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Flesherton Advance, 2 Mar 1905, p. 8

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-I -I Marcb 1 1905 Tbte Markets. ll'arcrullY Correited Earh Week •(i.-fj, 38 38 p;'l« "â- ........ 1... 63 io ea Buu/r 20 to 20 Kl'KS fr«»h '*' t-' 1" ClMckoim 7'" J. Ducks SJto 9 (J.O.0 » •" 19 •H.iy "' ^^ f'" Mo>atou. ba« 60 t" «0 Turkeys 13 to 14 THE FLEsnEUXOJf A U V A N Ct Our Clubbing List ^A'lviitico, *Horal<l »inl *Ti)ri.iil<> \V..iia, rt lily ^ 25 â- r.iiiiiito Daily NbW8 - . 1 85 W.ckly GL.bu 180 .â- .!;iil B...|jire 1-80 Kaiiiily U.^nild & Star 1.80 TTunt' Star 1-80 ti'iirmtiR Sun 1-80 All iImvo pni-es include The Advance an<l Montro^a U.ralil, if paid m advance only Eirly subscribers get best value for their iminey. New Livery. . • I have stariud a new Lively Uuanii-ss in tnwn and liave new rigs. g"()d frC'-b hor«en and «ni j.ri'- p-irLil ti' fjiVB y'lu tho VERY BUST ACCOMMODA- Tl N ever iiin-n in my line in Flesherion. . . Hacking's Livery W.G. Hacking W.P.Crossley Proprietor. Manager. W A. N X E D Siilesmin to represent •Canada's Greatest Nurseries" New( 8l varieties nnd specialrieM in Uardy Fruits, Small Fruita, Shrubs, Urna- nputals and Roses. A i)'-rinunent situition, ana territory res-tvwifor ri^bt innn. Fay weekly. HANU.SO.MKOUTUT FREE. Wriie for |)articuliirs. Send 2.")C. for the POCKET MICRO.SCOFE, useful t- growers trniis and slirulis and to farmeis in i-xamiiiini^ iiraiis and seeds. Mr Ri.:liard Allan is local agent for Fleahorion. Stone & Wellington (oVKBSOO ACltES) Toronto - - Ontario gooil invoHtinoiit that tiu\8 divi<)enOB all tUiouj;b lifo is a cour^B of tiaii»ii(« in auy of tlic bcpiirtna'iitb of tlio O von aoiinl. Out. Four completn onursos of §lii Iv. Umtoipiiiiiii 1 lliiiiii09H<:i)lli.Kif prenr.B- oi In Cmiala. I Uo only collc((« owilinu lt8 own coll. K" iMiil, lint;. A UrRo ftiffof compBtsiit p.ti'1 taltiiig teaniior*. Our Kradwitns sn- lOonl-tuo.BMdfci!. .luHt n»k thmn. I'uli patti'!- uUr« Boiit. to a"y a^iliusii fi«o. C A Fleming. Principal Winter Goods Jn CHarncss Supplies. Rells,Blinlii!'s,RoliHf<, iniitslion Persian Laniii Coat-s for drivinv, Whiiirt, Lnalies, Comls, Brush- en, a la'KO stoi.k of clioico goodit juit in' Trunks and ValiseB fur Iravellers. Oct y'»ur b»rnes» supplies from â€" Wm. MOORE flesherton Axj^rs Stock - Taking - Sale II. N. kinnkah a sons WdUcUtor tlir )iHlanc« of tliii month thf folj.miiii; nnniaHl (tnodi »t llie r.lHT I'HICK u> clMr: All rubb'r footwfiir, all 'xld p.-^ntt linil eoak«, ja<kntn an<l rt-ofiirn. H>cic» and iniitcrwear, print* nnd flannrlMtx, wrn|>;>rrettRN and dreu irood*, c»rni(,'»n Kweaturs. Our (fr ic«ry <Io|«rtmfnl ii krpt Well nt-ieked with the yiiry elioiccut brandi 1 f ^ootfa |niinibl«. Olen Huron flour alwav^-m hantl. if you ar« w.inliii|f a niio quarter of >>eef l*»v<! jonr on'er with uii. Wa ko«;> fr-^ih imrk, aalt fi»h, pork ft Im^ok with i^hiln nail- ' within tlie fta. h of nY^ry li«tv. Yonrtlollam will tell, tbn lialancc o't) i- m nth at iIh) (n>ra|> Kinti ia Maxw<ll. Jl. N. KIN NEAR & SON m 3TRA.OU»N OLD JSTASD Give nature three helps, »cf<J nearly every case of con- sumption will recover. Fresh air, most Important of all. Cherry Pectoral Nourishing food conies next. Then, a medicine to control the cough and heal the Ittags. Ask any good doctor. " I flnt ui»« Ayer't Cherry P«ctor»l M y«»r» sira. I li»v« iMn terrible c»»e« of liin« <U»- «ue> c»reH hy It. I am never wUhoot n. Ai-BsaT U. HAKiLToa, MarUtU, Ohio. A Grand RapldA Letter i»f!..iin<-., P-OO. AH dnvrt'll. J. C. ATIB 00.. fur 'â- "'â- "• ""'• Consumption ealth demand* dally action of th« >welB. Aid na»ur» with Ayer's Pill*. The largest and best slock of furnituie ever shown in Flesher- ton. This without fear of contra- diction Come and see some of the nice things in Sideboards Dining Roorq Ci^aii's Parlor Setts Bed Roonq Setts A special reduction just now on everything in order to reduce the stock. W. H. BUNT. rurnilure Sdeale '••"'rQ [UertoD - Out. esjâ€" • J Business Cards yl'CULLiOUaU A YOUNG * Hankul- MarkdaU Jo a general banking buHinuss. Money loaueo a roanouablo ratu Cull ou tift. RJ Sl'llOULH Pc^tiuastar, PleHherton KjOiiimisgionor in H. C. J., Auctiouewr Con 7«>anoer, Appraiyer and Money Loiidci iical ICstato ami luaurauce Agunt. Deotle iMort(;aKtiR. leattDS au-l willa cart^fully tlrawii ti)> an) valuations inailo An whortuHt untice, money to loan at Uiwust vatpH of intercRt. Col vjtioiis attundod to with prouiptnesB cImrt/eH low. At^ient for Ocpan Doiuinloti St^auiHhip Company. A call aolicitod. Societies A O tJ V^ uiotitn 01. tho last Monday -^ III oacii iiiniith, in tlioir loiiRu room, ('liii«t.o*;'s block. Flehnei ton. at 8 p.ui. M.W., A, II:Lrrition ; Hucoi'fiHr, JaH. KolHtuud ; l<'iuau- oier. W.J. iiol.amy. ViaitinK bretbrrij ii^vitod. pUINCM AUTHTH LODdK, No. .M-'W. A. ^ A r.I. nietUH in the MaHonit* hall. Ktrain'e btouk. Klf)nh*.rron. evory Kriilay on or before tho lull iijocn. H* H w HJckllUK W M. ChaH Miintihaw, Soci-utary fjOrilT KliKSHKUTOM, OOri. I. 0. K. noiHflin " ''hiiHloi-'H liloo' th" laRt KridAvnvui ioK r>f narli month. Visit ii>u KorftHlt»r«* heart ily wpldoino. l\ It., .I.Conifiohl; II. C. W. Hnbkln: Kin. Kt'O.. IT. A. IMoa'.o pay fliiMs to H, * . Wil'ett on or beforo tliu last day of ibe piucncding month. Medical D U CARTKK M C 1' A H Ont, Pliyalclan. Rnrgeon.eto I'etor St , Fleahcrton c)Jl'iC'S and roiiiilenc nil \. V. iioND " <Jr«rhiat« Toronto lliilvamltv. Mom- borol Ontario (lollege oj I'liyitlcllans and Km- gacinn, MaxwoM. On'. nticoesHur t. '. :r. Hcutt. JP OTTEWKlit, Veiorinary Hurgeon Ornlnato of Ontario Veterinary ColIoKa, r«8i<ieiiu« â€" B3con<l door noutli wtBt on Marv street. Thin street raaa eoutli Presbyterian Oharsb. n NVII.HON, IiincliFnilth "• irailuatft of ilia Veterinary Boienoe AHiioclatiou. KeHliUiiicti, Uurliam Itreet, op- poilte Ooyd,Hiaklii.||'s hardware. Legal LnCAfl WKKJHT A MoAKOI-K llarrlatere Rolloitora Conreyanoera, ete Offloeaâ€" Owen Sound. Ont and UarkdaleOnt. W If WnioHT, MoAnnLR I II hvou N n-Fleaharton office, Mitchell'a Bank •Tery Saturday. Dentistry We received last week a cha ty and very acceptable privatd letter from Mr. Geo. Holniaii, of Q rand Rapids, Mich. There are sunie ihniga in it which we cannot forego the pleasure of givinx to our readers, and we are sure George will pardon ua for thus making use of some of his very welcome couiniuoication. He saysr Mother has beer, a ve»y weW come guest in our home for six vrixkf, liut weirt So tjsit my brother and his family a w»ek aao at Freeportâ€" 30 miles distantâ€" where chickens are hatched by the hundreds â€" yes, thousandsâ€" and ship- ped by express ; o all parts of the UnitcJ Slates and Mexico. My brother's hatch- ery last year recorded the astounding niiinber of 14,000 hatched chicks, and this season's capacity will h« much great- er, and it is anticipated that tho ship- inenis will be more than doubled. Three leading Michiean papers have recently iiiven the hatchery a write-up, one of which headed the article, â€" "Tho Queer- est Farm in Michigan." It certainly is unique. Our Uncle Samuel is e n joying a huge measure of prosperity since the Republic an party got thoroughly iir.oued with power and spcured the reins of goveru- rneiit, notwithstanding the bos^sof trust companies which have V'ecn oraanizcd and incorpora ed. However, methinks the United States is enjoying no greater sub- st'intial prosperiiy than John Bull's fertile colony across the border, if one can judjjo from the exodus of our popu- lation to Niirth-Western Canada and other points in the fair Dominion. Many prejudiced Americans in ri)eak- in" of Canada, always refer to it as a co'd, desolate region failing' to give thai country any credit for its varied indus- tiies and inst utions, winch are on a par, at. bast with of their own land, and (| uite f'r{,etful of the fnct that severa stales are quite as frigid as portions of the British Colony Tho Lincoln Club, a p<)Utic.d or^ai>iz.i. lion of republiciin princi ple.t, Loive it's aiinunl banquet last week, and among tl.e noted api'akers froui abroad was ilon. \V. H. Monta'jue, of Toronto, who delivered a Very forceful address upon the subject of " Reciprocity. " I was about lo quote some of his remarks, but, instead, will .send you tho rcpoitof the meeting io full. Suliico it to say that the Canadian .politician made a goud impresaio.i on his audience and gave his hearers somethin;; new to think about. , w.*.^..^^ A Chicago Alderman Owes his Elec- tion to Chamberlain*s Cough - Remedy. '•I C-iii heartily and com-cientiously rec- ommend Chamberlain's Ci.ugh Remedy fnr alTeutious of the throat and luna.w," says Hon. John Sheiiiek. 220 So. Peoria St. ChicHgn. "Two years ago during a political eanipai^:)), I cAUs-ht cold aftei b.'ing ovorbeiited, which irritated nn thioatand I wa.s tinally coiiipolleil to stop M I could not speak aloud. In n>y nntn-nnty ii friend advlsid me to use Uhandierliuii's Coii>li Reniecly. I tool >vo dosuH that afternoOK and could in 1 ..•lieve my senses when I f'Undilio ne.xt Horning the inflainatiim had largely sul' spied. I tO'.k several doses that day. K> pt riuht on talking ihrnuuh the cain- i>aigii, and I thank ill s medicine that 1 â-  i>niny seat in the ('onnc.l." This remedy is for sale by \V. E. Rich«rd»oii. 0tove^! Stove^! ! The cold v».-ather is fast approschii.j^yoa 1 want to provide yourself with one of ouf siovos. We have on hand a full Imu of , cooking ra' ges, base burners and all kinds of heaters. 1 Horse blankets, robes leather and rope 1 halters, axes and cosscut saws, a large I variety to select from, washing inaohjnes and wrinijers. Large stock of tinware and graniteware, iiailH, locks nml binges. Stock Food* INTERNATIONAL STOCK FOOD Fattens stock In 30 days Irsii time. lo- crea«B9 till- quality of milk 16 to -.") per cent. S.<ves corn or â- â€¢Ht-s. money refunded in any of failure. You are to be the user and also the judge' Penolino oilâ€" every gallon auaranteed. nighi'st cash price for idl kinds of raw furs â€" mink, fox, coon, etc THECENTR.AL HARDWARE- C. E. Noble, JDUNDALK HIGH CLASS PICTURES. . Tho plaee to get the best. PliolOH i» at Bl'LMRRS PU()TO(3KAPW GALLERY. SPECIAL ATTENTION W'k p*y .Siiccial Atteniionto Copiini; and Hib;i-s' picture.-j. Pi ture fruu- ing II s^n ciiilly. DR. B C. MURRAY, I.. D. R. dental mireonn honor ffratlnete of Toronto llnlTersliy and Royal ('olle(e»» of l)(*nlrtl M.iracona of Ontario. Ofn<'e~OppoiiltA Arm^fronK'fl Jewellerv Rlore. Wlllvlxll M»^well th-l«Ht *V«liin.lav of iteii niniitl. an-l Doi'ds'V lil sort Srd Tlinnday of en- â- -â- nth llunur KoUh Rcp'irt of S. S No. 4. Artemosis, foi ilie nioiittiK of January and Febiuary,-- Classlll Sr.â€" Ella He.^t, Johnny Ban ooH, Maude Stevens, OeiTue Stisin. Clais III Jr. â€" Viola Ueiinie, Nuton Bannon, Max Dannon. Oii^iift II .'^r.- Vio'et Sttvnns., Eibrj Uai.non, llattie Leach, Rieliasa Living- si ne, Ilaxel Brooks, Ed. Stinson. CIhsi II Jr.- Roi» vVyville. Class II Pt. Sr â€"Elmo Sieveni, Ilar- vuy Itith, Willie Brookfi. Clase 11 Pt Jr. Harvey Brooks. Ol.iss I.â€" Myrtle Wyvilb., A. Brooks. Avera;2C attendance (or the two months M TnuRSToN, TcBcher. HEADACHE 1 N««r»lgw and N.rvou.nM« cured quickly by A lA V NAHMLtaa MCADACMt ANB r\Ji\/\ NCUnAtaiA CUNt. If • hrart dcpreieio*. GrteieM cere ever fHw4Prtf«d. Take ao oihtr, tnc and »t,c. All daalen or riirMI frm« l^nttK ftCo. S i«> c ea , Om. Mnnai hack if bdi aaiitliad 14. Tho weather is so mild in Assiniboia and Alberta that many fariuers aie pioug- ing and some have commenced aordiiig. For an Impaired Appetite Ijois of appetita alwaya results from faulty digeaiion. All ihHt is neeiled in n few dosrs iif ChamherUin'H Sioirach and Liver Tsbletn. They will invigorate the Mtoniai'h, strengthen thr diReatitmtnd xiv* you an tppf>tit« like a wolf' ThtiM T»l>- leU act aa • gentle laxaiiv*. For sal* by W. E. Ri«li*rdiion. Try us fur an V kind of pictures and we w:ll promisi.;:»iisfiictioii. Sideoliaoi stre'-t. Fl-i-liei ton TENDERS WANTE-D Se.ilcd t>!!:d<:re will be received up to I Tl:ur«iay, M;vr. 'J, for t'le eiectioa of .i ! brick Koiiool house in ."iictioa No. 'A, Art>.- me^siii. I'or pl>u6 and specifieatiiins aiiply ti> j M. Thi.sI,IutUw.i.iCe, lot IC'i, W.T.J:,.\ite- I nie.tia. 'J h'j lowest or any t.iider not ueces- 1 sarily accepted JOHN CHARD, IVb. 6, 1!)0j Seetetarj- I IJUSlNiiSS MEN KNOW I that tl.e w irk of toe fa.iWB.* Flesherton Sash, Door and Planing Mills iOEOI^TO. OJIT. Is of the llitiUEST Gkadk ami tTr*l' is the rea.soo our graduates mv stepping iiitouood pos tiviis as fasi as we c.i.! a- 1 them iia'y. Our c.dlge is open Ihe. entire y ar. .Mii;iiiifijeiit uitalogue free. Enter now. \V. J. ELLIOTT. PrincipsT. Coiner Vonse and Aiexauder streets. =J ryuo VVe have received a large car of best Noitli Slinie ite Piue Partips ex- pecting to build a house next siiininer wonld do Well to call and see us and arrange to liavo tlieir Sash Door and Frames made during the winter and get tliem liMne on the sleigh. We furnish evervthin<^ heeded for building a house. ^Ve will make prices and tenns iutercsiing. We wont your trado and will gn;irantco first claas no:kinaiiship and ma- terial. I'laning and matching dune piompily. T. W. WILSON Manager Chopping every day lost O.J,. best knows its value. Hundreds suffer loss of sight' Timely attention might hav? prevented it. Examination free. . Satisfaction guaranteed. , *â- } =:sHE:r?TO:^. The co\y for the dairymen is the one that cin ni.ike tho most protit in milk, butter, or cheese for the food consumed. A l.vge number of COVE'S are kept for dairy purjwses tliat don't j'icld suflicieut milk to pay for their keep. They consume as much .xs profitable ones and require a.s much time nnd in their milking. Alse- many a goo«l '• Milker " has gone to the butchers block owing to improper care nnd feeding. Many ofc the iiiilk producing qualities of the feed .Te last owinj; to im- proper dif;c:ition and as-suuilation. This can be overcome by the addition of Clydesdale Stock Food to the ordinary feed as it puts the stomach ill such shape ns to help her to digest and assimilate her food, besiilcs en- abling her to cat more of it, as it is made more appetising. This makes her capsblo of secreting more milk, and, iti many instances, richer milk. If it c'juhl be demonstrated that more bushels of vheat covild lie grown on a piece of ground th.iti ordinarily, and â- vvithciit injury to tl.e land, in fact improving it, and at an e.xira profit, wouldn't you take np the projjosition. Clydesdale Stock Food will add to the milk pro- duction, and villi extra profit, and witliout injury to Uie" Milker," be- cause it giver, a tone and .^ilcekness to the animal that cannot otherwise lie hid. The iLse of Clydesdale Carboline .Anti.septic will Veep the stables in a liealthy condition ensuring healthier milk. If after using the above, you find you are not satisfied, your money will bee heerfuUy refunded by our dealer. Clydesdale Stock Pood Ls soKl in your district by : lioyil, Hi.klinc .<; Co,, Fb'shuiton Ki-.oU BpiH., Mill' dale .t Co , Dronnne n K. \lc\.tluir, H .levilie. \V. W. C-.llingbr.wu, Duod.ilk Birelay i^ Boll, Duihtm D. McTAVItSH For Firat Claa* BiigKies, Carta, Pleasure and Lumler Wagoim, outierM, SUuKhs. Wn kwp a slock on hKn<l t^i chouae from, ALSO HOkSE SHOEINQ ANDQRNERAL BLACKSMITHINO and unarHiilee first cInhh work. We keep on hand Ploughs and Plough repaira, and aho Massey- Hsrns and Noxnn reimirs for binders, M.ovurs, nil kinds of ins':hineiy, »l»o Bin«fvr Twine on hand. » OINn in town dive US a call *

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