July 27 1905 THE FLESHERTON AL) V AIS CE f .r il ^* ^wa^w^ F. T. HILL & CO. 'mtiiW^\ I More Bargains During July. ^ Wc make no apology for "Slangliterin-" lines. The SUMMER GOODS are here, ^ and this is the MON fll to unload them. Trimmed Millinery at Half Price This week we place on sale the balance of our TRIMMED MILLINERY which consists of many pretty and up-to-date Hats. Here is a splendid opportunity of purchasing a Fashionable Hat at a Small Price. If yon are wi.sc you will come early to make your selection when tlie assortment is largest. A CLEARING UP OK REMNANTS AT A TDIRD OFF" AND ILALF REGULAR PRICE. TlilB offtfrinz includes huiKli-mls C)f Reiiiii.iiita, sliort ends, l)Ut iLoeful loiigths (jf rtlnioRt every kind of gnods ynu can imagine in I'rints, Gitigtianis, Salucns, AJuslins, Kl;iniieletteR, Cottonade.s, Tweeds, Linings, Drefs (i.iods, etc., etc. WHITE LAWN WAISTS COOL AND DRESSY, WORTH 2.25 FOR 1.38. This i.s a new line tlmt we socnrod at a iiri'iilly reduced price and of course as usual you reap the benclit. made to sell at 2.25, Special bargain price Was i.as A SPECIAL OPPORTUNITY IN PRINTS. T!iia lot consislHof many pieces of )>rint wl.ich we are do TWO SPECIAL RIBBON BARGAINS. 500 yard Ribbon, suitable for neck and belt ribhons, many widtbs, gcmd nssdrtmeni of colors, value up to terniiued to clear out thismonlh, the patterns are good;llio 20c a yard, special c-learing price 5 quality il excellent, the prices were 10 and 12* c, special 200 yards narrower width niany pretty coLrs. These 1" ' ' ' " will inake pretty liair ribbons for the lutlo ladies. clearance price C^ special sale price A CHANCE TO SAVE MONEY ON CLOTHES. 3r. Men's Suits fi)r (juick st>llirig. The odds and ends of many lines, not many .suits of any line. We have made the price very small so as ti> make this the bigi^ost buying opportunity that will occur this suuunur. 'AVro worth in the regular way uj) to glO 00 per suit. The price wliilo iheyl ast will be ,, 4.<jj A Special Offering up to 92.00, quicK LllTLE CHAP'S 2.00 S^jts FOR 98c. of Boys Suits, sizes 23 and 24. They will soon be picked up as tho price is very small, worth selling priiifl y,S MARKDALE WWftP^ ''» ijiiljlinhed ev<<ry Tliurwlay at 81.CK) jK'r Biinuin if paid in advance, $1.50 if not bo p.iid. All DubscrihiTi jiaying §1.1)1) strictly i" aivauco gi't the ilontreal llurald one year f I'ee aa a rvuiiuin. THE SALARY GllAB The sesaiou of the House jnsl closed txtinplifiee prelty strongly tlic dan- ger of giving one political party entire cDiitiol of our nalioual affiiw without iide^uato opposition. Tlic autonomy bill was serious enough and the Oppo- sition put up tho best figlit it could iiguuist the measure ; but the salary grab which was perpetrated in tho last hours of the sessioa is one of the moBt iniquitous things this country has suffered fi-om in a long time. It was done so quietly and without warn- ing ; 80 hastily, too, that the country Las Kcarcely yet awakened to tho t-nonnity of the robbery that lius taken place, and iiad no tunc to make a protest. When tho extent of the pension systoiii as now inaugurated is thoroughly luidurstood there will, or ou^lit to U), a 110138 thi'oughout tho land which will shako Homebody into oblivion. Tho idea of. penKiouing off ex-Miiiisters to the tune of $1)500 per animin for life is utterly uncalled for, and wbcn this pension goes to such millionaires as Hir Win. Muloek and Bir Kichard Cartwright the question is reduced to an absurdity that no logic can justify. The adding of 81000 to tho salary of all members, making their sessional allowance 82500, is ail impudent grasping of unearned funds and a burdou wbisli this young oouutry should never be called upon to pay for its legislation. It simply places an oitiit Ihonsand in the hau.ie of every luisorupnlous mem- ber to be used for the puipose of bribing ilia electorate by making public grants and playing the part of '•Jjady Bountiful" with money ti wliicli they have no right.anJ in other even more ncfirious ways, if that bo possible. lu North Oicy wo h«v« already heard of $500 of ihis money lieing heralded as a public bmiofactiou t^ thf muiiifi^oat bciicvo'.ouco of tie member for that constituency. The impudence of this grab certainly pas- ses all bounds, and tho painful part of it la that no person or party of men in parliament to-day had sufficient hack bone to put up anything more than a very half hearted light for the rights of thosa who pay tlio piper. The pension system referred to is au out- rage upon an already too generous paymaster, and the $1000 grab of salary is more costly and cannot bo defended any the more uucceasfully. Hvcry elector in tho country ought to make it a personal matter and we think in that way tho government could bo made to undo the wrong it has perpetraed. The suctession tax of the late Ueori>e Gooderbam, of Toronto, will net tho province ?r)00,000. Oood.nham died vs-orlb S'J,400,000. Thoa, MoLeod, son of Wm. McLeod, near Riverview, mut w iili a very painful accident which has hiui at proseiit ui>der tho cue of Dr. Martin. lie wai one of the gang working at Martell's gravel pit, aud was loading a wagon when a portion of the l.ank fell in burying him. Tho weight doubled liim up and when ho was extricated i'. was found bis jaw bone was fractured. He ie able to be around but his diet is necessarily very light. It will be dunio time before he will be able to rosuuio active dutiun aagain. â€" Herald. Tho Georgian Bay Fruit Growers, Limited, have been incorporated by Ontaiio charter with a share capital of jJ25,000, and with heud(|uarlera at the town of Thornbuiy, in the county of Grey. Tha purpo-ies of this company are; (a) To deal wholesalo and re*ail iu all kinds of fruit; (li) to build and own friiit luiuseB and cold storage plants, and (c) to own and operate evaporators, can- ninij factories, cider aud pulp milU, fac- tories for tho making of barrels, boxes, bankets, crates or any other packages reipiired in the handling of fruit. Tho The directors are Oroy fatm^ra. â€" The Canadian Grocer. Weather progudsligators say thit we arc now ou t|io fourth yoar of wet and cool buinmere. Tho period, they say, swrted in 1002, and will last for seven years. It will be a case of cresnendo aid diminuendo, that is to tay, u-et worse until the centre is loached, and will then gradually taper off till lOO!) is reached. According to the theory this will bo tho wettest and coolest suuimoi: for four years. Thuu things will gradually improve till normal Cnnadiin suininur weather is again, reached in 1910., There may not bo niuijh in this theory, but it aeouu to have worked out all right . ao far.â€" Stay- ncr Sun. Charming Femininity. Famous bcamios pay pariiuular atton- tion to the puri'y <> the blnod, knowing that nutritious blood means soft delicate skill, briulit eyes, and enduriiiy nerves. Those whoso looks are so delightful, use Ferrczone because itV tho exact food needed to tone and stinuilato the blood. Ferro/.one invigorates, braces, feeds, â€" it m.ikos those dainty, vivacious women so pleasant to meet. Y'ou'll have the rosy bliiom of health, dash and spirit, the satisfaction and j.iy of truo hcalih after using Fern zone. You should get Fer- rozono to-day. Sold everywhere in 50o. boxes. ICE CREAM Wo have fittoil up an Ice Cream Parlor in the rear of our uroccry store. If you want ice cream that is pure coino here for it. We make it ourselyeitand know what we are oUoiini; ynu. We have a larger btock of fresh groceries than ever before and the prices are reasoimble. Wm. L. WRIGHT liarnhouso's Old Stand. " Looking back.l see I never saw before." This is the exclamation of satisfied customers. We have fitted successfully stubborn cases that others have failed in. Satisfaction guaranteed. Consultation free. W. A. Armstronii, iKWKLC" ^NO OPTiClAN FLESH ERTON. Z^*^^^^*^^^-'*^^'ri^^^^^^^'^^i^^f^^i^'^ r BOYD, HICKLING & CO, FLESHERTON, ONT. Greatly - Reduced â- Pric »s nearltid iH close of a most succcssfis! and busy season lyc offer Special Reductions isi Crimmed Itltllinery asid Ready=to=v^ear f>at$. U!e ba«)e still a large assortment of first class shapes to select from. ers Specials for I July S W Black Cotton Hose for 10c. HQ Women's fast black rib cotton ho.sc. Sizes 8^, 9 and * H. Kegular 13c for 10 ^ Fancy Ribbons for 12 l-2c. ^ ')0 ends fancy colored ribbons, suitable for collars, ^ belts or fancy work, including lines that .sold from ]."i ^ to 40c, cut any length you desire, per yaid loi ^ Black Cashmere Hose 25c. ^ 10 dozen woniens wide or narrow ribbed cashtiicre ^ ho.se, 9 and Q^, seamless feet, fiist black. The best you'll see anywheru for 25c. Men's 25c Bow Ties for 10c. 1 2 dozen Men's Bow Ties,with shield, very easily put on, all silk, light dark antl medium shades in the })opular colors, every one quite new. The regular 25c line, special 10c each, 3 for 2yc Two Special Raincoats 12 Ladies Waterproofs, dark blue, fancy plaid lining, new sleeve, sizes 3G to 40 bust. A very satisfactory garment, regular 3.50, special 8.05 Ladies Raincoats, dark grey cravenette and tweed effects, new style, reliable goods, sizes 36 to 40 bust. Kegular 4.50 and 5.00 qualities, special 3.05 Grocery Specials Guaranteed Fresh. Fresh Salmon Blue Berries Pie Peaches Pexrs in Syrup (ireen Peas Tomato Catsup Castile Soap Fruit, Lemon Ginger or mixed J Biscuits 10c tin 3 tins 25c 2 tins 25c 2 tins 25c 3 tins 25c 3 tins 25c 2 cakes 5c 10c Another car load of the celebrated Five Roses Tlour coming in tliis week. Bran and shorts also. I^ardware Department Everything you need for haying! Machine Oil FokUs Hay Fork Pulleys Hay Kakes Whetstones Grijulstones Scythes Manilla liopc l'7 Berger's pure English Paris. Green for potato hues â€" none so good. j^ & Boyd, {Sickling & Co. ' â€" ^3 Tlesberton ^ â€" i / â- ilS^^S^i^f^''