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Flesherton Advance, 11 May 1905, p. 7

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>1 MSSIAN WARSHIPS BAIDING Japanese Craft Were Destroyed by Vladivostock Fleet. '.'?>â- â- -â-  'A despatch fibin Tokio says: Fo<ir Russian torpedo-boat destroyers from Vludivostock appftirod west of lIokkiiKi, on Subu, on Triday. They BuUcc. and bir.-ned a sirvall sailing vessel and iinprisono<l the i.aptaiii and disap|;>eared to the northwest. They were evidently roturning to Vludivostock. Thwe is a possibility that they have destroyed olh.'r s.iiall craft, o'lhoug-h no reports to effect have been received. The object of their visit is net clear. It is thought that prolnUjly thi'y hoped to torpedo the Japanese latrol ut night and it is also .suggested that the Vladivostock ves."c!s plan a divers- ion to assist the lieet of Atlmiral Rojestvcnsky-. Although none have been sighted, it is believed that the larger vessels of the V'ladivistock Sfjunnron accom- panied the torpeiio boats v.hich ap- peared v.cst of IIo!<kaido on l-'riday. It is doubted that the torpedo boats wonln Venture acro.'^s unescorted in the heavy sea wh'ch was running when they burned the sailing vessel. All the crew of this vessel except the captain, who was captured, suc- ceeded in landing, hut a .steamer de- spatched to the rescue of the burning derelict was forced to rettnn on ac- count of the storm. The liu.ssians poured kerosene on the dock of the soiling vps-sel and withdrew after having ignitc<l the oil. '1 he torpedo boats have not been reported to-day. Hokkaido or Ye^o is the northern- most of the .lai anese islands. The Sirngari or Tsugaru Strait ^x'|larato.s it frcmi the ii'«in i.^^Iand of Nippon. The apjiearance of Russian torpedo craft in the .fapan Sea may indicate that the cruisers TJossia. Cromotoi, and Bogatyr have also left Vladivo- stock for a raid along the Japanes-e coast. I'acific squadron in French waters. While the a-ssurances of Fiance re- lating to the Kaniranh Hay incident were geucrally accepted, the later discovery that the Russian ships continued their stay at Kamranh Hay and the.'i entered other French ports, has created a feeling of keen I disappointment, rapidly growing I deeply resentful. The local press charges Franco with bad faith "and j rel)ents the demands for independent 1 action upon the part of the .lapan- ' ese Government. The conservative ' element is awaiting Franco's rrspouse i in c.xplanutioii, hoping that the Gov- 1 ernracnt will linally expel the Russian fleet from its waters. lEADINU MARKETS BREAUSTUFFS. do fats 6.50 DISOHDEHS IN EUSSIA, Car- Toronto, May 9. â€" Wheatâ€" Ontario- Sales are being marie at USc outside, with holders generally asking $1 for No. 2 red and white; spring and nominal, 92c to 93c for spring and 85c to 8Gc for goose. Manitona â€" Prices at lake ports, with tjc extra for grinding in transit, are Ic high- er; No. 1 northern, OGJc; No. 2 northern. y24c; -No. \i, 8e;c. Flourâ€" tJntario, 90 per cent. ''»- i.iisorders in the ;tent8, §4.35 to ?1.45 buyers; saCKS, L, ^.^^^ ,,^ ,^ ,^ ^^^^^ ^^^ east and west, Ific to 20c higher f<>r!,j,.„f : choice. Manitoba, $0.50 for first pa- ' fought a I'l-jjular battle with Lambs, per cwt 7.00 Spring lambs, each ... 3.00 Culls, each 3. SO Calves, per lb 3 J do each 2.00 Hogs, .selects 6.75 7..';o[cHAMBEELAlN BREAKS DOWJTj «.()0| 4.2.'') His Friends Are Alarmed At His 12.00 7.00 e.75 Christians in Crimea Hold a nival of Pillage. A despatch from St. Petersburg says: Later news of the anti-vSeraitic in the Crimea show t.hat •ger scale than the reports indicated. At Melito- _„ _„ , 1 , „,„ „,.!i!Po1 the peolile set upon the .Jews and tent.s, ?5 20 for .second patent.-j, and ; ,.. .. . . ... _â- .,.â-  . ._ i $.") to $5.10 for bakers . j Millfeedâ€" Ontario bran, $16. .'0; 'shorts. 51.^.50. Manitoba, SI8 fjr bran and .f^O for shorts, at Toronto and c(|ual points. Rarlev â€" 15c for No. 2. tHc for No MIKADO AND ARMY V.M.C.A. A despatch from Tokio says; â€" The Kmperor has notified Mr. tiriscom, I the American Minister to Japan, of ! his intention to donate ten thoii- ; sand yen (about $5,000) to the Jap- anese army branch of the Young I Men's Christian Association. At the i outbreak of the war the association j opened branches at the principal bases of operations in Manchuria, following the armies atieUI, and ci'cn- ed recreation and reading tents lor the benefit ami comfort of the sol- diers. The movemoiit was so success- ful as to win the commendation of the army commanders and gained tlie recognition and assistance 'A tho Emperor. I I'ejjuJar i)aiiIo with slonos and revolvers. The few police and thirty soldiers in the town were powerless. When the Jews fled, de- Ifeated, the Chrislians, from noon un- |til liiidnight, held a carnival of pil- :3, and 41c for No. T multVng I'a&e a"" plunder. Every .shop ex- outside Toronto freights. c*-'!'* ^^•- J"""^'^- .stores was sacked, I Rve-Nominal; 69c to 70c for Nfo. 'he crowd oidy dcsi.-^iing when HK- 2 f.o.b. outside ha'.isted. The arrival of M. Tre- 1" Cornâ€" Canadian nominal at 47c fori poir. tJovornor of Taurida Province, j yellow and 4(;c lor mixed, f.o.b. | on the following day restored order. Chatham freights. American â€" Firm-} The number of killed or wounded er; yellow, kiln-dried, 58c, with \o. ;is not given, eithor from Melitopol 1 3 yellow, 56ic, and roi.xed, 50c, on, or .'^impheropol, where rioting j track Toronto. | against the -Tews began as the re- ! Oatsâ€" No. 2 white, 40c to lie west suit of the circulation of a story land lljc to 42c cast. jthat a JewLsh huckster had treated Rolled Oats â€" SI. 35 for cars of bags a sacred ikon in a sacrilegious nian- ! and S4.(i0 for barrels on track here;inrr. 1 25c more for broken lots here and j At the Village of Orlo.Tsky, in the 4nc outside. ](.'riniea. tho rioting^ took the form : I'ea.sâ€" 68c to 69c for Jin. 2 west ^f ^^ a.ttack upon the Haplists. N'a j and .'I'st. and 70c for millinir. and Lack of Energy. A London despatch says: Soma tini« a-.'o Mr. .Joseph Chainilierlaini had a slight stroke in Egypt, whicli necx."Ksit.Tti>d lonif period.') of .ibsteu- tion from work, inucli against iha former Colonial Secretary's will, lie hn.s apparently reconll.v transgres.sert the limits of his strength, for after his spcrrh at liirminghftni on i'rid.ij". night he was in a btate of prostra-- tion. nnil now he is obliged to caii' eel all his I'm^agemeiits. It was notic.-nble ilurlng his speech that there was r.o lire or enert.y in his delivery, and he cou.stantly lost the thread of his argiiin«'nt. He coin- menced scntcnccM which he (inished tninr-Iy or left unlinishcd. Jfanv times he had to be prompted by hia wif«, who, as has often been noticed, .seo!! led to he thoroughly co.gni/ant of the con;tent3 of his notes ami fr..>- queritly gave !i:ra the word -.vhich ho could not hit upon. Mr. ChnmbPr- latn's alM'eariince causeii deep coiiCLrn to his fiiends. I liuckwheat â€" 59c to i west . 00c east lone is reported to have been killed. COUNTRY PUODCCF. LIVES OF CRI^IE ENDED. AN EXPENSn/E COW THIS. Twenty-five Hundred Dollars Spent in Law Costs. A despatch from Dcnv.u-, Col., .sa.ys: Th.; State Supreme (.ourt ha3 alVirmed the decision of four lower courts in the famous Stev.'ns-.Sniith cow which was hir^y-n fiitcen years ago, and has co.-^t $2.5oi) jn attorneys' fees and court costs. The value cf the cow was $30, and she has been dead twelve years. Sti-v.n.s 'placed the cow in a pasture fHlcn lyiars n?o. While he was in Cali- IIARRIN' A VA.ST HO.SPITAL. A despatch from London says: .A. travelling correspondent of the Lan- cet who was present during the re- treat from Mukden, and reach^nl Har- bin at the end of March, writ 'S that in spite of his knowledge of the Ru.s- Bian language and the scarcity of medical men, which made any assist- ance valuable, his English origin al- ways made him a subject of suspic- ion. He had great dilliculty in get- ting to JIukden, though the Gorman and French medical men wei-e allow- ed to go there. He states that Har- bin Is a vast hospital. niffiAT RATTLE EXPECTED. A despatch from Feiighushieng, Manchuria, sa.vs:â€" Field Oya- ina seems to be rcad.v to ass'irne tho oltensive on a large .scale, anti activ- ity lias already begun against Gen. Linovitch's left. This may tic tho prelude to another general battle in the vicinity of Kuamcheiigtse, which is a little less than half-way between Tie l' and Harbin. 'I'Tie Japanese have concentrated heavy columns on the I,iao River, and their advance divisions ht'.vc been in contact with the Rus.^ians who are holding the main road from Fakoman to Bashienchcn. On Thursday the Japanese lavalr.v euddciily attacked the Cos.sacks in overwhelming numhors, forcing the latter to retire. Then, supported ly infantry, the Japanese advanced and drove the Ru.ssian infantry out of tho Village of I'alitoun. \ Russian reconnoitring party 20 miles further west ran into an am- bush and all the party exceiit fivo were killed. RUSSIAN NAVAL DIVISION. A de.spatch from Singapore, Straits j Settlement, says: â€" The Russian naval i division pas.sed Singapore in semi- i darkness and haze at 5.30 o'clock on I Friday morning, Si.x warships and four colliers were sighted. This is evidently Vice-Admiral "Te- bcgatofl's squadron, which was pass- ed at 9 o'clock on the morning of May 4 by the British steamer Selan- gor, off Jugrah, midway between tho Island of I'enang and Singapore. Butter â€" Receipts crease, and tho about Ic lower. Creamery, prints do solids Dairy lb. rolls, good to choice do large rolls do medium !tâ€" „ t -n VI. TTT1 T^ , , « 1 forma the owner oi tho pasture sold , ,Two of Robbers Who Keld-UD C. i â-  „-,i, ,• , i , c^. continue to lu- -p -a -p-^nro = Tfii • "' "^'"^ '''^ herd, inrbi.iing .Stevcn.s' market is quoted; J^Jcpre^s J:vuira. \co\v. to R. M. .Smith. When Steveii.s I A despatch from Winnipeg says: â€" 'returned he di-manded the cow, of- .20c to 2 Ic The Gates boys, two of the most, feeing to pay for her pasturage. ,.20c ..18c ,.17c .15c LEAVING SEVASTOPOL. Tho correspondent of The London Times at St. Petersburg cables: â€" Apart from a wild report of Rojes- tveiisky's reaching Vladivostock, the telegrams from Manchuria contain nothing important. Tho sensational reliort that Ru.ssia has aciiuired tho navies of Chile and Argentina con- tinues to meet with an official denial, but from private sources I learn of several tran.sports leaving Sevasto- pol for the same destination as tho mysterious vessels from Cronstadt. 21c , desperate criminals who ever rified oil Smith refu.sed to give her up, and {express car or robbed any depositiry the long legal fight began. Stevens 19c of wealth, and who were two of the says he will carry the case to tho 18c three nien who held up and robbed Federal Supnine Court if possDde. 1 Re the Cl'.R. west-bound express at | a fhccse â€" Fall is quoted at 12c for Whonnock on Sept. 9lh. uill never j large and 12 Jc for twins. New answer for their many crimes. The: chec-io is selling at ILic to 12c. CJates' paid the penally of their' Kggs â€" Sales here are generally inany olTences, and now lie buried in, made at 14c, although some are on a . unmarked graves on the outskirts ef 135c basis. i l.ordsburg, N.M. Two men held up a ! A despatch from Sault .Ste. Marie, I'otatocsâ€" Ontario. 60c on track saloon in Lordsbury on March 15t!i,innt.. says: V.'ord was received here and 65c to 70c out of store; eastern and with their loot hurried oft tojon HV-dncsdnv of a robbery and al- 60c to 65c on track and TOc to 75c the mountains. ShorilT .MctJrath. of! tempted inurdec near Thessabui. A out of sto-e. Lordsburg, immediately organized a!„,a„ who is now in roan Lake Hos- ]iital sulTei'iiig from s»?vere wounds was waliiing on the railway track FELL AMOXG TiaEVES. Man Beaten, Robbed and Lett For Dead Near Tliessalon. Baled Ha.y â€" Prices are unchanged po.sse and started in pursuit. After at §8 per ton for No. 1 timothy and a hard chase the posse overtook the Ih $7 fur mi.ved or clover In car lots robbers at the Town of Separ, aii<l f,,„„ -j hessalon to Ulind Hivor on track here. when the men showed resistance they ^jj^^ Baled Straw-Car lots on track «erc killed Hie youthful appearance (^,„ ,^^ „.„,. „,, ,,,^1 ,wo other men hero are quoted unchanged at ?6 per . of the dead men caused the authon- ton. NUCLEUS FOR NEW N.VVY. There is an intimation from a dip- lomatic source that warships will be' brought from the Baltic to serve as, a nucleus for a new navy in case' Uojestvensky's llect comes to grief, i It is more than doubtful if the Rus- i sian Government would venture upon^ such a flagrant violation of neutral- : ity as the purchase of South .\meri- can warships unless on the condition] that delivery bo delayed until the conclusion of peace. In that case | tho purchase may be regarded as merely a precautionary measure to; prevent tho vessels from tailing into tho hands of the Japanese. MONTREAL MARKETS Montreal, May 9.â€" Wheatâ€" The de- mand was not quite so brisk lor Manitoba wheat, but there was some good business in American corn. In- creased business in Manitol'a wheat is looked for. Fiouiâ€" ^lanitolia spring wheat pa- tents. ?5,IO to $5,50; strong baker:^, $5.20 to §5.30; winter wheat pa- tents, S5.50 to So. 60; stright rollers, S5.15 to $5.25, and in bags, ?2.45 to $2.55. Millfeedâ€" Manitoba bran in bags, $19; shorts, $21 per ton; Ontario winter wheat bran, In bulk, $lS.,-.0 to $19; shorts, 520 to $21; n.ouille, $24 to $28 Iier ton, as to quality. Oatsâ€" There was no change in roll ed oats, for which demand is I lies of Lordsburg to institute an iii- j vestigation with a view of discover- i ing their identity, w'nich it said was ! finall.v e'Tected through photograiihs of the Gates brothers, tlien in pos- session of one of the .Son; hern Fnci- lic representatives of tlie I'inkort.m Lietcctive Agency, of Cliic.tgo. -fâ€" BIRDS BARRED FROM HATS. bottle of ho aii'l the three snt down beside the track ami divided the liquor. After it w.ts liiiishcd the p-ovider oi the liquor got up to continue his trip to Blind River, but tho others or- dered him to give up what njoney he had. AVhvM he rofriwd they attacked hini, beat him bao'ly, stripped him of every article of clothing and left him for dead in the woods n-ar the track. The man regained con- sciousness pome time after, and iiiado Missouri Passes Law Making it a i his way to a nearb.v house. Misdemeanor. *â€" â€" .V despatch from Kttnsas City. Mo.i â- says: â€" Uii and after June l(i millin-^ ers may display and sell and women may wear only the liluniage of the gossipy little English sparrow. tiic cooper hawk, the chicken hawk, the goshawk, the sharp-skinned iirswk, still , the great horned owl. the irow. the 'r_ : nnatidae. and the riiilidne, including ,, ii-n- ! the mud-hen. The list is a long one. CAVALRY SKIRMISHES. A despatch from Tokio savs:â€" .Vn oflicial report issued on Sunday shows that there has been only a slight advance in the Tunghwa" re- gion and tho Changtu district. The only lighting has been cavalry skir- mishes. Tho siib.scrii>tions to the fifth domestic loan are roughly e.^ti mated to have been 500,000.000 yen ($250.- 000,000). Foreigners subscribed un- der lO.OQO.OOO yen. KOl'ROPATKIN TO RETURN'. A despatch from St. Petersburg says: â€" The rumors of the apiuoacnuig return <if General Kouropatkin from the front now seem to be defmitel.v confirmed, and it is said that GeniTal Zaroubnien. commandcn- of the Fourth East Siberian Corps. will! Bucceod him. Failing health ii* os- Bigne<l as the cause for Kouropatkin'8 coming back to St. Petersburg. JAPS ON COAST OF ROKXEO. .V despatch from Paris says; â€" Tele- grams from St. Petersburg state that Admiral Rojestvensky has informed the Ailinlralty of the presence of Ja- panese warships in territorial waters on tho coast of Borneo. If the report is voriiied. the Russian G(>veriiment will i>rolest to the Government of Holland. UNFAVORABLE TO STOESSEL. According to the St. Pctersliurg coircspomient of the London Stand- ard the evidence taken by the com- mis.sion that is invest ig-ating the sur- render of Port Arthur has been uni- formly unfavorable to Gen. Stocssel, tending to justify the recriminations that have been nvide. Witnesses who svrvcd under him have testilicd that he rarel.v went from his hcad- ((Uarters, and that he devoted his principal energies to eiuiching him- self by selling provi.sions. in which he was as.Tisted bv his wife. The correspondent adds details which, however, are not necessarily damning. RIOSTO RK B ATTLESiri PS . A de.spatch from Tokio says; The work of sjilving the sunken ships at Port Arthur and Chemulpo is pro- gressing satisfactorily to the Japan- ese. I'etails are withheld, but it is believed to be certain that the Ja- panese navy will secure several bat- tleships and cruisvrs. limited at $2.20 to $2.22 per lia; Coriimeal â€" The market for c meal is also quiet at $1.35 to $1.15 hut not an inviting one. To sport per bag. U*"-' Pl""''ioC' "f any other bird Hill Havâ€" Mixed, $7 to $7,50; No. 1, ' mean a tine and a term in jail. nr $9 to $9.50; No. 2, $S to S8.50; I hnth. This is all tho result of the clover and pure clover, $0.50 to $6 - ! Wulmsley Game Hill, which Oov. 75 per ton in car lots. {Folk signed, and which Walm.sley Heaiisâ€" Choice primes. $1,70 to ' himself confesses he does not kn.iW $1.75 per bushel, $1.50 to $1.60 in | how it got through the Senate, where pgp [ytj. j they arc supposed to kill such uills. ROAD FOR NORTH-'WESTf 'Soo'' Line Will Push Second Branch Into Canada. -â- V despatch from Uinnipeg siys;â€" Assiniboia will be enjoying impor- tant additional railway accommoda- tions in the shape of a second "Soo''^ branch within the year. The managenioiit has deciiled to iiiish its Tliief Kiver Falls branch, to be con- structed this .voar, northward into Canadian territory. Tlie new Irancli will be a most valuable propieriy. By this shrewd str.ike the "."^oo" Com- pany intersects eight brunches of tho Great Northern, serving the richest districts in .Vorth Dakota, five ot which branches run to the Canadian Provisionsâ€" Heavy Canadian short | Tho Walmsley gaime measure ^^as ; ijo„„(ij,,.y p!,,, -Soo" line, witli cut pork. $16.50 to $17.50; light drawn up ubsolutel.v to protect all short cut, $10.50 to S17; American j MLssoiiii gamp and birds for a term cut clear fat back, $20; compound of years but while he was nt it lard, 6Jc to 7c; Canadian lard, f;jc|tho vegetarian statesman from the to 7ic; kettle rendered, S.^c 9Jc, ac-jKighth Ward lixed the bill so a.^s to cording to quality hams, 12c to 13c, j put a damper ou tho killing of pluni- RUssiA BUYS snips. The St. Petersburg correspondent of the London Times sa.vs that rum- ors have boon curr<^nt for several days that .Messrs. Schwab and Flint elTected the sale of the Argentine and Chilian navies to tho I{u.>j*iaiis. Tho Ministr.v of Marine di-nio.s the rum. ors. but they are gathering force. It is declan-d that several Iran.'j- ports are leaving Cron.>?tadt with sailors fo man tho purchases. bacon, 13c; fresh-killed abattoir hogs, $9.75 to $10; mixed. $6.50 to §6.75; select, $7 to $7.35 ofl cars. Eg-gsâ€" Straight st$ck, 14c to loc; No.'l, 131c to 131c: No. 2, 12c to 12^0. Butter â€" Choice creamery. 181c to l95c; undergradcs, 17c to l.'^c; dairy, 1.5c to 17c; rolls, 15c to 17c. Che.'.soâ€" Ontario (all. 12c to 121c; fodder, lie to Ulc. age bi."ds in other .States b.v scribing fc>ath'ers in bonnets. pro- single branch running east and west, and ccinnccting with tho \Vimiipi>g-.'<t. Paul branch, expects to be aide to divert a considerable porcentago o' the trullic haiKlled by the Great Northern short branches. CLXJNG TO MASTS OF WRECK. Terrible Sufferings of Crew of Steamer Mills. ONTARIO GIRLS WON. Three Take Valualile SchoLarshipa at Bryn Manor College. A despatch from I'hiladell'hia. Pa., sa.vs: â€" Among tho graduati- schi lar- ships awarded at Bryn Manor Col- lege was the English scholarship to Hope Eiiiile .VUeii, of Niagara Falls, JAPAN E.N'RAGEP. A despatch from Tokio stjys: â€" I'op- ular attention is now centred on the! presence ot tho second Uussiaiil The Russian Fighting Committee in (Jeneva has declared a war upon autocrac.v. Masked robbers at Parkosburg. W. Va.. shot Charle« Berkshire and tor- tured his wife. A despatch from Detroit says: â€" .\fter spoiKling a nijiht of terrible suflering. clinging to the mast.s of the sunken steamer J. K. Mlills, ' '^"t-; s'l^' "i-"^" " <-ui the George W. which went down Thursday night iil <^hilds prize for the best e.ssay. Tho Lake Frio, oil Middle Sister IsKimls. scholarsliip in chemistry was nward- Lanawav and his crew of "-''' *" Mary \ . LVive)*. of I'eterbor- onerings there was a more than us- I «v«.- ""--n were landed on Saturday ut,ough. Out. Maud Downing, of Four- usnlly heavy proportion of light ! A-nher.sthurg. Ont. | "'or stockor cattle and medium to com- i "le Mills, which was an old .steam-, snp The following 'â- '•' '"^ft Sandusky Thursday after-' ^"'"i'" >^^ * â- noon with a cargo of coal. Early in j "^ the evening she sprung a leak. ,.nd| BIG IMMIGRATION SCHEMJE. went down like a shot in thirty feet; ot water. The crew lashed them- Sir T. Shaughnessy Makes An CATT"LE MARKET. Toronto, May 9â€" Among the cattle i V"'""'" mon butchers' cattle are the range of iiuotations: Export, heavy $5 25 to $5. SO Out., was awarded a scholar- in Semitic languages. Each it "50. do cows 4.00 Bulls, export 4.00 Butchers' picked 4.50 do good to choice loads 4.20 do fair to good 4.00 do mixed lots, med- ium 3.00 do good cows 3.50 do cows 3.50 do conuHon and rough 3.00 4.2.'5 4.23 5.30l Butchers' bulls 2.50 do motliuni 2.00 do light 1.25 Feeders, short-keep ... 4.25 do good 4.00 Stockers. good 3 25 Slockers. light 2.60 Milk cows. <«ach 20.00 Ivxport ewee 4.7.5 Bucks 3.75 [ selves by their wrists to the masts of the steamer. .Ml night they hung 4. .30 'there, surferiiig inten.'iely from cold, 4.10^ with their wrists and hands swelling j from the strain, until rescued Friday .3.25 1 '""'""'"S I'y ^^'^ steamer Urania. 400! 3.75! 3. 50; 3.50,pj.e„iiej of Manitoba is Attacked '^••'''^ I by Acute Fnetunonia. 1.75 5.00! nouncement in Britain. A despatch from LoiKlon .«a.vs; Be- fore sailing on Tuesday on the C!a- ronia for Cmwda. Sir Thomas Shaughne.fsy inlimafod that the Canadian I'acliic Hailwny Company was contemplating a large ranigva- tion scheme, entirely independent of the Canailinn Oo>'eni!ncnt. Tho ConndiaB I'aci'ic Railwn.v is natur- ally anxious to »v:urc the entire A Winnijx^ despatch says; Premier ! ocean and land transports of emi- 4. _ MR. ROBLIN SERIOUSLY ILI,. jRohlin is seriousl.v ill here wi»h acuto | grants, inst.^ad of a .share only, and 4.00; l>ne"monia. :nn^T«iis also to sot tie cmigranls in 3.00 40. 00 5.50 I the districts tributary to the Can- As a result of a debate in tho Hun- 'adian I'niitic lines. Sir Thoma.<j garian Diet Premier Tisa will fiirht jshaushin-ssy probably rrfors to co- 4.23'a(l.utl with a member, Herr Po:<sgay. oivration with the Salvation Arj»y.

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