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Flesherton Advance, 4 May 1905, p. 2

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â- Jl. THEY MADE THIS COUPLE HAPPY V DODD'S KIDNEY PILLS DOING GOOD WORK ABOUND POET ARTHUR. . . Mr. Dick Souvey and Wife Both Had Kidney Troubles, and the Great Canadian Kidney Remedy Cured Them. Tort Arthur. Out., May 8.â€" (Spec* Inl).â€" That Uodd's Kidiu-y J'ills cure tho Kidney ills of moll and women alike lius btoii Jirovod tiinu iiiul opuiii in this nrighl)orhood, but it is oi ly occasionuUy Uicy get a chance to do double work in tho suine houRC. This hfts happened in tho ciisc of Mr. and Mrs. Dick Soiivcy a farmer and his wife, living about Koven mill's from here. In an inter- view Mr. Soiivoy snid: "Mi wile ami myself have used Todd'f Kidney Pills, and have found their, a bi({ Ijenefil to our heullli. Wo had La (irijipe two winters nnd were exposed to uuich frost and colil. Our Bliep was broken on account of \irin- ary troubles and puin in the Kid- neys. Wc each took six l)o.\e.s of Doii<rR Kidney Tills and now enjoy ao(! health."- CHILDREN OF THE CZAR. English Nurse Tells of Their Life In the Palace. 'J'lio children of tlic C/ar and the domestic side of the Uussian Court are minutely described in a recent number of "Xyeisurc Hour" by Miss I-^ger, a la'Iy who, in IK'JH. was chosen by the Czarina to take charge «( the little Grand Duchesses. The nurse spent six Wi-eks in all at the Kussiaii Court, during which time she had uneiiuulleil opjiortuiii- ties for observing the inner sidu of lifj ill the Winter I'alnce. Home idea of the size and .splen- dor of this wonderful buikliii};- may be t'ntliered from the fact tliat in i one of the rooms a "movintniii," down which the children tobuggan hns been erected. The great white ball-room holds 5,000 gue.sts as well as leaving space for musicians and dancers. Another ronin eight pairs of doors of tortoise-shell which are cm- bellifshed with gold. At the end of th<> state rooms there is tho tlieiilro, where the royal children sit, fur heirs watching the attendants man- ipuliitc the drop sceiu's and turn un tho various colored liglits for tluur enter taiiiment. The Clrnnil Uuehe.s.-i Mario was born Boi'ie time after the arrival of the, who believes th<^ littlr? Prin- cean came into the world "with the verj smallf'Kl trace of original .sin." "From her e/iillcst ago Marie's love for her father has been uioh;t marked. When she was barely able to toddle she would always es- enpo from tho nurseries to go to him, niul whenever she saw liitn in tho garden or park she would call aft<?c him. Tf he heard or saw her lie always waited for her and Would carr.v her a little. "Whr-n he was ill In hif5 room she sal on tho nursery door listening. If nhe heard his voice nhc. wotild stretch out her little arms and call: 'I'apa. papal' and her rapture wIk^u sIk; was allowed to see him was great. M- WJlVY dress heform. Sailors Will No Longer Make Their Own Clothes. It is understood in llritifch naval circles that Admiral Sir John Fisher is about to introduce a reform in the matter of clolhinp t)5at is probably onl.v llu^ prelimin.irii Vlcp toward tho uboliliou of what h^s long been one of .1 ick's iii(^t iVurdensomc griev- ances, s.i.vs tho LouKlon Chronicle. .So f;u th.' nii-n','»l<^liiiig has been providid iil«p^t •'pntirely at their own I'ost upon n ij,l;in that was cx- pluiiicd the otMif -Mny b.y aif olTl<dal at the Marine abd Naval (.Ilothin,; Store reprirtiiieiil , Deptford, "To tK»gin with." he fcai<f, "the reform will apply only to li ousels. T.ndcr the lu-esent regula- tions, wln-nevcr necttstary the cloth is issued to tho mm, who have ei- ther to make it uji themselves or pay another man for llie « ork. That in itself, of course. i,"5 hard enough. When one remembers that the army is clotheO at the expense of the na- tion, ir. Biwms rather ridiculous that tho co.'.t of naval cli^lhin.g Bhould have to 1)0 dcducled from the men's pay. "Hut that is not the worst of it. Although there is a regulation pat- tern, .sucli a detail as the wiilth of the 'heir of a man's tioiisers is en- tirely a mailer di-pcnding upon the tasto of indi\-idunl captains. One o.'licer may [jrefer that the trousers should be narrow. The residt is that a man trniL^-ferred to that ve.sscl may have to r.upply himself with new 'tugs,' (imply for the sake of «. fad- dy ofllccr. And the system refuilte in still grentar hardship v.lien you remember that even name ribbons may have to be rhnnged perhaps two or three tim^s in a month â€" transfers ai'c fiomelimes as fretpient â€" a serious in;itter, considering that each ril.b?>n rc^ts lOd., though the man might buy it in the shops at I'ortsmouth for 4d. "I diin't know that tinder Atbniral Fi.s'hcr's s>».liemo there will be any radical change in the imiforms. The trousers will all he th<> s,anio width, and transfer to another ship will th<-rofore involve no alterntion." Nolhing- Ims been heard of the pro- po.-^ed ehanee in any of the .arm.y eliithing departments, and it is therefore lie.ieved that the work will be placed in the hands of contrac- tors. As the m.Tlter stands at jiresvnt, the men will still have to pay for their unifnrniR. Tbit the now regu- Inlion will undn\ibte<'.l,v he a great saving to the iivn. The miittirm is also to be dfsigned on mere "handy" lines, and will therefore be mote tiglit-(il ting than the stylo at present in vogue. #v" tVhat shrunk your woolens ? Why did holes wear so soon ? You used common soap. Eumt INDUCE Ajk t»r tke Ociason Bar- A ItOYAL BOOKLET. The Grand Trunk Railway System arc distributing a very handsome tooklet descriptive of the Uoyal Mus- koka Hotel, that is situated in Jjike Rosscau, in the Muskoka Lakes, "llighlirnds of Ontario." The publi- cation is one giving a full description of the attractions that may be found at this I'opular re-sort, handsomely il- lustrated with colored piints of lake anil i.'ilanil scenery, the hotel itself, and many of the special feature.^ that may he found there. It is printed on fine enameled paper, iiound in a cover giving tho appearance of Morocco leather, with a picture of tiie hotel end surroundings on the same, and tho crest of the hotel embossed in high relief. A glance through this booklet makes one long /or the plea- sure of SumriKr and outdoor life, and copies may be secured yratuit- cusly by applying to any Grand lYunk ticket oiHce. PARTICULAR PEOPLE LIKE TEA bucausj it is Tigrhtiy Sealed In Lead Packeta not I.ving about in all kinds of places like ordinary bulk teas. IILUI''. mnnoN is carefully watched FIIOM I'LANTATION TO HOME and pleases all. ONLY ONE BEST TEA BLUE RIBBON TEA Back to The bicycle is king. Every person realizes now that thero is no other vehicle so convenient in tho country, town or city as the wheel. The wheels wc sell are the best in the world. " 'Music hath charms to soothe tho savage breast,' " quoted the young lady with a simper as she Eeate<l herself at the piano. "That may be," muttered a savage bache- lor; "but there are some of us in this crowd who are civilised, and deserve a little consideration." HOW To HOLL AN UMnuFdJ.A. • How many men know luiw to roll an umbrella so it will look us neat and compact us when it leaves the store? Not many of thove you meet have the secret. Nearly etery one who rolls an umhrella takes held of it by tht' han.'lle ond keeps tnist- Jng the Blick with one hand anri folds anrI rolls with the other hand. The pioiii'r wn.v is to taki- hidd of the unbrolla iust above the points of tho cover ribs; tht-se iminls naturally nrc even around the stick. Kwp hol<l of these, presHiiig them cloycly against the slick, ami thi n roll up the cover. Iloliling the ribs prevents Ihem from (retting eillur twisted out At I lace i>r hent out of t-hape. 'Ilun the. silk will fold evenly ind roll •mooth and as clos<! as the lirst tlani- uiifolde<l. Ho â€" "Clarice, you know 1 have al- ways thought a great deal of you. and 1 have Haltered myself you think not unfavorably of me. May 1_. i< ill you tw mv wifi-V" .Sin-â€" "What a start you gave nie, Horry! Do you know, I thought you were Koing to ask me to lend you soiue ni<»ney." moNEm Tho Prooldont a A lave to Catarrh â€" II. T. .Snrnjile, preriil.-nt et .Saniplt-'K Instalment t.'onipftiiy, WaKhinpton, Pa., writ*!,-: "t'or year?! I was aniieted wiUi t-lironu; Uutiirrh. Itenie.ilies mid treul- inciit I'V RpsriiiHf'tN only ({"ve liie tem- pornry relief until 1 wuh iiuliu-ed to use I)r. A(?n«w"B Ciitnrrbal I'owder. It gave almost InEtiuit relief. 00 cents. â€" I'J •'What i.s J'our idea of sm opti- mist'/" '/Weil, nn optimLft is a man who is too kind-hearted to discour- age other people." f-triitford, 'Ith Aug . 1893. MIO.SSUS f. ('. UlfHAUDS &. CO. (.'enl lemon. â€" My neighlior's boy -1 years (dd, fell into u tub of boiling W'ater and got scalde«l fearfully. A few davs latir his legs KWelle<l to three times their natural st/c and broke out in rtumiiig .sores. His I)arents coulii get nothing (o help him till 1 recommcndetl MIMAIU'.S I.INIMKNT, which, after using two bottles, completely cured him, and I know of si-veral other (uses arounti h<^re alauist as remarkable, cured by the same l^inimtnt and I can truly say 1 never hniullctl a medicine which Im.s had h.s good a sale or given such universal sat isfr.ction. M. lUllKKT, Ceneinl Merchant. Uother Oraves' Worm Kicterir.limtor ha.s tlic largoMt Rule of any similar pre- paration nolil in Cniiailu. It iiiwiiys Kives Batisfattjon hy rettoling heallli to tlic ilttia folks. Hurt â€" "I have no doubt you are sorry about your uncle's death, not- withstanding it brought you into a lot of money." West â€" 'Yes; he was doing a good business, you know, anil if he had lived a year or two longer he might have loft mc a good deal more." Cleveland Massey=Harris Brantford Weliand=Vale THE CUSHION FRAME po- is the new featme. It has brought Idcycling again into puiar favorâ€" Makes RougTh Roads Smooth, The Sills' Hygienic Handle Bar a compaaion invention to the Cushion Frame. Write for our new catrdogues, and new picture cards. Mention this paper. Canada Cycle and Motor Co'y " Makers of the World's Beat Bicycles,*' TORONTO Can£idian Headquarters for Automobiles. FOn OVFIR tUXTY YKAYia. lira. Wnifloiv's .Soothing Syrup hin feccn used l>y mdliouH of mothers for lliilr chlldrin while teething. It suothea the child, ^ofle^.* tlic gums, uHuyn fain, cured wlndcollc. rCKuiate.-t tlio »toii>utli anti bowels, nnd i.s tlie remedy for Uiiirrhoctt. 'I'wenty-Dvo cents a bolllt). tjolil by dfUKKi-'-t.i llirouifliout lh« World. He buio (ind nsk for "Mrs. IViDhlow's Soulhiiic s.yrup." £2â€"04 Distre.s.sed Young Mother (travell- ing with weeping liifanl )â€" "I'eiir, dear! 1 don't know what to do with this babj'." Kind and Thoughtful Biichelor (in next seat)â€" -"Madam, shall 1 open the window for you'/" linard's Lmiment Ciirsj Diphtheria The devil's job is so easy he would rather work overtime than get u dav idT. .> SRNTK.\CK SKKMONS. Love inake;j loyal. Ia'Nh work, more weeds. W'orK gives /.est to rest. It is hard to he liappy in a hurry. l.ove Is always locd<iiig for a loud. It lakes u fool to appreciate a fad. Hevereiico is the foundation of lasting love. 'file sense of duty is a sign of the divine in man. Itighteousness is a lot uioio than respectability. Killing time is a sure way of spoil- ing character. He can never tench a man cannot li^uiii of a- child. No words of fnith hnvo force I hey liecome llesh. It is hard for the leek to see peojile prefer the Illy. Haind often cunios from knowing half a man. 'I he (inly sure thing about a lie is that it will never die. The ( of the ilevil usually lii<li'S some sh.iro in his dividends. Many mislnke their dreams about heaveii for deeds to lots up there. It takes the touch of love to pick even the mote out of another's eye. There is nothing prouder than ig- norance or more ignorant. Ibnn pride. When his goods uro his chief good a man is likely tu Dnd liltlo lasting gooil The saildest people are the <mly ones who arc ulwujs fleeing from sorrow. Tho hoppiness Ihat comes from ig- norance of tho sorrows of thiii uorld may be sin. who until why only Tha Stomach's ' Weal or Woe I "â€" 'rtie .^toinaeh is tho centre from which, from the Btnn<l|K>int of honlth, flows "wenJ or woe." A healthy stomach means pcrloLt digestion â€" perfect diges- tion meatiK KtroiiR and Kt*'nd.y centred â€" strong nerve centres ineim gootl circula- tion, rich tilood anil good hoalth. South Ameiican Nervin« makeu and Ueei^H the Htouinch riglit â€" .'I'J Teacherâ€" "Who was that who laughed aloudV" Pupil â€" "1 I'id, sir; but I didn't mean to do it." Te.icher -"You dion't mean to do it'?" Pupil â€" "No, sir; 1 laughed in my sleeve and I didn't know there was a hole in my elbow." Thomson â€" "Did you ever run nway when you were u boy?" MoLibsâ€" "Once." Thomson â€" "And I suppose the tears flowed freely when you re- turned." Mobbsâ€" "Yes. I made the mistake of returning when father was at home." ENGLISH SPAVm LINIMENT -Ilcinovcs all hard toft or calloufcil lumps and blcinislie.s from hor^•s, blood eiuivin. curlis, spiinta, ringbone, fcwcciicy, btiftV-„s, sprains, sore and snollen tliioa.t, couglis, etc. Save $50 hy ueo ot one bottle. Warranted the mobt wondtrfjl Uk-inisU (,'uiu ever knu-AU. "Ir "it more I ICngland," said the traveller, is considered wrong to have is not than ouc wife.' •It merely wrung," answered the Sultan as he glanced apprehensively at the he.rem, "it's foolish" i S*lf-iu»cbortnic Bad Stump- fr'nUaD ordinary utuuipia J.V;; vx&t»qirs. Xto6 i a-rca bt ic ai?^ 1 «i=<3. rifferwrt: do sea t« suit isU kindj ot ' i*le*rirMfs. ^ y^rtnuairatsd PswartuI, Loty Pricod. § sunt Sfg. Ga. S75 ainlhSi.. KoDmoath. Ml It Is only iieccfsar.v to read the testl- monialH to bo convinced that llolloway'B Corn euro Is unequalled for the teMii>\iij of corns, warts, utc. It is a complete extinguisher. The good woman was visiting the convict prison. "And what are you in for, my unfortunate friend?" she naked of No. l.'ll.'l. '"Cause 1 can't get out," sullenly answered the pris- oner. And the good woman passed on. Cholera and all summer complnint!i are ko rjulck in Mieir ailion that ilie cold hand ot death is upon tho v;>-tiii.s lu-foro llK-y arc aware that dti.'»'''-r n neur. If attacked do not delay In pet- ting tho proper medicine. Try a iloae of Dr. .1. I). KclloRn's Iiysenterv Cor- dial, nntl you will Kct immediate relief It acts with wonderful rapidity and never tails to effect a euro. "(.'oiilratulate me, .linim.v; I'm en- gngeil to Sally deiiks." "I'm uw- fullv sorry, Harry, but T can't con- scientiously do if; I've been engag- ed to Sally my.'.elf." "My Hairt waa Thumplns my Life out." is tlio way Mrs. H. 11. AVii{;ht. of llroi-k\ ille. Oiu , desriilies hei- sufTer- iiits from Hinothering, fluttering and palpitation. After tr.vinc many reme- dies without lienofit si.\ liottles vl Pr Akhcw'h Cui-o for the Heart reetoreil her to perfOL't health. Tho first gave almost instant relief, nnd in a day suflcring c«n«ed altogether, â€" 51 O'Crndyâ€" "Ye cnn't tell nin toimo whin tho l)'t!ra<!ys was gintlcmen." OTlynn â€" "Sure, bhoy, Oi kin do thi>t; some o' was ladies." the not me thiin ^^nâ- lef.•^rtllring .sorrow in one of the «urst of sins. Lever'* Y-7. (Wise Head) Disinfect- ant .Soap Towder \b better than Other powders, as it la both Boap and disinfectant. llrowneâ€" "TIow surprised we should b(r if we could see ourselves as others see us!" Townc â€" "Yes; but think how surprised the others Would bo if they could sec us as we see ourselves I" Hilioufine.19 Iturdenit Life.â€" The bilious man is never a compunioiiahli! ma^ I •,- cause his ailment renders him ond gloomy. Tho complaint is not o dangerous as it is disn(;reeahle \ >:l no olio need hufter from It wlio t.i'i procure Paraiclec's Vegetnblo i'iils. by regulating tho li^er and oliviittint; â- ;.'' enecls til liilo in tho stomach they ti-- stoi'o men to eheerfuliiesB and fuH' v.gor ol action. E^lng ! Oieanlng I »or «li> T.Tj t«l ttmt T««/ «<<rk to U* " SRrmN AMEBieAH BVtiM M." L«ok fsr xaat la ;«« tswn, n Ma4 Mni>. Meatr«a!,Toroot«, Ottawa, Qtwbi% Charitable I..ady â€" "Hut a man last Week told mu exactly the same stoiy!" Tramp â€" "Yes, lady. Yer see, 1 made a fatal mistake itt not havin' the history of me life copy- righted." Minai'd's Linimeiit Cures Colds, &c "Papa, what Is a horse show?" ".-V horse show, my son. is where people with more money than brains go to make donkeys of themselves." Useful at ali Times. â€" In winter or In Kummer Parnielcc'a YoKetaMe I'tlls will cope with and overcome any irioijutari- tie.i of tho digestive organs whirii clianKa of diet, cna.*i(^o of lesidence, or variation of temperature may bring about. Tliey should be always kept at hand, anil mice their bcuelicial action becomes known, no one will l»« witl.-)ut them. There Is nothing nauseating in their Btructui'C, and the most delicate can urc tlicin confldiintly. • 'Your husband seems to be getting bald very rapidly," said tho family friend. "Yes," answered Mrs. Nags- by, "there is scarcely a good haiuV ful Ic Hem! Erâ€" j es, he certainly is,'- Minard's Liniment Cures Distemper "T pity the man who can't leara anything from his own mistakes. Now, that's one thing I can do." said Bragg. "Ah! Y'ou're always learning something then, aren't jou?'" replied Knox. There is a. well-known custom pre- vailing in «ur criminal courts of as- signing counsel to such juisoners as have no one to defend thenv On one occasion the court, linding a man accused of Ihcfl, and without couiirti'l, said to a lawyer who was ln-esent. "Mr. , to with- draw with the prisoner, confer with him, nnd then give him such counsel as may be best for his interest." ThL> law'ver and his client then withdrew, and in lifto'ii or twenty minutes the lawyer ieturne«l into court. "Where is the prisiMier?" asked tho Court. "lie has gone, vour honor, " B-iid tho hopeful legal "limb." "Your honor lold nie to give him the best odvice 1 could for his interest, and, as he said ho wai guilty, I thought tho best cotinstl I could ofler him was u> 'cut and run,' which he took at once," "Regular Practl?lonar-No R«ault.'' â€"Mrs. Annie C. Chestnut, of Whitby, was for months a rheumatic victim, but t>outh Amcrioin Rheumatic Cure chang- ed the Bong from •despair" to "joy " She wiys 'i MiiTered untold misery Irom rheumntismâ€" doctors' medicine did me no good-^ two bottles ot South American IJheuiiiatic Cure cured meâ€" re- bel two hours after tho Urst dose."â€" 50 "Do you think that beautiful wo- men are apt to be spoiled?" she murmured, with uj-iturned eyc«. "Your beauty will never spoil' you, darling." he answered, softly. Where Weakness is. Disease Will Set- tle --ii one suftrrs from anv organic wr«l,.ness, iiihented or contracted, there disease will settle when n attacka the body. Therefore drive out the pains thai beset you, do not let a cold or a ciiui;ii hnrass you, and keep the rc- spiiatiuy organs in a good henllbv condition. This you can do hv usinir l>r. Thoiiiai' Kclectric Oil. ri-«vealion is the wisc>t course. Her Motherâ€" "You will assume & grave responsibility when you marry my daughter. Ueniember, she was brought up in the lap of luxury." IKr Ailorerâ€" "Oh, she's pretty well used to my lap now." La grippe, pneumonia, nnd influ- enza often leave a nasty cough when they're gone. It is a dangerous thing to neglect. Curo it with iSKiloli's Cox^suxnption Cure Tonio""^ I Tho cure that is guaranteed by your druggist, rricer: S. C. Wills & Co. SCO 2Sc. JOc i\ I.eRoy.N.Y. .Toronto. Can. ISSUE NO. 18â€"05

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