcter's ditcli. All you've t;ot to do IS tiis'ay in his ruts. u:id uotbiii^ but a cyclone or II .steam uhovel vill lift ymi out of tlicni. The average fanner lias fewjiijs. Till) fall fair, tho circus, an occasional funeral or an elect on furnish liiiii with nil outiii;; oeccsion illy, but "read work'' is a ti.vture. Dolce far liiiiite. Had all iho statute hvlmr in Ont- ario diirinj; I lie past lifty ycirs been iiitil- lij;eiilly applied, every hinhway in Can- ada Would tie as siiioiilli as u billiard tablo, the rural biidiie^ woulil bo works of art, and eviMy cross-ro-ul would ho n new delight. As a rule, the avernyo fanner kniiusHS much about bulliling ns my di'j; does about tho autonomy bills It'suieat Kpott when seme conceited and doiiiineeriiiH jay i;els appointed paih iiiaslor. You can bear them Wfsin' tiach other nliiin,' the beat. Soniolimcii the nun wlialo the patlmia.ster, soiiieliinos a feiul is started tint will burn until the thiol or fiiiirlli (jemratloii of thoni that wnrked !)n tho roads. The free .ind inilepeiident farmer hates to bu ordered around, ami tho aooiiur the pithiiia^ter f;i'es to join the ilodo in oblivion, tho iietirr for all liiimisâ€" and tho rj^dsl -The Khan. D" Medical DK CAIITKU M O I' 4 S Ont, Pliyslolan, Rureeon, etc Olllca and rusideiicoâ€" I'eter 8t , Floshertou T. ItONn itraduatc Toronto Uiiivereltv. Ulcni- biT of Ontinio ColliRu m I'livRloilans and Siii-- g«!in9. Maxwell. On', nucnossor to Ur. Hcott. I 1' OXTlCWKl.l. ' Votto-inary Hnrgoon Gradnate of Ontario Volerinary ColloKe. ruHtduoco â€" e^coiid door Boutli west on kUrv Htroct. This street rum eouth Piiisiivfcorian (â- liiirch. Q Wll.HON, liln.kcniith "• iiaduatu ol tlio Ve'orlnary Science Aknociation. Iltmidencu, tiiirham itieul, op. pumlu Koyd, IIicklii.(|'ii hardware. Legal i2CrAL ATTENTION Wii pay Special Atttn iont<i Copying find Udfies' pictures. I'icturc fruni- iil^ a specialty. Try us for any kind of pictures and we will promise Rat isfact ion. IVIrs BUX^MER Ijyduiiliani sticot, Kluahuiton Notice t3 Trespassers NOT.nF. Is lieridiy K<voa that any person found fliiiliiK. lri'i>|iaa>.iiiK or b â- rr>-pickiii|| on lot ai, I <n. 7, will buiirx«J"Ute<> lo tho fulleHt #&toil( ..'lliulkW. 1 auil LU(;A8 WllIlillT tt MoAUDLE llania'.'tra Hnltoitora (Conveyancers, etc OOlcoaâ€" Owuii Hound. Ont and WarkdaluOiit W II WlllOH-r, McABt)I.E 1 II I.UCA9 N II-FlosliertOM olTico, Mitchell's Bank every Haturday, Dentistry rvr. F.P. AH.MaTUnNn, T.. n.8.. Honor Oradn U ate of Toronto Unlversltv aiil Iloyal Ool- I'^uo of Dental Hni-^'itoiifi of Ontario, (ipposlte Mm. Hiibrior's IMintocraph riailoiy. Will visit Maxwell Orst and third Woduesilay ol each moiKli ootnDiancin)|.fuly 6tb. Bull Tor Service A .1 ycnr old, tlioruii«|jbrod nnrbain bull will ataiiii for Horviou on i>it II, con. 2, N. I>. 1',. for ve«r 19<i.\ Term *1.0fl, payablo 1*1, Ki.briiarv. lUiitV Cows not rdturnel will be oharRed wUotU- «i iJCsUor aot. pivio nixcKP, r.iM«vii:« "Stomach arrfi 9* It is a fatal waste of time to trifle with snuffs, powders, inhalers, or other dangerous nostrums, with the idea of curing Catarrh of the Stomach, O.nce Catarrh has reached the stomach it can only be eradicated by creating pure, rich blood. Catarrh is a germ disease. The stomach and intestines become nests for myriads of these tiny germs. Local applications have no effect on them. They must be driven out â€" the stomach cleansed, the blood purified, the system toned up. "Psyciiine" will positively cure the worst form of â- Stomach Catarrh , by purifying tiie blood, cleansing the stomach, and destroying germ life. Thousands have been cured of the prevalent malady, through this remar.kabic dis- co%-cry, " PsYcai.VE." Druggists recommend it. GRS-^4TEST OF /M^ ?- VOr^BOS ' i '^ â- < f f â-  â- ' ' I • -j t 1 (g^P.ONOUNCED Ql'WtlEU) All. Dr.uac:sTC--CNE do:llah»7.^!al fhes DR. T. A. CLQCiiM, Limited, 179 King Street West, Tcronto, Canada ^^Si;^^^^^:^s^X5i^t^ iiaaies If yon aru thloUint; of buyiii'^ a finy bu^<;y, wanon or democrat, it will suivly pay you to c.ill and investiyato our 8tock, term.", etc., before niakin;; your purchase. We have a st.ill'of u.xpert wutkuiuii and can i^Uttrunteo that y.iu will be s.itisiiet - â€" -T ALWAYS ON HAND â€" _ _ 31 cycle - Si.i3icli:'ies -- â€" AND KlSrAllUXO OKAl.l, Kl.NI'S -- â€" J. A. HEARD. â-  FLESHEBTOfi -^ '^'VS^XS^I^^^ Is Your Catarrh Any Better? I'r.ibalily uelliiiif all tho time. Why not (j;ive up that sinitf and st .p dosing your sioinach! The one sure ireatiiieiit is "ea'arrhozone," sure locuro becaiiHO it ijoes where the disease really IS. (.'eitjiin to cure in your ease because it, has restoied lens of ihousands worse than you are. (lalarilmzone is a thor oiinh euie because it ilestioys the causes as well :>» the ilhicis of the diseaso. Hel ief is prompt, cure ia ipiicU wilh this po'veiful remedy, whijh is fuaraiiieed to cure Catarrh in any patt of tho nose, throat, bronchial tubes or luni,s. .\ lailior intereslini< case was tried at Walkerti n Division Court recently, that of Farewell vs. Baiinerniau. The defend- ant is -i fanner in Culiosa. Dr. Karc- well altoiided his wife for parts of llie years 11102 and 11)03, and put in a bill for J108. Baiinernian paid >iOO nn.l then got tired, and refused to pay any more. ll.tther than have any trouble over it the doctor ayroed to tlirow oirU48, hut Ilikiinerman lefutied this offer, and then suit was entered to collect the wliide amount. The jury awarded ihe plaiiitifl' |f2(% each party to pay his own costii, l)ut aii a jury has no say in award- ing costs, I lie judge ordered them lo be paid by the defeinlant. Tho coats amounted to about $.')0. .\ recent regulation i.ssued by the post otticu department is worth bearini; in mind by tho.sB liaviiiK boxes. As all tho postmasters are liable to make mistakes in putting mail matter into wroii>{ boxes, this new regulation reipilres people lo examine their mail before leaving the ofHce, and sluuld they (ind a pieue not addressed to tiiom, they must return it |tt oneo or bo liable to a fine of |200, That it it) the fault of iho poattnaaler, laakcs uo dilfji-«nce, D, ]VIcTi5cVISM !)^ iiifmiiliiiKiiii yars Fur l'"ii:it Class lUigLjic.i, Carts, I'leasure and Lum'er \\ ajons, r^J cullers, Sleii-hs. Wo koep a stock on hand to choose from. ^ ALSOHOkSESHOEINQ ANOGENERAL BLACKSMITHING and :;n iranloe first class work. We keep loi baini I'lioiohs and Plough repairs, and also Massey- Harns and N^xmi repnirs for VdiKlcra, Moweis, "vll kiiiwls nil liiiiery, also Hinder Twine on hand. t> mben In town slvc US a csll c K ill Te! ill l">i>ens Sept 5. •i-..:-.-.--'0, ONT. ^ ' One of tho larRest and bet ooinuiorcial ohools In tliB Doe.iinion. All ol mr yredintos aro »imoliitelv »uv« of «.wuiin(! poaition^ Strom; atnlTof ti acheii'; nunlcru courses; overy stniUoit thoronithlv Katlstlod. Writo for our tnafiiiinoHUtciitaloKuii. A l.lioi=: W. .1, Klilott., Principal, Rllidtt Baalness Collude, Gov. YouBe and .Vluxander Kls., Torniito.Out, R Kinnear&Sons MAXWELL Wish to annour.w to tlie jmblic that they liavc yet a few rcinnitiits of I'rints leil at tho re- ilueed i>rice. Como nnd fccurc one Iwforo they all ({o,hk we are foreiinj Kales to make more roi nil (or other ifooi Is. We have leiwud the store across tho street, wliieli is tilled with Hardware, Flour, Caintu, ({lass. Long Oloar Hacon and llriHims, which we (>(Ter as elieaii, if n"t elieaper, tluin elaewhnre. We liave (Jloii Koriui, Siiij;liiiiiiptoii and Markdale Vluur ahv.iys iiii haiiil, so y<m can geta ehuieo. f^ I ''l/ M'e niehcttdciuartera U.ook ~y\ene. f..,- ti,^ famous iC'^/i/niout/t iBinder CTwine III Osprey. No discount on the length or quality. Scmire yourselves by leaving your orders here iu time. lii^hest market i.rioes paid for choice butter and fresh eggs. R. Kinnear&Sons FLESHERTON HARNESS EMPORIUM. ((.)|i;.osilu .â- VrmstroiiLj's Jewellery.) Everythiuij up to dite in harness â€" best, woikuionthip, best prices. Fly sheets and neis aro in season â€" let ti.s shun you ours. Trunks, valises, axle «reose, carriai'o axle Kreuse, hariies^s oil, whips and laches, BUGGIES. and soo tha now huv;t;ies which we have on exbibilion. Thoy are beuut- i'js and prices are iisht. Wm. MOORE (Opposite Arinstron;;'s .lewelU ry) Klesliertoo, NEW SUITINGS, Overcoating.s, and Trouser- ings noAV in. Prices right, workiuansliip and fit good. H. ALEXANDER The Flesherton Tailor V

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