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Flesherton Advance, 1 Jun 1905, p. 1

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Xtoatta. <s «•*« •'TRUTH BEFORE FAVOR." â€" " PRINCIPLEb hOT MEN.' VOL XXIv, NO 12% Flestierton, Ont., Xhursday. Junf^ i lOOo W. H THURSTON, ^''^''^ PKOPRIETOK >- . m^ia JBrnm Going To Get Mariied ? If sii j'oii will want 11 uica wudcliiij,' riuif. We have them in a |,Teat variety and iit jiist the right e © Going To A Weddipg ? IfFoym-.viU want to take a present a't'liiT. VVi-h'ivi' Ih;i iiiiinv bountiful BLACK. Wnol) CLDCKS which we will f,-Il ac â- â- â- isi f'lr the next tiftfi'n days. Thia ninans sinnethintf to you. Make a note iif It. These are siiitalile for general use. See tl\«ni. rLi;sB t RTU>', ONT pi-(jhalily luuchcd wall awe and wonder | Miss Mae Dou^his 2ot a luisty fall from j Ht tliu number of dnuiL-stcs to be seen flit- 'her wheel » day or two a^'j. A bruiaeil tinu or, niaj' it bo possible that she face was the result. Qet More VimI If you are tired, nervous, sleepless, have hendaohes and lan^our, you need Ur. Hamilton's Pills; they tone tha stoni- acb, assist di:ie3tion, brace yi.'U U|)«tonce. jTakiMi at niyht, you're well by morning. ' and lired feeling. di:^alJpear in- stantly. Vim, spirit.s, happy health, all the ji>ys of life coines to everyone that Uses Dr. Hamilton's Pills. Xo niedioino ' 80 satisfactory. Get Ur. Haniilion'a Pills | to-day. 2oc. per box at all dealers. ; jtn-str^yziimL ES'^ W Industrial Home Notes ., K* (/>;/ an Lmuzie) J or, Lboui>ht them to be poor relatives deoen- dent upon the niuniticent bounty of their kind benefactor, i^e that aa it may, she advanced to the, 60us;bt an i obtained an interview with Little, who, by the way, was in the field, engaged iu pickii'g stones. The interwiew wa-< not long Ui'r yet strictly private, fur. as before reiuurked, Little's articular power-* are not i.f the keenest, for .she was heard to rem.ivif i" i* very sonorous tone, 1 am in want of a home (her appearance was a .safe guarantee for her wurd.s.) "Well, 1 jjueas you can get one here, and aa ;iood as 1 ha^e," repliid L. For a uioirient she g.ized loi!gini;ly at hiiii and then said "No, no, not here." Before leaving him she was heard to remark , "If ever you make up your tnmd to do what we were tulkini! about wiife to inc at W and it will be all right.' Away she toddled toward-s town, and Mr. Little returned to l.'is job of i^n;king stones and to ruminate on the suliject ot "L'lm-quited Love." The matron is taking a well merited viicdion among friends in Cha'sworth, people. '.>wen Sound and Jackson. This is the | Feversham and Maxwell f->..tbaU clubs !irs>t variation Mrs. Harne.«a has had and I l'''»y«<i '<â-  tie game on Saturday eveuinsr, we trust it may be a niost pluasant one | week. The return ra.itch was played last £ler niec*. Miss Simpson, of the House | Saturdayyvening. Kesiiltâ€" 2 in favor staff aeconipanied her, and may not re- ( of Maxwell. McFarland, Stafford & Co"s. Big Store, M.^RICDALE, OrVTAl^IO Grey County's BIGGEST and CHEAPEST STORE ' Maxwell spent G. S. Mrs. Morijan, of Owen Sound, the 24t,h with her dau!;hter, Mrs Flesher. A social hop took plac2 at Mr. T. Guy's on the ei'ening of the 2ilb, when a jolly time w;i8 .spent by a large party of younfr turn as her p.-ireiita are dLsirous that she shall receive » more advanced education. A Uuique Romance Of all places either on or below the .-uifaee of this terrustiul bail, a House of ( llifugo would seeminyly be the la^tj resort t 'rawou:iu matrimonially inclined to seok a husbaii<l;yet such a circumstance actually occuried here a few days a;;o, the fact.'? of which are simply as follows; Many years ai:o, a present inmate of tUi.3 uistitution, whom, for obivious reason-!, shall be distiuised as Mr. Litile, (for, assuredly he is not veiy bit.') and <uie time was in sjooi circum- stances and possessed of considerable valu.i'.ilo property, was engaged as a lab- orer on a farm, the location of which the writer is not familiary eounizant, but no uiaiter, it snU ix sts it some point souie- wberS north of Marktiale and soutli of Alaska. One day a Itidy called en the family; it being the dinner hour, she was, in the good, old-fashioned hospitable manner invited to "sit by. " The invitation was graciously aceeptfl and she was casually intiodnce-' to friend Little as Mrs or Miss somebody but -Mr. L. cannot, rend er who, or whether she w IS Mrs. or Miss and feeling Little i.'Uerestdl at the introduction the matter soon entirely faded fium his mind. Years rolled on, and with the lolling of years came a change .'or the Worse 111 the circunislances of Mr. L. linaiiiiH for a moment his surprise on receiving, a few weeks ago, a letter, the cover of A-hich was literally tilled, and JHniined together was an aildress which could not tail to liiid him in any portion of the wes-tern hemisphere. Mr. Little's stuck of erudition is very limited, and after the failure of sever*! of his comrades to eUicid.ittf to him the contents of the letter he gave the btUet deux, for such it jirovod to be, to one who is supposed to ba sonV'W.iat of an expert iu d ciplierina hieriglvphic?. Wo refrain fi'om •_'oiiig into details, but, as .Mr. L. is as deaf as a boot-j:ick, it was abs.due'y nec issary for the iiiterpieter to read the missive in a voice, which, like the "blawing ataiie" iUiiJed t[i io .Johu BroA-n's school days teyerbei.ited to aliucst . every corner of the house, and it IS no .breach of con- hdeiicu 111 paying that the writer e.\pre.s- Bed her intention of coining to Canada in the notr future. No* Mr. L. was as much liekled at the tone of the leiier as Ilo was p'rplextd at placing the myster- ious I'liicr, who, to him, was a total stranger, tut,who,llev^'rlhele^s, appeare<l tc kno'V "great deal ab.ut his loiniei life and ciruum.itantes and conclnded to keep the letter, "hoping to receive li;ilit ou the siibjoet. His reply «aa brief and to the point. Ue merely acknowledged the receipt of the letter, his astonishment at its tenor, coniuig,««ii did fro in a person entirely unknown to hiui, i>r, to the best of his kii wledge,never seen liy Inm; that he could make no conces-sions, nor ^na her any encouragement in her cherished hope, tint he was in good health, a la«- abii.i-'g citizen of Markdale hut could not give the least cmsideraiion to her views until he was better acquainted with the unkno«n but probably well meaning cor- re«pond,jiit. SKQt EI..â€" About two werks a^o we obsfrved approaching the an elderly woman prtdiably of three score and ten yeal^^, a.s jud«ed by the curviture of h. r vertebial appearance and ItKoiiiotive power which was la'gely dependent on a st.<'Ut staff on which she «ppe«ri-d to heavily lean. Pausing for a few luoment.s, she gazed on the grand structure before her, (he dwcUini! place o( her piusjiective lord and protector, and Victoria day was celebrated at Ejgenia iu a ri;jhc royal manner. From the e;irly hours of morning people coinmeiiceU to arriva; by noon hundreds were on the grounds. Picnic parties from ill parts came to tnjoy a good time, which .shows , our popul.-ir summer resort has b^sCuouel of its charms for pleasure seekers. .\ ' f.'Oiball game between Fleshertoii and I Eugenia juuiors resultcJ In a lie game. ' A baseball game between the married men and the siimle resulted in the l oor 1 j^J,,r.itii,^, ihe mavea iu the married ones getting badly beaten Mar- j ,„,j I'resbytei laii cemetery. In the ev ried ineu 1, single men lo. The poor fellows too heart. /lar'! attended. Aniona I Mrs. (R-jv.) Kemp is in Toronto this week iitreudii;g as delegit« at the Wom- en's missionary convention. Osi'rcy Council met here on Saturday as a Court of Revision. 1 here were only two appeals, notwithsianuiog the fact that Assessor Alli.son h^s raised the assess- ment so very materially during the past year. May 24 was quiet here, althoui'h our little burg ivas iiic-.;ly decorated with tl.igs flying from the various ii ig .staffs rrpres- enriiig various nations, yet we believe iho owners of such were Canadi-ms lirst, last and forever. A iiu:iiber of our young folk drove over to the falls A number of periple also took the opporr.iiuiiy of A Felt Hat Bargain, S2.2.5 FFLT HATS for 98c. We put nn sale this week 68 Men's Felt Hats, mostly Fedor.-va, a few stiff and Derby sh.ipes in the aasortineiit. These are broken sizi-s or left overs of some of our best selliui; stylos. Only one or two of each siyle or shade left and aa we are ansious tc sell every Felt Hiuh, greys, fawns, browns, gun inetals and blacks, not more than tw o or three sizes of any one style, but all sizes in tho lot. Regular values were $1.50 t.i ."^i.'.J.i eich. Your choice tliis^week for 98.: S-3.00 SLIT LEXGTtlS f-r .J2.50 We put on the br.rgain couuter this week 20 Si-it Leugihs. These ends are all good h'.iiesh Canadian Tiveed or Worsted.s, O.i to ~ yards to each length. The goods are pertectin every \v_ay. but fia' .-^oine reason the ijuttefiw have not been good sellers anil \vc can't ali'ord to take up mom with slow selliug goods. We prefer to get an adver- tisement out of tliem by oii'ering them at half price. 2!J suit leng' hs of Canadian Tweeds and \V,.rbCeds, a-<sorted patterns and colorings, each length Gi to 7 yardsâ€" or full Suit Lengths. Regular values 90e. to §1.25 a yard. They go on sale Thursd ly morning at your choice per Suit length 3.0G I ning the JUis-ion Band gav,- an entertaia- iheir dei'eat very much to i „n,nt in the iNletbodisr church which was many vis- lar'icly attended. Messrs. Bert Saddabuy and .A.rt. Peg- renat of Berlin were quests ot Mr. au'l Mrs. George Grahaui. They aduiired very much the rii'.:ged, wild scenery of the valley, and have taken borne a num- ber of snapshots taken fro.n diderenl points of ihc valley, 'ihey were delight- ed with the tisbin'4 arouuUs and hope to return for a lounec iu the near future. .Mr. and Mrs. T.E. Fenwick of Paisley, 1 (rriai Fort W .â- iccoinpanied by Miss Julia Parliament, i fy,,,]^ ..j.^m.,,;,,,, ^ itors to our villac;e we no' iced .Mr. and Mrs Bruce, of Toronto, at Dr. Scott's; .Miss Lizz;e Winters, of Toronto, at John Winters; Mr. Will Morgan and nmilier, at litr daughter's, Mrs. Flesber: Aliss Campbell, s--bool teaclicr of -Ith line, at Mr. W. U. Guy's; Mr. Guilfoyle and Mr, Tolfer, of ('ollingood, vusiicd with Cap'. Will. Benu'oRe. Mr. Harry McCallmn, who came home iani a short lime ago, in- lis week. paid a short visit to^ friends here and ^],._ Tllonia,s'(juy gave the young peo- | spent Victoria nay at F.ugeiiia. _ | pie of this vicinity'a |iarty on the bvb of Mr Edwin Large of barnia is visiting j ti^, 04r,li, in honor of his son's birthday, at the Lugeida house. Tlure were upwards of one humired | The e\an-eli>tic meetings, conducted I |,^,„|,|y p,t...,L'Ul and al' enjoyed ihein- 1 by Mr. Roland Edward, at Eugenia, have j 8i.lvj.s i,," d-incing and other amuseliienis. ] lieen very t-uccisful, a goodly number Rose Patton and sisters, Annie, j having professed m both chuichts. The | Gm-iii. ii„d Katie, i.f CuKingwood, visited j 3.50DRESS SKIRTS FOR 1.89. We have been doing an trade in Ri'iidy fo-wear Skirts this spring and every week ihe sales keep increasing, but . there is always sure to ^e some slow sell- ' ers, no matter how carefully you make I the selections there is some style or cloth i that doesn't t:ike with the buyinii pnbl-c : We bud in the Skirt Seciiona couple of .lines of Frieze Skirts that are hardly ! hriikeii on. The lendoncy seems to be â-  for Lustres and lighter weight cloths. 1 These Frieso Skirts are perfectly made ' and perfect in cloili and style, only 15 in • the lo\ but 1j lad cs are goini; to get a , Isargiiiu. Regular values 2.75, 3.00 and 'o.."iO. On sale Thursday morning, your choice for I. SO. I THREE SPEC1.\L8 IN LUSTRE ! SKIRTS ! Wo have three sp,.cial values in Lustre 'â- â-  Skirti at I'. 50, -t 50 and 5.00. Th -se are â-  perfect litters, handsomely made in l.-itest I siyles from rich, blight lustres, I each one bears tiio maker's trado-inark, I "Milady, 'all sizes in blacks and bin.vns at eacli" 3.50, 4.50 and o.OO. 50c. SCOTCH LINOLEUM FOR 40c. We have several handsome patterns in 72 inch wide Scotch Linoleum in block, til.' and d-iral designs. These come from a fainou.s in.-ilvcr,aiid aitliouah the solid cor's top are a .-^oft piliable nuke, with llu.. » -..' ijuarantced, wc have always sold tli. : 50c ;i scpiatu yard, this year our |iric â-  is -i-Oc OOo. FLOOR OIL CLOTH FOR Soc: We are showing a big range of Canadian Floor Od Clotb.s in several handsome de- signs an.l coverings in block, tile and lloral piitern. They are here in 1, 1[,U 2 and 2i yards wide, at per sq. yd. ;•'.). HANDSi,)ME SILK WAISTS ?2,2a We have a nice a.ssortm'jnt of Silk w.iist^ in white and black wash Tati'jta, in siica .â- 34, 3(3 an:l 33 bust. These are hand- somely inado with tuokuig, hemstitchiu-.; etc., and are made to wash, special vali;-^ at 2.2^- Re», Mr. Holmes, evangelist ot the Eng- lish Cliuich, held a revival .service in the Orauiie hall on Sunday afteiuoon, which was well attendtd. All h pe the good Work will uo on. Mr. and Airs, lijiiry McLouohry of Markdale were guests of Mr. and Mrs. Fred Pedlar on Sunday lust. .Mr. Wesley Lalimcr of Toronto visited bis parents recently. He enjoytd a few days tlsliiiig when here. Mr. Ducketit has had an arteaian well drilled on his taiin iu the valley, Depth when completed, 110 teet. at Mr. W. H. Guy's iL'tweek. .Mrs. . Hall visited wiih her mo'.lier Mrs Hatnhn, of this village, a few d.iys previous to har leaving for her new home at Dorchester, N. B. Dr. S<:ott and wife paid a visit to friends in Toronto last week. Mr. Tom Scilley, <'f Stayner, is visit- in:i friends heie at present. Our local lisherineu report very poor luck, uor oven a lite. Rev. Uiil::it;.s conducted the services in St. Marys church on Sunday hist. Miss EU-i Spolf,>rd cauie home from We Want Your Wool If you have wool to market this season w>} aro ii; a position to handle it; to your very interests. If you want ca.sli we can giiaraiitee you the very highest market value. If you want to trade it -Ml' inerch.indi:5e this store can save you money. Every depart- ment, is crammed full of NEvV, HONEST, UR-TD-D.lTE GOODS bouiilit in the best; markets of the world for spot cash .ind every aiLiele or piece of ijoods i.s n.ark.J in plain ficnres with une price to all, and our guarantee, "Yoiir money back if not .satis- fied." ^Driiig business on these broad principles bhould appeal to t,he sensible buyer. \|r. Joseph bl iwkiiis also had one drilLd Toi^ontolisi week and a windmill put_upon his farm by the ^ jjrj,. Fed Si,oll..rd visited hoi- home at same contract- OS, Mr. Ariley ot .Hirkuale Dr lii.iid attends at ihe Eui;. mi h.iuse on Tue.-day afternoons, not Fiiday a.s bc- foie stated. Mr. T. E. Fenwipk has the lite A'iUon or ihers property and intends moving soon again to Eugenii. laiulcleur Nollawasiga. * > «#> I m - MlR. Gilbert vi.~i:ed her aunt al Chats- worth a few days list week Mr. and Mrs. Carrutbers,of Woodhouse were calleis at Mr. '.leo. Warling's recent- 'y- Mrs. Rolit. Piycbaitan . :», recovering fr<mi an of inHamraatory rheumat ^^^j^ ^j^^ ^^^.^^ ^,^^ ^^^^^ g^^,, j^.i^,,., ism. Hutchison of Ux. When.jou grow old. The body needs patching â€" wasted tiss- ues. must be rebuilt, played out organs restored â€" bloial needs ucuvishinent. El- derly iieoplo need Ferrozone, â€" need it t^ecause it vitubzes and rejuvenates as ro other remedy can. Ferrozooe bui!ds up the kind of 8tren>ith t,h\t m.-ikes one feel liood, â€" keeps back the decay, if old age and mikes you look youii-.; .and bandsmne again. Forget nervou? exhaus'ion, re- new your vita! energy, aaaiu re-enter ihe life of youth. Y"iii' remedy is Ferrozone .Mr. anh Mrs. R, biiiigc, are visiiing at Mr. W'ni. Hutch inson's. Miss Heard, who went to the hospital last week, has undergone an operation which, thou-h very, was success- ful. We hovio to hear soon of her com- plete recovery. Miii.s (iilberl of Wjarttm, iu visiting her aunt, Mrs. Wailing. Miss Kosio (iiibert, of the P. O., is] l*rlcevlUc Several nights of wbit^ froat foll.iwtd by r»iu this week. Rev. J.H. Kdinidon of Cheltenham preached the aiaiiversary seimons in iruini;; tind eveii- ingic St-'Coluniba church Sunday, May 21. The entertainmeul; M<>nd«v Bveniiin follow ingwiw given Viy Kev. Mr. tockinj? witli hi« Unie llKlit view"* of J.ipaii. Kviryone present seemed delighK^d. Hev. Mr. Bietbv, who wM stationed for W. Hockley PIa^OTOM I9O5 W. Hockley > T A T I O N- S T O I^ B Now that we are starting on tlic .-spriug season, iu going through out sioc kwo ^ find tliat we liavc many liues that we can give ouv customers atgreatly reduced prices, as follows: 24 Ladies fancy lawn blouses, regular 1.10 for 1 5 ladies fancy stripetl blouses on sale at A large assortment of ladies sailor bats, your choijo Special prices on piri-its, regular SJ and G* for ^ New neckties, latest styles, snap at 20 As we bonglil tliena 15 learning the dreas-inakins iu Markdale. f nomc time on ^hi.>i circuit «onie thirty-four The S O. T. will hold their District years a«o, visited this vicinitv last wecK and meeting here on June 16. A public I W'"â„¢.! in the U. K schoolhouse' and illus- . * ,, , Lii; .K„ „_.,,;„„ .; tratci his lecture With South African, Coiean meeting will be beldni the evei ini?. A , ,„^, ,^„^i^„ ,^,^^,,^i^„„ ^j^„^ program will be given. Particulars late-. ] ^jj,, j^^^ R,.bert»on is v sit ng h«r mother Mrs. J. M. Davis liSH been on the sice 1 this week, list. We hope she will s- 'On be better. 1 K. Watters spMi'»be holiday in the cty. Bjceptional values in Lirlies and gents rain proof coats, right we can sell them at the lowest possible prices, i 203 lbs dutch set otiious to be sold at A large uew stock of boots and shoes to oboose from â€" jcsi,, tlje rigl;t, liijid ta get fur summer wear. Wc handle *H kiuds of garden seeds and at the riglil prices. CM und got 8 p ickagcs for 'i^ (J.ima and buy a siinhale, as wj h*vo a lari?3 asnit n vit to e'lo H-? from, and Ht lowest prices. Don't forget that we pay tiigliest prices for ftll hinds of" farm produce. Also remember that we lead and ulliers foiluw iu alt kiuds of gnceries. W. Hockley Proton Sta

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