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Flesherton Advance, 9 Mar 1905, p. 2

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THE CZAR IN PEOVERB. His Luck, His Power and Hia Limitations. Ill a recent iiuiiibcr of The I'aris Kiijuro weri.' found collaletl Home chuiuclerislic Itu.ssiun proveibti that icKurd the Czar anil hi.s position, and llnd much curront apiilication; "When the V/.av sjiits into a <lish, it l)ri'aks into pieces for very j)ride." "The crown docs not protect the Czar from headache." "I'^ven the liin^js of the Czar can- not blow out the sun." "The C'zurs back, too, wo'iM bleed if it were gashed with the knout." •"I'he Czar even covered witli boils is declared to be in good health." "When the Czar rides l»ehind a tired hoise every step i.s charged as a league." "i'ho Czar niny be a cou.sin of Ciod, but His brother he is not." "The Czars ami is long, but it cannot reach to heaven." "Neitlicr can the t'zar's vinojiar make anything sweet." "Phe hand of tlio Czar, too, has only live lingers." "The voice of the Czar has an echo even when there aie no moun- tains in the viiirjity." "The troil^a iteam of three horses abreast; of the Czar leave a deep trace behind it," "It is no more difficult for Death to curry a fnt Czar than to carry a lean beggar." "The tear in the e^e of the Czar costs his country many, many a hnndkeichlef." "When the Czar writes verses â€" woo be to the poet!" "^\hcn the C/ar iilays, his minls- teis have oidy oni> eye and the coun- trymen are blind." "What the (Var camiot accomplish time can do." "Kven the (."zar's cow cainiot bring anything else into the world but a calf." "When the Cznr has the Rmallpor his country bears tlie scars." 4 It will take a lot of nerve for some Christians to stand up and loid<. over their lives at last and hear the judge say: "Well done, good and faithful servant! " THE o^^:^f-Am Ti<roATMKNT. The tidvanlnges of the open-air tri-nfment for consumptivca may bo thus brieily Huiiinnirizcd: Thi> patient exposed continuously to fresh uir gains in appetite, ussindlutes liis food better, slt-cps more soumlly and awakens* more i"efreshed, writes Dr. II. W. (i. Mackenzie. I'Yco oxposm-o (o uir is the bfsl antipyretic. Sweat- ing at night, formerly so common a .symptom, usually ci?ases. fJolds are luactically unknown among iiaticnts 1 hading an o|jon-air life. Secondary infect ion. on account of the comjiara- tivo freedom of the air fron> {micro- organisms, IS iniii.'h less likely to oc- cur. Tolerance of ou'side air is very (piickly estal)lishi-il, and no one who has tiicl the open-air life will wil- lingly go bnck to the former condi- tions of stufllness. I hava never seen any one niAde worse hy e.xposure to fresh uir. Kven during a thick London fog ]iatients get on better lying in bed on a I'alcony or in roon;s with windows wide opon and a good (ire burning than when at- tempts are made to shut out the fog by keeping the windows shut. Results from common soaps: eczema, caarse hands, ragged clothes, shrunken flannels. SUMUGHT THE TRICKS. Coffee Plays on Some. It hardly [lays to laugh before you are certain of facts, for it is siwm^- timis humiliating to think of after- wards. "Wli.-n T was a young girl I was a lover of co'tce. bui was sick so much the doctor told mo to cpiit, ami I did, hut after my marriage my husband hedged nic to driid< it agoiii, as li« did not think it was the colTee caused the troul>les. ".So I commenced it again and conliniuil alioid six months until my KtoniRrh cotnimfmcd acting bud and choking us if I had swallovvi>d Honii'thing the slzo of an egg. One doctor said it wa8 neuralgia and indigestion "One day 1 took a. drive with my husband three ndles in the country, and 1 iliaiik a c\ip of colTi-e for din- ner. I thought suro I would die before I got baik to town to a doc- tor. I was drawn double in the bug- gy, ;nul when my husband hitched the hors.' to get nn> oid into the doctor's oni(..'. misery came up in m.v throat and woiiied to .shut my breath (dl entirely, then left all in a flash and wimiI to my heart. The doctor pronounceil it nervous heart trouble, nnd when ! gob home I was 80 Weak I could not sit up. "My hufibnnd brought my supper to my bodsido with a nico cup of hot cofTi>e, hut I said: 'Take that back, dear, I will never drink an- other cup of colTeo if you gave me cverylhing you are v,-orlh, for it is just killing nie.' He nnd the others laugh< d at nu< and said: " 'The Idea of colToe killing any- body." " 'Well.' I said, 'It is nothing else Tiui colTi-o that is (Icing it.' "In (lio grocery one day my hus- hond was persiinded (o htiy a hex of T'oHtuni. which ho liroughl h.>me, and I nuide it for dinner, and wo both thought how good It was, hut Naid Tiothing to thn hirtxl men and they tlidUghl I li<>y had drank coflm^ until wi' I.TUgliod end told them. Well wo lu-pt on with Tostiim and it was not long before the color came buck to • my cheeks, nnd I got stout nird felt .an good ns I ever did In my life. I have no more Rtoninch trouble, ami T know I owe It all to Postum In plnce of riofleo. "My hus'i'nn has gained good hpnith on rostuii. as well as baby and T, nrrd we nil think nothing Is too good to »av about it." Name givin by Postum Co., Uattl« (!roek. Ml>h THE POSTMASTER TELLS HIS SECRET HIS HEALTH MAINLY DUE TO THE USE OF DODD'S KIDNEY PILLS. Postmaster Lee Looks Ten Years Younger Than His Seventy-Six Years and He Gives the Credit to the Great Canadian Kidney Remedy. 'I'aliucinlac, Cinnberlaiid Co., N.B., March 1.'!â€" (Special). â€" Horatio J. Lee. postmaster here, is now in his .seventy-si.xlh .vear. but so bright and healthy does he look and so ener- getic is he in his movements that he Would easily "pass for ten years younger. "How do X keep young looking." the postmaster says. "Well I at- tril)ute it largely to my goo<i health and my hialth is maiiil.v due to the of Dodd's Kidney I'ills. "I (.rst learned the value of this Kidney Uoniedy .some years ago. I Was then sulTering fron* .Kidney 'Dis- ease. .My feet and legs swelled and I hud to rise eight cr ten times in the night because of urinary trou- bh's. .Six bo.xes otDodd's Kidney Pills restored my health at that time and 1 have u:^ed them at intervals since. "To anyone aJHicted with Kidney Trouble I say 'I'o<ld's Kidney Pills art) all right.' Tr.v them and you will be suro to find a benelit." Soj^ R.£Ot7CE3 4Kh fov iUe OetAffOD liar S F,NTI':N OF, SERMO X S . A joy unshared is always short lived. I'oace on earth waits for the peace from heaven. There will be good will in all when (lods will is over all. â- i'ou cannot touch men ns long as .you think of them as ma.sses. The mail who suspects everybody is surely a suspicious character. Uimnirig in old ruts nmy bo more risky than blazing new trails. The man who sows nothing always reai>s something a good deal worse. You ciin't eKi)ect n nickle's worth of religion to Inst you over Monday. The flowers on the? streets of heav- en aro the transplanted sorrows of enrt b. It is easy to preach on the benelits of wull^ing when ,vou are in the band wagon. They who reall.v pray for the poor find them.selver, sa.ving .Vmen at their door. There's sonu'thing wrong about a mans iiidy when it provokes others to i)rofanilv. When n man (liinks he 1ms a cinch on sin he is apt to find that the hal- ter is on him. You never know how much religion you have uri'll some one treads on your best corn. Our biggist. blackest troubles are often oidy the locomotive drawing o\ir rich(\st treasure train. (JIVINO HIS NAMR. At nn auction recently, when an article was knocked down to the highest liiddi'r. the clerk called out. "What nanu', please'.'" And a small nmii with a .'inall volcj answered, "It's me." "1 know It's you, but wiil you oblige nil' with .vour nanui"?" said the clerk. The same answer came hack In the same apologizing toiu-s, "It's me." (letting angry, the young iimn with the hook shoutud, ".Siipposing you are a foundling, surely in n Christi- an country they called you simie- thing-â€" Street, Ilrown, .lones, Hobpi- 8oni â€" we can'l waitâ€" hurry up!" ."^lill Ihe Weak voice replied. "It's me." At last the auctioneer renutnsl rat- ed: "Are you ih-nf or nuxl, my good nmn'? If yo\i rant give tin your name the article .voii bought must be put up again." "Ifard l\irk." wn» Ihe nMvk rol)ly. "just because my father wasn't call- ed .lones I must lose a table. Ill spell my name; maybe It is n bit misli-nding and personalâ€" Mee. Me." And the laugh was against the smart aurtloneer and his impa- tient il Tk. Higbee â€" "Do you consider It more blessed to give than to receive?" Wyldâ€" "It depends on what vcu get!" Fon GVKrt .Sixty year.s. Mrs. Winsljw's .Soothing Syrup lia.s been usud t)y uiilllon.H of mollicra for their children while tuotliing. It soothe) tiie chilli, Koften<t the gums, allays pabi. cures windcollc. regulates the Blomach •mil liowcls, nnil is the best remedy for Diarrhoea. Twenty-five cents a bottle. Sold by druggists throughout '-e world. Ho sure anil ask for "Mrs. Winslow's .Soothing Syrup." 22 â€" 01 Snacks â€" "Hid your wife's mother treat you with silent scorn?" .lacks â€" "No such luck â€" she just treated me with scorn. "- Kidney Duty. â€" It is the particular function of the kidneys to Dlter out poisons which pass through them into the blood. When the kidneys arc dis- eased they cannot do their whole duty, and should have the help and strength that South American Kidney Cure will aftord in any and all fornLs of kidney disorder. It relieves in 6 hours. â€" 14 Dollyâ€" "When I refused .Jack. he vowed that he would do something desperate." Mollyâ€" "Nonsense! He proposed to me last night!" Holly â€" "! I had no idea he meant what he said! " The Refreshing Fragrance or A MOT CUP OF STEAniNQ MES.SRS. C. C. raCHAUPS & CO. Ceiitlemon, â€" Theodore Dorais, a customer of mine, was completely cin'ed of rheumatism after live years of sufl'ering, by the judicious use of MI.VARD'H LINIMKNT. The above facts can be verified by writing to him, to the I'arisb Priest or any of his neighbors. A. COTF, Merchant. St. Isadore, Que., 12th May, '98. Worrj' never made anythingâ€" but wrinkles. Lover's Y-Z (Wise Head) Disinfect- ant Soap Powder is a boon to any home. It disinfects and cle&ns .at the same time. Pr. Pillsbury â€" "I don't like that cough of yours." Mr. Kiddei â€" "I'm sorr.v. doctor; but it's the best one I've got!" Karvousn^isi, Dyapepsla.. IndlKost'on and kindred nilmonts, take wings be- fore the healing ipuilities of .South Aniorican Nervine. Thomas Ho.skirs. of Durham, Ont., took his preacher -s advice, followed directions anil was cured permanently of the worst form of Nervous I'nistratlon and Oyspepsia. lie has reconiMieniled it to ott.ers with gratifving results. It's a great nerve builder.â€" 12 Happiness is the harvest of helpful- ness. Minaril's Liniment Core: Oandriilf, No woman needs the ballot to en- force her rights; she can do it with tears and a handkerchief. Piles To provn TO yoo Kt\ni ©R Chase's Ointment :'a a c^crlain and ab.Holuto cure for c?.c> and every form of itchiue bleediugand protrudlnp pllcM, h^ mannfaoturers have uuaifnteed it. Seot«* Imonialii In the dolly press and ask yonrnoijh; lors what thoy think of it. \ o>i can use it and tot your money back if not cured. GOo a box, at 41 dealCM or Kdmanson.Batkb & Co- Toronto Or. Chase's Ointm«nf Pon't expect .vour friends to be stuck on your jokes if they are point- less. Skin nisoases relieved in a few ndnutes by Agnow's Ointment. l>r. Agnew's Ointment rcli.^ves instantly, and cur*..< 'rcltcr. Salt Hheum. .Scald Head, I'Xvc-. ma. Ulcers, Hlotches. nnd all Kruplior,_. of the .Skin It is soothing and iiue't- ing and acts like magic in all llnby lluniurs, Irrilalion of the Scalp or Hashes during teething lima. 85 cents a box. â€" 7 Making a life Is greater than mak- ing n living. CAJlEB'nL MOTHKna. The little troublc.i that aflllct chil- dren come without warning, nnd the careful mother should k<K>p at hand a meiliclne to relieve and cure the ail- ments of childhood. There is no meiliclne doe.s this so speedily and thoroughly ns Unby's Own Tablets, nnd the mother knows this medicine Is ^aff, because It is gimrnntivd to contain no opiate or poisonous Soothing stuff. These Tnlii.-ts cure t'ollc. Indigestion, constipation. di- arrhoea, simple fever. and teething troubles. Thc.v break up colds, pre- vent cr.up. nnd bring natural slivp. Sfis. Mnry Kalr, V'.scott, Ont., sn.>s; "I have used '» Ov/n Tablets with the ver\ best results, and would not be without them In the houn.-." Sold by nil niedh ine dcnIiTs or m>nt b,\ nmil nt 'J."> cents n box by writ- ing 'Hie I'r. Williams' Medicine Co.. Hrockville, Out. is the comfort of all women who have tried It. TIRED NERVES '.Verr.c,?r INVIGORATED The Flavor is Most Oeliciojs. ONLY ONE BSST TEA BLUE RIBBON'S IT SHIRT Made big enough for a big man to work in with comfort. Has more material in it than any other brand of shirt in Canada. Made on the II.B.K. scale it requires 20/4 to 42 yards per dozen, whereas coinmoi: shirts have only 32 to 33 yards. That's the reason why the H.B.K. "Big" Shirt never chafes the armpits, is never tight at the neck or wrist- bands, is always, full and comfortable and v.ears well ]'lach shirt bears a tiny book that tells the whole history of the -Big" Shirt, and also contains a notarial declaration that the H.B.K. "Big" Shirt contains 39 '^ to 42. yards of material per dozen. • Sold at all dealers but only with this brand: â€" Oi.'inerSets Free FOR CASH TRADE. BENEFITS THE MERCHANTS BENEFITS THE CUSTOMER A Merchant ia your neighborhood ii lihiJwinK hill apprdcUcioa of CAsh lri*dt; by u'ivinj absolutely frde, these DINNt^R SKT3. Jf you do not know this Msrchant, write 11^ and we will not only tcU you who he ia, buttyrw*d you a b-iiidiroirssourflnir FkKE The British Canac'hn Crockery Co.. Ltd 'KVt'.iXl'.'. OA.VADA. J i;RftNDTRUNKi5Â¥^m?^ ONB-WAY EXCURSIOIS â€" TOâ€" Billings, Mont., Colerado Springs, Denver, Helena, Biitte, Mont., Ogden, Salt Lake City, Utah, Nelson, Eossland, B. C, Sjiokane, Wash., Portland, Ore., Se- attle. Wash., Vancouver, B. C, San Fran'.isc.i, Cal. Rates $34.25 to $44.00 Tickets on sale March 1st to May ir>th. ALL GRAND TRUNK TICKET AGENTS. ^°" Lamp Oil Ecokomy SarnSa USE Prime White No real need to buvlhe moree.xpensive oils if GOOD BURNKR is used and KEPT CLtAN. If you want a BIG LKIIITâ€" THRiiK OR FOIR G.AS JETS IN ONE â€" TRY A Queen City Oil Lamp BEAUTIFUL LIUHT The Choicest Oil Made is PRATT'S ASTRAL Kor Sale bv Ue.ilers. " Queen City Oil Co., Vo^ltl "Let me sec, a cynic is a man who i.s tirod of the world, is '.•.« not?" the .\oung sludont of InngiiaKo asked. "No, no uiy child, ' rei)lii<<l the know- ing tutor. "A c>nic is a man of whom the worhl is tirud!" Mlnard's Liniment Curss Ourns, etc. lie who docs not give does not live. Thoao Worrylne Pl(«« I â€" One nppli- cntion of Or. Affnow'.s ()iiilitient wi'i Rivu you rouiiort. Applied every ni^^ht foi- l*,ro«j lo si-X iii(;hu^ and a. cure in effected in '.he stuhhorn cases of Ulind. Hltcaiiip, or Itching Piles. l>r. Ag.icws OhitiiKul cures Kczeina and all itching a.ul huining skin diseases. It acts IiKu niugic. 3,"» c»*'>ts â€" 15 Dyeing! Cleaning I tot Ik* t>n 6mI in* fMu work to tkt "â- RITI8M AMIRIOAN DYEINQ 00." LMk IW atwt !â-  iwa lii«a, ar ua4 4li<at. MeotaMl.Torooto, Ottawa, Qu«b«ft Only a woman is capable of arriv- ing: at a conclusion without u.s-ing either reason or judgniont. Mrs. !>c Bride â€" "George, do you r-ully think thnt distance lends en- chant inonl?" Mr. IV Hride â€" "Look here, Minnie, f tlioughl we aRrcod no* to speak of your mother again?" MM'sLinirntforsiij tm^ii\t\t GKHMANVS NKW KMI'IRK. If i.<i twc' • .vears; sliico Gcrnmn.v began to build up a colonial i>ni|)ire, and the net result is that, after spending nearly ^IfW' "00,000. she has aoqulred more than a niilUon B.jUure miles of lerritor.v. with a spaisely scutterinl Gernian pojuila- tioi: >>f between (ivp and six thou- sand soids â€" ni-.-'n, women, and rhil- dnn. Of tho adult ni«Ie population n thii-tl «ro tyllicials or soldiers Dr. Asnew's Cure vor t he H sart acts (liiecU.v an.l (pjiikly. stimuUilc.t tlio heart's uctiuu. slops most acute pain, dispels all signs of weakness, fluttering, sinking. smotnerinpr. or palpitation. This wonderful cure is tho sturdy ship which carries tho heart-sick patient into tho haven of radiant and perfect lieulth. i tiivoa relief in most acute forms of heart disease in HO minutes.â€" 11 "i-ook at Mnliel C.isht'r's diamonds mother! I wonder however she manages to afford .such jewellery!" "M.v ilea.-, haven't you heard that gla.'-s has just gone down in j lico?" Minaiij's Liniment Reiie^a; Neuralgls lr;^land's hojis contain the equiva- lent of 5,000,000,(100 tons of coal, according to the estimate of Sir Tichard .Sanhel. "' manage to keep my pnylng- giiesls longer than you do. at any rale!" said the firs' landlady. "Oh, I don't know." replied tho other. "^ou keep them .so thin that tliey look laiRcr than they really nro!" The harder you cough, tho worsa the cough gets. Consumptiosi Cure TS^ic'-""* Is Kuaranteed to cure. If It doesn't benefit you, the druggist will give you your money back. Prices: 8. C. W«i ui ft Co. SM 2Sc.!iOc.H LeRoy.N.Y.. Torooto.Can. ISSUE NO. 10-05

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