TilE FLESIiERTON ADVANCE May 25 lOOa Methodist Church J e. I. wii.i-oN, 11 A., 11. D., ruator SunJiiy May 28, 1905. Moniinsâ€" Mr. M. K, Uichankon will preach. ..Evunius â€" The pnHlor's subject : "Tho > Mutli-ni riei.»r.ri' l)aiiee." ^ w • i-. â- :^ i-.j.'tl^'.: 'ii / '" _;•! Cli!ir.icteriHt!c3 of thu Past Wrek Can-fully C'iil!t-d fm- tlie Cuiiouu. . . \. hai J. II. the Fiosli liiiio always on Diiclott, Kiv^enia. Inspector CampboU inspected public .sohoiil fjii Thursday List. Among the calU'i's on lliJ 24lli weio Mesisrs fieo. Ricbanl.soii and SV, tienip- hill of Toronto. Wool (vaiitod at. Fleshm ton wo illon mills. HigliL'st price, ca.sh or trade. -J. Nuhn. TliB Epwortb League of ihi.s pboe »'ill pay a fiat-rual vidit to tho Dun dalk .lea;iue on A/uiday niijlit of ne.'it woek. Mr. and Mi.SH Ritolde, ofDuiidalU, were uue.sta of trian I3 iu tov/ii on Sun- day. VV. Moore is agont iu Fleaheiton fia' 3E. N. Heney bugwies, the best on the market. See hini bofore buyir.g. Jnl5 Mis. G. Mitchell, Miss Lulu and "Muster Keiidrdl spent Sunday with BIr.s 'Mitohell'.s miithorat Meaford. Mrs. Dr. Murray i.s in tlie city this w,^ek consulting !ier physician. Mrs. â- Murray's rouovery of health is not a3 rapid as she would like. Rey. Mr. Bielby,ii Methodist minister, â- who more than thirty years ago was jun- ior minister on this circuit, wa.s a yucst of Mr. M. K. Richardson over Sunday. Anybody renuiring any cdass of shing- les will do well to call and inspect t-he stockof the undersigned as .he is prepared to fill orders on shortest notice. â€" S. M. Osborne, Eugenia. 25ni A car load of Sun Portland Cement just in. Any one desiring cement should give iiie a call. J. Nuhn, woollen mill, Floshcrton. Mrs. (Dr.) Wob.ster, of Toront'>, who his been the guest of her parents here for the pist three weeks, will return this week to her homo. A. Tliurst:in has some picture post cards of Flosherton, Kiuiberley and Eu- genia, for you. Call in and see them. -.'Jo. each, G for 25c. By mail, po.itage extra, 2c. Mr, \V. Barnhiouse, of Toronto, is in town Ibis week erecting a uionuuicnl to his late wife, whose remains are interred in the cemetoiy here. Fifty thousand pounds of wool wanted in exehanae for cash or woollen ijoods. Highest inaiket prices paid. J. E Rich- ards, Dnndalk. The poatoliico has been rem iveJ one door west of the old !>ito. The entry is now first door oast in Sproule's block. This gives a more comiuoilious ollice in â- every respect. The Flo:ih3rton football clubjourneyod -out to Rock vale on Monday evening and came back with their colors hidden under the wagon seat. The scoro was 1 in favor ef tlie Jlockvalers. Lost --On May 18th ou thu 4lh line, a .-parcel containing a berlin wool cushion top, a pair of kid glovus, n pur.se with some sdver in it and some other artii:l(m. Finder please leave at this oflieo. .1. J. Kaitting, the export rciunvor of buildings, is operating on several struc- tures near the village this week. Any one wanting his services in tl.is lii.o •should rail on him while hero. A iiieetini; of the \V<iuoir» Institute \rill be held at the home of Mrs. VVilcock, west back line, on Tuesday May 30, at â- 2 p.m. All the ladies are cordially in- vited to attended and bring their thimbles along. Mine host 1*. Muushaw of the Eugenia house ciu^lila trout in the hoop anil ven- eer inillpoud the other day the diiriiMi.sions of which were as follows: length 17 inches, liirth 9j inches, weight 2 lbs. 4 <>2 Thin is ihu host, wo liiivo hoard of l>ciiig caught in this district. The >larkd.de I. O. O, K. excui.sii.n to Niagara Falls will be held this year on June H):h. Special train leaves Mark- dale nt .50 a. IU., tickets good to return up to and including Monday .funo l!H,h. On arrival of train at Toronto the iiiai;nif- Jcent steamev "tiarden City" will be in Wditing to C'Uv^y pa.saengor9 to Port J)alhiiu8ie, thence by electric ra Iway via St. Catharines lo the Fulls. See Urge ^oslen for full pHrtivu'a;s. Born â€" In Artuiniwia, on May 18, to Mr. Tind Mrs. W- J, Meads, a son. Mr. Thomas Gordon, for halt a century Town Clerk of Owen Sound, died Tues- day nioininr;, aged 85 yeans. Mr and Mrs. Lou Kurstedt and daugh- ter, of Moorofield, spent the holiday wiih ; Mr. and Mrs. P. G. K-irstedt. Eighteen meuibors were initiated into lin niysleriis of the R. T. of T. last Fiiday. The unnubcrship now ntimbeis 08 and it is said wilLjuinp over the 101) mark at next niee'ing. The society has encaged Clayton's hall for their meetinys. Mr. T. Fairey, ?»f Oalt, spent tiio 2-ltli with Mr- and Mrs. Jos. H. Clinton. Mr. Fiiircy is a brother of Mis. Clint'jn'.s former Iiusbnnd. He came from North- amptonshiiv, England, uiid likes this country well. Rev Ivison Wilson, wife and children, leave on IMonday next for Mewca..(tle, wliero Mis. Wilson and the children will r.im.iin until .-iitor conference. All-. Wil- Sim wiJ! visit the Bay Qiimle couferencO and will not return until after the Toroii- ro crmference which meets in Toronto on June 8. Medic.il Hall ice cream soda parlor opened for the sea.son Saturday before la-.t and the patroniigo so far has been most oncour.igeing. Some minor changes iu the arran^emonts make it a far roomier place, and the ipiality of beverages served 's, as ever, first class. Ice cream and soda on hand each and every day â€" call in when thirsty or over healed.â€"-" Coolest pluciv iu town." The engineer of the Eugenia falls de- velopment company, who lias for some time been gett;ing necesary data on the ground has comi)leted his work there, and is now g-iing ahead with the final plans. This will occupy some five or six weeks, after which construction work will be be- gun on the property. The engineer expresses himself as well satisfied with the power. The Hurirn Diocesan branch of the Missionary Society of ilio Church of Eng land iu Canada has arranged f(U' a deput- ation to visit each parish and mi-ssion on Sunday, May .23. The deputation app- ointed to the mission of Maxwell, Eugenia and Ceylon, is the Rjv. F. M. Holjies, former rector of Leamington, and now Diocesan Missioner wli.) is iioldinga Miss- ion at Shelburlrj. The service at each place will be held at the usual hour. The annual Methodist district nieetiiig of the Owen Sound dislrict is being held Wednesd.sy and Thursday of this week in ihe Methodist church here. The minist- erial session is held Wudnesday evening and Thursday sessions, morning, nfter- nouu and evening are open to the public. This (Thursday) evening Rev. Oeo. Turk of Owen Siuind will sing; Rev. Mr. Cocking of (Jimlsworth and Rev. Geo Lawrence will speak, the former on .Japan and the latter un home work. The sos eious are expected to bo interesting, with a Inrge nuiober of delegates present. Tiightning pl.iyed some peculiar pranks at Euyenia during a thunler storm one day last week. This electrical display was of the frisky kind that appears to do- liyht in frightening people without do- ing mucli damage. The lluid [layod over the electiic light wires, burning out the tran.iformer, jumping switches and enter- ing houses, where it generously gave a pyrotechnic display that actually raised the hair of inmates. Some .saw balls of lire, others were paralj/ied for a few ino ments. This was not in individual cases for many citizens had experiences to re- iaie. Mr. F.T. Cair was cross! np a ro ui at the time and descri'ed his seusalioii as .similar to having tripped ovur some obstrucrioii. Some f< ll as though a brick b.it had hit them in the back of the hea ', (.)n(! young woman, living a couple of miles (nun Bunenia, whde at her sewing w.'is thrown across the room and said it sei uied as thoii<!h a s'one had hit lier in the back of ihe head. Through all this uproar tbeie appears to linve been no materia] dainaie done, other than burn- iru' out some fuses on the light line, but it wasuxcitilig>whlle it lasted. â- » fn ^ Hugh Raid, a well known resident of Svdenham anddiiect'ir of the Syitonhnni Mutual Insurance Co , Ho was over 80 years of age. Jiiscphine (^arr. thirteen years of age has confessed to the murder if the niro nnmths old Imby of Mr. and .Mis. Wm. Murrny, which was stolmi from in front t>t ihe T. Eaton store, Toiont. Mrs. Mary Sheppard, one of the oldest wofiien in New York, is dead at her home in P'liighkeepsir. She celebrated her 10-itli birthday last Christmas. She had been a widow for more than half acentury. Ou Thur.iday afternoon the three yejf old daujihter of Mr. and Mr.s. Dippel, of the .Uh con. of Maryboro, was playing around the house, and was missed by lier niotier about twenty minutes later, and 1 when .search was made, the bo<ly of the child was found in the cistern, but life The foes at Owen Sound Coll. Institute avorau" 82,500 per yi'ar. Thu average litlendance for .April was 280 of whom 182 were from t)wen Hound, !>!) from other parts of Grey county and .'iO from other counties. The farmer who had live hous and held them for a higher iirieu will now bo kick- i:\'^ himself around the lot. because ho diiln'l cash in a couple of weeks ago. Prices rose steadily uuiil they wcMit to about $7 per cwt. But no'W they ".re go- ini; down again and are lo day (luoleti al §0.50 by the Collinywooil Meat Co. It may be taken as a sale rule that (lie time to sell anything â€" whi'tliHi- it it- pnk grain or stoclis â€" is when the sale will bring a fair safe profit. Holilin,' on, even when the market is "hitting ilio roof," lakes a man into speculatuui, and spuculaliou is nhv;iys risky. â€" Stayner Sun A cow owned by R.ilit. Smith of the town lino west gave hiith to a calf a few days ago which only lived a few tlay.«. When examined, the ciiif's heart was lo- cated iu it's throat. 'iVin Stoddurt of Corbitton, ie the owner of a ctlt fo.iled on .\Iny 0th which has one font exiicily like a calf. It can walk and is lively and doing well. -.Shelburne Free I'reas. A very dark slmdnw fell suddenly on iliB liomeof Mr. Geo. Cooper, of Syilen- ham, near B:iluclava, last, Friday. On Tliurs<lay morning a liHautifiil batiy girl was born and on Fi iduy liieir only othor child, between two and three }-e;irs oJd slipped out of sight, a few iiiiiintes and was found drowned in an open water hole near ttie barn. She was buricjd at .\nnan o 1 Tuesday nfternoun. The funeral whs large, as wide and deep .sympathy is tilt for Mr. and Mrs. Cooper. Chamberlain's Cough Remedy the Very Best "1 have been using Chinnlierlaiu's Cough Kemedy and want to say it i.s tlie liest cmigh irediciue 1 liavu e\'L'i- tala-n," says tU-o. L. Gliulil), a inurehant of Harlan, Mien. Thi-re is no (lUL'stionabout i*-s liciutj the best, as it will cure a cough or a eukl ia less time than any other treatment. It sliould alwaye be kept iu the liouKH ready for instant use, tor a cold can bo cured iu nincli luss tinu when lironiptly treated. Foraalu-lij- W.E. llieluud- son. BINDER TWINE. Until further iiotieo Himlor Twine will l)tj solil lit tho-KiJU^Plon I'eiiitLmtifiry tu fftrmort--. in PiR-Ii quautiiics uh iiiny bo tlesired, for cash, at tlui iollowini; prices: â€" "Puru .Manila" (tKK) feot to tho lb,) - l^Ju. 'â- Mixt'.i Maiiilfi"- -(".UO " " ** ) -l\i]c. "I'uro Ntiw Zualanil" -(4r>0 " " " ) - - 'Jc ^c. por pnunil Icasi ou ton lots. All f. o, b, K in^^ston. AdtliiiSfl all ciinuiiunicationp, with vomittaii â- eut^, to .J, M, Piatt, Wuvdou Tonitoatiary, Kint;- â- -•toi), Outr.rio. Payors ineertins tliiH notice.witbout antlior- it-i fioni tho liints'fi Tiiutur â- n'ill not bo paid ihert-for. J AI. TLATT, Warduu, Kingston, May 10, 1905. Notice of Bvlaw. Notice is hereby i^ivcii. that a Ii\' hwv was piifsa^l by tho tvavnHbip ot Aitniiiosin, on Uio si.Mli .lay or' May, A. L. 11H1.\ jn-ovidiiv fw H'l' iHhuu of Di-bjiitines to tho atnouiit ol i^i'.uu.inj for jnirputio-* of tho trnstoof nf Kchool Suction No. 3 of said Towuship aiul thatsiioli by luw was ru^it^trtMi fii tho Jioj^iBtry OHloo for tin- South liiiiit.j:; of tho County of (Jnty on thu thirtuuntb ihiy of Mav A. 1). "I'lOj. Any Miittion to quash or Rutasul-^ the saniu or any part thuroof inu^t bo inaotj within thico nmnlhs iiftur tbu tii-st publication ol this noUct.' and oauntit bo uiado thornafter. Du:oaat KlubUcrtou Uiis 10th Day of May, W.J. HRLLAMY, Clo.k Court of Revision, 1905. TOWNSHIP OF AliTKM!:si.\. Notico is licrohy Rivoij that tho Hr^^t nic 'ciiii^ of t.lu) rom I (([ llevihion on thu .^ssossmont IhiU of tlio t'lwuship of A r tenuis ill will b<f hrl'l at tho Town Hall. I-'losluirtou, on SaLurdav, tho thud ilay of Juno, I'M') at 10 tj'cdock a. m. All ih.'rsoiis iiUoi'osted are lioidiy i.oliiluil acuortlingly. Mav Ulth. IDOr.. W.J. HKLLAMY, Clork. Court of Revision. TUW.VaillP Oh- OSHUiV. Notice iB horttiy (.'ivtni ttint tho (Irst nir'utins of ttio Coilil. of KiiviBion on thu A.-^m.-sni -ut Itoil o: til" To«-iiahii> of Onin-uv will bo liil.l nt thu Oriinno Hall, M11.XW0II, ou Hatnrdav, .May liTtli, I'.Ki.'i lit lo o'clock, a.m. All jKtisoris iiitoroBto.i nfo hercl)y uotilioil ac(sorilinn>v. .MavJiHll liXW. T. S''OrT, Clurk. Hereford Bulls for Service Iiupi-'we your stock l>y brfodtnc; to tho craivtoKt t'( all heuf cattle, tho Hoi-i.foi-d«. Tho ondersii^nu I tias for horvli-o on tut lUO. .Si<l west T. S. lU.nl. two thoioiif<ht)i(iJ Hoiofor I bolln trod from Spartiv.urt. owiniil at tho O. .\. C. Kariii. ttutiljil), auii ftaiU tu bu thu bost bulls iu Aninnoa. TrtiniR, Sl.tXi; cowi--. not rotcrned will Lo slia â- ),ad, w.::cthur in calf or not. W. BUSKIN. 60 YEARS' EXPERIENCE Ktmt «aB ex.tiao«.â€" 'Joiifede-ate. Trade MAt^KS Designs Copyrights Ac. Anfono pondlnR A .kfttrh niul ilojionpM'.n may nnlckly it^rcriiiin <air ..piLi.'-.i froo wIioiIht aii Invontlon u i.r.iliahly. pnten'Mliln. ('..iioioiiilpn. lloimmncllyroiiiiilBniinl. HANDBOOK <•" I'mraita sent tTi-ct. OlilMl iiKenoy for ^orurliii: pntcnlK. I'ntfiiiW tftkon throuKli Minin & Co. rucolTs tpf-Int notiee, without chnrKO, Iu tho Scientific American. A hftnrtiw>nn'lv lllimtrfttod woolclf. l.nrKOst ci^ rnliitioii of noT flcteiiuac Jniinial. TerTii«. $3 « yo!kr: fntir monttm, tl* Sold bynll nowitdoalora. MUNN&Co.36'8~«<""T.NewYofk Biancli Otnco, (» F St.. Wwhhji;( I). C Corn! Corn! Corti! Any iiuantily uf corn f.ir piji feedâ€" P. Loucks. Wliih- a bilious attack it> decidedly nn))leag- ant it is (luickly oyer wlicn Cliumbflrlaiu's Stonnicli and Liyer Tablet are used. For .sail' liy W. F. llieharJ?oii. Try ill 'lit; ..f Royal Household â- â- â- â- â- -' â- ''â- ::v^^B^'W Whut iail? Wliy it.'s tlif very !.u.<it Hour :».,., . r>Arkr-<r^^l ..ntlienmrkct: TIml'.s ivl.y h-,- keep it WALL PAPbtV«Sl for salu. It i.s liy fni- lli.- host, flour 'â- miiile on this continiMit. | â€" â€" â€" â€" » Wo liRvo n iX<Htd seluflioii nf strong laryo ; (pardon ami Inuso plant.s which arc t^oing 1 unii.'kly at yory rcasonaliU' piicrs. ^ It will |iay ydii lo tiiku n Idok at our stock of groceries. Hero ynii finil u'toeeries of 1 liioli ijunlity and low piiee. Wo still ; liiiyu a oood selection of inojoratcly- , priced i;!irtlen and flower Heed. | Tilt:' lai't;('st sioi;k in the town- ship, lit I'.Ksi' t.ii.u.iTV and LDWEs'r I'uii'Ks, from ;>e. per t.loublc roll up to 500. Ou exhibition \>\ Wm. L. WRIGHT Barn house's Old Stand. Tin; i-i:actiii. tiintkii l<: tait,!; iianobe; SA.MI'LES ON- AIM'UC.VTION'. Priceville - - • Ontario. BOOTS AND SHOES The reputation of our Boots autl Shtjes ha.s beeu 'M built up Ijy close attention to bu.sincs.s. ^ Our Ftjotwear iw well know throughout all this ^ part of the country as being the best. Tlie proof of this is that so many always come to us for their boots ami shoes. Our Spring Stock is up-to-tlate in style antl make atid is the best antl most complete we have ever had to show you. me Hlways Cry Co 6i^e a Dollars lUortb Tor a Dollar In custom work we aru second to none. Wo use llie best inatevinl (hat *S can bo got and any order eutru8tod to our care will bo ctirul'uly attended 35 to. rt* If yrm.ire lioiii!? l.o 'ravel wo hiiye a Inrtjo stock of TRUNKS, TliLE- ,^a SCCiPliS & Srrr CASf;S. Call mid see Iheiii at isja £:idytOn'$ « « « ?les5:«rtoii» <§ /S'fe^tt/S'SJS %.'<^/%,^-«/%.-^-;v«.^/^-^'V^'%%^^^a^^'^'%'^''&^^'^^'% '^ RjioJijer 5??j5jmcnt of 01$y^i' Seeds Cotnsjris^;- g extra fagicv% J?1$iKe» ^ed I it?-55iimotl> lust Received. Cljese are spedalSy sekde<l for Purity and will repay Vctfr Gsamin ^*^i% 1 asso have abur^dance of Strictly First ^lass Cimotby* Douglass ^14. <-k> •>•?. ^t, *'/5. .\it. â- ».', â- ^t. v\»'> s.v> -v.'. .JI5, ^t. M, Atj. .jfe :J»r-4i«t ->'«• -s'?! mM'fi^'iS'&i'fi^ViSyi. ^i? â- •7i'?^i?^it'^? Vi? 'iif'ii? ^/i$ -/iv" •/ i>^ w W ^i? '/>«â- vi? *!<' w â- /,? ^i«- •**{• ''iv -ss- '/I? vi;- -Ji*- -UP- # For Your Stock Mi, ^# i!" .*t«. llerbaijeuin, Inieinationiil Stock Food, CoU'.liibir.n Regulator. Tiok Dcstioyer for ;lie sheep. For Yourself Patent Meilicin .-• â€" «II the popular makos. I'ipo.s ;ind tobacco. For Your Wife spices for CHoiiiuK â€" Allspice, Ciiin.iuion, MixuJ spices, etc. Perfumes, OoriiccUuSilk. For Your Baby Soothing Svup, Suckini; Buttles, <in>l Teelliin^ King.-;. ^ â-º$< â-º!< Richardson 6c Son z>mjooisTs Flesherton :-: :â- : Ontario i\(. T fif ?^ ,,? ^js- viF •<> V.^ '/if â- }. f =4^ ^le- •*? ''!«• vfs- /^ '/ti- ^f 'if fi? '««^ w w^ ' :.!J!t6Ml^)i. <