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Flesherton Advance, 6 Apr 1905, p. 4

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April 6 1905 riiE FLESHEHTON AUVANCI Originality - and - High - Art - in - flillinery On Wee/nes^atj. J^hursdaij anel 3^oUotalng S)ayi OUF Millinery shoW TOOmS will be open and we extend to all the ladies of Flesherton and vicinity a very cordial invitation to inspect all tlie elegant new style creation of Spring Millinery. The exquisite beauty and chic designs and originality and exclusiveness of the styles of our Millinery Department for the coming season will make this depart- ment the centre of attraction for that which is charmitg in style for your new Spring hat. Takes Look Through Our New Spring Goods. For your ruqaiiement e in all lines of New Spring Cioods. We have pla-'od frt ••s'fi.-k v.-iy h.tze nrr' t .vfod assort- lueiits fjf new Siniuc stylus which hii v.: be Ml very n-M^duratoly priced with the expoctation of d"i ir â-  ' pry much IiM'wer tr«Mie; ao when on ynur sliopping tour be sure and sea what we aro showing in the followi;!^; now Spring ° liriis; New Dress Goods, new Muslins, new Gloves, new Lace, new Dress Hateens, new Dress Collars and Belts, new Handkercliiefs, new Shoes, new Clothing for Men and Boys, new House Furnishings, new Carpets, new Lace Curtains new Linoleums, new Floor Oil CIcths, new Wall Papers. It will pay yon to Bee our assortment and get our prices. Some Extraordinary Values for the Week's Selling. 300 p lira of ladies' and i?irU' fine Wors^.ed Hoso all piiro wool, Sprinc weight, ahnist us chvip as cotton and a belter wearer Special bhI.i price, 19.-.. per ,,^if or 3 PAlllS FOU oOo. GAHDEN seedsâ€" 16 packassos for 25c. Not aiiy special brand put up to sell at the price but reliable seods grown and put. up in ori^'inal puckagos by syoh reliable hrms as the Ronnie Seed Co. and the Siu.iinor8..Scea Co., full size packages and the pricois 1(( piickage* for 2jc. It will pity you to be on hand early if interested in a Kood Rlack Mercerized Salteen Blouse at HALF PRICE HMd less. 85 Ladies' fine quality Black Sateen Blouses, fancy stylos wiih L'inip atid silk trininiinus, all sizes included in the assortment with actual values as foIloH-s: Sl.OO, $1.25 and 81.50 Blouses, special aale price 68 BE ON HAND EARLY %mm MAPKDALE ww;^^- I«publi«hfd£V.-.ryTh>v«hiy at *1.*' l""" unmim if. i)(iidiu advance, dl-50 Unotno paid- All Hubii-ribiTs jiaying SI. 00 Htiiclly in «dvaucu K"' the Montruttl HtralU one year fr«i! an a reiijiuni. ^rt- Arlemesia Council havrt part of base line at lots 168 to 173. .^, N. E. opeiifd for winter travel be re- ferred to .MwHsra. Best and Purvis, to be cxanuiietl and rep<)rteil?Upon At next nii-etiny- â€" Carried. Purvis â€" li. 'St â€" That the Roavo and Clerk are lieruliy a|ipoinli"d rspri-Rentat- iv. s frooi this council in owifo.nriiy with iho roq'ie.s' of llio County of Klyin Muiii- cif)!! Association to aiteiid c-invi.'ntion on April 12 in ho matter of n'ineiiilin<^ tb? A'.t re.' irdini; civil responsibility of cmii- Cil for dum luos on highways. â€" Carried. Couijcd •idjonrned. A rteinesia. Council im-t in the to«n h ill on Saturday last. All the nii'inbers pns- vnt, till.' reovc in the chair. M-.nuiesof furnu.'r nioetni'.; were read and cniitinned. Tlie following coniiinniicatioiis were rcud: Mr*. K- ^feilson, royardioK tron pas»inK •>"- her hinus; the trustees >•{ S.S. JJilo. 3 ttskilig council to autlioiize the iorrowii.g ol 82500 to build new acliool liouse; (Joo. Thonipson, el al, ref{ irdiiij; opening <'f Iwse lino it) rear of 3ril rung.) N. K- at l..tHl(i:i to 168; the Clerk of the city of Toronto, a'kinit the council to join ill a petition to the Legislature to have the Alutiioial Act chiinged so aa to permit manned woiiu'ii to vote on eortain ilue-li.M.M; K. W. McKay, Sec. of Kluin County Mnoicipiil Association asking the c'uiicil to appoint represuntaiivos to join â- with tlieiu ii) the formation of a provincial depiitaiicKi to wait on the s?overiiincnt, iiiid uiKo the amend nieiil of tlie Maiiioiii- al Corp'.raiiolis will not be civilly le^pno- aihle for daiiiuyeo; Messrs Boaornnd (I'Uoiiubuo wailed upon the coiincil lu ro.;ard to aale of their water power iil I'higoiiia Knlln; Mesirs. R. Csnipb -11, 11 â- Cairo.H, .loliil Bolaiid, (J. W'arlini! and otheri waited U|ioii the council renurdinn chanj/iiiL' boundarion of S. S. II & 1); .Vlr. II Ducket wailed Hii"ii tli« council in reference to the appointment of patli- aii.isicr at Eugenia. By law 651 toclian'.;o bouuilariei of S. â- S. 11 and 13 in the !)ih amt lOth conoes- .li'UH. was iiitrodueod and read a lirst lime an I after [hissing thr.m^h thousml romiiiu became law, McKenzi.! â€" Bestâ€" That the ficliool trustees .School Section No. 3 asking tni' co'iii,:il to rtinolidii the isiue of ilwUen. lures lo llui lixt. Ill of g.'oOO (K) for ilie ii-e of w»iJ truhloes in liiiildiinf a new Hi! I lioiiie I'C eiiiertamed and that n by-law l>,» prepared and p.iss.-d at next s. ssion of ihia council. --C.iriied. C,ir«oii â€" Best -That D"iiahl .MeMullen b,- paid 82.">.O0 i<\ roji.iiriin; Sangoun l;rid.Mi o I .South line.â€" Canied. .V<eJveni{i<>-(;ar-o;i Tint in r fcrenee to the appliairtiwii uf Mrs. IS. alleaod <laiiittgea siiMtainotl I'y |rMliHc traf- fic hcina diveitvd fi-.imtiie highway njrons Jii>r pr 'pjity, Mr. Best is .ip.iointed to Hini|uir>i iiito lh» matter and r-poit at tlui n;;xt ineotingof tliiiio lunoil â€" Carrie.l. â- Ci Hill â€" I'uriis -Tiiat tliis council be in haniiony with the (natter contrtiue.l in e rjular from the City Clerk Of Toronto vi;',., that the Election Act be so chaiu/od as ni aUow ijnirried woin-'.n to voto oii cmtnin niioatioiiH; Hiid that the Ueevo ,Hlgii lh« nutltiim to be preKpnted to llie •O.Hirio l^>gij|latufo for thai purpose â€" C(irrie<'. \ McKenKie -Osr»un -That the petition <jf Ue r^o Thomptwi, cl «l, Juking to About Rheumatism There are few diseases that iuBiot irime tor- ture than rlii'iimatisni, aiid there is i)ruliabl.y no disease for wl.ich such a varied and iisoless lot of loinedios liiivf bem .siigtfcsted To say that it eaii Iw cured is, tliemfoie, a bold Ktiitc- incnt to iniike, but (-'haiiilierlaiirs Vain liiibn, wliieli eiijoys an evteiiHuc sale, basinet with great siicess in tlie treatineiit of this dise.'ise. One application of I'aiu ISaliu w ill relievo the jiain, and liiiiitlrecls of sufferers liavu te.stitied to iieriniinenr eiires by ita use. Why Buift-r when Pain lialiii afforda mieli quick reliuf and costs bat a tritleV For sale by vV.E- Uichard- Press Bulletin. i-rom the Ontario Agricultural Collefc. By I'lof. C. A. Zavitz. Forty-IJiree varieties of .Spring Wheat and four varieties of spring rye were Rowii on the experiiiienial |ilota at the Cidlege two days ago, March iiS. In 11)1)2 tho .spring wln-at.s were sown on March 27tli. These are i he only two seasons Hitliiii the past; twenty years in which ill.! spring seeding at the Cidloge could bo starieil in .Maicli. It is gei.eially useless to ai tempt to grow spring wheal in On- tario it can be sown as early in Hpiing IIS the land is suilablu, even if the seeiling is followed by colj weather »ud snow storms. ' â-  . For live years in sucoeB^ion, an oiperi- meiil his been conduclid by soiviiig spring wheal, liarley, oats, and peas, on tlitr-rent dates in the N|iriug of the year. The lirst seeding t.iok phico as so ni as ilie er â- mid was suttioionlly war ii and dry to work to L'ooil advantage. One week was ado led b tween ea/h two seedings. Too r ,iili8 mil cate the iin;)oriance of Hiiwing spring when»,l>arley,oats and peis ill the order hi-iu L'iveii, starting «itli apriiig wUeat aad liniHliing with the peas. After tho iTst week waspist, there was an aveumo decrease in yiul I foi every d ly's delay in seeding of a'l.mi one and ono'half linshel.1 of Oki.1, ono bushel of birley, one half lui.iiel of spiin'' wheit, and one-'liird bushel ol peas poi acre. AcC'-nling t.i ibe lesults of oxperinicnta conducted at the College forHovei il jears tlieru are advantages in growing grains in mixtures lor the produeiion of green foil dor, dry fo Ider, or ihredied orain. Foi f.iildei jiiirp«ses u niix'uro of Sibeiiiin or Banner o.its and piu.ssii i h'ne or U I don Vine Pens In the proportjio of .two liusheh of oata aiiil onulimhel of peas per acre has given good aatisfaclnn. For the purpos.t of urnin production, however, an early oat as ihi Uaubnu/ or Alaska, when niixeil with the Alan Isi-lit'Un barl.y in tho pio- |Hirtion of one bushel (.'U IIm.) of o,itn and one liush> I (48 lbs) of barley per acre, has givon, bi-ttur reaulu than either « liuliter or a heavier neediiia. it is probable that there is an annual (foriealiii) in fioiii forty to forty-live g.iUoiH of water. This solution has the power of killiiiL' the .spores of stniir and leaving the oats uninjured. If tbeticat- nient IS made sveril days before seoiliim takes place, the oats should be spread on .iflnianil tliorouglily dried; but if it is iiiiide immediately lief"ie sowiilp;, it is only iiecossa-y to pailially dry the seed. Oreit care should be taken to p.rcvent siiuit spores from btigs, bins, grain seeder", etc., hecoiniiig mixed with the oivts after forin.ilin lois been used. This tre.itment is easily p.rformed, coniparilively eheap, and very ell'eclual, and if thoroughly per- formed need not be repeated from yi'ar to year. '1 mawmi F, T. HILL & CO. 'iiiiiiWiiim}^^^^^yi^'^l^^ GRAND MILLINERY OPENING ^^ THIS WEEK BOYD, HICKLING & CO., Caused by eyestrdn Cured without drugs, and cured permanently ^/ij', A„ Armstfortig^. FWt:LE' ^ND iPTiCJAiv ^i -"SHCRTO^!. Spring Suit Time Having moved into the Cliristoo Block, op;iiisile tho Advance otliee, we will lu- lielter prepared to attend the wiiiiis if thiiso le iniring anylliiiii! in the li»e of line tailoring or elithes eleaidiig. Litest fasliions always on hand. TliaiiKing the people of Flesheiton and surrinindiiik! couoiry for tlioir patronage in tlie pasi and soliciting a fair Khare in the future. H. Alexan der, Ta ilor. Flesherton, Ontario. Bull F^ Service HavlnR JiiBt piirohAfied a flii« \ otitiL'Uiorniich briMl i>nrhtiiii bhll.l yoAr old amI Kt^unary, tli« flftine will b9 for MrVioH ai my htabtiif, lot 1,'V^, T. Ji H.U., Art«rn««ia. IVuiKrett on nitplication Toru:t-$l.COIorib«MaBOD. •H.Uifor lhorDU),b brada. 13apl W« OAViS -FLESHERTON, ONT. Spring Millinery Opening Thursday and Friday April 6th and 7th Ladies are cordially invited to he present at our Exhibition of Triminetl Millinery, lieady-to-wear Style.s and Millinery Novelties on the above-mention- ed dates. . . Miss P, M. Matlieson, of Actoti, who takes charge this season is a very capable and experienced milliner and is now bu.sily preparng with her ^as.sist^nt3 for the Opening Display, which we anticipate will eclipse any previously hiatile. Rain Coats For April Showers. Our selection for the new se-'ison i.s the best ever shown and comprises tho latest novelties in Craven- ette antl Kubber Garments in Black, Navy,. Oxford Grey, Fawn and Fancy Tweed effects in fnll and three-quarter lenghtsâ€" and the latest styles in collars and sleeves! Every garment is finished with sewn seams throughout. All sizes Prices From S3.00 to $9-50 See our Special window of Men's Felt'Hats at 75c They speak for themselves The near approach of spring brings with it tlie thoughts of housccleaning and the subsequent purch- ase of new house furnishings We have been thinking of this too, and are fully prepared for your wants in this line with a splendid coUection of new goods. Special Value in Carpets Brussels ' the regular $1.00 quality for 85c. yard Tapestry Carpets from 35c to S5c yard U nion Carpets 80c, 40c, 50c and tiOc yard Japanese Mattings from 25c to o5c yard New Oilcloths, New Linoleums, New Hugs, New Mats. Special Values in New Lace Curtains Pric4)s from oQc to $2.75 pair. Come in and let us figure on your House Furnishing llequirmentsâ€" We can save you moiiey. Wall Rape Wk have provided rS K^'O^I range to sell â-  I â-  a at the lowest prices yet (luoted, but call your special attention to oiii st.>!cction of rich and beautiful ^ papers suitable for every decorative purpose. ^ Come and see us soon, wo webeiieve can satisfy ^ your wants, and our object this s(>ast)n will bo to ^ make the prices of our papers as attrautive* as them- ^ selves. Prices from oc to 50c. ^ Doable Koll, ^ All colors of Sherwin Williams Paints ^ For all Purposes, USE "Five Roses'' Flour 1^ NO OniER AS GOOD *

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