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Flesherton Advance, 4 May 1905, p. 7

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N •4 '•^ â- ac or pocket in tho ipiRi, and, the the rang:c of my vision, and a mo- bvcund teeth bcint; ck'Veloix.'d close nient later I was surprised to see to tho first ones, it is only natural him beating a haaty retreat, tuggiu^; to bfliove that the niilk tec-th will i frantically at the bujj, much as <ie- have H !;oocl chance of aBecting their I featec soldiers tug at a field piece jsutcosKors. ] to prevent it from falling into the I r»urin)j; warm weather milk for j hands of the eneuiy. : children should alneys ho boiled bc>- 1 Suddenly the ant Mopped and I fore using. To do this, heat to , sprang round defiantly in front of , about 170 deg. rahrenheil. and keep ; the bug, and the next moment I suw ; at this temperature for about thirty a giaj spider (the variety which u.s- P' j minutes. This pi-ecauiion i.s especial- ually travels with huge bounds like I ly nece.ssary when an epidemic of any ! a flea) approaching warily. It shot kind is prevalent, as infection is forward a few inches, pau.sed, .shot The necessity of fruit, all the year ; '^"'"'â- ''^'' more quicUIy by milk than in forv.ard again, and then socnied to About the ....House WAYS OF USING APPLES. round, as part of the daily diet, isiiilmost any other way. j debate the advisability of aitempt- gtnerally acknowledged. Among ' babies are generally vei-y thirsty ] lUg to capture the bug from his fel- fruits the apple is given the first I ^hen teething, but do not constant- low marauder. pJace Katen raw there is no bettor !'>' K'^'-' them milk to drink. Cold I i"he debate lasted only a moment. Btimulant for a sluggish liver, and ! l"'''''*' water is much bett.-r for â-  The anfs courage evidently failed the liver is as important in the '1"<^'"'''''"K ^^*^ thirst, and, as a rule, huu at the near approach of his big scheme of living as the ten com- | '^a''''"* «"; ""t given nearly enough, .antagonist, and in a sudden panic of mandments. He bilious and be a vil-iMilk is a food, not by any means a j fear he retivat-d behind tho bug. Inin-one is the natural sequence of 'hi--^' quencher. j Like a flash the spider leaped upon .the other. Kat appl.s, and you will! A doctor, writing to tho -Lancet,' j the choice morse!, and hurrying away be both happv and good-vou can t ! -I'l^^cates th.- use of sl.eping sacks I with it to one of the tomato can.s possibly help "it Think of"l-'\e as ' fo'' children, with anus and a button , >inder a leg of the dresser mounted tho exception that proved the rule, i at the ne<k. in.«iead of a nightdress. I to the edge and U-gau leisurely to A lovet of the rlelicious sphrixs, bit-1'^ho child could not walk about in a lag into the spicv heart of a fine , ^i*-'''. i^"''' therefore, could not got to one, sooa a very brilliant silver lin- » *""â- >-' ""*! 'Smte its clothes, for it ing to tbo cloud his Snakeship cast â-  «^""''' he raked. One defc-ct of or- over Paradise, at all events. dinary nightdresses is that a rest- Without applesâ€" ono shisddors to i 'â€"^ '^hild kicJvs off the bedclothes and think of the howling wa.ste! Withrolls U[> the nightdre.s.s under its I arms, leaving its legs and half its body exposed. The nursery should bo tho .sunniest room in the house, but do not choose Purity is Goodness, Goodness is Strength. 19 j devour his prize apples â€" one can answer satisfactorily at any season, the ve.\ing old con- undrum â€" "what shall wo have to cat?" Apple.s fried in butter or pork fat ore nice for or with a roast of pork for dinner. Red ones of a sizo. scooped out neatly, make pretty cups tor a Balad. These applecups may be filled with a mi.tturo of cold, chopped hicat and bread crumbs, sea-voned t-i taste, soften with melted butter, and bakc<i. Tart apples, combino<1 with celery and walnuts make a salad lit for the gotis, and beside which their ambros- ia would be insipid. The Very nicest way to bake them is to select the sweet oms, core them and fill with a mixture of su- gar, butter and chopped nuts, flav- ored with cinnamon. Pour a little Water around and bako carefully. To make 'porcupine apples' just stick them full of shredded and blauced almonds. Tho "apfel juchen" of our German sistersâ€" well, you never tasted aiiy- .thiiig better. Try this recipe. Mi.v ft good tablespoonful of butter into two cups of flour, in which you have sifted two teaspoonfuls of bak- ing powder and a toaspoonful of salt. Beat well one egg, and fill up tho cup with milk. (Jroaso a lari;c. shallon- pan. and spread the dough about half an inch thick have pared, cored and qiiartero<l apples ready, and press them into the dough in close, even rows. Sprinkle well with sugar and cinnamon, and hake in a moderate oven half an hour. This is excellent for the little folks, and good hot or cold. If you are looking for an Indian apple pudding, let your quest cnil right here. Take one half of a cup ct molasses, one quart of milk, one teaspoonful of salt, three scant cups of pared and sliced apples, to which you will add a quarter of a tea- spoonful of ginger and cinnamon. When the milk boils in tho double boiler, pour it slowly on tho meal. Cook half an hour in the boiler, stirring often. Now add tho other ingredients: pour into a deep, well greased pudding dish and bake slow- ly. Eat with cream or apple syrup. Apples are delicious stewed in a rich syrup and whon cold covered with a meringue, sprinkled with nut- meats antl slightly browned. t;elatine previously dissolved, may be added to tho syrup while still warm. Turn Into a ring mould. At serving time fill the centre with sweetened whip- pctl cream, with or without nuts. These jellied apples should he served ice cold. Kvaporate<i apples stewetl are improved by adding raisins in the proportion of holf a cup of rais- ins to a half pound of appk-s. flav- or wit.h lemon. A pio not like that his mother \i8ctl to make, and perhaps not oven to his way of thinking, an improvc- .mcnt. is built as follows; Lino tho pie-plate with the best crust you can make and fill with pared apples, cut in eights. Sweeten well and dredge with cinnamon and flour. P»)ur over all oni'-half cup of For a lime the ant s-cmcd frantic wi*;i grief and rage. He dashed aimlessly about looking for the hurj, as if he could not believe that he had really been robbod. A-? the fruitless search continued he s(H:iiieil to become more and more excited, chasing about in big, zigzag loops ns if ilemented. Then of a sud- den he paused on the very spot Tea Oonibtnes them Ail. Sold only in sealed load packets. By all Grocers. Black, mixed or ereen. Highest Award St. Louis 1904. TRICKS OF SiMUGGLERSb HAVE KANY CLEVEH DEVICES FOS HIDING GOODS. Pasteboard Cannon Balls Filled With Brandy â€" Dogs Carriers of Laces. a top room unless it is absolutely ' whore he had been robbed, and after unavoidable, as ihe cuiimgs are gen- . what .seemed to bo a moment's re- erally lower than in other rooms, JQectiou started of! on the and being close to the tiles are ter- ribly hot in summer. Children are like Howers: unless they get plenty of air and sunlight they cannot be really healthy, and, ns microbes flourish in dark rooms, this is an additional reason that tho children's domain should be flooded with light. .Smuggling efToctivcly is one of fine arts that have decayed, at i are educ f annoyance to the Spanisb frontier guard.s is the extensive smuggling that go<.s on from Gibraltar, an<I dogs are trained as the mediums. They have laces and all kinds of Knglish produce sewn around their bodi'.!s aad are let loose. They know !)erfeclly whither they are to go, and the guards lire on all such dogs that they see coursing over the country. In the same way in Ferigord dogs ted to P'-ach truiies. which they Qig up and hide in well known caches, where their masters can re- cover th.?m. On the Swis,s and Fremh froiilier an Italian plied his trade. He had a bear and a monkey that sat on tho back of bruin. Sometimes he but rarely on a largo ' was in France, Bometinies in Swit- never can a contraband ; z^i-land. But actuallv the boast he least in Kngiand, where, as we have duties on little than tobacco, tea and spirits, and wh-iv wo hava a seaboard clofecly walthcd, it can- not be carried out to any extent successfully. Now and then tho revenue men are outwitted, scale, end A FIGHT TO THE FINISH I BATTLE BETWEETSr BIG ANT AND SPIDEH. KED trade be carried on for long unde- ; travelled with was an ass. Tin re- tected. It is not at the present day | (.^.ptacles had been formed, adapted worth men's while to apply their : to hia sides and back, and these minds to tho overreaching of the \ were tilled with brandy, and the coast guard, says Chambers Jour- i whole was covered over with The Ant Overcomes Great Diffictil ties and Earns His Dinner. TRAIL OF TIIF, UOnilKR. Tho spider rocoguiied its enemy tronr afar, and dropping the partly devoured bug into the water, ran around to the farther edge of tho tin. The ant seemed quite to have ro- gaineil his seli-po.«.ses«ion now, and reaching the can climbed deliberately up. and raising his head cautiously over tile edge located the object of â-  his visit. Quick as thought the i spidor was upon him, and for a mo- i merit there was a confused blur of shifting gray and rod. as tho two fought desperately on the jagged edge of the can. , . ^ , i^ â-  '' Su.ldenly there was n tiny splash, '"»•'«â-  ^''^ an inferior consisting of , brmn. and a moment latir I saw the two j struggling in tho water. Tho spidor nal, .iml con.'^equent ly tho art is its d.itage and decHno. Attempts are made occasionally to outwit the preventive oilicers, as when a vessel came into the Coliuc some years ago with its cordage of twisted tobacco, but it was foimd I THE SKIS' OF A HUGE BEAK. As tho showman with his beasts pas*.-d the frontier one day, as ill luck would have it, his bear gave voice. "Hello!" said the Custom House out. Oil cans are made, or were ; officer. 1 was confined to my bed in Manila I'hillipiue I.-ilands. with donguo fever, writes a traveller. Through my mosquito bar 1 watched the red ants explore tho crazy old Spanish tloor with it.s gaping seams which the heat "what a very remarkable that brays like a donkey !'- an inverted funnel of tin. Then the i and so the trick was discovered, officers put a .stick through tho nock ' There lived near the French iron- and turn it about they liraw it out ! tier a learned ornithologi.'it. who not and (in<l that tho rod has been in j only hinjsclf had a collection of rare oil. But the upper bulging sides ofjStu.^cd birds, but ho also was con- tho can contain snuiggled spirit.s. jsultetl by aiuateurs and by learned An oUI woman died lately at Cau- ! societies throiighout Kurope when .â- ?arKi who for long hoodwinked the ; collections were sought to be ir<ide of the dry si?ason in the I'hilippuies : upon the surface of the water. I coast guard by carrying about a i up: and he undertook to procure the had opened up. j Tiio ant, with the dogged persis- 1 baby. This was actually a bottle or | spocimocs that were desired in Every morning an army of the lit-' tenet of his race, fished out of tho, jar of bramiy. which she dre-v ofi | France or Germany or Knglaud. Con- tlo BcaVeugers came briskly out from i water what remaine<l of the green '/from a hidden rocoptacle made spasmodic eflorts to climb up tho smooth side of the can, but the ant, far more active in tho water, alwa.vs dragged it back In a few moments tho spidor doubled up con- vulsively and lay, a still gray ball. their nest of clay built up s whore behind the iiartilion and do- ployc<l over tho floor in search of anything dead or alivo that might serve them as foo<l. At first as I watched them they seemed to work at random. Then ono aflernonn when tho sun- light was exceptionally bright I ; noticed an ant considerably larger | and longer limbed than his fellows • moving leisurely across the floor and ' pausing frequently to look about ; him. During ono of these pauses two ants hurried up to him from op- posite ilirections. Tho three seemed to hold a consul- tation, and prewntly tho two retir- ed as. if to carrj' out the orders of thoir commander. I''ov fully a half hour the big ant continued to move leis-arel.v about, inspecting here a body of ants as thov toiled at a bit of chicken that had fallen from my plate, there a water what remaine<l of th ome- j bug, dropped it ovm' the side of tho of! of tho ' sequent ly there wa-? constantly goin;; can, and descending leisurely, riert it away to his clay house hind the partition. smugglers, car- I child 'there: b Dr A SPEING TONIC. Williams' Pink PiUs Makes Strength for Summer. Every man and woman in Canada needs a tonic medicine at this season ot th(- year. Thoy must have now, rich blood to build them up to bear th.,- trying heat ot summer. Dr. Wil- liums' PUik Fills are tho greatest spring tonic in the whole world. Every dose makes new. rich ^lood â€" now vigorous life. They transform we.ik. wearj-. anaemic girls into healthy, graceful, well-developed wo- moti. The.y make debilitated men eti-ong lusty and eJiergctic. They givu worn, despondent women new health and comfort. They do this coup»r that wore devismg somo j p^,„,..^, ti„n^thov cannot fail. After scheme to get a kernel of rice across : ^ ^^;^, of Pr.' -VVilliams- Pink Pills, a crack that stretched like a great p^.^..... „,j^,, j^„,, ^voman can withstand canon botwivn them and their for- j j,,^, "summer's heal free from l>ack- tress behind the partuton, and in | ^^.i^,. ^,^^^ headaches, woakiu-ss and stili another quartw a trio tugging at a green bug that was not yot dea>l and that clung tenaciously to A BAMBOO spi.inti:r. In every instance the little follows redoubled thoir elTorts at the ap- proach of their commander, but in; always keep the pills in mv home the case of the green bug with no „„^ ^^e result is I have no doctor's snti^fuctoly results. i bills; nor have I anv delicate boys For fully a nnnuto 'V. "?.. ''"* : of girls, as the pills kwp thoin strong and healthy. I con.>.tantly re- coi'iniond tho pills to my friends acho and heailaches, woakni-ss despondency. Mrs. M. A. W'hite. Sot-.I Cove, Quo., says: "1 cannot praise Pr. Willi.utis' Pink Pills too highly. They have not only-ma«lik a new person of myself, but h .ive boon of inestimable value in my family. 1 ant watched the efforts of his follows. and then, ns if in disgust at thoir puniness dashed upon the prey, scat- i „„,[ | always hear good words from tering tho throe toilers in as many {.jjose who use them." directions, and the bug by a | jj'^ wjHiams' I'mk Pills do not act win.ij quickly jerked it frv>m its pos- tioi) and stnrtod of! across tho floor i rich cream, or the samo amount of I ^^ „ great rate of spivd. made custard. Top off Hubby's din- ner with a quarter section of this pie. and see how quickly the whoro- withall for your new hat will be forthcoming. Bake with a top crust or hoat with meringue or whipped cieam, as you prefer. HINTS Foil YOUNG MOTHERS. Mothers should remember that it is of great Importance to look well to \ '>' « child's first teeth, as well as to hi.i second sot. The second are likely to be Infcctoil by decay of tho f-rs't set, and dentists fully recognise tho necessity of looking well to tho early teeth. A tooth grows from a little upon tho howe'.-; they lio jiot bother with the nu-ro .\\-niptoins of di.seaso; tliey simply make now rich, rod blood, and thus cure all the common ailments of life. But yoti must get the genuine with the lull name Pr. t" Williams' Pink Pills for I'alo People, on the wrapper around each box. Pri-sently the big ant, with his now feebly struggling captive, reach- o<i tho widest crack in tho floor; to tho other ants a yawning gulf, cross which they were obliged to make a detour of halt the length of ^^,1,; ^,y ^U dealers everywhere or by tho room. But tho captain had no yjail at C>0 cents a box or six boxi-s idea of squandering his lime In this ; f^^ ^2.50 by writing The I'r. Wil- way. ' linms' Medicine Co., Brockville, Ont. f\)proaching tho brink, he sudden-! l swumr liimsolf iMund with a â-  «• â-  niF UAINY PAY H.-VD COME. Mark 'I'wain tells a story ol a fol- •MMVM9 CONTINUE Those who are KSlnln. flesh and by resular treat- ment with Scott's Emulsion should continue the In hot weather: smaller dose and a little cool milk with It will do away with any obloctlcn which Is attached to fatty pro- ducts during the heated season. Send for free !nmrle. scon S BOW.NE, CJiemisw. Teronto. UnUrio. 50c. And $t 00; all drujcfut^ liimsolf iMund with a whirling motion that throw his hind logs high in air, and as they do- : Mark I'wain tells a .scended they just touchinl the further ^ low-worker who was roeonlly m re- side and his feet took a firm hold. ' c^ipt of a letter from a man who As the bug droppi-d otit of si^ht it ] has regularly made it a practice to U'okiK! for a moment as if tho ant ; i,y..r„n,- nvone.v from him. would be drawn alter it. but the j i„ this letter the writer stirpriswl hind feet hold fast, and presently the his corrospoiHknt by saying: "This • captain emerged triumphant with',;,,,,. ^ have decid.-d to reverse tho his booty, starting ofl in a bee Imo , „^„j^, ^^j^.^ „( things, and. ia<toa(T for the clny house behind tho parti- ^ ^,, boTowing from you. 1 enclo»- herewith £â- ">. which 1 am going to . . , . . I , . .1. . a.-ili that you will lay aside for mo i in two foot of a pool ot water that j tho servant had spilled upon the I floor when llUing tho empty tomato I leans under tho logs of tho dre.«!.ser â€" a| "You've a very quiet I never hear it cry," said ono of tho guards to her. "That may be, " replied Kanny, "but I war- rant you he's got a d.-ul o' spirit in him." AND HI-; LKT 11 KR PASS. In Gower,, at l,langenns>th, the runners w" smuggled goi>ds had con- trive<i a most ingeiiio'.i.^ cache. A little strcain falls in ca.scades from the mountain aijove. Thoy diverted the stream, formed a cellar under tho spot where tho water .splarhed down, well covered with broad slates Uibovo. on which they cast torrent riitiblo and in this hid their kegs. But a storm brought the stream down with such violence that ono night it tore away tho roof aud revealed tho eon- ceal'.\l run goods. When Joseph Bonaparte was King of Spain a good many individuals, even those highly plared, cut ich^l Ihemselvos at the cxpcnt-c of the rev- enue. One day a contrabandista met a Brigadier ut Segovia, about to re- turn with empty caissons to Macfrid. "Look here, inj" friend," said be, "I Want you to convey for mc a quantity »rf^'aiing.n balls and shells to the capital*â€" 3^^<|u.inv as .vour horses can draw.'' fllcn he showed him piles of those munitions of war. The Urigadicr demurredâ€" (he weight would be urodigious. "Bah!" ii^ plied the smupgler. "They are nil ot blackened pasteboard and are full of velvets, tobacct>. brandy and liqueurs. Get them safe into the Prado and you shall he paid for your pains 75 louis dor. They will let cannon balls t tho barriers without ta.xiiig them." Tho llrigndier agrivd. and managed To j;ot them into tho Prado at j Madrid in tho nisrht: but as those in on a trade in ornithological speci- mens over the frontiers, and usually our savant accompanied these, as thoy Were rare and valuable and liable to injury if roughly haniilevi. Now, it so chanced that he bought a live Parrot, with which it entertain- eti him to converse. After a meal ho Would stand by tho perch and say. "Poll, i-retty poll Wbon you are dead I will stuU you with laces. " or cite, "Foil, I will stuff you with oau do cologne." Now it fell out that. once our naturalist was conveying a collection of spe<'iinens across the frontier, and unluckily ho had his parrot with him. At tho custom hous«>, all at once it screamed out: "Pretty Poll! When you are doad I will sfuiT you with lacol Poll' Poll I When you are dead I wil' stuff you with oau de colognol " "I will trouble yoJ." said the cus- tom house officer, "to let me investi- gate your collection of stuiTod birds." "Aye!" said the ornithologist bit- terly. "Pretty Poll! I shall wrinj your neck tor telling secrets." A MODERN MOTHER. Children shudder at castor oil, ami with gootl rvat^on. Castor oil is a relic of old-t»'«e barbarism. Not only is it repufsive to the taste, but it gripes and tortures delicate chil- dren. Modfrn mothers use Baby's Own Tablets, a gentle laxative which does not gripe; a comforting medi- cine whicji may be given to a new- born babe without fear of harm.' Tablets cure all tho miupr ilia of little ones, and promote TWtut'al sloop and repose. Mrs. U. H. James. Fenaghvalo, Ont.. says: â€" "I fnid great satisfaction in tho use of Baby's Own Tablets, and do not the plot were unloading the gootis up I''""-''"' ^'"â- '"^ ^ "•'""'^' *='"' al>^"iff with- rode an officer. ' *"'* them. They make children well "Hello!" HQid ho. "The very thing we want. I have orders to send a convoy of shot to S<>ville against these (logs of I'^nglish." And ho conliscat.'d the lot; hut. finding thorn remarkably light, broke ono, aud forth irished THV; FIN'ICST COGNAC. In Paris for some time by an in- genious contrivance a good deal of wine and spirits was passed beyond the barriers without paving duty. A and ko<-'p them well." .\nd you have a guarantoo that there is nut one particle ot opiate or harmful drug in this medicine. Sold b.v medicine dealers or by mail at 25 cents a I box by writing the Ih-. Williams Mod* icine Co.. Brocfcvillo. Ont. STRONG IN DEATH. Ir the line of absolute and ab- stract politeness nothing can quite. tion. All went well till he came to with- Im ; nivossary procautit>n to koej> the lant^i from climbing up and taking 'possession. The captain scented tho I water from afar, rose up and in- spi-ctiil it till ho was satisfied that it was impasisublo. ami then began a WIPE DKTOrU TO THE UIGHT This movement linik aim beyond lor a rainy da.v." But the rocipiint of the lett«"r couldn't find an.v remittance. He senrch»"<l for it on tho floor, uwh-r I ho tnhlo â€" in fact, evorywhore ho thought ho might have dropiH-d it. Thi-n quite accidentally ho lurtuvl over tho shoot on which the letter was written and tliscovered this postscript: "I've just looked out of the wiixlow, and find it's raining like tho very dickens!" subferram.>an pa.ssagc had tec-n made ! T""" ,J''^â- *'K'^'"v'' •'^^»;"«' l'>, "^ 'â- â- Â»'- from the village of L<^ Vortus. n.-ar | |;^'%,^"S''?^ «T"t „.T u'^""" [^ ... .1. t. t .. the High f»horin of London. It wis Si. IV-nis ,n the hous^ of a <--'\"<-"- his invariable custom when hurrvi,!^ an< It UhI >"to the cellar of a black- I ,p„g ^ho str«-t to salute anv' of smith near the Voire St. lAit'ient. h..i numerous acquaintances with ^ The pa.ssaso w.s linwl with plank.s I ^^^^^ ^ j^^^h of the hat and the well greased, and kegs were sent ^^,rds "Sir. I wish vou a very go . 1 rolling along it rdle<I with every kiml 'morning!" ot merchandise that ought to pay i a,; High Sheriff ot a county it onco toll at tho octroi. At the black- ;{,< came his painful duty to attonri smiths there wore oxtensi\e cellars I the execution ot a criminal, who 1. in which Ihost' gomis were stori-nl. ! hi.vilig sivn that all tho iiroliminar- But one who was in the s^-crot be- ;,arrangeraonts wore complete, he irnyod it. and tho otliccrs of the law 1 bo.wetl. touched his hat to the cu.- caivw down sudilenly on tho blacW-lpiit, whoso black cap was already smith. ponoti-ato<l to the collars, ami j over his face, and took his loavj with tho contents loaded seventeen I «ith his ctistomary: â€" wajions. I "Sir, 1 wish you & fery gooJ At tho ri'Pscnt day a gri-at source"- <â- â€¢.::>"

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