a S^iiiana. <s " TRUTH BEFORE FAVOR. " PRINCIPLEb KOT MEN." VOL XXIv, KO 1229 Flestierton, Ont., Tliursday. July 2 7 IQOo W. H THURSTON, PUOl'KIETOK Kres::iXiSisar: - >â€" .-«f»...j>...w -.^ 4' Going To Get Married ? If ^') yir.i will want a uicj Wfil'iinix ii'>g- Wrf liavt) tliern in a (jreiiD vuiiuiy lUiJ at juit the rijjht © © Going To A WsddiDg ? If 3() j-'iu will want to take a ii.'^s^nt ali)iig. Wo have tun many lieaiitifiil P.r.ACK Vv'OUD CJ,0('K-i wiuel) we will sl-U at c(biI fur tla- ucxt liftuBii days. This i;.-,'i!is M"iii-,'tliiiiif to yim. M i!<.! a ii.iit: of it. Thttsu me i.iiitablo fur ijfiieral USL'. See liiuibcrlvy. Miss AlcsHuUer of Toroutu is the gu-jst ct Mf a-i.l .Ui'3. Joha Siuith. JIi»s Flcasio Thurstou vLsited wicli her umiiv, Ml 3. (i H Walter, ovor Suuiliiy. Mr aii,l ih.H Bi'i-il mid sons Eu<{>'no iiifl On<> of Blind lliver, woro tho i;ue»ts oi MrttiidMiaJ il Fawcett oii S.iturday lust Mr R J Sjiroulo, of Fleslierlon, was in lown ou h'lMi'iesR jn Friday last. Ali-.s Fulii yoiilri of Sligo, i* li jlid.iyii)i{ at licr [wruntal home lioro. MiS! Mauilo FhwojII-, who has beoM visiii:i^ fi iou'ls ill ColliiigwuoJ for aoiaa time lias relurucJ hmiie. Editor 'Ihurst-jii and son, Arnold, of the Fic^horl.oji Advance staff visited fneiuU ln-rt- on Siiiiday List. Mi»s Maa ThoutpBo.i, of Ci»ylon, is \iilliM!4 friends heru at prosuiit and is the giie.^t of hui- aunt, Sirs John Tlewus. Mrs. McCli-lIan and Mis. iUttle, of Moos-.jaw, arc visiliiiii; friends here and nra renewing old aoiuaintauces iu this vicinity. Mis!> l<illU>, of Tmonto, i.s the ;>uest of Mrs. Julin LiiUsiji", of this place. Mr and Mrs A U Thurston and little son, of Toronto, \ isited friends here dur- ing the pa-st week. Mr. Enu rsoii livown spent Sunday Mitli ft trieiid in Tliornlmry. Every iiieiu'ier of I ho foutball team that reiires.ni. d K.iintjerley at Fever- sliain on the 1st of July wera residents of this n«ij{liliorhi>od. Mis. .John Alexander, of Tli-nibury, visileU wilU hti- pareutj hero, on Sund.iy last.. A BUinber from here attfiided the garden party at lleathcole on Salurday eveuiut! la&t. Maxwe)! Raiii3 of late somewhat hinder hayia'.j opi nil ions. Mr an 1 Mrs. Moiiktot;, who have liPen viaiunu' thn hitter's parents, Mr. and Mrs. (JeorgH O'assfoiil, returned lu.st week by I heir home in Toronto, accompanied to Mi.ss Kalo (jl^irsf.ird. Miss Belhi Hiakely and h-ir friend, Miss riinnund, of C.irlj'on, visited at Sfrs. Ed. liinley's rfriMitly. Mrs Boiid and her daughter returned o llieir h iiiij in Hamilton after an ex- I ended visit Â¥."1111 Dr. Bond. Jfaster Bennie S^iott of Moaford high seluiol, IS i-.oiidayiiiKat homo. Mr. and Mrs. Win. Robinson of To- ronto are visiting among numerous friends ill this vicinity. .Mr. and Mrs. R. Y. Bnrk are visiting with iheir daughter, Sirs. T. Heron of UuffKlo. Mr. Win. Heron of Buffalo is visiting with friends hem. Messrs. Arthur Robinson and Jack Madden luu'e ru uiued from thjir trip out n\-st and both seem t > be very much taken up with the country. We under- st:>nd they have lalien up land out there. Mrs. Ur. Soott left a couple of weeks a^o to vi>it her pareirs, Mr. and Mrs. .Murtaof Nortli Dikoia. Mi.ss Lii'-zio Guy returned hotna List week after an extended vinic with friends at Col,iii;;w<iod an 1 Owen Sound. Miss iMiiinie R >bertsou is holid-iyiiig .it home. The Misses Kerr, of Toronto, assisted by the famous Pe..ko sisters (nine id'l maids), wdl hold a cmioor; in Maiwell t)r4ni;e Hall on Wednesday eveniii'^, Aujn.-it 9, at eight o'clock. Admission, adults, "Joe , cliildien, 15c. V'iano will ho supplied by 11. Lamont, of Codling- wood, for the occasi.iii. A very successful garden party wa* given by a commit lee of ladies at Uavul Scilley's on tho ihird lino of Osprey l.ist Tuesd.iy. The coinmitte coiisislod of Mrs. D. Scilley, Mrs. J. Arnoti. Mrs. E. Scilloy, .Mrs. J. Ring and iliss Martha Stewart. Supper was serve<l from six ()'cIo.;k and the candy ten"; w.is well pit roiiized. An iiif ii iiial program was given consisting of voeal and inslriiMieiital music by Miises Franklin and Lee, ot Owen Sound, Miss P'ields,('f Ma.\«ell,aiid other*. Mr. John Ariiolt brought his phonograph rendering a number it uelec- tioiis. Towaids the close a cake wa.i vot- ed for, the candidates being Msss Alice SciUey and Miss Franklin. The vote was a tie, but the jake was handed over, as a matter of courtesy, to tho visitor. Miss Frannliu. -â- Vll present te iroughly enjoy- theniselves, and, thoUidi the ihreatoned Hloriii sent a few home, it was late before the party broiio up. The proceeds will be devoled to the Church of England con- gregation at Ma.xwoll, "erve nispbeiries and cream. All the meiit-ers are reiiuested to be present. Mr. E Neeley of Rocklyn visited his siser, Mrs. Ed Holly, on Suinl.iy. Mr. Hob Richardson, of Flesherton. I visited at Mr. (!eo. Shaiiiioii's on Suiidmy. Mrs. Goo. \\'arliiig was t.aken quite ill on Friday evenim,', out, we are pleased to learn, is all rij-lit a^ain. Miss Graham, of Orangeville, is visit- ing at tke parental home, Mr. R. Ura- I ham's. i K.iiie Davis is homo from Owen Sound I Cidleiiiato for her holidays. I Mrs. Vndrew Graham, who has been ! very ill, is, under tho skillful treatment of Dr. ('alter, recovering. Rev. Dr. Caldwell preached to a largo and appreciative eongiei;itio:i here on Sunday. Next Sund.ty the sacrament ! will be administoied. I No Satisfaction in Eating Food does you no good. You can't I digHSt â€" coiLSeiiuently you're afraid to eat; ] tongue is coated, mouth tastes bad, stoin- 1 ach is bloated. Pretty soon yi'U'll be overcome by weakness and nervous pros tiation. Best prescription for your condition is Dr. Hamilton's Pills of Mandrake and Buiternuc. For dyspepsia and indiges- tion it is doulitful if .a iietter remedy will EVXK he devise-i'. These pills bring new stiength and vitality to the siomach and digestive organs: tliey luild up the gen- eral healrli and instil such vim and resist- ing power into the systuoi that sickness is iinposiiible; try Dr. Itauiiiton's Pills. Priccville One Dollar Saved Represents Ten Dollars Earned, The avi-rafre ui.ln d.^es not save to e.xci-wl ten j>er cent of his uurniii^js. 1 lo must spend nine Uiillars ill liviiiK expenses for evury dollar SiiveJ. Th.it bfiug tlie case he cannot be too careful ftbiiut un!>eces.sary c.\pense«, Very i.ften a few cents properly invested, like halv- ing sewjsfiir hisjj.irdeu, will save several doll- iirs oiitby later t>n. It is tho same in l>uy- iiig Chauibi'ihiin's Colic, Cholera and Diarr- luidKeiiiedy. It costs but a few cents, and !i butlU of it in the house often s.ives a d^wjtor's hill i.f aevuial duUuis. For sale by W. E. Kichardsou. lutJi Line Osprey Haying is in full swing at present. The crop IS good and the weather I ha vory best for saving il iu good condition. F^veisham football team playod a yame with Healhci'te team on Saturday lust ali Heathc lie wbicU resuUed in a tie. HarMld and Esrio Heron of Bulfalo are vi-siiing tlieir uncle, Mr. George Burk, 8lU line. Mrs. .birdan of Dundaik visited at Mr. J. Irwin's last week. Mm. Thos Davidson has returuet'. to h«r lioina in Torontt) after spending a few weeks with lier parents, .Mr. and Mis. Robert B own of Fevershnm. Mr. Willi aa Magiuiii* of Wexford, York county, is the guest of Messrs. Geo. aud Robt. .Mlister of Fevorsham. Tho Hidiness Workers are still lioldiiig meetings in iheir tent in Muliiu's woods i>n the 14th, having connneuced their uienlii.gs the latter part of May. A Remarkable Cure Ciliz.ns who have been follo.ving in the local press the remarkable stories of cures effoc'ed by D. A. Ciineron & Co'sspecitics will li lid the story of Mr- W. M. Wilson, an exceedingly interesting one. Mr. Wilson, V IS almost unneces.sary to state, is a member of the Owen Sound Iron Works Co., Limited, and is Superinten 1- eut of this very impoi taut industry. For sixteen years Mr. \Vilson has been work- ing under a severe handicap, being a chronic sulfeier fioni asthnia. JJiglii after night his rest was broken, and to prei'ent sulficali-.n ho would have to rise three or four times e.ich night and inhale smoking powdei-s. Sonietniios thisall'ord- ed relief but just as frequently he had to endure inoonveiiiiMice and suff^jing. About the Ist of November, 1!).)4, Mr. Wdsoii was induced to try a b<atle of Cameron's .Asthma Cure, aed il att'orded immedift'o relief, liis sleep is now un- broken, and tho only instance of a slii'lit recurrence id the trouble was duo to what .Mr. Wilson attributes t> his own thoughtlessness in tho luattnr of diet. The trouble hiis apparently disappeared 'â- and Mr. Wilson believes that a p.rnian- ont cure will be etl'ectcd. Mr. Wilson is i naturally gratilied at tho result, and spoke of Cameron's .\sthina Cure to a rep- I resent alive of tho press in the nMst II it- j teriug terms. j A heavy thunder storm passed over our bura last week but we have henid of no damatie being done. (Juite a nuaioer fnun here attended the revival meellimn at Salem chsrcll lately. Miss Martha Wa'.son, Toronto, is hjli- dayiiig with her pirents here. I Miss Ida Ferguson, Mvnitowaning, is tho guest of her cousin. Miss May Fer guson. j Miss -A. Hineks has betn very 3ick,but i wo are glad to hear of her recovery. Miss Gertie MeLeod has relumed I home afier a long sojouru ill the North- west. Miss Maggie Tryon returned to Detroit Monday. after a two weeks' visit at home. Rod-rick B. McKeiizie, a U'ghland Scotch gi.iiu of Duhilh, was visiting friends here for a few days lately. He is saidto be considerably over seven feet. Dr. Dixon is taking a few weeks' holi- days and h.is secured Dr. Rimntroe of Toronto to till his place until his reluin. On Satiird.iy, July 10, .Mrs. Dongall McLean, at the age of 8-t years. pa.s.si d away and was laid beside her husband, who preceiled her thirieuii nioniha ago. Mr. and Mrs. McLean were residents of, Priceville for lifty years. Rev. Mr. .Maihesoii, her pastor, ofliciated at the funeral On Thursday. July 20, the rem lins of Mr. Arch. Bixter, who lost his lifo on the railway near Hamilton, was conveyed from the station by Lndertakor VVatsoii, to the cemetery in town, .\ number of friends and neghbors attended the funeral. Rev. Mr. Colo idhciatingin [dace of Rev. Mr. Matlieson. who is l:ikii;g a few weeks' holidays in New Ontino. Rev. Wm. Irwin oi-ciipied iho pulpit in thel Methodist church on Sunday morning last. .Mr. Irwin when a boy worked in the lamieiy hero with his uncle, C. C. .James, and is remembered by many in this vicimiy. Tho coiigro«a- tion wore deeply iiiiiiressed by his sermon. .Miss E-.nina McL.aii, who was hi'ely operated on for t.inior, we are glad to hear is g.ining ninly. Miss Edith 'CVat.soii is holi hiying with friends her<a at present. Good for Stomach Trouble and Cunijttpatlon. "Chaniboi Iain's Stomach and Liver Tablets have done me 8 great deiu ut good," says C. Towns, of Kat Portage, C)nt»rio. "Being a ndld phvsic the after effects arc not unpleasant, and I eiiii reoeinmeud theui_ to all who suffer from stomach disorder." I'orsalo by W. £. Kicbardseu. Vandelcur The S. O. T. Divi:.ion had a picnic at Bell's Lake on Thursday. Owing to it bcinij such a busy time, quite a number did not go, but those who did, report a very delightful outing. Tho foliowina are the otJicers for the present quarter: W. P., Bro. Hutchinson; W. A , Sis. Douglas; R. S., Sis. M. Pritchaiil; A. R. S. Bro. H' Graham; F. S., Sis. Buch anan; Tress. , Sis. L. Pritchard; Chap, Bio Buchanan; Con., Bro. Pritchaid; .\. Con., Bro. R. Uolly;T S., Si». E. Gd- hert; O. S. Bio. B. Grshain; Orgai.ist, Sis. Holly; P. W. P., Sis. Devins; D O. W. P., Bro. W. Buchanan. At the next regular meeting there will be a geograjihy contest, whivli will be iuslruotire and iutwestiug) after wUich tli4 viators will Cholera Infantum. Child N't Rxpecteil to Live from One hour to Another butCureil by Chamberlain, s Colic, Cholera anJ Diarrhoea Kemedy. Riilli, the little diuiKlitor of K. \. Dev.'ey of Agiic^wville, Va., was serii-iisly illof uholora infaiitinii bust Hiinniier. "We gave her up and did not exiiecther to livefiou: one hour to an- other,' he says. '"l liappened to think of Chainlierlain'H Colic, Cliolera aid IHarrhnfa Kemedy and ({•it a bottle of it from the store. Iti five1loiir< T srtw a change for the better. Wo kept. I'll (fivingit luid Iwfoie »]!<; had taken the half of one f mall biittlo ^ho w ss well.' 'riiis remedy is for sale hy W. K. Kiehnrdson. McFarland, Stafford & Cos. Big Store M^Vr<lvD.\LIC, 0>.-XAl<Il> Grey County's BIGGEST and CHEArEST STORE Annua! I^idsummer Sale. Bargain Prices ^ â€"â€"ON ,Ali Summer Goods 4.00 LADIES DCCK SKIRTS for 1.00. 8 only Women's White Duck Skirts, as- sorted styles, some plain, some trimmed with several rows handsonio insertion. Tho regular prices were 276 to 4 00 each, -)iily 8 left, hence this cut. Midsummer Sale Price 1.00 55o DRESS VOILES for 2^0. 8 pieces, about 200 yards. Fancy Wool DrobS Voile8,all this season's latest shades and patterns, some plain colors, others fancy check and Hake nii.xtures in Navy and Royal Blues, Browns, (jreens. Greys, etc., 40 to 42 inches wide, regular values 50 to 55c a yard. Midsummer Salo Price 29 SAMPLECOTTONHOlSERYl-aOFF. We secured frnin a hosiery (inn a few setts sample Hosiery. The most of them are mill .sainides that were never opened up, coii.sequeiilly they are perfect. We aecuri d tliein at one-third less tlmn mill prices. Did we wish we could mix them anions reu'ular gooils at regular prices, but wo prefer tjivini; onr customers a bargain. -•Vhout 200 pair in the lot, ranging in price from 10 to .'!0c. pr. MidsuMiiiier silo price Oac-Third O.T. 1.25 LADIES LINEN SKIRTS FOR 75c. 10 only Ladies Linen Cnish Skirt.s, assort- ed leiisiths with the adjustable waist hand, nicely made and excellent litters, regular 1.25 to 1.50 values, Midsuniiuor Sale Price 75 SA.MPLE LACE CURTAINS FOR 19j Wo secured a few weeks awo, oyer 100 Sample Lace Curtains. Those we laid aside for our Midsiiininer Salo. They ara full wiilth and perfect in paitern, but are ' short, each sample lueasiirinn from 1h bt 2yardslonu. Were tln-y full 3 and" ^i yards hmi! the values would be 8! f^O fc."i S.'J.OO a pair. IMaf.y of then-, i.i: "• matched in pairs, but we are gooi;< <o ••i. you pick I hem out any sample end you like. Midsummer Sulu Price 19 2.25 BL.VCK SATEJSN BLOUSK FOR <J9c. 20 Ladies Black .Sateen Blouses, all we havo le.'t in stock, tho regular values were §1.50, l.G'J. 1.89 and 2.25 each. They are made from heavy merceriaod sateen, haiidsiniiely tiinimoil with hem stitching •uckiiig etc., sizos 32 to 40 in the lot They aro perfect in clolh, perfect in make and perfect in tit, many of them acLually worth 2.25 each. Midsummer Salo Price yj ' A Deep Cut in Shirt Waists. We have now h'ft exactly 42 ladies Colored Shirt Waists. These are assorted in sizss and styles. Values run from JOc. to 1.75 each. For ipiiok selling the Midsamiuor s.do piices will be â€" 50c. Blouses, r.ow 25c. ?1.00 Blou!>eii, now 50o. SI. 00 .and Jl 25 Blouses, now 75c. SI. ,50 and 1.75 Blouses, now 1.00 10 only Colored inorcerizod Saleeii Blouses, haiids(iinely niailo in colors of brown card- inal, navy, pink, etc. Regular 82.00 and 2.25 v.ilues. Midsuiniuer Salo price 75 Special Discounis on Dress Muslins, Vesting, Shirt Waists, etc. Space will not uar- iiiit of our nicntiouino all the special yivluos.but oomu in expecting bargains every day. Many of the best bargains never i;et into our newspaper sdvertiseinents.the ([uantitiu-i aro not bir 'o eoouLdi or they are pick<d up too fast to bother advertisinij.buh every day some new line is thrown on the bargain C(ninrer. Visit this store often and early. There is money in it foi you. MCFAKL.4.ND,' STAFFOI^D <Sc CO W. Hockley 1905 W. Hockley Pi^OTON STATION STOI^E If yon. your friends or relatives suffer with Fits, Epilepsy, St. Vitus* Dance, or Falling Sickness, write for a trial bottle ami valuable treatise on such diseases to Thb LeibiO Co., i 179 King Street, W., Toronto, Cauads. All druggists si^U or can obtain for you LEIBIQ'SFITCURE Now that weave starting on tlie spriug season, in goiug through our stoo kwa ftntl timt we liiiye luaiiy Hues that we cau give our cuslomers atgrcatly reduced prices, as follows: 2t Ladies fancy lawn blouses, regular 1.10 for G9 15 ladies fancy striped blouses on sale at 44 A lar^jo assoitment of ladies sailor hats, your choice 2 Special prices on priJts, regular T)^ and 6} for 4^ Now ueoklies, latest styles, suap at 2U Eicoptional values ill ladies ami gents rain proof coats. As wo bought them light wo cat! sell tliem at the lowest possible piices. i '200 lbs duicli set onions to be sold at 15 .\ large new slock of boots auct shoes to choose from â€" just tho right kind to get for summer wear. \Vc handle aU lti"da of gerdeu seeds and at the right prices. Call and get 8 packages for 'ib Come and buy a s<iushade, as we have a largo assoitment to choose from, and at lowest prices. Don't forget that wo pay highest prices for all kinds of farm produce. Also remember that wo lead and others follow iu all kiuda of groceries. W. Hocklev Proton St'n.