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Flesherton Advance, 13 Apr 1905, p. 8

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A run- 1:5 l'.)05 I . I • Tbe Markets. farcriillv «'orre«totl Kn*U M'ccit n.a> :«« •;!» iviis «;« t" •':» i:.irl.'y . 4S •" Ij i:utur '» to Irt i;j.-8 fresh 15J <•' '•* riiicU.i.H 7 '»' / Ducks »to " (i..e>o » to 1*^ lUy K' '":;' "•ot;U<«o» bim <I<1 t" ''" Turkeys i:5 «» '' MASSEY-HARRIS •Bicycles THE FLESH KRTON ADVANCE OiH- wlii'i'l t.liut Htmi'ls for nil 1 1 11' I 's Hind in liicyli! iniiuufac- turci.i tho Ma«aoy-Hiirri». It lius besides giaoi-ful linos iiiu^ cxi'i'lleiit. liiiisli all the utIkI points iif best nr. ility if ^mterijl aixl new linen nous. / nassey=Harris / and iriPERlAL BICYCLES Tlielii'.!li L'lMilo MiDiluls of tlio former wlu'i;! lifive t!i>' Ilvfli 'iiie. Cuslii.Mi Knuue, ^^lllâ- . IjaivUe l^irs iiiul Moirow Coimter IJiiiUe. Tlie "hiiperml" may lin litUid with tho Cuttstcr i?riil;ii iukI 8illa llaiidlf -.Jjiirs. . ' Write us for parliculars. C VNAivv Cycle and Mutok C!o. Limited. iU o. liorscs â€" now li;;') - dlivori -atteiltivo ers G. W. Ha: king \V A N^T K D S,i!eH!)i- 11 t'l represent ••Canada's Cjteatcst Nurseries"' .Ni-Wi'sl viiridtioR nriil siieoinlri^x inHnrfly Kiuita. Siri.ill Fniits, Sliiubs, Oini iii-nuls iiiid Uose.'i. .^ p.-r^nment sidntiaii, nnd territory â- rc'S'M \ ed fr.r rii;ht mm. Puj' weekly HAND.-'lt.MKUUTKlT FIIKK. Wrn. p.u'ii'ul u-s. .Send 2"ic. for the I'OCKUr .MICUO.SOOt'K, useful t' ^ro'.vij's fniis ;i-i I slinit'S and to f.lrme^^ ill HXiiiniidn^ i;t;iiiH inul seod.s. Mr Ili.iiiird Ailiin is lf)e!il ngeiit for Klc-slierion. $ton3 & Wellington (nVKU HOO aches) Toronto - - Ontario g>oi investiiKint, that nnMi diviilciiila ml Ihroufj.^ KIi' in a eoiirHO of Iralnintj i.j any vi tbe UBimrtdiDUtx of tlio /-• O ren SotriT. OdI. Fo-ip ooinpluto conrwos oi tt» ia CiinvK. 1 h* 'jnly coli* r** oxnliiHitHowti V.J I tft! OUlt>U!1fj. A l.l.fJS (tttti 0( COIDpOtttlil ftud |i»iii lakiru: tfrfcctu'ir. Our (jra<lnatuH mv. iaoaii»U'; usHfiij. .luHt tt>*k them. I uli paitlc C^ A. Fleming:, Frincipal Winter Goods ,!7n^. nrness ^iippti les. ^*- Whcn tlie nerves are weak everyttiinn; rocs wronK. You are tired all the time, easily discouraged, nervous, and irritable. Your cheelis arc Sarsaparilla pale and your blood Is thin. Your doctor says you are threatened with a nervous breakdown. He orders this grand old family medicine. "For miT." thsn M jftftr* I hiivo leiijd ATOr'i<;inanlla In mr f«mlljr. It l« a triiirt t'inle a; Hll tlmo.i. und ii wr.ndjirful in"dtdim fi>r Im- pmo bl«o.l."â€" 1). C. Holt, Weit ll»Teu, Conn. 31 00 a b'ltlln J Ail .nii"i:-isl. for J. C. AT«tt 00., T.nwall, Mann. Iloiiur UollH Weak Nerves Pills, Just one pTil each niKHt. Uoport of S. S. No. \\, Arlo-iic«t'i, fi^r Miirch. KK.MOU riitM V- Alox I'mli, r, Millie MeMiilleii. [V â€" iMiibel C'air. Weston (, KiUvjod I'liiviM, Carl VVnlUtr, Kdmi VViliiani'. in Krâ€" Selena HawUin.H, Albert Sloan, Cliini T.,atiinur, Ste'-uut I1.mIo|). Ill jrâ€" llerliiii Kislier, Gcoi-t,'(i llmlop, llnndil VViilliiee, K'tin Lntiiiiur, Mary .lumieNon, Kiifp .Iinnie*on. 61. !Ii;.NPEit8 .rf, Teac'ier. toKivo tliesu Tnl'IctH a trial. ThniHHndg H I O H d A^^ h.vo been I.eneliittd by the r i.«o. 'I hey ' » » » ^-» • â-  »»• i-wZ-fcaJaJJ ro»i « (luarter. For sale by W.K. ; --k»^^»T«i Tr^r-«.r-» '' 1â€" PICTURES. . Must Pay Up. ) Tlie place to get the best IMio'^i is »t BI'hMKlfS PliOTOUIlAl'M GALLKRY. SPECIAL ATTENTION Wi. piy â- Sjiecml Attcrili m to Copving nnd Bibie.s' pietu:v.s. ri.turu fnini. ing a Mpeciiilty, -V!} > [[6 In Furniture The ljir; iind best slock of flirnitni e eeer shown in Kleslior- ten. This without fen r of contni- d'etioii ('orne itiid suu smne of tlie nice things in Sideboards Dining Roorr\ Cliairs' Parlor Setis Bed Roon\ Setts A spociiil reduction jnst now on L'vcryihiiig in order to icdiicu tho stoek. â€" rs furniture s/jealcr FleskloQ - DdI. JIINIoU PoRM Sr TI--JakieHlonn, \Ver=ley PUnit, li I'l.rk, Irene Walkjr, Albeit Willianm, U Mj.Miillen. .Ir 11 â€" Klsiu Ar!n«tron-.',L;iurie Fi>bi'r^ I'Vank LuOaid, Rlaiie Mimier, M Tinner. Millio Cumpl>ell. Sr I't IIâ€" (Jtoruo WilaiiniH, L. Hidoj), Miy Park, We.fley Anntilionjj. F Planlt. .Ir Pi II â€" Alio WillianiH, Willie Ihry. Sr Pt I-I.eila Kljan, Clmlie Faik. Maude Hawkins, D.ivid jainicRoii, Ch i.s Fisher. Jr Pt l-.luo \V.-.lkor,Charlie Williainn, Willie Wi.linriiH, Lizzij Wilbain'. N. RTcMir.LHS. Report of S.S No. 7, Artemesia foi February :ind Mareh. CTa.sH V â€" Loiilsu Dingwall, Mary Miiir, J-)KO(>M ()lrver, Kilnh DinL;«;ill. Olas.s IV ,Sr. â€" Robbie I'ltton, Mary Piton. Class IV Jr.â€" Jennie .Muir, Ilany (di- ver, Allio ilnir. Class III Br. â€" Hatry Joiie',Oeitha Me. I'hail, Fred Vaviso. Class in Jr. â€" Willie Rlead",, Rdiiit Oliver, Johnny Me.ids. CI 198 II Sr. â€" Annie Muir, E. Meads, Willie Oliver, Annie McMillan. Class II Jr S. â€" Ja'iies Giilie.'i, Maniiih WatKoli, Robi ij Valise. Class II Jr.l'..â€" Eihbl Gilelni.-t, Gar- lie'd Whyte, Katie McMillan, J. Gli\ er. Class H Pt. â€" Clar* Gilcbjist. Class I Sr- Walter Wiliianisoii, Lilie MePhad. CTibs I Jr. â€" Claik McMillan. J. A. II.VKROW, Te.iclier. Try nM for any kni-1 <if ptcMiren anl we w;!l [irfniiiseia! isfaeiioii. SydonhHin Ktreet, I' leshuitofl 'Iruth" is a Strong AriHnient ! one '.ridu.ite of the p â- pillar ;/f) ELLIOTT Not Tho four hundred farMiero iir>niid Wiarion anil 0«i:i. Sonne' are |)'OJiiili.~i- rtlly adeet. d by a di csion of Chief Jnsti e Meredilh delivered Tuesih.y. Tlic Juil^e lioIdH ihat ull f irinert who took "giinv«-r» Hlmrun" in the Wiarton Heel Sujar Co. I are liable for the amnunt unp'iiil lliereon, Tlieie ftie 4(18 holdem of these (;'Ov%er»' ) Khar.H, and tho total ami'Uni dim from ' tlleiii i.s $9,(100 This sum will just pay !ho iiiiirt.u'Mgo cl.iim of SD.olO and Iftive vi ly litile for the general creditors wlioxe I elaimn u'O in the nel;;hborlinod of \ S:!00,000 The capiluliza'ion of the cum- I I any n-as §^iOO,000, and there aie sevorali â€"..,», other Isr-i" shi'ieh'ilders who in ly b- liel â€" .-• . . U, UJMX. , ,, . , . rn • I T »• ' . "'â- â€¢ ^"^Ko ttiid Alixauiier fitrnota liable for l»r!<e Hinnunts. Chief Justice i „ o;it r.f a position today. R is the .Mereiliih's judir-iiient eonfinnSlho liod- i tiulh « li.Mi we state Ihat, "Our .«,t>jdei.ti» ii ^ i f Referee Me\ndrew, who is en- i «re nii.form'y niccfri..fid in netilii<.. tood ,..,... ,. i pofitMns afier eraduili.jn." • liicunL' the wiiiiin:; np procefdlii^s. )' ,.,„ « . i : n i m _^1 - **"' .^eno.l i.s a M it,'h Cl;«ss Ortg ami the l/efii in, En'er now. Proved ill Mount Fore.'t. • ci;e open tho ent reyene. (j.ta'or;uB free Every do-tor in t'd^ t'rwn fied bin bc-t .' W. .1. ELLHJTT. 10 n li-ve Mrs..I. WithiTi of aBthina; n.<no ' _. . succeeded. "Fr years. f.he states I wa- j rl83j1Gri:0;l SSS'l, D'^Oi' a dreadful sufferer; nothing gare relkf. .\t li'f.cs I f.iund it neecssjiy lo have nil £111(1 « ISj'jJnO P4''fo the doorK nnd windows open tn yet niy ^ iirealh. W.heii in de.s]riir I hoiir.l i^f Cai- 'rilio.'.one I u?ed it and ain now perfectly I'ured" provus beyond doubt that any ca^e of a-.tliina can lie cnivd by Cat- anlinznn. No remedy S" pleafiint, n-n-* 51) ab.soUitely ccitain to cure; try Cutarrh- Zone yourself; it's gmuan'eed 0~r^ J Business Cards *^ Halile.n- Martulalo Jo a general banking btitiinosti. ilonpj' loanon a reaflouablo vuto Call on us. D J SI'HOL'I.K ^ Fo-UniaGtcT, Ploshorton V oieiclssioner in II. C. J., Auotioncor Con .vcyancer, .-^pprHiior and Money I. curler Hoal Kstate an^l Inpuranco Ag^nt. Deeili' luortcnjes. lua^^ee au'l wills carofully ilrawn up anti valuations ruacfe on pbortesi notice. nioUBV to loan at lowest rates of intcrost. Col .'â- jtioiij attenJod to Willi )iroinptneBf oliaiues low. At'ont tor Ocean rjomiuioii Sti'a'.uaUii'. Company. A call soMciteil. Societies \J::Mi^~ % A U \' meets on tlio Isft Monday ^ in oriv'u month, in-tbcir lo.ige roeni. I'lirhtoe's block. 8 p.m. M.W., \. lliirvlson ; Ueoordflr. .las. Kolstoad ; Finan uicr, W..J. Bul.auiy, ViBitioR bvcthrcu ii.vilvd plUNC'E ARTHUU liODGE, No. :133 . A F * t A "J. HiootH in tho Masonieliall. Htrain'*- niook. rioRhorton, every !''» iilay on or hofore •lin full iroco. John Wright, W M.; O. N. Uloliar sou, Sfic/atftry. POUIIT Pr.KSITKUTON'. 90.-.. ^ Cli 1 1 Bloc's Hloi^l' tho lapt I. 0. F. IT cot? ir, 10 lapt Kridavtjvet iiiK of 'â- iifh nienlh. \'if;itii)« Forohtors lipartilv wtlunin.i. C. n., .i.Oovnasld; U.C. \V. Bnskin; I'iii. See.. H. A. Willrtt. Pleaso nay rluos to tl. >, Willott on or boforo '.he la^t (fay of ilto proceeding nioath. Medical OU CAUTF.n M <â-  P * S (Int. Ptij-Blcl&n. SnrBOon. etc 'ill'i'a ami rosidoacoâ€" t*ctpr at., Flosliortou ntflls,IiUilkets,Uubes, iinitalinn Peraian Kaiiib Coats for drivinv, Whips, l..islies, Cninb.R, Urnsli-, ei, - a lairo stock of ohnic* {(O'jdi just in* Trunks ami VsliMe* (or trnvellert. Oct your liarneaa kiip|ilio« from â€" Wm. MOORE FLESHESTON nn A. T. IlOND ^ (iraiiuatt Toronto t'nlvorpltv. Mom- hor of Oiitr.i lo ('oIIobo oj I'liyRiciifttis and Siiv- (jeMis. M iX'A'till. Oii\ ouccosHor to Dr. Scott, 1 I» OTl'RWr.l.ti * \fti'Tinavy finrgeen QrAduAte of Ontario \'otorInRry CoUcup. residc'ujo â€" sscoiul door Houtb wust o.i Mary titrcot. This Btreot runs Huiith I'reabyturiau Church. H WIl.KON, Hiinksinllh â-  rAJunte of tho Veleriiisry Fcienco Art.'H^ohitlon. Ut^Biilfiice, Dm ham street, np- pu^ilo Duyd, Uicklltg's hardware. Legal Cliamberlain's CouRh c?en-.ei!y the Best and Most Popular, "Mothers buy it for croupy ehihtroii, rail- way men laiy it for .'â- evere conjjhs and elderly people eny it for Ifl-fjrippe," say Mnora Bros, khlon, Iowa. "We sell ninre of Ohamlwrlain Cough Remedy than .-ny other kin 1. it seems to have takn the lead over se.'cral other (food hra'id."^." There is no que.«tioii be.t tins nie'J- ieiiie is Ihe In-'St chat can be lancnieil for a eonprh or cold, whether it lie a child man adult that is alflieted. It always cererf and eurei^ cpiiokly. 8i>ld by W. F. Kicliardson. Atidrcss and Pressnlation. About (iO friends and iieii;hbnra satli- ered at the i onio of Mr. Geo. Lud ow, sr., nea»- Portlaw, on Friday, March ol, when a very pleasant evening was spent, duiina the Course jf which tho foUowins; inMre-s w.i.s read tt> Mr. Ludlow and his dau;;l;ter Mr.-'. Galluaith : To Mil. (jEO. LiDi.ow S.I. \nd Mus Gal- cnAiTH, Jicif-hbors and F.i nd-:, â€" Wo, a few of your neighbors and fiiei.ds, 1 &ve ai-.'jeniMed at your huuie to bid you adieu b fore departiiii; fr m our niidst. We are pleased lo know that your removal is uily but a hhort distance; but sorry to know that you are loavin;? from amongst u.s at all. Since ci niiiijr bi've you have proven to ba frionns to u» both in sick nes.s and in health and your departuie leaves a (ac.incy diOicult to Hll. We fed that we cannot let you go away, however, without hhowin.; in Kouie sniall way our appreciation of your many kiuduesse*. Please accept this chair and frui' set a." » token of ilio .same anil when looking upon it think of the warm place in our afi'ec- tious which is dL^played in this su.all way by us. We know that our loss is tho Rain of in the neigborhood in which y-n are Koing, and we all join heartily in iii'j; jou health and success in yur new home. To your family a'so wo wish every success and happiness and trust that our r.membrnnce thoujjh unspoken may roach them where they live. Thtao part. \niy\ here cauae us to stop for a moment and thinV, W'e nrn reminded of the i>art- in-i that must t iko plaoo some day, never to moat again on earth, and if -our prep LUCAS WKUaiT .* McAIIDT.R llarriMtors boliciloâ„¢ Convoyancors, otc Otnoosâ€" ()W9U Uounft.Onfc and Miiikdnle (Int W 11 WiiioiiT, McAnni^K 1 H LrcAS : , , i , • i N li--Flc^l.p.rton omco, Mitclieiri »auk ar»tion here ii suitable we have tho blight •Tory Hatur.lsy. I aKSurance of meelin.; "« here p.irl ing ia Slightly nearsighted to-(iay. More so to-morrow. Progress of near sight is the forerunner of blindness. The smallest amount of near sight should not be - neglected. •.' â- ',. _ Examination free. ''\':\ /â-  . f j.esHr:RTO?.K ^^ r^LJ] We liavc lecjivcd x large car of b,!st North Stioic Wliite Pine. Parties es- pcctin^j to biiiiu a Louse nest st'.tumcf would do w! U to call atid see us and ariaiigG to liavi their Sash Boor and Fr imes ~ni;icle clnring tlie truitrr and gel tiiein linino on the .sifi^li. We ruruish tverytliiug iiecdcd fof buildiii-5 a house. Wc will luako prices a::;! terms interesting. Wo want your trade antl will ^'Uivrnr.toe fir.7t class woiliinansliip and i»a- tcriii. Planing and matching doue piotn ptiy. T. \V. WILSON JVlanagir riiopping every uay K fill fei^ il^ H W a 11 ^ would never have develope-d this bad habit if they had been ns^htly feed before f.irrowitig. By the time the .sov.' farrows she is in a iir.ich fevereil and constipated condition, which ^routes a litter eating appetite. This CMi, in ahncst every instance, be gotten over if the digestive crKan.j are kejit freo and opea bv fccdiiijf Clydesd.ilc Stock I'cKxI according to directions. The flow of inilk of tlie sow is i:icre.-ised by t^ie help it tjivcs digestion. Milk i.i t'.ie direct product of ths digest- ed food. The RTCttcr tl'.e flow of Milk the greater the grow tli and profit of the litter. If you w.iiit to farrow the most ar.d best pigs : pigs that have a chance to live, and become mouev niahers, use Clydesdale Stock I'ood before and after farro\\ing. Mr. .A. Newell Kilbride, Out., savs : " Pigs have never ('.one better with me tiiau thoisc I fed Clydesdale Stock Food to." "Rv.nts" can be made money makers bv using it. Sir. Ilonald McDougal. Harrislon, Ont., s.ay3 : " I h^d si:j ^runt' pigs to which 1 fed your food, and now they are as good as any pigs I have." Carboliue .A.uti'septic will keep your pigs and pens clean of vermin making them do bel'.or. If you find Clydesdale Stock Footl. aud oilier preparations, do not give satisfaction, your money will be cheerfr.l'.v refunded by our uo-lc.-. Sold in your district bv the foUowiu';: : lioid, 111. kiioc & Co.. KiestiottOQ K 1 1 •â-  ! â-  1. . MArk lile Tiivio- fi Co.. Deomovo Tl. .-. M Mii'ws A Soi, Mir'<'- o D K. McXrtbur. Hopevilie. W. W. Collingbf .wii. Uuudalk BirelAv & P-dl, Du.him D. McT/WiSH Wl Dentistry uo more. Signed : Will Taylor, Sydroy Jackson DR. B C. MURRAY, I.. P. 8. ilertai nnrgaon honoi- cjratlnato of Toronto Unlvi-raity and ] ajâ€" Will Taylor, Annie Jackson. Rnval ('olle«o of l)(int»l SorBPOns of Ontario.. OIBceâ€" Opposite Arnislioiic's Jewellery Store. ...«-.. â- >illvlsit .u».xwell tlirtl»»» Wednesday of each k:«» « W«« i^ ii ir*atinn month and Oundalk lit .nd Krd ThuraUay of bOf 8 WCoK U gesiion -«acli ii:onth. No medicine ran replace fo.>d,but Cham bevlain's Stomach and Liver Tablets will help you lo diiiost y.'ur food. If i» not tilt) t|uuiility of f od taken that gives vig HEADACHE ! Nctiiateia ami Ncrwusneas curetl quickly by A I A V M»RMLt«« HraoacMt ANO ' or a'ml strength t<. the ayatem. but tlu r\J'A>^ NtunALttiA c\iRK. I amount di>:eatedaml a«simil.ited. f r«V« »... oih«. IOC knd Mc All dMlert or dirvct from ronbl»-d » lib ft WC-k illgO^tton, (|pn ! I*U ii[ f[[Si[iioi wiwk mm I' or First Class Ihii;i;io!«, Carts, Pleasure and Lumber Wagons, cutters, Slei.jha. WV keep a si.-ck on hand t" el.o>n<o from. AL50 HOUSE SHOEINQ ANOOEtNERAL BLACKSA^ITHINO Slid KUsranleo first clssst work. Wo keep on hand Phnighs and Plough repairs, and also Massry- Harris and NoXon repairs for l-ini<er», Atowem, >I| kinds •>{ \w\- hinery, also Hinder Twine on hand. » Olben in town q^K^ us a call «

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