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Flesherton Advance, 13 Apr 1905, p. 1

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•«i«M«db.^kM .^i<ii< ,rift iiii'i'i n frww ^^b^ana. dr "TRUTH BEFORE FAVOR." â€"" PEIXCIPLEb NOT MEN.' VOL XXly, NO 1215 Fle3h.erton, Ont., Thursday, Aqril ITS iOOo W. H THURSTON, KDITOR PROPUIETOK * Gciag To G3t Married ? If so yim wiil want a nio \vr iJicji ling. We iiare t'leio in .a irrcr.t variety and at just the light prictu.' . . ''..f,.,,. â-  ..-;.â-  -â- - - © â- '© Going To A Weddiijg-? If so you wiil want to iakei a prese'-it al'.)ny. VV>!h:ivi: tin. nianybi»r.utif'.il BLACK WOOD CJ.t.TKS v.-!iich we v. ill sell at coct fur the aext fifteen diiys. Tliis ineana S'linethinp to yon. Muke .1 note of it. are suitable for general use. See tl:-iii. J'LKSH L RTOX, ONT BMCTraygfi. «.J..IL>J>J^-H>At-l..*iU-M»g»JCTTOICTqgB Industrial Home Notes 'iLata-A- -h- ^- {B'l an Inmate) 'â- ] i O.vins! to ;i suddtf!) ftiK. severe altiielc •f il'n- ss H-hich coiifiii.-il ytmr cyr. to his l)ed (',m';n>; the p-Li-t weoU he w;is unahle to S'.'nfl his U'tla coiit ibution of neivs from the. homo co tht; cx[jei.-tnnt rcs'lers of this eoluitin. The Homi! CoiiiniittPo maf in tliesup- ciiiiteioleiit's i.;flio'' oti MoiiCoiy aud Tues- ilay of last v.-yck for lliJ geiit-riil tr.iri-iic- lioii of l)usiness in oomiocti 'ii with llle ho;T!e. Wo uiiJerstaiK.! they -Icoiik'd to hivoonrrieil out i>s soon as pos.sible the aecessary alterations to tho elahliiis; nnjer ih.e barn, r.'CiiinnicnJed by the l;!it your scribe, poir old chap.i.s doomed â-  to iciiiain ti> the end of the chapter. Rev. Mr, Kodnell vi.'iiied ami |iniyed ) with tbo .sick Sttiirday af-erno 'ii iai-t. ! It is so ir.aiiy weeks siiee tiie ininiites were l)i<)il<<ht tii{;other for oivine servicH that wo cannot say bow the po^r old ' ladic!) are sifltinp; a!on'_'. Oii« iib.stac!e no sooner di.«;ippt;ars thin an' 'h>-i crops up to prevent the recnionirncen;Kiit of (livirit! •'••rvice on tlje Sab' alii Thii is' >vh«re tiie Waiil of a renu'ai' hospital is felt. O.vinj; to sicknesa in her family Mr-«. Kii.neat of Ui Uinii has been olilitjed t(r, ri-Kicn fioiii the st;<fl' ! TliB KieuLiie light." arc deoididlv ini- jfoved since the removal of the plant to Kiiywai-d'a fall.i. About Rheumatism ' -â-  ( There are few diseases that inflict move tur- ture tlian rheumatism, .andHhere i.s j>rob.'ibly ' nn (lise;i£e for which .such a varied aad u.^icleua lot i-tf remedies have been suggested To .say that it can be cured i.-*, therefore, a bold state- ment; to make, but C.haniberlain's Pain Balm, which cni<iys an extensive sale, ban met with great sucoii..' iu tile treatment of this disease. One application of Pain Balm will relieve tb.e ; pain, and Iiundieda of sufferers have testified to permanent cures by its use. Why surfer when Pain Ralin affords sucli quick relfef and costs hut a triiie? If or .sale by V/.E. Kichard- ao!i. PortZ.'iw Mr. Geo. Thompson, sr. , who has been very ill, is, we are glad to report, recov- erin-i. Mr. R. McMaster is aVde :o be around iig^io after an attack of pleurisy. fttvs, Frank B'akey is suffcriug from a severe attack of pneinnonia. Mr. and Mr.-'. Fred Field, late of Max- iveil, have become resideliis of lilts r.ei^'liborlniod . A hearty nelcomo is e.itendi-d to them. .Mr. James Conditld sold a 2-year-old colt lately for a fancy price â€" ti'thin?] tiev/ for Mr. C He has a habic of rais- ; ini; the Itiiid of b<use3 that command: high figures. ! Tlie R. T. lif T. initiated nine members during l^lie p;ist (joarter. The sido con- ; test resultt d in a victory for Onptaiu S. ; Shier and bis suiiporteis. Aniither cn- test is stsrCed under ihe ciptiiincy of; Bister Love and Bro. Walker. j Mr. John Winters, sr., an old pioneer of Osprey and a much respected citizen, <l;ed at his home in Suiidiiy hist. icFarland. Stafford & Co.'s Big Store MARKDALK, ONTAltlO Cxi-cy County's BIGGEST and CHEAPEST STORE I^USERY EAFJiSHED The Largest Variety, the Newest and Most Up- to-date Patterns and Designs, and tlie best Val- ues tiiat Money can buy. Tliese are ttie mag- nets that will draw customers to this szore Priccvillc gnind jury a few mouths sl'o. The Satigeen bri.'ge on the south Jinc was ci;n.'iucral)ly dani.a^e.d by tlic freshet this sprinii, altlion^b it has beer, repaired. A new bridge ivili have to be built in an- ocper year or two. A sho.inalier fnnn Burlington bas opened a .â- siiop in Priccville, Iii.«t week, wliero a sho.'niilcc-r was very much need- ed. Titere are only two shoeuiakera in tho t<i>vi;ship. Mrs. M;Oaulay returned home last •.veek, acconip;uiied by her duU6;b.ter arid little grand d-;ui!h'or. Mrs. Weber and dau-^hter Evelvn, of Owen Himinl, who have tieen visiiiiiij Mr. Roach, returned home Tues.iar. We importeii direct from an Old Country Manul"-vcturer a bii ran'^e of R S(pi;ires. These come in differept f izes iu fine Balmoral Tapestrv H.indsome patterns and designs, rich lovely cido: ins;-, deep rich border put down. Sizes :i-\3, 3x3A. .•^x•l, 3ix4.V yards. Pjices lange from S' and they are tiie best value for the lu-niey wo have ever soen. Tho stock of Carpets i.s so Urse it is impossible to describe nil tli3 20od values, bu' every piece is priced at the biwesr margin of p'Otif, every pieco (ipiality consider- ed) the best you ariU see. Our gcn- iiil and popular Wiudtn, J. McArtbur, Es.]., and Co. Com. Patterson kindly vi-itcd at the sick bed of your soiibe, who, however, was suffering t.w UiUcU paiti to converse wiih thtm. In the early part of last week a suliic- lent lonjtU of t'.i'o inch rubber ho.^e was «ttaclie<l *o each lari;e fa-.icet in tho cor- ridors of the liouse to ensure a steady stream of water bein;; thrown to any Jiart of the buddin;^ in case of fire. Another section of tubina was also attached to the hydrant near the tauk to pb-iy on the ex terior under the snniu circum-^taujes. Tlie preoauti >iis taken will, no doubt, prove fully adequate should occasion re- quire a te*t. Several weeks aaro the late Sam Cobean requested Mr. Harness to apply to the Crown Lands Conimiscioner .setting forth hi.s (Cobean's) claim to the giivernmeut grint of l-ind to the veterans of !â- %(!. A few day.s before Sam's death Mr, Hai- nesa received from the Crown Lands <>lHce a deed for IC2 acres of land in New Ontario for Sam, whi h he (Mr. U.) will fi^ward to the relative-". Sam was serv- ing as sersieart in No. 1 0*en Sound c.impiiny at Sauiia and Point Edward during the Fenian raid of 1866, fe'r which ho received the Canadian stivice uiedal and clasp. We are glad to state tti;it our highly respected matron has so far recovered from her recent severe illne.-'S ss to be able to leave her apartments, and we trust that in a few days she will be com- pletely restoicd to her wonted health. Mr Harry Harness, who has Vioen manaL-iim the ai:ricultunil portion of the industrid hone since i^s inception, will sever bis connection with the stall abi>ut May 15. He i:ot.s to liweu Souid to If am the tinninu', plumbina and i>raziii!j business with Cliristie A S<ni8. We un- derstand Mr. J. Vaity his been engaged to lake his phee here. Tho condition -of Mr. S. Turner is per- ceptibly growing ttoisfi. Tit additioji to his helplessness bis attendant ;nf urns ine that Ht intervals llie old geiitleniau be- come* delirious. I' is daily expected that one of his sons will remove the idd couple to his h' me and between tlie fam ily lake the future caee of their a<jed and infirm p.aren's. Mr. Jihn Barrett, the old Crimean releran, has been in very poor heilth Jately. and T fear he will be unal le to leave the iiistimtion at the expiiy of hi» commilal. OlA .Hmir.y Cirier is a'so failiu'.' failâ€" old a*o will s.>on mm-le'e bin career Win. Korii.Ans w«s, at his own, pertuitted to leave the home on tire Sr-l insl and return to his friend.s in Ytfovil. The old gontleinaii was I'sver rucouciled to the borne. He says he will no come »ttck again. Mr. A. McLellan (yay mmate) leaves tci niorrow--Tuo8d«v. He <<'es back to Wcheloidnm in Euphrasia. Threw or four others cr.nt«nipbi: iskiaa their de- Mttwrf a\M< •h'y i?^-t c' next miinth, Kisn'Jeriey seeding Mes.--rs. En crs<-n Biown tuid Edgar (.irabain visited with TiiornViury friends recently. We aie havinK excellent mail service the^e days between E|.ipiiig ami Flesher- ton, Mr. John Weber, sr. , bcinu carrier. Mr. Jis. Carruthers. who Iras been in ihe Norilnvcst territories and New Lis- keard, New Ontario, for some time, has returned 'o his home here. Stn-:irt l)i-03. it Caiiut.hors shipped a carload of stock to Toronto rliis week. The local sports have commenced loot- l»all practice. Mr. F. T. Weber will commence the erection of his new store here shortly. Mr. H. Wilc^.-t took cbarije of the ser- j ., , , vi;e in the Union church here on Suud.-iy ; P*"! "â- > two bottles, ev'eninjj last. j . -" Dr. Sbnltis was in to-vn on Frid.-iy last"!; s(ib.scriptioii s for the proposed â-  Bell telephooo line between lieie and lleathcoie. A 'goodly number of tho inar.y friends of i\v. and Mis. .lohn Cariuibeis assem- bled at the town hall and presented thwin with a putse and address | rior to their departure for the prairie province. Following is a copy of the address : To Mr. and Mrs. John Cirrutbers : Deak Fribnds,â€" As the time is ap- proaching when yu lyi'l oe Ic-iviug I'ur midst, we iiave met logeiher this eveninij to f-XV farewell. We tetl that we could not let you have us without leaving «ith vou S'lne sliidit remembrance of ymr friends in and around Kimbcrlcy. We all appreei.-ite the fa.t thut you have been i'Oiotiii the pioneers of this crainuniiy, doiiiis \our share to make our locality what it is t-'-<i:>X- ^^'f feel that when a [liotjeer is about to depart wo should show some recotruilioii • f his work. We therefore ask you to ace] it this pur-ie as a token of the regard in which you are held by the peonle in this noi;;hborhood. We eMrn-stly hope ibat you will be hap- pily located in your new home and that earth's best lileH.sings may attend your pathway. Signed on behalf of your friends Donald Wallace R. J. Stuart The Only Medicine m the World that Truly Cures. Cameron's Rbeumarisni Cute Does Wonders for Mr. ' fj-Qj^ here, 'here and evsrywhere Uamsiiy. He is made Well and Stri ng. ' "^ A well known blacksmith's story \ Citiz-;ns of Owen Sound nnd surround- ~ 1 in;;coantiy wh" have been fc-l!owin-i the 'â-  series of accounts of the rein.-irkuble cures ; ', acci.mplished liy Cameron's Ivhcumatism j Cure, will bo pleased to hear that Mr. : This Ramsay, the well-known black- smith of Bay streer, has been absolutely . cured of a severe form of inn.-^ rhenm- : atism. He is known to hun- , dr- ds in tbis"vic;niry. Visitors to the blacksmith shnp will rec-dl the occasi-.nal complaints and evident suSerinj which 'â-  Mr. Ramsay endured duriuij the past ten year.s. W'lien the trouble tirst manifested itself by a ps'ii in the riu;h: hip and riijht , leu, he thou-^ht it was duo to a strain, and , I nave the ati'eciod parts vigorous apidica- I i tions with well-kijowu liniments. Theyj nil failed utterly. When Mr. llaniMvy I stooped he could hardly straiuditeu up uaain, and a pierciuic pain W'iuld run up . anddowu'.tbe muscles of the tiftijh between the knee and hip, eausiiii; intense pain at times, and aln';;ys the sri'atest ann"yauce and inc"nvenience. Last October ho heard of Cameron's Rheumatism Cure and purchased a hot ilo. Ho had taken less than half when the pain had utterly . â-  vanished. Ho continued until the bottle was Hnished, but iscontj-ient that half the bottle did the Work. "Yes" said Mr. Ramsay, "I will be pleased to verify the facts at any time. Anyone who has suf- fered as 1 have owes it to his friends as an {ordinary debt of uraiituda that they I should be to'd about it." j For sale by D. A Cameron & Co. I Owen oound. 81.00 per bottle, Expiess * V â- - -i- â- ^im^'; n 1 V â- â- â- â-  -'s. all re.tdv ..» -50 to J15.0I} HE.V3P CARPET At per yard 10c, 1-tc, 17c. 20c and 25 UNION CARPETS At 25c, 29c, 32c, 38, 45c, 50c, 54c and 60 WOOLCAKPETS Exclusive desiirns at 75c, 8oc, 89c and 1.00 line of ra Ti ge prices; iind 75 TAPESTRY CARPETS This seems :o be the moft popu'ar Ciirpets, and we have an immense of 1905 patt- riis in the fidb'wing .•i9j., 45c., oOc, 55c., COc , 65c FLOOR OIL CLOTHS .A biu range if staple and fancy patterns here for your inspection, both Canadian and impor'ed goods in 1, 1|, 1^. and 3 y.ards w de. Piices per square yard 25--., 30c., 35c. and JAPANSE MATTING This niattinp; we impt>rt each season -Mid patterns anil value think our display this year is better than ever. Beautiful Japanoeae designs in reversible patterns at per yard 12k., ICc, 20c , 25c. and 30 LINOLEUMS The sales for Linoleum is crowing larner each year. The in-ijority of pe. pie are boi' inning to realize thai Linoleum is one ( f the most satisfactory carpets t.) be found where hard wear is n-ip.iired. llandsoiie designs in tile, block ami flor- al pattern.s. Two widths, 2 and four yards. Prices run at per square j ard 4.5c, 50c, 55c. and up to 1.10 BRUSSELS CARPET Eact season finds more demand for tho belter carpels, and Brus-sels is recognised as one of the best wearers at the price manufactured. We can show you never- al handsome and evclusive patterns at S.'jc I.OOu'.d 1.2j IKaxwcll ,:....... Miss Ettie Kinnear died at h'.v hotue in Feversham Friday ni:;ht afiicr a ling- ering illne.s-.. Her remains were con- veyed to the Pres'iyt-cri in cemetery here on Sunday. Attending friends from a distance wtre : Mr John Medlar, de- ceased's uncle, of T.ironto ; Miss Mabel Kinnear, sister, and Mr. John lviimec>r, brother, both of T^ One of our entorpiising young nlnok- smiths was the centre I'f a great attrac- tion lately. Ho was vi.sited by a few of the young people of Fleshcrton, princi- pally young ladies. Mr. Thos. Beatty. ifter having an attack of the able to tie out again. Mr". W. U. Onv has been very sick for some time. We are filad to report she is doinir nicely. Dr. Bond is gaiuinp; the confidence of the public aa a notlical jir-ictiiioner. Two new architi-cts in our burg. I; you dont bcUr^ve it just visit the town and .lote the improvcmeiits. An old pioneer of this townsliip, Mr. McFARl^AND, SXAFFOI^i:) & CO PI^OTOX STATIO^^ STOI^E W. Hockley 1905^ W. Hockley « few of our many bar.jains wo have to offer our patrtms for the oominn month. 50 pairs men's heavy all-wool socks 50 suits of men's all-wool guernseys regular SI. 25 for 12 Men's line Drcs.s O' ercoats 100 yds ad wo.d .sheeting 2 yds. wide great baigam A large a.ssortment of men's win- ter caps 50 and (50c lines f^r. . . Just a few ladies' sh<'rt coats left to clear at , - . . i ... . * li) BOOTS .89 4 39 .49 .30 and 2.'> piirs 3 rvb-' sna; proof lubbers rrgu'ai $2.75 line f..r 2 39 Water in Your Blood. Lots of people hate tl in watery blood, they p<t plenty but don't diKest. When di>;estiou is poor food isn't couTerted into nourishmentâ€" in consc<juence the Imdy loses stiens;th. To positirely renew hcHlth. n 'tl log cipi.da Ferrozono. It ex- cites sharp .appetite,- makts the stomach digest, forms life sustaining blood. Ab- undant streiigih in sure to follow. If you need more vitality, extra enerey , bet- ter urrvoK, then use Ferrozone the medic- d triumph of the age Fifly ceuts buys John Winters, »r., passed pHaeefully 50 jmiis boys pUiin ov.'rs,t>eiit rubber, away ut his home on l"t 23 eon. 3. Ho was well and fawonihly known, being forniO'ly a member of the Municipal Board for a n»inbei of yeais. The re- mains were interred m the Presbyterian cemeiry here. Mrs. J"hu Kadiey clied on Thursday hist at tb- ace of eighty-four years. Tho funeral tiKik pliice to the .Methodist bury- ing grounds here. There is a new house to he erected on lot e, a short distance wf>st of he'c on (h^ north side of the road; all th»t is needed now is the bird. '.Vonder why our two youni black- smiths work 8" late at night. Is it on .48 25 Men's and Biiys' sweaters, bar- gain price A large assortment of childs hoods snap ut ••• 15 pairs men's heavy winter pants regular §.3.00 lino for RUBBERS 25 pairs women s felt lined boots 1.40 and 1.50 lines for Also a large table of working b»,ot" reduced to 9''' .49 .29 2.19 100 snap a I We want to impress upim your mind the great bargains we are piving this month in Ldassware, such .is: Fancy Bailor Lamps, regular 2.75 line for '-' "0 (i oobi siiu;le w.iiersitts 1.75 to 2.00 lines for. . . . ." 1 4'^ 5 only tea setts, 41 pieceR, ffivai bargain at 2 ;'>!< 4 »7 piece dinner sets, $10.00 lines reduced to 8 '.W GROCEI^IKS a Im>x •f hfty chocolate coated Ferrozoae account "f apting work, or is it to piqvide tab'cts. for futo'e d.'ijs? 5 lbs fresh figs for •• 2j 7 lbs fresh cnn ems 2."» 4 large Imtiles tomato oiisup special. 11 5 lbs go'd Japan Tea for 1 ••" 5 till g"0l Ceylon Tva . ., I '«*

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