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Flesherton Advance, 25 May 1905, p. 3

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I THERE IS NOW A MASS OF PROOF THAT LUMBAGO IS ALWAYS CURED BY DODD'S KIDNEY PILLS. •/' â-  Quebec Man Cured His Kidneys With Dodd's Kidney Pills, and His Lumbago Vanished. Quijhec, V. Q., Mny 22.â€" (Special)â€" John Hall, a bricklayer, resiiliiig ut 57 l.lttlo (Miamplain Street, this city, has added his stateiiient to the groat mass of proof that Lumba- go is caii.sed hy ilisordereil Kiilno.vs, and conKe(|iiontly eiisily ciireil by Dodil's Kidney I'ill.s. Mr. liall says: "X was troubled with Ijunibago for two years. I could not work. I had to get up at nights to urinate so often that my rest was broken. I read of cures by Dodil's Kidney Pills and made up my mind to try them. After the first ho.v I could see and feel a change. Three boxes cured me completely." Lumbago. like Uhoumatism, is caused by uric iiciil in the blood. Uric acid cannot slny in the blood if the Kiilncys are working right. Dodd's Kiilney Pills make the Kid- neys work right. Et!t!-SWALLOWINU IlECOKD. A singidar .qtoi-y of ogg-swallowing comes from Marlt/.hurg, the capital of Natal. A well-known citi/.en niado a bet with a local auctioneer that he would swallow fort.y-two raw eggs In ten minutes. He per- formed the tusk in eight minutes, and then olTerocl to .swallow si.xty raw eggs in lifteen minutes. Known to Thousanils â€" Parmolco'.s Veg<!t,iil>le Pills r.^i;ii:;iiu Die .•lelioii .,i tlie •ictrotion-!. pmiiy ttiu blood and keep the stom.i.cb andliowels Ivuo from (leletcriuus miLLlur. 'i'iU<eri acc(u-(lin({ to direcLion they will ovorcomu dysiinpsia. eraciicate biliousiie.s.'j, anil leave tlie di- gestive organs lieallliy anil strong to perform their fiinetions. Thoir merits arii well-rtnowii to thousands who know by experience h-jw benclieiul tli'iv .j„c iu giving tone to thii sys'oii. ALL THE WOKLLI'S BARRELS. "The invention of new machinery has made the cooperage business the largest in the world," said a man interested in that industry "Tlio largest consumption of barrels is in the cement business, which approxi- mately denuiJids ;i."),000,OOU a yeir for the trade, while Hour comes ne.\t with a demand for 22,,")0(),(J()I); fence staples, bolts, nuts, and nails re- quire 18,(100,000, and sugar 15,000,- 000. Roasted coll'ee, spices, crockery and fruit and vegetables use up about ,'5,000,000 barrels a year e.tcii, while the glassware trade, baking- powder companies, distilled lir|U(;r nTanul'actnrers, and sweet tobacco, and packers are big users of barrels, averaging in each trade fn^ni a, 000, 000 to 3,000,000 barrels." KONK'S TRAGIC END. Suicided Before the Altar «in a Belgian Church. nin-intr the celebration of Mass in (he cha|)el of the Redemptorist. I'athers ut lionlers, ISelginni, an ex- traordinary tragedy occmrod. Kneeling to pray before the imago of .St. Cerurd, at a moment when the cha[,el was occupied by a large congrognlion, including many wo- men and children, Father llorrenmns, one of the r.-speeted of the lie- deniptorist prii-sts. suddenly drew a ra/or from beneath his cossock and cut his throat. Uttering a chokinjj cry, he fell dead before the s'hrine. In the midst of the confusion cau.s- ed by the fraged.v, shouts of "I'^ire!" were raised and dense clouds of smoke spread th-ough the building. The con.^-regation, panic stricken, ni.sherl to the doors and smcceeded in escaping from the burning chapel. It was then discovered, sa.v.s the "Petit .Journal," that the lire ori- ginated in the dead priest's cell, where a mass of books and papers were in flames. With considerable dillicnlty tli.j lire was llnally e.xtingu- ished. There was no doubt that Father T!orrenians had deliberately startwl the fire before going in to tin? service in the chapel. The occurrence is believ<>d to have been due to a high fever from which the monk was suOring. Sunlight Soap will not injurt your blankets or harden them. It will make them soft, white and tleecy. jq A Casket o* Poarla. â€" Dr. Von .Stan's l'ineii|i|de Talilcts would prove a great solace to the disheartened dysprptie if ho would but tost their potency. They're veritable gems in preventing the .seating of stomaeh disorders, by aiding aiul stimulating digestionâ€" GO of these health "peurls" in a bo.\, and they cost ijo cents. Hceommonded hy most, eminent physicians. ^6i Virtue becomes a vice as soon as you are vain of it. FOR OVEll .'-.iXTY YKAna. Mrs. Winslo^*3 iSoothing Syrup has been used hy millions oi inothor.s for their children while teednng. It soothes the child, sotteii? the gums, aila.vs i>ain, cures windcolic. regubiLeH the stomach and liowels, and is the best remedy for lijarrhoea. 'i'weri ty-fivo cents a bottle, bold by druggists throughout tho world. Bo sur,! and ask lor "Mrs. Winslot.'s .SootliiiiK Syrup." i'^â€"ui "1 reckon .Jolin must have been cut out for one o' these here geniuses that writes for the magazines," said tho old man. "What U'lakes you think so?" "Can't make money enough to (.'it his hair cut, an' would rather watch a star than dig a well!" DONT'S FOR Bl,iSlNE.SS GIKLS. Don't be late to your work and then expect consideration becauso you arc a young lady. Don't expect to be treated as if you were in soc- iet.y. You are probably doing the work that was done f(U'merly b.v a man, and if in small ways you are not considered us much as .vou are at home, remember that you are in business. I'on't have your friends come in to see .you during business hours. Don't let your friends ring you up at the ollice, even in the lunch hour. Don't comidain con- stantly about your work. If your work is not congenial to you, nn\ki' up yoin- mind to get some other em- ployment, but don't whine. That never helped anyone. J AI'AXESE PATRIOTIS.-W. During the past three years tho .luiuuiese in three big centres in the United States of .Japanese popula- \ Sound .*-itoniach Moans a Clear Head. â€" The high pressure of a nervous file which business men of I he preseiil day arc constrained to live iiialoi draughts upon their vitality highly det- rimental to their health. It is" only by the most careful treatment that the.v are aide to keep themselves alert and active lit their various callings, many of theM know the value of Piir- melee's Vegetable Pills in regulating the stomach and consequently keeping the lieail clear. Oii^si©rS3tsFrse FOR CASH TRADE. BENEFITS THi MERCHANTS BENEFITS THE CUSTOMER A Morchimt in your ueigli'tortiood i^ bhowiiiK ilia ii; preciuLiua of ciibh irt*Llrt l>y Kiviiix itbiiiluu'ly free, DI.\N1-Ul SETS. It you (to not know this M-'n-li*!i!. write m and wo will not only tell you wtiu iie ia, but forward you :\ hnmtsoinosionvenir 1''KE1S ThB British CHnticllan Croohory 00., Ltd. TOno.NTO, OANADA. Fweddio â€" "That cwcature actually told mo to minil my own business, y'kiiow." Choll.v â€" "Tho impertinent wretch." Fweddie â€" "I'ositively in- Kiilting. .As if to insinuate, don't yknow, that I was in business." MESSRS. C. C. RICIIATfDS & CO., Yarmouth, N. .S. rientlemrn, â€" Tn January last Fran- cis Leclair, oni; of the men einiployed by me, working in the liimiier wootis, had a tree fall on him. crusliing him fearfully, lie was, when found, phic- ed on a sloo and taken hoiiu'. where gr.ave fears were entertained for hi.-; i-ecovery, his hips being badly bruised and his body turned black front his ribs to his feet. We used MIN'ARD'S IJNLVtl'INT on him freely to deaden the pain anil with the use of three bottles he was coiitpletel.V cured and able to rettu'n to his work. .SAilVKUR nilVAL. Elgin Poad, L'lsK-t Co., Que., May 2()th. 189;!. NONR .M1S.SINO, "Do .vou think that nios(]uitoes ear- r.v malaria'.'" "T dunno." answered Farmer Corn- to.sKel. "They never took, an.v awa.v from here." The thousands of people who write to me, sayiug that lion â€" San Francksco, Seattle, Itonoltdu â€" have contributed to war fund a total of S.j,01o,482. and thi The Lung Tonic cured them of chronic coughs, cannot all be mistaken. There must be some tnith in it. Try a bottlo for thai cough ol yours. Prices: S. C. Wells & Co. 310 25c. 50c. $). LoRoy, N.Y., Toronto, C.iu. A RACK I I'.ACK HIFKICULTY. "Your husband." said the ph.\siciau "must not lei his system run down." "l-'octor," answered young Mrs. Torkins. "he has been doing ijis l-.est to kci'p it up. liut it n(!Ver wins." Couth American Rheumatic Cure Cures Rheumatism.â€" It is safe, harm- less and acts f|iii('k â€" gives almost in- stant relief atid tin abstilitte cure in from one to three days â€" works won- deis in most acute forms of rbettma- tism. One ittiitt's testimony: "[ spent (1 weeks in lied befoie cointnoncittg its use â€" -'l bottles ctiretl tite." â€" liG POOR DAD. "I woiiUi like ti3 see your iiiolhi'r, 1 ant giving lessons in bring hiind- painted china." "lieel ma don't need no le.ssons, she's an expert at tirin' anything." Do Not flelay â€"Do not let a cold or cough fiist-.Mi upon you as it will if neglected. Dr. 'I'liomns' Mclectric Oil will break tip o colli and cure a cough, and shoubl ho resorted to at once when the first s.vmptom.-. itpiietir. Jt et\ii be disguised so that an.v unpleasant tiiste it may have will be iiitpiM'ceptiblo to the delicate. 'I'r.v it utid he ctntviticed. DAME NATURE HINTS. When the Food Is Not Suited. When Nature gives her signal that something is wrong it is generally with the food; the (dil Daitie is al- ways faithful ami one should act at once. To put ofl' the change is to risk that which ina.v Ite irreparable. An Arizona man .says; "For .vears 1 coidd not safely eat any breakfast. 1 tried all kinils of: breakfast foods, but the.v were all j soft, starchy, which gave me distressing headaches. I drank strong colTec too, which appeared to benelit me at tho time, but added to the headaches afterwards. Toast and colTee were no better, for I found tho toast very const ipuHng. ",\ friend persuailed me to qtiit the old colTee and (he starchy break- fast foods, and use Dostum ColTee and liraiie-N'uts instead. I shall nevci" regret taking his advice. I be- gan using them threi! months ago. "The change I hey have worked in mo is wonderful. I now have no more of the distressing sensations in my stomach after eating, and 1 never have any heiidachea. 1 have gained 12 pounds in weight and feel better in every wa.v. Crape-Nuts make a delicious as well ;is a nutritions dish and I lind that Dosttim Cofleo is easil.v digested and never produces dyspepsia symptoms." Name given by Dostum Co.. B.ittle Crock, Mich. There's a reason. Cot the iiltle hook, "The Road to Wollvillo." in each pkg. EVKR SEEN REAL GOLD? Few people know the real" color of gold, because it is seldom seen ex- cept when heavily alloyed, which makes it much redder than when it is pure. The purest coin ever iiiailo were the lift.v-ilollar pieces uhich onco were in common use in Califor- nia. Their coinage was nband me.l for two reasons; first, because 1 he by abrasion was so groat, and, second, because their interior could be bored out and tilled with li'ad. The dill'erence in weight was so small that it could not be not iceil in such largo pieces. They were octagonal in shape and were the most valu.iblo co'ns ever minted and cil•cul.^ted. .Ml gold is not alike when refined, .\ii.s- tralian gold is ilistinclly redder tlian that taken in California. Moreover, placer gtdd is more yellow than tluit which is taken from ipiart/.. I'his is one of the m.vsteries of metallurgy, the gold in placets comes from that which is in (piart/.. Ct.ld taken from dilTereitt placers will \nry in color. The gold in the Ural II. mn- tains is tho reildest in tho world. "Aly wife has a remarkable collec- I lion of curiosities." "Was she col- lecting when she married .\ ou'?" "Yes." "That's what I thought." Minard's Liiiiraent Cures Distemper MODEST W.\NTS. The fewer oin- wants the nearer wo resemble tho gods. â€" Socrates. Dr. AgncWB Ointment Cures Piles â€" Itching. Ulreding and blind Dili-s. Comfort in otto application. It cures in three to six nights. H cures all skin in .voting jotd old. A remedy beyond compare, and it never fails, ll'i cents. â€" 6;! Littlo Ethel (layin.g down a I oo'ki â€" "Do i>rinces alwa\s dress in silk and velvet, and wear a cap a white feather, and ride a sweet little white pony'?" Mother â€" "Not now. m.v pet. They dn s.-s just liko other boys." I, it tie Ethel (sadly )â€" "Then 1 ilon't think I'll ever marry.'' Sweet Tnnoceiice â€" "Darn sa.vs that you cnn'f alTord to marry." OuiUv tul Youth -"Oh. how absurd! Why. it only costs a few dollarsi" Swe«t Innocence â€" "Is thai so? How papa is! I'll tell him." FILIAE LOVT^;. The Father (.sternly) â€" "Young man, when I was your ago I snved up m.v money." * The Sonâ€" "Well, governor. I don't know what I shoidd do if you haiin't." IklDNEY Our Honest Belief t/ouSir*' *''''"' X,^^i^!'^°^'"f!^''^^^'^'°N as modern methods and materials Will permit. BLUE R'BBOSM TEA has a DISTINCT liMDIVlDUALiTY tnat lifts it above the line of COSVIPARISON with other brands. TRY IT. PASR OF SKATES FREE. we w'^m','"'';'!'',,!'" '=''•'>'• ','â- ' '-'"1'''' ''^'n' °':°''y °'''"'"' °' '^ bicycle in Canada as iT, be lou, p' , ,1 ''"i"" V"''" ""', ""= '"'^""I'^Ke 01 tho Improvements now P rsoe ',„l"ii '".""^â- "'''â- T ."â- " ''"â- "llo- l''"i- this reason we want as tnany IKisoii.-, IIS possible to send in fiom their locality a good list of lior,,^ tidn b vrie wi, "'â- â€¢r;'â„¢ "'''i" â- "'â- "'"'' '"" i-'l^rested m ^the*- purchaso o ,1 new 1 ,Mh> Willi tho modern improvements. Tiio lists will he recciveil in r<."u. V. w ir''s,.nd rre "," 7'""' "'' '•"''' ^ ^>'.<'"'.v-liftl. letter in tho orde,! , cel?.d. w<. w,ll send ft ee oi charge one pair ol our improved Hockev â- 'L'vclo" hka e< n.iinulacturc.d hy us. sold regularly at $LoO per palt^' The 1- , ttust be ccarly wnllen out with aQdrcsa and name of laako of prei^et t lucyilo and si, oul< „e addressed .^s follows: Uepartment D Camxda Cycle & faut'^lmn M.'iv'oltr"'" •^""'^''""' ^^ ""'""'• ^â- '-^- ">"'^L ^^ receive.^ '"not 's Best Bi'Qp^^s TIIJCY HAVE TiTB Cushion Frame, Morrow Coaster Brahe, and Sills' Handle Bars. CLEVELAiVO M^SSEY-H ARRIS BRAIVTFORD WELLANO-VALE Oaoada O^^ole asid Mot^r Oo., Limited, " Makers of the World's Best Bicycles," TORONTO Canadian Headquarters for AutOi'nobiles. "When I met you." snapped the woman who had been mairied tor her money, ",vou occupied a low men- ial position, and it's only due to me that your present position ' "Is a h.vtneiieal one. my deur," inlor- rupte<! he.r liiisbanil. smiling sweetly. Minarii's Liniment Cui'as Diplitlieria "Why am T like a pin'?" asked Mr, â- Join's, Iriimiphantl.v, of his wife, lie c.vpectt'd she ^\'a.s going to sa.v. "l^o- cause .von are so shaip," and ho was simply iiaral.v/ed when sbi' re- plied: â€" "liecnuse if .you should get it •.voiililn't be worth while to spend tiiiw looking for ytni." Dr. Agncw's Catarrhal Powtlor.â€" Hev. W. II. Main, pastor of the Uaplist I'.^matiuel t'liurcli. tlulTulo. gives strong testimony for and is a firm [lelicver in Ur. Agnew's Catttrrhal Powder. lie has tried imiii.v kinds of remedies with- out avail. "After itsing t)r. .Vgnew's Catarrhal Powder I was hetielited at once." are his words. U is a wtmder- ful remedy. .'lO cents.â€" 00 T^ OR SALV:â€" .S.'iO ACHES V.^LC-V- ^ ble farming land; lirst-class im- provements. Also several other '.\im properties in Southern .Mberta. Send for list. G. F. HKiORIO, aiacLcod. Alberta. Boiler for Sale 150 li.p,, in good couditioa. Very cheap. S. FR.'XNK WILSON. 73 VV. Adelaide St.. Toronto YOUR OVERCOATS fend fftdrd Suits nroul.i lonk liottor ityod. If no ASfm D/ ot;ra in your to"vn. wrilu lUrcct Montreal, Ilox 1^ BRITISH AMERICAN DVEINQ OO. MOAIHKAJ... â- "i'his." said (be scllool ffienil. wlio had not seen her for a .vear. 'this is the girl who vowed to me that she never woiilil belong lo any man, eh'.'" "1 don't." said she who had been mari'ieil the niatter ,of some few months, "lie belongs lo itie!" Lifebuoy Soap â€" disinfectant â€" is strongly I'ecomittended by the nietlical profession as a safeguard agtiinst- in- fectious discuses. 21) A CIIOICK OI'' I'lVJI.S. Tommy (niessed for evening jiart.v) -â€"Mother, shall i wash my hands, or I)ut on glo\es'.' No Breakfast Table complete twlthout An admirable food, with all its natural qualities intact, litfcGd to build up and maintain robust health, and to resist 'Winter's extreme cold. It is a valuable diet for children Minari's Liniment; Cures C0M3, &3 -Nor A SAli'lil TOIMC. The mnn who has a strict regard for the Irtilh seldom talks about his own achievements. ENGLISH SPAVIN LINIMENT Iteinoves all hard soft or ciillottsod lumps and blemishes frotn horses, blood spavin, curbs, Kplints, ringbone, swcctioy, btilttes, sprains. soro and swollen titroit, coughs, etc. ."^avo $aO by uso of one Ijottle. Warranted tho tuobt wuiidcrlLiI flieuiish Cur« over i^nuwii. The Most Nutritious and Economical. lOducntion is more than a !irei>ara- tion for life; it is a lite. llothor tlravea' Worm Exterminalor is pleasant to tnke; sure and elTecttial in (lestfo.ving worms. Slanv ita\u tried it with best rustilts. lliggs â€" "To think tbnt n man should put an < neiii.v in his mouth to steal a'wa.v his brninsl " (Irigg.s â€" "Vis; and lliink what a hunt it must bo for the enemy sometimes:" Tomâ€" "Yon sa.v that the bride and brideKi'ooin looked nice. What about the guests'.'" Willâ€" "Oh, they took the cake!" ])r. .J . 1). Kellogg's Dy.icntcry Cordial ih prepared from ilriigs known to tho lirol'ession as thoroughly reliabin for tlto cure of cholera, d>soutery, diarrhoea, uriping pains ami summer complaints, ft ha.** lieon used succossfull.v I)y medical practitioners for a numlier "of /ears with Rralifylng results. If suffurlnp from an.v Kttmmcr cor. -laint it in just tho mc<licluo that will euro .vou. 'J >y n hotllu. It sell.s for 25 cents. "Here," bnid the clerk at the .Skin- neni Tlolel, "we have eighteen hun- ih'cd servants." "Well." s-nid tho (lepaf'iug guest. "1 must have over- looked four or five. I'ui quite siiro 1 haven't tipped so many "ks that." Why (JO liinplns and whining about your corns when n Ufi cent hollle of Holloway's f'orti Cure will remove tlicm? Civo it a trial and you will not regret it. GOR] GORJ)! 11 am â-  .She â€" "I was reatling this nioiniiii; of a man who cooked his own break- fast for fifteen .voars." Ilo â€" "lie must- have ln>en ver.v hungry when h« linally got it done." PROTECT YOUR FOOD WILSON'S FLY PADS KILL TKEM ALL AVOID POOR IMITATtONS <' JSSUE NO. 21â€" Oj.

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