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Flesherton Advance, 18 May 1905, p. 4

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â- â€¢^â- .. . May 18 1905 riii ^L>^skEii'i:ois AbVAi^CS ^{^wwvv^wyw F, T. HILL & CO. 'mt^mii^\ special Attractions For Men And Boys '^ r BOYD, HICKLING & CO., In Our CLOTHING DEPARTMENT. FLESHERTON. ONT. Tliis \v(!ek we liavc opened up a special purchase of new Clothing including many ^ new patterns and extra good qualities at money saving prices. If as a man you are ^ leijuiring a new suit see tliesu lines, and for the boy you cannot do better, as the ^ inducements arc special. ^ l-J MKNS FINE TWEED SUITS NEWEST PATTKRN fur 87.85. Tliis liiiL' of Mvii's Suits is oiio ipf tlio iifwost piiUenia l)fii]g .1 ilark uriiiiiiJ wiiIi n f.iiicy mix''d stripe, and tlio (iii-'illty ef tliu iiiiiivus llie l)03t,!ill sizes, spociiil f.,r 7.85 S iNIEN'S FANCY TWKKD SUITS, LATEST STVLES, for $8.50. Tliis line Mens SuilK is manufacliiriul from one of the newest i^itierns in Tweeil inudo liy tlio Auburn nulls, wlucli ill itself IS ii guiiruntee as t.i quilily, being n fancy mixed pattern it niiiUes a very atractive »nit, Bpuciiil for 8,50 FANCY IMPORTED WORSTED SUITS for MEN, 810.75. This lino of Men's Fine Worsted Suits represents viilue that if the tailor made it for you would §10, but aa it WHS included with our apecial purchase the price is roasoniblo, all sizes 10.75 CLOTHING FOR THE BOYS MANY STYLES AND QU.\ L'TIES 150 Boys fancy and [>lain worsted and inai y siyles and (piiilities in Tweed Suits represciitingd fi^.: i-.sort- ment of sizua and extra good value at thf n 1 owing prices per suit:â€" ?1,50. 1.75, 2.00, 2.25, 2.7 .>. 3 60, 4oO 6,50 ^ Special Sale of Wash Goods Begins This Week â- 2g Wu have succeeded aaain in Kecurin<,' a big lot of those fmcy Wash Muslins. This includes the balance of the "^B lot so Ihat we do not exjiect to Ut able to aciiiii oll'ir you this season such remarkable v.ilues; the patterns â- 3J ,-vre new and iiicliule all the new coloiiims and shades for this season's wear and the price per yard Go' ^g 2000 yards Fancy Dross .Muslins, 12i and 15c qualities, .special sale price per yard 6o NEW WALL PAPER POPULARLY PRICED. This sea.son our Wall Paper stock is particularly an attractive one, roprcsentinc; better qualities and the patterns are unsurpissed. The prices are lower than usual. In justice to yourself we would ask you to inspect our large wall paper slock. We will promise not to disappoint you. <^^*fm MARKDALE WAWW^% She Is published cv.'ry Thui-silay at ?1.00 pia- ainmiii if luiidiu advaU'U!, $1.50 if not so r aid. All subsei iboii; payinjr $1.00 strictly in ndvaiicu got the Mcmtreal Herald one your f/cu us a reiniuin. The C. P. R. Improvements. Last week The Advance announced Hhat tlio C.P.R. would change their graiu loute (r.iin Owen Sound to Victoria Harbor. This was the first paper in Canada to II. ako the announeeniont. On .Miuiday the Toronto Star found out that thoio was Ronietliinj; in it, and having investigated ci.ntained the following art- icle : Survey parlies have just completed â- work on a lino from Fleshcrlon to Walk- ortoii, and construction will cmnuience almost light away. This lino will ^o by way of Pi ieeville, Durham, and Llunuvur to Walkerton. In two weeks tunc Burveyin^ paitiea <«'ill bo Ront out to lay out a new line fron Viiilorii Harbor across the n.irlh of Like Couehishing to Sharbot Lake, Tbi.i is tiio 0, I*. R.'s new grain route frimi the Wo't to the Boahoard. Hi^ e'cvators wili bo croctoJ at Victoria Harbor, and the grain Hteamors will unload there and trim- ship for rail Iraimp oilalion direct to Mon- treal, Tlio water join ney from llii) he;id lif Like Supciiorto Victoria Harbor -s a trifle Ic^H than from the aaiiie point to -()woii Sound, and the new route will cut tilflDO miK'H uf haulut>o, an iiiimt-nse sav- ing in time, to say nothini; of ihu oliini union of the inconvenience of bringing the gram Hnulh to Toronto and handling "it over the coii?«sted On^niio ami yuehec -diviaion. The new lino, too, opens up 'liaek towiiHlii|>s that, are rick in linibor -and mintrttU. Dead Sick of Asthma? You couldn't be otherwise with su di a "diHlresmii^ iiinUJy. Well, for one didlar tpoul on "Calnrrbozono" you c«n bn tlioroiiglily curnd. Foolish to diday, hrcaiiau luiihma Kti'ndily itrowi worse Oct ("iiiarrliozono to-d»y and euro your- •«if; ii's ploiiMDnt to use, veiy Miniple, and cuar>ntt'iitl. t'reacribeil by ihouHAiiHsof -doctors and uRed by the puopio of nine iistii-ns ciirtoinly C^nlaiihoiutno must bu iioud; It hhiiii'l r«lled yet, no nialtur huw chronic ihu cMe. loth Lino OKprejr SoedinK lA iK-arly orar in thin vicinity. Mr. Pred Uawtnwn in (rettinn the mitt. ' 4ri«l on ths |{<^>( Dd for a new renidencr, Mr. K. Rrsskenbary hai muritd hm v«a^ne (r«i hia ahingle will to th« furin of Mr. J. Irwin to run the portable saw mill. Wo aie glad to report that Mrs. J. Inkstcr is recovering from her serious illness. lioni â€" To Mr. and Mrs. Samuel Otte- well, on May the '.Hh, a daughter. School has been closed for the past two weeks, owing to the absence of the teacher, Miss E. ISI, llueson, who was called to the death bed of her brotbor. Mr. Jas. Petc'h is visiting his mother in Oolliiigwood, Mrs. ,)ohii Spoor,of Fevershani, is visit- ing her emisin, Mrs. ,S. Roberts. Wo are [ileased to hear Mrs, S. Roberts is convalescent. â-  t <«>«^- Radiant Womanhood. The Lilery and sitisfaction of beautiful wnniaiihood can be known only to those possL-ssini; the unliniiniited advantages of health. No weak woman ciin oe h.ippy or half enjoy ilie pleasures of life. Pallid cheeks, sunken eyos, exhausted nerves, all toll of a terrible Co keep up. What the wejdi woinaii needs is Ferro- zine; It renews, restores ami vitalizes in- stantly â€" it's a "woman's roinody," â€" that in » by. Fern "Zone makes women strong, pluin|i and heal' hful because it contains lots of nulrinient, the Kind that fmins muscle, .-iiiow, bone niid nerve. Vitalizing blood courses throuuh the body, iimking delight- ful cobn'i ha|ipy spirits, true womanly siroiigtii. Fifty cents buys a box in any drugstore. The assessment of Owen Sound shows that the population has passed the 10,000 mark, anil iliiit the asae.SKmont is over *1, 000, 000 nioio than last year. Mr, Peter Uyaii ndinided before the I'liblic Accounts (Joinmiitee tliat ho had received a fte of Sl',t)00 for acting as auctioneer on one occasion when the Province sold over i!o,000,0(10 worth of timber. IVIr. Hukili Ferguson, who conducted a largo general stnro business m Dnndalk a fiw nionlhsag.i, will eoninienco business III Sbelbiirne abon^ the loth of May aa dealer in butter and egirs and other farm pinduee. Olio of ihii most disgraceful affairs that oceurrod in Diindalk for some time took flaee on Saturday ninht last, when one of the youni! men of this plaoo i;ot tiyht- iiig drunk and went h-uno and pniinded his nuithcr, a Imtd working woman well up in years, â€" Herald. A despatch from Diitroit aays : Three wwiks ago David Mitohell, from near Owen Sound, Out , jumped from n thinl storey window of »ii hotpl at .Mount Clemen* and broke his back, <3angr«iio and complications set in. There was but one chance of sriving his life. Today the rare and ditVinilt operntinn of lainmec-- tomy was |ierformed on him in Detroit. The operation was aurcesafiil. The out- come depend! upon Mitchell's rocunera- live strani(th. The ntnphithnntre of the C(illev'« 'â- '«• 'illtHl with phyticians who cAmo to wilnesH the ofieration. DouaU", the ten yrar-old aon of Mr. Thoa. Kerr, of Pori(us, procured a cart- .ridxe, rtmnred jMiwder from it, and pla ing this on a board, set lire to it. He received a severe burn on the hand, so that he is now carrying it in a sling, and also burned his eyebr iws and eyelashes. The very severe storm th:it raged on Wednesday afternocn of last W3ek was accomjianied by a sad fatality, the victim being Mr. Isaac Orvis, of Corbetton, He went out about three o'clock to drive some sheep into shelter, and not return- ing his wife became alarmed and went to see wh.-it was keeping him. She found him lying in a lield wheru he had been stiuck down, Mr. Copeinan, a neighbor, was notihed, and he carried the body into the liouso and notified tho relatives. The lightning struck deceased on tho head and passi'd down to tho ground, burning tho back of his ne-jk and raising great blisters on his back. Ho carried a walking stick and it was still retained in the hand, though a small sliver was poeletl ofl" the full length, show- ing that tho current had passed along it too. The deceased was seventy-one years of ai;e, and was an idd and respect- Oil resident of that Section- The funeral took placo on Friday to tho Shelburne cemetery. Rev, D. Un|uhait, of Corbet- ton, conduciing tho obse«iuies. The re- mains weio followed by a large number of friends and acquaintances whose sym- pathies are oxtonded to tho sorrowing widow and children, â€" Herald. A Persistent Backache. Can have but one cause â€" diseased kid neys, which must be strengthened before backache can bi) cured. Why not u^ e I)r, Hamilton's pills? They cure the kidneys quick, make them st.rot.g and able to tiller disease - brecdiue poisons from the blood. At oiico yoH feel better, stronirer, brighter. Kidney health is guaranteed every user of Dr. Hamilton's Pills. Get a 25c. box from your drugg ist, and rufusu substitutes. T?nT Any Spectacle is no more adapted to your face than any coat to your body. The fit of the frame is as important as the fit of the lenses. We make a specialty of both. W. A. Armstrortsii ICWKLG" ^NO OPTICIAN FLESHERTON. i Wlien you are roarly to iviarkoi yours, romerabcr we will purchase any qnaulity, aud allow you the liiglicsl prices iu Cash cr Trade, -l A Big Assortment of Yarns Flaimels Sbeeiiiigs Tweeds â-  Blai.kets C'iOtliiug At Right Prices. aF s a-wrfMiAH^mt tqwrnrr. s^Tgna aJBfczsa a.itxi'wt-i Maa saeaaiE^^ Leave your order for the"2Uli" as early as possible so as lo avoid disappoiiitiueut. Wo can please you in ready-to wearer trimmed Millinery as everytliitig that leaves our shjw rooai baars the stamp of style, excellence aud "ood taste. Tliis wftk we opened out a splendid range of New Lawu Shhi ^yaibts Misl from the factory aiid you can depend upon some spleu - did values. Tlie designs are all new and details eucI) as sleeves, collars aud trimming will bo found correct iu every particular. Sizes from 32 to 40. Prices from 50c to ' 2 25 New Wash Goods A special purcliasc of 50 pieces of Fancy iMuslins, Ginghams. Cot- t on voiles and waistings in tho leading colors, iucltiduig blui s, pinks, liuens, etc., gives you a wide choice and very exceptioi;ai values. Every pattern correct. Prices from lOj. to LOc. ^ New Summer Spcialties Just In. •i^ Ladjes' Parasols ^ Children's Sans'iad;3 li Lace Cjllars Fanojr Neckwear Tan Hoisery Kid, Lace and Silk Giovei. Summer Underwear Cravenette Uaincoatf- Deparfmeiit Seasonable Lines Garden Ri»ke3 Hoss Creamer Cana Wiik Pails CLurna Wall Paper Paints Varnisl:«3 ^^€reen Doors ^ : . "IDEAL" Wire Fencing â-  Poultry Netting _ Fence VVjre Wiio Gates .. v.. â-  Lawn Mower3 Wringers Washing .Machines Screen Windows Get our quolnliomi on Buih'ing Ilardwaie. It will pay yen! I Boyd, Hickling & Co. m- 'i â- â- â-  â-  â- â-  : : > * 1 . ^' â€" - Tiesberfon i= â€" â-  3

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