Mauch 9 lOOy' THE' F L E S UK 11 T O IS' A D V AN C 3 The Markets. t'nrrliinv to»re« ted Kiu-h Week Oats "8 as I'oaH f^;" f^ , 45 to 45 â- _ â- 20 to 20 KtfUh tredti CIiickw.K 7 U. 7 Ducks »t" 9 O.uso »° „ 1'.' H»v '" " "'â- ' fwui^iW ?''' T, Turkey-. 13 to 14 hutiut Our Clubbing List "AJviinco, *FlcrHlJ and ♦Toi'into W.irltl, diily ToronlD I><ily N««'s \.'i okly (Jlubu Miiil-K.i.|)i'i' I'';i.iiily Hu'i'iiU & StHi.. T'lmit.' !*-ir Fdiincis Sun â- All )il">vo l)r'>'.'s inclmlo Tho Advnnci! and M..iitv'-^'l H.T^.ia, "f P'''>1 !" •«'l''""'-" uiily Kiily Hii'jsci'i'j'-''''' «^'' '"â- ''^'' *'"'"'-' for ilu'ir iii'-iiuy- .83 2."i . I «» . 1 80 . 1.80 . 1.8U . 1.80 1.80 Kew Livery. . â- I havo Htuiiotl n now Liv.' y lUibUHSS ill t"wii iiii:l Imvu iiuw ri<;s, g"Hl f^e^ll h'li-si'S iind nin [.ri'- ],in;.l t.. p^e yu tl>'^ VEUY IIK.ST .\(rC')MM01)A- TI.iN OV.T njvrn ill Uiy l;ne ill FL-^hi-rton. . . Hi'ckiDg's Livery W. G.Hac'King Vt'-P-Crossley Iropiie ;;)!'. MllUlll?"!'. W J\. N T B D S;.liMnii-ii to rei)ri'8iMit 'Canada's Greatest Nurseries" Npwi Kl V iriolioK iinil spenialtiin in Hanly Fniii.-i Sm;ill J'ruiU, Shrubs, tlrn.i- uviiiiils iwiil UoseH. A ()"ninn-nt situ'ition, nnu ti-rrltory ro8"ivi(l for riglit man. I'liy wtuldy. HANUSuMiiOUTKIT KRKE. Wnt.- tor>iH. S.oimI 2.")C. for tlui I'OL'kET MICROSCOPE, iisuful t- grow. lis fnii-.s ftnti .slinii 8 an'l to f.iniKM.s iu i-.x imiMiii^ urariHund Bonds. Mr III l.Hrd Allan is local agent for Vlos'iiT'on. Stons & Wellington (OVKU .SOD .\CI'.KS) Toronto - - Ontario Kof"! iijvostuieiit tlist na 8 iliyi'luiula all tUroiiiili !.('> i'^ a I'jiiifcii of trainiiij; in any ui Mjo LVinattUiOlUt* ol tlie /• O »(in So PI 1. •Int. rnnr ninpl.'tn omirsrBfjf E6U ly. II. HI, ...j lipp.iil ilaaliiovii Coll (;•! pri.iiiiB- OS in Cm I U. I 1)0 o.ill- .!olliB<i owiiiilu' Its own coll (!•' mill licix. A laiija i-tairiif iipotnai ami li.iiu taki.iK tca-jlieiv. Ouv (jrft'liiatm art mo^t-ii'^ -..^-i.!!. Iu.!!. ask tlii'in. I'lili paiti':- ulars •irtdt I.J If y a I'lt'oss fiou. C A Fliining. Principal Winter Goods tj/n ^lanness Jupp/ies. Tl'lls. Rlanlci'is, RoWf.!, imitation I'.rinn liiiniii (JoatH for driving, WliiiiH. liiish.'H, CiiiiiIh, Hrimli- en. - u 'A"i« stook of cliiiice yo.i.U juti in' TiiinkH iMiJ VHliHOs fur liavi;llei«. flut your liiirruMS Hiippliea froa) â€" Wm. MOORE fleshertom Stock Taking Sale K. N. KINNK.vR ft RON.S Will Mill the balani'o i.{ lliia lii'intti t'i.' fnll.iwifij; inmnlgniKJi) at tLo l.HT I'KlUK ta cletr: All riilili.T f'lntucar, all odil pantK mil ma's, jnckutH and rsffiTii, Kinik* and uiidern'e,«r, |)rliilii and ll.tiin.d.'tta, wraiiperntto* ail.l drsati pi>.:d.<, cardigan Kwosfcrn. Our i/,x ii'orv dijimrtincnl ix kent Wi'll nt 1 ksd wifli the vory chniccKt liiaiid:) of giKids pn.uiUii. (iinn Hiir'Hifliiiir nlwayion hand. If you ar* wanliiijj » nice quarter of btvf leave your or»'er with iia. Wti krn 1 fr i«!i \tw\i, wmlt lii.h, |»>rk A ha i in ' chjlp ^aii".- within the rra-.h.'f every K.dy. TniirdnlUn will f'dl, ihe balance nftlih in .nth â- t the (.heap Hture in Maxwvll. jB: N. Kl^NKAU i& SON .•t.^tuachaN ou) stand We know what ail good doc- tors think of Aycrs Cherry Pectoral. Ask your own doc- tor and find out. He will tcU erry Pector , you how it quiets the tickling throat, heals the inflamed lungs, and controls the hardest of coughs. !• Aydr's Clierrr Pectoral ij weV. knnwn to oiir faiully. We think It Is the bolt tuciUcioe tn llio worM for cout^hs anfl colda." Kaxis I XTSasoi', I'etalKira, Cat. I 26c., Iln-.TIW. ,J.C. AVKRro.. All ilmrelBl'. C>>^ l^oiroll. May. â- I » â- â€" â- • ! " tor »1t l â€" IM M III IT I ard Coughs One of A/er's Pills at bodttnne will hasten recovery. Gently laxative. Artcniesia Council ^â- ^ ' itmi i In Furniture The Ini'^cst and best. sUxli of furniniic yvfi- ptioHH in Fltshor- t'.n. Tills witlniiit fiiar nf coiilra- dicti.iM Come, mid sou some of till' I. ice iliings in Sideboards Dining Roonq Cliairs Parlor Setts Bed Roorr\ Setts A sptciiil rovliiction just now on every Idling in order lo reduce the stork. W. H. BUNT. furniture Settler L^ llesteton - Snt. ^j Business Cards «i Itaiikor Mmkdale Jo a Ronornt liaiilnnf; btisJnoi^B. Mouey loaueo a I'tiasouahlo riiio Citll ou uh. n J srUOULM ^ l'0'*lniu;it.»r, FlcHlioitou ivoiiiinififiioni'r !m Hi O. J., Auutionoor Con vtjyaeicer, Appr-iaer rviid Monoy Ia-ikImi It Hill ICBtutii ii;j'l f iih'tir&nco Ai;t:'tt. Dordh iv.ovtfintjHS, Uta.'<cs ait'l wiJls caiefuHy lUftwt) up ati'l vtiliution^ iiifidonti »hortuK( iintict*. 'irc-iu'y to loan ut luwcst ;-utoK of intint-'i-t. Co! )!tloij>t attihiiti'il to with piomv' !:•>*â- ctiai'iiOK Inw. .Aii(»nt for (Jcomt I)oiiilnit)ii StiiaiUttbip Cumpanv. A call solicUaid. SOOTETIKS A O U V nKicTR <>i. the Intit Moiulnx ' II) (jjioii month, ii) thtiir h>iiKu rcioiii. *UiriKt(»o*« hlo.'li I'k'shin toil, at 8 M.W., \. II irriHoii ; Kacoi-tK'v. .'u-ii: KdIsUmhI ; Khmr i.iir, W..I. Muhiimy. Vi*>tinR brothr»-t- iLvitud pitlNCl'l AHTIITK LODeiE. No. n:).1 . A A 1\. :iie''tn in tho Masonic hall. fitrainV hlock. KiOHhi.rlon. »v«'rv Kridav on or tftforr TOO uill ii'ocn. K H W Hickliug W M. Chan MuriBliaw. So(,r»it,(vrv p >L'U'T^ Kr.KSTUnT.'N', 00'>. I. 0. F. nootHii. ^ <'hi iBtoi-'r* HloC th« laBt Fvidavevat Ipr of 1-11 fh it^-.tit!i, Vif^irioM Foff'RtorH hoartM . w.'Ui-'ir.o. r. U., .I.ioriifleUl; K.C. W. Ihisliin; Kin. H«c.. H. A. \Vir, tt„ (*hm*.ti piiv ftiU'H to M. . WilVt.b on or bnforo thu laat day of (ho p) f'coodlt't; month. Meotcal On CAIITKK M ('. I' A H Oiit. PhyBician. Rur«eon, etc OUlie Mid ♦D'-i'liinoftâ€" Hfltor st-t Ploshorton DU X. T. ItOND (iradiuU*: Toronto UitivorKltv. Mem- liur of Onlfttio CiiUfpo u\ Phyiifnihina and Snr- (,'o^nri, MnxwoM. On . riucciiurtor to Or. Hcntr. nrndiiaTQ of Ontario Vatorlnary CoUokp. n'sitto CO â€" Bicoud door aottth weht on .vim Btiuiit ThiH street rdui Aqptli Hi Hsbvtoi tail (lltnrrh HWn.BtlN, HtiukMnith • iradiitito »d ih« Vti erfnarv Relonco AHHociation. Ki-Ki-iiiioe, Uurhaui ttrntt, op- poHito lloyd,!iii:^!tt.»i'i* hardware. Lkgal Ll.TAS WHI'.VHT A McAUDl.E liarri»tt*rK SoUciiortt OonTojancrra, et« Odlci'H - iwwii Koand.Ont and MorkdaleOnt. W H Wkioiit. MoAhdlr I It Litcah N nâ€" Kluflhnitoii office, Mitchell's Hank eviirv Hatu«4tftv Dentistry DR. P C. MKRRAV. li.n. R. dfir.tal Pii*-Rei.n honoi iirndi.fitt* t>f Torniiio Unlveinttv end Roval ''ttlii'H** of 0<*nt a) M.irat^ons of Ontario. i>!H«*fl â€" Oppohil.0 -XrinBtron^'P Jewelleiv Htora. V lit vKIt M«xw«n thrt lAKi Wodnflfldavot "Hch month an*! Dnndalh Isi and 3rd Thursday of eitr>' 11 niiUi- H EADACH E I Neiiralgi. 4nd Ncrrauuiess cured .(uickiy tiy A I A y HARMLtSS HCAOaCHC AND >VJ'«'\ NCURALQIA cunt. No heart iUpfM*h>fi Grralesl coce ever di^covfrrH. XwkK no ..iliM, ini:and i^ . All dcal.n nr dirett frnm Am*m> a C«, SuKse, Oai- Money kack U jut wiiife4. Artem»"si« C' iiocil met in- the town- hall on BMtnrrd.*y' laiit, nil tltw mt-nibers proHint, the rrevo in tho chair, Alin- iiti..H..f lust mee'ii.ii read m.d coiilirnit'il. t\ petitiiin from Wni. Hikl.>(i aii'l otlicrs akiiiK tliK CouiiL-il tn pani a ^-yl.ii*. chan<{- wvi. the botii.dari.B o( y.8. No. 11 itrul 1'! In dtiacliing loti "Jy.coiwv !) mid ll\ 2:1 and SJ-t, cum 11, 24, luii. 12, and 2;j. con. i:!, from S.S. 11 and plftcii^ tlr- amno in S..'>. No. i;{, was pri'suiitu i and read. IJyhuvs t!4i), to apji.iiit otticura f..r IDOp, ami G.jO to ii|i|.oint coniniis- hioii, IK iukI o appnipriate w.iid oxp.iidi- tiiru for 1905, were iinr. duced and read a lii\.>t "od second liino and oninpleted in e.miiniiri'u of ihe whole, liv.-law G.jO ri'- . I'^Md it.s iliird ruidiny and byliw ^V.) wa.s held over lor com jilel ion uniil nexf iiieelina. WcKenzie â€" Ptirvinâ€" Thnt in niforenso to ilio pi'lilion iif Win. IHi.^!.ip and otliors tho ..iiiiue 1.0 received and tli.. clerk notify in ttiitinii the Ki-cretaru-s of the sehoid b.iards of I he nectioii.s concerned that thn inaiter will lie ci.n^idored at the next iii.'ctin/ of C .nui;il.-~Cnrried. I'liivifiâ€"lIcKei.iie â€" Tliit thio O'lnncil iiiilorse tlie act 1. 11 of tho reeve in iefu.Ti>- iiii; to c.'nl«li^ Saimit-l Morrow t..i ihe einiity in<lu<trial home, he not beinj[ v. HKlileiit of thin n.uiiicipality. McKeiizi.!â€" lie^t â€" Tnat ilio rreve bo- p-iid §3for .services and I'.tpenscH in re- in. .viiiij Kol) .rt Smith to the inc u:;ii'!al honie.--C»riiid. Cnuiicil Htljiiutiied. OVKllSEKR-S O" UICHW.ifS W.J. Purvi.s, II. lMiviii,.)aiii.-sHiII, K. iMclvi-nzie. il. .Sn-aiif.iu, VV. Sharp, .Jo.-<eph A. rdakcly, jMiT.-s Thislluwaiie, William I'ntioii, W'ln. Atcliesoii, Armi .lorduii, .IrK. Kcmter, Win. L..uchary, .Jas. K.i.sier, \V. ,1. C,.r..i.>, W. J. Stuart, S. McMuU. n, .1 ''.-.ilai-, Th .» Uen-iy. .Jnhn Ivi-rr, sr, .1 .M -N-jviii, S Sh- ardown,' W .1 Heid. Win Kenny, IJeii While, R H I'laik, .1 A Kei.neiiy, M Ferun-oii, Rod ,-iew.irt, Thos Ql!i-.'ff, .J T r.e.^l, 'I lux Waucliob. Co .^ ISIakeiv, A McVarthu , Th.isCoiikey.A McDui h I, n, Wdhm-on Rob Parsl.iw, Andrew I'uw, Goo Liidloiv, ./nun McLean, Jas I'alt.m, A Cuiri.-, Ja.s Vauae, IIJ Wailing, Aiex Stewart, Dm Mnir, W (J Jamie.-^on, D ll.-uiinv, R Whit'iiker, Jas Fi.sher. W Had::eiow, W. H. Hi iiiphil!, Phi'ip Mart-n, Jn.seidi Siu-rwoid, .I..hii H iigrave, jr, W H I)iickc-ti, llolit Buchanan, D" IVlcDonal.l. WniMam;.., .l:iK Ai ii'S' r-n^', Klij.i I'aul, I leo Wrifrht, A (i Shannon. .1 Jiaimer, (!e.i .rd..ii U.ihi r;.„.p.,r, (J Walker, A Si wi-ll, .John Hnmifl', Hei-ry Walt, n, t;, Holit (iiahmn, W Chnton, W 'I'linible, A A i.*.ii, S l'...wlei), .S Hemp- hdl. .1 (ill linst D Muii-, A>;t..n, W. 1-yon.s, R Nels n, F Huklin'.,'. R FerriK. W I'liillips, W Sc.nipie. J l-Vri is., J C Wrij^lir, i<M IV lid Baker, Fawcett, II L.Ca.d. W IK-ln;.-, T Huiler. rii.NCEVimvKsn A P.IcI! 10, R Wlmiaku-, D McMillan, .1 Illair, Win Ilea h. A Fleniy.C Moore, C liel aiiiv,.l !7-l\IrM;|ilin,A C.iirutliei.n, W II Heni|.hill, Rob.>. I'lr.'.VIlKl-Xl.EKK r Hol..;i.r, I) 1) Mcl,iii.-I Ian. W G Hack, (i Wiiflii, W ti Ui-r, J A Thompson, (i L Laiiiiioi-. A Cliicag5 Alderman Owes his Elec- tion to Chamberlain's Coiigli Remedy. "I em heai-iitv and ciiiiscient oii'-ly i oc- .inniiend Chamberlain's C- uyh Ri nieily fill- alfei-lions of the tliioat and inn..;..-," a.iv(; H..I.. John Shciiiek, 220 S.. IV,,|-ia St. Chican". "'rv>.i yeais asj.i diirin:; !\ political cainpai...ii, I eaui;lit cold aftei li.iiig ovi'i lieiiti'd, which irritated my tliToatand T was finally i-oinpHll«d t" Hlop as 1 could not spunk al-.ud. In iny extri-nity ii fri. nd udvisiu-'mo to u~e Ohaniberlaiii'.-t Cmijli Reinoily. I look I vvi. afieri.iioii and cinild ii..l b.-li>ve niv heiisea when 1 f.-uiul the ii. .\t iinoidnj^ tlie iiitlainauiin hall luieely sub sid.-d. 1 tO' k sovi'i d dose.i 'hat day, k. pt rii/ht i.ii talkinii throns/h the cam- paiL'ii. aid 1 tln.nk ih.s nipdic<n« that I won iiiv seat in the Council." This remedy i.s for sulo by W. E. Uichardiiou. On Saturday afternoon, t\-.very-s»rioiis R-.-c deni »«a happily averted. In the lio-iie of .Mr, Km. ry Dean, iwo Ii tie cli'ldr. II, a boy about seven, andali't'e ^,'irl aboiii (iv", were left aloi.e in Ihe house. Mr Dean i.ta wuhnvcr, and was enuaiiod at work at the staiioii, and the eld. ; t dannhier, a )oiinn uiil, we iinnfton; twelve or tliiriei'ii years ..f ntjo, wr< ont a f, w- niinutea at the .>kaiiiig nnk, Diir inx her aos.-iice-ibt- lite i!..t low, and tho fidk.s tried to K'ari it u(>. In I'l.ine so th» b y used the coal oil can. which can^dit hre and PXilii.b-d in hJH hinns. the lop beiin; eonipl.-teiy blown, off the ran. Tt. littl." fellows hair ni' I o?.'liiiiL' "M.-e «. Hjed and the oil i{,'nited thv. (loor,wlne!i ipi'ckly assnnied a thro itenmi; npoear Hiieo .A aentleinan passifg the honse lieaid the oxploanni, "aw ili« rhildrpn luali out, and tin- an oke iMKuing fioin t' o door. Kiir-nn ito y, liowevt r, the flames Wire ripidiy extinijni^heJ »ih vo y little Invii. The children were more friirhtem-d tinn injured, we are plen>ed to say, Ktiii we think it will Im sone time b forn they again reaort to h coal oil can til Htatt up a liro â€" Chronicle. A Safe Cough Medicine for Children In buyinf; a coii^h mi dioine fur child- ren never lie afraid to buy Chamhcrlain'a Ciiu«h remedy. There is no danger from it aiiii^elief ia alway.s Kure to follnw. It \i fl.ppoially v.ituable for cold*, croup and whiM'pinK cough. For sale l>j_ W. E^ IlicUaidaoii.. The coronera jury at Oran({Ovill« in tho case of Alex Uubiiigi.D'n do>kth rctuiiccd a verdict that death was ddO to jiatuial CHUS03, ni?Kr«rat.d l.y w.iunds and expoa- '^'^'^ <="''* »"'>'hej- is f i-t af.pi-..achinK-y"" „, ,, . , ,,..,,. wait ti) pro idt) yoUiaelf with one of otir lire. The Montiionierys and . , ..„„ iv i • . - m i •' , a ovpH. v>e hive on h-md » lull l-ne *â- 'â- llarriaon were completely eX'-aita-Bkud. ; Cuokinij . An Ordinary Pill Is lialde to c^ins-- gripinjj pains. 1 til Dr. Humilt-.ns Pills of Man lral:e and Rufer- ntlt m-ver L'lipe i-r caiHe any [lain «litt- soeier. Tho mil c t and effective p'ly? ic. Sure cue tor headaolie and biUi .it - ness. L'.-e only Dr. Uaiiiilt.m's IMls). Price 2.5o. HIGH CLASS â- a iie.o, liaii... liDrit.ra kinds of iieatera. d H-ll PICTURES. The phi.-e t.. uirt 1 1 at liCLMMR'S GALLERY. e best Pho'im PUOTCKJUA'r SPECIAL ATTENTION W'l) p!iy .H;)OC'al .-VtlCtlti-M! t<i <!'!â- , I >1^ and Bib-es' picture.!. Pi ture frani- \ f in^ a .ipeciiflty. j V-X . I. n 'riKi blanketa. robsa Wlher and mpe I halirr-i, IW...H nud uiiianr'.it.^aw', a l-ir;;-> variety to E«»leci^ f.'oin, wa.vhii.g niaehine* and wi infers. ' / -'•cHf-f tin warn an-l gran't*ivf^«», •nail.s l.Hiks and hin<<<ia. I i ^ ."-Ito-jk FiMiJ; - rNT2>a::tilTI('NAL STOCK FOOD Katt. onStnck In ?.0 days I.-a* tiiii--. I.- crJia-;* t-'i" tjiia'i'y of iiidk !6tii2.")pep j (5i»nr,_ S ves coffi or Y..U.- nniicy J le^-un.'e.l in ai.y oi!»«or f.tilure. Yo-i .ir-j la b- the u>tor anl also lihe ju-Jj;y â- I'voirlioe "ilâ€" every j^l'on ari.irjtn'erd, {, High->t cish prtoo fi;r all' kit d-; of lav- ' furi-Hrink, f..x, c -on, ere. . ITECIiLVTlf \L H.UID A'ARi) - 'â- Try lis for nnv kind of pc'-n'-'S an! we w:ll pronii.s'j.-ralisfaction. Sydt'iilsani ttrc. ;. Fl .vherion Spring To lo fiorn .-ipri' 3r.l CoinerVonijo aui AlexivlRr ttrcctn. j Till* sih ad IS mnki.-g a rei:'ai-V«W« l-fcol'd this year f..rp a.^ n^ -ts stu UimIk in g ...d pusiii .us. Ui.le.'e op -n the. uii'-ii-eyLiii-. Ei.tJninf. Ciril . g.i.. free i \\'. J. ELLIOTT, Piii.cipa!. ~' EXAMWATiOH" E. Nohle, SDUNDALK 1 "'K' Fleshsrton Sash, Door and Planing Mills ^.XT' iL-iJI ^:(l\.\4;'->.|--- Defects scarcely noticeable In children assume dangerous proportions with advancing' years. A proper correction now will prevent serious complica- tions later. ''3 --Zf^HCRTO^. .gg^^^-r^i^SEfli^Ji W't> liave received % large cnr of best Nortlt SLioie W'iiiCB I'iiin I'arties ex-. p(.cti'.!'.,'t.i btiiid a house next simiiner would do • w-mI to cwW iind 5-:ie t>» and arniiyge to haTf- tlieif Sash Oocrnnd made during the wtutor and f;et them Imino ou I he sleigli . Wc fnvutsl". . evoi-_vtLiu>! liceded for biiilditi;; a hotiso. Wo will make prices and terms ititerostji)<j. Wo wuntyoMr trade and will i;niinint."e fa-st c'.-e-sa. wo'.kmausliij) and ina- leiial, Platiin!» aiid inatcliing done prompdy, T. W. WILSON .'ilanager Chopping -eTVi^ day Steers arc boiiubt, raiscil, and f.^lleiied to malic mo::ey ; so just a fcv/ words ns to how tliis profit <;an !jc made and, in many instance^., increased. The incre; in weii^ht in stcer.s, i.s due to the amount of food that is dif;ested and a.ssimil.itc-<l, and Ihe greater the amount dijreslotl and assimi- lated, tlie jjrcatcr the iucrcas-.; iu v.-cii;ht. In close cir.fincment the feed- inj;; ration l.ick.s the variety of the open field, thcref'ire, the have the "!'..iU, pepper and );ravy " .•uldod ; tiiis i;i Clydesdale St.jck I'ood. It .stands to reason, that, like a human beinj;, if ilie food is made ni;.ie p;Uatable by the addition of the "s.ilt, peppisr and gravy" it will eat more of the thinyj it likes becau.'iC 'it ni.ike.s the month water." This is " wise feeding." I-V.rtliennore. it v.ill do them more f^oo-d it not only helps to dijccst the food, but after it is dij,'ested. it helps t.'ie blood to take itp or ai^similate a lar^e proportion of it. Thi.s is v.-here IhoproCt comes in by putting on extr.T weight, riving them a nice, fat, smooth fini.'ih that l^rings top market price, llie feeding jx-ricxl can l)e .iliorlened thirty days at least ; 1111.1 i.i money saved. The increa..;e over and above the ordinary fijediuf; increase is, easily *^ of a lb and over per (lay. You can slop foe.iini» Clydesilale St(x.-k Food at any time with- out injurious effects. If you find \-on cannot fred Clytlesdale Stc>ck Food at a profit your money will be cheerfully refunded by tho dealer from whom you buy it. It is sold in your di";lriet by : l^ovii. Illekltni; itl'e.. Klesii.nt-.a Kli.xt tlro> . Maik lale Trtvlor A Co., tlrom.tro fllO!!. .MattluW" -tMcin, .- V f nr, H-.ptvilie. ' I inijhr wu, Diindaik .V P. II Du.ha.n D. McTAV'ItSH m wmmi mm wm Fhut Clas< I?ugs;ir-«. l^arts. Pleasure and Taimber \\ agon.-(, cutiera. Sleigh*. We keep a ati.rk on haml t<i choose from. ALSO HOkSE SHOEING ANOQENERAL BLACKSiVllTHING and cnarantoo first clam* work. We keep on hami Ploughs and Plough repaim, and «Uo Masaey- Harns and Noxon repaim for bin.'crs, Mowera, \W kiiul<) .,f in%-hiiiory, also Binder Twine on hand. » Olben in town Q^v^ us a call » â- â- < i â- I