9 â- f â€" STARTS FOR VLADIVOSTOCK Russian Fleet by Sea, Japanese Army by Land. ^ - nTS KKIJVES SlIATTKUF.n. A (Itspatch from London suvb: â€" Ad- tiiiral liirilolY has been apiiointftl to tho supiTinc coinniand of tlio Hussinii I'aciiic Kquailroii as noon as it roadi- es X'ladivostock. 'I'lio .SI. IVIcrsljurg corrfspoiidciit of the 'i'inu's sa.vs thai llu- (lutu of his doparturn for X'lndivoslock is kffit Mitvt, li-.sl it iii<li<ali; Aiiniiral Hoji'Stvi'iisky'.s ijiovciiiciils, hut it i.s iiiidi'istood that lie «il Ia' allowed nnipli! leisure to preparo tor tho jounii'.v. This implies a turilur Bo- ^ourij of Admiral Uojcstve'i^ky's fliut ly soiiiiicrii w;. tors. 'i'lu) St. I'utorshiirj; corrospondont, of tho 'rimes claiuiM to have hiijli; authority (••inlirming; tiie report that Acimii-al liirilelT will siiecced Adiiiir-! ul liojeslveii.sky in toiiinuind of the, Hussiati lleet when it reaches Vladi- Voslock. A iiigh olliciul of the stall informed the eorrespoiident that Ad- miral liojestvensky was not, conii)ull-i ed liy sickness to ahandon his com-' Jnaiid. but that his nerves luivo been shattered by the terrible strain lie has ijiiilereoim since lie left Sl.l I'oter.slnirg. and his breakriown is | probable. Nevertheless, tho stulT IS c<uilideiit of his physical abilil.V to retain conimaiiil loii^ eiiouj^h to en- K<'ge t!i(! .Japani'Se, ami it hopes that ho will be able to take tho lleet to Vladivostock. When that is accotn- ])li.shed his arduou.s and glorious mis- sion will l)(r more I ban fuHilled ship of ,7npan on tlio snmo day near the I'escadore Islunds, Straits of Formosa. Tho rargoos or dostinn- tioiis of the two vessels aro not an- nounced. PLAGUK AT JIAUHIN. A <Icsi)ateh to tho lA)nilon Tele- graph from Tokio says there is reli- able inforiiiatioM that a .scv('re epi- demic of |ilague is raging at Harbin. Tho deaths average :i()iJ daily. Tho ho:ii)itals aro tilled with victims, and the medical stalls are inade(iuato to deal with the situation. COSPACr-CS FOK TltH T'liONT. A despatch from St. retersbiirg sa.vs: â€" A liirther luobili/.ation of cav- alry ill one or two districts was or- dered on 'J'hursday, but no largo draft is re<piire(l, as reinforcements for tho cavalry arm aro at hand in the reeeatly-eaiboiiied Cossacks, who.so defiarture for Manchuria was postponed in anticipation of May Pay troubles, the mo.st of whom caii now resiimo the trip eastwar<l. A small but impin'tant ilelachaient left St I'etersbui'g on Thursday to join (lenerul Linevitcli's army. KIJSSIANS IlKATKN BACK. A despatch from Tokio says; â€" An oflicial report issued by the ^'I'ar DepartiiKrnt shows that the Uussian reconnaissances on the morning of Thursday included simultaneous at-| tacks ui.'on all three of the .lapanese columns advancing from l''akumen, ' Chaiigtufu, and Kaiyuaii. 'I'll!' most deliMiiiined attack was made at Nancliinglsu, ten miles north of Jvaiyuaii. All the attacks Were repulse<l. j The Uussian losses were heaviest j north of I'akumen, where tho dap- aneso shell tiro severely punished a force which attacked a liebl hospital. Till' .lajianeso casualties weie scat- tering and slight. MONI';^- FLOWS LIKI-; WATF.ll. A despatch fnun St. Petersburg says: â€" .\ cori-espondent of the Uuss in -Manchuria says: â€" "I have just spent a week in Harbin, where (lissi- Iiation is in full swing. The circus, theatres, and music halls, especially the last, aro crowded. The purvey- ors of the pleasure are making for- tunes as rapidly as lucky gamblers at Minaco. Money Hows like water." WIIV POUT AlCnUK FKLL. Tlie St. Petersburg correspondent of the London Daily Mail says that the c<mimissioii ei»iuiriiig into the suri'eiider of Port -Arthur has usiL.r- tuiiied that $ltl,(ltiO,OOl) voted be- fore the war for tin; fort ilieat ion of i that place was not used for that! purpose. The responsibility is said J to rest on Admiral AlexieK, formerly Viceroy of the I'ar I';ast. TO piifrroouAPii jap ahmiks. A ilespatch from St. I'etersburg says: â€" .\ rec<>ntly invented ajiparalus' for i)hotogra[)hing jianoramas of wide! stretches of counlry by means of a' camera suspeinled frcuii a kilo has been acijuired by the War Ollice, and experiments and trials have been con-: ducted in St. Petersburg for .several} weeks with such success that tho! general stall expects important re-j HUlts from its new luiiKuamograph squad in establishing .Japanese pc^si- tions and luovenii'iils. The appara- tus is said to be capable of plioto- graphing an area of IJO si|uare mih.'S. SEEDING IS FINISHED. Canadian Northern Railway Crop Ecport. A Winnipeg' despatch savs: â€" Tlie Canadian Northern crop relioi't fm" the past week shcjws that wheal seeding is practically nnishc<l m all districts traversed by the line from the eastern section of Manitoba to liatfleford (ni the N'orlh Saskatche- wan lUveri Late rjiins liavo been most beiielicial, and the general ten- or of reports sent in by the com- [lany's agents indicate that prevail- ing cmulitions are favorable. \'cgeta- tion is well advanced in some locali- ties, hut the Weather has not been suniclently warm to promote rapid giowth. lint with the advent of higher temperatures, with so much moisture in the grcjiind, vegetation will be rapirl nnd vigorous HUGE GENERATOR. tho IIAVF, HAIoKi) THK PALLAHA. A despatch from Shanghai says: â€" It is sitited that the .Lipanese liavo raised the cruiser Pallaila, one of tho Jiiissian vessels thtft was sunk iv* i'ort Arthur. icxciiANOE op riUSf)NFnS. A despatch frfv" SI. I'etersburg nays: â€" l{u.ssin Itnving accept icl .)a- pnn's re<ent olier to exchange pris- oners, (,'apt. llaikolT, of the navy, is going to Jnpnu to arrange for an exchange. Peterhoro' Works Turn Out Largest in the World. A desinitcli from Petcrboro' sa.vs: Tho local Works of the; Canadian (ieiieral l")lectric C<mipan.v have just turned out tin; largest electrical gen- erator ever constructed in the world. It is of 12,11(1(1 horsei'ower, the (irst of a series being constructed for the plant of the Ontario I'.lectrical De- velopment (,'oinpaiiy. Tho (irevious largest gmeratiir was of 1(1, (XK) hor.sepower, built b.v the Westing- house Company of Pittsburg. The local works have been enlired ami e.vteiided, so that they can now turn out the Inrgesi, and Iieuviest giMiera- tors which have up to I In? present been obtainable only in I'^ngland or the Unit.-d .Stale:!. WARSAW'S LATEST PLOT. Accidentally Exploded Bomb Took Three Lives. .\ dispatch from Warsaw says: â€" .\ workman who was trying to avoid the observation of two detectives on Miodowa Street nt noon on Fricaiy stumbled on the kerb of the sidewalk and a bomb wdiicli hr; was carrying in his iiocket exploded, killing the workman and both the detect iv<'S anil some persons who wen^ passing were injured. It is believed that tho Ixniib was intended for Oovernor- (leiieral Maximovitih, who was ex- pected to pass the spot on his way to the cathedral to attend the ser- vice in honor of the Czar's birth- day. The bodies of tho victims Were literally blown to pieces. A cafe near the scene of the explosion was c^i- tirely demolished, all the windows in the iK'ighborhood was smashed and a lamp-post was torn out of the ground. AOVAXCIO ON \ I.AniVOSTOCK. A d(!Kpatcli to tho London Tele- graph from Tokio sa.vs tliat ti.e' KuHsiaiis aro active in Northern! Coroa. Their n<lvanro guard is nt Kilju. Torpe<lo boats from Vlailivo- Ktock are occasionally seen off the Coast. The Hii.ssian troops at I'os- Biet liny have been reinforced, owing to the atlvance of the .lapaiicse Briny. 'I'ho Telogra|ih emphnsbes tho above iI(>KpHtch as further proof of u •Ia|iune.so advance on \ Indi .fostock. It aKsiinies that the army is that of den. Ilasegawn, which was reported to have landed nt (•onsan some weeks ago. .lAI'S SEIXE TWO STKAMEnS. A (le.spatrh from Tokio snys:â€" Tho Ilrilish steamer Includeii was sel/od by u .Inpnneso warship on Moiiilay Bouth of (.'urea. Tho French stenmer Qiiaiig Nam was ra|it>jreil by a wnr- QUEBEC SCHOOL LANDS. Tract of Two Million Acres Will Be Set Apart. .â- \ desfiatch from (Jueliec says: â€" Tho (â- 'overmneiit measino for addionul aid to elementary schools provides that two million acres of the iiublic lanils may he set aside for the purpose, and that $100,000 may be pai.l .vearl.v out of thu consolidated re- ver.iio towards tho elenii'iitary schind fund, until the income produced thereform reaches gl20,(l(10. Trust nnd loan companies, as well as com- nierciul travelers representing llritish nnd foreign houses, will have to pay the commercial corporations' tax, while tin? tioveriiment tnx on all transfers of stocks anil bonds will bo at the rnle of live cents for every gltXt worth of sueli sliK'ks or bonds or each fraction thereof, and to bo (layable by stain|is on the IrnMsfers. wUhont which they will not bo valid. The Cnnndinn Pncilic llnilwny h.i.-o decided to double track their line i.e- Iween Fort Williinn nnd Winnipii..'. The work will lie hognii nt once .md comideted before Ihri'o jears. j THE iVORLirS MARKETS SEPOrtT.S l-ROM THE LEADING TRADE CENTRES. Prices of Cattle, Grain, Cheese, and Other Dairy Produce at Homo and Abroad. Toronto. Mav 2.'>.â€" Wheatâ€" Winter (luoted at *.l."i to i)()c at outside point.'s. No. 2 goose Is purely nom- inal. Maiiilolitt wheat Is easier, with No. 1 .N'orlhi.-rn iiuoted at 97 ic, (ieoririan I'ny ports. No. 2 North- ern at i).'i to '.):iic. and No. 3 North- ern at HK to b'«io. Oats â€" No. 2 white fpioted at liOc north and west, nnd N'o. 1 at 41 to 4 lie east. Cars of No, 2 white on track lure aro quoleil at 42 to 4.'ic. liarleyâ€" No. 2 Jinoted at 4.") to Hie middle freights; >Jo. 2 extra at 4:{ to 44c: No". ;{ nt 11 to '12c, middle fi eights. Pins â€" U'he mnrket is stcad.v", with sales outside at G!?c for No. 2. Corn â€" Canadian .vellow fpioted at 47c, nnd mixiil at Kijc west, guar- anteed sound. American kiln dried. No. '.\ .Vellow, .IHl lo (inc. on track Toront o. Kye â€" 'I'he ii'arket is dull, with pric- es noininal at (Wi to (17c oulsidi.' for No. 2. lluckwhi»at â€" Pi ices nominal at M lo (>'!c onlsiil". Fl'>ur â€" Ninety per cent, patents aro fpioled at §4.!!") to S4.4 in buyers' sacks, east or west: st might rollers of sii.'Cial brands for (Uneestic trade, in bids., §1.7") to SI. So. Afaniloba Hours are stead.v; No. 1 [lateiils, ?.">.- 40 to S,'i.,'-)0. No. 2 patenls, .$5.10 to h^>.'2(> niid .strong hakirs', S.'i to !?."). 1(1 on track, Toronto. llillf..'i.i.l' â€" At outside jioinls bran is (lucted at Sir^.W to SKI. and shorts at .$17..".i) to $1H. IManiliiba bran, in sacks, .'^'IH, and shorts at .'J20. MinnoapoHs, Minn., ATn.v 2.'V-Whoat â€"May, ^l.l.'J; July. Sl.dlj!; Sept., 821 to 82Jc; No. 1 hard, $1.1.1; No. 1 Ncrthern, 51. IS; No. 2 Northern, $1,021. Flourâ€" Fir.st imtonts, $(>..',0 lo §(!..'>.'>; second patents, $().25 to $0.:i:-); first clears, .? 1 to $4.10; sec- ond clears, $2.7.''i to S2.8.-J. llraii â€"In bulk, SHJ to SL'^-IO. .?."> 2r, to ?.5 0.5 . ."j 25 5 45 . 4 RO .5 2r> . 4 00 4 2."> . 5 25 5 50 4 .10 4 ]0 ?, 2', 4 OO .â- 3 7.-i a no H no :i 50 LIVE STOCFC MARKET. Toronto, Ma.v 23. â€" 'J'ho following aro tho quotations: lOxporl, heavy ... <Io iih'diuin Feeders, short-keep nulls, export Tttjtchers', picked 5 25 do good to choice loads 4 20 do fair to good ... 4 00 do nii;h:e(l lots, medium ' do good cows «lo cows <io coinnion and roii;.di ;j 00 ;•, 50 Bulchrs' bulls 2 .'iO ,3 50 do rood 4 00 .•-'•tockers, good .Sloeker.s, lif:ht Mir< cows, each I';xiiort ewes ....... . l!uc!:s I anils. |ier cwt .Sfiriiig lauib.S', each Culls, each Calves, i,r JI> do each Ilo.gs, .stloct.s do fats M 25 4 00 2 (id 3 OO 00 40 0(1 4 75 5 50 :j 75 4 25 (> 00 r> 50 .•! 00 () 00- 3 50 4 25 .Sd 01 2 00 12 00 .S5 6 50 () 00 COUNTUY I'HODIICIO. Apilesâ€" Choice slock. S2.50 per bbl; cooking anphs, ?1 lo $1.50 per hhl. lieaii-s â€" Primes soil in .s':iinll lots at SI. (id to .Sl.(i5, and hind-picktd at $1.70 to J?!. 75 per bu.shel. Hops â€" The merVet is unchanged at 32 to .'ioc. according to ciunlity. IToiK'.v â€" Prices linn at 7J to .'^c per lb. Comb hiiney, Â¥1.7;" to §2 per dozen. Ila.v â€" Car lots of No. 1 timolhy are cpioted at iS to ."^8.25 on track, here, and No. 2 at S0..50 to $7. .Straw â€" Car lots miolod at ?(> to .Â¥Ik2," on truck. Toronto. Potatoes â€" Cnr lots of Ontnrios are (|Uoled at 55 to (idc jier bag nn track, according to (pialit.v. an<I joh- hing lots aro 70 to 7ric for tho best stock. Po'.iltry â€" Chiekms, l.'i to lie per lb.; turke.xs. dry picked, 11 to loc; do., scalded, 12 to l.'ic. Till', liAlltY AfAUKl'-TS. liuttei^ â€" Pouml prinis are jobbing at 10 to 17c, nnd large dair.v rolls at 15c; nie<liuin grades. 13 to 14c; creame-ry jiriiits k<'11 nt 19 to 20c [nr lb. I'"ggs) â€" 'Ihi' [nice is Irregular, with smne (Iciler.s Silling nt lie, and olhers at 14 i lo 15c per ilo/en in cas(. lots. Cheese â€" Old scarce, and i;note(l at 1 1 i' to 12c, wliil.. now chjeso aro selling nt lO.Jc per lb. 110(1 PltODUCT.S. r.acoii â€" Long clear .sells at 10 to Idle per lb. in ease lots; mess l ork, §15 lo. .$15.5(1; slKTrt cut, S^iy.no to §20. .Smoked ]\IeatB â€" T fains, light to nierlinm. I.'! to IJ^Jc; do., henv.v, I2.U-; lolls, Kle; ' fhoublers, Oi'c; backs. Ill lo 15c: breakfast bacon, 12' to 13c. Lard â€" Tienes, OJc; tubs, 10c; pails, lOJc. RFAL REFORM IN POLAND. Remarkable Step Taken by Em- peror Nicholas. * A St. I'etersburg despatch says: â€" There is little room for skepticism as to tho genuineness of the broat'i pcdicy of Imperial leform after the reniarknblo steps sancli.jnod by Em- peror Nicholas in the Imperial re- script issued on Tuesday niodiiyiiitj the restrictive decrees in nine of 111'-. western governments of .'{ush;ia entl giving the Poles greater freedom for acquiring farming lands and pur- chasing landed jiroiierties and in- dustrial premises and giving Jio; - mission to introduce the I'olish a.il Lithuanian languages in the prim- ary and secondary schools where thj inajfn-ity of the inhabit irits ar-; ii.lii- Kussian. .Mmost at one swe.-p tiio wlude burden of tho vexatious re- strictive laws in Poland and tho Haltic Provinces liffs been rcmoveil, and the privileges for which tho na- tives have been lighting for years are restored, the assemblies of tho I'olish nobles are ri>-established, ami all tho harsh ndniinistrntivo meas- ures introduced at the time of the polic.v of n.action and Itussi^ication are abolished, unless later for pnr- jioses of Stn.te after the recommon- datioa of the Council of State thoy receive Imperial saclion. As .i na- tural secpieiice of freeilom of religion the oppressive prohibition of tho purchase of land by Catholic peas- ants is abolished. In elTect the measures sanelioned amount to an entire reversal of tlie Kussian policy in ancient I'oland and the lialtic Provinces. A SAD TRAGEDY. little Girl Confesses to Murder of An Infant. A Toronto despatch says: •Icse- phine Carr, aged 13 years, is in cus- tod.v at police head(iuarters, the self- confess-ed murderess of tho nine- month.s-old baby boy of Mr. and Mrs. William Murray, which was stolen in its "go-cart" from in front of the Cjueon .Street extension of tho T. Fat on Comiiany's premises on Friday afternoon. The girl has made n practice for weeks [last of stealing empt.y go- carts left outside the departmental stores b.v woineri shoppers. On Fri- da.v there were no empty ones; all had baby tenants. .She chose tho best one, took cart and baby on a street car to tho e.xtreine north-ea.st- erri section of tho city, bimI threw it over nn 80-foot embankment, killing it in.slaiiil.v. >SIie then secreted tho body in a culvert, intending lo .sell tlio go-cart when opportunit.v olTer- ed. '1 lie idea of kidnaliping the child cnme to her, she says, as a result of witnessing the pla.y, "Kidnapped in New York," played at a local thea- tre duTing the week, and seeing some of tho lilay blMs posted at the corner of Queen Street and Greenwoods Avenue. .loseiihine is a bright child, 13 years and 3 months old. .She is of medium height, and well. built for one so young. .She has a light comple-x- ioa and light harr, with dark e.ves ari(i eyebrows. .She is the very pic- ture of simplicity and innocence. At limes, when questioned clo.sely, she takes refuge in stolidity. After tell- ing her stor.v on Katurda.v morning .losephine .stit in tho sun at a win- dow of the matr'on's room at police heailquarters, and calmly read a novel, as unconcerned as if she were ut homo. Many conjectures were made on Simda.v as to what could bo done to a child of so tendL''r years, as a pun- ishment. The Criminal Code seta forth that when a child betwocii the ages of 7 ami 14 years is tried for a crianinal olTenco tho Crown must prove that when the deed was com- mitted she realized fully the nature of her crime. lUJSI.M'.SS AT MOXTKKAL. Montreal, May 2.'Lâ€" flrain â€" The market is dull and steady at 4 1.ic fo:' No. 3 oats store, anil 45.ie for No. 2. Other grain aro nlmor.t en- tiiilv neglecte.l. Tlour â€" Manitoba .Spring what patents, $5. .10 fo $5.- 50; strcng ImkdK', $5.10 to S5.20; Winter wheat patents. So. 50 to S."i.- 00; strnight roll.rs, $5.15 to 5f5.25 ill Wood; in bags, $2.45 to $2.55. Polled oat.s.-$2.2d to $2.22J per bag. h'eed â€" Ontario bran, in bulk, SIS to S18..'')d; shorts. $10 to $20; Afiuiitoba brail, in lulk, $1H to $l'.i: shorts, $20 to $21. liennsâ€" ( hoiee priiieH, $1.70 to 81. 75 per bushel: .«1.50 to SI. (Hi in car lots. Provisions, â€" lleavv Caiindinn .short cut pork, .«!I(l.n0 to ri7.50; light short cut. $1(1. ,50 to -^17; American cut clear fat lack. S20, comiioiind lard, (ii to 7c; Cnnndian lard, (ij lo 7.Jc; keltl(. rendered. HJ to H-ic; hams 12 lo 11c; bncon, 13 lo lie: fresh kill.d nballoir lio'^s, $i).75 to ij!10; n.ixed, .S7: sleet. $7.50 oft cars. ''•Bg»â€" .'^Irarght stork, 15 to Ifie: Vo. 2, 12 to Kl-r. llutterâ€" ( holcn cienmerv, 18^ to lOJc; under grades, 17 to 18r; dnlrv, 10 lo Kltr; rolls, 15; to lOJr. Chees.>â€" Ontario. 10 to lOJc; (JiKl ec. OJ to O'C. imiTF.n .STATK-S MAUKKT.S. St. Louis. Mnv 23.â€" Wheatâ€" Cash, 05Jc; Mny. 1)51(5; .Tnl.v. .SOJc; .Sep- liiiibrr. 7!>Jc. Milwaukee. Mny 2.Tâ€" Wheatâ€" No. 1 Northern. f.l.ll; No. 2 Northe.n. $1.05 to Sl.Ot); .Inly, 80jc bid. live -No. 1. 80 lo 8lr. Ilnrle.vâ€" No. 2. 51r; fiample. Jt8 to .^0c. Corn^ â€" No. il, 52 J to 5.'!c; .Inly. 4P:c bbl. CONSUMPTION CURE Claim That Disease Cannot Exist in Greenland. A Washington d.'spatch sa.vs: An exiierirneiit of great interest is to be made by Dr. I'rederick Sohon, of this cit.v. who Was in the Arctic re- gions twice with I'ear.v. This experi- ment consist.s of a radical ai'plica- tion of the outdoor treatment for con.sumption in an ideal climate and atniDSiihere, .secured through the agency of a steamer especially lilted as a seagoing sanilariun i, in wldch three .Summer months will be spent in (Ireenland above the Arctic circle. The steamer lln\ana has been lilted up and will sail from Halifax .June 1.5, returning ."-Jept ember 30. Dr. .Soliou said <m Thnrsdn.v night: "Tho climatic conditions in Green- land above the Arctic circle are ideal. Even at our best consumi)- tion resorts in this country- the pa- tient lias good da.vs and bad nighls. He cannot go out in the damp air, and orilinaril.v he loses at night what he has gained during the da.v. The secret of the outdoor treatment for this disease is abundant sunlight and drv. cold, bracing atmosphere. "Ill the Arctic regions in .Summer there is a period of three months of never-ceasing sunlight ever.v hour in tho twenty-four. Think of the olTcct of n continuous sun-bath of fourteen weeks. "1 haVn made numerous bacterio- logical cultures in (Ireenland. and have never found a diseasi' germ. .Such germs cannot exist in that cli- mate, as their pro|ingntioii depends upon a ten ii era! lire almost as high as that of the human tody." CURE FOR TYPHOID FEVER Two Baltimore Physicians Think They Save It. A lialtimore desiialeh sa.vs: Or. William Jloyal .Stokes and Dr. .John .S. I'ulton of the .State Hoard of Health have, after nearly four years of investigation, discovered what they believe to be a curative scrum for lyiihoiQ fever. Dr. Stokes and Dr. Fulton have tested the serum the.v have made in 23 human ea.ses of typhoid. Thero were two di'alhs, and among 21 eases eiuliiig in reeover.y there were 15 in which they considered that the fav- orable result was due to the infhieiico of tho scruiin. The two deaths were duo to com- plications apart from tho original disease. In both of these cases tho â- injection of tho .serum caused an aiJ- preciable drop in the temperature. ."-^ix cases out of the 23 showed no response at all to the serum. Tho conclusion reached is that b.v the use of this scrum the febrilu period ma.v be sh<u'tened, and the daily variation may bo favoiabl.y moil Hied. .V $540,000,000 IN DIAMONDS World's Production Totals Seven- ty-Nine r'illion Carats. A Lmidon despatch says: â€" The World's diamond product ion. si.mmed up. shows that India, has produced ten million carats; llrnzil. twelve million; Africa, litt.v-seveii million. .Ml the diamonds in the w<u'ld, un- cut and |in"ked scdid in the form of a cube, would make one of fourteen feet by nine, nnd would have a Value of $510,000,000. WINNIPEG'S GROWTH. Assessment Increased $12,000,000 and Poinilation 13,000. A Winnilieg despatch savs: â€" .\t Monday night's City Council meet- ing the most interesting event was the reading of tho report of the as- sessment commissioner, which .shovv- ed tho total realt.y assessment for tliii city to bo $53,714,430, a i ct in- crease over last year of Sl2,007.5(iO. The poimlation of tho city is liUiccd at 7'J,075, a gain of nearly 13,000 over lost year. STEEL CARS FOR JAPS. Thousands of Them Ordered in Birmingham. A London despatch says: Japan has ordered in I?irininghain and elsowheri in the Midlands thousands of steo. cars for thi- .Inpanese, Corean, ana Manchurinn railwa.vs. BRITAIN VERSUS ITALY. Laborers on London Pavement In- dulge in a Free Fight. A (lesi)atch from London, Ont., says: â€" What was likely to prove c .serious row occurred aimuig a ganc of laborers on the Queen's Avenue pavement on Weilnesda.y afternoon. .\n Italian boy threw mud nt an F.nglishman, who took him by the throat. Thereiipim an Italian struck the F.nglishman with a shovel. and pii'sently the whole .gang were in u ferment, tho Fnglishinen Jiittec against the Italians. The timely ap rival of tlu; police l>revented a riot. TURBINE BATTLESHIP. Admiralty Invites Firms to Ten der for Construction. A despatch from Ola.sgow says:- The llritish .\dmir«lty has invitert engineering linns here to make ten- <lers for the construction of turhia* machinery iritende<l lor one of th* new battleships to be built in tho (Joveriiment dork yards. Tho spoci- licntions demand that the cnginoa develop 23,000 horse-powor.