txUvi K^ •*^TeUTH BEFORE FAVOR." â€" " PRINCIPLEfci NOT MEN. VOL XXI,v, NO 1223 Fleshertoii, Ont., Tliursday. JVEay 23 tOOo W. H THURSTON, RBITOR PllorKlKTOH Oiag To Got Married ? If SI) y<iii will want i\ nice wv'liUnir rinj,'. We Iku'u lh?m ill a (jreat v.'iriuty r.iul at juHt the right © © Going To AWeddicg? Tfso yiiii will want to take a iirMi'nt alomf. We liavi! t'Ki many b(;a;itifv.l BLACIC WOOD CLOCKS which we will sell at cosl fnr the next tifreen days. This means H'tniethinj^ to you. M:ik'? a note of it. Tlie.se are suitalile for general use. See them. liU. Hrmstrongt t'LESIltUTON, ONT T? - T* â€" •vr^^^â€"^" â€" jg ~y- y - ^^ Industrial Home Notes 1 i .,.j^,*--«.;-^ I f; (Dij an lunuita) J L' .:^- 1 ^- .-±- i^-i^ i^-j^-i!.-!^^.:^] Within tliL' first twenty six hours of llie present week, two more souls have taken their Hiij'.it frum their enrthiy tabernacloi to the great unknown beyond; two more clayey, vaemit tenements at this moment 'â- of writiii!> lie beneath this roof awaiting ti) be returned lo "Molhfr earth." Mrs. Walker, lelict of the late Win. Walker, who died at this Institute on the 17tli of February, passed quietly away about 5 o'clock on Sunday morninij after a painful illness of a few weeks. The old cou^yie ^were in a destitute condition, residing in Sydenham and admitted to this institute on the 17t-h of .lanuary and where both have since passed bwuy to the silent ma- jority. Old Robert Smith had tbo misfortune fco break his arm a few days at;o. l)r. E;»o set the limb and ho is doius; nicely now, hut ai;e is making sad havoc of his mind which has not been of the sound,est for some time back. Geo. MoCallister,who has considerably overstayed bis leave of absciice granted by the committec,will reciuiro fresh com- mittal papers before he can rcturu to the Home. It is quite possible that he has iioinientioii of returniiin until the frost and snow appears aud the wintry vrinds whistle, ^o back, go back. Mr. Herb Robinson called on his sister Miss Ivossina ou Sunday evening. Sorry to hear that Mrs. Henry Stone was 80 poorly but hooe to hear soon of her rccoveiy; silad to hoar that hiiiise'f has so greatly luiprnved in appearance especially a^-out ihi' lips. Success to the Stone's line choir, sing, sins, ainy. John liarrolt, a former resident of Thonilnry, was admitted in November for the winter months, his [lapers bein^ good until May I, at which tim^ ho cnu- teniplaied reiurniiiR lo his bachilor home to cam his living duiiiiK the sunnnor months. He caught H severe cold a couple of months nno which settled on Ilia lunus and to ivhieh he succumhed on Monday mornini^. Barrett was in his T7thy. ar. He was born in the Bri-ish army and cmno to Canada with his fath- er's regiment when lie was four years old. Six years later his fnlher died, bis niothei was yranted 100 acres of scrip land, which she sold, iml remarried. Tn the early (ifliesyounn Barrett enlisted in the rBi;iiiioiit in which ho was born, re turnwd with them to En.'land, embarked with thoiii for the Criinoa, was present at Almi, Inkerinan ami Sebaatnpol, was four times badly wounded, the worst of which was III th.' head. While assisting fco lift a wounded comrade into an anil-u- lance w.agon a Kim c.iiiiy by, tho horses at a gallop. Barrett was struck liy the lead- ers, mid bis liead jambed between the spokes of the ninbulanco, which was moved forward, tearing away a portion of his scalp and itaring skin from hU breast and side, which, said ho, "nearly tinishcd inc." He returned to England, recovered rim his w<>uirl-«. wasurantcd a free disobariie without pension, made his way back !•> Canada, ami hasdived niany years in Thombury or vicinity. Ho never married. Ho maintained a tiOdierly beario'.', elastic step, and »as always clean, neat and tidy. We hope he was tttUj account^ for the l»«t roll call. Business progiosses very slowly in our villatje on accoui.t of the continued wet weather and the farmers are doing con- sideiable f^umbling, hut we think the sunny weather is now clo.'je at hand and things will take a brij,'hter turn. Miss Gladys Wright, who was one of tho favorites in tlie villao:e, died very suddenly Sunday, Slay 7, after an illness of only a few hours. A large number of mourners and sympathizers followed her emaina to it's last resting place in Moun' Zion cemetery. Mr. and Mrs. rt'riffhb have the sympaihy of the community. Two of our young men were ."speeding their horses one day last week and over- turniid Mr. Robinson's buggy, throwing Mr. and Miss R.ohiiison out. Miss Rob- inson's arm was hurt in the fall, otherwise no liarm was done. People should so« that the road is clear bufoie running their horses. Mr. McCutchen also met with a serious accident. When returning from Dundalk his horses became frightened and ran away. Mr. McCutcheoii was thrown out aad seri.nisly hurt. Hia recovery is un" certain . Mr. Lot and his si.ster, Mrs. Wood of shallow Lake, are the â- /ueats of Mr, S, Arnott. Miss Maggie Ross has purchased a new organ. Tho saw null is doing a good business this season. Htone Settlement The Siiblialh school horo reopened last Sunday with a full altendanoe. Mr. J as. LynesH is attain siipt. Mr.ThoK. Brady, of 4th line,Euplirasia, paid a Hying visit to his daughter, Mrs. T Irwin. Mrs. Cooper and daughter Lily are the guests of Mia. J. Hazard. I Mr. and Mrs. J.Beatty Sundayed with ' with friends on this line. j Miss Annie Harrow, of «ho Durham ro.id schocd, was home on sick leave a J couple of days last week, but is fully reoovered. OrL'anii'.ers Beattio and Davis of the R. , T. of T. wero in this vicinity last week land secured quite a number of new re- cruits. Mr. Albert Hazard who has been under tho doctor's care,f()r some time is improv- ing; slowly. â- ^ > l#l< 'm â€" â€" The Blood is The Life McFarland, Stafford & Co. 's Big Store MAi^icia.'vi.i-;, (0?c'r.M<io Grey County's BIGGEST and CHEAPEST STORE A Felt Hat Bargain. $2.25 FELT HATS for 98c. We put on .sale this week 68 Men's Felt Hats, mostly Fedoras, a few stiff and Derby shapes in tlio as.sortmeiit. These are broken sizes or left overs of some of onr best .selling .styles. Only one or two of each style or shade left .and as wo are an.xious to sell every Felt Hats, greys, fawns, browns, gun nielal.s and lil;u>ks, not more than two or three sizes of any one .stylo, but all sizes in the lot. Regular values wore S1..")0 to Owing to fau'ty actions of the kidneys and liver, the blood becomes tilled with (iiseafe germs that imperil health. The tirst warning is a back.aclie, uizziuess, headache and lack of vital energy. Act quickly if y.'U would avoiil the terrible ravat'es of chronic kidney complaint. Get Di'. Hamilton's Pills to-ilay; they cure kidney and liver complaint for all time. No medicine relievos si promptly, nothing; in tlie world of medicine cures more thorouohly. For ^ood blood, clear I complexion. Iioalthy appetite, the pro|>er ! treatment is Dr. Hamilton's Pills. 25c. per box at all dealers. $2.25 each. Your choice this week for iiS'.- $8.00 SUIT LENGTHS for |2.50 .Wa put on the bargain counter this week 20 Svtit Lengths. Those ends are all good honest Canadian Tweed or Worsteds, OA to 7 yards to each length. The goods trs perlect in every way, bur for some reason tho patterns have not been good sellers and we can'l; aiford lo take up room with slow selling goods. We prefer to get an adver- tisement out of them by otl'ering them at half price, 20 suit lengths of Caiiadiiiii Tweeds ami W.irsteds, assorted patterns anil coloring.s, each lengtli tiito 7 yards â€" or full Suit Lengths. Regular values OOc. to §1.25 a yard. They go on sale Thursday morning at your choice per Suit length J.DO Victoria Corners How to Ward oft Old Age. The mn.st siiceo.ssful way of warding off the approach <'f oltl ;i^o is to maintain a vigorous dii^o.'ition This can be done by eatiin; ouiy food suited to your .age and oeciitiation, and when any disorder of tlie stomach appear;* take a dose of Chamberlains Stomach anil Liver Tablets, to correct it. If you have a weak stoinaeli or ai-e troubled with indigestion, you will liuxl these Talilets to be just what you need. For sale by W. E. Kichard.son. loth Line Osprey .A severe hailslorm passed over this vicinity last Wednesday. Mr. Win. Hudson lost a valuable year- ling lit liy jumping on a picket fence. Mis. Ernest Buckinsjham spent Sun- day with Missi.8 Ethel and Oertie Col- quette. Miss M Heron is visiting with her brother, Mr. .V. Homn. Ensign Poole of the Salvation Army, spent list week with his brother, Mr. John Poole. Miss Elsie Sayers i" seriously ill at present with pneuinoni* Mrs. Samuel Ottev.iell is very low just now. We hope soon bo hear of her recov- ery. The trustees of No. 5 have engaged Mr. .Tcdiu Hale to teach in the place of Miss Huseon, who has resigned. Mr. R' Brackenbury is making the lumber Hy on Mr. Joe Irwin's farm, to the tune of the hiss of steam with "'Crack- er" at tlie throttle. Mr. Norman Holroyd visited friends at Mcliityre on Sunday last. Mr. Merriit Kerr his gone up tho lake for the summer. R. J. is rushiug the binder twine bus- iness just now. Wo understand that the Holiness Workers intend erecting their tent on 55r. Win. Mullen's farm about May 24. Mr. J. Trv.'in is lushing the work of er- ecti:i>; the farnier.-*' mill at Foversham with Qf teen men and several teams. Joe is a hustler for certain. Success, Joe. A Remarkable Story. Mrs, .Xlexander McLeod, con. 8, lot 7, Holland, when called upon, said: "No, my son is not at home just now; but if it is a testimonid you want, I can sive it to you as well as he can. My son lias been troubled wiih ihenniatisin for over One year, principally in his riuht foot. Last November he had such a bad attack that lie could not get his boot or overshoe on. On Monday nioriiing, two days after, he got a bottle .if Cameron's Rheumatism Cure from Mr. Moriison, storekeeper, at Strathavon. Tnal night I was going to visit a sick noigbbor; and my son Ale:i. was to come and fetch mo home if ho could get his overshoe on. What was my surprise, "said Mrs. McLeod, "when he can.e to get me, to see him with both his boot and overshoe on; and it is now two we;k» since takino; and ho is now work- ing in tho bush, and haa not had ony sigii.i of the rheumatism since. Yes, said Mrs. M'lLeod, "lo know the merits of Cameron's Rheumatism Cure, write to me, Mrs. Alexander McLood. Ma»scy Post itfice. From Our Own Corr!.sjn,mknt. Seeding is about fanisl.ed in this viciii- I ity. The rains of the past week ."ome- what retarded seeding, but did not serioui'ly daniago the fall wheat. The cheese-factory is running again. Mr. Geo. Ludlow Jr. is 111 charge. .Mrs. Morrow, and ^usjbter, Nellie, of Markdale, are visiting with the foiiner's sister, Mrs. Jas. Best. Work began on Mr. Tom Baiinon's new brick house on Monday. Mr. Fred Rid- er has iho contract, Mr. Jas. Siiiison, on Monday last, sold ten head of titie young steers to Messrs. Will and Rob. Richardson, who recently bought the old Trimble property, near Flesherton. Mr. and Mrs Rob Moore, of Flesher- ton, visited with the foriner,s parents here lately. Mrs. John Galbraith, from near Flesh- erton, visited with her brother, Mr. Geo. Ludlow Jr., one day last week. Dropped AH Others. "I dropped all liniments but Nervilino iK'canse I fourid Nerviline the quickest to relieve p.iin," writes E S. Benton of St. John's. "If my children are croupy or sick, Nerviline cures them. If a case of craiiqis or stomach ache turns up, Ner- vilino is ever ready. Wo use Nerviline for neurak'in, rheumatism and all kinds of aches and pains; it's as good as any doctor. " The great Canadian remedy for- the past fifty years has been Poison's Nerviline--Dothiiig better made. The editor of the Hanover Post h.as been served with a notice of lihel by Goo. Ries, proprietor of the Reid House, Han- over. A let! er signed, "(.)ne of the hum- iliated," appeared in the Post alleging that mi.iors were able to secure liquor at the Reid House, and that the cominiss ioners were jusiitied in refusing to grant a license for lonaer tlian three mouths. The Post does not apoiosjizo for tho stato- lUBUt of its correspondent, butagroes with tho writer and says: "It is true, deplor- ably true, that young and growing boys on the green »ide of twenty-one years of age, go reeling about tho streets in this town, a eaddeiiiiig spcelacle to the town at large, but a sight more liartowiiii to their friends and relatives and the loved ones at home." It will now bo in ordnr for Mr. Ries t<.i back down or tliero will be a big libel suit at th.j next session of tho High Court in Owen Sound. A Good Suggestion Mr. C. K Wainwri(.'ht,of Lemon Citv.Fta . I hiv< written cbe mauiilactiirers that much I better result.-* are obtained from the use of C!hainberlain's Cidic, Cholera and Uiairliooea Remedy in eM.se3 of pains in the stoniaeli, colic and cholera morbus liy tikinj? it in water a* I liot as can lie drank. That, when t«koii in this I way the e,feet is double in raiiiility. "It I seems to get at the right slx-t iieitaiitly,' lie ' says. For sale by W. i',. Richanlsen, I An Owen Sound correspoudeut writes that a "Jack the Hujiger" has appeared there and has already strenuously kissed several ladies. The result is the streets are crowded nightly with old niiiidi, who are bound to catch the hugger or know ,he reiaon why.â€" Haaover Post. 3.50 DRESS SKIRTS FOR 1.39. Wo have been doing nn immense trado in Ready- ro-wear Skirts this spring and every week the sales'keep increasing, but there is always sure to be some slow seU- ers, no matter how carefully you niaUo the selections there is some style or cloth that doesn't take with tbo buying public. VVe find ill the Skirt Section a couple of lines of Frieze Skirls that are hardly broken on. The lenJency seems to bo for Lustres and lighter weight cloths. The?e FrifW Skirts are ]iBrfuctly inada and perfect in cloth and style, only 15 in the loS but l,j lad;es are going to get a bargain. Regular values 2.70, 3.00 and 3..i0. On sale Thursday morning, your choice for - 1.89. THREE SPECI.\LS IN LUSTRE SKIRTS We hav8 three special values in Lustre Skirts at 3.50, -1 50 and 5.00. These are perfect litters, handsomely made in latest styles from rich, biiglit inidiair lustres, each one bears the maker's trademark, "Milady,''all sizes in blacks and biowiis at each 3.50, -t.BO and 5.00. 50c. SCOTCH LINOLEUM FOR 40e. Wo have several handsome patterns in 72' inch wide Scotch Linoleum in blv-k, tilw and floral designs. These cmif f:oo i famous inaker,and although the solid cork top are a soft pliable make, with the wo!\r guaranteed, wo have always sold them at 51)0 a square yard, thia year our price is iOc. 30c. FLOOR OIL CLOTH FOR 25c. Wo are ihowfitig a big range of Cafthdiari" Floor Oil Cloths in several handsome de- signs an. I coverings in block, tile and floral pattern. They are hero in 1, I}.li- 2 and 2h yards wale, at per .sq. yd. 2J HANDSOMIi SILK WAISTS 33.25 Wo have a nico assortment of Silk waists ill white and black wash Tatleta, in sizes 34, .36 and 38 bust. These are hand- stnnely made with tucking, hemstitching etc., and are made to wash, special value at 2.25 We Want Your Wool If you have wool to ina»ket this season we .are in a position to handk it to your very best interests If you want cash we can guaranloo you tlio very highest market value. If vou want tii trad'o it for merchandise this store can savo yon money. Every depart- me'nt is crainnied full of NE iV, HONEST, UP-TO-DVl'E GOODS bought in the best markets of tho world for spot, cash and every article or piece of ttoojs is marked lu plain fienr.,-s with ..me iirice t.i all, and our guaranto.-, "\ our money hack if not satis- fied." "Doing business on these broad principles should appeal to the .sensible buyer. McFAKLiLND, STAFFOI^D 6c CO W. Hockley 1905 W. Hockley PI>^OTON STATION STOI^E Now that we are starting ou the spring season, in going through oiu stoc kwft find tliafc we have many lines that we can give our customers algveatly reduced pricta, ns follows: 2-1 Laiiic3 f.iuoy I.iwu blouses, regular 1.10 for 15 ladies fency strii^d blouses on sale at A largo assortment of ladies sailof hats, your choice Special prices on pri.Us, regular ."ii and 6i for New uecklios, latest styles, snap at Exceptional values in ladies and gents rain proof coats, right we can sell lluin at the lowest possible prices. ' 200 lbs diilcli set onions to be sold at j A large now stock of boots and shoes to choose from â€" just the right kind to . gut for summer wear. ' We handle -U kinds of garden seeds and at tlic ris'ht prices. C.iil and get ^ I pnckages for -• Come an.l buy a strnh vie, a^ wc hwo a Iai'i^o assntmi^it to clioi^.5 ff3:ii, i:ii { at lowest prices. Don't forget tinU wo pay highest prices for all kiiid.i of farm produce. Also remember that wo load and others follow in all kinds ol groccring. ' W.Hockley Proton St n. 69 •J 20 4\ As we bought thc:n l.'> aETt