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Flesherton Advance, 8 Jun 1905, p. 6

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â- â- >,-=•« p ** ISSIAM S M BIM OF FIBE Japanese Officer Who Took Part Describes : the Great Naval Battle. . TIIF C:i{KA'r SF.A rKillT. I other lionts were not duinnKed. Tho A .l.s'i.auh from TokU, say«:-A U...s.sinM shii. was coinpletely sunk Jupa.use ..nkvr win. has roturn-.l to â- â€¢SuM.knvn ,saw the haltlu 'â- â€¢;«"'« S«',l,o, K'vrs the following account furiously. Our shelLs wore evidently of the sea ligl.t oil the 'IbU tollmi; on the Uussians, who show-.d ••\t :. :)0 Suiuniay moriiiiiK a j sieiis of confusion. Our lifth tori)e<lo >n.s.^aKe .eu.ling: -rhe en- 1 flotilla after de«tr.,yu,K the Uoro- » sciuadion is in siKht." r..uche.l,lino followed in tl.o wake of out th.rnaM.I This incssaKe was second <livi.-,ion, the sit'iial reading â€" tninsi..itt<.(l to nil our shi|.« l.y the ; â- Something like the Uussiun "uh"'"',: llagship. with iustriutioiis to get ' ines have been sighted. Alluck r<-adv for notion. Our siiuadron left them.' Ih.-ii" and Iwa.led for tlio â- 'The flotilla followcl, mid located cast charniel of T.s.i.shliua. Our ineu ; the ohjeel, which |.roved to he u seeiiuil to lie liUed vvith new inspira- | siiikiiip; ship, with its overt urned hot- tioii. and were e:>Kcr (or tho lu'is do- ! torn showing. 'Iliirty survivors clung luved (Irht to lM,ein. '" »*>" «'-^'^-k toing for assistance. "Whin Tsushima wus .«i;,dit,..l to Firing ceased with tlio approach ol the .south-west, the sea was roilivh OnrUneSs. und the torp..<lo houts were forced to I •â- According to orders proviou.sly roil for the sh<-lter of the island. ipivcn for a torpedo nltiick niter •â- Our Ihird lighliiiK stpiadron, with ' dark, ul! the destroyer flolillas, tho Tnkii.shihn to port, reconnoitred 'liviillnp into two s<iuadrons, pro- the Hussiiin couise, and at ll.MO a. ! ceeded to attack the Kussians during m. iiiforiiied the main S(|Uadroii by , tho whole night. The Russians frus- trated the first ami second attacks with searrhliKhls. \ third attempt was carefully made and the Vugiri sank a sliip of Ihi; IJorodino type and also hit others. Duriiij; the night the IJussinns continued to iiiovo and we preserved our envelop- ing nioveineiit some distance from I'he lirst and second divisions, ac- j the lUissiaii iiosition. The Kussian coiniinnied by the destroyer flotilla, ; ships lieude<l north-<-nst afti-r day- rhanged to a westerly while ' break, hoping to reach Vhidivostock. the third division and the fourth f)ur oflicer.s and nun were dcterinini-d jl<'stro.vcr flo'illa headed slightly i that not a ship should cscapi;, and eastward. I resolved not to relax their cITorts •â- nuring the manoeuvres the Huh- tmtil they had succeeded in either kwnn llagship appeared to the south- sinking or capturing every Ru.ssian wnrd nt l.'lo o'clock. The lUi.ssians ship. Kteained up in double column. Tho "Our ships always kept ahead of fleet was niiinorous, but no living be-, llie Ilnssiuns. 'J'lie battle was rosiiin wireless telegraph that the liussian fillips were iiassing into the east channi'l, whereupon our main sipUKl- ron. changing its course somewhat to the south wnril. came in sight of OkinsKiina at 1 o'clock in the after- noon. The third division arrived later, and joiiieil the main squadron ired ore when the cavalry natrols of till two urinilS Imve brushes. TnOOI'S niHM'KIOCTKI). The St. Pet(^rslr.irg correspondent of the London Slauflard claims lo hnv<' receivi'fl conliniiution from good BiMirces of the report that the tlov- erninent su»|)ects thi; temper of the troops in Manchuria and nt home. According to private letters from Manchuria, (!<n. Linevitch recently hud li.'i officers and 30i) men execut- ed. The ollicers were .^hot and the nyn hancjed. 'I he ofllcers were ac- cused of di.strihuting proclamations that were found in possession of tho men. TO COXTINIJIO TIIK WAIt. The correspondent of the I-ondon Times asserts that the council at Tsnrskoe-J-?Plo decided by a !uige ina- .iorily to continue the war. 'I'he Czar vacillated before the eloc|Ufnt argu- ments <;f (iraiid J)uk<! Vladimir, hut (|uickly reverted to the view of the .sycophant iiiajorily. 'Ihe I'rench l^mbnssy authorizes the corr.'sponiient to deny the reports of its iiiediut ion, givintr Iiim to iinder- stiind that if negotiations are liegun they will bo coiic<'nt rated in Wash- in.glon, where I'rance and England will net as advocates. The UK.MNANT.S UKAt'II MANII-A. A despatch from Manila says: Iteiir- Admiral Kn'piist, who was command- er of the lienvv crui.s-er siiuadron of the Itussian Meet, arrived in the bay at 9 o'clock on .Saturday evening on board hi.s (lagship, the protected cruift'r Aurora, aceompanietl bv the protectMl cruisers Oleg and Jemt- chug. All the vessels were more or less dainnged, ami there were ijiany wounded men on board. TO f'()i\I.Mi:Mt)KATK FIGHT. A deR[iatch flora Tokio says: III response to thousaiuls of suggestions and enquiries received the depurt- iiieiil fias decided to erect an enorm- Hussian ships ed at "J o'clock Suiulay morning 12 ous lighthouse on Okino Islami as a nionuiiient lo commemorate Admiral ing was visible seiMiied to be in good order. Our | miles cast of Chiyu|iyoii itay, and ships hoisted the flag of action, the lasted all day. Here the Kussians signaling: "Hie destiny of our ; sulTerod their heaviest Inssis. I'hi'y empire depends upon this action. You ' seeiiii'd iinjireliared to re|iel night at- are all expected lo do your utmost.' , lacks. Jiuring our (irst night attack •â- Our men seemed to silently weigh I lu! Kussians showed nine search- Ihe sigiiilicanc.. yf this signnr. i lights and frustrated the attacks, •'Ojr lirst and .second divisions ' but clenrl.v gave us the location of turned to the llussians' starboard, the fleet, which brought succcs.s whil« the third division kei>t in dose ' later." tolled with the preceding two divi- sions. With the .lapaneso ships pro- 1 ceedinv in this lu-der, it was 2.]:{| o'clock when the Kussians opened fire. Thi! liist two shots fell short of our line, anil it wus soni(\ minutes Inter before we commenced firing. 7,001) WIONT DOWN. A despatch from Tokio says: Rough eslimntes made of the Hussian losses in the battle foufhl in the sen of â-  lapaii, exclusive of nearly 1,000 pris- ! oners, vary from s»!Veii lo nine thou- T'hen tho ljaltl<! was on, with firing |sund It is fenii'd that the majority from bolli «iiles. t)ur destroyers kept ' peri.'.hed. ("alculnling on the comple- on the port siile of the main squad- inenis of tho sunken and captured roll, mid i»i this formation we l>ress- ; ships nt uiuvards of ten Ihousand, cd tho KiiKsiaiis against the coast | seven thousand men remain unac- of Kiiiiishiu, and lliev were obliged j counted for. It is iiossilile that the to cli;iiige their course to the ensl. [ships which escapi'd roscib'd some of the meln^ers of the crews of the less forlunnle ships. Jinny bodies have HUS.SIANS OU'l'MA.\OKi;VKKI). "We so manoeuvred our ships ns to hnvo their bows paralleled to tho been washed ashore on the islaiuls iHirlh side of the Kussian line. Tho nnd on the shores of the neighboring Miknsa, of our lirst division, which coasts near the scene of the latlle. had been leading, changed to the | Kear-Admirnl V'oelkirsaiii, who was rear of the line, while the Knsiiga. roi.iiiioniler of the battleship .squad- headed tho line. The engagement ; ron of the Hussian Meet, was, it Was now became very fierce. The Horo- j announci^d on Thursday, killed the (lino was seen to be on lire. A lit tie | Mrst dn.V of the but lie. .May 27, in later the Kussians headed west, and we changed our course accordingly. l''i\(i of our second division concen- trated their lire on the llorodino. Our lirst division now begnn liriiig vigorously, proceeding parallel with j i!|.j(jf,|, the Kussian line, nnd, ns we began to press against the head of the Kiis- sinn line, our third division veered to the Kussian rear, thus eiivcloliing their ships. '"J'ho engagetaent proceeded hotl.y. Our second division followed a course parallel with the iiorlhern side of the Kii'sinns. nnd this movement completed the enveloping. 'J'lie Kus- slans' shijis wim'o seen trying to break througli, and our destroyer flotilla liiterci-pted lliuir course. "This state of envelopment con- linued until the following dn.V, with the ships at \ar.ving distances. Thus t'lielosed on all sides, the llussians were helpless and to esca|)e tho circle. I'revious instructions had been given the deslroyeis nnd torpe- «lo boats lo attack tho Kussian ships, following instruct ituis, the llfth de- Rtro.ver flotilla advanced against a Itussian ship, iipon which the second division had been concentrating its fire, signaling: â€" 'We are going to give the last thrust at them.' liKSritOYKIlH I'KKSSKD IN. "The Kussian ship continued t<i fight. niid. Seeing the opproaching torpedo boats, directed its liio on thcni. Undaunted, oii the conning tower of his fingship, the bnllleslilp Osliubia, one of tho ves- sels sunk by tli(> .lapaneso. Jt Was X'oelkersam's sijiia^jion, ac- cording to report, which 'irefl on the trawlers in the N'ortli Sea, niistuking them for .Ii\panoso tor- pedo boats. llo[es are now entertained of tho recoxerv Ol A In inl Kojestvensky, who is in .Sasebo hospital. The frac- ture to the skull is slight, nnd the other wounds are not .serious. In- ternal in.iiiiies may devebif, however. The total losses are under noo. Only three lorpe<Io boats were Slink ond no battleships or crui.seis were damaged. NOTHIXO TO SIWY JAPS. Togo's great na'al victory over the Kii.ssimi Ileet in the I'.aLlle of the .Sea of .lapan. .SIKOK OF VLADIVOSTOCK. A despatch from St. Petersburg .su.vs: A siege ol Vl.idivoslock is iin- iniiient. The Admiralt.v has been in- formed that a .lapaneso flotilla is also about to start for the Hiver Amur and blockade it. DeHghtfully Refresh Always Pure Black, Mixed or Green Tea. 8old only In load packets. By all Grocora. Highest Award St. Louis 1904. do common and rou,gh do bulls do good Stockers. good (hi light Milk cows, each LOxjiort ewes IJucks I.anihs. per cwt Spring lambs, each lb. Hogs, selects. do fats LEADING MARKETS BHKADSTUFFS. 1'oronto, June 0.â€" Wheat â€" Ontario â€"No. 2 red aii<l wliito is quoted at i)6c to i>7c; goose is nominal at 8oc to K()C. Slanilobaâ€" One-half cent. easier; No. 1 northern, "JSic; No. 2 norlhein, ydAc; Ko. 'A northern, 89'c, i ,, ,, . II. . . /. â-  1- . , : Culls, each lake ports, dc more grinding in tran- i „ , I, b t. Calves, per Flourâ€" Ontario, dull; 90 per cent. ' *'° '^'^'^^ ' patents are quoted at $.1.35 to $'1.- 45, biivers' sacks, east and west, LOe to 20c higher for choice. Mani- toba, So. -10 to S-I.-OO for first pa- tents, S5.10 to $5.20 for seconds, and $5 to §5.10 tor hraii, and $20 for shorts. Millleedâ€" liran lower, §14 to §14.- 50; shorts, §17.50 to $lfl; Manitoba, §18 for bran and S20 for shorts. Harleyâ€" loc for >.o. 2, 4;ic for No. â- 1 extra, and 41c for No. 1 malting outside, Toronto freighls. Ityeâ€" 69c to 70c for No. 2 f.c b. outside. Corn â€" Canadian nominal; American kiln-dried No. 3 yellow, 58ic to 5'Jc, at Ontario points. Oatsâ€" No. 2 white, 41c to 42c west, 42c lo 4.Sc east. ItoUed Oatsâ€" §4.;!5 for cars of bags nnd $1.1)0 for barrels on track here; 25c more for broken lots here, and 40c outside. I'easâ€" ()9c to 70c for No. 2 west and east, and 70c for milling. Buckwheat. â€"59c to 60c east or west. .. 3.00 3.. "50 .. 2.50 3.50 .. 4.00 O.OO .. 3.25 4.00 .. 2.60 O.OO ..20.00 40.00 .. 4.75 5.2.5 .. 3.50 4.00 .. 5.00 (>.50 .. 3.00 5.50 .. 3.50 4.25 .. Hi 6i .. 2.00 12.00 .. (1.50 O.OO .. C.25 . 0.00' ....18c lo 20c .ISc 17c 15c TEST OF MILK SAMPLES. Department of Agriculture Decides to Try a New Method. A despatch from tfltawa sa.ys: â€" The dairv division of the Department of Agriculture is about to undertake the testing of n limited number ofj(i5c, on samples of milk from individual cows 'store, for a period of HO days in a few I Haled Ita.v â€" $8 per ton for No. 1 localities during the present season, i timothy and mi.xed and clover S6.50 lo S7. in car lots on track here. COUNTRY PKODUCE. Butter â€" (Quotations are unchanged. Creamer.v, prints ,. do solids Dairy lb. rolls, good to choice 10c do large rolls 15c do medium 14c do tubs, good to choice... 1-tc Cheeseâ€" Quotations f<n- new are un- changed at lOic to lOlc per lb. Kgg.s â€" Firm in tendency at lojc to IGc. I'ot aloesâ€" Ontario. 00c on track and (55c lo 75c out of store; eastern, track and 70c to 75c out of STOCK JUDGING. Classes Will be Conducted to In. struct Ontario Farmers. A I'ovonto dospatcit .says: .Special classes for the instruction of farmers and their sons in the judginu of live s-tock will be held at variou:> points throughout the province under tho auspices of the Ontario department of Agriculture. H. S. Askell, lectur- er in agriculture at the Ontario Ag- ricultural College, and F. U. Logan, recently .eraduatcd from that institu- tion, will attend the meetings, ancf as both hae had cimsiderable ex- perience in judging they will be able lo give valuable instruction. Kepre- FELL INTO THE HOLD. Fatal Accident on the Wahcouda at Port Arthur. A despatch from Port Arthur, Ont.^ says: â€" On Wednesday morning four to the hold of y were engaged on the'hatch when a .spool of wiro which was being hoisted came in, "„ I men were thrown int. ^â- "^ I the Wahcondah. 'J'hey IGc ' ... i contact with a beam supporting tho ""^ hatch, breaking it and precipitatin,- This will enable the patrons to form some idea as to the value of indivi- dual cows in the herd, hut not more than 30 snmides will bo tested for nn.v one patron. On three days dur- ing the month, at intervals of 10 days, both the niorniii.g's and even- ing's milk is to bo weigheil and ciu'ded on a form sup|ilied by the dairv division. These tests will be coiuliicted in Ontario at Tifallory- town, liigersoll, Mountain View (near ilelle\ille), and lllack Creek (near Stratford). Haled Strawâ€" S5. 75 to $0 per cwt. for car lots on track here. JEWELS STOLEN. The Duke of Westminster's Resi- dence Robbed. .MONTKF.AL MARKF.TS. Montreal, dune 6.â€" Wheatâ€" There was an improved demand for Manito- ^" j ha spring wheat, but as a rule bids were low. Flour â€" Manitoba spring wheat pa- tents, !f5. VO to S5.50; strong bakers', S5.10 to S5.20; winter wheat pa- tents, ?5.50 to ?5.()0; straight roll- ers, $.5.10 to ?5.25, and in bags, §2.- 45 to $2..-|0. Millfeedâ€" Manitoba bran in bags, slioils, $20 per ton; Ontario winter wheat bran, in bulk. $18 to $18. .50; the men upon the iron, 15 feet bo- low-. W. Alaki was so seriously in- jured that he will not recover. W. Karlstadt sustained a broken ankle- and was otherwise injured. M. Kenk- hur was badly shaken up. while C. Crandin escaped with slight injuries. PALE, FEEBLE GIELS. A Great Responsibility Rests on Mothers of Growing Girls. A great and serious responsibility rests upon every mother whose daughter is passing the threshold ol girlhood into womanhood. She is at a crisis, and if she is to be a healthy, happy woman, she must de- veloji rightly now. She must not bo pale, sunken-eyed, sallow, lan- guid and bloodless at this time, ^ht must have additional strength aim ; rich, pure blood to help her tc I strong, healthy womanhood. There il I only one absoUitel.v certain way ti, get new- rich, health-giving blood, ; and that is througli the use of Ur. ; Williams' I'iiik I'ills. F^very pil*' shorts, ?H).50 to .?20.50: mouillC; 524 to S2l-( pi-r ton, as to quality, j helps lo make rich, life-giving blood 4 despatch from I.onilon savs: K(>lle<l Oats â€" Sfead.v feeling in the' that brings strength lo every orgai! The (,'ontral News reports a dining i """''^^'t f"'' rolled oats uiuli-r a fair in the body and Ihe glow of health robhery at Orosviiior House, the le-'ilcmand for small lots, at *:2.22A per to pale, sallow cheeks. Thousands hag. The market for cornmcal is of pale, anaemic girls in all parts ol at ' Canada have been made well and 2.' 50, 'â- â-  A despatch from Tokio says:â€" With tho destruction of Hussia's naval power, interest is returning to mili-ling she looked taiy operations on land. Togo's that the jiearls nnd other very val- viclory tremendously nltei-s the niili- liable art icies had disappeared during tary silualion, and removes all lim-ilhe day. It is evident that the rob- itsOf olTensivi- operations against j lurry was not tho wink of hiirglars. Kussia's maritime provinces. It is j The jewels were valued nt about now- jiossible to efTi-etivel.v dose ! $30,000. and included a inagnilicent \ladivostock. seize Sakhalin, the! pearl necklace and eight gem mouth of the Amur Itiver. Kami- i brooches, chatkii. and any point between the * sidonco of tho Duke of Westminster. . , Valuable jewels, including priceless 'l'"*''^ ^"<' l"''''^'-'* "''-' unchanged pearls, have rli.sappeared. The strict- SI,-, "' 'k- 'J; 'cJ,'"" ''".?,-,> ^, est investigations have failed to re-l j'">â€" V- ^' $'â- ' . to $9 ..0; ^o. veal a to the thieves. The j S"-;'*^'; '''"^cr, mixed, :^7 to $, Duchess of Westminster wore Ihel"'"' l.""'<-" <;b)ver, SO.oO to «b.<a per pearls on Sunday evening, nnd left [ '•'',';• '" ♦";»,'" '."^«- . ., „„ . them in her room. On Monday even- 1 ."r!?"'"^-' "•";" , ^'"T.\ *l;?.o *" for them, and found ^^ • ^ Tor bushel. 51.50 to $1.1.0 m car lots. Tiimeii Hiver nnd tho Arctic Circle that Ihe .lapanese nin.v desire. .'V foreign militar.v observer, dis- cussing the (pieslion with the cor- destroyors ' ri'spoiident of the .Associated I'ress. pressed forward, the Chilose menu- 1 say.s;â€" "Togo's victory ma.v drive time continuing its lire. The torpeilo | Kii.ssia ana.v from Ihii I'nciiic co.'st flotilla arrived within 20(J metres of | of Asia. .Inpnn now has a freehand the Kussiun ship, nnd the Shiranus , in Kussia's marilimi- provinces, and lired the lirst shot. Two other lor- her olfensive capabilities arc unlimit- peilo boats liretl one ench. 'i'he Hhir- ] ed. Nothing bars tho way, except anus received two SUPPORT JCOTT'S t.ML'LSION .cncj ii â-  brlJjt to ciiry (he weakened end Itarved syftcm aloni; until it cm find finrt ijpport in ordiiury food. Send for (r«c utnpl*. StolT * UOW.NE, ChemUn, Bhells, but the ; tho Ktissian force at Vladivostock. whose speedy isolation is |iossible. The Amur HiVer is open lo .lapon. and Kussia's defensive capabilit.v is now enlirel.v limited to Ihe capacity ol tho ("hiiies:'-S|l)erian Hnilwny. ToroBto So€ a-id $, m , all <!ruK|[i>i< OauH*. I.OdK FOI! MOKF. Sl,'(';'F..S.'-(. A'ntrh from HcadqiinrterH of Kiirokl's Arni.v. \ln Fiisnn. fn.vs: Ther"' is < verv reason lo believe 111 it the next rnni)>Hign of this nrnyv will be evi n nioii' siirrc«-sful than the pant. The sobliers have the spirit nnd di.'jcipline of Vet<>rnns, and no- thing is larking in e(|uipiiipnl and supplies. No en^ngf'niontM have oc- curred enst of (lie rnilrond for more than A fortnight, »»! thi- only shots HAPPY DAYS FOR BABY. Thn health.v child is a hnpp.v child. All Its" little troiibli^ vanish when it is digesting: its food well and is free from childish aibneids. The greater part of these ailments arise from stoiiinch and bowel troubles, fever- ishncss. teething and worms. Hub.v's Own Tablets net like ma;dc in these and when children nre restless at ni.Ldit the.v always give sound re- freshing slei'p. Mrs. A. l.el'nge. St. I'lorcMce. tjnc., says. "I'aby'.s Own ! 'f ablets had marvellous results in the case of m.v two months old b»by. lie Was nervous, troubled with co'.ic and liaillv constipated. Init after giving (he Tablets he began to improve at once nnd is now in good health. I also gave the Tablets to m.v three year old boy who was troubled with worms nnd they cured him ns well. Moth children are now- the picture of health, and I am nlwn.vs praising the Tablets to m.v friends." You can get Unby's Own Tablets from nn.v drug- gist or cMrert by mail nt 25 reiit.t a bpx hy writing the Pr. Williams' Medicine Co., llroCAVille, (Int. strong through the use of Dr. Wil- liams' I'ink I'ills. Mrs. Kachol dohn- ;s<)n, Hemford, N.S., says: â€" "As a I result of oversludy in school, the health of my daughter, Kllcii, be- ; came greatly impaired. She grew e.xtremci.v nervous, was pale and I thin, and sulTered from most severO' Honey- White clover in combs, j headaches. .Shu had no appetite, 12}c to l.'ijc per section in 1-lb. sec-; and notwithstanding all we did for lions; extract, in 10-lb. tins, 7c to | her in tho wav of medical trcat- 71c; in (id-lb. tins, tic lo file; buck- ^ ,„ent , her surfenng continued, and I wheat, Oc to (LJc, as to quality. I began to feel that her condition was I'rovisionsâ€" Heavy Canadian short hopeless. Indeed I began to feai cut pork, $16. 50 lo %\ short cut, $16.50 lo SI cut clear fnt back, $20; compound lartl, (ijc to 7e; Cnnadian Inrd, (iSc to 71c; kettle i-endered, SJc to S)c, accoriling to ipinlity; hams. 12c to 14c; bacon. 13e to 14c; fresh killed j abattoir hogs, 5y.75 to $10; mi.xed,! $7; select, $7.50 oil cars. j ICggsâ€" Straight stock. Kic to 16ic; ' scclects. ISc; No. 1, 185c. j Hiitler â€" Choice creamer.v, 19c to 19Jc; uiideigiades, 17Jc to 18Jc; j dnir.v, Kic to lOjc; rolls, 15Jc to, lOJe. Cheese â€" Ontario, OJc to OJc; Qtic- hec, «c to yjc- CAaTUE MAIIKICT. Toronto, .lune 0. â€" Tlio quotations at the City Cattle Market were follows: F.xport, heavy do medium Feeders, short-keep nulls, export Iliitrhers' picked do good to choice loads do fair to gootl 4.00 do mixed lots. nted.. ll.OO do pood cows 3.10 do Cows 3.50 .oO; light her mental powers were failing. One American of ni.y frioiuls strongly urged me to " ' tr.v Dr. Williams' I'ink I'ills. and as- I was willing lo do an.vthing ihat might help her 1 sent for a supply. After using the pills for less than a month, we saw that her vigor was returiiing. and in less than three nionths her health was fuU.v restor- ed. Considering the fact that she had liiH-n ill for two .vears and that doctor's treatment did her not one particle of good, I think her euro speaks volumes for the wonderful merit of Dr. Williams' I'ink Pills." The new blood which Dr. Williams' I'ink Pills actual l.v make, is the whole secret of their great power to euro diseases. That is the reason these pills cure anaemia . heart pal- n.s ; pitation. headaches and backaches, i rheumatism, neuralgia, kidney trou- $5.4t> to $5.75 I l''^''*. "'"' "i host of other ailments 5.35 ! flue to bad blood and Weak nerves. 5.15 l'"*- bo sure .vou have the giiiiilnft 4.25: with the full name. "Dr. Williams' 5.15 j I'ink I'ills for T'ale People." on thi wrapper around each box. I( in 5.00 ' doubt, write direct to tho Dr. Wil- ;>.â- -: ;i 4.8tt 4.00 ft. 00 4.75 4.50 linnis' Medicine Co.. Itrockville. Ont. .H.25 and the pills will be .sent b.v m;til at 4 00 •'>o cents a box or six boxes foi 3.75 $2.50.

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