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Flesherton Advance, 1 Jun 1905, p. 4

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Jl'NK 1 1905 f HE F L E S HE R t O IS " A l) V A N (3" E ♦. y .^^^ < â- rfto »AiIS^Iâ-  ^^VWWVW'^WV F. T. HILL & CO. wyyvwwywyvy^ i v^''^''^'''^''^'^^'^^^^^^'^'^^^^^^ €xtra Ualues in Buying In ducements for tbe wool season. For this week vvc put on sale many linos of sea3onal)Ie goofls which are specially adapted for the reijuirenients of tlie present month's trading. The qualities in every instance represent good i5tt;f)lc wearing lines and the prices are an inducement to help us to increase and extend our business for the pi-esent month. Be on hand early and see what we are doing. Buying Inducements in Prims. 1200 yards of d:irk am) li^'lit ci>! in Ciniiiiin, Eii','li<li iini Amorican Priuts. This lot iilsj includes somo lino'^ of cruins Print. Tlie Viihies are 10c .iii'J I'iAc kind. Special iiulucomeut piice, per yard 9c Buying: Inducements in Dress Goods This week we put in sili- iirmy liiuis (if Dn-SH (Joods consisdn^ of bbicks and many nf 1 1,.- ' iriin^ culnra This lot represeiit.s Dro-is (Jooda thut aru ycnid values in the ri'suiar way at IOd,, 45o., 60o., and 5. t , p r yd., but. to send them out with a rush «e make this Bpecial iuduemunt jjrioe. Per yard 28 Flannels that are Cheaper Than the cost of Wool ^W yards of extra heavy ])ure wool Flannols consir.tiiii; of li:;ht and dark Rrcy.s, navy blun and black. This flan" nel 18 on extra heavy (luality and is j^oo i value at the regular sellinp; priceâ€" 3oc and 40c per yaidâ€" butas a spec'sl lIlduceau'n^ we put the lot on Hale al per yard L'6 Odd Cities of men's Cweed Pants at $1.50 Per Pair 80 pairs Men's pure all wool Pants representing all sizcfs but, probably not more than 2 or S pair.s alike. Tlieiu are pants that sell in the regular way at 61 75 to $2 40 per pair, but as they are odd lines and wo wish to sell thuin fjuickly, yet hure early and take your choice of $1.7o to §2.50 pants for, per pair 1.5'-^ men's morking Shirts at 15c- eachâ€" all sizes. .oOO Men's Workini^ Shirts in regular sliirtinp; L'in<.'liairi', principally dark color.s in Hfnpes and checks and in fist colors, There is noihini; wronR with the f]uaity ' this line, bur the Hiiinufacturer mad? a mistake and i ut them a little under size, lidnce the reason for a ich a ridiculous price, Moo's Working Shirtsâ€" all siz\ s â€" choice for 15 mm MARKDALE PWii^v' i Site â-  18 piibliNlieil oivery Thursday at SI. 00 per iinnuin if paid in advance, JL.'JO if not so paid. AH Buhscriberii p:iyini/r ?1.00 strictly in aiivanco gut the Montreal Herald one year frei> Ml a reiiduin. District meeting The Annual District Meeiinsj for the ' Owen Sound District was l.eld in lln- ^ MplbiidiBt church, Flesherton, on Wed- nesday evening of last we( k. The sea- B'on on Wednejiday eveniiiL' was purely ministariil in its charaeter, all the niinis- *â-  ters in the district being present. Tlio general sosiion opened on '.''hursday mornin» and was coinpnsid of tlu^ follow- ing r'^prcseutatives:â€" Owen Sound Isl, "â- "â- Tlcv. C; R. Turk. .J. H. (Christie; Oweo Sound, West St., K. W. Mclfrine, John Edward; Markdalo, Uev.W. A. Undwcll, C. W. Rutledge; Kleshorton, K.-v. ,) S. I. Wilson, M. K. Richardaun; Dnndalk, Rev. N. Wolhvood, Thos. Hin'iury; Brookholm, Rev J W Kox, Ho' t Hiirfool; â- â€¢-^V'.odfi.rd, Rev T O Rarlow, .1 I.ipsitt; Chalswonh, Rev C T Cockin«, K () Mi^r- â-  riain; Holland Centre, Rev Meiiiy lierry, Witi Norton; Euphrasia, Rev Tlios Leon •rd, ChsK. Morwo.'d; Kuuenia, Kev J B \Va.HW, Thoa Taylor; Walters Kails. Rev Oi^o Lawrence, Jas. Itowers; (,'orl etton, ' Rev 1U;.!tiKford. Thou Oldtield; Pnco- Ville, liev W F R-,ach, Tins Tucker, Rmv .) W Fox. li A , was elceteil provis- loiml necretniy iiiid Ruv T H Harlow, at.iiistieul socretaiy. The Hii.tisiical re- port sieiwod A ;;ratifving increase in both ^' meinltiship and connexio al (un Is. Ro> (j RTurk was eloctod lo reprnsetit thw nfnt'ct at the Coafurcncu Hialioning Ci.inuiitteo, with Rev W A Rodwell ah , tlternalc. Rov J .S I tViUon and (; W Rutled'je, l<>q. were elected uieinberri of 'â-  th Sunday Sehunl (yoniinitlee, • nm; IUt • K W M.l'.ron and ,T H Chrih'ie, Est)., of Mm Kpwirrth l.,{;aKUo Coniinittut<. Mr M K Hiefiardsnn mid R«t J 8 I Wdnon »er« appointed lo draft n reitolution strongly co idenining the pnijioaid "i itinendinent to ibecrininMl e<Hle,whieli, if '' 'BjiHOfd, will iii'il.u race track KO'nbling â-  lugal, tfi'c «aid rc«ilntion to bo f.irwardod at 'iiiro lo Ur T8Sproute,M I' at (>:taiTa. Tii'i folh wi i« layiiion rere elscied'S repreai'iila'.ivea lo tlio nniiUHl oonfereiiLU to be held in Itarrio commencing .luiic t : J H (-hrid'ie, fiwen .'?ouud; .) C. Miller, Oireii SAund; C W Riitledgw. Mukd.le; R.itt Aa'lor, Floaherlon; T llanbuty, . Dundalh; R, Rronkholm; .John *>»j.ifi«itt. SiOi'tt; £ O M«rr ant,Chau.vortl ; Wn) Foster, Massie; C Morwond, Wodo- houso; Thos Tayhu-, Portlaw; .lain a Howes, .Strathnaini; Thos Uldliul, Cor- betlon; Wni Moore, Uroinore. A rosolu'iim w.ii enthusiastically given thaiikiii!; the FKsherton frioiuU for their hospituliiy. The next ineeling will be h'dd in Mark- dale The oveniuy session was under I ho auspices of thu Woman s Missionary iSocicty, when able addresses were de'iv ered by Rov C T Cockinjj and T G Harlow. Rov O R Turk ean^', and three little girls look uo tlio C'dlectioris v;liilo they sani; "Hear the I'eindes Dioppiiij;." The rain interfered with the uttenu- ancijjit uvenioj^ .seiMion, which was ino^l interesting and inspiring. liiiiibcrlcy. Mr. J. K. Ilauiiiioiid spent Victoria diiy in Tioonto. Miss .Mary Knott of 'i'horiilmry spent a few day.s 'if the [ust Week with fiieiids lure. .Mrs. itobert Lougheed n:u\ sons C'liiV- ord iirul Dalloli of the Tenth Line, Coll- inijwi.od, were the L'liesls of .\lr and Mr.i. J. AL Faweelt oh Vidoria Diy. Miss Helen Lee if Uwioi Sound ii ihe i;uesi ol her aunt Mrs. Ji.seph, Fenis ot tlii.'t place. We are pleased to leu n that .Mrs. M Sniions, who has Ih(oi on the sick list fi.r noiiie lime, is inipro\ iiig. A nuinl-er fio.n here allended the cir- cus al Alealord on 'I'liwiBJuy l.isl. Rev. Mr. Hurlliuit of KleHlieriirii took eliaigo id ihe .-<;rvice in the Uni.iii Church here' i.n Sunday hist. MisM I'Miia l(rnubury of Thornl.ury is vi.viliiig friends heiu al present. ftliss Kulft Scott of .Shgo spent Sunday al her tmrental homo Iioie. M-.'-s .Vlury Simlh of Fle»herton spent Sunday at hei pareiilal home hero. Mr. anil .Mrs. Herbert Fawceft, .Mrs. Arthur Couri, Mis.i Katu (}, urt, Mr. .L MelCeowii nod Mr. Earl H,dl..f P.-Hini; wood spent Victoria day al Mr. .l.l'.faw ci-tt's of lhi8 plajo. Me.isiH. (jeorgo Mit(dioll ami W. A., of t'lesheitoii, weru in to*ii on Vicioi la ilay. A number fioin hern took in the picnic al ICugeii a on Vietorin ilay. McLean and Misj Nellie IVdlir Cff Rockvale spent 8i\turday and unday Willi friends here. Mr. Irwin Fawcetl of HcithcotB was toivn on M..niUy i„st. Mrs .lai. Smart aeconipaniod by Mia. U J. StUArt are visiting with frii'iiils iii I'owasvin. Mr. .S. Mufr of Me»for.l was In town on Friday Uht. Mrs ,)ohn Arnot of B .lion, Mia. \X. Pigjin i.f IMoion, Mr. and Mia H Mboia Fiesheiton, Miss May Moors and Mr. ('. IJuniiia ol Proton spent Vict-iria day at Mr. (Jeoige lliilchi.solis of ihis place. Miss Aii.y Mill spent Sunday with 111. lids 111 Markdalo. .Mr. and Mrs, Urorgn Turner, llaath- c.lo, Tisited at Mr. Albert Mjrlea' on Sat 111 day. Mr. and Mrs., of Proton, spot Suiiirday and Sunday at Mr. Geo iiuKbisiin's. The Holiness Workers will hold an all-d.iy niei'liii!; in ihc Union Church here on Wednesday. .Iiino 7. Two of our ooeri/etic young Initio '.ss men iiiiije.'ir to Oe giving some iinportao ! (pie.^ticni their most serious coosider- atian thesedaysi. Wonler if the tliouglit of j.'ioiiig thu benedict" ever enters tiicir minds. Wllilo brin;,'int; a cow into lowu aloiiu the (i.irafraxa lioadon .S.iturday i.ftorn..Mii a fanner had ao exciting expoi iciu'e, wlole the cmw met her liiii.ih From some nins.' or other went wild and tliai'4' .' at the mail nlio was leading her wilii .i rope. He, in order to eseajio her all :. i. - dodgi'd behind a lelecvaph pole, wh . ihe cow butted so saiayely lliat she r. bouiidt^d several feet .iiol was stuniie.l i \ the eidli.iion. The injuries which I lie no. received ficnn the shock were mhIi that it was deeded she could not reoover luid it was lina ly decided to kill her. 'I'o «hai e.uise b.ivioe inadne.s is due, we know not, liui those who have witiie>se'i it will aekiiiiwledge that there are loss for inidalde animals than an infuriated e. m. â€" 0. S. Advertiser. Up to Date Tailoring Why iWiy a ready iiiadii suit wlicii yim can gee one for al)- out the same or very little more, tailor mado and- i;'ood ill that will staml morO'wcar and tear tlian'two or tliree ready mades? H. ALEXANDER The Fle.sherton Tailor School Children's Eyes. Many lives Tiave been ruineJl throit^i neglected eyestrain in chiyhood. The eyes of everychild should be examined. We have made a special study of this branch of optics, and'guarantee satisfaction. Con<;ult;itinn free. W. A. Armstroniiy 4CWCLCr -VNO OOTiClAN FLESHERTON. r â- K -rf "^'^ BOYD, HICKLING & CO, FLESHERTON, ONT. When you aio ready to maikct yonis, rrmembor we will purchase any quaiili-y, aud allow you tlie liigliLSt prices in Ciisli or Trade. iiri>1f.u..'.W-La«»i A Big Assortment of Yams Flaunt la blieetiugs Tweeds Blanlifcib Clothinsr -r'-At . .?>» t Prices. g Specialties For Summer Wear Thi.s Week [i'S. IS' ifi Fur some time we have been devotini,r particular attentior. to our Clotliiiiir Department ami as a result can ofier you a bij; selection that is second to nor.e m this county for style, price and Avorkman.ship You will fintl the newest, neatest aud most attractive patterns here, and the fit of every garment will please and satisfy you. R/len's Suits in Tweeds. Worsteds and Sergps, $5.00 to $15.00 Boys' Three Piece Suits Boys Two IMece Suits Boys 'J'vveed Pants Men's Tweetlaml Worsted Pants M:n's Kaincoats -HOO to .$16.00 2.75 to 3.75 50 to 1.00 l.'^5 to 4.00 2.75 to 10.00 A $5.00 SUIT SPECIAL lion's T«ee.l .Suits in a neat striped pattern tine wool tweed-purfectly non-placed in .stek thus month-well cut made and tninmed. Your choice of single or double breasled. All sizes 36-42 W^e SPECIAL $5.00. can please you in Fino Sunnner Footwear for Ladies, Gents and Chihlren. .- â-  ^eparliiient J Seasonable Lines Gurdcu Bulica IIOCB •^ Creamer Cmjs •MiltTaJs Cliunis WalKPaner Paints Varnishes Screen Doors "IDEAL" Wire Fuuaing Poultry Netting Fence Wire .*=â- " Wire Gates Lawn Mowers Wringers 'Washing Maolrinea " Screen Windows Oct our quotatione on Building Hardwate. It will pay youl Boyd, Hickling & Co. Tksberton E .•^1, ♦â- (^**imt**?H;^**iieiHMei«***«*5lsl

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