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Flesherton Advance, 18 May 1905, p. 3

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I' I About the ....House WITH HHLliAl'.U. Stowed Rhubard.â€" Whi?n v,.-ry youn Trains Collide^ USEFrL HINTS. STEEL CABS. Cisterns should be thoroughly ,j^^^^ Effect on~Pa3senger3 cleaned out pciindically. Urease spcjts on leather can be re- moved with the white of an egg and dry in the sun. k-"' "'B «= Thickening should be poured l»to j j.Q„i^i„„, j^ j^ ^^e violent gravy rhen the saucepan 13 oft the fire or gus, otherwise it becomes lurapy. Clean paint by using a smail quantity of whiting on a damp ray^. In using a mould keep it full of cold water until the moment it is reouired When The "Railway and Locomotive Fn- gineering" asks:â€" What is a railway coming; together of two trains, either mov- ing in opposite directions, or moving in the same direction, or one moving and the other not moving. The re- sull.s are, as a rule, the same: des- truction of life or of property or of both. Tliere is one thing, however, For the Sake of Good Health Drink color; where the skin can be retain- ed, this pretty tinge is imparled to i the sauce, giving a plea.sant change I In appearance. As the stalks become ; older they must be peeled; this is ; best done by loosening the skin at j the lower end and pulling it olT in | long, thin strips. Cut the prepared â-  stalks in inch pieces and it is ready 1 for use. At least one cupful of sugar [ it's the purest tea in the world. Sold only in lead paclcets. By all Grocers. Mixed or Green, i-liehest award St Black, ouis, I904-. ... ay collisions, ineypo '"â- 'â- 'Sn. I to the results of such an accident in To polish a stove, place a quantity j ^^.h|,.h heavv I'ullmans. steel cars end of into a 'I'sh; add ^^.,,„,,p„ vehicles are involved, nnd THE GREAT FEENCH ASTRO efpial parts water and turpentine, â-  (,.,„„ jhe fact that %voodun cars are and a few drops of varnish; mix this ; ^^^,.,.^^,1^ ,,j^,jiy eru.siied. they are nd- wcll together, apply ^vith a smair ^.„(,^ii ^,,y adoption of steel cars Iji. Flanunarion Savs They Enioy ; and here we made the curio.:.s. dis- pa.nt-brush. Let tjie poli.h dry. and , ^3 ^,, antidote to the collision evil, j ^ Mild CUmatI W^th No " covery that red havens vege- It IS true that if collisions are mo! „. , ^ _, ! tation. while blue cla.^s suppresses Violent Changes. .^ „ . . • • 1 » lit. For instance, .sen.'-iiive plants. . „ ,, , On the to-< floor of an apartment like mimosa, grow liftet-n times ^;:;j;cn:rr'"^^i^':fS'r\i':;-^-«^^ A^^hl^ig- ^"n:::^i-,..e U. Ubservato:.^. I had higher under r.d gla^s than .nder sufficKnt. Ihe .soda has be n , ^^,,^^p^,^ f^^ ^,^„^,j j^^j^ minutes, j ^^e fact that such cars are sa : b-erve cold with jelly or chopped al- than wooden on, s rests on th mends. ability to crash into and to wreck 1 To clean a mattress, remove ' the hair from the tick. ; the tick inside out and wash thcri rub briskly with a stove-brush. | Stewed apples are healthy calim^. | ^f the inovitalilo conditions oti When peeled, place the fruit in cr.ld i i,,^^^,^, railroailine, it is f:ir safer water. Add sugar and lemon-rind f^^^ passeuL'-i-rs OF MARS AND ITS PEOPLE NOMEE'S VIEWS. teriur of the trees and underground streams, to study how the sun af- fects elimatic conditions. "We have, a.s well, different col- ored-glass houK»}s for studying the effect of solar heat on th'» rlants. recommended by some economically inclined housewives, but we cannot indorse the suggestion. Put fruit and sugar in an agate or porcelain- lined .saucepan, add about a teaspoon of water to start the syrup, cover and stand over a slow lire until the sugar is dissolved and the fruit tender, but not broken. Hard boil- ing will quickly disintegrate the rhu- barb, giving a stringy mush, ^hich i "L"'" "' is by no means as inviting to the | all' "ff;;'the good fortune to i-nu il. Camille blue, and another curious thing 1 , i,. iFlanmi.-.rion, the emimnt French a."?- have succeeded in doing is to chan .„pk tron.v.K.r. and one of the mo.-^t r.- both the shape and color of lea-' „ , weaker ones. If all the cars in two ; Turn i ,.; we SO cs under oughly, dry. and mangle. I'lace the horsehair in a tub of warm, soapy water, and souse it up and down for some minutes, then in cold water and dry on sheets of paper in : violently colliding train.s were equal- jLonilon Chronicles corrosijondent. ^"'"â- - Iv strong what would happen to the i "" being ushered into his study, a rather .short man, with a looiune like the coleus and ireranium dilTorent colored giaspes." j I then asked IT. Mammar'on about some of the startling articlts he had eye or palate as the tender pieces in WHF\ IN' THE KITCHEN a clear syrup. Rhubarb Tapioca.â€" Cook one heap-' "Why do women wear such ugly ing quart of prepared rhubarb and j clothes in their kitchens?" lamented l feet per s^.'cond two scant ciipfuls of sugar in a ; an artistic young woman. "Thoy i 120 feet. If double boiler until the fruit is ten- wear out their old things, and the der, then skim it out into a serving ! colors of their aprons are ugly bc- dish. To the syrup in the kettle, add j cause those colors do not wash out." suflicient boiling water to make a responded her practical friend, quart altogether. When boiling. ' "That's the melancholy part about sprinkle in two-thirds of a cupful of it." was the sad reply, "but if a fine tapioca and stir frequently until 1 woman has to spend half her life in ^ it has swollen; then cover and cook the kitchen, why doesn't she put a « violence against the ends and the until clear. Pour this over the! little thought on what she wears ! interior furnishings of the car. and. fruit, chill and serve plain or with | there, instead of saving every | severe injury to them would result. 1 sweetened cream. A variation of this penny and every stitch for her after- i If two iion-telescopable, inficstruc-l receipt can be made by skimming the noon frock and wearing any oUl j I ibie steel car trains came together! fruit into a baking dish. When the thing in the morning? When I am at high speed the stopping of e.Tch ! tapioca is cooked, pour it over the married I shall wear the perkiest train would take place in consider- 1 rhubarb; drop over the top a table- ' sweeping caps I can instead of I ably less than four rail li'iigths, and' passengers? i- •« - , ... .u - . .u .1 We can give some answer to this head and d.-eamy eyes, rose to greet , written on the end of the word question by referring to a newspaper I me. and in a simple, unatlected man-, I have so often dealt with all the cutting lately sent to us by one of ' ner bade me welcome. He then in- , different hypotheses, but you and I our readers, in which it was .said : troduced n-^e to his wife, who a.ssists need not bother about that, as it that a train goini? lifty miles an, him in all his work, and acts as his will not occur^^n our time^ he re- hour had been .stopped by its engi- ^ secretary. 'Iho walls of his apart- plied drily. The earth has rnally necr m four rail lengths. Fiftv 1 ment are all windows, nnd a broad the -embarras dii choi.x' of deaths. mile.s an hour is at the rate of 70.*6 ; balcoiiv runs round the whole l!at. but the most probable hypothesis is Four rail lenuths is ' on \\hi,h is mounted an a.stronomi- that the end will be inten.'««? cold." the train was not'cal tel, scone. j ''•'^ leaving M. Flamniarion said stopping, it would pass over the lour [ Xat:irallv enough, one of tho first i "Thev have nanird a cirque in the rail lengths in less than two que.-,- i[;ns I asked -iuch an authority j moon after mc, but pray do not socomls. It is, of course, obvious , referred "to the planet Mars. mention it, as the Budget Commis- that this newspaper statement is in- "Ah, the planet Mans," ho replied. ! sion may want to ta-x it, as beinc; correct, but what about the loose •â- ! have been studving that planet | landed property." passengers in a train so stopped? ,.]y<.^.iy ' f ,|. -jq -rears, and I have | 4. They would bo thrown with excessive p^ppj^red a regular map of it with all its canals. I think I am more interested In this th;in anything, for I In the old days, when commerco on.' n^a-on. that I am certain it is \ was carried on in wooden sailing ves- inhahitt^d. and probably v.y people | sels, the loss of life and the destn.c- much more advanced than we are. tion of ships were far greater than XHF, SNOW MELT 1 '^'' Pf'c'^cnt. Along the Newiouudland A MEDDLESOME GOVF-RNMEN"! "A thing which is particularly in- spoonful of butter, cut into bits and duing my head up in a towel. My | some of the cars would be up-.mdod â-  tcrcpting to us at the Juvisy Obscr- I bake in a moderate oven for half an ' husband shall admire his kitchen ' or violently wrenched to one sidi.-, or;vatory. which 1 founded, is that we hour. Serve with a foamy sauce, j wife as much as his sitting-room j one or both of the trains woubl ro-|can w.atch the snow melting at the Rhubarb Bread â€" I'reparo two quarts | wife." The practical friend, rou.sed 1 bound with considi-rable force. 'ITin i Poles in tho spring, and, in fact. coast, says a writer in Cornhill. every year, in the beginning of the last century, there were terrible wrecks, and in all the little setile- mi.-nts near by material from the 1 ).st vessels made a part of the furnishing, it in half-inch pieces, so as to avoid is known by her cooking, and the i (i.xtures and having at tho time ofi'lTjis, mind you. in spite of the fact ; Nearly every good thing in the pos- stringiness. Stew with one pint of skill with which she boils and broils I collision the velocity of the moving that tho year in Mars i.s twice as | session of these people came from the sugar, adding more if too tart. 1 and bastes and bakes is more im- trains, would be thrown about withji^ng as ours, that is to .say, that it 'sea. One travelling clergyman, a When very soft rub through a sieve portant than the way she looks when ; a degree of violenco on'y measured ! p,.a^]iy C'lnsists of T:?() days, so that, good and gentle man, was holding and return to the fire until at the she does it." "A man's stomach is 1 by the speed of the trains and the | naturally, th..- winter is longer. With service in a little village there, wiien boiling point. Have ready a num- not the only way to his heart." pro- j staying qualities of tho cars. [regard to the inhabitants. I think he found his host eyeing him sluirp- bcr of slices of two-day old bread, ' tested the thooriser. "His eyes must ! We do not say that steel passenger th.'v are verv licht in weight; for in- ly. At last the old lisherinan i.iid buttered generously. Spread them be feasted also. There are cheap > cars are not a mcst desirable form; sti^nce a nian who weighs I'tO his hand on the parson's coat and _ _ j^...^. ^- . --t.-^«« w..^... .-^ .. .. _. _. . , . â€" .. „. _ .. _ „ _ â€" -. sianc*-'. a iiwiu »*ii»j .....^....i ...-^ ••.... â€"^ â€" â€" j on a platter nnd pour over sufficient and practical kitchen gown materials ; of railwav vehicle construction. They- ,,,,,,„.,]„ „,, nie e-\rth if he could be smoothed it down nf IV.,. !,„.. ,„.. .1 _i.i.. ._ 1. : ...u:..u _ 11 „., T ..u.,11 I 1.1 »._" „. ,.-i,,_i,l . ; 1. tiouii'us uu iiiw >-tj. . ...i-u„.v. ~ , of the hot sauce thoroughly to soak which are pretty as well, so I shall them. Aild another layer of bread, ; wear pretty frocks, and I know that cover with the remainder of the their bccomingiiess will not cause my sauce. Set aside until cold and serve meats to burn nor my cakes to with cream and sugar. A simple, ' fail." but very good dessert. Prepare audi cook two quarts of rhubarb. Boilj SHOWIXG LOVE AT HOME, one cupful of rice in a large kettle | L„,.p ^^ it.self in our willingness of salted water for ten minutes, then : ^^ ^|„ ^^^^^^^ ^^ ^ig things that will drain and turn into a double boiler. Add from time to time os much of' the s.vrup from the fruit as it will absorb, cooking until very tender. Mi.x lightly with it the drained pieces of fruit and mold in cups. Servo cold, using any syrup which remains as a sauce; or a custard | sauce may be substituted. ; Hhubarb Slump â€" Peel and cook to-' gethcr until tender two quarts of rhubarb and two cupfuls of sugar. Mi.x together one point of flour, anâ- ^ half of a teaspoonful of salt and v.ould be most valuable in such con- tingencies as derailments or like wrecks, for thov would such 'itand suddenly transtjortod to Mars, would only weigh 52 pounds. •That's mighty . . The public at large does not real- an enormous amount of side wiping! ^^^^ ^^^^ precision of some of our against tunnel walls or the slopes of , ^,.tr„„omical observations. ITius we rock cuts where they- had space to stop in. When it comes to the vio- lent straight-away collision, some- thing must give, and the success of the heavy Pullnum or the all-steel car has so far dependo<I. almost en- tirely, on the presence in the trains of cars that can be crushed or broken to fragments. two scant teaspoonfuls of baking j,.^ please our loved ones. A man may not care for violets, but he shows his love for his wife if he will for her sake go down on his knees in the grass, and gather a bunch just for her. He may think that they ought to know he loves them dearly, be- cause every day of his life he is working for them. Hut his love is not all that it might be until it leads him to do the things that aro especially pleasing to his family. Numerou.s cares, deep thought, an absorbing lifo work, a crowded day. Pink Pills the Only Cvire POOR, V/ATERY BLOOD. The Cause of Pimples and all Dis- figuring Eruptionsâ€" Dr. Williams' powder. Rub in one tablcspoonful of butter and mi.x to a soft dough with sweet milk. KoU out in a thick sheet the size, of the saucepan. La.v it in over tho fruit, cover closely nnd keep the saucepan where the fruit will boil very gently. Do not uncover for three quarters of an hour. 1'^rn out on a platter, pour ec no man from the dutv of show- ing his love at home in ways which are wholly of his wife's or his child ren's choosing. The man who plains of tho useless demands his family makes upwn him bad hotter! ''ad complc.Mou right about face, and ask himself how much he is doing to make such lov- ing claims seem no longer like dc- .. , .. ., . , 1 uiands. and all this is e<iually true the fruit over the crust and serve „j ^^e wives and children. Poor, watery Ijlood â€" pale bloodâ€" 13 the caus.- of 'every palo cou-p'.oxion j.o„^. IHad bloodâ€" lilool lilled with poison- 'ous impurilic-sâ€" is the cau.-^e of every Bad bloo I is re- s; onsible for .ruplions. f n I iiink- ples. and toiturins. bui-ning, itc'^ing cc'-tetna. These troubles can only be cured through the blood, and the only medicin,' that actually ma' es new blood â€" ri h. pure health gh ing bl.o:lâ€" is I'r. Wi liams' Pin.'.- PiUs know the length of the dav in Mars by diurnal rotation to the 100th part of a secoml. and from observa- tions, which have now extended over 100 years, wo find the length of the day on the planet is '24 hours 37 minutes '2~ scconrls. The climate of "me piece of cloth, sir, " said he. "Never .seed such a splendid bit of cloth in my life before. Cet e out of a wraclc, sir?" Wreckage made greedy hearts. The writer at one time said to an Ork- ney pilot. "This must be a great; place for wreck.s." "Wracks, inon!" he shoute^i. bring- ing his heavy fist down on the rail, of the bridge. "There's niony a braw hoose, monv a bruw farm in the Slartians is very mild, there are | Orkney got out o' wracks; but tho no gab:'S. while the atmosi:here is i Breotish government has put a ker- very light, with scarcely any clou<is. hoose here and leethoosc there, â- and The inhabitants cnioy fine weather. ' yon," pointing the climate being .•M^mething like that j house, "yon's of Pavo.s I'latz. dry and cUar. We know the globe of Mars perfectly, in fact, far better than the earth. SOLAR SPOTS. "I am one of those rare Paris- ians, " M. llainniarion continue<I, "who has never changed his abode. I have been here since the war of IbTl, in fact I took the flat during the war, v.hcti I was a captain in th to a double li twa. There's ght- no chance of wracks for a pu;r lishec bodv noo." SAVED THE BABY; "I was not a believer in a-lvertisc<l n-jfdicincs, " Buys Mrs. Chas. Va'n- Ta.sstll. 1-igby, N.S., "until I began using Baby's Own Tablets. When my Genie, aiKl I ani surrounded by trees last baby was born we never hoped and foliage, as if I were in the ^ to raise her. She waa weakly, did countrv. Thi:s, in 1871. during the . not have any fle-sh on her bones, and Coinratin". whil^ aP Paris was fight- a tlnish color. The doctor who at- int.- 1 turn>xl from the study of men , tended her told ine she would not with it a foamy sauce. Baked Rhubarb.â€" Prepare in the same way as for stewed rhubarb. Put fruit and .lugar in layers in an earth- en dish, cover closely and place in a,: .. .. , ,-. ..•,.',•. ' 1 ' . f ,», . K„rK- it ,-loi.rsiCe... moderate oven until the fruit is ten- . '« 'V >°» f.'f «'<K«t";g wUh.' l organ and part of th- bod>. "^';»^^^, , ^^^ Avenue de I'Observa- home. U has changed my i,oor. j] , Johnny did not reply, but the clas.<? i thy complexion, banishes pimpio<jfi ^••-' sneak was ready, as usual, with in- and erutilii>Tis. and brin>;s healllu!. I ALL THROUGH THAI' PIN . I "Johnny Samkins." said the for P;Uo iVoplc. 'â-  The new blood school teacher impatiently, "what j '^'-'hich tb^se pills make reaches c-ery lAases of vegetation on the magnifi- must nuw honestly say 1 Ticver Cent chtstnut trees outside my win- such a valiiablo ine.llcine in Old-fashioned Rhubarb Fritters â€" Beat together two eggs, add one cup- ful of milk. Mix together three cup- fuls of flour, one tablcspoonful of sugar, ono half teaspoonful of salt and two teaspoonfuls of baking pow- der. Stir into thi.s the earg mixture, one pint of chopped rhubarb, one tablespoonftil of melted butter and more milk, if necessary, to make a _, thick drop, batter. IVy in small, thick cakes in a frying pan. turning when one side is nicely browned. Serve with plenty of butter ami grated maple sugar. Mother's Ear A WOmO 'W M9THKH'9 9AI9 t WHSrt ntmmma am imnkitT. amo >m rttt m^tna that com* â- Â«ro*> that Ttitm, SCOTT'S KMULOION 9V»#(.i>a TMm mxmA tTmrnit^TH amo «Qu»>«MM>i«r mo t»KOfm»A»r rAm tui MMAI-TM or BOTH MOTHBIt AttO Send fur Irtt tample. SCOTT * nOW.Vli, Chtmiati, VtPMtO, 0»t»ri». 50c. aad It.oo ; all draggntht. in- and eruplii>Tis formation. ; strength and happiness. -Miss Liz/.lo "I'lease. teacher," he said, "it's a j Lob.singer, Carlsi-i;hc, Out.. says: pin he's got." |"lir. Willian;s' I'ink Pills is the best "Take it away from him. an>l j motlicinc I know ef for cleaning the bring it here." was the next Ciun- i blood of i:t»:>uritics. Sly blood was uiand. And the offending pin was if- I in a bad condition, and as a res tit cordingly brought. 1 1 ^y^s not only weak and run down. There was no more trouble from I ij„t was trouliled with pimples Johniiy until his turn came to read.iQ^i eruptions. I tried several medi- and then, instead of standing up, the cj,„,s_ i,ut thoy did not help me. Th.n 1 was advised to take Dr. 'Wil- I liams' Pin't Pills, and tKse soon I relieved mo of all my t:ou-bles. I tan reconuneud the pills to anyone s>if- j ferin-^ from bad blood." Bad hloml is the cau.«o 0/ ni^arly poor little fellow made no sign, e.x- cept that two big tears rolled down his checks. "Why. don't you go on with the reading?" cried his much-tried men- tor. "If you don't !eha\e bett.-r. young man, I shall have to iirike an example of you!" "I'-please, mum." whimp.'retl Johnny, "1 â€" I can't stand .ipl Th;;t pin you took ke-keeps me trousers up!" I APSTRALIAN OPALS. I The finest opal known in Australia I is obtained at White ClilTs. ueur Wil- ] cannia, in tho colony 0/ New South i Wales, where about SOO miners arc I in tonstant work. The best <pialit.v (every disieast that atfiicis humanity. â- It is I'r. Williams' Pink : Pills make new, rich red blood that tboy cure such troubles a."* anueinln. heart palpitation, hoadashes and backaches. rlK'uuwtisTn, ireuralgia, indigestion. kidney and liver trou- bles, amf ailments of girMiood and womarhood. But you must get the genuine pills with the full nanic. "Mr. Williamn' Pink Pills for Pale People." on the wrnpper around of these stones renli/es occasioiiallv ; <?"ch box. !<old by nic<licinc dealers a? much at $;^r.O on ounce To the everywhere or stnt pi><»t paid at SO end of lihit f •J.0t>0.0i>0 x-orth of c nts a box or six boxes for $2.50. opals had bctn exported from New , by writing the Br. WUlianig Medi- South Wales. |Cin« Co.. Brockville, Oat, to that of nature, which to my n>ind, 1 live. After reading what oiher i^ lar more interesting. , mothers said about Baby's Own ''I beuan to note th'O different ' Tablets I decided to try them, and I had my if dews, on toire'. Those trees were planted l:y sickly, lloshless baby into a lovely Napoleon the First in 1807. an;l I child, now as fat as a butter ball, soon got to know them and their jWorils tail to express my thanks for peculi.irilies. 1 nunihereil them. 1 what the Tablets have done for ,ny starting from the observatory, and, child, ami 1 can only urge note«l the date ^t which each of ; other mothers do as I do now. keep them bore buds, then leaves, and ul- ; the Tablets in the housf always." tirnately flowers. Some of the trejs j Bab.v's Own Tablets positively cure aro forward, while others are slow all the minor ills of babyhood and to put forth shoots. I then made a i childhood, and the mother has a chart, marking the date of (loworiny guarantee that they contain no opi- on each. This I carried on for thir- ate or harmful drug. .Soli by all tv vears. ami finally drawing a curv- : druggists or sent by mail at S.'i ed lino through them, found th'y cents a box by writing the I'r Wil- corresporwled with the solar spots. . liams' Medicine Co., HrocKviile. "1 discovered tho same thing with|Ont. the return of tho swallows, the first j * nightingale, and the song of the cuckoo, though nil. of course. arc 1 have, however, emphatically prov- ed th.Tt the more 9tdar 3t>otB there i , are Ihe hotter the spring in Paris. j The invalid called in hi"5 lawyer ,. . . .,,. i an<l said: â€" "1 to e.xplain again mrdilted bv-^ cmjdit^ons. .,„ ^.^„ ^^„,,^ ^j,,,^ „^. ^„.„p^.,^;_.. The attorney held up his hand rous- surfngly. "There, there." ^wid he, ..„ .„.„„ ! "leave that all to n>e!" Th«.> patient OTITEU OBSKRVATIONS. | gj^.hcd resign,HJly. "I suppose I "I do ni't, however, spend all ti»y i might as .well." !?aid he turning upon time here, as half the year I am at his pillow; "you'll get it any wa,v!" the observatory at Juvisy. which is j _____ only about twenty minutes from Paris. There we have two a.strono- "Wtint do you koow a>^out hi« mers working constantly, principally i past?" asked Mabel. ".Just enougt occupied with the study of Mars, [to make n-v' a little s«i»niicious about Jupiter and Venus; we also careful- ^ hjs present." >w>d MsikI. examining ly ob.s»>rve nnd register the tempera- ' with a magrrlfyinK gla.^^ th* diamond turc of the air, tho ground, the in- ' ring the young roan had sent htr. i i f i « X «

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