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Flesherton Advance, 6 Apr 1905, p. 7

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HE IS EMPHATIC IN WHAT HE SAYS BODD'S KIDNEY PILLS CrEED BOBT. BOND OF BBIGHT'S DISEASE. His Doctor Wlio Said There W»s Ko Hope for Him, Now Pro- tioTinces Him Wellâ€" He Tells His Own Story. Mt. Brydges. Ont., April 10â€" (Special).â€" Among the many people in this neighborhood who tell of the great work Dodd's Kidney Pills an- doing, none is more emphatic than that old and respected citizen, Mr. Rol>ert Bond. "I believe I owe my life to Dodd's Kidney Pills," Mr. Bond says. "My attending physician said I was in the last 'Stages of Bright's Disease and that there was no hope for me. Then 1 comr»enceU to take Dodd's Kidney Pills and u.sed in all twenty bo.xes. Now I eat wtll, sleep well, and my doctor says I am well. Dodd's Kid- ney Pills and nothing else cured me. Do you wonder I am alwa.vs ready to sav a uood word for Dodd's Kidney Pills?"' What will cure Bright's Disease will easily cure other form of Kid- ney 'Disease. Dodd's Kidney Pills will always cure Bright' s Disease. They are the only remedy that will euro Bvight's Disease. Be mire you ;et Dodd's. ♦ NOT LIKE THE CZAH. Incident of the King's Becent 'Vis- it to Portsmouth. During his recent visit to the fleet at Portsmouth, the King drove olT the jetty through the dockyard. It was an interesting co- incidence that the King left the Jetty just after the noon bell had sounded for the dockyard men to cease work. The carrriage threaded its way through the thousands of men in their labor-stained clothing an<l as they made way they loyally â- nluted his Majesty. One working- man turned to a mate and remark- ed, as the King, tinattended even by mounted policemen, passed on, "I say, wouldn't the Czar like to be able to drive about like that?" All along the route to the Clarence Bar- racks, the crowd had gathered, and they cheered lustily. f FLOWERS AND CHLOROFORM. Ether and chloroform, so usetul in â- ending men to sleep, have the very opposite effect on plants, which are stimulated to the greatest possible activity by these drugs. In Denmark and Germany advantage has been taken of this fact to force flowers in rooms and glasshouses, and to make thenj bloom out of season. The re- sults are said to be marvellous. » BOVINE STEEDS. Attempts are being made in France to train oxen for saddle-riding, and several races have been organized to test their capacity. They have been trained not only as racers on "the flat," but also as successful jumpers. 'ITie bridle and saddle used are al- most similar in general design to those for hunters. f CHILDBEN AFFECTED. By Mother's Food and Drink. Many babies have been launched in- to life with constitutions weakened by disease taken in with their mo- tht'r's u«ilk. Mothers cannot be too careful as to the food they use while nursing their babies. The experience of a Kansas City mother is a case in point: "I was a great coffee drinker from a child, and thought I could not eat a meal without it. But 1 found at Inst it was doing me harm. For years I had been troubled with diz- ziness spots before my eyes an<l pniu in my hejirt. to which was ad- de<l. two years ago, a chronic sour stomach. Tho baby was born 7 months H'io. and almost from the begituiing. it. too. suffered from sour stomach. She was taking it from â- ue! "In my distress I consulted a Irlenil of more experience than mine. and she told me to quit codec, that cofToe did not make good milk, I have since ascertained that it really drie«i up the milk. "So. I quit coffee, and tried tea and at last cocoa. But they did not agree with me. Then I turned to Postum Coffee with the happiest results. It proved to be the very thing I needed. It not only agn>ed perfectly with baby aud rnyself. but it increased the flow of my milk. My husband then q>iit coflee and usx-d Postum, quickly got well of the dyspepsia with which lie hati bivn troubled. I no loiiifcr suffer from the dizziness, blinci SIH-Ils, pain in my heart or sour .stomarh. Postum has cured them. •'Now we all drink Postum fronx my husband to my wvpn months' old baby. It has proved to N- the ln>st hot drink we have ever uswl. We Would not pivc up Postum for the ticst coffee we ever drank." Name nlveti l>v I'ostum Co., Battle Cnvk. Mich. There's a n-a^^on. Oct the little book "'rhe liond to Well»iK>' in lach package. PEBSONAL POINTEBS. Interesting Gossip About Some Prominent People. The King of Portugal is the best Hoyal rifle-shot in the world. He is also quite as good with a revolver as with his rifle, and has done some wondtrful feats at the Paris Pistol Club, of which he is a member. The Countess of Carlisle is one of the best of women pLatform speak- ers, and sometimes takes her place in the pulpit. She has a private chapel at Naworth Castle, and oc- casionally conducts the whole ser- vice, .sermon and all. Ml-. Asquith, K.C.. M.P., the fam- ous F>nglish politician, is an expert amateur miechanic. He has con- structed man.v mechanical models in his time, .and he also built two bi- cycles, one of which is now in the possrs.;ion of the Prince of Wales. The Duke of Devonshire possesses, as an heirloom, Claude Lorraine's "Book of Truth," which is said to be one of the rarest and most valu- able volume>i in Europe. It is worth six times as much as the "ilazarin" Bible, the most costly book that the British Museum can boast. The late Duke refused an offer of $100,000 for it Mr. Alexander Siemens, President of the Institution of Flcctrical En- gineers, is the possessor of a unique distinction, inasmuch as he is the only Eni?li.vhmnn who wears the Order of the Iron Cross. He fought in the trenches at Met/, in 1870, and was rewarded by the coveted decor- ation. Mr. Siemens, who was twenty-three at the time, went all through the France-Prussian war as a private soldier. Of the world's monarchs probably I the most popidar in France is King j Edward. The story goes that on | '"'^' one occas4on a pretty Parisienne ob- SUNUCTT 15,000 RtWtrd r;,!e.Vr*^'he'rJ kimlted, Toronto, to any person who :an prove that this soap contains my form of adulteration whatsoever, «r contains any injurious chemicals. Ask far Ihr •etasoa Kar. n ONLY ONE BEST! Tlie BEST Country Is CANADA We'll all admit that Th« BEST TEA in CANADA is TEA. You'll say so when you try it ONLY ONE BEST TEA-BLUE RIBBON'S IT TRY THE RED LABEL. Wife (who is always ailing) â€" "You will bury me by the side of my first husband, won't you, dear?" Husliandâ€" "With pleasure, my dear.'i Salt Rheum, Tetter, Eczemaâ€" Thcic distressing skin dLseases relieved by application. Dr. Agiiew's OinU ni«nt i.s a potent cure for all eruptions of the skin. Jas. Ga.ston, Wilkesbarre, says: "For nine years I was disfigured with Tetter on my hands. Dr Ab- uew's Ointment cured it." 35 cents.â€" 31 Angielina^-"Edwin, promise mo you'll never describe me as your re- lict?" Edwin â€" "Dearest, 1 never will. lU (lie first. A LOVELY CAKE. Mrs. Vounglove â€" Be sure not to pass that cake on the sideboard to the guests this evening, won : yu. dear? Mr. Youngloveâ€" Why not? Mr.=5. Younglove: Because I made a mistake and put in bluing instead of vanilla. It tastes queer, but isn't it a beautiful sky blue? Ureat Things From Little Causes Grow. â€" It takes very little to derange the stouiajh. The cause may be slight, a cold. .soMictliirg eaten or drunk, anxi- ety, worry, or some other simple cause. But if precautions be not taken, this simple cause may have most serious consequences. Many a clironically debil- with in time. Keep the digestive ap- paratus 1.-, hesltny ..onilition and all will be well. Farmelee's Vcaetablc Pills i civinir are better pose. than any other (or the pur- A ItOVAL BOOKLET. The Gi-and Trunk Railway System are distributing a very handsome booklet descriptive of the Royal Mus- koka Hotel, that is situated in Lake Rosseau, in the Muskoka Lakes, "Hifjhlands of Ontario." The publi- cation is oni' giving a full description of the attractions that may be found at this popular resort, handsomely il- rlustrated wilh colored prints of lake '• and islani.i scenery, the hotel itself, ; an<l many of the special featureg that may be found there. It is printed on ! fine tnameled paper, tound in a cover the appearance of Morocco First Domestic (who had been out I four nights that week) â€" "I'm sorry, can't go to Lannigan's ball , , ^ , . . . -,. ,, .. . to-night. The missus won't let me." served that she wi.*ed His Britannic Second Domestic-"And why won't 1 she?" 'First Domestic â€" "I dunno. 1 Majesty rmight be in very truth what the Kings of England once claimed to be â€" "Sovereign of France and of Navarre." King I-Mward only snjiled as he made the reply, "You use up .your Kings too quickly in this country!" The story of the Czar's betrothal is quite interesting. Although the great question h«d bev?n planned and thought out for the Royal couple by their respective parents, they were both determined to have a say in the matter. That they were in love with each other everyone know, and between themselves a mutual under- .standliig httd been arrived at in the sunwiicr-housc of York Cottage: but, as Czarevitch, the future Czar had to make the fornmal and old-fashioned otTer of his hand. "The Kraperor, my father,'' he said, addressing the blushing bride-to-be, "has com- ntanded me to make you the ofTcr of my hand and heart." 'My grand- mother, the Queen." rejdied the pre- sent C'/.ariua, "has commanded me to accept the offer of your hand " â€" she broke into a rippling laugh â€" "and your heart I take of my own fi-ee will." Here is an instance oi the Kaiser's prowess with the rifle. While wait- ing with Baron Heintze for the ap- proach of some wild boar. His Ma- jesty whiled away the time by prac- tising on objects at a distance of about I'JO yards. One of thesp was a sign-post in.scribed "To the I>rak- enberg." Turning with a laugh to Baron Heintze, the Emperor said, "Which letter shall I hit?" "The capital 'D,' " was the an.'iwer. The Emperor fired accordingly at the let- ter "D." "And now?" inquired his Majesty. "The 'k,' " replied the Bar- on. Just after this a wild bo«vr np- peare<l. "Which eye shall I hit him in?" asked the Emperor. "In the left. your Majesty," said Baron Heintze. When the party reache<l the dead boar they found the Em- peror had shot him in the left eye, and on toining up later to the sign- post they found the capital "D" and the "k" both shot through. P'r'aps she's put wasn't invited." out because she Keep Minard's Liniment in the lionsa A man's idea of domestic happiness is three good meals a day, and not being asked to argue with the cook as to whether she shall stay or go. FOB OVER SIXTT YBAKS. Hrs. Wjnslow'a Soothing Syrup has i been used by millions of mothers for I their children while teetliing. It soothes : the child, suftens the gums, allays pain, ' cures wludcolic, regulates the stomach and bowels, ami is the best remedy for Diarrhoea. Twenty-five cents a bottle. tJold by druggists throughout the world. Bo sure and ask for '•Mrs. Wisslow's tjootfainK Syrup." 32â€"04 The man who tries may fail, but the one who hasn't the boldness to try doesn't succeed. leather, with a picture of the hotel and surroundings on the .same, and the crest of the hotel embossed in high relief. S. glance through this booklet makes one long I'or the plea- sure of Summer and outdoor life, antl copies may be secured gratuit- ously by applying to any Grand Trunk ticket office. 'p'OR .SALE!â€" Are you looking for a farm, store, bla-rksmith shop, hotel, business property of any kind, residence m City, Town or Village? If so send for our list. It will in- terest you. .Some spleudid bai gains. Western l?oal Estate E.xchange Lim- ited, London, Ont. YOUR 0VERG9ATS u4 fa4rd BolU would look bMMrdiwL It a^ M*3 •f 01 »â-  la your UITU, wrice direct felontrrkl. Box lit •eiTISH AMCRIOAM DVEINa CO. MONTRE.\L. "Didn't the minister feel it when BO many in the congrega' itJii fell aslcsp during the sermon.'" 'Oh, no; it encouraged him to keep on."- *'How so? " "Why, he was e<.;otisti- cal enough to think they were nod- ding approval at what he said " Mrs. Von Blumer â€" "Why don't you take your bu.siness friend to your club instead of bringing him home?" Von Blumer â€" "Because I want to talk business to him. I don't want to take him to a place where he is going to enjoy himself." Hb: THOUOH'r IT MItJHT DO. When Patrick received an order he followed it implicitly as far as he could â€" sometimes even farther than his Celtic brain realized. He wants a pane o" windy-gla „c- "»"'= « F"">.- .. ...""â- ; ^'"-r i I'm goin.; up to London m inches by foorteen. said Patrick ^ ,^. ',„„„ ^i,„,i„ _- .,_.. „„ u ......^1 „ „i,„„ .»-i,„r„ and sha n t know wheth* t one day, as he entere<l a shop where his employer, a master carpenter traded. In the shop was a young clerk, who never missed a chance for a lit- tle joke at the Irishman's expense. "If we haven't any ten-by-four- teens, " he said, "I may have to give you a fourteen-by-tcn." Patrick rubbed his head thought- fully. Then he stood pondering for a moment, and at last remarked: "He's in the great roosh for it. and there's no other place near to get it. t^ive me wan o' thim foor- teon-b.v-tins. and if he turrns it side- ways and oppsidc down, there's not a sowl would know the dilTercnce." A Pleasant Medicine. â€" "Fliere are some pills which have no other purpose evi- dentl.v than to beget painful internal disturbances in the patient, adiitng to his troubles and perplexities rather than diminishing them. One might aa weil swallow some corrosive material. Fbr- melee's Vegetable Pills have not this disagreeable and injurious propjri.v. They are easy to take, are not un;>iCa- sant to the taste, and their action 's mild and soothins A trial of them will prove this, 'fhcy ofler peace 10 the dyspeptic. ♦ I'ERRIBLE TEMPTATION. An eminent English surgeon, whose brusqueness with grown-ups recalls that of the famous Abernethy, is quite another pcson when children are his patients. Then he is as ami- able as an angel or a big St. Bern- ard dog. A .<^hort time ago, according to St. James's Budget, this genlla gi.ant got up out of a warm bed at throe o'clock of a bitter morning to attend a tiny boy in piteous plight from diphtheria. He performed the opera- tion of tracheoto;ny and saved the child s life. Time went on and his general con- dition improved, but there was one disquieting symptom. Ho refused to use his voice. When he was ques- tioned ho nodded or shook his head, but would not speak. Finally the surgeon found a way. One morning he talked nt his stubborn little pa- tient. "I'm sorry he can't speak to me. nurse," the surgeon said, "because to-morrow, hether to bring him n horse or a gun." There was a biicf silence. The sur- geon and nurse waited breathlessly. Ihen a tiny linger stole up to a Minard's Lioiment ysed by Plifsiclafls "What is it, sir?" asked the work- man who had been hailed by Smith. "There's a piano in here that I want you to tix." "But I ain't a piano-tuner; I'm a carpenter." "I know. I want you to nail the lid down." - Th« Baiekaeh* Stac* may be just that incipient form of kidney disease which, if neglected will develop into stubborn and distressing disorder that will take long tedious treatment to cure. Don't neglect the "backache stags" of the most insidious of dis- South American Kidney Cure stops the ache in six hours and cures. â€"30 Lever's V-Z (Wise Head) Disinfect- ant Soap Powder dusted in ths bath, softens the water and dislD* fects. Bank Clerkâ€" "You will have to be identified, ma'am." Lady Customa- â€" "My friend here will identify me." Bank Clerkâ€" "But I don't know her» you know." Lady Customerâ€" "Oh, well, I'll introduce you." I was ci.rtd of Acute Bronchitis by MINARD S LINIMENT. Bay of Islands. J. M. CAMPBFXL. I was cured of Facial Neura'.gia by MINARH'.S LINIMENT. SpringhiU, N. y. 'WSf. DANIF-LS. I was cured of Chronic Rheumatism bv MINARD'S LINIMENT. Albert Co., N.B. GEO. TINtiLEY. "What strides these vulgar trades- men do make. A few years ago a man lived here who was an ordinary butcher, and to-day he is my father- in-law!' Mr. Rooke â€" "I hope you didn't be- lieve what they said about me." Mis» Bud*â€" "I make it a point never to believe more than half I hear." Mr. Rookeâ€" "Bit the trouble is, you women generally believe the wrong half." There is nothing equal to Mother Graves' Worm Exterminator for de- stroying worms. No article of its kind has given sucli satisfaction. The merits of Uickles Anti-Consump- tive Syrup as a sure remedy for coughs ^and colds are atteste<l by scores who know its power in giving almost in- •tant relief when the throat is sore with coughing aiul the whole pulinoii- arv region di.scrdcied in consequence. A bo'ttle of this world-lamed Syrup will save doctor's bills, and a great deal o! suHeriug. Price !25 cents, at all deal- ers. A Russian is not of age until he is 26 years old. Vntil that time at least fo'ii"-bfths of his earnings must go to his parents. It was a pitiful mistake, an error sad and giim. 1 wnitotl for the rail- wa.v train; th« liishl was low ami dliii. It came at last, and from a car there step|>ed u dainty dame, and looking up and down the place, she straight .into mo came. "Oh, .lack: she irle:l, "oh. dear old .lack' ' and kis.«c(l me as she spake: then lookel again, a'ul. frishteniMl. crii>d. "Oh. what a bad mistake;" I said, "For- give nie, maiden fair, for I am not your -lack; and as regards the kis-i vou ffavp. MI straightway give it back." .^txl since that nlijht I've often sIoimI upon that platform dim. but only once in a mans whole life do such th lags come to him. DODWS V KlDNEY?^ Ethelâ€" "It is useless to urge rae to marry you. When I say no, 1 mean no." Jackâ€" â- â- .Vlways?" Ethelâ€" "In- variably." Jackâ€" 'And can nothing ever change your determination when once you make up your mind?" Ethel â€""Absolutely nothing." Jackâ€" "Well, I wouldn't care to marry a girl like that, anyhow." Minard's Liniment Luie [man's friend Berthaâ€" "How is your friend. Miss Flaunt er, now?" Ethel- "She is no friend of mine. I'm not on speaJt- ing tertos with her now; we only kiss when we meet." Ask for Minard's and take no other K girl has a great deal of fua thinking what a lot of fun she will have when she is married and can do what she pleases. The longer a man doesn't stare at a girl the surer she is that he is going to. Holloway's Com to remove all kind and only costs the small sum of twen- ty-live cents. D«afnas« of 12 Year's Stan dins.â€" Protracted Catarrh produces deafness in many cases. Capt. Den. Connor. of Toronto, Canada, was deaf for 12 years from Catarrh All treatments failed to relieve. Dr. .\gnew*s Catarrhal Powder gave him relief in one day. and verv short while the entirely. It will do 50 cents.â€" 33 deafness mi/ch as left him for you. Kitty â€" "I kissed your photo yes- terday because it was so much like you." George â€" "Did it kiss you back?" Kitty â€" "No." tJeorgeâ€" "Then it wasn't much like me." A Medicine for The Miner's Pack. â€" Prospectors and others going into the mining regions, where doctors are few * â-  * - -' -^ " should pro- Cure is the medicine of corns and warts, i an*! iTrug "stores not at all Mother â€" Don't let me catch you at that jam again! Tommyâ€" Well, maw if you'd keep it lower down I could Wounded throat, and the ghost of a_ gpt away quicker baby boy's \oice said: "Pleavc. doctor, bwing me a licklo gun!" Dr. Van Stan's Pineapple Tablet* Medical science by accident discovered the potency of the pineapple as a pan- acea tor stomach troubles. The im- • percentage of vegetable pepsin contained in the fruit makes it an al- most indispensable remedy in of dyspepsia and indigestion One tablet after each meal will cure most chronic cases. 60 in a box, 35 cents. â€" 32 vide themselves with a supply of Dr. 'lliouias' Kclcctric tiil. It will offset the effects of exi>osurc, reduce sprains, and when taken internally will prevent and cure colds and sore throat, and as a lubricant will keep the muscles in guoil condition. Doctorâ€" "Well, how's the mj.ue this morning?" Colonel â€" "I'm bett'^-, but my wife is worse." "Worse, eh?. Did she t.ake that quinine and whis- key I prescrihetl? " "Well â€" er -20U see, doctor. I thought being only a woman, she might not be oblo to stand It as well as a man, > ou know, and so she took the quinine and I took the whisky." GLASS WORKMANSHIP. One of the greatest artistic marvels of the world is to be seen in the museum at Harvard University. This curiosity consists of hundreds ot specimens of flowers and plants formed oi gla.^s. but with such ex- i quisite fidelity to Nature that thcj- j apl'ear to be real, every tint and marking, every tiniest detail, being ! faithfully reproduced. 'I'hey are made I by a sertet process, the artists being | a' father and son in Oermany, who, it is said, may let their secret die wilh them. As an instance of the Wonderful workiiian.ship. it may be mentioned that the very hairs which appear on the stems on certain plants are reprotluced on the glass imitations. When the little folks take colds and coughs, don't neglect them and let them strain the tender membranes of their lungs, Give them ShiloK's Consumption Cure TSnic^""* It will cure them quicWy and strengthen their lungs. It is pleasant to take, sac.. BO*.. *ad $1.0*. M ISSUE NO. 14â€"05

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