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Flesherton Advance, 4 May 1905, p. 5

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THE ' F L E S n E il T O N ADVANCE May 4 ldJi> Methodist Church San4ay, May 7, 1905. Morninc,- â€" ^iirterly Mettiiif{, service aVl0.30. Sul)ject, â€" A!!j jure to the pure. Evening, â€" Popular anmsemeiits i»nd Melhotlist sfsndarda. First iji a series. J>. I. WILSON, B A., B. D PiSttT ST' â€"^ ' Gcijeicterii!tics of tha Pas* .W»ek J Clirefully CuUed for the CMriuU3. . . ./ Fresh limo always on liaml. J. H. Dncl>ett, Eii^eniiu Work hoi-so for sale. Apply to J. P- Fresli lime for s.ile â€" J.ia Oliver, south line, Arteniesia. nilg Pij lost â€" all whits, weighed about 140 lbs., Robt. Tili-Iiityre, Port Law. Miss llai;;;ie Caswel! returned on~Mon- 8»y to her Sfjdiea a^the O. S. C. I. Mtea Hannrth Staffu-d returned Satur- dny to her Etudies at Lotiunn Tiormal. Jliaa IVIary Thompsjii returned M^n- (l»y frnm mi extended visit with her 'â- jtother Will at StonffviUe. Bornâ€" to Mr. and Mrs. J. Ev Fa-,vcf<tt, Norway, East Toronto, on Tuesday,. ^pvil 25, a dau'jhtfr. Mrs. Jas. .'^pruule and her daughter F.;i», of Thoiiituii, spent Easter at .Mr- aiid Mis. Kennedy's, Ceylon. Mr. .John Aikens, Co. Fermanagh, Ireland, is visiiiiig hi.'? aunt, Mrs. John Clinton. Mr. Charly McTavish, who ha* been atteiidii'g the Rntish American bnsiiieas colle^?, Toronto, is home for holidays. I have plenty 9t all kinds of l*lover.â€" W. ^- liouiiUiss, SIcdical H^all, Flesherton. For sale cheap and ou easy terms 1 democrat with polo, whiSletrees and doubletrees; ^-ood as now, R. J. Sprouie, Keshertoi) . Try Spnule, Crjssley & Go. for frcsh â- water berriuj^ and salniou trout. A few lockages left which they are selling cheap. The Kastdrey license commissioners, who recently met at Euizenia, renewed all the licenses previously existing in tlieir constituency. Sprouie, Crossley & Co. have a small â- ^aantity more of tlsose h)vely dutch setts left. If you have not ;jot a supply call e»rly as there are no potato onions to be had this season. Pig a-stray â€" Came to premi.ies of under signed about A^-ril 14, one pig, weight about 1IX> lbs. Owner please provo-prop- erty, pay expenses and take it" away. B. Best, Fleohurton. Parties re^uirlaj; dent^lwork should hive it attended to at oace XI J)r. Murray purposes takin;j a trip to-Jhe Nirtbwest shortly and will bo <»b4«o''. somo time. Callb«fnre May 15. Oponed this week at Spnjtle, Crossley & Go's, another consignment of absolute- ly pure maple syrup and sueir, ivhich fhey are selling very cheap ami it is going Mlra~bot cakes. Dout put off an early mU if you want some, as the supply is limited and season, for same,almost over. Mrs. Fretl Hioklin?, while in the city last week had the plaasuie of attending Parsifal, the .'Easter Festival and the roDownwl horse show. Mrs. Hickling was much pleased with the Easter enter- ttinruent piovided by the Queen City ai»d is especially en:hu3iaslie oyer "iVagner's isAiierpiece. The foilowitig' May day movings took place on Monday: Mr. Will Moore k< the uld Wright residence, Toronto street; Mr. Herb. Smith to the Damude r^si- d«vo«i. vacated by Mr. Moore; Mr. Ed. Patterson to the residence vaeateil by Mr. Smith, opposite the Methodist rJturch. Sprouie, Crossley A Co. have received •ltd are ^putting in etr ck this week a car eA Cjlivy's celebrated R(\val Household Flour: Neslers Feed Flour, the l-cst |H>ss:ble foed for preparing hl>•^* for mar- ket, also for young pi^.^ growing; also 20 toni bran and shorts, all of which- they Are selling cheap Mr. P. R. Tublv», r<>pre«»nting the Queen Oily An Co, of Toronto has been 10 th>B di»tri»t for some liini doing busi nsM,^ He i« reliable and anyone requir- ing anything in the portrait eularcing line can trust him with their orders with the full knowledge that satisfaction is guaranteed Mid tkat thoy will f(H full f»i*» for their mooey every time. The Sherlock Male Quartette end Miss Irns, an able elooutianist, will give one of their popular concerts in the Kttho- diht chutch, 51arkdale, on Tuesday even- ing, May 16 Rer. Ivison Wilson will preach a series of sermons during may in the Methodist church on Popular .\musenii-nts and Mt-thodist St.ind,irds. The .suhjocts anriounceilare .la- follows: ''The horse raceâ€" it'jTwot and fruir," "Th« church and tha stags,". "C-aras and other games of chance," "The modern pleasure dance." These subjects will be given in the order named. Mr. C. H. Marr, of Grand Uipids, .^liim., and Mr.V.'m. Earns, of Killainey, Man., were guests at the parsonage- dur- ini; the past week. The former is Mrs. Wilson's broihor and the lattci a brother of Mrs, Wilson 8 raofher, Mrs. Mirr. The visit was- made as a result of .Mrs. Marr's serious ind ispo.sition. Ill o aged lady is, however,- considerably improved in health. She is Si je;irs ot ase The Grand Vallty Sisr s:iys a tlock of wiW geese located in a field near there but local pporte who made the attempt did not succeed inenptuiinsrai^y. It was different with a flix-k lr«re. One of our ocal ritlemen succeeded in bnn'jiiio down two tine spe.-imen's out of a fl'K-k with one bullet from his 3l'-,TO Murlin, and later a single bird.. One of ihe&e birds weighed too pounds. Grand Vallry sporii»men should come up here and pet some p.jiutera on shootiui; wild geo30. The Woman's Mis^;ionary Auxiliary of the Methodist church held an "At Homo" in the church on Fiid.iy afternoon when a number were pieji<jnt by special invi'ation. A tas'y lui.clipon was served and an- appropriate progi-am rendered. The Easter thatikuflfering w:is t;ikea up but as the envelopes had ret all bt»eu handed in the sum rould bo n.scertain- ed. This branch of the churo'i is doing a good work but i.'s not rec 'gnized as it siioulc be by many members of the church. The aiitiual election of officers will be heL'-on Thursday, May II. At the annual meeting of the Missiim Band the following otficeis were elected ; Pros., Mrs. W.a. T;;urston: 1st V.P , Mabel Boyd; 2nd V.P,, Ruby Trtroble; Cor. See., Lulu Mitchell; Rec. S-eo., Lil^ Boyd; Tieas., Hazel Bojgs. The past yo:ir has been a most snccissfui one. The funds will reach near the hitih w:itermir<£ of twenty five dollars Mrs. W.H. Thur ston will represent the band at the branch mectiuj; to bo held in Toronto the Inat of May. \escty Meetings The annual meeting of the Church cf England vestries have been held in the mission, including;MaxwBll, Eugenia and Ceylon. That of St. Mary's church. Maxwell, w;is held on Easter Monday, when Mr. Geo. Eurk was elected as lay delegate to the diocesan synod. The wardens are Messrs, Lawler and Har- gr-. a. '.'.1jo-*estry adjourned to receive the financial report at a later day. At Eugenia the vestry met also on Easter Monday. The fin.*iicial Bt.Ateineut was pa.iaed and ^t. Josias Cooper was choten lay delegate. Tlie Ceylon vestry met on Monday last wbsn.. the report o^ the wardens wae-presenled. Wearing Away Your Lung ? Yes. and your streUiith too. Stop cough inj; and get rid of that ca arrh. The one remeily ;» "Catnirhozone" wldeh goea to the diseased tissu<;8 aloi.g with the air y?u breath; it cao'i fail to rcsicli the s.)Urc»?«>fth»lr<Hihle its -bound to.kiil the germs and as tor hoaJioa up-lhe .sere places, nothing can surpass Gatu riiozune. It you don't get inst^wit-ie'iief and ultim- ate cure you wiU .lit least got back your money, for Catarrhozone is t'uaranteed to curecat-arrh in any pan of the body. You run no ri»k â€" tberjfore use C.ilari liuzone â€" at our expense if nut Katistied. when aiiv disorder oi the .stomacn appuars take a doio i.'f Chamb<'rlaiiiii Stoina<;h and Liver Tablet.! to corri^ct it. If you iiave a weak btoiiKU'h or are tr->ubied with iadigMtii>n, yuu will tind tb«8« Tableta to lie just what you need. For aal« by W. E. Bicbardtoa. A young man took hi-S girl ;o church Sunday evening, and. stopping at the end of tbs buck pews, turned to the usher and said, "I' suesa we can »<pieeze in here." "Yes," i:iid the u.sher, with a subdued smile, "I guess you can, but probably it would be better for all cou- cernsd to n<»ic until you get home. A Bad Pruise. Often causes agotd deai-of trouble. The best cure is procnpt application of Xerviline which instantly stopa the pain pievent,s swelling, removes al. b'ackness and di.soloration. Neiviline is aiitiscep- tic â€" prevents bljed poisoning. No lin- iraenti so 8tro':g, so penetraiinz, no swift t-i destroy pain. You miss a lot of com- fort by not u«ing PoLsi'ii's Nervdine. For nearly fifty years it has been the standard family liniment of Canada. Distance lends enchantment to the view and at a rang» of 2000 miles or m->re, the rosy tales jf fabulous wealth in the N'orth west, ana accoin pan jing calls for laborers in tha holds, it is quite natural that muny in this part of the Dominion are iiu^ielled to go out and inspect the protipeci. All do not find the same rcstdts thorn, .-..s it is quite evident from letters- received from some w'lio have s^ne out; West, and from the reports of others who have returned. From these two sources it is learned that while the land will prndMSM lots of grain, it takes some money and time to secure results, and for gettinz a j.jb, there are about e men for every opening. Thi.s is how the Davison boys foun<i it. for they returned last week. No doubt when harvest arrives there will bs an increased demand, but at the present time there are thoii.sand!« walking the streets neekiim Work. â€" Gnind Valley Star. The following story, which originated iu Toronto, has been guina; the rounds of the press, and we can no loiiijer resist the desire t<i ijive it to cur readers : A certain youag lady te;icl-a*r in a kinder- gaiteir, who, althomjh exceedii'giv niodesf UktfS to be friendly, boarded « S|jadina avenue cat the other morniii'.', and l"ol;- iug at a L'eutlemaM who wa.« reii.lini bis paper, remarked :o hitn : "Why, how do \ou Uo, Mr Brown." The man s'ared at her in lUstonishinoMt and she realized she w:is ;-Ksaken in the person, and to rectify her mistake said : "ijh, I beg your pard- on, 1 'liouihc you "ore the father of one of my children." This d-d not raise a .smile, and the embarrassed girl left the car at the next street. Cciiac s for Dredging, T-'KNLiKKS atidresseil to the un-leiss^ -^ onrtoised '"Teuder for dre-^giDg" An Orillia corener and jury are inqair- ing into the death of an eleveu-year-old lad named Kii*>ell Penley, as n result of drinking wh>akey. It ap[iear«d trum evidence givoa by the dead boy's fiittier and a little companion t' at Russell and several other -b«j» were treated to whisk- y by Sam Symington, an .\therley funuer. Symiiigt in, it iq alleged, after giviuc the boys several drinks, handed over the bottle to them, half full of liquor, *nd yaupg Penley swa'lowed it. On airvinK homo he was put to bed lo sleep off the effects, but as alarming .syniptons appear- ed Koiue hours later, medical aid was summoned. The 1,\4 never rvgaine-l, and, aft»r sudwring from couvulsiutis, died. How to Ward oft Old Ag*. The most luocCMful way of waniin^ off the appmsch of old »g« is to maintain a vig«roii« digcKtion 'Hus can b« don* by salfaif only food »uit«d tO: your »g« and occupation, and will he receivou uu to and ia.-ludiiiti 5Ia-y 15th. 1005. for the dredifin^; requir^-d at the followiug placet;, iluring the prosewt year: bayfield. Belle Kiver, .Beavertoii, Co-liugwi>od, Kiuoardiue. Matches dash ba.v, iieaford, Owen Sound. Trenton. Peo- etansuishene, Foint Kdwarrt, Sarnia, Port Staulev, ItoQdeau. Port Burwell,SaU£eeu Uiver, Thonjl>ury and Wiarioa. SpecidcatioDs can to neon and form of ten.ler obttiiiien tht tlid Depavtineut of Publiu Workt^, Ottawa. Tetxiers to iQclu te towin;; of pla t to and from the woiks. Ouly dredges cati bo cm- liloyetl whicli are rfgistered in Can&da at tbo time of fliiuR of tenders. Coutr&ctors must be ready to bet:in w-^rK withio thirty davH after the date tl*ey uire l?«en Lotified cf the accept- acca of their tender. Ttie De.oart?si«ut is not bound .td 'accept the lowest or auy of the tcnder?.- By or Jot Secretary. DepartaiCBt of PubHo Works, Ottawa, .^riiliO, 190Su KewsripersiusH tine th{» advertismentwith- Out authority frooj the Dnpartmetit wiij not be pai'l fo.- it, - flail Contract SE.M.KD TENDERS, addressed to the PoBtuiiis. ter Cieuiir»l, wi,l be leouived at O'tawa nut. I Noon, oil iTlda tbd'irld Jillle. lyOS. f.T the cot: veyi^nce of HiK Aiujesty's Mails, ou a pr.jpo>ed coijtract fer foar meats'. Bi\ tini-s-ptH- week .aeh wav btt»..T eii-baru and Klesiiertoe. t:oui the Ut July. nsxt. rriuled uotioos cootaiuitig fU'-thfti- inforu'- atioii us m c i.iiii Dsi of provoeed Contract may be neeii and blank foitu^ot I'eti.ler may be obtaitieit at t'ao jxist otIici«s of Fifversiiaiu. FleNiiertuu.aud Maxwullaudat tiie oiUceof the Por.t Olhce tu»ip*ctor at T(..,...,ut,-,, «. I'- iNDKUSON, Super intondent. Post OUic-" I>Bp«rtuieut, Mail \.'oottact Brauc^, UtUwa, rjtb April, 1906. 60 YEARS' EXPERIENCE MINTS Tradc Makks DCSMNS Coi^woMTr*c Anvon»«endtnft a »feMchuiddniKTlptlnn mav I3afc»ity aaeiertjwn oo^,c^:i*•n free ^beltio Corn! Corn! Corn! Any quantity of curn f .r pig feed â€" P. Loucks. While abilii'iB a:taek «». dtddedly unpieaa aat it ia quickly oyer when Cham'oerlain's 8wmach ami Liver Tablet are used. For sale by \V. K. Ridumlson. i FleJurton, ITay S^IQOS. # Z-eiir- Sir: ? _)i. the ihort tinii: I hiitk bee'^ * in .FkiherluH 1 luive sold uath' ing b\rt tkf best atui now hare an excellent rf-piUatiou io nuUntui.],. MaitU a pcint tv n'.ut oi«r sture this tPffk and yrniil jiud <j-:: goi»U and prices Ju^t Right. I have in stock all kinJi of seeds aitd imnt to sell you seme heferrt the seiuou is too far aJc^n- ced. We sell â- ' Ford's F'Meiit:' Thi.1 nidehj known jio'ir is nuide exclnsicely of Pure Manitoba A'o. i HjnJ IVheaf, aiui dues iwt req'tire artijuial lAeurhing. We hive bran, .hurt.^, feed Jtour. groceries etc.,iiiabuiidiince. Fours St ccrely, W. L. Wriqht, Fleshertou, Oat. =?«*#' WALL PAPERS! â- ^'%^'«^%^'!^ ^^^-^/V^^r^ ^^^^ The largest .'^tock in the town- ship, of BF,.»<T QcALITY and LOWE.ST PRICES, from 3c. per double roll up to 50c. Or- 1 exhibitii.)n bv C. E. Tryoxi, . The psacticl p.iotrg it"APEE H-vngeb, 1^ SAMPLES OS irfLlCATrO!.". -i-. Priceviiie â-  • • Ontario. - ?a ,^ .:vi ^ BOOTS AND SHOES The reputiUion of tjur Boots and 6hoes has been bulk up by close attention to busines.s. Our- Footwear is well know throtighout all this part of the country as bei^ng tlie best. The proof of tlih? is that so many always come to us for their boots and shoes. Our Spring Stock is up-to-date in style and make and is the best and most complete we have ever had to show vou. Ufe Jllways Cry Co 6i(>$ a DoJ'ars lUdrtb ?or a Dollar Iu custom Work we are second to none. We use. the 'oest m;i-e:-ial that ^ can be got and any order eutr'-tiited to our care will ba caret;iiv attended 2v If vou are aroing to 'ravel we have a large stock of TRUNKS. TELE- ^ SCOI'ES X- SriT CASKS, C:dl and see them at €1aytOn*$ « « « ?l2s};crton. ^ A^^^^-^'^ ^^-^.^^^ %^^^^^« «'%«^^%%'«>%- Hnotb^rSbipmeittof €;?©ccr Seeds g Comprtsind €»tra Taney, J^lsike, S Red h mammotb 3u$t Received. S t^ist art specially selected for Purity and wlU repay Vour Examin S ation. 1 also bave abundance of St rictly First Class Cimotbv* ^ I 'or: 3; Douglass I ^ •»»«• •MS- er an ruTt^oiV^ l» rr *t3i«t>lT 'r»nlWifjii):.->. OonituBnie*- tlotuKHnctlyoiiiSJedUiJ. IUN0690K «B I'atenu >ont (r«i. olJpct ' Pnteiiu takcii •piYtel notice, with,>ut c^Arwo. tu the t For Your Stockv. Herbaj;eun), International Stock Food, Coluinbian Regulator. Tick D*«trover for thd «he«p. ^ For Yourself # ^ Paceet Ai«<iVn>iea â€" ail the v<H>i»l»r cske*. Pipe* and tobacco. ^ I For Your Wife ^ Spiitea for cooking â€" .\l'jn>ice, Cinnamon, Mixed -spiow, etc. ^ _ l»»irfun:es, Ct>rt;c»il» SiiJr. qjF S For Your Baby | ^ SoDtbing ST-up«' S*ink>«< Bottles, aiid Teething ilings. ^ i Richardson & Son RfffHicv for 9«K~uriji4( pAtontA. ihntnah Maun A Co. r*c«tT« Sclciiliftc JImctlcdii* A hiindsomelT !I!n»tr»t«i weekly, toTatkm of uir Rt^tetuiOc )t>amKL Ijinrmt dr- T«nn«. 13 • Mr : four mvntba. |L B*A>X by aJl n«w»d«*)«nL «â- > Orne*. 46 F n. WubUntoa. D. C. DRUOG ISX S Flesherton :-: K Ontario S t-

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