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Flesherton Advance, 16 Mar 1905, p. 4

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I i>»> n i rii iii Tni ^nmm / MARch 16 1905 rilE FLESH ERTON ADVANCE •«» ITi ^i^WWVVV^^VWV F. T. HILL & CO. 'MiiHWd^\ '1 i Of New Spring DRESS GOODS 11 ^^YD, HICKLING & CO. "TV AME; Fashion has dooreod thai Sheer Fabrics sHhII tio the inngr popular for Spring wear, wiih two-ton â- ^-' «'tfuc(. in fiincy tweed» for street wear ami tailor iniido Hiiits, ln-nco ihe reason whv our new shnwinii o^ Spring DrnaR OoimIh corisisis of the following moot popular linen: Mohairs, Luatres, «Jre[)e docheno, OronnrtiiiM Laire Kfft-cta, Sicdinna, Kolieiines aud Famy TweeilN. TheHe goods arij all popularly priced, and now open for your inxpuoiioii aa fnllowH. Now Mohaira, Bullioi.tinoa, Lu»tr«a, Sicd'ana, silk and wool CrepB de chenea, silk and wool Eolienne in plain and f .1 cy woiiTo, Puplin'a fiiiishod canvas clot ha and fancy Ttreud popularly pricfd at per yard 40o to 91 50 We invito ynur ii ^p^â- ctionâ€" no need to liuy. A REMVRKAIiLE OKPERTNG IN PRINTS AND MUSLINS. RoBure and sec lliose Prints and Muilins. 1500 yards of Piints and Muslins in lii/ht and dark coliTit C'lnsiatini.' of stripes, checks and fiincy floral de- sii^ns. perfect goods, regular 10 and 121o. jpmlitiea. Speciiii 5c per yard To make the lot go around wo limit the quantity to 10 yurda to a customer. BIG REDUCTION IN LADIES TWEEDSKIRTS 82 Ladies Dress Skirls in Tweeds, Black and Blue Serges, Nearly every size represented, and vaiuei the $2 50 and )$3.25 kind, special to clear ^ 1,38 RUMMAGE SALE. In Womens, Girls and Boys Shoes and Overshoes This lot consists of many odd lines, possibly not more thun two puirs alike hut representing odd lines of various value. No doubt you will be able to find BoinethiiiB among them that you can use. The price is low, your choice per pair 48c TABLE OIL CLOTHS, 17c per yard, regular value 25c. 1500 yards of Table Oil Cloths in marble and fancy florid patterns, the regular 25c quality, special price per yard 17 TaiIor=nade Clothing: M.inufactured by Hobberlin Bros., King Street, Toronto. This well known firm of bi^liclass tailors were burnt out some three weeks ago. They succeeded, however, in saving many of the suits that were nuido for th'ir custo- mers. We succeeded in buyinj; those suits hence the reason that we are able to offer you $18.00 and f20.00 high class tailor made suits for §12. oO. ^ S â-  ; 12.50 27 suits of High Class Tailormake, if wo have yonr size this ou^'ht to interest you, special sale price Wh'Wf^ MARKDALE mm}M la p.iblihlied every Tlmrs.biy at .$1.00 per annum if paid in ailvunce, fl.^tl if not so paid. All aubscribers payinc 91-00 strictly in .advance Ket the Moutreal 1 IcralU one year free a.t a iireiuiuiii. lo Harness Eugenia Falls. The Toronto Star of Saturday sayR: Hidden iiwuy among the hills in Grey county, about six miles north of Flesher- ton Station on the Canadian Piicilic Rail â- way, \i the sunt; little villago of Eugenia, whoso only interest to tho outside world ha« arisen from its proximity to Eugenia Falls, on the Boaver Uivor, a swift runn- ing stieam skirling the odt;o of the village on its way northward to the waters of iho Georgian Bay. The Falls and their sur- roundings form one of the most beautiful aiid pictiire~ipiolnnda;apes in Canabi.niid year in and year our the nearby banks have been the camping ground of auni- nier holiday i)arlieH attracted thither by tho charming eiiviroiiineiils. Several iniltistries. ineliiding saw mills and veneiir mills and a small electric, (ilant whiuli supijlios Eui;onia and FloHlierton with liulu, have been established at Eu- genia, derivino their power from small waterfalls or. the river, but the eiiercy represoiiled by the Falls proper and by tho r^ii)id« below during all lliese years gone past has run to was'e. Liko many anoiher of Nature's cre- ations, however, Eugenia Falls has been fiimply waiting the roming of tho day whuii it winild bo called upon to lmvo u|i its resources for the benelit of man. The jtroperty is liow controlled by a corpora- tion in wlncb Mr. Thomas McLnugiilan, 1(1 King (tioot west, is interested, and which propor'es to proceed to tho dovel (ipnieiil of the power. Essentially this Iiowcr consists of about ten feel head ab- ove the main falls, iheiico a perpendicular fall of suveuiy feet, below which there is .1 succession of cascades and swift rapids coTering a descent of 202 feet, niakiin; in all a total head of over 280 feet in a dist- nneo of l.T'HI feet. It may be noted that such n high head is suld >m obtainable in CHSlern i'ai.ada. although on the Par.itio eo.-iat and in Mexico and South America they are rot uncommon. Tho plan of developemnt decided upon calls for ft dam across tho river at Iho head of tho falls. Fron) (his dam the water is to be conveyd through a c^nicrete pipe along llu! mirth bank of the river to a level t<- a point above the )«iwer house, which will be tiiualeu in thegtngo t>«low. K steel pipe will connect the end of the concrcio pipe o« the bank above with the |»ower house. The power house will be built of atone and ojncrole.abund- ai.Crt of stono and gravel bfinu on the ((|i»>t. Tho concrete pipe will also bo nihdo at the f.ilU, all the necosaary mat- < rial for iU niaiiufaotere being at hand with the etfloption of cement. The hydr.mlio and electrical machinery (ill be ••( (he Utoat and beat tynea and â-º peeia'ly suitable for high head plants. 1 . )<l..oiiig the cciniractafur the inacliin ery, steel pipe, cement and all olher mat- eri.ll, preference will bo givoe, to goods of C iiiadian inanufucuire, ii is said. During tbo las*, few months no f«wer than three engineers of wide experience in modern waterpower development have fioparately inveatitiated the property and have in each inalanco reported favor- ably upon tbo possibility jf a simple and comparitively low-priced dovelopement of power there. It has been decided to make an initial development that will yield 2,600 horsepower net, and plans for same wdl soon becomideted. The Siar could not learn to-day what specilic use is to be m ido of the power produced at Eugenia Fulls, as tlio manage- ment decline.s to make any statement on this point. Toronto capilalisls wdl furn- ish Ihe money, and if the venture succeds it is possible that power will he transmit- ted to this city. Champion Liniment for Rheumatism Cluis. Drake, a mail carrier ,;t Chopin- ville. Conn., says: "Chamboilaiirs Pain Balm is the champion of all liniin«nts. The past year I was troubled a gr, at deal with rheumatism in my shouliler After trying several cures the storekeeper here recommendud this reniody and it com pletely cur.-d me." There is no use oi anyone HiiU'-ring from that painful ail- ment when this liniment van bo obtained for a small sum. One applicalion uives prompt relief and its connnued uso for a nliort time will piipduce a permnnoiit cure. For sale by W. E Richardson. ^â- Â»Â«Â»> * * rrioovlllc the 60's John McDonald, Esq. one of our popular men was elected VVar- dun, and we do nut see how this fad could he so soon forgotten by s-ime of our pioneers, especially as Mr. McDonald was a good .ScotcliniHii allhuugh he did not '*apoke llie Gaelic." The weather for tho past two weeks has been very plua.sant and we hope it will continue so. \Vh are pleased to hear that Johnnie Whyte, who went under ai. operation for appendicilis last week, is slowly recover ing. A number of Ihe young iieopio are go- ing West this week . Amonu thera wo notice Messrs. Tom Con key, Donald Mc- Millan (Donald's), John McMillan (â- lohn's), C. E. Watson and also Miss Tena iVIcDonald. Misa Kate McKinnon leaves this week for Butlalo. Mr T. A. M. Ferguson, rppresentative for A. O. U. W. 140 is in Toronto this week attending Grand Ijodue. A very successful parlor social under the auspices of tho painting committoe of Iho Pieaby- terian church, was hohl at Ihe Manse, Thursday evening, March Uth, A lenijthy programme consisting of aolos, choruses, voilin and iiramophono selec- tions was rendered and highly appreciat- ed. Mr. James McLcod, of Owen Sound, is visitiu'i hit niotbor at present. Mr. John Melnnii had a very auocnss- ful sale on March lOih. U was wall attended and things went at K<'od prices. Mrs, M. McDougald, aijeil US) years passed away at her home, on O. I>. R., on Saturday morning after a short illness. Tho funeral took place to Piioeville cemetery. Our "Review" correspondent noted (he fact l.««t week that our village was priMid for the first liino in it«cxistRnc« of liaving a county warden iu o'jr midst. Yea, we are for the second time in the history of our tillage, far awayâ€" back in Is your Doctor Bill Large? Best way to keep it small is not to call tliu doctor, hut uso Kcrvitino instead. For minor ailments liko colds, coughs, chillH, cramps, headache and stomach trouble Nerviline is just as good as any doctor. It iireaks up a cold iu one night, cures soreness in tbo chest, and for neu- rnlgii.l toiitliache and rheumatism you can I >;et anything half as good as Ncrvil- iiiH. The fame of Nerviline for cramp-i, colic, and pain in the stomach extends far and wide. Good for everything a linim- ent can be good for and costs but 25e. for a large bottle. Honor Rolls ^ Report fur S. S. No. 6, Artomesia for February. V srâ€" .Sadie^Fletcher, Hunter Hirrow, V jrâ€" .lanot Fletcher, Willie Fletcher, Ed Whittaker. IV â€" Syliil Collinson, Ruby Stnne, J Cairns, J McAvthur. Ill »r-liert Whittaker, S Whittaker. Ill jrâ€" I'caily Oairna, Maggie Boyce, Willie McArlhur. Stella Butler. II Mr â€" Emma VVbittakur, Minnie Mc- Arlhur, Edna Fletcher, .lolin Irwin. Pt. IIâ€" Willie Spioer, Bert Irwin, Kita Boyce. I't. I-I. B. Whittaker. Average attendance 22. K M. Smail, Teacher. Report of S. S. No, 6, Osprey, for February. IV â€" Tliorulon Clemi's, Mary Dyer, John Dand, Bslva David'on. HI srâ€" Albert Myers, EInie Sayers, Myrtle llolroyd. Pearl Barber, Jessie Davidson, Tommy Dyer, Hay llolroyd. Ill jr- Nellie Harlier. II «r â€" Lome Cooper, Rata Sayers. II JT â€" Ocnrce .Vlillion, Mellville Doug- lass. Kvelyn McMtillen. Pt IIâ€" Quoenio Kaitting. I - â€" Mabel McKennie. Names of wqc attended every day â€" Thornton Clemes, Jiiia Davidson, Maht H. Hi;mbbkstonk, Teacher. RfjHirt of Senior Division of Eugenia Public School for ihemenih of Feoniary; Class V.-Alex Fisher, Millie McMul- Irn, Mamie llogj^. Class IV.â€" Mabel Carr, Weston Cirr. ElwDod Purvis. Carl Walker, Edna Will- istna. CI iks III 8r, â€" Selena Hawkins, Albert Sloan. Class III Jr.â€" Herb. Fisher. Hsrold Wallace, Ue.irge H slop, Wilfud PUiiii. M. Hkniirrson, Teacher, i . â-  IIS H â- - 1he Cau«« of Piles Is invariably conati|iation which is i|uick1y remodiod l>v Dr. Hamilton's Pills of Mandrake and Butternut. Sure relief, •nd nn ari|iin| paiaa. For a remedy that never fails use Dr. Hamilton* Pills', Price 25c. -FLESHERTON, ONT. New Goods FOR Spring Business New Dress Q-oods, New Waistings, New Raincoats, New Skirts, New Shoes, â- : :: New Prints, ' ; New Suitings, New Clothing-, '\:y'-'''^: New Pelt Hats, '^ • New Neckwear, New Carpets, New Curtains, -.;^S-:^'!^ New Linoleums, â- :'i%'':::.''Y New Mattings, New Gents' Furnishings ; z Everything new, fresh and bright for the season A Special Offering . ...Q F=-- ,.â- â- [â-  .'â- â- â- â- â- â-  i - â-  , Boys' Suits at $L$S ** 20 Boys' Suits, some twoâ€" some tlireo piece, in a ^ variety of neat dark patterns in stripes and checks also some blue serge, some single some double breasted. Sizes 25 to 30. Regularly sold for $2.50, 3.00 and $3.75, but to clear quickly to make room for new- purchases we offer them all at one eighty five I "Five Roses" Flour is the best you can buy! Always Gives Fuli Satisfaction Take a bag home today. You'll be pleaseil

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