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Flesherton Advance, 16 Mar 1905, p. 3

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I,' • ^^ W WAS LAID UP FOR OVER A YEAR TILL DODDS KIDNEY PILLS CURED HIS KIDNEY TEOTJET L low He's Perfectly Healthy and Able to Work â€" Gives all the Credit to the Great Canadian , Kidney Eeniedy. Wapclla. Assa., N. \V. T., March 20 â€"(Special).â€" Cured of Kidney Dis- ease that hud laid hirn up lor over a year, Mr. (Jeo, Baiiluiuaii. a well- knovcii man hore, is louil in his prais- es of 'Bodd's Kidney Pi) la, lor to them and uoLiiiu{j tlse he cluiuis he owes his cure. â-  •Yes, I had Kidney Trouble," Mr. Bartlenian says. â- I had pains ia my back and in other parts of luy oody and though the doctor did what he could for nvi, I grew worse till 1 was unable to v.-o'rk. "Then I siaitcd to take Dodd's Kidney Pills, and I took them all winter and summer while I was un- able to work. I took in all twelve boxes, and now I am perfectly heal- thy. My pains are all gone and I am able to work. 1 heartily recom- mend Dodd's Kidney i'ills to all suf- ferers from Kidney r!is«'" Dodd's Kidncv Pills always cure the Kidneys. Healthy Kidneys .strain all impuriti.?s, all se^ds of di.seasc, out of the blood. That's why Dodd's Kidney Pills cure such a wide range of disea.'ies including Brighfs Di.scase, Uheumatism and Urinarv Tiouhles. J GOT AWAY WITH THE FISH. Story oif a Grimsby Trawler and a Danish Gunboat. A. gunshot rent the air. The cap- tain turn-ed Prom his supervision of the men to lind a l>au;sh gunboat on his port-bow. A little drama, enacted in Icelandic waters, had be- gun, says the London Daily Mail. It was a lishing ves-sol hailing from Grimsby that was thus rudely sur- prised. The skipper is the most po- pular man in the Liucolnshiie port. For a week his crew had worked hard at the nets, and had gathered a rich harvest for their labors, when the gunboat came upon the .scene. Could he be within the limits'? That was the laptains tirst thought. No. But the summons cculd not very well he defied. Id a » moment his mind was iimde up. Ifc must face the music, ilut in his sur- render Captain did not de- spair. He has a stout heart and a brave spirit, and, while the gun- boat was sending a 'deputation" to the Uawler, he held a hurried con- versation with the mate. If the Danish authorities had but known the secret that passed between the two men then! So a Danish oJlicer and three men came aboard, and the captain was formally under arrest. 'ITiey sailed into the ni^arest port, and the Kng- lish captain was t.-ied and lined £100, his cargo of iLsh au'd the ves- Bcl's gt:'ar aI=o to bo couiiscated. But while the magi.stratos were putting their heads to?;x'ther and de- ciding upon this penalty, there was activity aboard the trawler. The mate remembered the captain's con- versation lie was alert and keen- eyed. The captain had been several hours ashore. That moaiit that the court had gone against him. .So the male took the crew into his confi- dence, and they acted promptly. Without any violence or undue scene that trim little trawler sailed away for Oriinsby with the Danish nvn aboard, and safely landed its splendid catch. And the captain'? He got leave to 50 to an adjacent town and seek the assistance of the Tliiglish consul. And at this latter place he boarded an Aberdeen trawler and hid in the coal bunkeis. They liad heard of the escape of his vessel by this ti'Uie Bnvl came in seaich of him. liut the captain made ai: exci 'lent stowaway â€" and he saw his friends in Grimaby again. \VHAT CAN A UOY DO? This ia what a boy can do, be- en boys have done it: Ho can write a poem. Alexander Pope wrote his famous "Ode to Soli-" when he was only 12 years old. He can write a great book. Ma- caulay wrote his firsit volume, the "Primaaiae," which took the liter- ary world by storm, before he was in his teens. He can write a saccesstul play. John O'Keefe. the fuinous Irish ac- tor and playwright, wrote a play that is considered good to-day, when ho was only l.T. He can h< come fanious. Charles Dickens (Jid his ".Sketches by Uoz" so well that before he was 22 his name was known to all the world. He can "make his mark" so well that it wiil open hi.s career. Paliner- ston, England's great statesman, was admir>-c In school liome in I^ng- li?h, French and Italian that are models of composition to-day. Tie can enter a groat university he- fore he is 1:3. William Pitt did it. MID-WINTER EXCUHSIONS. To Washington, March 2, 'i, 4, 16, and April 7th. Florida and New (Jrloans, March 1st to (jth, via Lackawaiin.i Kail- road from BulTalo. Lowest rates: choice of routes, .^pply to -\. Load- ley, C. A.. Toronto, or Fred P. Fox, D. P. A., Uuffalo, N. Y. The satisfaction of having th.: washing done early in the da\ and well done, belongs to eve- user of Sunlight Soap. mb No Breakfast Table complete VTithout An admirable food, with aU its natural qualities intact, fitted to build up and maintain robtist health, and to resist â- winter's extreme cold. It ia a valuable diet for children. FOR OVtlP. SIXTY YKA'ltS. Mrs. WinstoWs Soothing Syrup has been used by mjlliuiis of uiothers for their children wliila teething. It soothes the child, softens the gums. uUays pain, cures windcolic, regulates the stomach and bowels, and is the best remedy for Diarrhoea. Twenty-five cents a bottle. Sold by druggists throughout the woi-ld. Do suro and aslt (or 'Mrs. Winslow's .Soothinif Syrup." 22 â€" 04 Get up with the larU, but don't disturb other people wiih yo'.u- lark- ing. SETl-LERS LOW RATES WEST. Via the Chicago and North Westera Ey. every day from March 1st to Hay 15th, 190.=), settlers one-way iecond-class tickets at very low rates from Chicago to points in Ttali, Montana, Nevada, Idaho, Ore- gon, Washington, California, also to Victoria, Vancouver, New Westmin- ster, Ros.-dand and other points in the Kootenay District. Correspond- ingly low rates from all points in Canada. Write for full particulars and folders to B. H. Bennett, Gener- al Agent, 2 King St. East, Toronto, Ont. The Most Nutritious and Economical, GRANftfRUNttl'y'^fe'^! ONE-WAY MCDRSIOSS â€" TOâ€" Billings, Mont., Colerado Springs, Denver, Helena, Butte, Mont., Ogden, Salt Lake City, IJtah, Nelson, Kossland, B. C, Spokane, Wash., Portland, Ore., Se- attle, Wash., 'Vancouver, B. C, San Francisco, Cal. Rates $34.25 to $44.00 Tickets ou sale March 1st to May 15th. ALL GRAND TRUNK TICKET AGENTS. From Tea Plantation to Store . WE WATCH TEA â€" Unsleeping vigilance selects the TE';JDERE'T LsAVES, scruiinizes every process of ih-ir m.uiufacture and crireliillv S!IAL>THi.M IN LEAD PACKETS TO PRESERVE THi FULL FLAVO:i. No wonder ihe 3EST is BLUE RIBBON T€A. TRY THE RED L4BEL- A man is in luck if ho doesn't got turned down whilu waiting for something to turn up. If your chilth-en moan and are rest- IciiS during sleep, coupled, when awake, with a Jos.s oi appetile. pate cuunlcn- ancc. picking of the nose. etc.. you j. depend upon it that the primary cause of the trouble is worms. Mother Ora%es' Worm I'*x terminator clTtM:t.ti;i] removes thcfic pesta, at once relieving the little sulTorers. Tho wise artist paints a wouitan's portrait not as she Iooi;:->. but as she imagines she looks. A Cure for Costivencss. â€" Costivencsa cornea from the refusal of the excretory organs to peirorm their duties regular- ly trom contributing causes usually dis- nrdei'ed fiipest ion. Parmelee's Vegetablo Pills, prcpured on scicntitic jjrinciples, are so compounded that certain ingredi- ents in thorn pas.s through the Btom- acii and act upoi. 'Jie bowela so as to remove their torpor and arouse them to proper action . Maiiy thousands are preiiareil to bea â-  testimony to thoir power in tiiis respect. Youn^:^ Wifa â€" "Doesn't this cake re- n^ind you of the kind your mother used to make?" Young Husband â€" "Yes. dear. (Jh, those happy child- hood days â€" what a digestion I used to have then, to be 'iuixsl" Dyelsig I Gleaning I Vor tha rar/ bflKi caod four work to th* " BBITISH AMIRICAN OYEIHO Ba.** L«ok for «c*nt \a rour (owd, or lOBd Air««4. Montr«ai,Toroato, Ottawa, Quebec; George â€" "I know I am not worthy of you, but " Kthel â€" "Hon't ever sav that again; it's no use worrying over what you cant help," Use Lever's Dry Soap (a powder) to wash woolens and Uannuls,- you'll like it. Minaid's Liiiiment used ^ Ptii'sicians Minist-er â€" '.So you don't think I what I pn^ach. deacon?" Deacon â€" "Well, consideriusj that you have been prcacliing in the subject of rosig-nalion for ;he thirty- seven years. I doa't cjuite think you do.' DR. k. W. CHASE'S CATARRH CURE r.^25o. is sent direct to the diseased pirts by the Improved Blower. Heals the ulcers, clears the air passages, stops droppines in thi throat and pcinianan^fy cures Catarrh and Hay Fever. Blower free. All dealers, or Dr. A. W. CIliM! .Medicine Co., Toronto and Bulfala Teniint â€" "I came to inform you Ills !• ather- 'Look here, Tom, sir, that mv cellar is full of water." have you really .trone and engaged Lan<i,o,.ci_-.\vVll, what of if? You younsflf 10 that widow without my | gjj,.^.^, ^jj ^^^ expect a collar full of champagne for ten dollars a con.^enf?" Tom (gloomily)- it without my own con.sent. I did A GI{K.\T ADVAtiTAflK. "My husljan-d has a great advant- age over most men." "Indeed? ' "Yes. He walks in his sleep." I don't see what advantage that can be to a person." "Why, he can carry the baby all night long and .still get his natural rest." That Cutting Acid that ari'^es from the sLomucJi and almost strangles, is caused by fermentation ot the food in the stomach. It is a foretaste of inditjc-s- tion and dyspepsia. Take one of Ur. Von Stait's iMncapple Tal.ilets ininted- iately after eutintr. and it will preveul this distress and aid digestion. GO in a box, 35 cents. â€" 10 "Your son has a line touch. Mrs. Moriarit.v. " "Vis: an" shure it's no wonder he loves the i-iano and niver tires of it. He has great taste for music, ami this is :in!.v natural, for his grandfather had his head broken with a cornet at a picnic." WISHINO. "That hateful Mrs. Ne.xdorc re- marked to me to-day,' said the r""et- tv yoimg wife, "that 'beauty is only tikin deep.' "Come now," replietl her shrewd ftusband. "wbat are you leading up to?" "Welt, I was just going to say I'd like to liav'e a little of it that was sealskin deep." Minafd'sLiniineolLum'jgffnji'sfiisnd TA.RTARY S AWAKENING. The ferment in Hu.ssia has had a curious sequel in a racial ferment among the Tatars of the Ci itnea for the restoration of their ancient king- dom. A pretender hits even appeared styling him-self Sabal-tiire/. Khan, and claiming to be a ik'scendant of Scachin CJarez Khan, the last of the independent Khans, who subiidtted to Russia in 1783. 1"he pretender, who appears among the Tatar villages, with an armed bodyguard, has even issued a manifesto claiming the re- storation of tho Khanate. Truops have been sent from Se^â- astopol to Bucha.schi.sara.i. the ancient capital, and the mosque where the Khans of old were inaugurated is under mili- tary guard. NATUUALLY. Kdith*â€" "There is one thing in par- ticular that 1 like Mr. Tacliii for. He is so frank, yovi know. IK' al- wa.vs tells me of my faults without the least hesitation. That was the agreement I caused him to make." Bertha â€" "Ai.d you mean to .sa.v that you do not gel anery with him? " Kdith â€" "Never." Berthaâ€" "Tell me .son-.e of th.^ faults ho has found in you. " Kdithâ€" "tlh. he Ita.'^nt found any yet. When 1 ask him to nanw? them he always sa.vs that I am faultless." Heâ€" 'l understand .vou have been attending an ambulance class. Can I vou tell PK! what is the best, thrng I to do for a broken heart?" SKâ€" j "l)h. ye.^i. IMnd up the broken por- tion with a gold banil. bathe with 'orange blossom water, and apply plenty of raw rice. Oitaranleed to be well ill a month. " When Rheumatisni doubles a man up physician and sufferer alike heart and often despaii- of a cure, liut here's the exception. Wni. Petrjr. of Norwood, Ont., says: "I was nearly doubled up with rheumatism. I got three bottles of South American Cure and they cured me. It's the quickest acting medicine 1 ever saw." â€" 18 Customer â€" "That watch you sold I me the other day does not keep good itime." Dealer â€" "It isn't the fault of the watch. Haven't you lieard j people .say that times are very bad [just MOW?" Cordovan Used in H.B.K. Mitts, Gloves and Moccasins â€" tough as wliale- bonc, flexible, soft, pliable, scorch- proof, wind -proof, boil -proof, crack-proof, Icar-proof, rip-proof, cold-proof, almost wear-proof â€" certainly the greatest leather ever used in mitts and gloves. Like buckskin it is tanned without oil, unlike buckskin it is not porou.s, it is \\ind proof â€" will outwear three buckskins. "Pinto" Mitts and Gloves never crack or iiarden, never get sodden, are alw.iys warm, pliable, .soft and comfori.ible. I liickie'.s Ariti-Consumptive .Syrup '\3 \ an iiliptirallelcd remedy for colds. ; cougii.-^, ilillutMiza aiul diseases of tho ' throat and lungs. The fame of the ~ iiietiicine rests lipon venrs of successftd ; use ia eradicating these alTections, and â-  In protecting mankind from the fatal ' ravages of consumption, and as a neg- lected colli lead;, to consmription.. one cannot be too careful to tight it in its ; early stage.-. IJickle's .Syrup is the i weapon, use it ' "1 liate graniiiiar awful," remark- ed a young fidlow to whom some- . thing had been said regarding that 'study. "Ho you?" replied .tn elder- hy gentl.' "N'o doubt .vou will like it better when .>'ou become ac- iquainted with it." month, did you?" Eyes and Nose Ran Water. â€" C. G. Archer, of Brewer. Maine, says: "I have had Catarrh for several years. Water would run from my eyes and nose for days at a tiuie. About four months ago I was induced to try Dr. Agnew's Catarrhal Powder, and since using tha wonderful remedy I have not had an attack. It rebevos in ten minutes." SO cents. â€" 17 The man who has half an hour to spare generally drops in atKi occu- pies a half an hour that belongs to some other man. Eerp Miaard's Liiiiment in tlie liouss "I.snt that merel.v idle gotsip?" "Gossip, my ilear," answered Mis-s Cayenne, "is never idle. It is the most industrious thing on earth." Sold at all Uealei s but never with- out this brand : â€" HUDSON BAY KNITTING CO. . Montreal Winnipeg Dawson g I MESSR.S. V. V. UlCUAUl'S & CO., t;intl<?men.â€" My three children were tlangerously low with diph- thria. <ln th'- advice of our priest my wile bogou the u.-;c of MIN.MtD'S l.iNIMIsNT. In two huiua they were greatly relieved, and in iive days th^ey were compl-.tely well, and I lirmly believe your valuable L.inim.nt .saved the lives of m.v children. r- Gralcfullv vouis, ADILAltO LKFERVUK. â- Mairs' Mills. 10th June. '99. In Natnre's .Storehouse There .Aro Cures. â€" Medical e.xperiments Iiavc sliowii comlnsively that tliere are medicinal virtues m even ordinary plants i<row- inji lip around us which' ^ive them a vnbie tliat cannot be estimated. It is held by some that Nature i);s a cure for every disease which negl.-^ct 1 n<l ignorance have vi.'.ited upon num. Haw- ever, this may ho. it is well i;rtnvi-. that Parmcieo's Vetiotablo Pills d -t.llcrt from roots and herbs, are a soveP"i:!t remedy in curing all disorders of the di|;estion. Vauit.v makes a ch.ap chromo feel like an oil painting. I Nothing looks mure ugly than to se« a person whose hands are covered over â-  with warts. Why have tliese distigure- inents on your person when a sure re- mover 1)1 all warts, corns, etc., can be I found in HoUoway's Corn fare. "."^he is a very sweet girl." "Why the h. artless flirt has promisetl to marry four difTerent men. " 'â- Well, thafa what I mean: her manners are must engaging." TTie insi'cctor was talking about verbs are I adjectives. "Does .vour miistcr use atlverbs and adjectives?" he asked. "Ves, tir," chorous(?d the .scholars. "Well, what does he wh'en bo does not use adver'bs and adjectives? " There was a sil- ence. Finally, a little fellow waved his hantl. 'Hf generallv u^es a rul- er, sir." H Koep-t tho Muscles Pliant. â€" Men given to muscular sports and exercises and those who sulTer mu.sLular pains from Idcvcle riding will fiiul l>r. Thom- as' Kclectric Oil somclhinR worth try- ing. As a lubricant it will keep the muscles pliable and free from pains which often follow constant u.«c of them, without softening them or im- pairing their strengtli l-'or brui.tes. sprains and contusions it is without a peer. FOUGHT IT OUT. On one occasion a page-boy. whom he had recently engaged, astonished a well-known doctor by appearing to wait iit breakfa-it with a swollen face, and a pair oi black eyes. "Why. .John," .«aul the master, "you seem to hove bc>en fighting." "Ves. sir: I have." was the repl.v. ".And who may your opponent have h.en?" 'Why. sir, l»r. Mill's boy." â- 'An<l what di<J you fall out about, pray?" â- Why, sir, he said as you wasn't lit to clean his m;i.<«ter"s shoes." ".\nd what did you .say''" '\V'.?i»... sir, 1 said as how you was." Ask for Minard's and take no otlier ."-^he (sweetly) â€" "What beautiful roses; so Is that dew on thi-m?" He (haughtily)â€" "There is nothing tlue on them." Heart relief in half an h our â€" A lady in New ^'ork .State, wrttinj; of iler cure \iy Dr. Affiiew's Cure for tho Heart, sa.vs: **I feel like one broiijjht hacic from the tlead. so gft.'at was my suiTering from heart trouble and so al- most iiiiracidoti.? my recovery through the agency of this powerful treat- meal. 1 owe my life to it." â€" 10 "Do .vou mean to say you don't have any trouble in keeping your wife jlrc.ssed in the height of fash- ion? rhat's what I said. My trouble comes when 1 don't keep her dressed that way." Do you catch cold easily ? Does the cold hang on ? Try SKiloK's 01^ Cure The Lung Tonic It cures the most stubborn kind ot coughs and colds. If it doesn't cure you, your money will be refunded. Prices: S. C. â- WEt.I-s * Co. 303 ZSc. SOe. $1 LeRoy.N.Y., Toronto, Can. /' ISSUE NO. 11â€"05.

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