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Flesherton Advance, 15 Jun 1905, p. 6

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•-S-' V JUST SEEMED TO SUIT HIS CASE WErLAND MEECHANT EE- STOHED TO HEALTH BY DODD'S KIDNEY PILLS. Doctors and Medicine Failed â€" Dodd's Kidney Fills Succeeded â€" Other Cases They Just Seem to Suit. Welland, Ont., June 12 â€"(Special) â€"J. J. Yokom, a prominent mer- chant of this cilj', is telling his friends o( liis remarkable cure of a terrible Kidney Disease by Dodd's Kidney Tills. Mr. Vokom's state- ment is as follows: "Kor more than a year I had been ailing with Kidney Trouble in all its worst symptoms. I hau a distreiscd feeling in my head, little or no ap- petite, and a feeling of languor. I became greatly reduced in weight. "Doctors and medicines failing to give mo any benefit I became despon- dent, when by good luck I chanced to Iry Dodd's Kidney I'ills, and from the first they seemed to suit ray case. After taking live boxes the old trouble had gradually disappeared, tnd 1 was feeling better than I had In many years." Dodd's Kidney Pills suit the case of every man, woman or child who has any form of Kidney Disease. They always cure and cure perman- ently. COFFEE AS A DISINFECTANT. The use of cofTee as a disinfectant is generally known, but it is doubt- ful if the majority of people are awaro of its true value in this direc- tion. It Is one of the most powerful and efcctive agents Known, as ha.s be<'n shown by repeated experiments. The uierost pinch of coffee is usually BuflRcient to cleanse a sick room, even in aggravated cases. The best way to employ it is to freshly pound the cofTee in a :nortar. if no mill is at hand, and sprinkle it on a red-hot Iron surface. ENGLISH â- WOMEN TALLEST. After taking measurements of the height of women in France, England and America, a doctor announces that the English woman is the tallest and the .\merican conies ne.xt. The average height of the French woman is 5ft. lin. The American woman is nearly two inches taller and the women of Great Britain half an inch taller than the latter. American women, however, weigh slightly more than either of the others, their av- erage weight being about 1171b. MEASURING INGREDIENTS. It is useful to know that sixty drops are equivalent to one tea- spoonful, three tcaspoonfuls ciiual to one tablespoouful. A gill is lour tablcspoonfuls. One cupful of liquid is' equal to one half-pint. Two ciipfuls of butter or sugar weigh one pound, and si.K- teen tablcspoonfuls of liquid arc equal to a cupful. THE IDEAL aiRL. "Is she one of those horrible girls Tvho know enough to set men right?" "No; she's one of those delightful girls who know enough not to." FEED YOUNG GIRLS. ISust Have Right Food While Growing. Great care should bo taken at the critical period when the young girl Is just merging into womanhood that the diet shall contain all that is up- bviilding, and nothing harmful. At that age the structure is being formed and if formed of a healthy, sturdy character, health and happi- ness will follow; on the other hand unhealthy cells may be built in and a sick condition slowly supervene which, if not checked, may ripen into a chronic disease and cause life-long tiulTering. A yomig lad,y says; "ColTcc began to have such an ef- fect on my stomach a few years ago, that I was compelled to quit using it. It brought on headaches, pains in my muscles, and nervo\isness. "I tried to use tea in its stead, but found its alTects even than those I suffered from colTee. Then for a long time I drank milk alone at my meals, but it never helped mo physicall.v, and at last ii; palled on me. A friend came to the rescue with the suggestion that- I try Fos- tuni Collce. "I did so, only to fmd at first, that I didn't fancy it. But I had hoard of so many persons who had been benoMted by its use that I per- severed, and when I had it brewed right found it grateful in flavor and soothing and strengthening to my stomach. I can llnd no words to express my feeling of what I owe to Postum Food ColTeel "In every respect It has worked a wonderful improvement â€" the head- headaches, nervousness, the pains in my side and back, all tlvo distressing symptoms yielded to the magic power of I'ostuni. My lirnln seems to share in the betterment of my physical condition; it seerrs keener, mora alert and brighter. I am, in short, in better health now than T ever was before, and I am sure I owe it to the use of your I'ostum Kood Coffi-e" Nome given by I'ost- um Co., Battle Creek, Mich. There's a reason. HAY FE-VEH, REMEDIES. Recent German Discoveries Are Proving Successful. German sufTcrers fronv hay fever have tried to help their fellows and themselves by banding togt»thcr in order to promote investigation into the causes of their troubles and to discover cures, if po.wible. Aa the hay fever season is just approaching, some account of the results of their enquiries may be welcome to Eng- lish sulTcrers. ExptTiracnts and experience have fairly established the fact that hay fever is due to the pollen of grass, rye, etc., often intensified by dust and by .sunshine. The dangerous period is from the middle of May to the end of July, varying according to locality; the nctuully dangerous time for any given place lasts some live or six weeks. F.xcept in unusually severe cases, nlleviafion may be obtained by in- haling the fumes of stramonium, with which a little saltpetre has been mixed, and sometimes by sniioking cigarettes made of Indian hemp. The most s<iontilic remedies yet known for external treatment are the anti- toxins prepared from grass pollen. Of these there are two on the mar- ket pollantin and graminin. Follantin is a st^rum .supplied in the form of i owder, to be used n-s snuff or as a liquid to drop Into the e.Ves and nose. Graminin, which at present la only procurable as powder, is the cheaper product, and Is due to the discovery of the a.ssistant of Dr. Dunbar, the inventor of pollantin. These reme- dies are at present little known out- side, but in Germany they are u.sed with real success in 50 per cent, of cases treated, and with less success in others. f PERSONALLY CONDUCTED TOUR To California and Lewis and Clarke Exposition, Port- land, Oregon. A personally conducted excursion to the Pacific coast via the Grand Trunk Railway .System and connect- ing lines leaves Quebec July 5, and Montreal and Toronto .Tuly 6. The route will be via Chicago, thence through Council IllulTs to Omaha, Denver and Colorado Springs. Stops will bo made at each of tliesc place.'i and sido trips taken to Manitou, Cripple Creek, Garden of the Cods, etc. From there the party will con- tinue through tho famous scenic route of the Denver and Rio Gran<Ie, through the Koyal Gorge to .Salt Lake (vity, thenco to Los Angeles, San Francisco, Mt. Shasta, Port- land, Oregon, Seattle, Spokane, and homo through St. I'aul and Minnea- polis. Tho trip will" occupy about thirty days, ten days being spent on tho Pacilic coast. 'Iho price for tho round trip, In- clu<lin^ railroad fare, Pullman tour- ist Bleeping cars, all meals in tho dining car, hotels, side trips, etc., is ?1C5.50 from Quebec, or $10U.5O from Montreal and $150.00 from Toronto. This first trip is designed as a vacation trip for teachers, al- though many who are not teachers will improve the opportunity of tak- ing tho trip at tho remarkably low price alTorded. For full particulars address E. C. Bowler, General Agent and Con<luc- tor. Room 308, Union Station, To- ronto. ♦ TO STllENGTUEN THE EYE.S. The eyes will be greatly strengthen- ed by putting the face down into a glass or eye-cup of water the fir;;*, thing in the morning and opening them mider water. This is somewhat dilflcult to do at first, but if tho water for two or three days be tepid and gradually be niade i.-older by im- perceptible degrees until it is no shock to put the face into quite cold Water, it will soon become, and is very invigorating and refreshing. The eyes should be wiped after this by passing a soft towel very gently from ihe outer angle inwarcl toward the nose. Unless the soap you use has this brand you are not getting the best ABk ftor tb« metagam Bar. HUSTLE IX) COLLECT IT. Tho world may owe you a living, but you have to work hard to col- lect the debt. Come to those who drink only PURE tea like Avoid ordinary teas,if you care tor SOUND, SWEET SLEEP, and •isk for the SPECIALLY iMANUFACTURED, CAREFULLY PACKED Blue Ribbon Tea. Red Label. ONLY ONE BEST-BLUE RIBBON'S IT. Wo havo no hesitation m sayinr that Dr. .1. D. Kcllo|{s'!i Dysentery Curdial la without <)oiibt the best medicine ever Introduced for dysentery, diiirrhoea. chuluru uiid all suniui^r cnmplalnt.s, He» HiclinuBH, etc. Jt promptly give.s relief and never fails to effect a positive cure. Uuther:^ vhould never l)e without a bot- tle whuu tlieir children are teething. The less religion a man has tho more he thinks he can give away. < My Kldnaye ara all WronKiâ€" Hon ahull I inKure best rc.'JiiRs in tl>0 short- est time?" It atunds to reason that a liquid npcciflc of the unquestionable njerit of SouLn American Kidney Cure will go more directly and (lUickly to tho beat of tho trouble than tho "pill form" treatment, and when it strikes tho K)>ut tJicrc'a healing in an instant. â€"78 GREAT DISAPPOINTMENT. Edith â€" Poor Pauline! She was lost at sea. Lena â€" Oh, isn't that dreadful! And aho so much wanted to bo cremated. PACmc COAST EXCUP.SION.S. During June, July, August and .September the Chicago and North Western Uy. will sell from Chicago, round trip excursion tickets to San Francisco, Los Angcle."?, Portland, Ore. (Lewis & Clnrke lOxcurslon), Se- attle, Victoria, Vancouver at very low rates. Cnrre.spondingly cheap fares from all points in Canada. Choice of routes, best of train ser- vice, favorable Rtopovers nnd liberal return limits. Rates, folders and full information can be obtained from 1!. I'.. Bennett, General Agent, 2 East King St., Toronto, Ont. 31 REVIVES MEMOR'V. "There's one good point about al- cohol as a medicine," said old Doc Spriggins. "I never yet had a pa- tient for whom I prescribed it who forgot when it was time to take a dose." WHAT SALT WILL DO. Salt may be made u.-?cful in many directions besides tubic First, a.s a tooth powder, it will keep tho gums huid and the teeth beautifully white. Also, if you have had a tooth extracted and the Ijleeding does not slop, rinsing the mouth with salt ami water will prove a, quick remedy. Mi.xed \^ith hot water it makes a good gargle for a sore throat, and if a little is put with lemon juice, stains on fingers from ink, pe<?ling potatoes, etc., will be easily re- moved When tea cups are discolor- ed rub n little salt on the stain.s be- fore Washing them, and the blemish quickly disappears. SLKIOP AS A HEAUTY AID. No girl who does not sleep well can hope to preserve her good looks. Six hom-s' .sleep is necessary for every- oife, but is not sufficient to meet tho physical needs of all. some reiiuiring eight hours, and olhers even longt;r. When possible, nt least one hour's sleep should be obtained bcfoie imid- night, as this is worth all the hours that succeed it. Cultivate a habit of sleeping on tho sido. .Sleeping on the back cramps the digestive or- gans nnd, besides being injurious, i;«uses bad dreams. Avoid heavy reading late at night. The pro[)cr tin'e for study is the early morning, when thr> luain Is fresher to receive imjjressiuna. Sure Regulators.â€" Mandrake and Dan- delion r -u known to exert a poworfu! inllucnce on tliu liver and kidneys, re- storing them t.) Iiealthful action, indiic- intf a regular flow of the Kccretionfl and iinparting to tho organs complei. power to perform their functions. Thesr valuable ingredients enter into the com- puhititin of ra.inie!i!e's Vegetable Pills and Forve to render tlieni the agreeable and salutary medicine they are. There are few pIllB no effective aa Ihey in their action. Every cry of need is God's open door to some garden of paradise. NOT DISPOSED TO CAVIL. Acquaintance â€" That old fanner is telling everybody that when he came out at you with a gun you ran awoy, . Hallway Surveyor â€" Well, he's part- ly right. I ran a way right through his land. ENGLISH SPAVIN LINIMENT Uemoves all hard Koti or ca!louscd lumps and blemishes from hordes, blood spavin, curb.s, splints, ringbone, sweoney, stiflles, sprains, sore and swollen throat, coughs, etc. Save $50 by use of one bottle. Warranted tho most wonderful Ulemlab Cure avar known. AND THEN SOMK. "They have arrested him, have they? What is tho amount of the de- falcation?" "No one knows, but it must bo enormous. Ifo can remember where $10,000 of it went." Are your corns harder to remove than those that others hnvo had? Jlave lliuy not hod the uanio kind? Havo they not been cured by using Hollo- way's Corn Cure? Try a bottle. BUUIED TXlblASUHE. There is plenty of buried treasure within the confines of tho Uritish Em- pire besides thnt which u noble lord has failed to locate. For nearly fifty years people have been searching for the ill-gotten hoard of Coptain Mel- ville, u famous Australian bush- ranger, who robbed hundreds of gold- dij,'gerH bctwtjen Molbotirne and Ual- larat. and is supposed to have ac- cumulated a pile of $250, 000, which ho so carefully concealed that no- body ba.s so far been able to (ind it. lie died in Melbourne jail. ."Vt tho time of his arrest a curious map was fouiul upon him, but even with its aid the most skilful detectives have failed to localize tho spot. FASCINATED UV A FURNACE. At an intiuest on an iron-moulder named Lawtoii, who commlllod sui- cide by jumping into a blast furnace at llirniingham, F.ngland, workmen described how, on the day of his death, the man repeatedly called them to look into the furnace, going hack to it time after time as if by a kind of fatal fascination, although ho hud no business there. When he jumped in he was heard to cry, "Oh, oh, two or three times, but no one could ai>proach the charging-holo for some time on account of the great heat. Only some bones and bitf of metal were recovered. Tho Polaonad Sprini^.â€" As In nature so In man, pollute the spring nnd dis- oaao and was'.o aro hound to follow â€" the stomach and nerves out of kilter means poison In tho spring. South American Nervine is a great purifier, cures Indigestion. Dyspepsia, anil tones tho nerves. Tho best evidence of its efficacy is tho unsolicited testimony of thousands of cured onoii. â€" 76 Travellerâ€" "Am I In good time for the next train to I'uddlcburg?" Porter â€" "Oh, yes, you are in good enough time, sir." Traveller (a quarter of an hour later) â€" "No sign of that train coming yet?" Porter â€" "No, sir: it won't bo here till 6.30 to-morrow morning." Dyeing I Cleaning I Vortlisvwv b«r)f«m4|wttf werktotks « â- MTISH AHIRISAM â- TIIMO M." Lsok (sr >â- â€¢>> ia roar Uwa, at mmt tltttt. MoatTMl^Tarooto. OtUws, Qafka^ »_ " f A KOYAL BOOKLET. Tho Grand Trunk RaUway Sysf-anj arc distributing a veiy handsomo booklet descriptive of the Royol Mu»- koka Hotel, that is situated in Lake RoBseau, In the Muakoka Lakea. "Highlands of Ontario." The publi- cation Is one giving a full description of the attractions that may be found at this popular resort, handsomely il- lustrated with colored prints o! lalia and island scenery, the hotel Itself, and many of the special features that may be found there. It is printed on fine enameled paper, oound in a cover giving tho appearance of Morocco leather, with a picture of the hotel ond surroundings on the same, and tho crest of the hotel •mbosHod In high relief. A glance through this booklet makes one long for the plea- sure of .Summer and outdoor life, and copies may be secured gratuit- ously by applying to any Grand Trunk ticket oflico. THE ONLY WAY. There is only one place In tha world where you can live a happy life, and that is, inside of your ia- como. They Wake the Torpid Knorpies.â€" Ma- chinery not pfuiicrl.y 8upervi.sed and left to run itself, very soon shows fault in its working. It i..; tho same with the digestivo organs. Unregulated from time to time they are likely to become torpid and thiow tliu whole system out o( gear. I'armelite's Vegetable Pills were ninde to moot such cuse.s. They restore to the full the flaKging facul- ties, and bring into order all parts of the mechanism. When a Scotch schoolmaster enter- ed tho temple of learning one morn- ing, ho read on the blackboard; "Our teacher is a donkey." The pupils ex- pected there woultl be a cyclone; but the philo.sophic peflagoguo contented him.self with a(l<ling tho word "driv- er," and opened the school as usual. Pile Terrors Swept Away.â€" Dr. Agncw's Ointment stands at tho heail as a reliever, healer, and sure cure for Piles in all forms. One application will give comfort in a few minutes, and three to six days' application accord- ing to (liroclions will cure chronic cases. It relieves all itching and burn- ing skin diseases in a day. 35 cents. â€" Johnsonâ€" "He said I was an addla- pated jackass. What do you advise me to do about it?" Jackson â€" "Sea a good vet." THE GREAT WEST LIFE ASSURANCE CO. Has good openings in many places in Ontario for Agents. The high profit-earning power of tho Company, coupled with its lower rates, makes it attractive to both insurers and agents. If you have never been canvaMfwd to insure in this Company, or if there is no agent in your locality, write for particulars. J. o. McCarthy, Manager for Ontario, 18 Toronto St., Toronto. Magistrate â€" "I seem to know your, face." Prisoner â€" "Yus; wc was boys together." Magistrate â€" "Nonsense!'' I'risoner â€" "Yus, wo was. We're both about the samo ago, so we must havo bin boys togetherl" A man can nearl.v always mako his wife believe hu was working at the ollico late if he brings her homo a bunch of Howers. Tho healthy glow disappearing from the cheek nnd inoaiiing and restlessness at night aro sure .•.yniptoins of worms in children. Do not fail to get a bot^ tlo of M^jther (.raves' Worm Kxtcrniina- tor; it is an effectual medicine. Levcr'a Y-Z (Wise Head) Dish^fect- aut Soap Powder ia better than other powders, as it Is both soap and disinfectant. A WAY OUT. Mrs. Hiram OITen â€" .See hero, Brid- get, the dishes you have put on tho table of late have been positively dirty. Something's got to be done about it. Hridget â€" True for ye, ma'am; if yo only had dark-colored ones, nm'am, they wouldn't .show the dirt at all. Neglect a cough and contract coQsumption. Shiloh's Consumption Cure T5^ic^"''« cures consumption, but don't leave it too long. "Try it now. Your money back if it doesn't benefit yci. Prices; S. C. Watts A Co. Ml 2Sc 50c. SI LoRoy.N.Y., Toronto, Can. (irent Medicine.â€" Tonti, one of the pioneers of French Canada, lost a hand and wore an iron liuok as a substituto. He was in tho habit of boxing tho ears of refractory , Indians with this iron hnvo remark. !fl that it was "gi'oat meil- icinn" Dr. Thomas' K,cU'ctiio Oil ia great medicine; it takes hold of jialn with an iron hand and knocks it out of the system. Motherâ€" "Tommy, hnvo you eaten all your sweets without even think- ing of .your little sister?" Tommy "Oh, no, mamma. I whs thinking about her the whole Unw. I was afraid she'tl come before 1 had finish- ed them I"- "Bought my Lllk fortHlrty-flva ocnta" â€" This wan one man's way t)f ptitting Jt when ho had been pronounced Incur- able from chronic dyspepsia. "It wan a living death tfi me until I tried Dr. Von .Stan's I'ineapplo Tablets. Thanks t*) them to-day I am well, nnd I tell my friends I bought my life for 86 cents." (to In a box.â€" 80 CAUGHT WITH THE OOODS. The Groom (at the first hotel) â€" "It's no use, Clara; we can't hide it from the people that we are newly married." Tho Rrideâ€" "What makes you think so, Ceorgo, dear?"- 'Iho Uroom (dejectedly)â€" "Why, tho waiter has brought us rice pudding." BEST GERMANS IN STATES. Professor Ilneckel, of Jena, tho great German Darwinian, declares that the best tjormans have been driven to tho United States, and that they have left behind a race of weaker men and women, whoso otT- spring have proved incapable of giv- ing tho fatherland that mental and physical vitality which Germany con- tributed to tho building of the mighty American Republic. COLLECTING MONUMENTS. Collecting monimients is the queer- est hobb.v we have yet heard of. It is the speciality of a Pennsylvania millionaire Quaker. For forty .years ho has spent time and mone.v hunt- ing for tombstones, pedestals, head- pieces, broken columns, gravestones, and monuments erected to coiiiinem- orato Biblical events and .American history. Ho has them erected in a cemetery plot reservetl for the pur- pose, and spends much of his leisure admiring his collection. I PROTECT YOUR FOOD ViflLSON'S FLY PADS KILL THEM ALL AVQia POQR_JM>TATIONS ISSUE NO. S4-05.

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