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Flesherton Advance, 6 Apr 1905, p. 5

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m^m H TilE FLESllEHTON ADVANCE April 6 i005 Methodist Church Sund:\y, April nth, 1905. Motninn ; Sermon to tiiechiMven. Eveninjc : '"The Wreck of a fle|j"jta- ^iori, ur Thti School of SoaaUd. ' J B. I. WILSON, ' .Futor â€"I ; :: Characteristics of the Psnt Week Carefully Culled for the L'urioos. . . t'reah iime a!'.raya on haiiil, J. H- Dnclett, £tfgeli(a. Mrs. CliKpiiiivn fmm near Dtrhaiu ia vifitirg her si»t«r Mrs. White, who lives with her daughter, Mjs. B.N. C>um, field. T. P. Smith, Eyo Si<»ht Spe-.-ialist, will ite at Munshaw's Hutol, Tutsday, April 18, 'Vna day otjly." If you have defuct- •ivo eyesight ft will pay you to call and f-eehiiH. Rx;i:nii.,i.:i;;u free. Messrs M.K. Riohaidson and W.CUy- lon attended the funeral of the late Rev. J. W. ShStonat Oiaytou i-a iifinduy. Wanted- good, sober, entrgBilo ynang man, to travel and solicit Orders for a reliable drni. Gijod chances for rapid pr.jmotiou. Ciill ur audreas : B K. Tubbs, Eu:;euia. Bro. Irwin of the Durham Uhronic.'e tuade a passing call Monday while on his way to see his sister, who m ill, at Thorn bury. Diedâ€" On April l«t, 1905, at Tosonto Gener;il hospital, Auuie Lotiti*, belorid wife of Irving E. Gaudin of Wiuni{)eg. Millinery apprentice Ranted, apply to . Bojd, Hick ling & Co. Capt. Bemroie, of Ma.^well, wiilag.iin thiti suiiiiner sail the King Edward oi the Alguiiia Oeiitial tte->m»{iip line, plying â-  ietwetu TuieJo and the Saulr. For Sale.^2 horses, 1 milch cow. 2 calves, 1 Durham lieiftx, 3 years old. J.- S. Heard, t'ttshurton. •,.^ Mis. Stephen R^y,- near Eugt-uia, lost â-  '' lier residi'nce by tire on Thui-sday last. .Further paitvcular^ wdl be found in Eu- â-  •â- â€¢jg?''i=^ corresp.ijideiicc. â-  â-  â-  A puraiy CaKudim colony is firaiins; iii.Cutwi, the lami of perpetual sprintr, with choice opportiiuitiej .for securing iiac a.:riouUuraH<tu»l3 at low rates. Inc . ercstcd psrsons will do well, fo couiinuoi- -catb with Rev. Q.' F. Hurlbuit, Flosher- ^ou, who will bo pleased to give iaform- atioi* tttKl heat of those iutcoding to go to •Cuba. C. C. Pearce, who- has been licence iirspecior in North (."â- icy since the ollice ' was created, luia been supurcodej by JUathew C. Beckett. James Cochrane, balitl'of the first Division Court, has been , isuperceded by Robert Taylor. ^ „ New Fr.j6t & Wood lumber wagon fir .;. sale, eleven months credit or cash. Ap ply to William Moire, sr., Flesherton. Mr. Will Thompson of Dubbiugton • waa in town this week, having come over iu visit his father, Mr. Gci. Thjmpson . -of Puitlaw, who is ill with the jiripue. , The old gentleman is 79 years of age. Chopping done at Collinsons every ' "Saturday. Mr. S. Uawlcins' ot>ntract for carrying the mail from Fleshertoii to Kpping ex- pired on Saturday and ha has dropped out lifter travelling the route, for ago<>d many â- years. Airangemenis for a sncceissor 'h«rVe not been compWted and llackiui^'s livery is doing the route this week. Biing us your grisiiui;. Our ch -pper has no superior and few eqiuUs. Wo tan ilo it any day. T. W. Wiison. Mr. Deavle niaile an experiment the other day to ascertain the actual los.s of volt^igo in tninsit from Eugenia t-o Fleih- ertuii,a disktnce of 4^ niile»,Hnd disco>«r- od a loss of 9 volts out of ItO. That is to say,* ro;.iistiatir>u of 110 voitj at Eugenia shoWod only 101 at Flesherton. For SHle~<>no sound hor>i«i, •Mv<.> yeara old, color dark hrown; also one aged hnrae. Apjily to E. M. Wuite, Trotuu Station.' , Reniemlior tho Mi».>i^n Baud Conceit next Wediiesday. For S»lo~One light two «e&ted wagon -.suitable fi>r oue or tw<> horses. App'y to \V. Trimble. Do jou want to hoar "Crystal and jCo4ii"t Choppingâ€" 1 Ixjg to announce to the public that I htvo placi'd nt position a jicw chopping nidi of the (uost appixived and up-t 'dite uattern and am (..rotwred to handle any umuuut ..f ii-.>.< ii i ;i,'j vn'iro fwtjsfaciion. Bring along your • j^TiW S. <Valker SI 'an, K'S^^jeuia. Mr. Scbell baa sold his hotel at the station, tne puichaaer being Mr. Joseph Cairns. The Miuiuu Band will give their anu* ual entertainment in th« Methodist Church oo Wed. April 12th.,comDi>iDciug at 8 o'clock. The pr- gram will consist of a Cantata ^^CrytUl and Coin," the musie of which has been pronounced as sweet ai) the song of a birdj recitations, goloa, dialogues, etc. Refrushineats will be served. AdB)ia.sicni 15 cents. The election of elde a was announced ia the Presbyterian church un Sunday last, as follows : Wui, St«Wirt, Jas. Kel- stead, B. Cairas and Juhu Chaid. Hor^e fur sale â€" Souud horse, 12 years old, wemhs 1300 pounds. Apply to I,R. Schell, Ceylon. Keep your bowehj rngular by the use of CbumberUiiu's Stomach and L:ver Tab- le s. There is mitlkiijg better. For sale l>y W. E. Richardson. . The Orey County Old Boys' excursiou from Toronto wiil be held oa July 15, good until t e 17. There. i^ a postMoit'y that a special reception ojay bo given those wl.o favor Flesherton their {u-et>eBce. The matter is sub judice, Forf;esh garden seeds, salmon trout, chop, feed, barrel salt, coal oil and best Uoui go to Spro«lK,Cco«8ley & Co., fleek- erton. 3Ir. C. Tryon of Priceville iv«s the low- est tenderer for the contract, of painting and decorating the Presbyterian church. For sale cheap und <jn easy terras, 1 Massey-Hacris and 1 Koxon combined ^fed drill in first-class condition and as go:>d as new; also 1 democrat waggon and 1 sett spriug tooth harrows. The" egg w.igon took to t!ie road ^n Tutsday piloted, as last year, by Joe Crntield. - - â- . Mr. A. Holmes of Oranjevillo visited his brothar-in law, Mr. Jas. F^Utead, o» Monday. Ra-organization of tho R. T. of T. couiplt'ted ill the Presbyterian charch on Friday evening last when thirteen new members joined. The fidlowing officers were elected and will be installed at next meetin-: S. C, Bro. J.Felstead; P. C, Cro, W. Thurston; Tict?,Si:»tei' Crossleyi R-.'C. Sec, Brtf.E. Genoe; Fin. SiC, Sister MiUio Crosslcy; Tivas. Bro. W. Clayt. n; Ban. Sec, Bro', S Uem^jhill; Chap. Cro G F Hur!burl;Gu.ird, Sister Wilda Cros- elcy; Herald, Bro Emerson BL-llan^y; Sen- tine), Bro S Thurst.n. The rooms over Boyd HicUIing & Co's. store wpre opened for dressmaking on Wed Mar. 29;b, Mrs. Willett huving secured the services of 51;ss E. H.»rper, Ta^nto, to take charire. .Miss Harper con es lately from the drossmakiiiv! de- partment of The Robert Smipson Co., of Toronto, and is certainly an artist at the business. Ladies reijuiiing Spring Suis aiid Dresses "ill do well to call ..arly and get the styles and pr ces, which will be made as moderate as possible, and perfect satisfaction suuranteed. Mr. Martin Phillips delivered the first sprin;; lambs to C.iok & McAulay â€" a pair of them â€" on Wednesday of last week, rfceiving therefor five dollars each. The nnininls were a couple of months old and weighed about for'y pounds. Mr. Phillips is one of the early birds, or wonn c.ithohers. He did the same thing test year. Word arrived Saturd-ty of the death of Rev. JL W. SiHltou at bis home in Dray- ton, and came as a sliock to his many friends here, althouu'h it was known that such nil intimation might arrive at any time, as the decea-itd gentleman sutTered a stroke a couple of ye.i:'S ai-o and had been in poor health ever since. Mr. Shil- ton left this circuit foutioen years ago. He w.ig a man of larae mind and talents and was probably the most h''l..vod pas tor th-it ever occupied the ino'hodlsl pul- pit ill Flesherton. Keen sympathy is extended by many here to ihv wijow and son. Thom.As Henry Lumley, an elderly man who has livid in the noith-ea-it (>art ol the township, was coinniitti-d to jail on Friday last by Magistra'o Vatduson as a danget'i'us lunatic. The old gent, was «utl°enng under ihe delusion t4iat the Ru<siaus were after him mid were com- mitting mu.derg riijht and left. I; w.->s feared that he nii^bt mistake some of his I ncijjhbors for Rusi ans and oonsiderins Wmsflf a .I.ip, procoinl to «nnihil'<t<> them. BailitT John Wriuht t<H>V him to the cnnty ba»till<>, Friday night. Spring Show of Entire Stock. E,»«t Urey Afiric-ullnral Society will '. hiild a 'iprinc show for «ntire s'ln-k on th'ir f«ir vrnunds, Flesherton on Friday, April 28th inst For full particulant, sec !• s'er?. i" Millinery Opening. F.G. Karstedt's millinery opening on Thuntday, Friday and Saturday liat week was vi8i;»l by a larae number of the fair sex who all agreed in pronouncing it a superb diSpUy of the millinery art Un- der the skilful fingers of Miss Haidane a mott bewildering variety cf charming he»d((c«r had been prepared for this op«n- ini, and the lady visitors were ill enthi â-  aiaitic in iheir praises of her taste and caleut in assembling shades, nulorn, 8uw- en, shapes, ribbons, etc., into thac which delights the heart of woman and chartns the eyo of man â€" beautiful head decor- ations. A'Kong the tttkigs most admired, we mi^hc mcnttoii an exceedinely rich lady's bat of most oriuiiial shape, difficult to describe and do it justice It was fac«d ill chilfon sliaded from de«p brown to champagne The crown was of torpedo shape, covere<l wth shirred brmrii cliiffou and decorated with a baudsjme combin- ation of small bowa in blown satin ribbon making an exceedingly rich creation. Another pretty shape was made entire- ly of fuiget-uie-nota, with riiu tilted straight up at the bark and tilted over tl>c face; liiihtly trimmetl « iih blue and W!bi-e meliue.;tlie crown siuill and round. This was au airy, graceful bat,, and was much admired. Among tile othxr newer shupea, and which is ail our limited ^ace wdl alk>w us to describe, -was a hat of lanje rolliog shape, rolled high st the back and made m pleated white, tulle faced with black tnlle, trimmed with two tips falling over the rim at back, making a rich thing for an older person. Mis* Raldane and staff are extreniidy bu.«y oil orders but are never too busy to attend to customers. Notice to Creditors IN THE MATTER .4 tha tsute of JOHN SPBKR, Uteoftho Town- ship of. Osprty in the County of Gfi-y, Farmer, deiieased. NOTICE, is hereby givea pursuant to the Re- Tis€4Stiitutes of Ontario, 1^. L'hay. Jl'iy that all c" editors and others bavrng c'aims at;ttiii,-^C the estate of the said JOUX SPKKB, deceased, who diaii on or about the iieyeutb day ot Fet»- iiiary A. V. 1305, i^re required ozi or Uefortj Lh« First day of May -\, r<. IVJi-tS to seud t»y ^^oet pre-* paid or deliTer to Saiiicstj^r Utjuiphiii. Esq.. feyloa P.O. Out., or William, H. KeaifhiU. Emi . Port I^aw W 0., Ou«.-, the executors of the lain Wii; aud Ttstiiiueuc of the *^ decease I, their ehrlsUan aud suruames. aduree''es aud tles-oriiv tioMS, tho fuU particulars Qf their elaiais. tij^ statemeutof thtir accounts and the nature cf th<;seouricie.;af af-y>hi.'ld by theiiK. ^\ND KUK'FHEK T.AKHT NOTICE that after such lost tuttU^iOJ30li date tho executors wil'. proceed todistributt- tho assets of the deceased aujouc the piitidseutitjed thereto, haviui; re- gard «uly to the cliums ot which they shuil theo tave uot ce, aud that tlw sa d executors will uot be tiuhle fur the said assets or auy part thereof to a'liy p«r$^ii or persons of who^e claim notice shah uot have beeu reecixt^d by them afr the tiuje oi suchdi^tributiou. Ualed .Maix'}i^th. A. L>.. h»i Lucas, Wriyht dc McArulf, Oweu Sound, Oat, SoUeisors for the Rxecutore. Notice to Creditors IN THE MATTER of the Estate of JOHN CLINTON', Ute of the Villiiico of FItisheiton in tho Gouuty cf Grey» Farmer, tleccased. NOTICE is hvToby giveu pursuant to The htvise^i Statutes of Ontario, IKiT. Chtip- l-JO. Uiat al! creditors aud otliers Jbavir't;; claims a^alufit the estate of thd saidJ^OUN CLINT^^N dece*\86d, who di?d oo or about tne tlghth day of Februarv A.D,1305. are required on oj before tho First day oi May A. D. 19l'5 to send by post prepaid or delivor to Messrs. Lucas, \Vrit;ht *i McArdle, Barristers, etr^ Owen b'outid, Out.. Solicitors forthe Executors of tb» !a«t Will and Testanieuli of the said dee»Hse4. their ckristiau and suru>i*uea, addresses and de^cri]Bti«a&, the full patticulars of iheir daiws, the statement of t^eir accouutA aud the ujkture of tho securit iestif any) held bv them. AND FUKTHER TAKE NOTICE that aftof such motttioued date tho executor* will proce^ to (ka'tHbute tne assets of the deceased arjocg the parties- entitled Jthureto, havin;; rcgaiuotily to th<9 claiuis of which thev shall thL«n notico^ and tUab'thesaii exeeutots will uot be liable for the said assets or any part thereof to auv >>«*«*"> or per«^ou8 of who^e claim uotice sh^U not bsive becu r ceived by them aithotiujcot such di-^ributioo. Uatcd March 27th A. D. 1903. Lucas, Wridht ifc McAidle. 0*«Q Sound. Out. Solicitors for iho Kxocutors. Notice to Creditors WALL PAPERSI The largest stock in the toyrn- ship, of BEST QlAlitv and LOWEST PRICES, from 3c. per double roll up to 50c. .On exhibition by " C. £2. Tryon, The pkacticl paimbe .4 papek hangeb. sajiplbs o': application. Priceville â-  -^ - -ra.-:: Ontario. Seeds W. L. Wrigbt has oue of the best sel«e- tions of fptrdun and vegetable seeds tha* have ever been on exbibition in cbi* village. He baa an esceileut s^Iectioa « also a Giie range from Steele, Brlggs Ai;so teeds of Manglca, Beets, Peas anA ' Beans. Our PRICES are the LOWEST. We have a fresh stock of good - Groceries Wm. L Wright's Bull for Service , Eke Shorthof-n Bull Scottish Cuirtf So. 51300 i -will staad for service oa loc 170 2nd. E. T. A ' S. Road. Toriiia for service .Krada cow3 91.50 ' rcgidtereii cows 91 00, pavable .laa.Ut lOaS. \ A^oa. rvflistared Yoritshiru Hoar. Oret^cUill ' Jack No. lOSiU. Terms for sesviCB il.iXI, pay- able Jau. l:t. 1006. FeUigrues ou aiipi.cauoa. kl'-'H-VaO AliLEM. ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ BOOTS Hqenf Tor Dominion Gxprcss money Orders In orJcr c'. make ro..m SPHl>G GOODS Clajtou's are giving great baraai:is in B^iot.s. Sh"es. RuKbersand ail kinds of winter eo-xls. We have a few p^frs ..f Men's and boys HB.WY GU.H RL'BBErs. "A few- pairs Overshoes also Trunks and telescopes'â€" all guiTis atsreatly rcdnced prices. â-  - ' ' To 'tho.sp.'«rearii,in home m»de boots and shoes â€" We are miting Chem of the best'maujcial that uan be got. Try a pair. C^layton's T!esl5 i^^^^B^S'**^*^*^*^^^^^*^^^^**^^^^*'*^*'* ^ i Clover & Timotliy! | « Don't be induced to - S ' buy poor, foul seeds at S a iiigh figure. Ex. § amine my offering of § pure clean seedsat low= S er pnces than offered p '>• -^ elsewhere. -^ -f-- ^ I yj* % Douglass I g IMCedioa.1 Hall - Flesliertoix S .jij, ^to Ji't. ^tc .^'«• â- Â»<(. .jv, .»«. .tie. <'!. ^'«. <*•- <t& .»!{, .j.'B. .s", .y« s^ -^j .j'i >««. Slk^S"!. r^%:*'i ^ ^i<: w Vi^ %" W 7i? '/4? ^'J W ^;? w w w' W ''",«• '<a" 'ttf •'«>•'• w v,\-- Vjc- '/•»*• '/»«• '<»«• '/» -s. ^ •««• m ^^ f For Your Stock | Herba^eiMii, Iiiteruatiuiial Stuek Food, Ctluuihian Regulator. W Tick Doet.ojer f'.>r the sbcep. 4^ :??% â- ^t? In the matter of tlio estate of \VILLI.\M WILSON, late of the villiage of EuiTenia, ni the county of Grey, shoemaker, deci\a.snl. NOTICE ia liercbv s:''«n vnr5ii-»irt. ti "The Reviseil S<t«tut<-8 o( Oiitarin" IW,. -ehapler 130, lha.% all creditors an i otli«m hAVint! ctaiitis asmii^t ttitf otato ni tile satil \VtI.l.l.A>l \VUiSON.Hec,»«5eiiwtio -iied on or alx>ut the l'2th .ia\ of Novemlxar A.D.itW^ aie re<mircd ou orlle. fore tbe Kirst Oa.v of May.*. IV. l!X»,t > Miid by i»r^'p*i-l or *'i.'iiv«r to Hotiry Cairu'* «i .\.l»n> 8m1it\ Rncesiia, Ont.. ex*c«tor« of the l.»s5 Will au.lTci>eanmiti>t the »ald Wil- 1ki:i Wilson. d,-,'eas,''l. tbtir christian ant tturtiatnot^, adtIr(Mi*e« and do^criptious tbefvill partlculai!* of tbelr cHims tbe 8tatj' nient of tbeir accoxints and the uatvre oftbeic accuivties. ifany. LelJ Uy-tbein. .\Nr) (nrtlwr tak« uoti^e tbat after such lasiC montioMCHl dat» the »a!d exeotit-'ra will proceed to <li4trlbnfci> l(>e aseot* of thndectw.*- ed aiiionj; tbe parties flntltlecl tboret^^. havint^ r,=(;an1 only Wi the c'lwiiuif of which they i*hall th,>HbaTe Qocico, and tliat the said executors trl\ will not b« liable to( the mid «s«et'< or anv t>aft thereof lo anv p*r*oa or i><T9on(» of wbose elaima notice thall not have bvonrecciv- e,l tT tt.eui at the tiuieof «ucb distribution. Dated Marnh «1, .\. D.. lOO?. HJC.*S, WRIGHT * >lc.\RDI,E, Ow»D SODDil, Ont. 9oiio*tor« for ereentorf. % For Yourself # Patent Mediorne* â€" all the po;mlar maVes Pipes and tobacco- ^$ g For Your Wke SpioeH for cooking â€" .Vll.'picc, Ciuuaiuon, Mixed spices, v> _f ._ i-, :. "11.. o:,!. Pi rf umes. Corticella Sil k etc. w For Your Baby | Soothing Sv-u;i, Sa-.-kin'» Bottles, and Tectliin^ Riii^s. "" # ^â- ff â-º!< >i< â-ºJ*^ ' £ I Richardson & Son | :-: :-: Ontario § .S Flesherton â- â- .; \ ii^asmi,,..

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