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Flesherton Advance, 18 May 1905, p. 8

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^# -â- ''.-â-  May 18 1905 THE FLESHERTON ADVANCE \\ u The Markets. Careliillv Corrected Eaoh Week ()»U. :58 38 PeiH ti* to oa Barloy 45 to 45 Butler 11> >,i> 1« Kt!(»« frush 13 to 13 CliickuiiH 7 to 7 DuckH 9 to 9 (ieoao 9 to 10 Hay to 6 DB ''otatnes bag 60 to 00 Turkg^b 13 to 14 Massey-Harris Bicycles O.iu wheel tliiit stands for uU's ijoDcl in bicycle nmnufac- ture is the Masscy-IIarris. It has bosides gnicoful linos anil oxcullcnt tiiiiKh all the pi)od po nts of best iiiiility of iirit.'rial and now invcnlions. r\assey=Harns and iriPERlAL BICYCLES Tin: liit;h (jrado niotluls (A the former •whc.-l linvi! the Hygienic Cushion Framo, 8ill.-. bandlo Bars and Morrow Coaster Brake. The "Imperial" may be fitted .rilh the Coaster Brake and Sills Handle Bars. Write us for particulars. Canada Cycle and Motor Co. Limited. Coponto = C^anada. S^leslxer ton 11 G'lwd horsesâ€" ii^w ri^sâ€" attentive drivers G. W. Hacking VV A N T E D Sa|.!Sii\!-n to represent ' Canada's Greatest Nurseries" N..W. Kl varieties »nd speciuItieM in Hardy Fruits. Small Fruits, SihrubR, t)ina- III iitals and Uosea A |)Mrni4nent simalion, and territory rr-(.-i\'.-<l for right man. I'ay weekly. HANDSUMEOUTKIT VUEE. Wn.e J„r |.arti<.-uliirs. Send 2'>a. for the I'OCKEr MU;ll()SC()PE, useful t. ^loweiR fruits and shral.s and to faruwrs in exaiiiiiiini? i-raris and seeds. Mr lli.hard Allan is loeal agent for Fleslierlon. Stone & Wellington (ovEK 800 aches) Toronto â-  - Onta"*' u>ol InvoBtment that iiav« liivideiul.s all *hroui{h life 1« » course or IraitilnK lo any o( tlie Ueiiarluiuiilu "ItliB Otiii Sound. Out. Four corni lute eournos o( Ktudy. IttHtt uqilipputl liu^itiu^iH (Jollofte |>rcuitH. m in Ciiimda. the only colli no owiiini; it« own oulliiRa Duil'lluK. A UrKo (tefruf corapeluhl. |i.>iu tnkluK to&chorr. Our (jraduatos ar<: nioHtKUor.oimful. lusl luik tliam. I'ull parlic- ul»rii Milt to ftiy btiliGH (luu. C. A. Fiemins:, Principal Winter Goods I)«IIi«,BUiikelH,R«lM«, imitation Persian Lamb Coat* for drivin"/, Whips, Iji8he«, Combs, Brush- es, - A larjie «tock of choice KOud* just in- Trunks and Valimm for Iravellura. Ott jrour hsrnoM supplie* from â€" Wm. MOORE flusherton rs This falling of your hair I Stop it, or you will soon be ! bald. Give your hair sotne Aycr's Hair Vigor. The fall- ing will stop, the hair will aiF Vigor Tiie Other Side of tiie Story grow, and the scalp will be clean and healthy. Why be satisfied with poor hair when you can make it rich? " My hnir nearly all came oat. I tli«n tried Ayer'i Hair Vt){or aud only one bottle stopped tl>e taUlnfE- >ew hair came la real thick and lust a little ourly." â€" Has. L. M. Bviru, â- Saratoga, N.Y. fl.00 a bottle. All drtiKKlate. for J. o. Ann oo., Lowell, Maaa. Thick Hair P"~ â- -^2 In Furniture The largest and best stock of furniwie ever Khottii in Fleslier- t.iu. This wit hont fear nf contra- diction Coioo and see some of the nice things in Sideboards Dining Roorq Cl^airs Parlor Setts Bed Rooinq Setts A special reduction just now on everything in order to reduce the stock. H. BUNT, furniture iJjea/ef FlesliertoD - lot. ^j -oo Business Cards •j'CULLOUUH & YOUNG Jo a iioueral bankiiii; buuinena. Mouey loanoi a roasouublu rate Call on us. D J .SPKOUIiK •^ Poiitmastvr, Flouliorton . oiumiseioiiir In n. C. .J., Auctioneer Con voyanonr, AppraUor and Monuy Ijondei lloal liBtate ami IllBurnnco ARcnt. UecxlB aiovtyujiOH, leases ao'l wills carefnlly drawn up ami valuations iiiailu on shortest nntico. iiionoy to loan at lowest rates of interost. Col I'ltions attondod to with promiitiiimB uliai'^OH low. .Agent for Ocean Doiuinion Siaamsbip Company. A call solicited. Societies A O U M' moots oii the last Monday â- ' 111 oaon mouth, in their lonj^e room. Ohiistoo'B block. Flosherton. at B p.m. M.W., A. Ilurrisun ; Hecorder, .las. Felptead ; Finau ciiir, W.J. ilol.aiuy. VlsitiuM bretbreC3 iLvitud pUINCK AKTHUK LODGE. No. rWa.A.F* t A M. moots in tho MaRonichall. Strain's block. Kloshurtoii, evory Friday on or huforu tho lull iBocn. John Wright, W M.j C. N. Uicbar aoQ, Hecretary. noi'BT PLKKHICItTON, 09.5, I. 0. P. n-ucits in ^ Ciirihtou's lllool* tlio last FrldaveveninK of t*a(-li month. Visititiif Forestors lioartily welcome. (I. R., .1. (^ornllold; U. C. W. Uuakln: Fin. Sec, H. A. Wlllett. Please nay ditfle to H. h . Willett on or befora the last flay of the preceedlng mouth. Medical DU CAUTKIl M P & H Ont. Phyaicifcii, Surpenn. etc OtHce aud rusidunce â€" Poter St., Flesliertun DH A. T. linND (ira<)uatc Toronto Uiiivorslty. Mom- ber of Ontario ('ollrpe oj IMiysiuUans and Kiir- goous. Mtixwotl, Oil'. KuccHBHor to Dr. Hcutt. T P OTTKWKLL ' Votwriiiary Siirgoon (ir&duAko of Ootario Veterinary Collefje, rusidence â€" ssooiid door south vest on Mary street. ThU btreot runs luiith Presbytsrian Church. HWILHON. lllackPmlth â-  'Graduate of tho Veterinary Rrtenco .\sfiociation. U< hi'leiice, Durhatu itreet, u|)- puHite Uoyd, Hicklibg's hardwars. Legal LUCAS WKIOHT A McAHULB Barrtitore Kolioitora Oonveyancera, etc OfTlcee â€" Owen Hoitii'l.Ont and UarkdalnOnt W II Whioht, MoAuilb 1 I< Lui'Ai N Hâ€" Kleiburton offloa, Mtleball's Bank •very Saturday. Dentistry DR. R C. MURRAY, T,,D. S, dental anrgeon honor graduate of I'oronto University and Knval College of Dental HtirseooB of Ontario. Ofrtne â€" Opnf-qitw ArmatrnnR'ii Jaw«ll«ry Htore. VVill visit Mniwi-ll 1 1, •â-  last Wndueadav of each month and Uuuoalk lat aud Srd Thursday of each ir.outh. HEADACHE I Neural^iu an.l NciAimaaess rurcd quickly by A I A Y HARMLKS HCaOACMI AND y\JI\'\ NEURALGIA CURC. No l.^ait deptcvion. Circaleiit cure ever <li«:ov«r«d. Taltr no n4ber. u< and i^. All ilMlcra of direct fiom iMi,iiH & Ui. S^uKoc, U..t. Moiuy bjcJt if a\A niitlied There was no fatted calf awuitinj; tho families who left Meaford sevoial weeks ago tosetllo on land near Bladworth, N. VV, T. ITroin letters received in town by friends of some of the people who made up (ho party it is loarnod that the sett- ler's train did not roncli its destiimtiin until the nioriiin<{ uf April 25, or exactly Olio week from the time it left here. Tho same day they pitched their tents auil proceeded to gef I liiiiys in slmpo fur ic- inoving their stock and supplies to the colony, some 20 iiiiloa distant. Tho eun was so hot that it blisteri;d the faces of some of tho settlers aud they were obliged to abandon their work until there was a change in tho weathiu-. Tho change came ihe nejtt day in the shape of a siiowstoriri which blew down their tenis, coinpelliriK them to return to the railway coach for sl'.elter. Tho weather fur several day.i was extremely cold, and it was all tho settlers could do to keep from frecziiit;. It was ab.iut a week before they gut cet tied on the sections of land comprisii-g a portion of what is known as the Arm- strong colony. Mr. George Francis, who went up with the party, had an experionco which is not likely to induce others to forsake their Ontario homesteads and "Oo west." One of his horses by some moans was thrown to the ground and ho had to [lay ?2 to several foreigners to help him get tho animal on its feet a^'iiiii. In the work of rai.sing tho horse Mr. Francis had fiovcial of his ribs broken, and as thcie was no physician within a di.stanco of 20 miles the suliering he endured until medical aid arrived can be better imagined than described. Many people are boginning to find out that the rosy tales of fabulous wealth in tho Northwest are bound to bear fru:t8 •sooner or later. Distance lends enchant- ment to the view, and as the land will produce lots of crain, it is (juite natural that many in this part of tho Dominion are impelled to go out and try their chances at fanning, But while plenty of grain can bo grown in the Northwest, it must not be forgotten that it takes some time and money to secure results, to say nothing of tho trials and incouveniiuces incidental to life in a new country. Men of abundant means can no doubt do well in any part of Manitoba or t«rritorics,but men wiih small moans will do well to think twice before giving up comfortable homos in Ontario to risk all in tryin.; to extract sunbeams from cucumbers. â€" Meaford Mirror. Why Suffe Fom Rtieumatisin Why suffer from rheuinatisni when one ap- plication of Ciiambei'lain's I'ain Balm will relieve the pain? The tiuick reliff which this liniment affcud:? makes rest aud .slocp pos.sible and tlat alone is worth many times it's cost. Jlaiiy who have used it,hopiiig only for a short relief from sutfeiiiiK have Leen happily aui- prised to find that after awhile relief bocauiu permanent. Mis.V.ll.Legett, of Yum Yum, Tennessee, XJ. y. A., writes. "1 am a creat sufferer from rheumatism, all over from uead to foot, and Cliamheilan's I'ain IWni is the only tliini; that will relievo the puiu." For sal"" by \V. E. Itichrdsou. ••Raffles" Stories in The Hail and hmpire. Mr. E. VV. Hornung's stories i.f "Uaff- les: the Amateur Crackeman" are un- iversally admitieil to he tho most fascin- ating talcs of criminal advonUiro oi'er written. Tho character ot Unifies, the gentleman burglar and jowel-robber, is ouo new to fielion; the story nf his ex- ploits excel iu vigor and ihrilling interest the work of any other moder writer. The Mail and Kmpire will begin public ation in tho Daily on May 13, and the Weekly edition on May 18 of Mr. Ilorn- una'a new series of "Amateur Cracks- man" taloi", which have never before ajipearea iu periodical form. The first of these tales, "The Ides of March," introduces Rallies and his faith- ful coinpaiiioii' "Bunny," in their first and most exciting burglary of the great juwehy store. One of these new tales will appear every Saturday in The Daily Mail and Empire, as well as in the Week- ly edition for the next three ninnlhs. Orders taken at this office for The Weekly Mall and Empire and The Ad- vance, lo be D. ailed l-) any address in Canada, Great Britain or the Uniled States from now until Jan. 1, 1900, fur 80 ueuts. The school at Hamilton hill, one or two miles north of here, has been cluaed since Eaatei, the teacher having left will), out giving the required notice, and the trustee* have not yet been able to till the vacancy. Some of the pupili are atlend- >ng the ichoul at Ohatsworth. â€" Banner, The river at R^-siebottoms' still contin- ues to yield up the choicest tpcpklud trout. On Friday evening last a truy in Mr. Oardincr'a store window cont.inod twelve beautiet ranging in neiiiht from half a pound to a pnuuil and a half, the dozen almost reaching the twelve |K)und mark. Messrs. John Gardiner and S, Bell were the lucky anglers.â€" Herald. Valuable Advice to Mothers. If your child comes in from play cough- ing or sliuwiiig evidences of Grippa, Iboro Throat, or sickness of any kind, get out your bottle cf N-rviline, Hub the chest and neck with Nerviline, and give inter- nal dose>. of ten drofw of Nerviline in sweeicned water every two hours. Tii.8 will prevent any serious iroublo. Ko hnimeiit or pain reliever equals Pol on's Nerviline, which has been the great fam- ily remedy in Canada for the past iifty yeais. Try a 25« bottle of Nerviline. .lolin Elkertoii, the Chesley bJganiist, was .stntencBd at Guelph to foir years in Kingston Penitentiary l.y Ji.d ;e Chad- wick. Tho charge of perjury preferred a(/ainst hiiu was sus^ ended. HIGH CLASS PICTURES. . Tho place to get the best Photos ia at lUJUIKRS PHOTOGRAPH GALLIOKY. HORSE ROUTES GAUTHIER Tho French Coach Stallion. Monday noon â€" Ar wodehouee. Monday night â€" Rocklyn Tuesday noon â€" J. Bailey's, lot 1, con. 6, St. Vincent. Tuesday night â€" Heathcoto. Wednesday noon â€" Ravenna. Widncsday niiiht â€" >'evershan». Thursday noon â€" Maxwell, Thursday night â€" Portlaw. Friday noonâ€" Fleshorton. Friday night â€" Matkdalo. .Saturd.ty â€" Mai kdalo. Terms 810 to insure. HENUY M. DOU GLASS, Prop LIGHTNING MONDAYâ€" Noon at Thomas McUonnell's, •1th line, Kiiiihrasia, thence to James Patter- son's, Blantyre, for night. TUK.SUAYâ€" Along the 9th line to Robert Erskin'.s for noon, thence to Alarkdale Hoiwe, Markdale forhight^ WEDNE.SD.\Y -Along the gravel road to the Munshaw House, Flesherton, for noon, thence via Salem to V. Munshaw's tor nights THURSDAYâ€" Down the 4th linetoCur- rie's hotel, Kimberley, for noon, thence along the Valley Road to Ed^ Brocklebauk's, town line, forniirht. FRIDAY â€" Aciosi to Frank Bro^vuIee's' Ravenna, for noon, then down 8th line. Coll" ingwood, tol.saiic's hotel, Thornlmry for night' SATLFRDAY- Leaves Thornhiiry at 4 p- ni. for home wheie-he will remain till the foil" owing Monday mornins;. GEORGE IMPERIAL Monday â€" Will leave his own &t,able on Fl *herton and Cnllingwood gravel road and |>roceed to Maxwell for noon; thence north and down to towulino Artemoflia and to tho 12ih Osprey, thence west 2i miles by Wright's corners ; thence home to his own stable, Wednesday â€" By way of Louck's mill and cast back line to Markdale for i>o.)n ; thenee down Ihe gravel road to Flesher- ton and home, where ho will remain uiitil Friday morning. Fridayâ€" Proceed to Porteous' corner and down the 3rd lino by Taylors' to Henry VVriulits, Wareham. for noon ; thence north 1^ miles and do«n the 4th line to his own stablo. Saiurday â€" Pri.ceod byway of LoGard's corner and down the oast back lino to Old Durham Corners, thence down tho cravel road to Proton Station for noon ; thence up back lino west to Fleshorton for ono hour, thence to his own stable, whore he will remain until Monday morning. R. UOY, Prop. SPECIAL ATTENTION We pay S'jiecml Attention to Copying and B.ibies' pictures. Pi.:turo fram- ing a specialty. Try us for any kind of pictures and W"e w;ll satisfaction. Sydenham street, J'leshertoB "Truth" is a Strong Ariuini^nt ! Not Olid gradibite of the pojmlar i'OEOITTO. ONT. Cor. Yongo aud Altxundar Stra.ita is out of. a po.iition to d.iy. It is ths truth when wo state that, "Our studentjs are uniformly siieu-.s.sfiil in gcttiu tood po!<itions afier gradu itiou." Our School is a Higli-Cliss one au-J the best in Uaiiida, Enter now. C ill- ego open the entire year. C it^tlogue f rod \V. J. ELLIOTT, Principal. Flesherton Sash, Door and Planing IVIilis [LJlJl ^S^ We have lâ- et^ ivju a large car of best North Shore White Pine. Parties ex- pecting ta build a house next suiumer would do well to call and see us and arrange to have their Sash Door and Frames made during the winter and get tbem home on the sleigh. We furnish everything ueeded for buildins; a house. VVe will make prices and terms interesting. We wont your trade and will guarantee first class; workmausliip and ma- terial. Planing and matching douo promptly. T. VV. WILSON Manager Chopping every day ^'%/X^9S/X/X9i9S/X/%^X/X/X^S/X^^ Buggies - lUagons It you are thinking of buying a fine buggy, wagon or democrat, it will surely pay you to call and investigate our slock, terni.i, etc., before making your purchase. Wo bavo a staff of expert workmen and can «uarantee that you will bo satisfied pi^ough repairs â€" â€" - ALWAYS ON HAND - â€" _ Bioyole - St;m<lx*ies - â€" AND REPAIRING OF ALL KINDS â€" - ^ttSaW^Wt»-;H ^%- fl . J. A. HEARD, â-  FLES HERTON. \\\ mmw mm. m\ For First Class Buggi&s, Carta, Pleasure anil Luml i r Wagons, cullers, Sleighs^ VVe keep a stock on hand to choose fioiii. ALSOHOkSE SHOEING ANOQENERAL BLACKSMITHING and guarantee first class work. Wo keep on hand Ploughs and Plough repairs, and also Massey- Harris and Noxon repairs for binders, Mowers, •!; k'nd.* of ina;hineiy, also Binder Twine on hand. » (Uben in town give US a call c

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