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Flesherton Advance, 27 Jul 1905, p. 3

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HIS GRAVEL WAS SURELY CURED PODD'S KIDNEY PIZ-LS BEHOV- ED THE STONES. lad now Seuben Draper is Well arid Strong After His- Long Suf- fering. Bristol. Que., July 24. â€" (Special) â€" Reuben Draper, a well-known resiilunt here, keeps the proof right with him that Dodd's Kidney Pills will surely cure the much dreaded Ci ravel. The proof consists of two stones, one tho size of a small bean and the other as big as a grain of barley. He passed these stones and was reliev- ed of all the terrible pain.s they caus- ed after using Dodd's Kidney Fills for a short time. Mr. Draper is confident that Dodd's Kidney Pills and nothing caused his cure, as he tried two doctors without getting help, and was fast getting weak and despondent when ho stoppe-J all other treatment and started to take Dodd's Kidney Pills. In a week he<l the large stone and four days later the smaller one. This cure censes a feeling of relief over people in these parts as it shows those terrible operations, long thought to be unavoidable in case of Gravel, are no longer necessary. A GYMNASTIC MARVEL. There are optical illusions of all varieties. Spme are due to mirage, and some are not. A little boy who was drilling a squad uf classmates at recess found ditticulty in getting them to march properly. "Lift your right leg!" he called. "Lift your right leg! ' Things went very well >mtil Hcnnessy forgot and lifted his left leg, which happened to be clad in trousers exactly like those of tho boy next him, who was obedient in holding up his right leg. The drillinaster stopped aghast. "You can't do that, Pat Hennessy!" ho called. "You're holding up both legsl" f SANK ms FORTUNE. John Graham, who left Chicago in 1897, to seek his fortune in tho Klondike gold liclds, succeeded in amassing $100,000 after eight years' Kard.ship and aJventure. On his wa.v home his boat upset while shooting the rapids on the Silok river, Alas- ca, aod be lost all except $2, .'500. CAUSE LOOKKD GOOD. "Ma, what are the folks in our church getting up a subscription for?" asked a small boy of Holtoa of his mother. "To send our minister on a vaca- tion to Europe thir summer." "An' won't i!;L c bo no church while he's gone?" "No preaching .service. I nm'ss." "Ma, I got $l.*i3 saved upln my bankâ€" can I give that?" BREVITIES. It doesn't take a particularly sharp fellow to cut up capers. It is human nature to swallow fla.t- tery and gag over the truth. It sometimes happens that the bono of contention Isn't worth piclting. Some felU)Ws do a lot of running around without making much pro- gress. Homo people get religious with as little forethought as a child gets measles. A girl mtiy be called an angel in spite of thi- fact that she wears her wings on her hat instead of her shoulders. WRONG SORT. Perhaps Plain Old Meat, Potatoes and Bread May be Ae^ainst You For a Time. A change to the right kind of food can lift one from a sick bod. A lady in VVclden III., says: "Last Spring I became bed-fast with severe stomach trouble accom- panied by sick headache. I got worse and worse until I became so low I could scarcely retain any food at all, although I tried every kind. I had become completely di.scouraged, had 'given up all hope and thought I was doomed to .starve to death, till one day my husband trying to find some- thing I could retain brought home tiomo t! rape-Nuts. "To my surprise the food agreed with me, digested perfectly and with- out distress. I began to gain strength at ouce, my (Icsh (which had been (labby) grew Urnier, my health improved in every way and every day, and in a very few weeks I gain- led 20 pounds in weight. I liked Grape-Nuts so well that for 4 months I ate no other food, and always felt as well satisfied after eating af if I had sat down to a fine banquet. "I had no return of the miserable sick stomach nor of the hea<lacheH, that I used to when I ate other food. I am now a well woman, d'.r Ing all my own work again, and jccI Ihat life is worth living "0 rape-Nuts food has been a god- send to my family; it surely saved my life and my two little bo.ys have thriven on It wonderfully." Name given by Postum Co., Battle Ureok, Mich. There's a reason. on tho rtttic bo.ok, "'l"h« Road to WcllviUc." in each pkg. ' SOME STRANGE CHARMS OLD BELIEFS IN THE MOTEER- LAUD DIE HARD. The Devonshire Whooping Cough Cure Is Highly Original. The other day an aged dame ap- peared at a London Police Court in great distress. She had, she wailed, "lost a 'sacrament shilling.' The Magistrate was puzzled. "In what 'resiiect," he asked, "did a sacranwnt shilling diller from any other shilling?" Whereupon, says Pearson's Weekly, the aPPl'eant explained that the coin in question was a certain cure for (its. it had been given her by her mother, who had it in turn from her mother, who had got it over 100 ycai's aiio from the clergyman of her ,-nrJsh in exchuntje for an ordinary shilling, which had already been (irst exchanged for twelve i)ennies collect- ed from twelve maidens. The coin, it appeared, to be efBca- cioiis, had to be worn in a bug hung round the patient's neck tor seven i times seven da.vs. I Similar strange beliefs linger in I many out-of-the way corners of Great jUritain. I In Devonshire, for instance, the country folk still make "cramp rings" out of OLD COFFIN HANDLES; and bracelets forged out of nails on which suicides have hanged them- selves are worn by gouty people and_ deemed singularly efficacious. Charmed belts are coninionly worn in Lanca.shire for the cure of rhuun'.a- tism, in Durham a cord round the loins is supposed to ward oil tooth- ache. Among the peasantry of Roxburg- shlro women who are bursing babies Wear around their necks small cords of blue Wool. are never re- moved, day or night, until the child is weaned. Tly taking this precau- tion they imagine that they insure ooojI health both to thoniselves and their ofTspring during, that critical period. The cords nre handed down from mother to daughter, and are esteemed in proportion to their anti- quity. In Sufiolk to prevent ing peoi)lo wear a skein of scarlet thread around the neck, tied with nine knots down the front. If the patient is a nian, it is essential that the thread bo put on and the knots tied by a woman, while it the patient is a woman, then these services must be rendere<l by a man. Many curious pre.scriptions common in folk medicine have for their ol>- jert the transferenco of the from the patient to one of THE LOWKR ANLM\US. For oxanip'le, in Devonshire and in Scotland alil^e,â-  when a. child has whooping cough, some hair is cut from its head, ii\it between slices of bread and butter and given to a dog. Then if the latter in eating it .•iliould cougli â€" as natiu'uU.v ho will â€" the eoni- jjl.iint will be transterretl to the ani- mal unl the child will recover. In Chi'shire it is by no means un-' common tor a .voung frog to be h<dd for a few nionieiits with its head in- side the month of a sulTerer fiom thru.s'h. In ("umbeiland and through- out the north of I^nglaiul generally a live lish is substituted tor the frog. Soineliines trees take the place of animals. Thus a certain old oak at HerkhuMSlead was long famous for the cure of ague. The transference was simple, but painful. A lock of hair was [egged into the wood, and then by a sudden wrench tran.sferrod from the head of the patient to the tree. Tho Wel«h peo^ntry cure toothache b.v .scarify in i the gums with an iron nail, which is then driven up to the head in an elm tree anil there left. They also profess to believe that a shrew, touched b.v a sick per- son and then pegged up alive in a hole previously bored in an aider tree, will carry o(T the disease from the patient. f â-  ' IT doe:sn't pay. My young friend, there arc many things in this world that it doesn't Pnv to <fo. It doesn't pa.y to try to your- .self olT for nioro than .vou arc worth; it tends to depress your market quo- tation. It doesn't pay to lie, for your lies must oil be kept on (lie mentall.v, and in the course of time some of them are pretty certain to get on tho wrong hoo'<. A liar ^.-eds a better memory than any one is apt to pos- sess. It doesn't pny to try to get a liv- j ing without work. You will work harder and get a poorer living thon if vou did honest work. It doesn't pa.V to be a practical joker, iinl' you can enjoy the joke when you happen to be tho victim. It doesn't pay to rest when you ought to be at work; if you do, you are apt to have to work when ,vou ought to bo resting. It doesn't pay to cry over spilt milk, neither does it pa.y to spill the milk. (Vhat shrunk your woolens ? Why di(3 holes wear so soon ? You used common soap. OJIP S RXOUCE A»ti for tfee Oetaeon Bar- NEW YORK AND RETURN $9.00. Fifteen-day sea-shore excursion goes to New York via Lackawanna Aug- ust .'â- >, .«0.00 round trip. Make re.scr- vations now. 289 Main Street, Buf- falo. Hoâ€" "I told your father that I just dote on you." Sheâ€" "And tvhat did he say?" Heâ€" "That I had better find an antidote." Fur Influinmation of tho Kye^i. â€" Ainoii); the many nood eualitics which Parnielec's Vogclablu Filla, be- sides rcfuiiitinif tlio .liRCbtive organs, is tliulr ollieiuncy in ruducinn indiiuiuiution of llie oyes. It ha.s culler! fortli niuri.> iettcra of recoininuiidation from those who were afRicied with this complaint and found a cure In tho pills. i : ' aflttct tliu nerve centres and tho blood in a. surprisiiiBly active way, and the re- sult is aliuuut immediately seen. "Does her husband know much of music?" "Ves; as soon as she is going to play he goes out." Lever's Y-Z (Wise Head) Disinfect- ant Soap Powder is â- ; boon to any faomo. It disinfocta and cleans ut the same time. The photographer was drying his plates in the warm sunlight. "What are you doing there?" asked a friend. "Oh!" was the reply, "just airing my views." Tliey Drive Pimples Away. â€" face cov- ered with iiimples is It tolls of Ijiternal irregularities which sliouiil long since have beitn corrected. Tho liver and tho kidneys are not perform- ing their functions in the healthy way they should, and these pimples are to let yuu know that the hlood protests. Parnicloe's Vogetahla Pills will drive them all away, and will leave the skin clear and clean. Try them, and there wHl be another witness to their excel- lence. Tommy â€" "How- does Jinnny liko his job?" Johnnie â€" "Oh, he .says there's nothin' the nmtter with it ex- cept the pay, an' the hours, an' the work! " "Thay Sail Well" says PrugKist O'Dcli of Truro, N .S. Want any better evi- dence of the real merit of Von .Sian'i Pineapple Tahlets ns a euro tor nil forms of stomach tronl.lo than that iliey le in such great diniand? Not a nauseous dose tliut makus one's very insides rchel â€" but pleasant, ipiiek anil harndess â€" a tiny tablet to carry m your pocket. 35 cents. â€" 10*4 "Do you tako an interest in scoe- ty?" "No," answered Mr. Gold- bags, "I make the investments, but tuother and tho girls take all tho in- terest." ENGLISH SPAVIN L!Ni!Vl£NT Uenioves all hard soft or calloused Jumps and blemishes from horses, blood spavin, curbs, splints, ringbone, Sweeney, stilllcs, sprains, soro and swollen lliroat, coughs, etc. Save $50 by use of onu bottle. Warranted tha most wonderful Illomish Cure aver known. NOT SACRED. "Wealth should be regarded as a sacred trust." "I have tried that," answered Mr. llrsua, indignantly, "but I couldn't get the public to take any stock whatever in the theory of my divine right to put up prices." "So she' lejecteil you, did she? Your jjropo.sal didn't please her." "Well, I can hardly say it didn't please her. I thought she'd never stop la<lghing." Dropsy and Hoart Disease. â€""For ten years I sudcred greatly from Heart, l>isea.<e. Fluttering of the Heart anrt SmotUei'ing .Spells made my life a tor- ment. Dropsy set in. My ph.vsiclan told mo to prepare for tho worst. 1 tried Or. Agnow s Curo for tho Hoari. One ditso gave great relief, one bottlb cured nio completely." â€" Mrsf Jamck Adams, .Syracuse, N.Y. â€" 107 WHAT TO READ. If you have the blues, read the twenty-seventh Psalm. If voir pocketbook is empty, read the thirty-seventh. If peojde se'em uiikinil. road the fifteenth chapter of .John. If you are losing conlidenoe in men, read (he thirteenth chapter of 1 Cor- inthians. If you are discourage<I about your wori., road tho 126 I'salm. If you lind the world growing smiall and yourself groat, read the nine- teenth Psalm. If you cannot have your own wa.v in everything, keep silent nn<I read the (hiril of •lanu-s. If .\ on are all out of sorts, read the twelfth chauter of IWirows. kruN EY ^ If By This Time Sit *" ""' """'"'^ fa/tu €i£/ TEA is te BEST on the MARKET it must be the fault of the atlvertising, not the fault of the TEA, so you can't have tr'eJ it. BLUE RIBBON IS, AND ALWAYS WILL BE. THE BEST PROTECT YOUR FOOD WILSON'S FLY PADS KILL THEM ALL . AVpia POaR_IMiTATIONS ^°" Lamp Oil Economy Sarnia USE Prime White No real need lo buvthe moreexpensive oils it COOD BURNKR is used and KEPT CLjiAN. If you want a BIG LIGHTâ€" THREE OR FOUR GAS JETS IN ONE â€" TRY A Queen City Oil Lamp BEAUTIFUL LIGHT The Choicest Oil Made is PRATT'S ASTRAL For Sale by Dealers. T«^ Queen Cjty Oil Ca., tir Ft It .SALE-LARGE ENGLISH BERK. ^llirep, sows bred to my Imp. boar, 80w« loudy to breed, one boar lit for Bervioe. Prices rlKhc S.-iin, Snowden, Box 39, BowmanviUe. PROPEUTY BEt?T5TS HAPPINESS, happiness begets bealth. Buy m, farm in the celebrated Uoose Hountain District where everyone is proar(jerouB. and crop lailures unknown. Carl.vie is four vears oltl; has five elevators, with capacity ot '200.000 bushels. The men who built tlieei knew their business. They are filled ever.v season. The D. C. McFee Land Co. of Carlyle, Assini- boia, iiave 20U.00O ucres of iniprov«*l and unimproved farm lands for sale in this district. They .solleit your corres- pondence. Further information and particulars chcerJully given. $4.20 FREE TO AGENTS Your address sent to us will bring you full information as to how you can obtain a $4.20 bonus free; be- sides easily make J.l.OO per day sell- ing our goods. Kxporiencc unneces- sary; anyone can sell them. Address, Canadian Branch, Box 67, Stirling, Ont. CARPET DYEINQ ^^ aud i;iMDiii(. Thil la » ipttlilt? with Oii ^^ BRITISH AMERICAN OYEINQ OCX flsttd putlaalsn bf po«i ABd wesrsMnt^Sft^ial^ Minn lu «Ui HaatrMt. AYRSHIRE CATTLE FOR SALE LIMITED to. PACIFIC COA.ST t:.X.CUUSIONS. During June, July, August and .September the Chicago and North \»;rn Uy. will sell from Chicago, rouud trip e.\cursion tickets to San Kraucisco, Los Angeles, I'oi tland. Ore. (Lewis & Clarke K.\cursion), Se- attle, \ ictoria, Vancouver at very low rotes. Correspondingly cheap fares from nil points in Canada. Choice of routes, best of train ser- vice, favorable stopovers and liberal return limits. Hutos, folders and full information can bo obtained from 1!. I'. Bennett, GcniMal Agent, 2 East King St., Toronto, Ojit. 31 20 Ayrshire Dulls â€" four to twenty months old; Ayrshire Females all ages; also improved Yorkshire pigs. Apply to HON. W. OWENS, Monte Bcllo, Que. Protect Your Property WITH A dry p^'Witer put up in metal tulwa. 23 Ini'h^s long. It will instantly eitimcuitli tho moBt fiirioii^tiiam^t of wood or oil. Price S3 00 each. 3;W nj (iu/. Write (nr .1 otcriptiTo circuiikr Tho Diamond Dry Powdar Plr« ACENTS Extinguisher Co.. Toronlo, Cnt WANTED "ITavon't you any ambition to work as .your father did at your age?" "Cortaiiily not!" answered the gilded youth. "If 1 were lo worK what would have been tho use of lather's working?" One of the groiitest blossings to par- ents is Motlier tlrnxes' Worm I'lxterniin. .'itor. It ciVectuiiUy expuls worms and ^ivGs lieuiii) in a mui'vvllous manner to the little onu. "Oh â€" orâ€" pardon ine. Miss Maudie, but at wliat age do you think wo- men should marry'? You know, the new.spapers are discussing tho (pies- tion." "At about m.v age, 1 'hink, Mr. Timid," she replied sweetly. Nurse's Qood Words â€" "T am a profes- sional niirst.'," wr-itt?M Mrs. Misiu.'r. Hull- fa.x. N..S. "I was a great sulTerer from rliuunial isiti â€" almost con.stunt associo.- tion with best physicians I liad every chaiu'o 4)i a cure if it wore in their power â€" hut tliey failed. .Soutli Amer- ican rtliuuniatic Ctiro was nicoinmetulca â€" to-djiy m.v six years t)f pain seem ati a droai'n. 'rwo bottle cured me.- -100 ON THE CONTUAliY. "Is ho resting quietly?" .asked the physician "No," said tho watcher. "He's snoring to beat tho band." No one need fear Jholera or any sum- mer complaint if they lin-ie a bottle of l)r. J . U. KellogB's Oy.seutery Cordial ready for use. It coi'i'ects all looseness ot tlio bowels promptly and causes a healtliy and natural action. This is a mediciMe adapted for the young and old, rich and poor and is rapidly be- comiiitf the most popular mediciiio for cholera, dysentery, etc., in tho market. CHF,EK.S TELL OHAHACTER. Hollows and doi>ressions in tho face are .signs of, and no excel'lion is to be made in reading the cliarnctor indications cf the chcoKs. The mature wonuin with youthful, round cheeks iH usually of a cheerful, happ.y nature. She may not always he di'ooly intellectual, but she is never mieaii, and is not af- flicted with nerves. On the other hand, the long, narrow, thin cheek is often a mark(!<l characteristic of tho man or woman who is itlwayg loo*<irtij for tho worwf. Very full cheeks, that owe their roundness to a development of the bony structure, imilcalo long life. 'I ho hospitable cheek is round nn<l full in the lower part. The subject is always a most charming hostess, and is never so h'aPP.v ns when entertaining Her frieni's. High chock-bones do not of necessity brtoUon a wicked and avaricious nature, though there Is a universal superstition to this ellect. :ai- Conceited Young Man â€" "I womler why that young ludy over there looks at mo so much?" Sarcastic Young Lady â€" ".She has weak eyes, and llio doctor told her to relievo them by looking at something green." ."-lomi'thing That Shimld ho nubl)ed In. â€" Whenever pain is ielt in tl»o limbs or back, tako IJr. Thomas' licloclric Oil; pour a little in the han<I. and ap- plying it to tho surface buni'atll which tho iiain lies, rub briskly. If tho fiist Qpplicatit>n tloes not alToml relief, whioii is not usually tiie case, keej) rubbing. Tlie Oil will giadually penetrate to Uio alTected part ami relief will come. TItUE! "If you go any deeper," said tha patient bnld-headed man to tho mos- quito, "I'll smash you." "If you do," sang tho tormentor warningly, "your blood will bo on your head." ItCurasallOrsadiâ€" Here are a few names of clernymen oi dilTereiit ciecds who are firm believers in Dr. Agnew^s Catarrhal rowilei- to 'live up to the pieacliing' ii\ all it claims. Hishop SwoHlman, Uev. Ur. Langtiy ( tOplscopalian); Kov. Ur. Withrow and Kev. Ilr. Chambers (Methodist): and Dr. Newman, all oi Toronto, tunudu. Copies of tlicir per- sonal letleis for tho asking. 50 cents. â€"105 Lady â€" "But it .sceiris to me you ask very high wagvy, when you acknow- ledge that you haven't had much ex- perience." Servant â€" "Well, mum, ain't it harder for me when I don't know how?" Only who have had expnrioncQ can tell the torture corns cause. Pain with your boots on. pain with tliem olT â€"pain night und day; but relief is sure to those who use Holloway's Corn Curo. "Tho dilTeronce between a woman and a glass," said tho funny follow, "i.s that the glass reflects witho\it speaking, while a wonmn speaks without reflecting." "And tho dif- ference between you and a glass," said the sharp girl, "is that tho glass i.s polished!" I Coughing 1b an outward sig^ of inward disease. Cure the disease with SKiloh's Consumption Cure R^,i-""« and the cough will stop. Try it to-night. U It doesn't benefit you, we'll g^ive your money back. Prices: 8. C. W«Lig ft Co. 807 2Sc.Mc.tI LcRoy. N. Y., Toronto, C»a. issui: NO. 30-oa. SSli â- â- â- 

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