GREAT NAVAI^ BATTLE Admiral Togo Engages the Baltic Fleet in the Corean Straits. *71UL1.RTI^â€" TOKIO, aiAY 29TTT. 2.15 P. M.â€" IT IS OFFICIALLY ANN'OUXCRD THAT ADMIHAL UOJESTVENSKY'S FLKKT HAS UKKN rUACTICALLY ANN'IIIILAT F.I). TWKLVE WAHSllirS IIAVF. been sunk oil capturicd, and two tkanspouts anli two toupedo uoat drstroyehs have lucen sunk. tokio, may 29. 2. .30 p. m.â€" ix thk battle fought on sat- urday in the straits of korea, the russian battlf.- slurs i50r0din0 and alexander iii., the armored cruis- ers apuiral makiiinoff, dmitri ikinskoi, and vladimir monomack, the 'defence luonclau admiral ousha- koff, the protected cruisers svietlaxa and jelitchua. the repair .siup kamtsltiatka, and the cruiser irte.s- si:n were sunk. the battleships orel and nicolai i. and the coast delence lltonclads admiral seniavin and general-ad- miral apraxine wkue cai'tu red. RUSSIANS DEFEATED. IN FAVOR OF JAPS. IVashington, D.C., May 28.â€" The Washington, May 28.â€"' Dospatchcs Aiuuricau Coii.sul at Nagasaki cabli-s from To!i!o lo the .Japanese Lcgatiou tho Slate De[)artuu!nt the .lapancso here, tht! text ol which has not been have sunk op.e Russian battleship, made public, indicates that the naval four otlier warships and a repair ; t.nsa!;einent in Tsushima Straits re- 6lii[) iu ihe Straits of Coroa. i suited in favor of the Japanese. From information which has been THE world;s markets aEPCRTS FP.OM THE LEADING TEADE Prices of Cattle, Grain, Cheese, and Other I!airy Produce at Hoine and Abroad. Toronto. Muy 30.â€" Wheatâ€" No. 2 white and red Winter are iiuotc<l a^ 97c at out.side points. No. 2 goose is purel.v nominal. Manitoba wheat is higher, with No. 1 Northern quot- ed at SI. ticor^ian Hay port.s. No. 2 Northern at 9i3c. and No. -'i North- jern at 91c. i Oatsâ€" No. 2 white quote.l at 40 to lie north and west, and No. 1 at 42c Cars of No. 2 white on track hero are quoted at 43 to 44c. Barley â€" Xo. 2 quoted at 45 to 4<>c middle freights: No. 2 extra at 43 lo 14c; No. 3 at 42c middle freights. Pi'a.s â€" No. 2 quoted outside at 69c, and milling poas at 70c. Com â€" Canadian yellow quoted at 47c. and nii.xed at 465c guar- anteed £ouinl. American kiln dried, Xo. 3 yellow, fiO to GO.Jc on track, Toronto. Rye â€" Tho market is dull, with pric- es nominal at 6i; to tiTc out^Jde for Xo. 2. Buckwheat â€" Prices nominal at jO I to 00c out.'iide. Floirr â€" Ninet.v per crnt. pat- nts are quoted at §4. .35 to S4. H"» in buvcrs' sacks, east or west; straight rollers of special lirands for domestic trade, in bbls.. ?1.7."> to S4. .>.".. Manitoba Hours are stoad.V: No. I patents. ¥•">â- - .30 lo 5-5. ")0; No. 2 patents. S'j.Ij to $.').2iV i=trong bakers', S5 to §.5.10 on track. 'Joronto. Millfei'd â€" .\t outside points bran is quoted at $14. .50 to St."). and shorts at $17. oO to SI'S. Maiiitoija bran in sacks. $1S end short .ij at S20. Duluth, Minn., May 30.â€" Wheat closed:â€" .Vo. 1 .N'orthern, ?l.lli; No. 2 Northern. ?1.07: May, $l.lli; July, $1.12J; Sept., Sojc. St. Lonis, Mo., May 30.â€" Wheat clo.sed:â€" Cash. Sjl.Ol; May, $1.01; July, «."ic; Sojit., .S3c. Minneapolis, Jlinn., May '-10 â€" Wheat closed:â€" May. SI. 23; July, $1.10}: Sept., S.'^J to 8r,ic. No. 1 hard, 2(5c; No. 1 North-rn. $1.24; No. 2 do., S1.13i. Flourâ€" First patents, $f>.- 6.'j to If)."."}; second patents. .$<j.4."> to $ti..'Jo: lirst clears, S4 to $4.10; sec- ond do., ?2.7.'j to 52.85. Bran- In bulk. $13 to S13..50. LIVE STOCK MARKET. Toronto, May 30 â€" Business wa:; ac- tive in butchers' cattle at the Wisi- • â- rn Market to-da.v. and price.s held stead.v and unchanged. The call for exporters' was about eriual to the .suppl,v. The volume of business transacted iu feeders was mo<Ierate. .and the market for them held steady. 65 40 .0 COU.XTRY PRODUCE. received in Washington to-day it is believeil that two of the Uussiau 1 Apples â€" Choice stock, S2..'iO per JAPANESE LOSSES. ships reported to have been sunk in i Tsingtau, Jlopda.v, May 29. â€" Tliore the Corean Straits by the Japanese jg ^ running naval engagement be- aro the Orel and her sister ship the tween the Russian "and Japanese Borodino. They are hat tleshijis of j fl^,(.ts in the Straits of Corca. near 0.3.000 tons. Three other vcssl-Is re-', ^^e I'-Iands of Oki. It is reportt-d ported sunk are believed to ''ave | j,^,^^ ,,j^, ^^.h„i,, H.issia.i fleet is not been cruisers, the remauimg one be- ; .jj^.j^^j^fj^^, j^,, ^j,e slower ves-s,-Is ing a repan- ship. , , ^ , ,, 1 having steamed around Japan. The Ihe lolIowiMg ,s the text of the ; j °.^^, ,„^^,, ,^ j^^ ^,^ ,t„U^d to a"ament- "''''''"^''' '" '^'"' ^^''''-' ^"^ I be one cruiser and ten torpedo Loats. Nagasaki, 5Iay 28. â€" Japanese sunk the Russian battleship IJorodino and four more warships and a repair ship. The other despatch reatls: Tokio, Ma.v 28. â€" .lapan-se fieet en- gaged the Baltic squadron this after- . J;;;;;.';;;^ 7^;" Hu.^^i;^^, a,,,, Japane.< neon m tha Mra.ts »t Isushuna, 1 „^.^.,,, „^^ disastrous to both lUfts. I The losses were frightful. Every ri-u I v • • . • 1 •HI.! Russian ship was danmged. Ihe behei in naval circles m Wash- ti.. o i ^ ington is that the Japau<'Se resorted I -^ to a free use of their torpedo boats j TtVCATVri: CHT TMCDC in their attacks on the vessels of lINSAINh i>ULDltKi>. V'icc-.Vdmiral's lieet. . The Ja[>anese iinve a large number of Forty Lunatics From Port Arthur THE LOSSES FRUaiTFUL. Paris, May 28,â€" .\ despatch from Rome states that th« Italian Oovern- ment has received a despatch from Chefoo, stating that the engagement 52.50 bbl.; cooAiiig api'les. ^^l to .â- J1.50 per Ibbl. I Bean.s â€" Primes .sell in sn:all lots at ,$l.r,o to SI. 6.-.. and huiid-plcked at .?1.70 to SI. 7.-, per bi:.shel. ] Hop.'; â€" The market is unchanged at 32 to 3.5c. according lo quality. 1 Hoiie.v â€" 'Ihe mal'^et is quiet. and prices lirm at 7 J to Se per lb. Comb honey, yi.75 to '?2 per (!'ox4!n Ha.v â€" Car lots of .\o. 1 timothy aiv quoted at $8 to .''S.oO on track here, and Xo. 2 at Sti.50 to S7. .Straw â€" Car lots quoted at :?G to §15.25 on track, Toronto. 5 00 3 75 3 00 3 on 5 25 4 ::•) E.itport cattle, choice S 5 50 5 5 Do., do., medium I'o., bulls Po., do., lii^ht ... Do., cows Butche.-^s'. pick, d . I'o.. ch )ico I'o.. medium I'o., comaion Po.. cows, choice Do., bulls Feeders, short-keep Do., inixlium .... Do., li-ht Do., bulls Stockers l>o.. bulls 2 Milch cows, choice ... .'So Po., do., common .. 25 Export ewes 4 Do., bucks Grain-fed .vearlings Spring la;nbs, each Calves Calves. c.\ch Hogs, selects. I'lO to 200 IT Lio., fats ar;d li^'hts JEW AGAINST JEW. Di-iastrous Eioting in Streets of Warsaw. A Warsaw, Rus.sian Poland, des- patch says: â€" The Jewish (li.,order3 here on Wednesday night arose from an aiti-mpi of the .Jewish Socialist organization called the Bund to purge the Hebrew district of War- saw of all disreputable persons. The Bundites with the view of expelling their undesirable co-religionists com- menced to wreck disorderly houses. fences, and other resorts. The disturbances coniinucd all day and were still in progress late at night. Eight persons have already been killed and 100 woundeii, 19 seriously. "Tlie damage to property has been considerable. There has been no pillaging, but the destruc- tion of the furniture in the hou.scs has been ab.solute. The mob, armed with a.xes. smashed the doors and windows and brought the furniture out on the streets. The owners of the furniture, in aliempti;:g to save ..heir belongings, were attacked. .3 x.-j! beaten and ever^ killed. 3 3 50 2 50 5 OO 4 Ou 50 2 50 3 50 2 00 15 00 5 00 7.5 :! 50 6 00 3 0.1 3 50 2 Oil Late at night Co.ssacks fjr.d on the ^,1 1 crowiis at two points, wouniie<l fout o- I persons. The police did isoi ijiter- fero acti-. ciy during the .lay. The ccntlict between the re- s, s and 4 70 , . . . .-,. aiiair is r^, ' spectable Jewish social class, s *^' i the disreputable .Jewish element 3 50 5 40 4 50 4 00 3 0(J 3 75 One report is that the respectable .Jews, tired of hearing the members of their race called opprobrious names, resolved, as the police receiving bribes for pratjcting disre- putable houses and persons, to take .3 OO 1 the matti:r into their own hands. 55 00 Lvnother report has it ihftt .lewish 3.5 on . rougr.s. in the of memlers of 5 75 the Bund were levying blac..m:iil • 4 00 upon shopkeepers. In an.v case the (j 50 I Socialists seemingly determined on a Ci 110 i crusade against the undesirable per- .5 75 j sons of their race, with the resilt 12 OiT 1 that crowds of men and boys are $.\ (jo .'>5 WAR NO CHECK. Japan Is Showing Financial and Productive Atiiitv. Uaron Shibusawa, aildressed the clearing house a-ssociatioii on Fri- day. Baron Komura said that the tinaiicial capabilitv of Japan haJ com^.Ielel.v suriuiu'd the world. He Potatoes-Car lot.s of Onturios are P^''« glad" that Japan was showing a nuoted at 55 to tiOc per ba'' on ' ''"'^'"â- â- '^' -"'^ productive ab.lity as i track, according to (piality. and job- j i^lf " '^^ ''^â- "l;''^*'^, ?".'.'''', ',''^"!': ']^^'^: ; bing lots are 70 to 75c lor th? best now s.vstematically ruining the dis- reputable houses. E.xtraordinary scenes were witn>;ss- ed late at night when the crowd? visited the better section of the city and demolished apartments rllea with costly eiTects. Wardrobes, pianos, and mirrors were thrown out of the windows. The mob in th'j A Tokio despatch says: Baron Ko- streets left open spaces for the fall- niura. Minister of Foreign AlTairs. j i„g articles, and then completed thi Baron .Suue. ilinistcr of Finance, and | « ork of destruction. In or.e ilac« which was held; cannonading heard from shore. stock j Poultrvâ€" Chick.-ns. 1.'! to 14c per lit'.: turkey.s, dry pick. d. 11 lo 15c; do., scalde.i, 12 to 13c. torpedo boats in their ileet, and they Keach Chefoo. 1 .\ Chefoo despatch say.s: Forty-four lunatic Russian .sailors and soldiers demonstrated their cITect ivoness ii> the operations around I'tut .Vrthur. Naval ollicials here to-iiit;ht express the opinion that it was unlikely that »"'"">» P^'"'t Arthur, including a viol- such serious losses as tlu>se reported fntly insane lieutenant, who was on could have been iullicted by ordinary ; the Sebastopol during the siege, ar- gunfire. " ' i rived here on Tuesday ami wei-e im- Tho despatch received at the .Vmer- ' mediately transferred to the Russian ican State Department says that the improvi.sed hospital ship Whaiiipol. Japanese Government had made the ' umler the British llag. for transpor- announcement that its Ileet had en- ' tution direct tp Odessa. The party THE PAIRV MARKETS. Butter â€" I'ourd prints are iobbint; at 17 to 18c. and large dairy rolls at 15 to 16c: me limn grades. 13 to lie; creamery prints sell at 19 to I 20c per lb. I Eggs â€" The market is lirm. with salts at llj to 1.5ic per dozen, in case lots. I Chees..^ â€" New cheese. 10 to l().>c po'- lib. gaged the Rtissians in the Straits of Corea Saturday, and had held Ih.-m. The reported sinking of the battle- ship Borodino is mentioned in a de- spatch received at the State Depart- ment to-day from the Ccnisul at Kagasaki. The Orel and Borodino are of 13.- 51G tons displacement, each heavily armed, proteclcil. and designed to make eighteen knots 397 feet by 70 feet, draught, and have each n lofty spar deck, fully 30 feet above the water- line, extending from the liow to the quarter deck. Forward is mounted a pair of 12.4 inch guns in a turret protected by 11 inches of Kruppai-- n'or. Another pair of guns, of the is accompanied bv a former menVier , of Ale.xlelT's stall, and otfieers and attendants exceeding in number the i patients. The condition of the in- 1 sane men varies from a mil. I melan- i chol.v to the violent stage. The ma- I jority are sulTering from hailuciiia- ; tions rendering then* in a condition i that demands an attendant for each ,,, I one. The ofVicers in charue state that 1 bov measure , ., \i i. •th •'(• t« t I ""^"-'' ^^ these casx's are the result ol lv>ng incarceration of sick men in ho.siiital.s Qtiring the terror of the ."iiege. ."-^ome are tlie result of scurvy, and the condition of others is due to the terrible nervous strain of continued bombardments and in- cessant service. All cas-os are ap- HOO PKODUCT.S. ; Bacon â€" long clear, sells at 10 to llOjc per lb. in lots; pork. $15 to §15.50; short cut, $19.50 to i for 1904 exceetied two billion The war, he said. w.)uld last long and lie trusted much in the commer- cial ability of ihe nation after the war ended, wh.n a greater prospect would be opened before the country. He e.xpecti.Hi. he s.iid, further, that the commercial ii.terests would c!o their utmost to develop and extend cotnmerce. He also e.xpected the in- lrnduclii;n of more foreign capital and he counselled his hearers to fa- cilitate this iutroouction by inspir- ing foreign ca[iitalisls with confi- dence in the country. Bar.iii .Sone thanked the f'nancial an. I commercial interests for th.-ir gi-eat assistance iu linar.cing the war. Baron Shibusawa said tliat the conin.erce and product i\e cai'acity of the naliea was growin.g despite the war. The bank clearings, he said. dol- a quantity ol valuable jewelry wa.' Taken out and deliberately smashe;' with stones The ail'air wa.s carefully organized The leaders were supplied with thf addresses of the owners of disreput- able hous.'S and scarcely a suii,le re- sort in Warsaw escape.! d-.strujtioQ. i $20. j !ars, whi.-h amount was unpreceJent- I Cured n e.its â€" Hams, li^ht to inedi- ed. He exnecled that the bank clear- ;uin. l."5 to 13;c: do., heavy, IJJe; ings tor V 5 would exc^.-ed two and jrolls. llV: shoulders. 9Jc: backs, one-half I il..ori dollars. 14J to 15c: breakfast bacon, 12i to l.'fc. Lard â€" Tiercrs. 9Jc: tubs. lOc; pails. lOic. BUSiNfSS AT MOXTRE.VL. M.ntreal, -Ma.v 3t^ â€" Receipts of oats reporteil on the Board of Trade to- day amountetl to about 15,tHXT bush- THE BODIES FOUND. Yonng Men Carried Over Falls a Month Ago. the DOUBLE SETS OF NERVES. Ee:iiariiable Discovery b" a Srit- isa Scientist. A LonQon desp.-.tch says: Ihe Mar- shall TIall prize, given every live years b.v the Koval lledical Sociat.v, has awarded to Hetiry Head, for a:i iriipoitant discovery of the workings of the nervous system. Prof. Head ha.! the .sensory n^'rves of his arm divide<l and then ho watcheil the sensations that followed, rhen h..' had the n.^rves reunited by stitching, an.l he watched the pro- gress of recover.v. The result was that ho discovered thai there a:\' two distinct se; s of sensory nerves. One cc:ive.vs the .sensations of pain. heat and cold, and the oth-'r. th.> s.''ions of touch aiKi also enables one to localize the sensations accur- atel.v. The healiirg power of the skiu depends i-ntirely on the former. HUNDRED-POUND RAILS. Order Received at the Soo Fron. the Michigan Central. A Sault Ste. Marie, (int.. despatch A Niagara Falls, Ont . d.-spatoh says: â€" The bodies of the three youni^ men. John and Ihonias Knapp. Iw.i says: Tho Aliionui steel plant have els. Trade continui's dull, and hold- I brx.thcrs of La.salle. formerly resi- 1 fmishiKl an o.der for 80-pound rail.-* ers are demanding 4ljc. in store, for ! dents of Chippewa, and their com- I for the Canadian Paciiic, and are now No. 3 in cur lots, and 455c for No. iPanion, I'hilip Troutman, of tirand i "ni{aged turning out lOO-poun.' same sbe. are mounte>l ait. There ! P"''ently ph\ sical wrcxks, are 30 other guns of the intermediate j 'ihe scene was extrenuMy pathetic battery, the ve.ssels carrying two n.s the chattering imbeciles mounted BUbinergcd torjiodo tubi>« and two the decks of the steamer and enteretl above the water-line. I cages which enclosed the main .\ special feature of the vessels is hatches and surrounding di-ck space, their vertical longitudinal bulkheads . proviiled for th.-ir liberty and coni- of inch armor, running throughout fort during the pn.ssage through the the whole length of the ship at a. tropical /ones, distance nine or ten feet inboard j from the ship's sides, de.sigued to localize Iho elTect of a blow from a tcrpfxlo. Japanese Minister Takahira has re- ceived a despatch from Tokio saying. In etl'ect. that the ligiiling in the na\al battle thus far has been with favorable prospects to the Japanese. The Minister's despatch is from pri- vate sources. bv Ihe 2. l-Iour â€" Owing to the advance in I Island, have been recovered. Tho | rails for use on Ihe Michigan Cen- the price of wheat, the Ogilvie Flour ; three young men were last seen alive [tral's lines in C.inada. Th.'.se are Co:iipan.v to-day announced an ad- i <"> the afternoon of April 22. when i the nrst 100-pouivl rails n>a.le I Vance in tho price of Hour to $5.30 ] the.v rowed »)nt from La.salle to lish | the .M^oma Ci>!).v. niid ar I and *!5.60. Prices for Manitoba ' "t the upper river near Navy Island. ! heaviest iu u.-e ou any railway. jlUmrs are row $5.10 to $5.30 [H-r | »"'' the supposition was that they bbl. for strong ba'Kcrs'. and $5.40 to ' ''*'' "" ^""0 '"'er the Horseshoe '$5.(i0 for natenlfs. l^nterio dour is â- f'a"^ '^'^'â- ^ '^"'>' proof of '.his was $5..50 to $5.(50 for "Sn- X-al I 'h--^.' V'^^-'t^ -f. " ^-'«t. suppos.Hl t o 1 e ! NE W HALIFAX GARRISON JAPS PURS LING. l.on:lon, May 28. â€"The Tokio ror- rrsjiondent of the London I^ail.v .Mail says that the Russian ll.vt has lnvn dispensed, that several Russlaji .slilps have been risabled, and that the riv maiiider are in flight, with the Ja- panese jiursuing. AI..SO hi:ars of defeat. PLAGUE GROWING WORSE. Over Fifty Thousand Are Dying Every Week. .\ I.ondot. despatch says: â€" Tr. .> l.jii- cet prints advices from its correspon- I'ent in India to the effect that the plague epidemic there continues with unabated virulence. For the wei-k onding April 22 th.-i-e were 5l,t)02 (Ipulhs. compared with r)I.78(> during the pri-ceding wivk. The mortality during the present year promises to exceed the records, which stand as follows: 1901 273,079 1903 577,437 in03 851.2(i.'l 1904 1.022.299 To .Vpril i!2. 1905 ... ti3o.:)0S It is doubtful if the li>;ures tell thp patents per bid., and $5.15 to $5.- I theirs, was found below the Fa'.ls. ... for sivainht' roHer.s-, while bags i '1"^«' /^^"^"^ ">â- }'J. ^^'^ ^"'^'''^ ''''-â- ' 'T.'"'" I Company and a Half From Fred. arc $2. to t» $2..55. Fec-<l-(hnario 1 f''''^'-' 'r''''^ J-'" ^" ''''"â- \ â- 'â- "' ericton Take ttp Quarters. body of John Knapp was louml in i an ' eddy below the Falls Tuesday I A Halifax. N.S.. despatch says:â€" afternoon, that of his brother i The first contingent if tho Royal brail, in bulk at $18 to $18.5i>; shorts. $19 lo $20; .Manitoba bran in bags. $18 to $19; shorts. $20 to , ^, ^,,^„.t tho same place on *â- -',, _-'''"'*7'- •""''â- '' ,'":'""â- '"' *'-'^' day morning at 11 o'clack. .Vn.ut to $1.75 per biishel; $1..50 to $1.()0 : in car lots. Provision.s â€" Heavy Fan- ' adian short cut i ork. $lf?.5(i t<i $17.- 50; li:;ht .'short cut. Sl<i.5() to $17; .American cut clear fat backs. $20; eotnpo'ind lard, (ij to 7c; Catmdian lard. OJ to 71c; kettle renjerinl. 8J I to 9;.c: ham!!, 12 to lie; bacon. 13 ito lie; fri-sh kided n'attoir hogs. : 89.75 to $10; mixed. $7: .<teUx-ts. $7.- '>0. od cars. Esgs â€" .Straight stock (5.30 on Thursda.v moruimr the bodv â- Canadian Regiment arrived from Fredicton on 'rhursday night by 1 special train, and took up their quar- of IMiilip 'I'routiuan was picked ii|' in tors in the Olacies'.;s. which the same eddy. | had been put in readiness for them. ^ I The force includes No, 4 and halt of No. (j companies, a total c^i about 100 ofllce:-s and men. Lieut. -Col. Wadmoro is comnianiliitg oHicr. anl Mr. Adson. of Duluth, on the i''^'' ''ill" ''''" ^â- '""-''' ^'"*-''"-' '"'.'' T^J" Movement to Canada * i 1"" , '1 he newcomers were greeted by .i»uvcui<;x^v lo v,»iio^a, ,^ large ci o-vd who escorted them to THE EXODUS ALARMING. _ ^^ A Montreal despatch .says; â€" Mr. I the barracks lOc; selects, 18c;" No. 1. 15ic. But- I Adson. general agent of the Duluth, terâ€" Choic- rreamorv, 19 to 19Jc- | S^outh Shore & Atlantic Railway. ♦ under grades, l(>i to I7jc; dairy at '"'th ^'â„¢'^'^'S "t Duluth. .said here on -..-.p^.,, iTnT'.-»0 Ci-T T ivr- 10 to i<>}c. rolls at 152 to lojc. . '^'*"""^'^"-^' '^'' '^^'"''' '^'â- ''"'"^''"*'-''' '""'"''"'•â- t ' ^'-'rlUA I HyUUK ocLLl.'ib. London. Monday, :Mav 29.-Tlie ^^^,,,, ^^^^^^ Detailed fifc-ures sl.o' )rrespondont of tho Morning Post | ^^^,^ ,5,^ disease has spread thr..npâ- ^ torrc at Shanghai sn.vs that n IcleKram ' „j^ ^^e count ry rh- Tho Pasteur .-.i.ti- plague senim has been ••xlensi\ely has Ihvii ri-c<ived there frum I'ekin I announrin< that Ro.Iestvonsky's iWt j „j,^.,, j,, n,,, pre.sent outbreak. Al has bitn defeated oil the islands, j ,h„ugh it is impossible yet to give anil is ;!e,.)nv northward, and tliat | j^ delinite i>p;nion a.s to its elVicary. four Russian ships, including *)ie I niany reports show that it Is valu- 1)atll.s)iip Borodino, have been sunk, j able. ChiP't! â€" Ontario. 9} to 94c 91 to 9ic. IJuebec. 1 'that the exodus from the States of UNITED ST.VrES MARKETS. i Michigan. Wisconsin ami Minnesota British Hotise of Commons Ap- to the Canadian Northwest would lo prove of Xt by a Majority 01 6 greater this year than over before. } Throughout these States the farmers 1 '^ Lond-in de.'jpatrh .«ays; In tho Milwaukee. Wis., May .'lOâ€" Wheat ' were all 'talking of lands in the|"" House of Common.^ on Fri- clo.xiv! â€" No. I Northern. $1.17; No. a I west : many were packing up to , ''ay. the second reading of the bill Northern, $1.08 to $112; July. 90}irros.s the northern border. He added : to pieltibil the sale of intoxicat inj; to 90;c asked. P.yi^-No. 1. S3c. Bar- that the exodus was composed large- li'iuors on Sunday wns defv-ated by leyâ€" No. 2. 5!c: sample. 48 to .50c. ly of ambitious young m.Mi, and the sit vites. Hon 15. W. Perks in sup- l^ornâ€" No. 3, 53 to 5 !c; July. 50 to 'extent of it had actually become ! porting the bill co:nnendcd it as aa joOJc asked. " 'rdarniins 'example to the colonics.