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Flesherton Advance, 6 Apr 1905, p. 8

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ApiiiL 6. 1905 THE FLESnKRTOJl A 1> V A N C E ,^ Jl^ v m 6i^ mhm^m ^ m^n a ^^M The Markets. CarofiiUv forrerletl Ea«-ii U«'«'U Oiits •'«* ''>^ Vi«VH 63^ "'.^^ Bikik-y 45 to 45 Buti.r '8 to 18 KiiKS frt-all 14 to 14 Clii'-KetiS 7 10 7 Ducks y to S> «e«Ki, 9 to 1,0 Hay to C '"•" l*otit"e» bsij OO ti» <>0 TurkL-ys 1^ to 14 Otir Clubbing List ^Advance, *ncral<l and ♦Tnnmto World, diily >3 25 Toroiiti) Daily News . 1 86 Wickly Globe 1 80 Mail-Kiiipiii: 1-^ Family Horald & Stiir 1.80 Tonmti) Star 1-80 Fariiiers Sun 1 .SO AH ab()Ve |vnceR iiidutlo The Advance Bnd Mont.rei.l Herald, if paid in advance only Kiily subHcriburs got best value (or their iiiuiioy. ^aaatmB Flesliertoxi Clli = $ GiH.d horses â€" new riR«â€" attentive drivers G. W. Hacking AA/ A N T E D Salesmen to represent • Canada's Qreatesi Nurseries" iTeweHl varieties and spenialtieb in Hardy Fruits, Small Fruiti, Shrabfi, Orna- mentals and Ruses. A pHrininent sitaation, and territory reserved for riylit mat). Pay weekly. HANDSOME OUTFIT FREE. Write lor |jait,iculars. Send 25c. for the POCKKT MICROSCOPE, useful tn growers fruits and shrubs and to farmers in examining; uralrm and seeds. Mr Ki^liard Allan is bcal agent for Fleslievtoii. Stone & Wellington (over 800 acres) Toronto . - â-  Ontario g>ol invoBtinflnt tbatna'.B divifUiiflE all tbrou;;lt lif^ i^ a coui-Be of training iu any ot the Uei>artmuuta of tb« O Ton H.iiinrJ. Out. Four completa coureoa of »tu ly. liiiit c(i',ii;ipod tjusiness ('oIlnRe premis- 68 iu (^ariala. iMio only coMfge owning' its own collufio iiail'llng, A large htalfof coinpetoni aad iniri taking teacherc. Our KraduateB ara iao<tsn«<ti-.^fiil. .Just ask them, full parllc- Blars f>etit to any addvess fieo, C. A. Fleming, Principal Winter Goods Un ^i^anneas Ciupptiea. For hard colds, bronchitis, asthma, and coughs of all kinds, you cannot take any- thing betier than Ayer's Cherry Pectoral Cherry Pectoral. Ask youi own doctor If this is not so. He uses it. He understands why it soothes and heals. " I had a terrible conch for weeki. Tta«n 1 took Ayer'e Cherry Pectoral and onlj one bottle completely cured me.** Maa. i. U. DAnrosTH, St. Joieph, HSeh. 25c.,50c..Sl.M. J. 0. ATXKOO., All itniggieU. fr»f» ^^^22S!i^!£ISi Coughs, Colds Eii£:enia Electrical Developement You will hasten racovary by tak Ing one of Ayer'a PUIs at badtlm*. ^ â- -v; In Furniture The -largest and best stock of furtiitute ever shown in Fleshor- tnn. This witliont fear of contra- diction Come -aud see some of the nice things in Sideboards . Dining Roorr\Cl\airs Parlor Setts â- â€¢â-  Bed Roon\ Setts A special reduction just now on everything in order to . reduce the stock. W. H. BUNT. t^^ FleskerloD - ObI. Cj^. J Business Cajids J'OUHiOUaH 4 YOUNG * Baiikur Marktlalo Jo A Roueral baukinfj busineag. Money loaueo a ruaROua^lo rate Gal) on i^H. l> J SI'U() '* Podtniaati't, Fleuherton •nuicinsioner in II. O. J., Auctioneer Con yeyanoor, Appralter aud Money Loudoi .teal Kdtate and iDRuranae Agent. DeeciF .•ortfjafjoR, leaseh ao'l wtHs carefully drawn il> anil valuatioue made ou sliorteHt notice, noney to loan at luwo&t raS«B of luteroet. Col t'Uioiis attondoil to with proioptneee ;harpaB low. Agent for Ocean Domluioii -i'r.aiuahip Cocnpany, A call Eolicited. Societies ^ Bt'llK,Bl;inkelH,Ri»heii, imitation Persian LAinb Coata for drivinir, \Vlii(j,s, Ijaslien, Ciimbs, Brush- es, â€" a larjjo stook of choioa good a just in* Trunks and Valisoa for trsvellera. Oct your harness supplies From â€" Wm. MOORE flesherton Stock - Taking - Sale R. N. KINNRAR ft SONS Will Mil fur the halanco of thii month the following nam*<l irnoda at tlie LIST PHICK to clear: All rubber footw«itr,K]l inld paata and cnata, jacketa ami rrefers. â- noko and nndnrwear, |>rtnts ana flannclrtta, wraiipercttea and dress good*, cardigan nweatera. Our gr ic«ry department U kept "well atncked with the very .choiceat brands of gondii poaaiblu. tJlon Huninflonr alway^rm hand, if you are wanting a iiire miarti'r of li.rf le.%ve your un'^r with na. We kee)) fr.-rfi |K>rk, fall fi.»b, |w>rk A ti.!aiir. with chile aaun* within tiie rt*'h if every Ixxly. Y.'iirdoll.'irii will I'll, iliu balaiX'O nftldn month at the Cheap Htore in .Maxwell. K. N. KINNE.AK & SON ta- aTitACHAN 01,1) HTAND U W meets oi. the last Uonday in eacii month, in their lodge room. MirUtoo's block. Plesberton. at B p.m. M.W., \. Harrison ; Kecorrior, Jaa. Felntead ; Finau- •iar, W.J. Bel. amy. ViaitlDR bretbrec lt.vited pKINCB AIITHUH LODGE, No. :|,SS.AP4 ' A M, iiioota in the Masonic ball. Strain's l>lock. Flosberton. every FrkJayOn or before he lull irocn. John Wright, W M.; O. N. Hichar son, Socretary. n-IUBTFtilCSnMlTON, 005. r. O. K. rreotslr, ^ <;briRtoe*B Itloelt the last FritlavoTei ing of "acb montli. Visiting Foresters lioartily WMloomo. f!. K., .l.Oornftold; It.C. W. Uuekin; Firi. Sec, H. A. Please pay duoH to H. A. Willett on or before tbe last day of the proceeding aiotitb. Medicaid OR CAnTP.n M C r & H Ont, Pbyeician. Surgeon, etc .inSca aud roaidencoâ€" Peter at., Flesherton nn A.T. HOND ^ Grailuate Toronto University. Mem- bor otOntaiio CollnRe o; I'bvHlollans and Snr- gaous. Maxwell. On'. Hucoeaaor to Ur. Scutt. I P OTTKWKLl. ' Veterinary flurgeon Graduate of Ontario Vaterlnary College, reaideuoe â€" a90ond door eouth west on Mary alreert. Thia atraet raua anutb Presbyterian Gbaroh. n WILSON. Illacksmith "• Graduate ufibo Volerinary f!cience Aasooiatlon. KuBidiince, Durham , tract, op. poaita Doyd, Uicklii,g'a hardware. Legal r Ut.AS WKIOHT * MrABDLR a' llarrintera Holicitoia ConTayanesra, etc Omcesâ€" Owen Bound, Onl and Markdale Ont W H WaiouT. McAnbi.B I 11 tiocaa N n~Flesherton ofllca, Mttebeira Bank •very Hatiivday. Dentistry DR. B C. MURRAY, I.. D. 8. dental snrgeon honor eradtiatnnt Toronto llnlTersity and Royal (^olIiHio of Denial S;ir(reons of Ontario. Oideaâ€" Oppoeite Arnistrnng'a Jewellery Store. ^ ill viNit .Maxwell thiilasi \Vednft.»flsv of rach month an'l l>niidHlk 1st aud BrdThursitay at 'I'li'li n^outh. On Salurdiiy foiono.ui last Mr. IJ. V. Ilec.iur, inunugcr of the Lilidtay Lijiht, Ileal and I'owor Co., and Mr. Jorm O'Diinohue, ox-mayor of Sirat ford, cnliud iipi'ii lllo Arteinesia tjwnsliip fit! huts in an endeavor to in;ik(3 some anan'^etnentu for purclmsiiin the towiiHliip'a IntoroKt in the waterfall, iii-raiigiiig terms ct taxniion, liic. liolhgenlleuien addressed thecouu. oil. They di-.iired tliu assossinent to re nmin at the present lixod rate until (he Works wore completed, after which the company was prepared to pay a fair rate of taxes. In reply to a ijucstion lis to when the works we»o likely to be com- pleted Mr. O'Donohue taid tlw company was prepared to ^o to work i.exi week if aiTfinaements with the township were satiffactory and would be pushed energet- ically until finished. They asked co- operation of the council in making iiiduce-raens for new industries to estahliah themselves in (he township, and said the Company certainly had no desire to transmit theii power ihirty- llireo miles if a market could be found at ho'ne. After listening to the gentlemen the council adjourned until the afternoon, when a draft ai^reement was submitted. After reading this document the visiting gentlemen expressed a desire to meat the council again on Tuesday of next week at a spcvial meeting, and this was concurred in. Wo understand the nistof the ternos made by the council were: ca»h pay- ment of $3000, and preferred rates to users of eleciricity within the muicipality under certain conditions. The township to uiaintain the present assessment on the property few two years, then the rate to be fised at 65 per cent, of vilue, and not to be under ?25,(KX) under any event. The company to agree to continue the present rate of lighting providing Mr. DeagU's plant ia. taken OTor. These are tht terms aubiiiitted by the council but of course may be changed when it comes up again on Tuesday next. That Pale, Tired Qiri She is in society, in 1 usines, at home, everywhe»4 you see lier, but always worn and {»tig;acd. She haau't hearc of Fer rozmte or she would be perfectly well. How quickly it strvnghtens â€" what an appeliile it gives â€" what a glow it brings to cheeks! The nutriment cantained in FerroEone puts strenytU into anybody. .LauL'hiiig eyes, rossty hps, bright rjuick mnyenienls all tell of the vitality F'eno- zoiie prodijdes. Thouf Ands of attractive,, happy wamort . use Ferrozoneâ€" Why not you? % box of chocolate coated tablets costs fifiy cents at any drus.' store. Lost His 3uit. Mr. R. C. Howell, wood dealer of Dundalk, came oat second best in a law suit which will cost hini' ihree hundred dolUrs or over. Last spring he received an order from Klophuv &Co., of Ouelph, for some of the beat dry cedar he had. He shipped four carloads to them. They unluadod the wood and paid the freight and then notified Mr. Howell it; was not up to cxpectalioiiH and would nut pay him Ilia price. Mr. HovviU went to Gu«I| h and offered to split the difference or pay a price settled on by outsiders. The company would not accept either of thcsu otiuis but insisted on paying a price sot by themselves. Mr. Howell then sued the of the four cars of wood an I the case cnuie u(> for trial in GiK.'lph before Judge Chadwiok, Mr. Howell had acvural wit- nesses from this vicinity, experienced wood buyer.1, among tliem Mr. J.D.Mor- gan, whosuid he had not seen better cad- ar leave Dundalk as co Other witnesses such as Mr. Thorp Wright, of Toronto .lunction.a wood dealer of sever- al jaara oxporionce, also testified to the fact that the standard set along the Owen Sound branch and worth the money asked. The defence, however, swore the wood was wet, rotten and black, that there was not a stick that did not hare ice on it, and one car, at least, wasn't worth lira dollars. The plaiutifT also t.iok the ground that the unloading of the wood and laying the freight was e'|ual to an acceptancH of the tame, but the judge held otherwim and gava judgement against Mr.Howell withuosls. The case was then appealed to Osgoodc Hall where after a long drlay it cama up for hearing when Judge Chai*wiek'a dticisioii was upheld. The case was in the hands of MeMrs Lucas, Wright l^t McArdle.â€" Dundalk Hemld. This riedicine Is Breathed. Tliat'H why It is sure to cui*!! Ccljirrli. You Hoo it i{t)eH direct t.) the s"Ui'«e of the disease, â€" its healina vapor repairs the damage caused by catarrhal infjaniation. 'â- CatArrho;(onn" alwaya cufeji bec'imiu it KoeaintM (111. 3JJ tiny cells and p«K;i:.i.'ei that iirdiiiavy remedies iCan't reach, pi^ei where tliedise.i^e a'.'tusl'y is. Impo.s.iMe for "Ciitarrhonoiie" to f lil iis .any d.'tior will tell you. Don't be misled inti- thin'tng till re is anything; .so good a.f Catarrho.i'.iio, â€" it and you will soon Hay goodliye to catarrh. HIGH CLASS PICTURESa . The place to got .tiro best Photos ii» ' at BfLMrni'S PKOToCRArir GALLliKY. ' SPECIAL ATTENTION " We pay Special .\ttenti into Copying and Bibie.s' pictures. Picture frai»- iiig a .speoiilty. Arthur Sinipso.T, the 13 year cddson of Mr. W. A. Simpson, of Anianin'h, lius at « dncti.r'.s residence in Grand Valh-y, with tweii! seven grains of No. C shot in Iris head, nock iind shoulder, theie-iuU of an accidental discharge of a shot gun at a shooting matuh. He will recover. For a Weak Dig:e5tion. No medicine can replace food, hut Cham berlaiu'a Stomach and Liver Tablets will help you to di'jest your food. It is not the quantity of fiod taken that i:ivis vig- or and strength to the system, but the amount di<:ested and assimiiuted. If trouhled,«ith a weak digestion, dcm't fail to give these Talilets .1 trial. Thousands have been beneSltcd by their nse. They only cost a quarter. For sale by W.M. liichardson. Mr. James McKay had a pretty close call on last Thursday evening. He was crossing the railway track on the Toronto linoat Arnntt, with a load of hay, with which he got stuck, and while working to get off he spied a freight train round- iug Minnis's curve and as rapidly as he could uncoupled 'ho doubletree and just gi't nicely clear of tha track when the en- jine struck the luad and carried it and the sleighs for some rods, the hay beinw » it'ered every nhcre and the sleighs smashed to atoms. â€" News. Chamberlain's Cough Remedy the Best and Most Popular. "Mothers buy it for oroupy children, rail- way meu buy it for eevere couKhs and elderly people buy it for la-grippe," say Moore Bros. SIdiiii, Iowa. "We sell more of Chamberlain Cough Remedy than any other kind. It seems to have takn the lead over several other good brands." There is no question but this med- icine is the best chat can be procjued for a coiigh or cold, whether it be a child or an adult that is afflicted. It always cores and cures quiokly. Sold by W. E.Ricbardson. Try us for any kind of pictures and wo w; 11 promise ."i^tisfaclion. Sydenlmni street, Flesherroa "Truth" is a Strong Ar.'uui.iit I Kwc oil' L'ladii ito of the p:>|Hiliir jf^ELlIOTT ' /^ l^v.â€" "0, ONT. Cor. Yoiigo and Alexander Streets is out of a position to day. It is thn truth when we state that, "Our students ai-o uniformly succ.^i.^ful in getting good pcisitioiiK after graduitioa." Our School is a High-Class one anil the best in Canada, Enter now. Cull- cgo open the ent;re year. Citalo^ue free, W, J. ELLIOTT . Principal. Flesherton Sa^h, Dcor and Planing l^ijls An interesting debate took place in the'; principal's room of the Flesherton public school on Friday afternoon of last week.the subject being "Resolved, that the farmer is of greater imparlance â-  hanthe business oian."^ The suliject was handled by IS-year-olds, Misses Etta Beattie aud Mary Wilson taking the aHinnalive, and Arnold Thurston and Fr^d Kirstcdt the negative. The young debateis handled their subject ill quite a nuisterly way. It was very entertaining to a few of the villagers who itiid got wind of tliu nfTuir and made it a point to be ptesent. The judues were Mrs. (Or ) Carter, Rev. Ivison Wilson and M. K.' Richardson. The young U'lies euoceded in winning the day. Master Robert Cornfield acted the part of a very satisfactory chairman. T-tlH fSU HEAOACHE ! N'citrtlgin .nnd Ncrv«u5n<:ss ctuod quii.lty by A I /4 y HARMLCSS HCADACHE ANB "•J ' 1 â- '\ NCURALaiA CURf. No hrart tlcpres-.tnn (ireatett cure ever ilis.~(>\.er«t. Take no other. loc and sjc. All de.iter^ or direcl from Awiix & Co. Siiacoe, Oau Money tnck if not satisfied Wf have received * large car of best North Sbore White Pine. Parties ex- pecting ta, baild a bouse- next suLumer wonld io â-  well to call aud see us and arrange to h&v^ their Sash Door and Frames made during the wmlcr aud get them home on the sleigh. We furuish everything needed for building a house. We will make pi-ices and- terms interesting. We want your trade and will . [juarautee first class wovkmaiisliip aud ma- terial. Planing aud matching done prompdjK T. W. WILSON Manager Choppitig every day FEEDING PROFITS Quick returns and profits are â- what tlie farmer wants in feeding steers. These can be obtained in the steer that can be properly prepared for the market at an early age. One who does this is "A WISE FEEDER." In ordinary feeding the haste in gelling on a full feed is often disastrous to large and early gains. The addition of Clydesdale Stock Pood to the ordinary feed puts- the stomach in such shape as to allow it to digest and affiimilate a large quantity of food. It is the assimilation of this extra feed that makes the profit. A point overlooked by tnauy feeders, is the condition of hide and hair. The soft, flexible skin, and velvety hair, is always associated by the experienced feeder with paining capacity. It is a certain indication of an active digestion and assimilation of food. The outer skin has a direct relation to tlie stomach and intestines. CIvdesdale .Stock Food will give as oft pliable skin and velvety hair. Mr. Walter Wesley of Pine Orchard, Ont., says : "Your Stock Food gives a smooth glossy coat, jwrfect digestion and extra gain over and above that gained from ordinary feeding, aud ataprofit." The extra fine 6nisb aud early maturity got by feeding Clydesdale Stock Food enables a man to get top market prices. Your money will be cheer- fully refunded by our dealer if you cannot feed it at a profit, Clydesdale Stock Food can be purchased iu your district from the lollowring dealers : Hovrt, Hickling * Co., Flesherton Kio'.t Hro] , Mitrklale Taylor A Co.. Dromore Thor. UatbewB it Son, Markda • D K. MoArthur, Uopeville. W. W. C.dlingbr.wn, Dundalk Rirclay & Boll, Dm ham D. McXAVISH Rheumatic Pains Quickly Cured, The excniriating ywnn ih iractoristie of rUei-- niatinin and aeiatioa are quii kly rolioVfd by Applying Ohamlx^rlaiirKrain Rulin. The great p.ain relieving i>iiwer of »lie liniment has been the surprise and delight of thiiiiiunda of Buffer- era. The quick relief fmm pain which it atf- onln ia al.iiie worth many times it cost. l''i.r f A> by W. K. Hi'.'hardson. Ill [[[SHiiiiiN miMi iiilie For First Class Buggies, Carls, Pleasure and Lumber \\ag(>n», cutters, .>ieigh«. We k«!e|i a stock on hand to trom. AL50 HORSE SHOEING ANOOENERAL BLACKSMITHING and L'Hartntce fust class woik. Wo keep on hand Ploughs and Plough repairs, and also Maxsey- H.irris and Noxon repairs for bindert, Mowers, til kind... of ina.hineiy, also Binder Twine on hand. t» mbcn in town Q\m tis a ca!1 « i*««*«aaan«»K.

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